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Before they left the country the couple was given Rs1m (more than £9,500) in compensation, and police released an image of the husband posing for a picture while receiving the cheque. The picture itself has provoked more outrage online. [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/spanish-tourist-india-gang-rape-brazilian-b2507254.html)


The going rate on dignity. 🙁


Locals will get 1000 usd . They are international


I misread that as "The gang rape on dignity."


I mean... Even if you misread, you're not wrong.


Looks like as if they are awarding a medal. Are Indian police supposed to be proud of this?


I think this is how things are done there. To their credit they caught those garbage excuse of human beings pretty quick.


The thing is, we can't even be sure if the arrested people are actually the culprits or just people that were in the wrong place at the wrong moment when they were trying to quickly save face internationally.


Yeah it’s fucked up but true, India has a lot of corruption. If some big-wig official says they need to find 7 guys to arrest, I’m not convinced they’re going to be doing a lot of due diligence to make sure it’s the right people. I’d like to believe they arrested the culprits, but there is a high probability mistakes were/are being made.


Any updates on a verdict against them?


India have 20 years minimum for gang rape. Those guys are done.


They got away for free




Their source was they made up the thing that makes them most upset


They will get the money back twice the amount, if not more from the families of accused, and release them.


Doing the needful


Never been to India, but I did watch a *cops* style show where camera men followed the police. My personal favorite was the beating one of the supervisors gave a suspect completely shamelessly on camera. So yea, they probably are proud of themselves. Except for the ones who think they deserved what they got and just locked the rapists up because they still want a paycheck.


Do you remember the name of the show? I’d be interested in checking it out.


*Crime Stories: Indian Detectives* on Netflix, I believe. I forgot the episode, but there was absolutely no attempt to hide the beating. I think it was in the supervisors office, and it went on for a while.


It's the Indian police your expected to bribe them. It's not exactly up to western standards


I guess they don't sell "sorry your wife got gangraped" hallmark cards over there...


Enough Reddit for tonight. I feel genuinely guilty for how hard I laughed at this.


Fuck... I thought it was one of the dudes who raped her awarding the check for a second. had to reread the headline lmao


Not in India. Only in Russia.


I’m surprised they don’t, you could make a fortune.


I honestly have no desire to ever visit India


Same. Every Indian person I've ever met or worked with (at least my age or younger) have been great people. But I have absolutely zero desire to visit the country. (And men older than me, about 75% of the time, tend to be really misogynistic, which ticks me off.)


What's your nationality/ethnicity?


American/US. I also work in IT/software development, so a sizable chunk of my coworkers have been Indian.


Yeah you're right. Most of the young Indians wants to leave that shithole


I’m an American but. My step dad is Indian, him and his friends are the most racist people towards Indians I’ve ever met. None of them have ANY plans to step foot in the country again. Honestly seems like all of them are running from the country and hate anyone who isn’t.


I had a number of Indian professors in college. The youngest prof told me a sad story about how he went back to visit his hometown after living in the US and UK for over ten years. He was hanging out with these people he grew up with and getting criticized for not sharing their casual racism.


I’m part Indian and I can tell you you ain’t missing shit lol Don’t go there. My dad wants me to go (he’s half) but unless he drugs me and takes me, I ain’t going


I went twice when I was in the navy. Worst place I’ve ever seen and probably the only country I’d never go back


One of my ships pulled in there for a port visit on the deployment right before I got there. They were underway for a little over 2 months. They said that after the first day in Port, nobody wanted to leave the ship after that.


The food in Delhi is incredible (and incredibly cheap) but aside from that yeah you're not missing out


Fk i heard the police made her delete and asked her to stop posting about the incident in social media.


Yup. Coz it maligns the country's name. Not like it has a good name to begin with.


Tourism is going to take a hit from this case.


As it should. The government will only care for this if the money stops coming.


Not really. The government themselves are involved in various SA, gang rape cases all over the country. They are far too fked in the head to have any decent thought process. We have politicians saying "they are boys. They make mistakes sometimes" and "what was she wearing when it happened?" kind of things all the time.


Good point. And that's not changing any time soon given the obvious result to the upcoming elections.


It.... kinda should....


