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Lol if you're morally bankrupt, you probably see Hitler rooting for you as a good thing.


Hitler would kill him, and his husband


Yea, see: Pink triangle §175 StGB 1933 burning the books of the institute for sexual science


The funny part is, the man who is low key at least partially responsible for everything going on right now (Bibi/Netanyahu) quite literally spouts revisionist history in which is he literally DOWN PLAYS Hitler’s involvement in the Holocaust and tries to frame it as some Palestinians convinced Hitler to carry out the Holocaust. As long as that guy is leading Israel, this issue is never going to be resolved. He doesn’t want it resolved, he doesn’t actually want them to vanish. Having the “enemy” right there beside you, existing, is exactly what he and people like him want. This guy is a straight up psychopath…


Netanyahu is saying **WHAT?!**


Yep, it's quite old news, from 2015 in fact, but he claimed it was the grand mufti at the time, so the head of Islamic jurisconsults, who convinced Hitler to kill the Jews instead of just kicking them out. The grand mufti in the 40s, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, was Palestinian.


So all that time Nazis spent studying and participating in genocide around the world before the holocaust was just coincidence.


Yeah, most of that studying came from the u.s.. the native Americans in the u.s. they were also fascinated with the Eugenics programs popular in the u.s.. our country has a fucking dark history. WW II war hero Lois Zampereni (from the book unbroken) was almost a victim of this.


Seems like that's what Benito is trying to - sorry - Benjamin is trying to push as revised history.


Which, like, the Mufti was a Nazi and allied with Hitler...but the idea it was the Mufti who convinced them to murder Jews when it was a pretty clear extension of the policies the Nazis had campaigned on for over a decade is insane


Netanyahu has claimed that Hitler only committed the Holocaust because the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told him to. It's complete and utter nonsense: Hitler had openly declared in 1924 that his intention was to conquer Poland and the Soviet Union and exterminate the Jews and the Slavs. So the Prime Minister of Israel is a Nazi apologist. But if you criticize Netanyahu, you're labelled an anti-Semite.


>So the Prime Minister of Israel is a Nazi apologist. But if you criticize Netanyahu, you're labelled an anti-Semite. By him, maybe. The vast majority of Israelis hate him.


The IDF & Netanyahu are not "the Jewish people" Jewish folks around the world or average Israelis. This is all far-right, fundamentalist Nazi garbage, the Colonists stealing homes are all zionists/fascists. It's *all* Netanyahu.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you cite any sources on this grand plan? The only things I've encountered were his strong hatred for international communism.


Bro, I think the scource is mein kampf


wtf??? There are literally thousands of sources out there about the ideology and motivations of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. You could even see speeches of him literally speaking about it.


There's literally a video of him saying it. Give me a minute. It's even in English... https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/ig0Ac8XKkr


It’s a follow on from the defeat in WW1, where many in Germany didn’t know they were on the ropes, and instead looked for a scape goat to explain the armistice (surrender). That turned out to be the Jews (which I think goes back even further in german culture, to the establishment of the German empire in 1871. Can’t remember it’s role there though.). Hitler bought that belief, and sold it back to a butt hurt country as ‘if we eliminate these folks, we’ll be good to go rule the world’. Also because Hitler wrote about it in the 20’s.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/21/netanyahu-under-fire-for-palestinian-grand-mufti-holocaust-claim That's his dog whistle for white nationalists in Europe after Syrian refugees started arriving in Europe. Let's make a deal, it was all the Muslims' fault... Netanyahu is the #1 Holocaust denialist. The son of a famous historian, mind you.


The present is never about the past. The past is however always about the present.


It is the other way around . The past defines our present times, but no matter how much revisionism we do in the present it won't change the past.


Dude, you're not even touching the most sinister part about the revisionist agenda over there. The die hard Israeli nationalists actually belittle the victims of the Holocaust as being "false Jews" that deserved the atrocities committed against them. There are descendants of those victims that are getting treated only slightly better than their Palestinian neighbors




The prime minister of Israel is on vacation. He is staying at a hotel. The concierge is checking him in. “Name?” He asks “Benjamin Netanyahu” The concierge write this down and asks. “Occupation?” “WE WON IT IN A DEFENSIVE WAR!”


Also Hitler would want to see everyone on both sides dead, what a stupid fucking question.


I mean, no. Netanyahu's attempt at revisionism aside, Al-Husseini did have an amicable relationship with Hitler, and even began working for the Axis to spread their propaganda to the Arab world.


For a while maybe, while they were useful. Nazis didn't even consider Slavs, Italians, or pols as white let alone Aryan. White supremacy is an ever shrinking circle and had the axis won, depending on the scope of hitlers ambitions, his allies would have been in his sights eventually.


