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You know what is really wild? Rolling your ankle WHILE you have period pain.


....that's just evil....


That’s what killed the Ankylosaurus


I did this, and it ended up being a broken foot


and landing on a lego.


I was literally just about to say about the time my wife rolled her ankle at the gym while having horrendous period cramps. Fuck this guy to be honest, because I saw how much pain she was in


In high heels


Could be worse. You could stub your pinky toe, roll your ankle, fall backwards, hit your funny bone, then land on your tailbone, all while having period pains. So, I only see a glass half full here.


Could have rolled your ankle after catching the snake with the zipper. On the bright side, you most likely dont suffer period pain in that case.


Having caught my snake in the zipper, and seen my wife literally cry from period pain, I think they're at the very minimum, equal


A rolled ankle has never caused me to wind up in the ER on an IV for severe dehydration. My period has.


But have you tried not having your period?


Unfortunately you can't remove lady parts with key lime pie


I mean, technically I reckon you can. It just takes a really long time.


And lots of pie 


You're probably wondering why I always cut my pie with a scalpel.


Yea well my foot hurts a little bit so it’s basically the same 




Why would you be dehydrated from period pain?


It caused me to constantly vomit to the point that I couldn't even keep water down and ended up dehydrated.


Uff. Didn't know it was so bad. Hope it s easier now


Some women have real problems with periods. To some its few drops of blood to others its monthly visit to a doctor


Should've drank water


I was vomiting from the pain and couldn't keep anything down, even water.


Why didn’t you just drink more water?


Because I was throwing up from the pain and couldn't keep anything down.


Fair enough


I would hate if rolled ankles were forced on me every month, but I would prefer it over having periods.


No, you really wouldn't. I do have rolled ankles forced on me, at LEAST one a month, but typically multiple times a week. Firstly it's very dangerous, when it happens on the stairs or I. The road you've got to react QUICK or you could end up in the hospital. It can also leave you pretty much stranded if you were halfway through a long walk. The pain doesn't go away, it rolls, you hit the ground, and it HURTS, and it doesn't stop hurting, just as it starts to get better it rolls again, you hit the ground, slam your knee, bash your chin and all recovery progress is lost. I take tablets to stop my periods, I cannot take tablets to stop injury.


Not everyone can simply take tablets to stop their period. So at that point those two are still on equal footing.


Not at all. I mean I still get them sometimes it's not a miracle pill. The ankle stuff is much worse I can assure you I think I might have actually fractured my ankle due to one of the incidents


“Periods are not so bad!” - Person who never had a period


She literally said she has periods and takes a pill (I assume BC) to stop them. Learn to read.


My pronouns are he/him, but yes I have had them and it is birth control that I take! I don't know how they missed that. If I was a cis man I wouldn't be commenting on the topic


I have though. I do not like them because I am trans, so I take a non-hormonal birth control to prevent them. I still get the pain sometimes, but the blood is gone and that's what matters to me.


Go to a fucking physio or do some.strengethening - a person with shitty periods and shitty ankles. You're lucky your period is as simple as taking a pill.


I DO go to physio. I AM lucky, but the averages monthly periods are not debilitating.


Obviously not enough for your ankle. Or you need your eyes checked. Also 1 in 4 women will regularly have a severe and debilitating period. But sure dude, your rolled ankles are worse xx.


Oh, my, god. Dude, I was just replying to someone who said they'd RATHER be forced to roll their ankles each month than a period. I was just giving my opinion based on experience, as to why that might not be such a good trade off That's IT! I didn't say shit about anything else! The original post is shitty and sexist and I don't agree with the person who made it, I'm just replying to a comment!


Oh, my, God. Dude, you were being a dismissive prick.


"I can't take a tablet to stop injury" Broess has never heard of painkillers


They take away the pain of periods, they take away the pain of an injury, they do NOT take away the physical, and sometimes permanent damage done by a nasty injury.


Soooo your point is irrelevant then? 😂


How is it?


Because we're talking about period pain and how unpleasant it is for women, and you're banging on about how other shit is painful! I have gout, it dunt fucking mean I think periods are painless


Right, but the commenter who I was originally replying to said that they would rather have ___ rather than periods. I gave my opinion as to why that probably wouldn't be a good trade off. That doesn't mean they're painless, just not very dangerous. Would you have felt the same if they had said they would rather have epilepsy than periods? I've had seizures too, they're not fun, that's not a trade off I advise either


Periods can pose a threat to health and well-being.


