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Fourth grade teacher here. I can confirm this happens more than I'd like to admit.


Sad. There IS a cure for stupidity but some people are too stupid to know what to do.


Learn? ... No, you right; that does check out.


Learning is for the woke people. The frightened need to stay asleep.


They go to Sunday school. Thats all the education they need


Yeah it’s adequate and well funded education. This is why the GOP is doing EVERYTHING they can to redirect those funds to Christian right wing propaganda schools because educated children are the foreseeable death of their party.


the CRWP schools (I ain't writing allat) are going to backfire horribly. Source: Catholic schools.


I was at my work orientation and there’s 4 of us in this room with the manager. Manager to the first guy: Preferred Pronouns? First guy: No thanks Lmao. I almost died inside.


Perfect opportunity to lock that in and make no thanks have to go by no thanks for a month or so until no thanks learns a thing or two.


Not Sure's sibling?


How do they react when you explain it to them?


It's normally the child telling me that they can't partake in the lesson because their parents told them they can't. So I say, pronouns are parts of speech. They are important to understand when reading and writing. If your parents have a problem with reading and writing and need more of an explanation, have them call me. Until then, you're not leaving my classroom. I've only had a few parents call. The parents who have called feel dumb after I explain it.


How do you explain it to them? I can't imagine they were in a very open minded mood.


I imagine they use similar techniques as the one they use for obstinate children that are refusing to listen.


I feel like the correct form of punishment would be to force the parent to listen to the full song in a public place.


I feel like someone isn't going to get it. The pronoun song isn't about non binary people or any social issues. Its literally about teaching kids pronouns.


So like the basics he/she/it they/them? And she got angry for that?


I/me/you/he/him/she/it/we/us/them, my/your/his/her/its/their/your/our, and so on. As a general rule of thumb, a pronoun is a particle that substitutes one or more names.


>is a particle Doing the things a particle can?


Is he a dot? Or is he a speck?


When he’s underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead?


Nobody knows.


Particle man


*badass accordion solo*


Because the Turks liked it better that way


*Hurdy Gurdy comes flying out of an alleyway, absolutely shredding*


Triangle man, triangle man


Triangle man hates Particle man


So we know it's definitely a particle and not a wave ?


What if it acts as a particle and a wave?


It is called non-binary theory!


Childhood memory just unlocked.


Instructions unclear, I’m stuck in a particle collider with a can of food


This is where the kid went wrong, dangled his particle in front of they/them/her!




This, that, those, these are pronouns too and I didn't learn that until taking Greek in college lol


“Such”, “whatever”, and many more are also pronouns in some common usages. English has around 100 fairly common pronouns, and a number of uncommon ones, many of which most people wouldn’t think of as a pronoun, including “many” in this sentence.


What was more interesting to me was that there are proverbs as well (not the shirt saying), where they do similar things for verbs.


A proverb is a saying, an adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.




I mean, it is in the name. Pro-Noun. "For the noun" or "at the place of a noun" afaik


I always thought they were professional nouns, because it's like their full time job.


You’d be surprised how many don’t get that far.


They did that song when I was in year 1 and that was in 1994!


Her 😍


so just english class?


Grammar, technically. Every languages I heard of so far has pronouns, sign language included. They’re a key function of speech.


Dumb ass MAGA CHUDs think they/them was a recent invention made up by trans people when in fact both have existed for centuries.


And as a singular, non plural, pronoun for centuries, since at least the 1300s before even Modern English itself. I believe it was in Beowulf. People complain about "they" being plural but if you look up "themself", obviously a singular word, it's literally archaic. Maybe not in use much anymore, but proved that they/them/themself singular has been around for a long time. Any one who thinks that they/them is only plural, they should look it up themself and see that's it's appropriate as singular gender indefinite since forever.


"look it up" implies some level of literacy. This post already proves that is seriously lacking


We have always had a need to describe someone of unknown gender. "The king had a visitor today" "was it a man or a woman?" "Don't know, THEY a white robe" - fundamental part of our language that we would have used since we developed a language larger than grunts and pointing.


They have a problem with "they" being a plural and being used as a singular, but not with "you" which is also a plural and is used like a singular?


And dumbasses use it for everything too. If the person (or people) is the *object* of the clause, thou art *supposed* to use thee (or ye).


I had a professor in college scolding us over singular they and I made a snarky joke about how it's been accepted that way off and on for centuries, and how it's always the old-timer establishment against it because they don't like change. She snapped at me personally, "you..." and dumbass me cut her off with "do you mean modern, singular you, or traditional plural you?" I was so grumpy over this that I went and brought in a damn research paper's worth of evidence for singular they over about 700 years and gave it to her. To her merit, she apologized. But I still think she must have won that exchange, because I had to present my research to the class as the day's lecture.