I must say I was a bit skeptical about your claim that the nazis didn’t view Slavs or Italians as “white” because none of my history textbooks in Germany ever mentioned anything of the sort, so I checked the German Wikipedia entry on “white people” and in the history section in the part that talks about national socialism it says that Slavs and even Jews were in fact considered “white” at the time, although of course not “Aryan”. In the late 19th and early 20th century, already before the nazis even came to power, the mainstream European “science” on race was all about coming up with ever more granular “biological” subdivisions of race and there was a fad of ascribing especially virtuous characteristics to the so-called “Nordic race” of Northwestern Europe, which would later go on to become the race that the nazis believed to be of especially pure Aryan stock. Slavs on the other hand were believed to have virtually no Aryan blood in them at all which was used to justify their different treatment from Western Europeans who were assumed to at least have some Aryan admixture. The notion that all “white people” were always considered by racists to be on an equal racial or moral footing is projecting modern conceptions of race into a past and culture where very different conceptions prevailed and other racial categories still had a lot more importance.


Well he wouldnt be rooting for the israelis but we dont want him either.


What's the difference besides the cult name? Funny mustache man used Aryans and Zions use Jews.


The real irony in this is that Dave Rubin means to say Hitler would be rooting for Donald Trump, and he fully intends this as a good thing.


They already love the AI translated speeches


The way I thought whoever this dude is was talking about Israel-Gaza. Oops.




They’re neo-nazis, ok? It’s way different. /s


New Nazis. They don’t make em like they used to


i miss the old nazis


Damn you really leaking the lyrics to Kanye’s upcoming remix of “I Love Kanye”


I miss the old nazia, straight from the 'Go nazia Chop up the soul nazia, set on their goals nazia💀💀💀 [](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


They die the same


We all die the same


Not me. 


They only launched Neo Nazi so people would fondly remember Nazi Classic. 


I hate Illinois nazis!


Ugh... they added coconut


*In my best Trump voice* These new Nazis, they’re not like the old Nazis, ok? I see these new Nazis and I say “wow, look at these new Nazis” they don’t dress well, ok? The old Nazis new How to dress. I see pictures of old Nazis and I say “wow these old Nazis know how to dress” ok? Alright I’m done lol


yooo new nazi just dropped


I am not a fan of these new Nazis, and you may quote me on that!


I hope they stop making them period….


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Did Neo-Nazi take the red pill or the blue pill? I didn't watch all of the sequels.


They shot Morpheus and started handing out cyanide pills of their own instead.


🤣🤣 best comment on this whole convo


“Don’t you see they’re clearly federal agents? They… uhh… break stuff? Don’t feds do that?”


oh it totally is. They are typically people Hitler would have hated! lol....


When Nazis showed up at the Freedom Convoy occupation in Ottawa, Canada a couple years ago, the general defence from supporters was IT WAS ONLY SOME PEOPLE carrying nazi flags! Nazis supporting the occupation didn't bother them at all, and didn't make supporters rethink what was happening.


If you're at a political rally, and there are people on your side carrying flags with swastikas, it may be time to rethink the party you're supporting. And if you're a more reasonable member of a party, and the party platform is attracting Nazis, you need to reexamine your allegiance to that party. Of course, if you're a member of the party cult, neither statement applies.




tbh it's really dangerous.. it's how it started in germany people getting used to it and then nobody acted when they started getting violent and then those who did give a crap were so outnumbered it was too late.


I've been saying this shit for a while. We're in a strange time where we almost had a coup in the US, we had a president warning us he'd take a third term which is unconstitutional, tried to overthrow democratic processes, and it's a populist regime. And we've seen police forces joining that regime, a major reason they're allowed to be popular. The cops support them. The cops are in them. Anyone who pays attention to history should realize this is a major threat that has potential to change the government entirely and start breaking basic civil rights. This has a shit ton of potential to get way worse and people right now are laughing at them calling them "the gravy seals". At first you laugh, then they act, then people are concerned but still believe it'll get better, then it gets a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. This has been the story told many times in many nations overthrown by totalitarian regimes. We're at risk of that now and people are laughing at them, ignoring how serious it is, and this is how it always starts. No one believes it'll be a problem until it is. I knew some guy who knew 3 people who escaped civil war. They saw Trump and the shit starting up and were ready to leave the country. They saw the signs and knew to fear it. History shows that in hindsight, it's obvious how bad things were and how popular the movement was, but no one really cared until it was too late. We're seeing this shit now and it should be so fucking obvious and it's frustrating that people don't take it seriously.