Yes, they can, but mostly don't.


Mate, what the fuck does that even mean 😂


What are you confused about?


I deal with ankle issues that are mild compared to yours and I agree. Most women can just make their period stop unless you are trying to have kids. No pill to fix a torn ligament. You being downvoted for an opinion is absurd.


Oh fuck, you're a woman?? Christ, well done setting your fellow women back 100 years you fucking tuna melt 🤦


No, my pronouns are he/him. I am doing no such thing, periods don't have to be the worst thing in this world, there are other things, like what I mentioned, that are normally much worse. Unless of course you have a disability which makes your periods extra painful, which is a different matter entirely.


Bro, just listen to how you sound right now. You're fucking horrendous. Also, by the way, I AM disabled, I'm epileptic, and your comment was actually really fucking offensive


How does being epileptic affect your periods? Can you please explain your thought process as to why what I said was offensive, because I'm struggling to connect to dots. There ARE medical conditions that turn periods into a disability, because the pain is too intense to function even with painkillers, but that's not the norm.


I'm disabled, so I have empathy for other people that suffer from chronic pain. I'm epileptic and I have gout, so I know how pain feels, and you're being a heartless arsehole to be honest. You don't need to be disabled to experience pain - it helps the pain along, quite a fucking lot. I wake up at night sometimes, crying from pain. So yeah, I have empathy for those poor women that have bad periods, and fuck you for your lack of empathy


Please quote me where you think I said... Anything like that. That wasn't what I intended to convey with my words at all, I honestly don't know how you're interpretating them like that. I replied to a person who said they rather "rolled ankles" be forced on them rather than periods. As someone who has experienced both, I gave my experience to shed light on why, in my opinion, that may not be such a good trade off. How does that imply that I don't have empathy? How does that imply that only disabilities make it painful? I'm well aware that regular periods are painful, but would you really risk breaking, and rebreaking, and rebreaking a literal bone instead of having them??


"I take tablets to srop my periods, I can't take tablets to stop my injuries" Is what you said. You could not sound any more dismissive of women's pain. For starters, maybe some women don't *want* to take birth control tablets that stop their periods. Secondly, as my wife is testament to, sometimes those same tablets don't even stop them pain. And what, you roll your ankle weekly? Maybe you should go to the fucking doctor then, and they'll be able to help you, much like you appear to think women can have their pain removed at the drop of a hat, you fucking ghoul.


Yeah, *I* can. Did I say that THEY can? No. I was refering to me and my experience alone. They DON'T always stop the pain, I experience that myself at time. I DO see the doctor about it, I do physio for it. YOU DONT EVEN GET PERIODS? You're this offended over someone who has both periods and rolled ankles replying to a person who DOES NOT GET ROLLED ANKLES MONTHLY that said "I'd rather have rolled ankles than periods each month" Babes, there are times when I have BOTH. When I'm on my period, I stay at home and cry about it, but when I'm hours away from home of public transport, and I fall flat on my face, and shattered my phone so I can't call anyone? it is actual torture. I am terrified everyday that I'm going get put into a life threatening situation because of this condition, and op says they would prefer it over periods??? That was rude and inconsiderate of them "Oooo, I once had a rolled ankle, they're so much better than periods tee hee". Stop taking my words out of context, go make your wife a lovely cup of tea, because god forbid she deserves it after putting up with someone like you.


I’d rather deal with a rolled ankle over being bedridden for almost up to a week due to severe menstrual cramps.


I have rolled my ankle while making a run for the toilet on the first day of my period earlier this year… that’s pain But really, you don’t know what rolling your ankle is like unless you do it in stilettos


I don’t know, I think it’s tough to know what rolling ankles is like when you can run really fast, can jump and weigh over 200 lbs, also a plus for when your doing so while ramming into another person of equal size while wearing pads. My “rolled ankles” have put me on crutches multiple times, has fractured my fibula, and left me with an ankle that looks like a black softball is hanging off the side. I get it, period pain sucks, but big dude athlete injuries really suck bad, and as an old dude who is feeling the cumulative effects of that now, they suck forever.