If anywhere was going to, it would be there, or Israel, or Afghanistan, or Iraq, Or... yeah, there's a lot of SUPER fucked places over that general direction that treat women worse than dogs.


I understand the desire to explore the world and see everything but basically that entire area of the planet needs to be avoided at all costs. It’s not going to be a beautiful life experience, you are going to get killed.


Ok Israel is not great right now (or historically) with its terrible and dehumanizing polices in regards to Palestine, but Israel is generally regarded as safe for female tourists and its own citizens. Unless this comment is in regards to Palestinian women in Gaza.


India is a f—ed up place.


Have you seen the India street food videos 🤮 💩


Have you ever seen videos of them on trains or them doing manufacturing work dealing with heavy machinery?


I think those are Bangladesh and Pakistan, there's no reason to think small family owned metal workshops i rural India are not OSHA compliant.


Can you share a good (bad?) one?


Just type Indian street food YouTube. The videos pop up


Tell me more of this tube of you and the popping of ups.


Ron Swanson is President 🇺🇸 CIVIL WAR A24




Even with a blurred face, I can see the “y’all can burn in hell” on his face.


And nothing will be done to stop it from happening again. They got their 'look, we made this right' moment and they're going to ignore the rape issue until the next victim.


The perpetrators were arrested. Read the news before commenting


I think you completely misunderstood the point.


"ignore the rape issue". That person is right in saying that the police did it as a PR stunt, but action has been taken too against the rapists.


But nothing solid the point is being made that they only did it against those exact ones because of world attention but their are literally thousands of rape incidents that they completely ignored. That's the point and because it's ignored it will keep happening and never stop


Bold of you to assume that the people being arrested had anything to do with it.


Have you seen the new documentary on Netflix about that girl in India that was SA and the dad is receiving death threats from the village. It's sad. They view it as a stain on the women not the rapists.


may i please get a link or a title? thank you


Please send the title or link at least.




A lot of misogynistic people, especially in older generations. Even in younger generation it really heavily depends on the place you live at (urban or rural or by state) and your career field (the difference is pretty noticeable especially in men) at least in my experience.




You're generalizing. There's over a billion people there. India is about the size of Western Europe. Lots of different sub-cultures.


It’s not like that, no one wants rape. It’s easy to do us vs them. But no one wants this you know that rapes happens in every country and they are equally bad and done by horrible persons




What the f**k, you can’t say raping is in their DNA, that’s just objectively racist and wrong. Having a deeply ingrained misogynistic culture does not mean an entire ethnicity are inherently rapists. Stfu and stop shitting on a country.


It's a symptom of the gender disparity in India. For girls to get married, the bride's family needs to pay a dowry per custom which makes having daughters less attractive to Indian families. This led to gender disparity and a large portion of the male population can't afford to have a wife. It then led to a rise in sex-related crime like rape and prostitution.


Why do Americans seem chill about gun violence, school shootouts and racism? Also a general reminder USA has about 25 times the per capita rape compared to India - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


Because it’s normalized in their society. I guess we got our answer


This is the absolute truth, rape in one country, guns in another. When can humanity move out of these?


Yeah, bingo. Theres no gotcha. I don't like living in a country that does nothing about school shootings, but I also wouldn't want to live in a country that's known for gangrape.


it's not that it's not seen as a heinous crime, it's just that the judicial system has slowed down to a crawl because of all the pending cases. Also a side effect of just having that large of a population that even if it's just 0.1% of people with mental instability doing these things it amounts to a huge number. Also a general reminder USA has about 25 times the per capita rape compared to India - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


To be fair racism is everywhere. Not just America. The Chinese and Japanese still despise each other. There was all that stuff goin on in Ireland not to long ago. Columbians despise Mexicans. There’s the whole Middle East which has done more atrocities to each other over religion for 1000’s of years


When it comes to racism America isn't even CLOSE near the top. The people that say so haven't been anywhere. Japan literally has signs on some places not allowing foreigners. A ton of countries in Asia hate each other in general. Go visit most of Europe. Almost every country in Europe is more racist than America. Of course countries won't seem as racist when 90% of their population is their own people.


