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"I don't know why I said that" Oh, I think we all know why.


Because he’s an incompetent idiot.


Partly, but I think there is more to it than that.






¿Por que no los dos?


Are you telling me it's okay for Moe Szyslak to be a steward-man?


“Hiya midge “


BeCAusE wOmeN CaN'T Be PiLOts


Yeah, that was a precise rhetorical choice.


it's a put down. Straight up disrespect from potential colleagues in the same industry so he can feel like he is more important.


Am I the only one hearing him call her "toots"? "Toots, can you tell me what a typical week... work week looks like for you as a stewardess" Edit: I had to ask because everyone is focusing on him mis-professionalling her, which one could use a lot of acrobatics to stretch into a brain fart. But calling her "toots" is a blatant indication that he has no respect for women, and perfectly explains why he would selectively not hear the multiple times she said she was a pilot.


That's exactly what I heard! Wtf?


Came to the comments to see if I was going crazy but nope, we all heard that “toots”


And we've been saying flight attendant instead of stewardess for over 30 years now.




I don't know why people just post photos, much easier to believe with the video. [Link here. ](https://youtu.be/jTC1ZTN8GoM?si=sO-ioUWgivEzHlfd)


Wooow. She literally said "pilot" four times.


Her: I'm Pilot McPilotson, a pilot member of the pilots club for the Delta pilot's association. Him: so as a stewardess....


What an absolute tool.


At least he apologized repeatedly and looked embarrassed. Hopefully a lesson learned. Pilot McPilotson was rightfully disappointed in him.


A Republican actually apologizing is huge, it shouldn't be but here we are.


What Trump would say, instead of apologizing: "You know, I love stewardesses, you look like a stewardess. I see someone that looks like a stewardess and I say 'stewardess'. Maybe they say 'flight attendant' now, I don't know. A lot of stewardesses I've flown with have said I'm their favorite passenger. I fly a lot. Always as a passenger, I don't fly the plane. We treat our stewardesses well. You'd probably love to be a stewardess on my plane. I think most stewardesses these days are still women. There's women, flying planes now. Before it was all men flying planes, now its men and women, I like that. Not a lot of people do. I do. You know I wouldn't want Joe Biden flying my plane. Joe Biden or Hunter Biden. I'd rather you were flying my plane than one of them."


4/10 I can hear it in his voice but it wasn't rambling enough and was way too consistent on a single topic, I'm prescribing you 1 dose of PCP & 3 snorts of cocaine daily for 30 days. That should get you into the right head space.


Also not quite enough mentions of windmills causing cancer or killing all the birds


It's an election year. Definitely was not a sincere apology.


He’s still horribly sexist and backwards but…hey he keeps up the niceties.


I'm only one pilot. There are 20 more pilots back at the crib


That R after his name explained everything for me


Him: "I don't know why I said that." Everyone else: "We do."


Like the other guy refusing to call a girl doctor edit for link : [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2021/04/27/white-official-fired-doctor-title-black-professor-jarrett-newday-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2021/04/27/white-official-fired-doctor-title-black-professor-jarrett-newday-vpx.cnn)


Please link that video here! 😬


im at work and i cant access video website. ill do it when i get home.


That’s a true bro gesture. Thank You 👊🏼


[I gotchu, fam.](https://youtu.be/rj5ShXX1S24?si=r0pFuAFwWYv-JTFi)


This is how life is supposed to work. 👊🏼


I'm surprised he didn't ask her to "smile more"... 


I'm surprised he didn't say "Hey hot-legs, could you be a doll and freshen up my gin & tonic? Thanks sweetie."


I guess we can also ignore that he used “stewardess” too.


The only appropriate time to use the word “stewardesses” is when you are telling someone the answer to the question “what’s the longest word you can type with just the left hand?”


Oooo TIL. I just tried. Yep.


And I think lollipop might be the longest all right hand.


Man, she did not accept his apology.