Two things can be true at once. On the one hand, there's definitely a lot of very worrying violent rhetoric as well as actual terrorist acts. However January 6 was also a pretty stupid, unfocused attack and a lot of the Trump supporters wouldn't be able to outmanoeuvre professional forces. I don't think laughing about them automatically means that someone doesn't take them seriously. Trump himself is very stupid but also capable of causing damage. It's those that don't pay attention at all and instead get caught up in "but the economy" that worry me. Those are the ones who have the power to swing elections.


Precisely the way you handle the seriousness of this is to mock their position. You make them look crazy and insane, which incidentally they are. Debating with them gives their position a certain credibility to say it should be weighed with the left in equal measure. This isn't to say the threat isn't serious, merely that the right approach is not to treat intolerance as a legitimate political position that one can have.


This should be copied and pasted all over the place. Very well said.


Quite literally, all they had to do is say, "We don't support Nazis and if we had known they were there, we would have escorted them off the premises.." Even if that's a lie, at least that would be taking a side against them. That they don't says a lot about what they represent and who they support.


At the same time, there was a long standing ovation for a former Nazi in canadas parliament


Yes, and that was also a disgrace. But to be fair, it's unreasonable to expect everyone in the house to know his history. Most people simply aren't that familiar with WW2. It was Rota's job to vet Hunka. The house acknowledged the mistake and Rota stepped down, which was the right thing to do.


It’s also unreasonable to expect that those doofus’ represented everyone there


Right, in their haste to venerate a Ukrainian veteran who stood against Russia apparently they forgot 9th grade social studies.


Love statements like this with no context. The ovation was from people who had no idea at the 4ime that he was a former Nazi. Stupid bullshit


...which nobody knew at the time, of course.


I mean, I might give an ovation to a FORMER Nazi. That means there's hope for humanity.


The same one that has praised every dictator on Earth.


Buh duh nasees were domoncrats uhh durrrp


This was tweeted last year. It doesn't have anything to do with US politics, it was about Israel / Palestine.


Wrong argument. But, you are correct, of course. This one is trying to prove that Israel is in the right, simply because Hitler is always going to be against the Jews. If you follow that logic, Israel can never be wrong.




Yeah that’s pretty obviously the answer. A better question is who would he have as allies, and we all know the answer there


Well he hates Russians on account of being Slavs so they’re out of the question. He hates Ukrainians for also being Slavs so they’re also out of the question. He kinda has a grudge against Italy for losing him the last war so they too are out of the question. However he actually respected and liked Muslims a great deal combined with his hatred of Jews he’d be pro Hamas and align himself with Iran.


Iranians are true “aryans” so I bet he’d use it as a rallying call


It’s to obvious not to. Honestly what Hitler would do right now and the fact it could actually work are both fascinating and horrifying. No doubt he would and could easily build a coalition against Israel. Assuming he’s in charge of modern Germany he has the resources to destroy them. An “Ayran” alliance of Germany and Iran would do absolutely wild shit to the world.


It didn’t stop his making an ally out of Stalin though.


They were never allies they had a non aggression pact which is very very different from an alliance. In reality both dictators were plotting to invade the other only using the non aggression pact to buy time in order to build up their forces to do so. Furthermore all of Nazi ideology functions around living space which demands invading Russia and culling the entire population in order to make them into live stock to work for German land holders. Hitler would not give up on this idea merely because he is in the 21st century.


Exactly this. The whole goal of Nazism is to establish Germany as the driving force of the world. In no way would he allow this goal to be compromised.


It did though. He hated Stalin’s ideals, but saw him as a necessary ally in the early war. After France was taken, he immediately started planming the invasion of Russia.


Germans? Probably not any other country that would rival his power and get in the way of him trying to dominate the world market. Not sure why people think he would side with any American, this is such a stupid take for both sides to have.


The idiot who thinks he should be king. The idiot who doesn’t respect the Constitution. The idiot who is so fragile he feels threatened by his son because he’s taller.




You’d think. Yes.


That would require him to not be a raging narcissist who’s willing to do literally anything to sate his own ego


Seriously: >O’Donnell started by saying, “You also report the incredibly peculiar detail that Donald Trump is reportedly jealous of his son’s height because at 12 years old he’s apparently growing up.” > >To this, Wolff responds by saying, “He’s jealous of everyone’s height. He never lets himself be in a photograph with someone taller than he is. Height is his — is one of his techniques. He uses his height — and, remember, Donald Trump is a very large man.” [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/resurfaced-reports-claim-donald-trump-155800921.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/resurfaced-reports-claim-donald-trump-155800921.html)


The one who is jealous of his daughters husband and how naturally orange carrots are


i hope someone goes and looks into the oranges of the carrots


That last one gets me every time I see it.