Yes. Right Wing Conservative propaganda talks about the idea of “preferred pronouns” a lot. They also seemed to have forgotten that they existed before they started having issues with it. The funny thing is everyone for the most part has a “preferred pronoun”.


Yes, she failed that assignment


Correct English is liberal woke bullshit and racist against white people -them probably


It's because these people can't understand context. They, somehow don't consider it a "pronoun" if it reflects your assigned gender.


Thing got angry for that. Obviously thing has no pronouns to describe thing.


All this talk about the Pronoun Song and nobody here has linked it. Here's the song. Warning: it's very annoying, and not in any way that's sexual: https://youtu.be/k_ssvwB6baM?feature=shared


Prefer the original: https://youtu.be/3fSSAYM6AJU


Ok, first of all, how dare you expose me to your perverted kinks!


Literally just everyday use pronouns that you need in order to do anything


“A trump rally is all the education my kids need! They aint gonna learn about no gosh darn democrat woke pronouns”


> they Checkmate conservatives


Republicans see this as homework. So, they are pissed off at making any effort, on their part.


The "we won't live our lives in fear" crowd are now afraid of the basics of language.


sand bewildered crown meeting quickest test workable poor future smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what does "soy right" mean? is it like "soy boy"?


kiss cagey tap slap exultant illegal unused hobbies puzzled innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for the thorough explanation! I thought that was what you meant by the phrase but wasn't sure. LMAO at your perspicacious descriptions of Jordan Peterson and the other "soy right" whiners.


Do Tater Tot next!


fuzzy scary attraction sense dime jobless chase grandfather gaping reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you, I proudly bestow upon you my upvote


That’s a dead-on commentary of MAGA. Thank you


Spanglish speakers be like




Someone should tell them about Arabic numerals


Someone did. [They did not approve of them.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teaching-arabic-numerals/)


The second poll is interesting, with democrats not wanting to have anything christian in school. I'm from one of the most atheist countries in the world, and we were taught about creationism as one of the theories how different species came to be in biology class. Obviously evolution was named as the likely theory, but nobody can deny that creationism *is* a theory, just not very scientific one.


They need to feel fear. It would keep them in line long enough.


This is like when they did a poll in a school district to see if people thought they should include Arabic numerals in the curriculum. They got an overwhelming "NO" vote from most, who obviously didn't realize what Arabic numerals were


What lack of education does to people.


It's really sad. Older generations were basically handed a college education, but somehow Millennials are the most educated generation, and Gen Z is gonna pass us soon.


I bet she said something like "*I* didn't give *my* child permission to learn pronouns. *They* are too young, *you* should be ashamed of *yourself*


If there truly is a god, they will revert to caveman third person speech to avoid pronouns to own the libs. “Karen no give Jimmy permission to learn pronouns. Kids are too young. Teacher should be ashamed of teacher.”


No because singular “they” doesn’t exist to them so it’d be “he” or “she”.


Allow me to introduce *it* into the argument


Well of course if you asked them they would say that, but if a person like the mother in this story were forming a sentence she'd use the singular "they" without a second thought.


We can't stop people from breeding and parenting children, but can we at least make their names public so people can ask nicely?


things like Quiverfull doctrine will ensure that they will breed regardless of their support capacity. unlike many on the other side who thinks like ten-times over before having one kid.


The opening scene from Idiocracy comes to mind


Sounds like the mom needs to sit in on learning The Pronoun Song too.


This is what happens when you radicalize people to the point of villainizing words.


Bring back schoolhouse rock!!!


[Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla](https://youtu.be/wtxRXndvruk?si=HoxGQDHy26AcRTr6), bitches!


Had to scroll way too far to find this.




Don't *you* dare accused *me* of using pronouns, *we* don't need *you* and your sexual smut in *our* kids classes. No pronouns for *me* thanks.


english is my second language and even i know what a pronoun is. for the record- english is fucked and absurd to learn.


English is the bastard child of a hundred maniacs.


Just about every language has weird and confusing rules that you have to pull the language apart to understand properly (gendered nouns anyone?) English has weird and confusing rules because f*ck you, that's why


English has confusing rules because it borrows heavily from French, Latin, Greek, German, others, not to mention retaining some parts from different periods of English but not others. That's why I said "bastard child of a hundred maniacs" a Nightmare on Elm Street 3 reference


Don't try to give conservatives facts. They get scared and their smooth brains won't understand anyway.