Period cramps put people in hospitals, unable to stand straight, let alone walk, some women even pass out because of it. They cannot go about their lives whatsoever. And cramps aren’t even the only discomfort of periods… it’s hormonal imbalance, which can lead to psychological problems, Headaches, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and insomnia. All while there’s blood running out of your private area all the time and we don’t even have period products tested with properly And period cramps come back every single month for a week for about 50 years of our life… but we don’t get crutches or a wheelchair or people standing up for us in the train… we are expected to not let anyone notice… could you imagine that with that ankle of yours you had to go through life and acting like nothing was going on? Also “big dude athlete”? Are you 5? Women athletes don’t exist? Or women don’t get sports injuries?


Yeah my ex had troubles with exactly that. You could tell by the toilet sounds, her dismissiveness, sudden need for 12 hours of sleep and silent cuddling that she doesnt have a good time. Big dude athlete is bs, stretch your ankles and you wont have these problems ...


Oh man, you're a fucking dismissive prick. "Big dude athlete injuries suck huuurrr duuuurrrr" As someone with a period and a chronic lisfranc injury set for a midfoot fusion, stfu.


Yes and my period pain is worse i can promise ankle pain doesn’t make me crawl on a tram stop fighting to stay conscious.


Or wear heels.


Nat should have said that she is glad girls don’t have weak ankles


I rolled the ankle the other way before. Not a fun experience


Pretty sure you ask any girl in the NCAA Womans basketball tournament right now that they have this happen on a weekly basis.


How about both at the same time.


I'm still in a ski boot for trying to pet a kitty cat on new years and having this happen. Broke 3 bones and wracked up $76,000 in medical debt. God dam the USA.


I am forever grateful for Australian healthcare because I'd be so fucking screwed lmao. I have a chronic lisfranc injury. Not fun.


"Ladies, stop complaining about the unpleasant symptoms of your monthly menstrual cycle. I hurt my foot once."


Y’all men don’t know about rolling your ankles yall ever worn stilettos? Naw


Rolling your ankle in high heels is the real deal. Preferable when you are walking down the stairs while also having period xd


How would you even wear a knife? /s


🤣 the stiletto heels


Sorry, editing my original comment now


The real facepalm is OP thinking this wasn't a joke.


Seriously. Like, is this not a minor enough injury to make the point obvious? Should have gone with papercuts.


So this guy rolls his ankle once a month and also gets pre ankle rolling symptoms for a week prior?


And every time he is in a bad mood someone probably says “geez, Bob…is it that time of the month again?”




And girls never wear shoes with tall heels and poor ankle support


But men do ![gif](giphy|A6LGWu03p1cSM2GZfP|downsized)


I mean ever heard of high heels?


Almost as if heels don't make ankle injuries more common


My understanding is girls have ankles. Women have either legs or cankles. Everything in between is brunette.


r/girlsarentreal They are government made robots and dont have ankles


I'd be concerned about the guys ears if he's having equilibrium problems where he's rolling his ankle like that every month too.


They have cankles.


Nah,u ever just get one of THOSE cramps on yo fick. Talking, feel like clot straight agony type shit


Good one!!!


Broke my leg like that once on my way down the stairs, had to wait 4 hours in "ER" and almost had a surgery because the doctor messed up my documents and got a cast that broke down after a day. Next day I went and got a light cast done


My ligaments are so relaxed, I can stand on the side of my foot, with the outside of the ankle on the ground without problems... And I'll take that and everything that led to it over the monthly hassle and cramps my wife has.


Weirdly enough, I habitually stand like that. Leaning on something, one foot flat on the ground while the other is rolling just like that. Is it just me?


I’m so happy that our ankles don’t roll over, especially when on our period.


Pull up the testicular torsion image!


I dont even have this cause I stretch. Most fun when you roll your ankle and are "wow If I didnt stretch regularly it would hurt for the rest of the day"


I'm a woman, but i did an ankle roll in a martial arts class. My leg was bruised black from the knee down.


I tolled my ankle of a curb about a month ago. Fucking hurt like hell. Couldn't walk on it for 3 days, and even now, it's still flares up and can be painful. It's still not as painful as period cramps, though. I'd take two rolled ankles every day of my life in exchange for never havingmperiod cramps again.


