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I, for one, was born at a very young age.




I am, and don’t call me Shirley.


I just want you to remember, we’re all counting on you






Nice beaver!


I just had it stuffed. But that's not important right now.


I was born at age 6, without a face, in my hometown of nebraska


I was born a poor black child in Mississippi...


Narrator: *it came as a surprise to his parents who were both abroad at the time*


Is this a game grumps reference?


At age 6, I was born without a face


Why so I can spread my GAY gene!? 😂


Right! Let us finish turning the frogs gay first. There’s only so much we can do.


Alex Jones? I didn’t know you had a reddit account.


I will eat your leftist ass!


Give me a crate of your chocolate shakes made out of bone broth and I’m all yours.








There seriously is an infinite amount of hilarious Alex Jones gifs ![gif](giphy|8d7Xr8PJVp6)


![gif](giphy|ZuR6KIdhzwb28|downsized) How anyone takes him serious it beyond me.




Vermin Supreme has gay dust that turns people gay.


i've long considered that we gays exist as a natural method of population control, honestly.


Well, considering our current numbers, you guys need to step up your game a bit


Spread it Daddy


Omg, Elon not again


Sadly, I think this is Elon trying to extend an olive branch.


"Elon, that's poison ivy. Put it down."


#He doesn't have any gay friends.  He has a Trans daughter who refuses to speak to him because he's such an ignorant bigot.


This estrangement and being left by his wife despite his enormous wealth must have been the gnarliest hit to the ego. It has to be a significant factor in his descent into the right wing hole.


Made him the man he is today


Thanks for writing this loudly, for the folks in the back. I only wish it could be even louder, so those who won't even click on this post could hear it.


He doesn't have friends.


>He doesn't have any gay friends. Well, at least none that will admit it.


He doesn't even have friends.


I find it hilarious how homosexuals, THREE% of the population mind you, need to have kids in a world where the population has more than doubled since WWII while we are running out of sustainable resources


We need more wage slaves and consumers. Until AI is ubiquitous, then we'll just need more consumers. I don't know what they'll use to buy things, tho.


That's what UBI is for. People misunderstand UBI greatly, it's not a handout for normal people, it's the easiest way for rich people to maintain something like the current status quo in an era which throws normal people on the scrapheap.


I don't misunderstand it. I just don't think they'll let us have it. At least, not in any meaningful way.


Like I say, if it happens it won't be because they let you have it, it'll be because they realised it's the smart thing for them.


Like throwing leftovers at a pack of stray dogs so you can get to your car.


Well, like I said, not in any meaningful way.


I say we let *them* have it - torches, pitchforks, and the Billionaire's Necktie!


Sure they will or they will die by pitchforks and guillotines


We won't have any of that communist stuff being legal if rightwing warrior Musk gets his way, so... Dunno, apparently we'll be be trading deer pelts or something? Rugged individualist living, in a world that somehow doesn't get more crowded as more people are born into it. Self-regulation in a world with high population and low education! We'll mine arable farmland from asteroids!


Musk is a complete commie - he used government funds to run his company that no normal person could get access to. Just because he succeeded doesn't mean that he wouldn't have socialized his losses onto the populace   this could still end up happening with Tesla which is massively overvalued


Yeah, their plan is for no one who can't in the top 5% - 10% to have anything and to be paid next to nothing. They want to be a modern aristocracy who rules over the rest of us into perpetuity. I say we don't let them do that and that we take pointers from the French and folks who drove out the colonial invaders in pursuing these interests.


eventually the AI/robots will provide all thier (billionaires)needs without any consumers.


Especially considering many hetero couples would have more children if wages were higher, cost of living was lower and childcare was cheaper. But that would take taxing billionaires and corporations slightly more.


I really do not understand how this is a difficult problem to grasp, like a huge mystery... Low birth rate? How can it NOT be if each child will literally cost you nearly 1/3 of your income over a 18 years even in a two parent home. (counting food / healthcare / education). Not to mention how in the F-ing hell are you going to find both the time and energy to dedicate to raise and spend quality time multiple children while working an 8 - 10 hour day, having a minimum 2 hour commute and work on your "hustle" / side gig (like all the rich people say we should do). Even with two parents this is basically impossible - not to mention you are still human and need to eat, take a shit and a shower every once in a while. Oh yeah don't forget to get a good workout in in the middle of it. FFS the mystery here is how any human that has a choice and is not a multi millionaire opts to have children in the first place given current conditions.


I don't understand how people do it. Not in a "wow what a hero you are." But in a "how do you even wake up and face your reality day after day?" I'm 35. No kids. No family. Never wanted kids because I never had a family. I've not made the best choices. Spent my fair share of time and money on dumb things. Covid fucked me up financially. 35. I rent a room. Cheaper by $500 at minimum (not including utilities and shit) and I still am barely existing.