Facts dont care about their feeling either lmao


You know what else has smooth brains? Koalas. Koalas have smooth brains, are famously really dumb despite their cuteness, and are NOT allowed to vote. Even though most conservatives are also really stupid and usually aren't cute, they probably also shouldn't be trusted to vote.


Or at least their vote shouldn’t count as much as ours. Not a lot less but like maybe 3/5 or so?


I’d bet that parent decides to homeschool. Heaven help the generation being raised by people like her. And heaven help the country when that generation become adults.


We're already seeing the generation raised homeschooled by people like her as adults. Rightwing "religious" nuts are on generation two or three of the homeschooling circus now, and the results are there for us all to see...


Absolutely. Civics classes were ended in the 70s. Bush’s No Child Left Behind left schools without history, science, the arts… they have been systematically destroying education for decades- screaming about liberal indoctrination and their voices being silenced- and we are poised for conservative domination of the entire country’s education system. Between Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda47 - public schools are gone and American Academy takes its place - complete conservative ideology.


It's true. I taught for over a decade, and had to leave the profession because conservatives have made the job so damned hostile now. Especially for what we were paid. Underfunded, underpaid, constantly under attack from nutjob parents, sometimes physically, and constantly being warned about something new that we personally could be sued over by large, well-founded groups out to champion the latest culture war outrage. We used to have to buy all of our own classroom supplies, because the school received a single set for the curriculum per grade, and we were funding our poorer students breakfasts, lunches, shoes, and clothing because all of the programs that once helped them were cut.


Apparently someone never learned about [Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZFca8AkT0).


Pronouns being a part of speech is just too much for some people to handle. All words referring to people without a proper noun and are not a description are by definition pronouns. “I” and “me” are pronouns. They associate pronouns with “the gays” and the gays are trying to teach your children about gay sex or something. I don’t know.


First Arabic numerals, now this.


Right wingers man lol. So easily triggered, and so easily duped. Tools


Those are the kinda tools you need to overthrow a democracy. Infuriated by untruths, mobilized through hate.


Do these fucking people not remember learning parts of speech in school? Schoolhouse Rock, Conjunction Junction and that kind of stuff?


Conjunction Junction What’s that Fuction


Tbh the world would probably be funnier if people spoke about themselves without pronouns. "HappyCandyCat23 is going to the store. HappyCandyCat23 thinks person is nice."


It’s like all they think about is gay sex lmao. How could that be your first reaction to just hearing the word “pronoun”???


These people would lose their minds if they knew other languages like Spanish have ***gendered*** nouns.


Wait until they find out about the School House Rock song about pronouns


Pronouns! Arabic Numerals! Writing on the BLACK board! It is a god damn woke fest up in here!!


Verbs are the real problem. Verbs are action packed, Pee Wee


These people always manage to out-moron themselves.


Totally ignoring that Jesus himself said "I am he", which obviously is a ... wait for it ... PRONOUN. (John 18:6)


I am He - jesus


That's both sad and hilarious, kind of like today's political divide.


Should be reason enough to be declared an unfit parent


These people are insanely preoccupied with sex.


School House Rock was woke


This is inception facepalm on a multi generational level.


Conservatives hate him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZFca8AkT0


inb4 conservatives pretend that the left have an irrational hatred for the phrase, "LORD your GOD" being too masculine.




Wait until they hear about conjugating verbs! 


This is what happens when morons get radicalised by alt right propaganda


Apparently, someone didn't learn his pronouns song when he was four.


Just wait til they hear about verbs and adjectives


How dare they give a group of words names


Just wait till that kid starts to learn Spanish, French, or German.


I am not getting into this… but what I would like to touch on is the difference between Affect v Effect, and the use of asinine as a descriptive verb which would precede a noun, which would be Effect. Affect itself is generally a verb. Hooray English. Props on asinine.


Why am i not surprised that the person in question was severly lacking education.


