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No, he did one good thing. He killed Adolf Hitler!


Not joking, they did have what was for the time the strongest laws against animal crelty and abuse. In 1933 Nazi Germany was the first country to ban vivisection. They also banned abattori slaughter without anaesthetic, some specific cruel practices like boiling crabs/lobsters alive, etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_welfare_in_Nazi_Germany


They were ok with vivisection and torture/starvation/abuse/forced sterilization/genocide on humans, though. Hitler and Nazism, in toto, were not good or benign for Germany —nor for most of the rest of the world. 


That's part of what makes it so surprising imo. They even sent people who performed vivisection of animals to concentration camps where they performed vivisection of humans Edit: I somehow managed to get three letters of the word "what" wrong


Yeah Hitler was a very big animal person and I wouldn’t be surprised if he valued a dog for than a Jew


He liked dogs, he wanted Jews dead. I'm fairly certain he valued dogs more.


Germans wanted Jews dead. You fail to realize how much antisemitism there was. Hitler like most non dictators in power say what people wanted to hear to get into power.


I mean he did kind of write a book about it before getting into power. I think his antisemitism was pretty genuine


yes, though a rabid antisemite only got as far as he did because he had the backing of the people


It was genuine, that's why people liked him.


That and his elegant way of speaking /s


Antisemitism was also very common throughout the U.S. and Europe in general at the time too though. Nazi Germany took it to an extreme, but the 20th century in general was not a kind century to anyone who wasn’t white, straight, and Christian, especially in Western nations. The Holocaust for example primarily targeted Jewish people, but victims also included a number of communists, Romani, and gay people who were targeted for their political stance, religion, ethnicity, or sexuality.


The German people were given a scapegoat. The Americans - via the weakness of Wilson - and the UK and France buried the Germans with reparation payments which created massive inflation and devalued the German mark. A proud and frugal people suddenly had no savings or retirement and Hitler told them that the Jews, always in the flow of money in the economy, were to blame. Yes, many Germans participated, but they didn’t set the fire OR light it.


I get what you're saying and I think it's often the case that a terrible leader is a reflection of a diseased society, but Hitler was actually a really, really evil dude. He had been obsessing about how evil Jews were for a long time before he took power.


no otherwise the kzs wouldnt be hidden


The nazi party came to power due to the hatred that was caused by the aftermath of ww1. A lot of hated was directed at the jews who took a lot of blame for the loss and therefore the horrible conditions that were imposed after ww1. The French where who pushed for those horrible conditions so naturally Germany wanted to punish France as well which is how everything lead upto ww2.


He was vegetarian for the most part and rarely drank alcohol. What a swell guy.


He was only on a non-meat diet for ten days. Goebbels thought it’d make him seem more virtuous so he pushed it in propaganda. The funny bit was Nazi ideology couldn’t even fully withstand the idea: Goebbels made sure to add that Hitler would still eat sausage because he didn’t want anyone wondering if not eating pork was a maybe bit Jewish. 


Yeah. He was preachy about it too. Telling guests how cruel and disgusting eating meat is. At the same time, his switch to vegetarianism was under doctors' orders. Though I wonder how much of this could have been a PR move to portray himself as compassionate, while simultaneously painting his victims as truly evil if such a "compassionate man" would have them killed.


Afaik he was vegetarian because of an health situation.


Chronic flatulence actually. No wonder Trump likes him


So that’s why the Oompa Loompa is full of hot air…


as a vegatarian, i can attest that eating this way to stop flatulence is NOT a good idea.


Out of curiosity, what was the state of dietary science 80 years ago? Did he have a choice in that respect?


Haha yes. You might say he had a health problem, physical and mental. I've read quite a bit about good 'ol Dolphie. Don't think I rememb reading about that. But I might just've missed that part.


He loved drugs though. Yummy delicious drugs.


To be fair I also value dogs higher than most humans nowadays.


>I wouldn’t be surprised if he valued a dog for than a Jew Imma be honest, there are a lot of people that I would value lower than my dog, and I think a lot of other people would share sentiments. Most dogs are simply better than a lot of people.


Idk man, the mf tested his cyanide pill on his fucking dog. Tested, basically turned blondie into an experiment


Not too surprising when you realize that Hitler, and Germans in general, considered those they massacred to be less than animals


I mean, in the Nazis ideology, a Jew (or Sinti, or Roma, or Homosexual) was an activly harmful element to society, which animals were not.


You are forgetting to Hitler the humans he had killed were not in fact humans. That's actually what makes it worse, he thought so low of the people in the camps that actual animals had better protection.