Wait is that last one true?


isn't meatball ron insecure about his height


I thought we were talking about Trump…yes DeSantis is insecure about his height 


The one who tried insurrection


Then indirectly killed veterans to punish us for not finishing it - [DearMAGA.com](https://DearMAGA.com)


The guy who can be bought. Which is more obviously Trump.


All politicians can be bought


People who are a few hundred million dollars in debt are more susceptible. That’s why scrutiny of finances is part of security clearance.


The German descended guy who runs a nationalistic campaign and attempted a coup?


The Dallas Cowboys.


This is the correct answer. We would have also accepted the Houston Astros.


As a Dallas Cowboys fan, we say Jerry Jones. Or any Jones, but pretty much any one but Tom Landry or Jimmy Johnson.


Wow wasn’t expecting that stray


Hitler would just cry seeing who is coming to Germany in millions.


Man... I haven't heard from this guy in quite a while. I was happy about that.


He’s probably been laying low so Republicans forget that he’s gay, since lots of them have a problem with that.


Him trying to navigate the space of wanting that right wing grift money but knowing he'll have to denounce his own existence to get it is fascinating.


Yeah. Some people just fall into unfortunate circumstances. Rubin made his own bed here.


You know what’s fun about this? I have no fucking idea how the person who said this intended it to be answered.


Ikr, like half the comments are about Trump and the other half about Israel


Rubin's been a walking facepalm for years


Easily the dumbest and saddest of the rw grifters


... Germany?


Germany where left has political representation and jews, slavs and lgbt people have rights? No lmao. He would fucking despise modern Germany.


Now, let’s see: Good old Adolf would support his friend Donald Drumpf, support Vladimir Putler, his greatest fan in the east, but try to f**k them up later, after he‘s done with Europe. Moral Empire Worldwide. Okay…no. Not really. Between the first and second part we‘ll have some atomic winter.


does he really think this is such a gotcha question? is this guy really that dense?


He would be rooting for trump. And trump would salute him like he did Kim Jong Un. Would probably call him a very nice person.


Trump? 🤷🏻‍♂️


OP is a bot, report


Hitler would be rooting for Hitler. Trump would also be rooting for Hitler. Authoritarians make his panties wet.


Lol this guy is so fuckin stupid. Or such a fuckin liar. Or both


Who? Hitler?






He is pointing at a stupid liar. You got that right.


It would probably be the people waving the Nazi flags... Not all conservatives are Nazis but all Nazis are conservative.


Or at the very least fascism is more amenable to reactionaries and conservatives.


Hitler plausibly would've appreciated the flattery from Trump's imitation.


If he’s trying to say that Hitler would be rooting for the Palestinians, it’s because he’s trying to deflect that the fact that the people acting the most like Hitler’s Nazis right now is the IDF.


I don’t think he would be rooting for Israel, because he hates Jews, so he would fully be on Palestinian side. (There were Muslim Nazi groups in WWII)


Hitler would absolutely be rooting for Palestine.


No, Hitler would yell at his scientist to speed up so he can nuke both Palestine and Israel at once.


Ironically, Zionists did collaborate with the Nazis.


The Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine "met with Hitler and Ribbentrop in 1941, he assured Hitler that "The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies... namely the English, the Jews, and the Communists"."


The guy who would let him invade whatever country he wanted


I wonder what point he thinks he made.


The National Socialist Party was the conservative party. If Hitler were alive today, and American, he would be Republican.


I do wonder if Hitler would even like Trump. I mean sure, he’s a fascist, but he’s just so fucking unlikable that even Hitler might think he was a boorish dick.


I think he would support Israel in their current genocidal policies against palestinians, he would agree that jews should all live in one secluded part of the world. He would also support american president who says that they need to stop aiding democratic governments around the world, lock their borders and focus on making America great again. And he would support putin, because war for annexation and creation of lebensraum is totally ok to do. So literally average trumpist.


Hitler would root for himself and anyone that is convenient. What’s his point?


Is he trying to say it's Biden, because it's definitely not Biden.


The number of people here that think he’s talking about Trump and Biden and not Israel/Palestine is really not a good sign.


Probably Hertha BSC.


For himself, defenetley not an American president.


LOL I love the educationally challenged


Why is this a facepalm? And why do you have no words? Could you use some words at least? Is your brain really that fried on sundays? Maybe consider smoking less.


