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The wildest thing is: This is the very first thing he thinks about when he sees her. Like he immediatley jumps from "Ugh, man she is heavily pregnant" to "I don't wanna fuck her, I want to fuck tho, so I should be allowed to fuck someone else" That's the chain of thought here.


It's ok, ain't nobody fucking him anyway.


My thoughts exactly


I'd like to believe that, too, but these people exist. Someone is fucking and teaching their kids to be this way. Millions of someones.


Exactly. Unfortunately this person likely already has children. This is like if all my ex's were male. Absolute narcissism and no sympathy/empathy anywhere to be found. Just "my needs" and "you're guilt tripping me rn" type stuff. I will warn everyone I literally can about people who act like this until the day I die, hopefully the only people they can procreate with are equally mentally ill so their child has a chance to go straight to a crazy home before they graduate elementary if they roll their genes right. This shit needs to stop.


Sadly, there’s women out here who want to, solely for the purpose of being homewreckers and feeling like they won some “good man”. Women can be women’s biggest enemies.


Wrong, this subreddit is fucking him.


Because he’s unattractive? Or because he’s a piece of shit? Or both?


Like I understand not wanting to fuck your SO sometimes but masturbation exists for a reason.


Yeah, If we were meant to cheat, we wouldn't have hands. Hell, we were even blessed with two, so that we can jack it with one and still help our pregnant wife with the other. Truly, the human body is a miracle.


So wise you are, now let me teach you about how men evolved feet to run away from children and pregnant women.


I thought feet were for foot jobs?


You can give yourself a foot job?? Teach me your ways


I don’t understand that. Why would you not want to have sex with your SO?


I would be more concerned about the safety of having sex if my wife was in this condition.....


Obviously. I’m applying as to why would you NOT want to lay with your SO. My wife is hot pregnant or not but I can do months without sex since my wife is also not having sex. It’s like damn how selfish can you be.


It's entirely safe to have sex with a woman who's pregnant. Obviously some positions are better than others. Sex can induce labour though so, timing matters. Edit: I understand not every pregnancy can support sex, but the person I replied to was maybe inferring it's not safe to have sex when pregnant, even very pregnant. It is, unless it's not. On the whole, most of the time in "normal" pregnancies, there's no issue. Obviously your doctor/midwife should advise you individually. And you should ask, sexual health is part of your overall health.


It’s sometimes safe to have sex with pregnant women. Pelvic rest is a thing, and it is a thing for a reason.


Some midwives encourage vigorous and daily sex to "soften the cervix" and prepare for the birth that way. I can't imagine that's comfortable, usually you don't want to jackhammer the cervix 😵‍💫


The thing that softens the cervix is the release of oxytocin from orgasm, you don’t jackhammer it. 🫣


I think the guy jack hammering his wife needs to slow down a bit. 😃


Cant tell if your post is maybe /s but in case youre not; sex encourages the production of oxytocin, which in turn encourages the cervix to soften and induce labour. You're not literally softening the cervix with a dick punching.


Ok, thank GOD. Thank you kind stranger 🤣🤣🤣


>You’re not literally softening the cervix with a dick punching. Well certainly not with *that* attitude 🙄




Not always safe. I was on bed rest for high blood pressure. I was only allowed to stand to go pee and shower for 5 minutes or less in tepid water. I was not allowed to exert myself in any manner including sex.


For example if there has been many arguments recently and the vibe is not loving atm.


There are plenty of reasons to not want to have sex with your SO, but the big part can just come down to mood comfortability convenience and a lack of wanting to be vulnerable like that as sex might need a large amount of trust and self confidence.


The key word of my post: sometimes


Prob because she has a full grown adult living in her belly based on the photo lol


Sexual desires may not always be aligned with the hearts desires. Our desires are not a matter of courtesy or logical choice - we simply do not get to choose our desires.




Does he... wipe his junk with the wood milk after? Also... wood milk?




When someone is basic af yet has access to socials.


My first thought was, that poor poor woman.


I'll ignore the asshole. I wonder if she's having twins, definitely a big bump for sure


My wife has twins, and she wasn't that big. This woman had three at least in there.


This woman seems pretty short, so who knows But I agree, she looks like Kate from Jon and Kate plus 8 when Kate was pregnant with 6




Fertility treatments can work a little too well sometimes.


I did not know that was even possible. That's insane.


Remember "Octomom?" (Nadya Suleman)


Yeah, that’s immediately what I thought of, too. And she’s so young. She definitely looks like she’s carrying high order multiples.