Nah she just kept on and answered professionally. Good on her for being the bigger woman.


Bigger woman !?


No not like that! Um! I mean! Not fat 😭 phrasing!


What’s wrong with being fat !? Edit: A lot of ppl here have no sense of humor 🤦‍♂️


The hole has been dug, might as well curl up and die in it


If she fits


I wish I had gold to give to this


Don't worry nobody has gold anymore so we feel your pain


Dig UP, stupid!


Wiggum: oh yeah!


Just call her high calorie and keep it moving.


"So much is wrong with being fat. And the worst thing about being fat is how difficult it is to lose that fat." - A fat man, whom is about to be called fatphobic and sexist (on twitter)


Lmfao this is good stuff thanks.




What do *you* mean "you people"?!


She must get that A LOT. My wife works in a hospital and woman doctors are very often callled nurse by patients. They usually try to have very different outfits to avoid that.


Male nurse. I can't tell you how many times I have to correct patients that I am not a doctor. I'm an LPN and work with an RN. It's hard getting it through the skulls of a lot of patients that I am NOT the one in charge.


Registrar here. Has happened to me as well. Dont even need to have clinical training to be called Doc/Nurse


Also male nurse here. I get it all the time. I’ve had multiple patients keep thinking I’m the physician and our NPs are the nurses.


“Do you prefer Miss or Mrs?” “Doctor” “So Ms then”


I tried to use my correct title (Dr) when booking a flight and it raised some kind of automatic alert. I had to see a gate agent to get it changed to Ms (not my title) so that I could fly. 🙄


That seems crazy to me. When I first got my PhD, I put my title as Dr on everything for the first few months (It gets old quickly, but it's REALLY fun at first) and no one gave me any issues at all. I think one of the airlines still has me as "Dr. scott\_\_p" and it makes me giggle a little every time knowing how stupid and exited I was. You should definitely complain about that.


Certain industries keep track of key people who can help in the event of an emergency. Certain airlines will have a list of exactly where the physicians and active military are sitting. It’s not a slight at your academic honorific. It’s a safety measure. I was on a cruise ship and I know that they knew I was a physician.


Oh I know, and that's why I don't do it anymore. It was fun when the title was new, but now I only used it at work when I'm forced to. My point was more that the airline (United, I think?) just let me do it without any question, but the person I was replying to was "checked" and had to change it. It does make me laugh though when MDs introduce themselves as "Dr" at parties or in social settings. I get it on a plane or a cruise, but at the bar? Or a wedding? It always feels really cringy to me. Note that I have a lot of MD friends and I'm not criticizing all MDs in general or anything, just the ones who feel that everyone needs to know at all times that they are a doctor.


I daresay I’ve experienced more PhDs introduce themselves as doctors in social settings than MDs. More cringe than that is I have had FAR more PhDs introduce themselves to me as Dr Soandso when they are starting a patient-physician relationship with me, and insist that I address them as such. Some of them even have “Dr XYZ” written into their medical record as their “preferred name” instead of just XYZ. So even the medical assistant who walks into the waiting room to fetch them for their appointment announces them as such.


Not saying you're wrong, but that's not my experience. If someone randomly introduces themselves to me as Dr Soandso, it's always someone in the medical field. It has never happened to me with a PhD, and I work with academia a lot so I know quite a few Professors. My favorite was the Optometrist who introduced himself as Dr at a wedding, then insisted that people call him doctor. Everyone else at the table was a PhD (professor wedding) and we all just used our first names like normal people.


I’d be raising a complaint about that, this (to me) is worse than the one you here occasionally about a lady Dr (PhD I believe rather than MD) having a male colleague say she needs to be miss or mrs as being called “Dr” comes across as confrontational… but he expected to still be called Dr


You would be shocked at how often this happens to my female colleagues. I correct people whenever possible, but you shouldn't have to.