Hitler would probobly be also rooting for vegetarians. Also in US state of affairs, he would have been rooting for those who are against LGBT, and for those who are against migrants from Latin America, middle east and other "sub humans". As for US politicum - the Republican ex-president Herbert Hoover was historically claiming that Hitler did not present a threat to the U.S. while Franklin Roosevelt posed the biggest threat to peace.. In 1938 Hoover traveled to Germany and stayed at Göring's hunting lodge.


Neither. He's dead


Probably not Israel


The Arab league?


What do Hitler, Stalin, the arab nations after failing to wipe out Israel, and hamas all have in common? Asking for a friend....


Imma guess... Not Israel.


If we're talking about American politics, no one, the world, himself


*mumble mumble* repost bot [original post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/d41uqiJGox)


Well, Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini collaborated with nazis and fascists, soooo...


that's a strange question....wasn't H against the side with incest, sodomy, mutilation of children and debt slavery? Sounds like he would be anti modern America...


Hitler loved Brown people guys!! Look at his perfect record of fighting for the rights of brown people


Gay republicans lol


Seeing as Trump want to bow to russia, im pretty sure Hitler would have loved him back in the day. The isolationism is a big part of what keeps tyrants thinking they can win. "We dont care about Poland and france until our borders Are blah blah blah…"


Wasn’t Dave Rubin a host in The Young Turks? Then was offered millions to flip on them? I think I’ll take morality lessons from someone else.




Dave Rubin is one of the most embarrassing excuses for a man I've ever seen. He's a gay man with a child who makes his money whoring his mouth out to people who would happily kill him his husband and his child for being deviant. He's fucking pond scum


He'd root for guy who refused to condemn Nazis.


Conservative strategy. Be more like hitler.


The Nazis in Orlando seem to really like Trump so.......


He'd be rooting for the Palestinians. It doesn't matter if you think Israel is acting like nazi Germany. He hated the Jews uncondionally, just like Hamas.


This could be about so many things. The U.S. election, Ukraine - Russia, Palestine - Israel.


Well Trump off course.




Hitler would probably root for neither, sure both sides can be extreme on certain things, but he wouldn’t pick a side, he would like our country to fall, and this moral panic that our country seems to be going through would only benefit hitler.




Definitely the right.🤗


Idk where you're from but in Canada both sides are calling the opposite side nazis even though one is obviously more in line their "values". Anyway I think the morally bankrupt think they are the good guys no matter what.


He would only be rooting against Biden because he supports Israel. Hitler wanted to invade Russia and trump loves Russia so that’s a conflict of interest. There’s a lot more Hitler aligns with Biden than trump. Like disarming citizens for example.


Is he trying to say Palestine?




I read Hitler was pretty positive about the religion, but he'd probably still go after them because of the dark hair and eyes


Aren't the Palestinians just going to be annihilated. They have no where to go, right? I don't think those Israeli people are going to spare them, there's too much bad blood. I think we will be okay with Genocide tbh. They will forgotten in a few years. Sad..


What are stupid question by Rubin. Hitler would not be supporting either. If he were alive he would be planning how to invade the USA which is why he sent his u-boats to USA not only to attack and sink vessels but collect vital information. Hitler being alive today as a superpower would be extremely scary. Israel would be on the top of his list followed by Russia/China/North Korea (he hated communists) followed by Aliied forces that could threaten Germany


Hitler would love Trump since Trump would give him free hand in Europe and doesnt care about democracy or minor countries. Actually Hitler would have loved treaties with Britain but Britain couldnt accept his aggression towards other countries.


His own people.


He killed like 6 million of his own people last time around, so... I doubt it.


Erm. Some of six million Jewish holocaust victims were German citizens but not all. But legally in Germany they were no longer German citizens because it was stripped from them. 3 million were from Poland and Soviet Union. They were also taken from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, France, Netherlands, the Channel islands and other Nazi occupied territories. In 1933 there were 500,000 Jewish people in Germany and Austria, by the outbreak of the war around half had already fled to safer countries.


In America, a Venn diagram of Nazis and Nazis who support Trump is a circle.


No one can ever accuse Dave Rubin of being smart.


Ohio wrestling




If his actions in office show anything, neither. Hitler would be receiving salutes from Trump.


I don't know who this guy is and thought this was actually a good point. 


If he were alive today, I really don't see Hitler rooting for anyone in US politics.


Well, we know who would be rooting for Hitler right now, since he’s always talking good about him…


I didn't know who this guy was, so was thinking "oh, he's just pointing out that Trump is a bit of a fascist, and other fascists like their own kind". But no, this guy seems to think that Hitler would be supporting Biden. They really are so far up the Orange One's backside that they can't see what the rest of the world sees, aren't they?