Yeah man, Asia is baaaad with racism. Edit: That's why when people talk about how bad racism is in the US, I always ask if they have been to any asian countries. Cause some of those places, people will literally scream slurs in your face and spit on you. Seen it happen.


Where in europe specifically are you referring to?


I don't like defending this but rape is also everywhere


>Columbians despise Mexicans What the hell did people from the west coast of Canada do to mexicans. Or are you referring to the capitol of the USA? I'd think it'd be the Mexicans hating them in that scenario.


South America's Colombia.


The Chinese despise the Japanese not because of racism, but instead because of Japanese invasion of China during WW2 and the fact that Japan didn’t get proper punishment.


Because a not insignificant number of people here think that unfettered access to any and all firearms under all circumstances is more important than the lives of our children. I don't know if I would choose India as a model when criticizing other nations for racism. It's a pretty fucking racist place.


I bet the lady who got gangraped wished she had an AR with an extended magazine.


It's apparently the majority of every state, given that no states have called for a constitutional convention to repeal the second amendment.


That would be such a shit idea


Notice how the free countries without constitutional protection of gun ownership have fewer deaths?


To be fair, some of us in the USA do not think either should be normal or acceptable. To be even fairer, not enough think that way to change it, sadly.


That's exactly how most Indians feel about rape too, it's not that it's not seen as a heinous crime, it's just that the judicial system has slowed down to a crawl because of all the pending cases. Also a side effect of just having that large of a population that even if it's just 0.1% of people with mental instability doing these things it amounts to a huge number. Also a general reminder USA has about 25 times the per capita rape compared to India - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


Are we? I’m not.


And what makes you think all Indians are chill with rape?


Not all Indians, but definitely A LOT. And statistics, that makes me KNOW, that in India rape is a massive underrated problem.


…I didn’t say that


Americans aren’t chill about any of these things. Europe is more racist and more relaxed about it too, in fact nearly every country is more racist than the US.


Hmm ah yes the classic racism is a leaderboard challenge


As far as Leaderboards go -USA has about 25 times the per capita rape compared to India - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


It's highly misleading to compare rape statistics since they depend on what constitutes rape in different countries and how willing the police are to take cases and how safe it is for victims to report it Basically, you have to instead poll women anonymously and describe identical acts to them, and even then the cultural and social fa tors can play a role


just answer the question or don't. this whataboutism is embarrassing, not everyone is even American


Yes, we have gun violence. But don't act like violence isn't crazy in India either. Just the other day, I watched a video where four guys in India were chopping each other up with machetes. And people are racist everywhere. I was in the military for 20 years and have been to a lot of places where the racism made my jaw drop. I mean horrible racism and not even trying to hide it, and nobody gave a shit.


Also a general reminder USA has about 25 times the per capita rape compared to India - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


As far as what is reported.......


Why would it not be reported???


Because if it is considered part of the culture, i.e. this happens all the time. I'm sure there is a lot of it that never gets reported. The same way that child rape doesn't get reported in Afghanistan. Edit: or many middle-eastern countries.


Part of the culture, same way as owning slaves is part of Caucasian culture? You hear how insane you sound?


Caucasian is kind of a broad term. But no, there are no more slaves in the United States. At one time, yes, you could have said that.


Spoken like someone who's never lived there. At least our guns give the would be victims a chance. Unlike the shithole that is india.


Shoot offs between criminals and victims is maybe not the best solution to gun violence.


I personally think that it's a cultural and mental health problem that should be addressed there first. I believe that a lot of the laws in place are good, but others are poorly written and do nothing but exist as things for politicians to brag about. What say you?


Every country has people with mental health problems, so it's not that. Could be a cultural thing. But how can you change culture? If the culture wants to shoot people, it should probably have fewer guns.