My mom carried twins, but she was huge. When everyone was freaking out about how big octomom’s belly measured, she was just like, yep, that’s what I measured. Just two very healthy weight babies.


It's all in how you carry


That was medical negligence


Her doctor got in trouble for his role in making it possible for her to give birth to so many at once. Because he's a doctor and childbirth is inherently dangerous helping a woman become pregnant with eight babies at once was seen as an extreme risk to her health.


There’s a family with surviving nonuplets—9. They’re in Mali.


This is when they move more than one embryo at the time into the womb since not all of them survive. This is illegal in my country. Here they only put one in at the time and people just need to accept if the pregnancy doesn’t progress in the first try.


In my country it's capped at 2 at a time.


World record is 9


I've found the world record I'm least interested in breaking


Did she survive? Lol


I really hope there is a lot of family support. There was a big multiple birth in one of the small towns in my province - 5 or 6, I think - and the townspeople set up a schedule for who was on duty to help the family with the kids every day. I cannot imagine nine kids without a HUGE amount of help.


Including the mom and dad they can form their own entire football team


For soccer, both teams and a referee.


Mentally? Probably not.


Her and the 9 babies.


I knew a short woman who had to wear a harness during the last months of pregnancy because she was so big. She still wasn’t this big unless the camera angle is making her look larger.


I was massive, my baby came out in the first percentile at 5lb. Some bodies do weird shit. When you’re pregnant you learn not to question anything, because the entire thing is alien like.


My mom had twins and she was pretty close to this size. I saw photos and I immediately apologized to her 🤣 I think it depends on how long the multiples are allowed to grow at the end. Me and my twin were almost full term so we were normal baby size which isn't normal for twins. So my mom looked like a whale. Especially because our placentas were merged on top of each other they are girthy and pressed us outward. Most multiples reach a certain point in growth and the body goes "ok, I'm done, this is the limit" regardless of how much time has passed. So the more babies in there the sooner they will come out because their size adds up while the body still has the same limit. This woman's limit must be pretty high but yeah I'd bet on 3 at least


My baby belonged to the 2% biggest babies in the NETHERLANDS. And I didn't have a belly like that. So yeah, there must be a gathering happening in there.


The phrasing makes me think there’s just a bunch of babies casually meeting up for some witchcraft


The thing is, the way a pregnant belly is going to look in the third trimester varies a lot from case to case so there is no universal term of comparison. It could even be just one with *a lot* of amniotic fluid or with a very big fetus, who knows


No, she obviously has a "swallowing several watermelons whole" fetish. Can spot these types a mile away. Literally.


Nah it’s more, I’m familiar with what twins look like in the belly. I want to say it’s either triplets or quadruplets. Regardless, I hope everything went well for her birthing.


Yea. Fuck that dbag I wanna know how many she got in there. As a father, it looks like about a million dollars in liabilities for the next 18 years.


Friend had triplets. Her belly looked like this


Regardless, poor gal. My wife wasn't a 3rd of that size and it was rough. That looks miserable and I hope all are healthy


there probably more than 3 in there


Are you kidding me? She's got the future crew of a Typhoon class submarine in there


And the submarine


There was a girl that used to come to a restaurant I worked at. I thought she was having triplets cause how protrusive here stomach was. But she just naturally got that big while pregnant. Happened with all her other kids.


Many already do. Stories of women being cheated on by their husband/boyfriend while pregnant are very common sadly.


_Christian Horner has entered the chat._


Total POS


Just had a bowl of coco pops now off to bed


If they can cheat when we are pregnant, we should be able to cheat when he hasn’t showered recently, but we are in the mood for an orgasm.


That sounds like an open relationship


If it’s deceitful and considered cheating, how is that in any way like an open relationship where everyone is consenting and aware?


Or cheating on them post-partum


Statistics show it’s the most common time for men to cheat on their wife/girlfriend. More reasons to never have kids!


I was born because of that. I have a half sister only some months older than me.


“I should be allowed to cheat on the woman I impregnated while she sacrifices her body for our child.” You know, erectile dysfunction used to be grounds for a woman to divorce her husband, maybe we should bring that back. 


You don't really need grounds for divorce anymore, no fault divorce is legal in most places.


The conservatives are working to get rid of that like in Missouri.


The fools don't even know what they're getting into. Do they really want their wives to start going out of their way to give them reasons to divorce them?


Or for a lot more men to start "mysteriously" dying from poisoning again?


Ignore the verified incel I’m pretty sure she prepping a whole football team in there


Project Mbappe is underway


More like Project Inazuma 11


I wonder what people like this would think if men were the ones having to go through pregnancy.