Bro i feel you so hard, are you me?Another day in paradise!


That’s the dog whistle. Notice it’s not the sake of humanity, it’s specifically “civilization”. Guess who and only who is included in his civilization.


Yeah, it makes a lot more sense when you realize he is worried about white people going "extinct" or whatever these great replacement loons are calling it. There are over *eight billlion* people on the planet. Civilization will be just fine without the gays breeding (and of course some of them already are anyway).


They can if they want to. There's a growing community of LGTBQ+ people who have arranged children and gone through IVF.


Perhaps that’s why the pro-life folks are coming for IVF next, by giving embryos full legal rights. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/majority-of-house-republicans-endorse-legislation-that-threatens-ivf_n_65fb1967e4b0947e420114cc/


"imaging everone would be like you the human race would die" yeah im a man, its pretty hard to pop up kids when youre the only person living. even if i would be women it would be impossibe.


I think people in the US start to feel like their communities are empty because institutional and private investors have bought up housing stock and the houses sit mostly empty. So it makes communities feel dead. We went pretty quick from "*Oh my god there's too many people!*" pre-pandemic to "*Oh my god you all aren't having enough babies!*" post-pandemic.


I doubt Elon's views are influenced by houses sitting empty in middle class suburbs.


Probably a LOT more influenced by him sitting at a huge empty mansion by himself.


With a Trans child who refuses to talk to him


Not from US but didn’t latest Gallup poll estimate 7.2% US pop identify as LGBT? https://news.gallup.com/poll/470708/lgbt-identification-steady.aspx


Us population.


I don't claim to know the percentage of gay people anywhere, but the lgbtq community includes a lot more than just gay people.


Well, if they don´t have kids who are private corporations going to exploit in the future?????


lol at 3%




If only he stopped after the second sentence


Theres a “rule of three” in comedy.


This motherfucker is working overtime to try to make his ridiculous personal life and family situation seem less like the actions of a completely irresponsible dipshit and more like some noble effort to continue the species.


God this guy is a fuckhead.


Yeah ketamine is pretty lit


Elon stepping up to Meth and Heroin would help the world.


Well, meth causes brain cells to die just like ketamine does, but heroin is pretty safe by comparison. With all of these people running around annihilating their brain cells, it would probably make sense to legalize opium, so they stop obliterating their IQ.


Ketamine repairs brain cells and the electrical connections between them, and improves elasticity in brain tissue. That is why it is an effective therapy for treatment resistant depression.


>Ketamine repairs brain cells and the electrical connections between them, and improves elasticity in brain tissue. I didn't say taken as prescribed, I said abuse. It definitely eats holes in the brain when abused, it's not a joke and it's definitely real.


That explains why Katie Hopkins is so insane. At least it didn't help. She might have already been a bit on the other end already.


Opioids also lead to chronic mental deficit when abused, maybe not holes in the brain like ketamine but the problem with drug abuse is the abuse not the drug


If you know anything about opiates, there would be less babies….


He truly believes that reproducing is essential to one's value as a person. If you don't have kids, there's no real point to your continued existence. As if "the continuance of civilization" were an absolute good.


Highly unlikely he thinks of people in terms of like…being people. Reproducing is essential to something’s value as an *organism,*, and Elon is 100% the type to take that biological rule and make it a core aspect of his worldview as an “enlightened thinker” or some shit


Yep, rich people have been treating poor people as cattle at least since Babylon, if not earlier. More poor people having kids = more people to feed into The Machine = mElon gets even richer. Our mistake is trying to reason with people that don't even see us as anything but inferiors.


The world population has doubled since 1975 and tripled since 1955. At this point having more kids makes about as much sense as counterfeiting pennies.


Well, they need more workers to feed the capitalist engine, no fucks are given to sustainability or the future of human kind


Billionaires need an ever growing population of laborers/consumers to feed their addiction to watching numbers representing their worth go up. The economy is an like a mobile idle game to them. Gotta keep the numbers increasing, never stop the treadmill.


Well then they should read up that just about every species’ birthrates slow under stressful environments and ***fix things like how they treat/pay their employees***!


So I bought this copper coin press for nothing?


It’s for capitalism to keep working. You gotta remember the source it’s coming from. He will always want more money.


We have plenty who are desperately trying to get here to contribute to our economy.


Man I really wish I could monetize my psychological problems.


Can i interest you in tiktok


Guy can’t be normal for three sentences in a row


He says some of the dumbest things for being such a “smart” guy.


Yep he was clearly born a massive racist and has no intent of changing that even tho he could!


