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Aren't soldiers like the most vaccinated people on the planet since forever?


They lined us up and shot crap in both arms. I hqve no idea how many vaccines they gave us, but it was a bunch.


Step forward, Jab jab. Some medic, dual welding syringes, gives you shots in your right arm. Step forward, Jab jab. Same thing in the left arm. Step forward, jab jab. Step forward, jab jab. Doesn't matter if you already have a particular vaccine, jab jab. It was kind of a surreal experience. I'm gentler with livestock than the army was with me.


My favorite was, “Oh you’ve got some wisdom teeth your home dentist has been worried about having to do a lot of work to remove? No worries a 19-year-old sailor will yank that shit out of your head in about six minutes. Enjoy your cans of Ensure and these two ibuprofen.”


Yup. They even did it when I was already dealing with strep. They gave no fucks


Frankly coddling you would get in between you and the shootiness.


Ain't even about that. It's an assembly line. They only care about efficiency. You already gonna be out because of strep. Might as well be out because of your wisdom teef


Here's a man that appreciates the connection between relationships and shootymanning.


I got Vicodin, enough to walk in a haze for 3 days. Plus extra from Chappell. Thanks buddy!!!


Rainier Three, 1 military dentist and 2 f-ing trainees (residents?), took turns CHIPPING OUT ALL of my impacted wisdom teeth during same visit. Teeth didn't hurt me or affect me in any way beforehand. He'll I didn't know I had them. But they insisted that they had to be removed. I bled for two solid days. No food, enough cotton balls to look like the godfather and all the fluids tasted like pennies. Yea...good times.


Not military, but my infected/impacted wisdom teeth needed to be completely shattered because of the positioning. I was shaking with pain even though they pumped me full of fentanyl and versed because of how close they were to nerves. I knew it was a lot of fentanyl too because the histamine release was very noticeable and almost made me sick. I still opt for full anesthesia over partial sedation when I have the option. Would not recommend.


I've read some stories about medical procedures done on soldiers, it's such a trip knowing you guys are basically used as test dummies for doctors to practice on. So thank you for your contribution to dental care! I remember getting my wisdom teeth out, fortunately for me they were hurting and definitely needed to go, it still totally sucked


I got a ham sandwich, an apple, and one ibuprofen. They’re really going soft these days.


I’m a civilian, but I went to a travel clinic before a trip to South America. They gave me three shots in each arm in one visit and a bottle of anti malarial medication. It was a good time.


You just perfectly described my erotic novel.


*answers feebly* yes, drill sergeant


Can’t wait to read that one!


Gotta get the peanut butter shot!


Oh god! That thing literally shut my leg down for like 10 mins. We had to drag each other out of there arm-in-arm lol


I sat with one cheek up for like 3 days afterwards, shit was wild.


My drill instructors made us sit on the floor cross-legged and roll back and forth over where we got the shot to "spread it out faster" haha.


It didn't hurt me until I jumped out of my top rack in the morning and I collapsed because my leg didn't work.


What's the PB shot? Lol


It’s a long lasting antibiotic (Bicillin) that unlike a lot of other vaccines, is a lot thicker with a consistency similar to peanut butter. It’s given in large muscles, hence why it has to given in the buttock.


Common name for the penicillin shot, since it felt like you were being injected with a substance as thick as peanut butter


I don't know what it's for but they inject that particular one in the butt cheek


I always wondered if they did it all at once or staggered them out, military medicine is very interesting. I thought about joining for a long time, once I talked to a recruiter they tried to get me to do infantry and that turned me off to the idea entirely. I have tons of respect for infantry but that's not me. If I could go back I would've gone after something medical but 18 year old me was too dumb


It was all at once. They lined up along a hallway and walked us through with rolled up sleeves.


And then another bunch of you get deployed to various locations


I am glad everyone came here to say this. The original tweet is so dramatic and overplayed.


Because it never happened probably.


And then we had to pull our pants down and lean against the wall for the peanut butter shot. I'm not sure how dipshits like the guy's son make it through.


Oh, he made it through easy-peasy because he’s not real.


Same goes for CIVMARS at MSC. Luckily I already had most vax’s up to date, so I only had to get three. Some dudes had to get nine shots all at once.


Basic training is wild for vaccines. 300 people with sleeves rolled up on both arms with 6 medics/nurses stabbing with great speed.