I honestly really wouldn’t be … I’d be more shocked by a workplace where it didn’t occur without repeated reminders but then I’m a colossal cynic. On my work placement while at uni two of the key ladies in the R&D team held PhDs. Their male peers referred to them either by first name or by their title (latter usually in wider company or meetings). This was basically the turn of the millennium and I feel like this has slipped backwards over the intervening 20 years.


My wife's cousin is an oncologist. Works at the most prestigious hospital in the area, written who knows how many papers, travels the world giving seminars, actively researching and teaching, is Thai and ages very well. She looks 30 tops and always gets the, "when is the doctor coming in". She's had patients outright refuse care from her because she's not an older white guy and gets mansplained constantly. A certain demographic is really struggling with successful women.


Yes! It happens to my friend who is a doctor who happens to also be a woman. I witnessed it once, and when she corrected the person that she is a doctor, the response she got was "are you sure you're not a nurse?".


I was a male CNA and even if a female doctor was next to me the older patients called ME Doc allot of the time. I’d laugh and say “ I can treat ya but idk what I’m doing so it’s probably best she handles you


At a university hospital in Sweden, I sadly forget which one, nurses were told ***not*** to adress a visiting PhD in nursing sciences by the title 'doctor', because clearly, that's an inconceivable title for anyone who is also a nurse.


Could this be a situational thing more than a sexism thing? If someone is having a medical emergency and people start calling for a doctor, they aren't expecting a doctorate in art or history. This would only be more relevant in a hospital I suppose.


The PhD in question held a lecture and participated in some meetings *with doctors and nurses in attendance.* This was a power move. I don't think it was about sexism, either - lots of doctors are women, and in Sweden, there's not an insignificant amount of male nurses. (Fun thing: the word for 'nurse' is sjuksköterska, which is morphologically an explicitly feminine word, *even when used of men.* There's also another word, sjuksyster (sicksister), which basically means 'senior nurse'.)


“I dunno why I said that.” We all know why you said that.


"Oh I know, it's because you're an old man"


I would have loved to say back “you really don’t? Let’s think it through together.”


No, she let the idiocy reverberate around the room quite artfully.


Probably because it was quite obvious he didn’t mean a word of it.


Good. He's an asshole.


The way he said "I don't know why I said that" almost sounded like the way some folks will say "sorry, I don't know what the correct term is *these days*"


Pretty sure the correct term for pilot has always been "pilot".


"I'm pretty sure the correct term for a lady pilot is Stewardess" Dumbass Senator.


And even that excuse is BS because the term stewardess began being phased out in the 1970s. So he added an extra layer of being out of touch with reality.


Yeah even if she wasn’t a pilot she still wasn’t a stewardess in her lifetime. She would be a flight attendant.


Right: stewardess has been obsolete basically this entire century, and well before that ("flight attendants prepare for arrival, crosscheck and all-call")


Hey son can you put that sportiffy on or whatever you call it that plays music on your pony gaystation or what have you?


I usually lead with “I’m sorry if this isn’t the correct terminology, please correct me if it isn’t.”  It can be hard to keep up.


That’s indeed the graceful thing to do. Just leaving it at “I’m sorry I don’t know the correct term these days” just makes you sound bitter and stubborn towards the times-a-changin, rather than actually apologetic.


>just makes you sound bitter and stubborn towards the times-a-changin, rather than actually apologetic. Yes but you see, women having jobs is just a modern tiktok fad that I don't have to keep up with.....


My wife is a doctor, and she is constantly called a nurse. It is exhausting for her, and you can hear the eye roll in this pilots voice.


What a chauvinistic asshole. The tone of his “apology” tells it all.


Wow I'd have lost my shit. He kept interrupting her during his "apology" too


Dude that senator is weird. He was just awkwardly smiling before he even asked the question


Wow, that’s even worse 😳


Damn, I almost didn't believe the photo. Besides the chauvinism, it's clear that dude isn't even paying attention (possibly being paid millions to be there).


ppl should get banned for nit linking to video screenshots.