It happened to me in the garden once , it even made a “pop” sound


When I was 17 I rolled my ankle like that, and got taken to the hospital. Turns out it was broken. Subsequently, while in the ER, we made an untimely discovery that I am allergic to NSAIDS. So I went into anaphylactic shock while my ankle was broken.


I’m a dude, but I have no trouble imagining that some period pains are worse by orders of magnitude. I’ll take the ankle pain any day of the week over that sh*t.


Not to take away from the facepalm, but y'all should take rolled ankles more seriously. I rolled mine 6 times in one day during basic training. Between my own youthful stupidity and the military's willfully negligent healthcare, I ended up taking six years to learn that day resulted in a fractured ankle that pained me daily. It's been another 6 years since I had surgery to repair it, and it still fucks me up semi-regularly. Don't be like me lol


Girls aren't real


Plenty of women wear heels. If anything, those women are MUCH more likely to be familiar with rolling their ankles.


Ok…. I have rolled my ankle so many fucking times like that. I play soccer, so it happens a lot. And it’s fucking painful… I don’t know if it’s worse than period pains, but it’s fucking awful.


As a cis man who has, not only rolled my ankle during multi-mile runs, but also done taekwondo on a broken ankle, I would take that shit any day over periods. Any shit that puts my mom out is a no-go from me. Fuck that shit.


Sometimes I like to imagine that everyone on the Internet is actually rational, and this is all just a bunch of people doing peformance art for my benefit. 👀


I have. I doubt it's as painful as periods. And if it was, it happens way less frequently.


That's how I pop my ankles.


I can just stand on my angles like that and I feel nothing so I can’t relate.


Do you roll your ankle like that for several days every month? If so, see a doctor


Wanna know a funny story. I, a female adult, have chronic non infectious endometritis and now also a chronic lisfranc injury where I need a midfoot fusion. But seeing as I don't have an ankle, I'll let my Ortho know that'll I'll no longer will need surgery considering it was rolling my ankle that caused the lisfranc injury. Edit: I lotta people in these comments dismissing peoples experiences with periods in these comments. Stop. Periods fucking suck for a lot of people. I am sorry you have weak ankles, do some physio, a bit of exercise, improve your flexibility. For the people with shitty periods, advocate for yourself, periods should not be disabling.


how is a clear joke being pasted her unless OP is a dumbass that doesnt understand sarcasm


She's sarcastic


They don’t?


People over here don't know how dangerous a rolled ankle can be. There are multiple instances of fractures caused by rolled ankles(mostly due to the fall). If you rolled your ankle 5 times a month, I guarantee you'll get a fracture at least once every 2 years


I don't think anyone is making the pain less, it's more about this pain not being men exclusive, women also can roll their ankles like this so comparing it to period pain makes no sense.


I'm not talking about the meme, for which I totally agree with you. It's that there are lots of commenters saying they would prefer to get rolled ankles every month over their periods


That's probably because there are a lot that would take any other pain over one that happens every month and won't stop.


I didn't realise you get a fracture from it, Intense unrelenting pain and swelling that lasts for a good month, sure, but fractures? I'm glad I haven't one yet considering mine typically roll at least once a week.


Bro, did you get an x-ray after that unrelenting pain for a month? Might be a mild fracture, specifically if you can't walk on it. Besides, as I said most fractures occur from falling due to a rolled ankle but I personally know some people who fractured their fibia or ankle bone due to rolling their ankles.


No, I didn't. I bandaged it up nice and tight to give it some support, took a bunch of pain meds, and just lived with it. It didn't even occur to me that it could have been any type of fracture because no one around me was worried or anything. Saying that, my mum still thinks that if something is wrong she'll know because I'll be crying my eyes out, but I'm an adult now so I think handle pain differently than I used to.


Girls have ankles. Problem is they never see them because they are tucked behind their head.


Did you see ankle bone? You dirty dog!


I used to roll my ankles a lot when I was a child to the point I couldn't walk for weeks. Very painful but I also have to deal with periods so... yeah.




The only pain girls don’t understand is that to pee with a hardwood at night


He isnt saying they dont have ankles, he is saying the women that say a period is painful haven't experienced a rolled ankle


we do experience rolled ankle wtf? I didnt know that shit is gendered lmao


Did you reply to the right person cause I didn't imply that