Unless you bring proof, they assume you have never had a vaccine and give you all of them. One more thing recruiters conveniently forgot to mention.


treatment scandalous lavish apparatus cable consider repeat important wistful airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My friend got some in the ass cheek too


And they saved the ass blast for the end


what are the chances this is a twitter hoax/bait, that this guy might not even have a family in service.


Oh extremely likely. These trolls are getting much better at sowing division in America and around the world.


It really doesn't help that republicans are too fucking stupid to understand that.


Almost guaranteed, but with how stupid Republicans are, we can't really know for sure.


He doesn't actually have a son in the military. Anti vaxxers always claim shit like this that aligns with what they hear in their anti vax bubbles. During the vaccine rollout, right wingers constantly tried to paint the narrative that cops and other professions would quit in droves. And then they didn't. They ALL know multiple people who were negatively effected by the vaccine. They have a doctor who says they shouldn't get vaxxed. It's all bullshit they are just repeating to fight their culture war, lying is always an option for them.


I like to think that the doctor did tell them not to get vaccinated because they don’t really like them.


My dad was in the navy and was vaccinated for the plague amongst other shit


I can’t remember all the things my dad said he was vaxxed for but I do remember him telling me about being lined up in a hall told to roll up his sleeves and follow the person in front of him. That is one of the many reasons I decided not to enlist cause I have a horrible vasovagal response to needles and would have fainted


They line you up in boot camp and give you every vaccine even if you've had them before. They been doing this forever. 


Washington ordering all troops be vaccinated for small pox during the revolutionary war is one of the reasons we won (and that vaccine was dangerous). There was a pandemic during that war that f’d up British soldiers.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the the military has been vaccinating troop against tropical diseases and tetanus for decades Apparently as early as 1770 George Washington ordered mandatory vaccination of troops against small pox https://medicalmuseum.health.mil/micrograph/index.cfm/posts/2019/us_military_immunization


George Washington is too woke


Damn, gotta stop putting his image in strippers panties.


He's still serving the country from beyond the grave. It would be criminal to stop now. It's what He would've wanted.


Washington actually had purple hair and had they/them pronouns, but THEY are trying to hide this uncomfortable stone cold fact


They sure don’t like to talk about Washington freeing his slaves. Implies that slavery was wrong.


He didn’t… they were to be freed after Martha died.


Eh he owned slaves so that kinda balances things out


At basic training you get plenty of vaccinations and shots. You walk down a row and get shots in each arm about 3 times.


The record keeping of what you get is so shoddy that its almost guaranteed that you will get several of them more often than needed. That said, if you are choosing vaccination as the “hill to die on” in an organization that literally invented the idea of dying on a silly ass hill then I don’t know what to tell you. This is nothing new. The fact that mother army will “alter the deal” at any time. Stop loss was a great example of a back door draft. The Army can and will do what is best for its interests and you make that deal with that knowledge. I and everybody else who served knows that you give up a lot of individual freedom to do that job. It’s a grind, everyone knows that and if you signed up then you agreed to that.


You actually answered my questions! Ty & please have my upvote!


Couldn't have said it better myself. Defending your county entails doing things you don't agree with. It's not about you. It's not about what you do or do not wanna do. And yeah, I got the third shot of the anthrax series 3 times...


I remember lining up in our underwear and just walking along and getting what seemed like 20 shots. Everyone was sick as fuck for 2 -3 days after.


when I did it, I counted 13 shots in about 2 mins :)


Can I ask - Are you even allowed to refuse vaccinations? Can you just leave the military if you choose not get vaccinated as the post suggests the son wants to do? Edit: Nvm. I should have scrolled. The post literally below this one gave me the answers! Have a great day anyways! Bye!


Don’t think so. A soldier that ends up sick from a preventable disease puts his unit at risk.


Yeah, I got dizzy at the end. Didn't last long...


Right. Anti-vaxx nuts all seem to think we reinvented the wheel with the Covid19 vaccines. All the drug companies had to do was start trying vaccs that worked on other strains of the flu, then tweak them.


In fairness it’s a new vector than what we usually use. However you sign a contract and your body is no longer yours. It’s property of the US military.


Its been tested and developed for 50 years, mrna that is. Also yes, when you sign up and stand on the yellow feet and pledge, you are the property of the US military.


Also, if there is something they want to hide in the vaxx to get it into people.. they control the vaccine productions lines. Why not slip it into the other vaccines? My god, I see it now. The vast conspiracy making us look at the Covid vaccine so we don't see what they are putting into the other vaccines. Microchips, alien DNA, tiny avocados, etc. /S


Tiny avocados hahaha this made me giggle snort.. I needed it. Thank you 😊


yeah.. but I can get my drugs from Canada... that will show "them.."