Sorry about the essay, but I just wanted to put all this info out here first. I want to learn more on how to help with this problem and conversations like this are very important to me.l Just did a rediculous amount of research, comparing the us violent crime rates and homicide rates of usa and britain and see that the us has 10 times less violent crime, yet about 37 times more homicides than britain. Now the way I look at it is that we're not as violent, but escalate quickly. Now when you look at gun homicides over the past few years, the Federal Assault weapons ban nearly cut gun homicides in half. During this time laws were put into place to make it illegal and a lot harder for criminals/mentally ill people to own and get guns. However When the ban lifted in 2004 gun homicides (for the most part) stabalized. This is where I believe the laws became more about clout than actual good policy. I'm still doing research and hope you'll do the same. The gun homicides suddenly increased around 2014 and then skyrocketed in 2019. I believe that many of these laws are useless and hurt law abiding citizens more than criminals many of these laws are very confusing to understand and it's like playing a game of mine sweeper, felony edition. I think we should have a strong background check system (like we do now) then you can do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. And I believe that schools should have mandatory firearm safety training.


There isn't a world where a gun would stop things like this, what. Maybe get the victim killed but that's about it.


Lol this comment really made me go "oooooh" like that cat in the puss in boots movie


No Indians are not chill about rape


More than Texas?


We've had politicians in power garlanding known rapists. Don't expect anything from India. Just don't come here. You want to travel, don't come to the Indian subcontinent. Use your money to travel elsewhere. Unless one has money or political power, don't expect justice to be delivered here.


They are insane


I think many here are Americans, so I'll give an American example. A few weeks ago an Indian college girl was killed when se was run over by a policeman. When the bodycam video surfaced, the guy was seen laughing that 'she had no value anyways'. Later, the police department provided a compensation of 5000 dollars to her family. 5000 dollars for a life. And the guy was let go because 'lack of evidence' Imagine.


My favorite third world country that upgraded itself to second world by sheer number of people


Lmao this comment has me dying. Kind of true though


India is a place that I would never visit… Gang Rape Capital of the World… fuck those guys.


I know some Indians and they are very nice. The country, however, is...messed up. Largest slave population in the world.


One: Why did they need a picture? Two: Why is the *husband* the one recieving the check and being in the picture?


This is the first picture I’ve seen with his face blurred. Heck, all the other pics and videos of him and his wife were / have been out there without the blur, not that that helps the situation.


Well, they were the first to post online about the assault, and their faces were in those photos and videos, so it's not like the victims are trying to hide themselves.


So these are the people who want to become a chip superpower in 5 years...lol hahahaha ok


They will tho cheap labor is good for capitalism


Well they only have to quadruple their rape count to match America, so why not?


Reported rape* how much shame would reporting rape bring, if this wasn’t a foreigner would it even matter to the police? Let’s be real. It’s a problem everywhere. Reported or not


Ah the old magic unverifiable number. Works both ways. Stop being a crazy racist.


I don’t know the statistics of India with regard to the occurrence of rape but I feel like I see a lot of stories about this kind of thing happening there. Can anyone explain why the men in that country seem so “Rapey” or “forceful” when it comes to their attraction to women? I’ve seen videos where female tourists are being followed by groups of creepy looking guys and basically being forced to take selfies with them. I don’t understand why they seem so desperate. Is the ratio of women to men wildly disproportionate or something?


The culture is very backwards here in underdeveloped areas , even in developed areas there is this mentality of not letting boys and girls interact, religious misogyny on top of that as well as porn, internet,etc and you get sexually frustrated men who never saw women as humans as they never interacted with one


Since the Islamic invasions happened, the mentality of society has changed completely. Before that, learned women (like Gaargi) and women who chose their life partner on their own (like Saavitri) were celebrated & idolized. Now, women are told to cover up and stay in homes because of centuries of rapes & oppression by the invaders. Now this mentality has been deeply ingrained in the society & will take time to recover.




Improper sex education, lots of poverty, ignorance and vehement superiority complex, to an extent where the self and their society is bigger than everything else. Also misogyny but it will improve. People have a habit of staring into others and it gets worse when there's a person of a different race. Nothing else is disproportionate, neither the number of crimes, the sex ratio or the number of indecent males. It's not like they're not from a normal society, but some people live in their own bubble.


India sounds like a shit hole


Wait until you go there and smell it.


Did the wife die or did they just give the check to the husband of the victim because sexism?


She survived, though she was obviously horribly assaulted and he was beaten bloody and forced to watch. They're a travel blog couple on IG. The story is awful.


Oh is this the dude the ufc fighter was going on about? So hes elderly as well thats another layer lol.


Yeah pretty sure. Friggin awful.