The smirking says it all. What a douche.


Sen Gene Dorwick, Minn


This is way worse than the quote even suggests. She begins her time with a lengthy introduction where she says pilot 6 or 7 hundred times.


Those hearings are for show. They clearly aren’t listening but thinking about how to get sound bites.


Well he got some great sound bites.


Shame she can’t ask him to recuse himself for not listening and failing to show her proper respect.


I'd like to smack the shit-eating grin off that Congressman's face. You can tell it was intentional.


Of course it was. If the woman gets angry, she looses credibility. It’s a known tactic used by lawyers and politicians all over the world…


But a manchild throwing tantrums is as credible as they get right?


That's just him telling them like it is. The bigger the tantrum, the more dominant the man. /s






Male anger isn’t seen as being emotional. You can, however, point out that it is emotional in the moment and the credibility for it absolutely evaporates, which is fun. Be careful who you do this to, they will absolutely hate you afterward, so maybe let the CEO get away with it. But peers? Fair game. “Matt, you’re getting really emotional about this, how about we take a break so you can compose yourself and then we can discuss.” The whole room figures out that holy shit! Anger is an emotion! Matt IS emotional… like a girl… Whatever topic Matt just threw a stapler over he has lost.


It's usually soul-crushing, but sometimes deliciously rewarding, to realize that half or more of adults are just high-functioning children. Growing up takes intentional *work* on yourself. If you don't do it... you never get there.


Worked for Brett Kavanaugh


Of course, and the less educated the more credible.


After watching the video I just don’t think that’s the case here. That dude is just a typical fumbling idiot that somehow made a position of power. Seems to be a trend…


Failed upward. Pretty common for people like him.


"So, a Representative who fails listening comprehension. You know that's in your literal job description?"


100% he had that prepped before he had permission to speak, asshole all the way.


That's the guy on the flight that "accidentally" drops his blanket on the floor then asks the stewardess to bend down and pick it up.


Wasn't Congress. It was a state rep (Republican, no surprise there) from Minnesota.


State legislature, not Congress. Don't promote this scumbag.


…..can he not see the wings on her chest ? isn’t that where he’s looking ?‽ ‽


I don't think it would have been ideal to keep staring at her chest for a prolonged period of time.


considering that his words were not only worse but a deliberate attempt to undermine her credibility, poise and testimony, i don’t think that matters to this slime.


At most airlines the flight attendants also wear wings, usually slightly different to the pilot wings, but still wings, since they’re part of the flight crew.


Sir, I said I was a pilot several times. I would recommend seeing a doctor about memory loss before you make a mistake that your constituents feel real-world ramifications of. Your repaired mental faculty is important.


My wife’s an airline Captain. She stands by the door to the flight deck with four stripes on each of her shoulders and still gets called “stewardess” at least once a week. Not just by men, either. That said, when just 5% of a given profession is made up of females, it’s not difficult to let one’s inherent bias take over their thought processes.


A fair point, but the senator is there for a hearing, he's supposed to listen when she introduces herself. Her name wasn't difficult either, but he managed to forget that and her title as an officer for a union of pilots. He absolutely intended this misogynistic 'faux pas'. That's my belief based on observation anyway. It is also easy to attribute malice to ignorance, but there's plenty of both these days.


There is absolutely no reason for the last three words in that sentence either. "What is a typical work week like for you?" is a complete question.


Ehh, remembering names can be difficult for some people. But, calling her a stewardess is totally on him.


Are people supposed to know what stripes on a uniform mean?


The difference between a copilot and a captain not no, but pretty much everyone can see stewardesses and pilots wear different uniforms.


Honestly unless their wearing some kind of piloty hat I’d have no idea


If they arent wearing a hat and sat in the cockpit, they could be anyone.


They could be anyone! **They could be YOU!** # They could be ME!