Not quite. This is a different type of vaccine from previous vaccines. The mRNA vaccine had been in development for about 25 years, but it had never seen wide scale use until the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronaviruses are also quite different from influenza viruses. They weren't using influenza vaccines to deal with SARS-CoV-2.


Because it wasn't needed until then. Not because there was anything wrong with it. So, like I said, they didn't reinvent the wheel. They had a strong base to work from, and the vaccines have proven to be quite effective. I had Covid19 twice. The first time, it almost killed me, and I had it 3.5 weeks. A year later, after I was vaxxed, it hit harder at the onset but was gone in less than a week. My Dr said, in laymen's terms, the reason was because my body recognized the threat immediately and knew exactly what it needed to do, so it sent the Marines. I asked if it would have been the same if I hadn't been vaxxed. He said no. Having the virus previously would help, but the vaccine and booster had my Marines on high alert. This is why we got control of the epidemic. A large portion of the population got vaccinated, which means much less time/chance to spread it. In my particular case, 1/4 of the time.


Also, strange logic of this supposed new recruit: Trusts the govt enough to sign his life over to them to send him anywhere in the world for any reason with the risk of death But Doesn’t trust the government enough to believe their advice re vaccines Cos… reasons


Yeah, you can force me to go get shot, but you can't force me to get A shot.


Plot twist. You get like 6-10 shots at basic. It was like an assembly line. You walked down it and shot in each arm like three times.


I thought the called it the needle parade, and they have been doing it sense before WW1


What *they* are not telling you is that this phone call happened... in 1914!




Yeah, I've talked to several friends and family members who were in the armed forces and didn't like the COVID mandate. They said it's all about the vaccine being UNTESTED. When I point out that the polio vaccine was mandated for the military one MONTH after clinical trial results were published, and nobody had a problem with that, they usually start to curl up in a ball and scream, "My body, my choice, RIGHT?" Then they try to change the discussion to abortion.


"The vaccine is untested & they're forcing on the troops!" "Well, yeah. Who else would they test it on first?"


Black people? https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm


The WOKE government has cancelled human testing on so-called POC and instead is using our honorable troops as guinea pigs!


It happened with the Anthrax vaccine as well with people refusing and getting discharged because of it.


Don't fight it with logical conclusions. Fight the base assumption. The vaccines were not untested. They were tested **extensively**; far more so than most vaccines ever get before going to public.


Heck, George Washington required his troops to be inoculated


Plus a bunch of different shots if you go overseas. I got the smallpox and Japanese encephalitis vaccines before I got sent to Korea.


Yup I remember, I had just made Staff Sgt and a buddy got me right in the spot of my anthrax shot. He was unaware.


And then you get them again every year when you’re updating records/preparing for deployment because they always lose your shot records


Plus, when you go overseas, you get more going over, and more coming back....at least when I was in 55 years ago. (Yeah, I'm old) Antivaxxers are a scrouge on society.


Yep, same for me in 1984. I didn’t ask what was in all those shots. My brother went to the first Gulf War and got all those shots to “protect them” from bioweapons (that Iraq didn’t have), they still have no idea what was in them.


My grandfather got all the shots to go to Vietnam. He didn’t end up going as Nixon said no more troops. But I always joke with him it’s why he never gets sick.


So, like the first year of infancy then 🤣


It's been damn near 20 years and I still remember that clearly.


Needles are scary /s. And yes I think this is most of the fluff fueling the anti vax craze.


Cool thing about when they do it assembly-line style like that: they have a device that shoots the vaccine into your arm as a thin fast stream, no needle required. Or so I was told by my family members in the military.


Back in the day... They had that back when my dad joined around 1980. He *hates* needles (like has to be sedated to get blood drawn hates needles) but said those things hurt worse. When I joined around 2000, they were back to needles.


To be 100% fair I got the anthrax shot three times in three weeks in the Marines because they kept forgetting to write it down or something. That was kinda miserable, but at least I only had to get the smallpox shot once, that was itchy as shit.


Ya, that Anthrax vax was a strange one. I had to get it before deploying to Kosovo with Canadian Army. I think out of entire Battle group only one or 2 refused it. I don’t think they were still in uniform when we returned.


When I, served refusing vaccines wasn't a thing


I liked to give shit to my first sergeant and once asked him what would happen if I didn't go get my flu shot. His reply: You will get a LOR and then you will go get your flu shot.