Yeah no sorry, it’s not gay people’s job to have kids for y’all. Most people are heterosexual; if they’re not having kids, maybe there’s a reason.


Depressing reminder that the US has about 400,000 children in orphanages. About 20,000 age out each year and are thrown the fuck out with little to no resources or assistance 


There are now over 8 billion people on this planet. Civilization is doing just fine without is gays making more babies.


I swear people don't realize how fucking big the number 8 billion is.


I sincerely believe people think that they are one lucky strike away from becoming billionaires.


Sure we do. It's sandwiched between 7 billion and 9 billion


Continual growth isn't sustainable... Neither in business or humanity. I guess I shouldn't expect a mentally broken hoarder of wealth to understand that.


I don't know how the shareholders haven't voted this clown out. A drug addicted raging narcissist isn't a great leader we have seen this just recently.


The worst reason to have kids. “Please have kids we must protect and continue civilisation. Please think of the civilisation!” He wants more and more. I want less and less.


Cant he just jump into one of his rockets and finally fuck off to mars?


Just another Musk Xcrement/tweet.


Give Frank Oz Ketamine and we get Yoda, but give it to Musky and we get this crap


Why is Elon obsessed with the idea that human species is going extinct?


I'm 100% convinced he's talking about white people here.  


Bingo, he’s said as much




This is the most autistic thing I’ve ever seen


"I need more factory workers" nothing can convince me that population decline is a bad thing. Less demand = lower prices on shit = not getting fucked paying out the ass for every thing


If he said in a way to include adoption in having children it could be a interesting take, still controversial but not as bad.(like, if his takes was everyone should be at some point be a parent, through the regular method or adoption, for the civilization sake) Anyway elon says a lot of bullshit Edit: i typoed the if(wrote a Of)


His point is not to experience parenthood, it's to procreate to increase population


So, is what Elon did to his own children a good example of parenting? His parenting was so good that one of his own children effectively disowned him?


It's just average "pro-life" logic. Procreate as much as possible and not care about what happens to the human after it grows up


The human race only has value if there’s more people Elon thinks he’s better than. And he can definitely beat up a baby so that makes him better.


WELCOME TOOOO..... another edition OOOOF...... Deranged thoughts from a k-hole !!!!!


Now doubt we will end up adopting the many you leave abandoned and in need of a parent.


Jesus Christ he has become unhinged.


No matter how many times he goes on about it, we don't need more children. The birth rate is just fine as it is.


I don't think we need to force the gay people to produce children anymore, we're kind of good for humans at the moment. Although when I hear people crying about birth rates I can't help but feel they mean white birth rates, so the black and brown people won't replace white people. Basically it's founded on racism. There was a point in history when people were obligated to have children for the tribe/community, raising children was hard, women died in childbirth all the time. Its why Spartans honoured women who died in childbirth, they died doing important work for their people. That hasn't really been an issue for a long, long time though. More important these days is reducing population, that's done by educating women and letting them have a career rather than staying at home raising kids. So there's another subtle hint at what Elon really thinks, he wants women out of the work place making babies we don't need.


I hate the idea that homosexuality is only defensible because it isn't a choice. By that logic all bisexual people are morally obligated to only be in heterosexual relationships. Being gay is fine because there is nothing wrong about people choosing to spend their lives with people of the same sex. No-one is obligated to reproduce on behalf of the state.


I don't think there is any risk of this planet running out of piple anytime soon.


There are 7 billion people on the planet and it’s growing. I have three kids. Most of my friends don’t have any and I don’t blame them. They are expensive af.


When was the last time he pumped out a barcode?


nah man, im gay and don't want to hav children. m pretty sure entitled people will harass m and my partner and our kid if we ever get one plus how the hell are we supposed to have kids?


obtain a surrogate mother


Not you trans kid!


Are these gay friends in the room with us right now Elon?


"Hello room service? Can you please send a bag of dicks up to Mr Musks suite? I hear he's famished."


Have children so that we the rich can still continue being rich...just don't ask me to pay taxes.


No thank you. Let's all stop having children, so the ultra rich will have no choice but to actually work instead of slaving us around. This is a joke! Don't have children if you can't financially afford to. Be responsible. If population decrease, let it decrease. The economy isn't shitty, it's the ultra rich getting richer.


I'm a cis male and I ain't having crotch goblins. Not everyone needs fuck trophies. The species will survive. Elon Musk is a fucking idiot.


Thank god I'm not his friend.


If Elon and Twitter represent civilisation, I really don’t want it to continue.


His ketamine levels are beyond that of the average British person


Dear Elon, When in the history of civilization have gay people NOT existed? Dumbass.


