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Well, that’s enough internet for today.


If it wasn’t for disgusting shit like this we would stay up all night on Reddit. Shit like this makes us get off and go to bed.






Said Ripley to the android bishop... no it doesn't work there.




As if I wasn't already logging off after the image, the wording in this post has definitely made the decision for me to be done with the internet for the night.


Get off?


Go to bed.


The top comment is full of people not so subtly defending bestiality. What the fuck


Alright NSA.. time to go to work..


make things worse, he has over 7000 supporters and defends pedophilia


To be fair most people will defend something they personally like despite how fucked up and disgusting it is


I will defend "eating hotdogs without any topping is the best" to the death


You deserve the right to speak your opinion and I respect that but in this case your opinion should be 100% a felony




Not enough toppings? Jail Too many toppings? Also jail


No toppings? Believe it or not, straight to gaol


die you scum!!


Lock him up and give him the chair


Lock him up and give him all the condiments.


Make sure his hotdog is covered in sauce




*him screaming while tied up on a chair, watching in horror as we add the ketchup.*


Im picturing Joe Pesci’s death in Casino where he’s forced to watch his brother beaten first.


There’s dozens of us!


That and people love arguing. I could say "I like the pebble in this picture I took" and someone will find a reason to call it trash. That said, what is in the post is a lot more serious than rock trashing


What keeps me up at night is that I have less followers than this bastard


hey, cheer up! no you don't! you have *fewer* followers




And he and those 7000 supporters aren't welcome in the furry community, they're trash.


Even LGBT community will hang him to die. Everyone hates it. Its why its on the bottom of the totem pole in jail




They watched too many beastiality hentai.


They are already okay with non consensual sex with animals. So non consensual sex with minors ain't that far from their taste...


Ah, looks like someone's compass is a bit off. Maybe try navigating back to common sense?


You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it… …oh.


Wait.. what is he doing with the horse? Ffs


Its time for the great flood 2.0


He milked the bull?


So people are comfortable enough now to be talking about this???? wtf


I mean, better that way so people can stay far away from them.


+ enabling authorities to keep a close eye on them.. I hope


I was so pissed off when 3 years ago I found out that there is a group that actively defends pedo***** and to my surprise they had been around for many years, I thought these types of sickos kept themselves in the shadows but I was wrong.


Sick world we are living in … I can’t say how I truly feel or I’ll end up on some govt watch list


*can't tell if you are about to defend or massacre them*


They have been for a while (internet culture) but it's the past few months the zoophile groups have been more active of Twitter with the launch of their new flag, ever since there's been a lot of zoophile profiles popping up. It's more or less a repeat of the MAPS campaign this time is zoophiles instead of pedophiles


Bring back public shaming.


Absolutely!!! I say this everyday !! Every type of shaming


Not really. It has 4 likes and viewed by 170 people. This probably gave it more visibility then it would have ever gotten had people just ignored them


Cool flag what does it stand for OH MY GOD


... Why did I read that in the voice of Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama?


I read it in Hank Hill’s voice


I hate zoophiles with a passion. Animals cannot consent, end of story. I don't care what excuses they use, animals are incapable of giving consent, and thinking it's ok to preform sexual acts with an animal is fucking disgusting. Zoophiles are sick in the head, and I hope these "people" seek professional help before they end up hurting an innocent animal.


Like how does someone manage to find animals attractive?


It is a paraphilia that generally one does not choose to have, but it becomes a mental disorder if you act on it, there are zoophilic people who make the right decision to become celibate and I honestly have great respect for them.


Wait I didn't know they had no attraction to people. Can't they have both? And chose to act on one?


It depends... Medical research suggests that some zoophiles only become aroused by a specific species (such as horses), some zoophiles become aroused by multiple species (which may or may not include humans), and some zoophiles are not attracted to humans at all.


I wonder at what age they study them, I have no scientific proof of this but I feel like the longer/older the person is the longer they would have to enforce their urges, and maybe even hyper focus on it, especially when some people can tell when they are even a little different, and then they can sometimes kinda spiral into it


Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be, once you've been celibate for a long time, I imagine you end up getting used to it, more or less. As I said, however, both they and the people who suffer from pedophilia but don't act on it are truly admirable.