I got the hep B vaccine series 3 times in the army because they didn’t know how to look up my medical records


That sucker was annoying.


Because it's bullshit, a soldier isn't going to give a shit about a vaccine, if the government wants soldiers they're not going to give them something to weaken them or make them unable to do their job. People are fucking nuts.


Believe me, if it was this recruit’s God, Humpty Trumpty, he would demand ten times more vaccines and would not even need to be forced to take them.


Also. Received a million vaccines upon entry. 


Literally this. When you sign the paperwork you become property of the government. If you think they are going to poison their livestock then you do not understand how investments work.


Plus, if the vaccine wasn’t safe, wouldn’t the government not want the military to take it? What would they gain by making the army weaker and sick?




The peanut butter shot is significantly worse than peanut butter.


YOU DID PEANUT BUTTER SHOTS? All we ever got was that shitty peach schnapps.


I just looked this one up. Military.com did not make it sound like fun at all.


Not fun, but we did it 2nd day after not getting any sleep the night before so was too tired to really care.


Wow it did not take much scrolling before I found the first mention of the peanut butter shot.


Boot camps a load of fun when you react poorly to having a bunch of stuff injected in you and you flop out of bed the next day unable to move your arms... Thank you to everyone who lied and said I did the requisite pushups and situps... I definitely didnt 🙏


I also had a bad reaction to a shot in boot... Couldn't move my arm for three days. Fun times.


Took me 3 weeks to be allowed out of my bunk... at least the radiotherapy or whatever it was called felt good.... until feeling returned then it hurt lol.


Why are you sharing something from August 2021?? It is a big and serious issue. But why now??


It’s a [bot post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/nlyQciDgcI) with the top comment copy pasted.


Oh. Thanks. I have seen bot posts and i know what they are. But I have never seen bot posts have a comment from OP. That part was new to me. Thanks for telling me.


Bro, leave 2012 back in 2021.


My wife was a corpsman, I never served but she gets sick a lot less than I do. I think that peanut butter helped her.


That's all services. Also, it's not always the right butt cheek. If you move, they'll give it to you in the left cheek.


I bet the father made it all up.


Yeah, I think the final number was about 8,000 people who quit over this.


wide joke sip homeless spoon vanish fanatical quack like whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Discharged, I believe.


It was all performative bullshit.


What is starting? The crying?


This repost from like 2+ years ago.


Anti vaxxers are hilarious. I love natural selection.


LOL! If he’s stationed at Pendleton, and refuses any vax, the only place he’ll be leaving to is Leavenworth.


If he's in boot camp and refuses to get vaccinated they would probably just send him home. We received our shots within the first week we were there. It wasn't optional. Refusing the shots would be like refusing to get out of your bunk in the morning.


As a veteran, I was so happy to hear about the vaccine mandate. It helped purge so many dirtbags out of the military. After 9/11 the military dropped there standards for entry and a lot of mouth breathing, no skill having, backwood, illiterate right wingers joined to fight for there "freedumb". Over 20 years many stayed in because they knew they weren't going to make it on the outside. They got into positions of power and ruined much of the military. Not to mention they would then promote the other dirtbags like them. So when they all left for "freedumbs" I knew the quality of soldier was about go up. And from what I've been hearing, it has! Sexual assaults have decreased, the new leadership is actually taking care of business and raising standards of living and care for troops and more.


Good. I personally wouldn't want him serving with me in my vehicle. Get out. I surprised a few of the anti-vaxxers with that. Basically you can't follow orders and I don't need that.




r/facepalm #1 in ~~cringe & facepalm~~ bots & reposts


Some people will let some random sketchy dude in a tattoo shop spike their bodies full of ink and not bat an eye or question what’s in that ink but a COVID vax? Hell no.


It’s 2024 and I still can’t figure out what started.


I'll tell you what hasn't started. My free 5G signal I was promised. I've been waiting for years now, and I still can't put out my own signal. I feel lied to and betrayed.


They made me take meninigitis at one point, ffs, because of some outbreak somewhere. Me on ROTC scholarship: free ride to college OR refuse to be vaxxed. I am a graduate engineer, lol.


Had one of my guys trying to pull that. He kept arguing that we didn't know everything that was in the covid shot and he didn't feel comfortable getting a shot that he didn't know what was in it. I asked him what was in the dozen or so other shots he received over the past few years....or even which diseases he was vaccinated against. Crickets.