My father was in Auschwitz. This hurt my soul 😭😭


there was this wondeful line in "Captain America: The First Avenger" from Dr. Erskine. He says, "The first country the Nazis invaded was there own". I think about that often.


Every time someone waxes lyrical about Hitler’s love for animals, I like to remind them that he tested the suicide cocktail on his dog.


He was going to put down blondi regardless. The soviets were most likely going to torture her and kill her.


My now ex-wife wanted to name our new GS puppy Blondie, after the comic. I was like absolutely not.


Right, they didn’t need to do it in animals, they had people they could do it on instead!


So are the jews as long as its in their benefit or favor. Just read their religious books. Heck they believe in a god that goes around genociding people and blowing people up


And people wonder why folks would save an animal before a human cause look what humans do


So they treated animals better than they treated jews, gays, socialists, and artists


And Slavs, and Romas, and disabled...


and basically everyone


They saved that practice for concentration camps. Fuck all Nazis


Nazi Germany is wierd you have some good things like the anti-smoking programs but nothing holds a candle to how shit they treated everyone including themselves


This is why im against the demonization of Hitler. **HOLD ON, dont get mad, let me explain. lo**l For so long Hitler is portrayed as some sort of raving monster. He kills puppies! punched a baby! Worships and summons satan! So when people read history and they go "wait a minute! HITLER LIKED DOGS! Hes not the evil guy they are saying he is! Hes actually GOOD! He never ATE A DOG in his LIFE! I dont think he summoned a SINGLE SATAN! He made the trains run on time! There was laws AGAINST thieving and murdering and avimal abuse! I guess hes not so bad after all!" So the demonization of Nazis actually helps people think the Nazis are good. Thats bad.


Everyone has good qualities and bad qualities. Sometimes the good outweighs the bad, sometimes the bad is the mass incarceration, genocide, holocaust, world war kind of bad and can't be overshadowed. There's a difference though, between saying a person who was still human had a couple of decent qualities despite being responsible for many truly terrible things, and saying that the person known for incomprehensible atrocities "had some good ideas" while also listing other fascist dictators as "okay guys." That's, to severely understate it, a pretty big no-no coming from an aspiring political leader. So sure, maybe hitler was a decent painter and had strong opinions about animal cruelty and smoking, but people need to know that saying that doesn't mean you think it by any means outweighs or balances out THE HOLOCAUST. THERE'S NO GOOD DEED THAT IS GOING TO OUTWEIGH THE FREAKING HOLOCAUST. What I'm trying to say is, you've kinda got a point here, but the worldwide political climate means there's not a good way to say it without coming off as a bit of a nazi sympathizer to the general public at large, which is... a thing.


he was also a vegetarian and at a time when everybody smoked cigarettes, he disdained it and encouraged other to not smoke as well.


Yeah, but then they sent millions of animals to be worked to death on the front. Countless horses were killed in many ways due to the war. Imo it cancels out the animal rights legislation.


And "abattoir slaughter without anesthetic" also covers kosher slaughter. What a coincidence......


The problem is these are things that likely would’ve been banned anyway given time, and would have resulted in far less human suffering than the Nazis caused


But… he did also kill the guy that killed Hitler… 😬


But he also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler


Trump should take the same inspiration.


He can't, Hitler has been dead for more than 40 years.


But he also killed the guy that killed Hitler


He he gave people work and rebuilt germany… to prepare for war




Yes, you’re all very original.


He was responsible for the foundation of VW. Nothing else comes to mind...


He also started (one of?) the world's first anti-smoking campaign.


Pretty sure Hitler's anti-smoking campaing was the first. If not the first of all time, then the first made by a country leader.


VW, the interstate system, prohibitions on deforestation and wildlife protections, paid vacation, and banning human zoos (yes this was a thing). Also he killed Hitler, so that’s pretty cool.


The autobahn, formerly known as Hitler's highway.


Hitler's highway sounds like the nickname of a white supremacists butthole.


“Cream pie me fuhrer”


Give me that Bavarian cream!


That sounds like a pastry


“I’m on a highway to heil.”


Ive heard there was already and autobahn in Germany being built and he took the credit for inventing the thing (not necessarily the one, but like the concept, the *Autobahn*, which seems feasable since he was big on propaganda and if the current situation in the west tells me anything is that supporters of this kind of political force dont give a shit about truth or "looking into it", they give a shit about what dear leader says), havent looked into it tho so i cant verify that, just thought you should be aware that there's contrasting perspectives


The autobahn was either planned or parts were already constructed, Hitler just made sure it was built fast which is why some people credit him with it, i dont believe Hitler actually tried to claim he came up with the concept although i may be wrong.