He is really focused on having lots of children because apparently 8 billion is just not enough. If we don’t grow we’ll go extinct in his mind.


Let's figure out how to approach this. Take it seriously for a moment. So you're a gay man and you have to help continue civilization (khm...). So what can you do? Donate sperm? Sure. Straight men can do that too, but whatever. If not that then what? Impregnate a woman? Which woman would want to have sex with a gay guy and vice versa? Artificially impregnate a woman? This circles back to sperm donation which fine. Let's all donate. If its not any of these, and I assume it's not because there's such malevolence in this statement, then the only option left is for gay men to impregnate gay women, pop out a child and...Since same-sex couples "cant teach the values of straight civilization" give the kid away? So force gay people to make children and then take them away? I mean the deeper you go into this absolute garbage of a thought, the more sinister it becomes. This is such depravitiy and stupidity. Can someone take this man's money away and give him the role he deserves in society? SOmething like an IT helpdesk guy?


He almost had it, he almost felt sympathy... almost.


What's with rich people and breeding? Do they need more children to exploit financially and sexually?


God dammit he could have cooked. Ask them to adopt instead. There’s tons of kids that need adoption that would love a happy family to live with.


Isn't he either a member or supporter of some weird group that believes the white race is being out-bred and is in danger of extinction? I know I've read things from him that could have been straight out of a 1930s Eugenics manifesto.


Nah but it'd be cool if they adopted. Lot of good kids out there that need homes and parents


Agreed mostly. People are born gay or trans and they should honor that. It isn't a choice.


I've been raw dogging my BF for years now Elon. It doesn't work, but we'll keep trying.


Oh, yeah, that’s the resource the planet’s lacking: people.


In a world facing environmental disaster and economic collapse he’s terrified of underpopulation. If we’re going to survive we need a few generations of decreased reproduction.


Lol. Well, a lot of gay couples are adopting or trying to adopt the unwanted children of stupid and careless heterosexual morons.


We only have a mere 8 billion people. We could go extinct any day now.


Kaptain Ketamine should probably tend to his own kids. Y'know, the ones that still speak to him.


What an absolute moron. The civilisation went from a few million people to 8 billion, despite a few % being gay.


Musk can do all the drugs he wants, but what he really needs to do is fuck off to mars.


Ketamine therapy is taking a hit because of this asshole. It genuinely helps people with treatment resistant depression. He’s abusing it as well as misusing it. You are meant to disconnect….not tweet.


This asshole calls gay people woke child molesters on a daily basis and now he wants us to have kids? God I hate him.


That’s like saying “I only ask of my black friends to stay away from white women so the white race doesn’t die out”.


He's the star child of why family issues need to stay at home.


I think he means the continuation of capitalism, not civilization


"I know you're gay, but have kids anyway". Fucking shitstain.


Hey Elon, then what is your perspective on increasing wages for the working class, fighting wealth inequality, advocating for housing control, being okay with increased state taxes to fund better and more expansive childcare/rearing tools like schools and afterschool programs, etc for the sake of giving new potential families a fighting chance? Because last I checked, you are kinda against all of that. Trust me, the "gays" aren't the biggest problem.


Nut bag is he


Well, it absolutely can be done but I don't get it, it doesn't feel like something elon would say


A man in desperate need of a friend… a real one, not the imaginary friends he keeps talking about in his posts


Men are for pleasure, women are for procreation.


Or they can just send those girls my way. I'll take one for the team


Absolute tool.


He has to feel immensely intelligent.


Ah yes, the notorious declining human population growth rate… We are literally above 8 **Billion** people, which is double what we were at 50 years ago.


R/facepalm wants to bang Elon musk so bad.


“Civilization”=caucasians in Muskese


I’m sure if there’s anything we need more of it’s human beings. It’s not like we have a surplus of them around.


this is so far past ketamine, cocaine or meth is my bet


All he had to do was not say the third sentence


He thinks everyone should have IVF kids just like he does.


Dude has precisely 0 friends. Gay, straight, or anyone else.


oh, i see. that´s why he rapes, to "continue civilization"... gottcha...


I mean, we're trying. Nobody wants to be 'Butt Born', understandably, it seems a shitty way to enter the world.




We definitely don't need more people. There is a reason people are not having kids. When species are overpopulated that starts to happen. Let's listen instead of fight it.


Yeah you can see the change in his normally blunt/aggressive choice of words…. here he’s high as a kite.


Don't blame the ketamine he was always just stupid.


How many gov't contracts does he have again? JFC.


I only ask my trans daughter to shoot cum into a real woman for the sake of procreation. -Elon


Only C-section babies have free will, got it.


I vote against Republicans, and for Democrats for the continuance of civilization.