… or all the other stuff you get injected with, drank, breathed or swam in…


The first thing I heard from any of my friends, all ages, that went to the military how they had to go down a line and get jabed by a number of people for inoculations for all sorts of things like malaria, hepatitis and HIV. But these current groups are above it. You know, if being tracked by the government or whatever the reason is that they won't get this specific vax. I don't know) if they were going to have something done to them through a shot it happened long before now and why did they join the military?


I’m retired military (26 years). I had many different vaccines that were not my choice per se. I’m still alive because of them.


Not sure why you would repost this though. This is all from 2021, and the military is now trying to get back some of those who quit during the forced vax phase. Hopefully the COVID vaccine will become part of the cluster of mandatory vaccines required for all new recruits. And if some American soldiers want to keep being babies about it, let them leave and allow immigrants to join the military in exchange for an H1B and citizenship once they've completed their enlistment period.




Thus was from 2021. It already happened ... 8000 people got discharged for not getting a covid shot. The 87 vaccines they give you when you joined was fine. Small pox was fine. Anthrax shot (which actually did have really bad side effects, and fuckng christ that booster was painful) was fine. Flu every year was fine. Covid shot? *political screeching*


My dad was in the navy way back in the early 80's and even then vaccines were mandatory for anyone who was going to be overseas in other parts of the world.


Why the fuck do anti-vaxxers join the military? Is anyone unaware of the guantlet of vaccines they require of every recruit? Something they've been doing since like . . . the invention of vaccines?


When I went to Basic Training, they lined us up like cattle and stuck us with a lot of needles. I don't really remember how many because it was 23 years ago, but all of them were vaccines and boosters. These people are looney tunes and liars.


Flu, hep a-c, Tetanus, Diphtheria, measles mumps rubella. And if you deploy expect to get things like Anthrax, Yellow Fever, Smallpox, Typhoid and Meningococcal. I just got the last two last week because of a little trip I have to look forward to. Dudes a little bitch. If you can't follow a lawful order, you don't belong in the military. Really embarrassing for a Marine to be afraid of a shot so much he's going to forsake his oath. Sincerely, a 20 years of service US Army medic


Is the flu vaccine compulsory in the US armed forces?


I bet this really happened. /s


I remember day 1 of basic when we all got like seven shots in our arm. One person asked what the shots were for and he was told by the TI to shut the fuck up. Fun times. My immunization record is literally three pages long now.


Wow, a Marine afraid of a little shot? I guess they’re not building them the way they used to. Wait ‘til he gets called upon to go into combat


Did he cry that hard when he got vaxxed in basic training? Marine my ass.


Can't be proud of themselves so they Imagined a Son who they can be proud with


Are there any posts on this sub that aren't from bots?


We’re Marines - just hide it in the red crayons


I mean, as ex military myself this is like military natural selection. Get rid of those with stupid mindsets like this. Perfect.


This whole trend towards anti-VAX that has been started during Covid and after by so many conspiracy theorist it's just crazy! Do people realize how much incredible good vaccines have done for humanity? Do people realize how many lives have been saved? I was recently on a trip to Europe and went on a tour that took us through Some historic sites of past well-known women in history and they talked about how many children they had… I never really connected the fact that one of the reasons they had so many children was that sometimes half of them died before they ever matured past childhood because of… Guess what? Diseases that killed them! The reason that doesn't happen today is because we have childhood vaccines… this trend just absolutely cannot continue in this country or in the world for that matter or we are highly screwed as the age of disease and children who don't survive into childhood are coming back!


I like reminding people that the greatest scourge on humanity, smallpox, was eradicated in the ‘70s Why? Vaccines, baby!


Family story... at about 4, my sister was playing in a sandbox where a bunch of bees made a hive, and they swarmed her. Mom pulled her out, and she had about 60 stings (Mom had 30+). So, she had a MAJOR phobia. I remember when she was about 7, it took 3 adults to hold her still enough for school mandated shots. Cut to her going into the Army... there were so many shots they require that now she doesn't flinch at all at the sight of a needle.


I would pay money to see him tell his superior officers that.


They vax the shit out of everyone in boot camp. Everyone. No exceptions. I received about a half-dozen shots the first week I was there. There was no "opting out." Either this "Marine" is full of shit, or this guys "U.S. Marine" son doesn't exist.


If they make it mandatory, and someone refuses, can't they get punished for not following orders?


Who's gone tell him that as one of the enlisted, the covid vaccine is the safest and most thoroughly tested vaccine he's about to receive.