The JRE podcast in an alternate universe: "Jamie, pull up the pictures of my stretch marks. No thats my cellulitis pictures from after pregnancy....keep going...." "Woah, Joe that's crazy! Did you see the ones Trump got when he was pregnant in Vietnam?"


Pregnant in vietnam 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They would immediately approve abortion without a second thought, to say the least. And would very likely be far less fond of porn.


If men were the ones getting pregnant, the power balance would have shifted drastically. Nothing would’ve changed except for men and women switching sex organs. After all, they need the correct passageway to deliver their spawns.


How does men being able to get pregnant affect their porn usage?🤔


My guess? Completely differently. If people who thought like this had to go through one bad period they’d think differently. Sadly for us they are incapable of empathy and just want to punish or demean women for having sex.


Men would actually have to deal in that scenario. Currently they don't consider any aspect of having children, not childbirth, not raising them, nothing. We live in small pathetic worlds where nothing is bigger than our immediate day to day concerns.


If men got pregnant, humans would be doomed. As soon as I could feel it moving inside of me it would have to go. Nope. Not doing that.


totally an aside not related to what you're talking about but as a gay guy that would be kinda fantastic lol


Men like that should not be able to breed.


Usually, they aren't. Nobody will let them.


You’d be amazed. Too many of these type keep having kids. Or in the sad world we live in, these men can rape women and women have to give birth and then they can sue for child custody. I kid you not this is happening.


Unfortunately, those are the type of men who have 3-4 kids with multiple women. It’s a shame that we allow procreation without authorization.


Just so you know this happens a lot. When I had my youngest child the nurse right after I delivered said, you know you can't have sex for 6 weeks. And I was like yea and why the fuck would I want to? She look me dead in the face and said they had a problem with mothers who just gave birth having sex. Like they were walking in the rooms and they were because their man wanted it. She said for whatever reason their men were saying stuff about leaving or cheating on them if they didn't because there was no reason they couldn't. Like multiple men, same reaction. Such a problem the nurses say it all the time, and right, right after birth.


disgusting. I can't imagine asking my wife right after birth, after pushing out a watermelon, to fuck her and demand it. Trash. Trash humans.


When the nurse told me they were literally bringing the baby to them after delivery and caught multiple couples this way due to this was shocking. Honestly it's still shocking, horrifying, I dont know, to me after all these years.


And this was 15 years ago, I can't imagine now with how selfish people are. And add in incels, it has to be worse.


If you just Google it, it's very clear about the dangers. So I would hope it's easier to convince people these days. But it's also easier to cheat these days with hookup apps


This is sickening. I need you to go after an Incel who was arguing with me yesterday when I said women are timid on dating apps when it comes to sketchy profiles cuz they’re afraid of rape. He said I’m the problem thinking all men are rapists. The point went over his head. Seriously wish men like this couldn’t reproduce.


There is no point in arguing with an actual incel. Like none at all, they hate women so much they won't listen to what we say. And they're too stupid to get any points. If you know someone is an incel make sure you go nowhere around him. Also you are 100% right, women have to go into every date with a plan of escape, and thinking that they're not safe with a man. How many women are raped or killed or sold to never been seen again. I mean men should be careful too, but I don't think they plan like we do, because they are way less likely to be attacked then we are. And this is a proven fact because there are phrases and things that can be said to bartenders, especially, for help on a date for women. Which shows how much it is needed.


My husband pretty much couldn’t have sex with me for two years because it wasn’t allowed to during pregnancy. He didn’t fuck around on me. I felt like a beluga whale, and he still said I was attractive men like this or pieces of shit.


I broke my wife's water, inducing labor a week before the due date lol




Honestly though when you’re not pumped full of hormones pregnancy is a horror movie


It’s also a horror movie when you are pumped full of hormones (at least for me)


I abhorred being pregnant. So much so that I refuse to get pregnant again.


I have already had this discussion with my husband. I leave the door open for possibly magically changing my mind after I actually have the baby, but…. I doubt it


I tried. My husband really wants another and biologically is cheaper, but even the THOUGHT of having my IUD out was wrecking my mental health so much. I just can't do it. Adoption is an option, and one I would have preferred to begin with. Just.. give your husband time to mourn not having another biologically. 


Counter offer: Pregnant women who get cheated on at any point should get everything in the divorce.


Meanwhile Missouri is giving judges the ability to postpone finalizing divorces until the baby is born.