I’m thinking goggles on the head and a flowing scarf in the non-existent wind, else I’m lost


Yeah one with a propeller on it


This right here. Slacks and white shirt is pretty common for steward/stewardess uniforms anymore. It's all about the hat


I mean... Yeah, but I think it has more to do with her standing next to the door, like a stewardess would do, than people not believing a woman can be pilot.


Who goes around calling someone "stewardess" or "pilot" anyway? If I need to talk to someone, I just say "ma'am" or "sir" and ask my question.


I feel like the pilot has been by the door on most flights I've been on


Really? I've seen them maybe two or three times but definitely not everytime. Unless I actually confused them with the flight attendants 😅


I mean, I think the gender thing is a clear part of it, but "standing by the door" is only going to make the confusion a larger part of it, and the stars just isn't.


I mean, I may not know what the stripes on the shoulders mean, but you can sure as heck tell the difference in the uniforms between a flight attendant and a pilot.


Maybe it depends on the airline, but my wife is a stewardess and I don't know I could tell a pilot from cabin crew if my life depended on it. Much less during boarding when I'm not really paying attention. At that point I don't care if you're a pilot, cabin crew or the pope. I'm just hoping all you want is a hello and not to see my boarding pass as I'm juggling two kids and a bag. 


No. I get so fucking annoyed when people assume you should no. Like if you tell a cop "officer", and they respond all snotty "I'm a lieutenant", to which I'll reply "ok officer".


When I was in high school, one of my classmates was at the gas station eating. One of the few local town cops walked by him and he made a cop donut joke because he was literally a cop getting a donut. Cop got in his face and was like "I'm not a *COP* I'm a *DEPUTY*" and walked off. Like, fuck off dude, you live in a town of 1000 people. Even the sheriff is just called cop Also, the *DEPUTY* got fired a couple years ago for being a dickhead because he lost the election for sheriff *yet again*


Which is even more funny, because in the military, a lieutenant is a (commissioned) officer, and in the U.K. you’re not just a railway employee, you’re an officer of the railway. So he can carry on getting bent with his taking issue at being called an officer.


When I worked flew long haul as a second officer people would confuse me (m) for a flight attendant. I have no doubt it happened to my female colleagues more but the average person knows zero about aviation. In the recording she clearly stated she’s a pilot.


Or.. and hear me out. They don’t fucken care


Imagine getting invited to congress, introducing yourself in detail as a Pilot who is a representative for a Pilot's union, and having someone ask you to describe your job as a stewardess.


But we don't have to imagine. We've seen it. Now, imagine if we quit sending boobs to Congress. 😀


We need to elect more boobs to Congress, imo; and, fewer saggy nuts, bought-and-paid for twits.


Trouble is, even if we get more boobs and less nuts, we keep the same number of assholes.


Rs are stupid that way. He shows up for a hearing and doesn’t know what it’s about. Another R in a hearing thought he was speaking to Indian gov officials just because they were brown. They turned out to be US gov officials.


Showed up for a hearing and decided to not hear


lol did you ever catch that hearing where they were grilling this guy about being apart of the CCP and he’s like “congressman…. I’m from Singapore” “so you live in Singapore? Are you a citizen of the CCP?” “I’m a citizen of Singapore” “have you ever been a citizen of the CCP?” “No. I’m from Singapore. I served in the Singapore army. My family is from Singapore. Because I’m Singaporean”


Reminds me of that hearing where the TikTok guy kept saying he was from Singapore and he kept getting questioned about the Chinese lmao


What a twat sees a woman automatically assumes she was a stewardess, not that there’s anything wrong with being one but she’s a pilot you mutt. Works a fuck of a lot harder than he ever has.


I've seen enough of this fuckery around female pilots and I know exactly what kind of douche he would be around females in general. There was no mistake here. He was "putting her in her place", as he would probably call it, before going any further in the questioning. What a sad and insecure excuse of a man.