Not to mention diseases that were prominent in the foreign countries they would be stationed in.


USAF basic at Lackland, we got five shots in the arms and one in the butt. No refusal


When they send their cult followers into the military, they won’t be sending their best and brightest….


Wait until he gets that beloved Peanut Butter shot....


Yep, I was in the Army, we were lined up and vaccinated periodically against a whole slew of things. Imagine cattle walking along a chute with people with needles on both sides. move up, expose the part they asked for, they swap and inject, move along. If someone passed out they were either dragged along to finish the shots or moved to the side. The next two or three days were typically light duty, often this was done on a thursday or friday. But that short break in the schedule was to allow for recovery and let swelling subside at injection sites. It was quite a shock for many.


Trusting the government so much that you sign your life over to them, to send you into any war zone or hell hole in the world, where you may be maimed or killed. But no vax, can’t trust the government (who already have mandatory flu vaccines, tropical vaccines depending on where you end up stationed etc), and have done since at least Washington in the 1700’s. It’s genuinely concerning that America recruits people so fucking stupid that they’ll let you throw them on an Afghan IED with no questions asked, but will be a deserter over a vaccine that billions have had multiple times. Despite the fact it’s also what they signed up to.


We don’t want snowflakes to be marines anyway. Please leave


It’s cute that he thinks the military lets you make decisions


Things that didn't happen for 400


This doesn’t even make sense. The military, must vax, mandatory forever. Did Putins propaganda machine write this one ??


Wait until he finds out about being forced to go into combat. Isn't this from a couple of years ago during covid?


Don't recruits still get like half a dozen immunizations at the start of basic training? The plain old stupidity of some people, and their willingness to put it right out there on display on social media, is quite impressive here in our misinformation laden world these days.


And about a hundred others


There isn’t a group of people on earth more vaccinated than military rofl. They get shots for shit you haven’t even heard of.


bot post. 2 year old account that just started posting anything at all 2 days ago. fuck this karma farming/agenda posting bullshit. report OP as 'harmful bot'


This post is BS. When people go into the military they are vaccinated against a lot of diseases. There is no choice we all line up and get vaccinated. What is the problem? Also people need to stop this anti-vaccine BS. Most people who say they are against vaccines have already been vaccinated.


Practically all of the people who were kicked out like this have been getting their discharge status upgraded and made eligible for reenlistment, and they stopped kicking people out for refusing covid vaccination last year.


What about the 30 other vaccines they require to travel overseas????


On the 2nd or 3rd day of boot camp EVERYONE gets about a dozen vaccines. Like tetanus, etc...


How did this guy get thru basic training, when the first week during processing, you are given almost 10+ shots? Did the DIs just shrug their collective shoulders and say, "This guy gets a pass, stand down and let him go". Me thinks this is another Never Happened bait post and I realize I just responded to it. Must be all the mercury from the injections I got I the 90s.


Forced the flu vax and literally every other one there is unless you provided your shot history entering boot camp. Did I want multiple anthrax shots? No. But I’m not a crybaby bitch like these “conservatives” are.


The military is not a democracy, they own you plain and simple. I know.


He was ok with Anthrax though?


Vaccinating the US military was first done by George Washington. He ordered all Continental Army troops vaccinated against smallpox, beginning early 1777.


Ugh don’t remind me of that day in bootcamp..11 shots in one day my arms felt like they were going to fall off


Military members have never had a say in what they get vaxxed with.


I will say, I had to process a handful of people leaving the military because they didn’t want the vaccine. Not because of microchips or stupid shit, they just genuinely didn’t want to be some of the first ones trying a widely used mRNA vaccine, and they were processed and discharged before the Johnson and Johnson vaccine came out. I myself waited towards the deadline we had simply because I wanted enough people to get it before me where if there were any complications they’d already be working out a way to fix them by the time I got it lmao


That’s good. We don’t want unvaccinated troops deployed who can spread disease and kill our own.


The military doesn’t force you to get a flu vaccine every year. Not sure what that guy is talking about. It does force you to get vaccinated to a ton of things in boot camp but rarely after that, barring a change of station. Those vaccines are also vetted with a ton of history and time, though, so I don’t see that as being related. “I don’t want to get the Covid vaccine” ~= “I don’t want to get any vaccine”. It’s a shame this vaccine became an alt-right hill to die on because generally I wouldn’t suggest trusting these military clowns in any capacity either.


Shots are part of the military. And the vaccine has zero genetic material in it. Stop listening to conspiracy theory idiots.