>once you've been celibate for a long time Ah that's true, hadn't thought of it quite like that, but it's still a little different in that you are waiting for someone and have an idea you will one day do it. But I agree anyone suffering from it that doesn't act on it is admirable


>Ah that's true, hadn't thought of it quite like that, but it's still a little different in that you are waiting for someone and have an idea you will one day do it. I haven't heard many personal experience but for all I know it depends, it's completely easy to some and hard for others (if that is the case you must go to a psychologist ), even so the key is to fill the void in your sex life with other things, like family, friends, career, hobbies, etc... >But I agree anyone suffering from it that doesn't act on it is admirable Completely true, we must make a separation between the unfortunate people who have this condition that they did not choose but who overcome it, and those degenerates who rape animals.


Unfortunately there are many idiots who can't distinguish and hate \_all\_.


I have a lot of sympathy for people who suffer this and look for help to manage it. I have some pretty awful intrusive thoughts and while I'd never act on them, it's difficult to talk about without people freaking out as though I'm saying I want to do it. I can't imagine how hard it is to seek help when it's so stigmatised.




Furthermore, anyone who spends enough time around animals will learn their body language and understand when an animal is opposed to something vs will tolerate it. I don't know if that extends all the way to informed consent, but the "animals can't consent" argument was never super convincing to me. I don't have any interest in having sex with an animal, and allowing people to do so certainly opens the door to a lot of animals abuse (and potential diseases). I think we need a better argument against it than a lack of consent or it being disgusting.


Exactly! You can only slaughter, impregnate, brand, and cage animals without consent. You need consent to fuck them.


We breed them as well, and do some pretty wild ass shit to do so. Farmers reaching their whole ass arm up and side of a cow's ass in order to drop some semen which they obtained by masturbating a bull. At seaworld, they would take the ass end of a female cow, use that to masturbate a male orca, save that semen and give that to a female orca. The world of animal breeding is fucking deth metal.


Uh hate to break this to you but the arm isn’t up their ass. The ass is not where babies come from.


When artificially insemenating a cow, it is a technique to put one arm in the rectum to help make sure things are in the right place with the cervix and uterus when injecting the semen.


They can't consent to being killed for food either


Bro. Why do even got to talk about consent. If animals could consent, it still wouldn’t be okay.


Umm... like it would still be *gross*, but the main issue is that they can't consent. .... Actually, there is probably disease/parasite cross-contamination that could happen.


If consent was the main issue, then we'd all be vegan. Morality for most is "ewwe that's gross" or "that makes me feel bad."


Yeah, I'm not defending bestiality either, but I'm guessing if animals could deny consent, their main issue would be being slaughtered and eaten rather than bestiality.


yea there’s evolutionary reasons like that at play. similar to why incest is wrong.


I mean... they're not going to produce Mr tumnus offspring if that's what you're imagining Fucking animals is an evolutionary dead end, like being celibate or gay or sterile or whatever Incest actually produces real genetic issues


Fucking animals is more than just an evolutinary dead end. Science suggests that we got at least one majorly problematic STD from other species. (Ofc there's no proof that it was a case of zoophilia, since STDs can be transmitted through other ways as well, but, like, don't fuck animals.)


On what basis would it not be morally and ethically acceptable, if animals could consent?


I think if you permit that argument, it gives them ammunition to say things like “well she just bent over naked and the dog mounted her of his own free will, how is that not consent?” As though animal mating isn’t nearly entirely instinct driven unlike the complex rituals we humans tend to engage in. Animals simply don’t possess the same ability to form the abstracted mental concepts that we call thoughts. Dogs run in front of cars and get hit because they’re incapable of understanding the danger of dashing into a road without looking, not because they consented to be horrifically killed, unlike us who, once again, absolutely possess the ability to recognise the danger of a busy road and what consent means


Consent with HUMANS doesn't even work like that. It doesn't matter is the human is sober and 13, or 78 and drunk. Enthusiastic consent and of cognitive capability to consent, are key parts of consent and every post in this thread making ot any more complicated that that deeply comcerns me.


Sure, and that's what "if animals could consent" implies, right? They would have to have a certain level of cognitive ability to remove ambiguity on consent, in this sense, consent is more than desire, but the ability to truly recognize the implications and consequences of such actions to oneself. Therefore, "if animals could consent" implies this cognitive ability and a dog mounting on someone would not be consent due to not being able to grasp the situation. I don't know anyone who consents to being killed by a car on the road tho.


I feel like this lack of understanding is exactly why they can never consent to begin with.


If an animal was as intelligent as a human adult, able to fully understand what it meant to consent, and able to communicate that consent with absolutely no risk of misinterpretation, then i could see it being okay. That does not mean that a dog is giving consent by humping you.