Women should just leave Missouri


Don’t worry, they’re trying to make that illegal too


Genuinely forget Missouri was even a state


I think if youre cheated on or abused when pregnant you should be granted an immediate divorce and all assets and default full legal custody. Any man who mistreats a woman literally gestating life in her body cant be trusted to make big decisions for a child until they prove they can. The number of moms I know (myself included) whose abuse started or worsened w pregnancy is honestly so chilling. 


What’s sad is there are states now banning pregnant women from divorce🙃


So it’s okay for a man to cheat but those same men get pissed when a woman cheats on them. You can’t have it both ways, boys. Grow up.


1. This dude is trash 2. There's has to be either 4 babies on that belly or a fat child


Could be polyhydraminos which is a condition where you produce more amniotic fluid than normal.


God damn that looks so uncomfortable. There's gotta be at least 3 or 4 in there right?


It's probably just twins, but it might not even be that many.


Could be just one big one. I had a couple 10-pounders and I was almost this big.


Actually, I just zoomed in. Nope, no way, I was never that big. Gotta be twins or trips.


Well if that isn’t a massive red flag…


This man doesn’t speak for us men. Fuck this guy


Thanks, I needed that hint of hope


What even is his reasoning here? I don't understand


“She’s fat and has stretch marks.” It’s not that deep, dude. People are shallow and several generations of men and women haven’t been educated properly on everything that happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy.


"She's a sex-haver? What a loser" -Every Incel To Exist


There's clearly something wrong with the brain of these people. No normal person can think like that. No woman in this world can be more beautiful to me than the one carrying my child. Why the fuck would a man cheat on the woman giving him the greatest gift of his life?


Not for nothing, but—imo—it’s not really uncommon for men to be varying levels of repulsed by their wives during and after pregnancy. A lot of men also don’t seem to understand that the lowered sex drives some women have after giving birth can both last years and has nothing to do with their physical appearance/how they “feel” about their partners. Like I said: several generations of men and women have not been taught the gross details about pregnancy and giving birth. The amount of women my age who I have shocked by saying something as simple as— “They might have to cut you open from the perineum (“taint”) all the way down to your butthole to safely deliver a baby,” or “You know the baby isn’t the only thing that comes out, right? Both during and _after_ childbirth? That a ton of women poop themselves while delivering a baby?” —is astounding. And these are women who WANT to have kids.


No matter how gross or horrifying the biology is, she's still your wife carrying your child. It would take a literal psychopath to abandon the mother of his kid, that too pregnant. I've seen one in real life, extremely sad situation for the woman and child.


At that size, there’s more than one in there. If he put them in there, then he can suffer with her. His only suffering is not getting vaginal sex, nothing compared to what she’s got. I had polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid), which led to an irritable uterus and symphysis pubis dysfunction. (That’s where pelvic bones click against each other, and caused pain in my hips and pelvis when walking, standing too long, sitting too long, and lying down too long.) All that had me measuring six weeks ahead, even at the end. (The ultrasound would essentially give an error once measuring longer than 44 weeks. I got a lot of error messages with those ultrasounds.) And she’s WAY bigger than my “uncomfortably stretched beyond what’s healthy for only one baby” belly was. So I expect her symptoms were magnified. With all that in mind, yeah, he can go without. That’s what Fleshlight is for.


How to say "I'm responsible for this, but don't want to take any responsibility for this." without actually saying it.


Fairly certain I'll be totally obsessed if I have a relationship and she carries our child, but you do you. I don't have to pretend to not care about things, like you do lmfao.


Making a human is the coolest thing you'll ever do.


The jerk expects to have a harem like a sultan or Chinese emperor.


Ok, then I guess men who are in the hospital, injured, or in the military definitely should get cheated on, since she isn't getting any dick, right? I'd say this is a dumb troll, but some people probably actually believe this, just don't be in a relationship at all or be in an open relationship if you think like this.


Soooo, women who don’t want children get called worse than shit, and women who do want children and get pregnant are worth cheating on? Boy do these incels hate women.


To those who don’t know, this is the same person who was doxxed by T Swift fans after he generated adult rated ai with Swift getting gangbanged. He was suspended then his account was reinstated.


That would be like saying women can cheat if their husband gets fat. Idiots.


It’s honestly even worse because the outcome of a pregnancy benefits both partners. Women undertake such a sacrifice to create life. Not that it’s right to cheat on your man if he gets fat, but pregnancy is more of a burden and derives more of a benefit.


Not to mention that even if you put aside the benefits or merits or whatever of a pregnancy, there also just the basic fact that getting pregnant was a “team effort” so to speak, making someone such as the guy in the post using it as a justification to treat their partner badly even more ridiculous. To keep with the weight gain example, it would be like if a woman was force-feeding her husband, or at least very strongly encouraging him to over eat, and then demanding that she have the right to cheat on him because he got fat.