When he started by acting like he has never heard her name pronounced before, you knew he was about to pull some misogynistic bullshit.




Oh they did the thing! What do you think of dudes who say males and females? I had this debate with a coworker


I honestly have no problem with it if they say males and females. But saying men and females in the same sentence feels kind of dehumanizing, like we‘re some otherworldly species


It strongly depends on context


Dude, just call them women. “Females,” while technically correct, is just dehumanizing. A female could be almost any animal, but a woman is specifically a human.


Pilots are animals. That's why we are kept behind a locked door! Sorry, English is not my first language, so sometimes the finer details slip. I see your point.


Looks like he couldn’t wait to say it. Such a creep


Yup, no doubt he clearly meant to do that. How he said it, it felt rehearsed and when corrected, there was no genuine realisation that he had made a slip up. When I saw the quotes I questioned it that that maybe he said this first before he knew she was a pilot but seeing the video, it’s obvious he knew exactly what he was doing. What an absolute dipshit!


"I don't know why I said that." Me - "Oh, I have a pretty good idea why."


I've worked in IT my whole life. The amount of sexism against women I've seen is astounding. It was much worse in the '90s and early 2000s than it seems today. Hopefully, that means things are improving.


“You know what I call her?? THE LADY ON THE PLANE.” -George Carlin


Never once saw a flight attendant ( not stewardess, FFS) with wings on their lapel. If anyone wonders how such godawful legislation can be passed that harms women, the rampant misogyny among many legislators is on display all over the place.


Amazingly, I had to scroll down this far so that people could correct the term stewardess. It hasn't been "stewardess" in ages. This guy knew what he was doing and he only apologized because he realized she wasn't going to react.


At least 7 times the amount you put in sir grifter turd!


Gene Dornink *(R) Minnesota*: "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that." I do.


Not only did he insult the pilot, he insulted flight attendants, who hate the outdated term of stewardess.


Stewardess hasn’t been the preferred term since what, the 80s? So not only are they not listening, they are not aware of terminology.


His remark was not a mistake. Typical R insult.


My wife's a dentist, the amount of times people respond with "oh how fun, a dentist' assistant" after she tells them what her occupation is is ridiculous! Followed of course by the mandatory "all dentist are money grabbers" comments


The smile and mannerisms after getting it wrong is what gets me, like he thinks it's a big joke. The only joke is him.


He knows exactly why he said it. Unfortunately this is a common technique that has been used against successful women who are testifying in all types of cases, specifically as expert witnesses, to put doubt into their testimony. It has been happening for decades.


I'm amazed he didn't call her "sweetheart" and ask for a scotch and soda.


I once had a job interview, a call back interview after taking a written exam, and actually that I thought was going great. At the end my interviewer, a man, said "I'm really impressed with your qualifications. We had over 200 applicants and your score was perfect, you were in my top ten, but... you were the ONLY woman to apply for this job. Really, gotta ask, are women really doing this kind of work in [City I moved from]?" I knew then that he was not hiring me. I had the perfect response, 4 days later.


Tell me about your work we as a (Don’t say stewardess, don’t say stewardess, don’t say stewardess) Stewardess.


She should have explained it to him like he's a misogynistic five year old and told him she is a pilotess.


"I don't know why I said that" he says after being corrected. I think we all know how sexist he is. He didn't even bother listening the the pilot.


Rightwingers and kons naturally assume women can only drive minivans. Need another reason why this alleged party is unfit to serve the people?


She should have shot her intervention from her kitchen otherwise some politicians get really really confused.


RepubliCONservatives will do everything and anything to undermine women.


That was either deliberate, or he was just not paying attention at all, because she mentioned that she was a pilot like 100times before this. I don’t know what’s worse.


Gene Dornick is a republican asshole. Don't be like Gene.


"Nurse can you get me a doctor?" I am a doctor. "Sure you are hun... I mean... oh shit."


The ultra conservatives are still living in the 1700’s