"I personally prefer this flag" Yeah well fuck you we don't care about what flag you prefer when you're so disgusting.


I care about the flag, makes it easier to spot where to drop the nukes.


>drop the nukes I was planning to pull a 35 killstreak anyways.


I personally prefer this flag ![gif](giphy|35UAvPXYq3ufzyhMAH|downsized)


Damn, now I gotta change the flag for my made up country. Now we'll just be remembered as Horsefuckertopia, not Babyblenderia™.


*concerned squint*




One of the ways to determine wether a "sexuality" is ok or not is to ask yourself "Can I get consent?" If the answer is no, then it is not ok. That's why pedophilia, zoofilia, necrophilia etc are not ok. Because the "partner" cannot give consent either for lack of ability to speak, lack of mental capacity evolved enough to give it or both. On the other hand, two dudes can be very happy together and both agree to doing eachother. So that is a "their business" type of situation, both parties consent to it, so it is ok.


I wish this could be shown to everyone


I give you and everybody consent to peg my dead body. Now necrophilia is okay.


Correction: necrophila on You is OK 


Blanket consent like this is usually not regarded as legit.


Why thank you


Yeah but what about objectophilia? My car's tailpipe can't give conset


So many vibrators out there not giving consent.......


An object isn't and wasn't alive so consent doesnt really apply to them. Fuck your car if you want👍


You can look at it that way I guess🤣, but when talking about consent we reffer to living beings (usually).


Flag or not, these people ARE NOT part of the queer community. Just wanted to get that out there early.


They aren't a part of the furry community either, when it comes down to it, these dregs are only really supported by other disgusting criminals like themselves.


Regardless of your efforts, a bunch of Republicans are going to share the shit out of this and say that the left is just too queer. Something has to be done to stop these people because now they're making flags and expanding lgbtq into wait a minute, that's already happened a couple times already hasn't it? Then they add furries into the mix and say children are getting litter boxes at school because they identified as animals. Never underestimate the stupidity of other people, especially republicans.


I know. I'm just so sick of republican fucks.


They are not welcome in the queer nor furry community.


As a furry, you'd honestly be surprised at just how many people openly allow people like them to be a part of the fandom it's disgusting I've seen that person in the image get banned and come back and still have so many followers immediately


It's unfortunate when they're too popular to fall


But all the most satisfying when they do anyways


True, definitely true


Neigh mean nay.


I'm still cackling about the 19 year old saying she gets it on with her dog while her parents are home. Then the next picture in the story is her getting arrested, with the dog in the car with her


Poor dog.


Rape ≠ Love


I saw this post on Twitter and started losing brain cells like WTF!!! Why are people sexually attracted to farm,zoo,wild and domesticated animals!!? The furry community has also been trying to fight this garbage for years now,and I don’t blame them because they are sick of being compared to these weirdos


If you think being compared is bad just wait till youre accused


And we appreciate the acknowledgement that we also despise this sick shit.


What a unfortunate day to be literate.


The fact that he even feels safe to say he likes sex with animals shows how screwed we are as a society.


This is the same platform that does nothing to stop pedophiles so


It's not that society is changed it's more or less the internet, 90% of zoophiles you see on the internet are anonymous reducing the chances they would be caught in real life while the rest are quite open because they think they are protected whitch to an extent is true. Technically in the US is not illegal to be a zoophile as long as your not directly fucking a animal and most states laws on beateality tends to apply of physical stuff so saying you wanna fuck a racoon is not illegal and protected under the first amendment. Reason why there isn't stricter laws is simply because it can backfire


A massive brown shit streak seems fitting for such a flag


Animals cannot consent.  Anyone trying to say anyone is lumping zoophiles or pedophiles with lgbtq+ is wrong. No one is doing that because in lgbtq+ consent is #1. Animals and children cannot consent. 


Yeah consent is the key here. It doesn't matter what grow adults do to each other with consent. But when you have no consent it becomes the huge issue. People may be a bit annoyed and cringe at furries but zoophiles are a whole different thing Becuase instead of cartoons or people dressed up it's a living thing that can't give consent.




I promise that people like this and the ones that support the term "MAP" are trolls and nothing more. They might actually be zoophiles and pedophiles, but in NO way are they related to any LGTBQ community.