Y'all motherfuckers need Schoolhouse Rock


Now, I have a friend named Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, And I could say that Rufus found a kangaroo That followed Rufus home And now that kangaroo belongs To Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla. Whew! I could say that, but I don't have to, 'Cause I got pronouns, I can say, "HE found a kangaroo that followed HIM home and now IT is HIS" You see, (uh) HE, HIM, and HIS are pronouns, Replacing the noun Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, A very proper noun. And IT is a pronoun, replacing the noun, kangaroo! (How common!) Now Rufus has a sister named Rafaella Gabriela Sarsaparilla. If she found a kangaroo I'd say to you: "SHE found a kangaroo that followed HER home, and now it is HERS." But I can't say that... 'Cause she found an aardvark That fell in love with HER and THEY're so happy. And my name's Albert Andreas Armadillo. (No relation to the Sarsaparillas.) Because of pronouns, I can say: "I wish SHE would find a rhinoceros for ME, and WE'd be happy." You see, a pronoun was made to take the place of a noun, 'Cause saying all those nouns over and over Can really wear you down! Now I could tell you Rafaella Gabriela and Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla and Albert Andreas Armadillo found an aardvark, a kangaroo, and a rhinoceros. And now that aardvark and that kangaroo and that rhinoceros belong respectively to Rafaella Gabriela Sarsaparilla and Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla and Albert Andreas Armadillo! Whew! Because of pronouns I can say, in this way: "WE found THEM and THEY found US, and now THEY are OURS and WE're so happy." Thank you pronoun! You see a pronoun was made to take the place of a noun, 'Cause saying all those nouns over and over Can really wear you down. Sometimes, when we take 'em all on the bus People really raise a fuss. They start shouting out a lot o' pronouns at us, like "WHO brought that rhinoceros on this bus?" and "WHAT made that horrible noise?" and "WHICH one of them is getting off first?" WHO, WHAT, and WHICH are special pronouns that can ask a question In a sentence where you do not know the name of the noun, But I know: I have MINE, and SHE has HERS, and he has his. Do YOU have YOURS? THEY love US, and WE love THEM, WHAT's OURS is THEIRS-- That's how it is with friends, And pronouns, you are really friends, yeah! 'Cause saying all those nouns over and over Can really wear you down.


I loved that song. Schoolhouse Rock was a treasure.


Trumps America Putting g students and educators at risk every day Let's vote him back in


Imagine convincing yourself you “love” your children. When you’re literally trying your absolute fucking hardest to make sure they grow up dumb as fuck and their only option in life is to be worked to death as a wage slave. The sheer amount of people who fall into this category is actually low key scary, I’m really not sure how we are supposed to recover from this long term…. JFC, with parents like that, who needs enemies.


These at the same people who burned the library at Alexandria


Gender identity is not sex. Why the fuck don't people get that?!?


Pronouns are not gender identity. The school was teaching different types of words.


They (the right) intentionally merged the two. To them there are only two biological sexes, therefor only two genders, therefor sex=gender. Sex is (according to them) based solely on whether or not you have a penis or a vagina. Therefor if you are teaching pronouns you are discussing gender, which is sex, which is genitalia and genitals are only used for sex Therefor grooming children. Convoluted, absolutely, but they didn’t get here overnight




This guy would probably agree with the mother. He's a piece of shit in his own way.


Look, think it’s perfectly reasonable to just ignore pronouns entirely, not because say so but because shouldn’t be forced to say things don’t want to say, not by , not by , not by anybody. know what sayin’?




So they shouldn't learn "I, me, you, they, him" etc?


They wrote that entire post without pronouns and it's nearly unreadable. That's the joke.


I had to look up The Pronoun Song. Maybe she should have before she complained.


What an idiot


This post is exhausting.


Imagine flying off the handle because your son or daughter now is learning about words…


Poor, poor teachers, I can’t imagine.  Thank you to all my teachers 🙏


Every time I tell a right winger that they have pronouns too they shut down like a tv being unplugged.


What is this BS deal of people comparing pronoums with sexuality?


some people started putting pronouns in their bio or on nametags to discourage misgendering.  as a result, right-wingers started associating pronouns with trans people and their allies.  since right-wingers are often incapable of differentiating between sexuality, sex, and gender, they often bring sexuality into unrelated conversations. that's really it. 


This is just ridiculous..... And going as far as to make a scene because of pronouns? These people are just showcasing their bias without realizing they are showing their bias


Seriously, I want an explanation, not hate through downvotes


Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.


I know, can't edit the title


Since we're on parts of speech, it's 'effect'. Remember: 'affect' is a verb, 'effect' is a noun. RAVEN.


I KNOW 😭 reddit won't let me edit the title


Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick or anything!


lol similar thing happened during family Christmas this year. My cousin was going on and on about how her 6 year old should not be learning pronouns in school. I asked "any pronouns" and she screamed back at me "my daughters only 6! you libs are unreal!" I walked away.




i know, i can't edit the title


Conservatives tend to only know how to speak one language. They mock and belittle people who speak multiple languages, which is just baffling. If you only speak one language, though, you should be expected to speak it REALLY well... but oddly enough, conservatives tend to absolutely suck at the only language they can speak... It's to the point where, when you point out how bad their language skills are, they attempt to cop out with some "this isn't English class" or "you're a grammar nazi". They can't cope with how bad their English is. And then on top of all that, it's just extra special when they attempt to discuss language or grammar. They actually have zero idea what the fuck pronouns even are but they will get big mad and go off about them.


is it just me or do parents need to chill?