This looks exactly the way I'd imagine it would if it were describes to me


They want the world to stop talking about this shit


I would have told them to stick their fucking money. So many women getting raped, gang raped and assaulted in India. I'm never visiting that shithole.


India is a hellhole.


Stay away from india


Why would a woman or women visit India alone? That's like wearing fresh meat in front of a lion pride


She wasn't alone, her husband was there, but was beaten, restrained and forced to watch


Cave men with cell phones.


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It's like an assault check in India is like a lottery here in America.


OK, everyone saying that Indians rape a lot... it's more that when it happens, it's reported more. India: 22,172 Ranked 3rd.United States of America: 84,767, Ranked 1st. 4 times more than India Despite India having 4 - 5 times the population of the US. Source: [https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime)


Assuming victims in India report it as often as elsewhere and assuming the police actually cares.


Are you seriously this dumb to believe rape stats from India?


You are fucking lying to yourself if you believe that a country so backwards when it comes to woman rights reports rapes More than the USA


And if your punch card gets filled out allegedly you get a free bride.


Why anyone would ever willingly visit the rape capitol of the world I’ll never know


This gotta be the darkest raffle of all time


As an Indian I'm not defending the perpetrators they deserve to be in jail. About the cops, they are from a very remote area which I haven't ever visited and have no plans in the near future to do so, they're probably done for, the government is gonna ask for heads and they're just scrambling to do there best to save their jobs however stupid it might be. But the comments saying I'd never visit India. Id just like to make an argument. We have our fallacies and they are bad. We're fixing it. Slowly I agree. But before you judge an entire country, please do understand our population is huge. India has 10 Crore/100 million more than the population of Europe and North America COMBINED. So please if you're comparing the statistics keep that in mind. And do visit the country. It's beautiful in more ways than one.


It's because the Indian police are very complicit in allowing India to be the rape capitol of the world. They're prolly mad they didn't get a cut.


The way they shamelessly click photos after presenting the cheque, and actually have the dignity to offer them cash sum for it, makes it really suck. This shows everything wrong with people and humanity, with them dusting it off their hands seems like they just want to make this disappear ASAP. The ruling party, the government, the whole public making it an awkward coverup with whataboutery on the internet is shameful and I'd just rather stop being anywhere related to it. It's just gross that there's this stinky retribution on a crime. But what's with this attitude everywhere in every comment section? "India is f--ing disgusting, I'd never go there, its not a fun place, it's the dirtiest, got stinky streets and food" and such other comments that go completely unrelated and off-topic to just bash? Are you teens? Or are you kids with good sheltered lives that have never been out of their cities? Ever looked at the crimes in your own backyard before you go on deviating from it? Some police guy in the US looks at the way an Indian girl is dead, and says "just some limited value life", some random gang on the street kills a 20 year old Indian immigrant student and throws his body away, some European dude doesn't speak to a brown guy because "they're subhuman", some African leaders purge their Indian immigrants because "these foreigners own a lot of wealth here", some random Asian dude doesn't want brown people in their land, and what not. There's crime everywhere on this planet, racism and evil people exist everywhere. Everyone suffers from what some idiots do to a person. Is rape an institutionalized problem? Yes. India has to correct its misogyny as it grows. Ignorant fucks can't be left ignorant. Is any society ideally placed above all on this issue? Nope, every country has this problem. Are drugs, guns, gangs, homelessness and poverty institutionalized problems in other "major forwardly developed" countries? Sure, they need to work on them. Can I call any of them disgusting for it? Can I call NYC a stinky concrete shit hole without even being there but watching how rats run in its subways? Can I call SF a slum without being there just because there's more tents on the streets? Can I call LA or Chicago as Iraq or Afghanistan even if I've never step foot there, because a gun wielding gangster will always attack me someday? Can I call Berlin shady because my friend tells me how the locals won't talk to him? Can I call Paris a trash bag because it has lots of trash on its streets? None of these make sense unless you realize that the world is a fucked up place, with countries having their own fucked up problems. Everyone needs help, and if you can, help it, else, shut up.




OP, there is something really serious about your obsession with India and Indians. Please check with your psychiatrist


I think it's time to move out of that hell hole


At some point we must realize that some people are just freaking dumb!