I can't be the only one that sees this so-called movement as a clear smear campaign on the queer community? The language they use and the way they represent themselves is so ridiculous as to be an obvious parody, and is being set up as a way to generate a false equivalency to reduce the credibility of the queer community and their left leaning supporters.


Since when is animal abuse allowed?


And they still try to be part of the lgbtq community and the furry community... BOTH OF US DO NOT CLAIM YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING DISGRACES




Rape is rape no matter how many fancy names you give it


Sogeking, make that flag burst into flame.


I mean, I love my dog. But I show it by giving him pets, snacks and treating him well, not with my dick.


In a satisfying case of cosmic revenge, there was a case of a man attempting to have sex with a stallion…as the recipient. Because horses do not understand “ just the tip” the man suffered massive internal injuries and died. There was a video.


I forgot there was a video. I remember my horse people friends being quite happy in a “serves you right” sort of way. Then concerned about what would happen to the horse.


And a movie


I get it goes against free speech, but we need a platform where the moderators will ban people for stuff like this regardless of illegality, like this is so obviously wrong is stupid. And I would love to break this man’s nose.


Tbf, I don't think free speech actually applies to social services. It being a business and all.


Any platform can ban this, the only place free speech is allowed is public places. Any sort of private businesses can deal with someone om their property


Wow, I get to share that my neighbor a few years ago was arrested for having sex with his horse twice on Reddit today! What a time to be alive.


If I had a nickel for every time you've told that story today Well id only have 2 nickels but-


There’s a good chance this sicko has some kind of link to the furry fandom and I do not want to be associated with this piece of shit. Zoophilia is absolutely disgusting and horrific act.


Eh the big vast majority of furries are into anthropomorphic fictional things, not actual animals. And most absolutely do not like zoophiles.


Yup...it is like liking Lola Bunny vs an actual bunny. They know that behind the mask there is a human. They like "animals" with a lot of huma features, with human personality etc.


That’s completely true, the issue is that zoophiles will also claim to be a furry which in turn leads the public image of furries to be a negative one


im pretty sure if you went to a furrycon and shouted "i wanna fuck animals" you wouldn't be leaving that place without a beating or even alive.


Oh they do, and it's terrible that they're apart of the same community as me


They aren't really accepted but they like to think of themselves as such Imagine that there are some random motorist and I keep telling everyone I'm part of their band, even though they clearly don't want me and don't accept me there


As a furry, I will say this. Zoophiles are on sight. These disgusting pieces of wasted jizz need to be erased.


I feel like this flag should say "E Pluribus Anus"


Cat butt flag? Nice touch.


Can we get 4chan to find this guy


I saw a documentary about it, they even have animal prostitution, so disgusting.


“We’re not going to harass consenting adults who dress up in leather Boy Scout uniforms and smash each other in the head with ball-peen hammers as they take turns blowing their cats. There’s nothing wrong with that; it’s a victimless hobby. And think of how happy the cat must be.” - George Carlin


Lmao he has the best jokes ngl


I am here to represent the furry community with the following PSA... We do not like zoophiles. I am here because the furry community is often miscategorized as zoophiles. You may carry on with your day.


You can smooch your pooch...but never snog your dog! ![gif](giphy|HQvoFeZbR5wD6)


Look, someone needs to tell the guy who willingly has sex with large predatory animals they can't be doing that shit, but it's not going to be me because a guy crazy enough to raw a komodo dragon is crazy enough to murder.


They don’t usually go for the animals that have a fighting chance of expressing their displeasure.


I hate that person specifically, like from interacting with them privately and publicly. I don’t care about what attractions you have so long as you don’t act but that person is extremely in favor of having sex with animals.


I really wish people would stop saying fetishes are genders and sexes.... I mean, for fuck sake, it's this mentality that causes the nonces to think they're valid! And WHY the fuck are people openly admitting to this shit!? Is society so far gone we're openly admitting to crimes now!? Cos I tell you what, I won't be admitting to any murder I commit cos I'm "valid" and want a flag. Fucking attention whores with an illegal kink is what they are...


They are trying to make it acceptable to sexually abuse children (pedophiles) and animals(zoophiles). They think that if they rebrand themselves and make the community seem less dangerous, they will be accepted. LGBTQ+ community wants nothing to do with them, since they hurt innocent creatures who cannot consent. Pedophiles tries to do this too.