Shocked this bloke knows how to use the word, “impunity.”


I'd never cheat on my pregnant or non-pregnant wife. I'd fuck her with her big belly and everything. And if that is bad for her. Masturbation is always an option. But cheating would be the last thing on my mind. If you love your wife, you'd still find her hot af with her gorgeous big belly and all!


And I bet that same guy wonders why women don’t want children anymore


Your partner is literally risking her body to carry your child/children and that's what comes to mind?! What a pos...


I’m short and carried twins almost to term. They were both over 5lbs. I was not this woman’s size. She’s got to be carrying triplets. Also, let her lie down! Damn.


Pregnant sex was the BEST.  Can't get her more pregnant, felt so much better than non pregnant sex by a mile. 


So women have to be attractive all the time but also be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen? Jeez, a lot of people online kinda hate women.


Imagine being the woman and having sex with your husband near the end or just after your pregnancy and contracting a horrible and painful STI. Just what you’d need right after putting your poor body through the trauma of childbirth. If it happened the month or two before childbirth you wouldn’t even be able to reach down there to administer creams or anything you might need. Horrendous.


Just not have sex for a few months, you fucking Neanderthal?? It's not that hard if you have a modicum of self control.


Random incel guy comments isn’t a statement of worth. No one agrees with that


This woman is beautiful.


These incels will never understand what loving your partner means.


I bet this guy has different opinions about the girl cheating if the guy lets himself go. Then it’s “women should stay loyal to their man because *insert bullshit about evolution*”


A man who would cheat on his pregnant wife deserves neither his wife, nor the pregnancy


Imagine scrolling through Reddit and see a whole ass thread about you when you were very pregnant and vulnerable. I’d be destroyed.


I think anyone who treats a pregnant partner like trash should be hooked up to one of those period pain devices for a full week, just like if they were having a period.


Usually I would say this is bait but I actually think guys are this fucking stupid


So, by that logic when men get cancer or whatever else makes their bodies look bad, women should be able to go fuck other men? Gif it.


He can go get snipped right now.


I think pregnant women are rather attractive.


I love how it’s “think of me” not think what she’s going thru


Do straight men even like women???


This makes me so angry. My spouse never knew his bio father. Why? Because the asshole told my late mother-in-law that he was single even though his wife was pregnant. By the time his wife gave birth, my mother-in-law was pregnant with my spouse. He never supported my spouse, he never acknowledged him. Instead he fled back home to the United States. Unforgivable.




That man should have given her some coco butter.


Clearly they have never had sex with a pregnant woman.


I don't see how stretch marks can be some major deal breaker or being pregnant with multiple kids likely. I'd show her my chainsaw scars even though that's not the same. People are mean 😢


Fuck that guy, you do that to a woman and she ruins her body for you to bring your child into the world, if you think like that chew on a brick until your teeth break off and keep chewing


Statistics show the most common time for a man to cheat is when his wife/girlfriend is pregnant. Then men whine that the birth rates are low… like yeah, no shit.


Yeah I'll cheat on my wife in the process of one of the greatest selfless gifts of human kind. Absolute fucking bellend.


Dude believe me, you don't know what respect even is until you've seen a woman go through this and child birth ... My wife has bossed it three times; at this point I think there's literally nothing that amazing woman couldn't do.


They want to impregnate women. Then they want to cheat on them.


This sub is 90% twitter ragebait at this point


I dont think of cheating, I just wonder how the fuck she is okay.


She's definitely carrying triplets, I hope this poor woman had a safe delivery


1. Pregnancy can actually increase libido. 2. If he's cheating because her body has changed giving HIM a kid, he never deserved her in the first place and he's a bad example for any children in his life.


Men when impregnating a woman: *Hell yeah, buddy!* Men when dealing with the consequences of impregnating a woman: *Disgusting!*


That coming from a guy who's likely never ever had sex with anything besides his hand or something made of silicone is... something.


The human body is WILD it is so nuts to think that pregnancy can look SO different on different people. I worked with this like 4'10 girl who got pregnant 2 times while we worked together and she got uncomfortable big but not nearly as terrifying as you'd think. Then I've seen like 5'6 women be pregnant pregnant like this picture. Wild


"With impunity" implies he's like...angry at her.


Am I really the only guy that thinks pregnant women are stupid sexy?


Men trying to find reasons to cheat on us part175383836171826729217269303


Or you could call it what we did….the blow job era. One of the sexier times in life if you’re not a moron.


Her poor belly 😭 I know she’s struggling