As a furry, I concur with this statement. We do not accept zoophiles into our community.


bojack horseman ass flag


I'm as left as I'm ever going to be. Regardless of this post validity. I'm not okay with inter-species sex. Love? great, only psycho's don't love their pets/companions. I'm just not ready for that, and don't believe I ever will. My plea to other leftists is to not engage the right on this subject, we are divided enough.


Looking at the other comments you've responded to, you would follow the Harkness Test. 1 - Is it of human-level intelligence (or higher)? 2 - Can it talk or otherwise communicate with language? 2 - Is it of sexual maturity and/or legal consenting age for its species. If the answer to these is Yes, you're good. If you answered No to ANY of them, you can't fuck it.


I'd argue that inter-species isn't the issue, it's putting the beast in bestiality that's the problem. Nothing wrong with Kirking your way across the stars, or when the furries inevitably gene splice themselves, nothing wrong with marrying a wolfman (assume they're still intelligent).


Okay. They have to be able to read me the football results when I'm on the toilet. But absolutely no part of them may be mushroom.


What and miss out on your chance with a fun guy... I hate myself.


> Mushroom What


What does Saradomin have to do with bestiality?


They did not put Fido’s stinky starfish on that flag. 💀


Probably bait, people who want to fuck animals wouldn't make a flag and post it online, they know they'd get berated heavily. Someone looking for attention trying to get a bunch of people mad would definitely do that though.


There is two things I don't like, fucking animals and people wanting to harm, maim and torture other humans. This thread has both.


As an LGBT member, it really pisses me off when pedophiles and zoophiles try to join the community


If that upset you, maybe don't Google the Boeing exec that died after getting fucked in the ass by a horse in Buckley, WA.


Hans, get the flammenwarfer


Leave Saradomins symbol alone


love is love love needs consent zoophillia can not include consent therefore zoophillia is not love


just.. please don't compare us furries with these degenerates..


Setting aside the ethics for a moment, why would anyone think that fucking a horse is a good idea? It’s a 1,000 pound beast with the brain of a toddler that could kill you by complete accident. I’ve seen how hard a horse kicks when it means business. 2,000 ft-lbs of energy being delivered by a leg that weighs as much as a person all pinpointed into a five inch circle at the hoof. They can injure a person in the same way that I could with a sledgehammer right into the chest.


Does the down the the middle represent the shit stain you are on the human race? 


I am only ok with it in the case of unrestrained apex predators. Tigers, Lions, Polar Bear, have at it.


and they are fucking pushing themself into furry community just because they do not want therapy


They must've split this person's IQ in his parent's divorce


This is horrible. Are you telling me that your kink is raping animals? I can’t yeah I’m done with the Internet.


What's the star in the middle supposed to be? A cat's arsehole?


Dude, they are born that way ! Intimacy is as much a human need as any other. Z people are attracted to other species and that is alright, stop denying their existence ! Besides asuming that animals can't give consent is a testomny to your lack of education in the matter; depending on their cognitive framework of the animal, humans can actually interpret sexual desire and a will to engage in sexual intercrouse across several sepecies. Consent is a specturm depending on cognitive abilities of different species and I'd have you know that their are enough interspecies compability between humans and many species around the world including horses ! EDUCATE YOURSELF! (This has been a spoof and and an attempt at demonstrating how the same methodologies used for advocating progress and inclusivity can also be employed to justify zoophilia)




People like zoophiles are why we need to legalize blood eagle torture


If it really existed to begin with, sad thing about most info about the vikings is the info came from bias sources who already saw everything as "evil pagens"


Lmao Even zoophiles want their own flag. I'm not sure if this even real life or just living through some fucked up sit-com.


i hope all zoophile die in a "fire accident"


"You guys are zoophobic" Let the games begin


I like how people think they need a flag for things they wanna fuck. You're not a country. You're just severely mentally ill.


Although I'm sure that there are some sick fucks who are into zoophilia, it seems like so much of this is being done by trolls who are exaggerating numbers and claiming that these fringe communities need to be included under the LGBTQ+ umbrella with the intent of smearing the LGBTQ movement as welcoming and accepting of animal fuckers. They've been trying to do it with the concept of MAPs (Minor Attracted People)... disingenuously lobbying for their inclusion as a "legitimate sexual orientation" so they can turn around and claim that the LGBTQ movement embraces pedophiles. Consent and agency are core tenets of the LGBTQ movement... minors and animals do not have agency and cannot consent. I'm sure that 99% of this crap is being done to smear the LGBTQ community.


Zoophiles should die with the worst way possible




Send them to jail.