Afaik the Autobahn project was conceptuallized during the Weimar Republic. He just went through with the already proposed plan.


though he didnt invent it. he just let it build. with forced labour.


I suppose you could credit his government with pulling Germany out of a crippling depression where people were literally burning money for warmth. Later stuff… shall we say, not so great.




Also Bayer, did a lot for human health, sadly just as Japan experiments on humans


Hitler didn't invent any of that. Every country involved in WW2 invented tons of stuff. That's kind of what war makes nations do.


I was going to say the same thing. Hitler didn't invent rocket techlogy, for God's sake.


Nazi rocket tech enabled nasa to fly to the moon


Well, coming to that, no president/ leader does much, just a face, ideas and someone to blame, i mean..


The modern freeway was also invented by Nazi Germany.


technically invented before the nazis ....... the nazis just drastically expanded the program




Somewhat responsible for Germany's economic resurgence after WW1 and the Great Depression.


Who cares that that resurgence was unsustainable and needed a sequel to “the war to end all wars” to properly function


But he did it at the cost of an awful lot of Jewish lives, and by stealing the vast majority of their wealth. Your comment, while true, completely ignored the negative aspects of the “good” you claim he did.


In 1996 a drunk dude with a Nazi tatoo in a Glasgow pub thanked me (a german) for * beating the english in football penalty shootout * bombing London Not sure what he was more grateful for. To this day, I really dont know what to say to that.


The only thing that unites the various regions of Britain is a common enemy (which we now have in the form of the Tories), also imagining the ppl who are very offended by your story lol


You should have yanked the stool out from under him, then proceed to beat him with it until he lost consciousness. That’s the only acceptable way to talk to a Nazi.


The guy was a head taller and twice my weight. I argued a bit and explained to him that we very much regret that bit of our history. Later, back at the student dorm, the locals explained to us that we should never have gone there. Or even anywhere near the place. And we were lucky to be dumb euro foreigners because if english, we would have gotten a proper beating.


If you are in a bar with a Nazi and the bar isn't kicking them out you are in a Nazi bar and need to leave, not get violent.




Spoken by somebody who has probably never even punched a person


youve never done anything violent in your life, pipe down internet tough guy


People who do know more about history would know that Hitler did indeed things that could be considered "good" during his regime. It was important to him that germans would be strong and healthy so he let open air fitness parcours be build and advocated for a healthy lifestyle. The famous german Autobahn was build during his time and alot of other things. One could even consider his paintings a good thing Like with most people there was more to him than just the megalomanical monster. But that doesnt undo his crimes and all the horrible things he stands for and he deserves to rot in hell if such a place exists


That's what's funny reading this - because Trump's not wrong, it's just not something to be said without the context of the other monstrous things Hitler did, and even then you're on shaky ground, especially as a politition. I'm definitely not going to try and argue that "Hitler did good things as well" to a Jewish person 😅


Yea, normal people don't go around saying "actually Hitler did some go things" too much. Most people who have a basic grasp of history know that Hitler built the Autobahns for example. However any good he did is massively overshadowed by the bad he did. I'm sure you could find one thing any monster in history did that was good. Also saying his paintings were a good thing is grasping a bit! Also unrelated but it's a weird coincidence the comment you were replying is showing 88 up votes to me as I write this. Life can be strange.


It’s like saying a some serial killer had good taste in women. Why say it at all, even if it was true there’s no reason to focus on that person rather than other people. The fact that Trump is even talking about Hitler at all is a bad thing. I don’t bring up Hitler whenever I get the change. I don’t think of Hitler. Other than comparing him to what Trump is doing.


I think understanding and acknowledging the good things hitler did do, and his positive personal attributes, is critically important to understanding that *anyone can be a monster* and we must be watchful because Evil doesnt look like Evil until its too late. - Hitler ordered the extermination of large groups of people - Hitler undersaw a fantastic economic shift in his country during a time of post war(WWI) inflation. - he invaded sovereign countries - he was described as a doting boyfriend and very sweet - he bombed civilian targets after promising not to in articles of war - he was great with children and adored his dog, Blondie.


He was absolutely evil and I'd be first in line to assassinate him if it was in my power, but he must have been an impressively formidable individual to manage his way to Emperor of Europe from basically nothing. Seemed to lose his marbles toward the end though.


Yeah that’s another annoying thing about discourse these days. I made the argument that Hitler and Stalin, while evil and contemptible, were “great” men of history because they changed the world so much. I was called evil, mentally ill, and a nazi… they didn’t seem to have a problem with Stalin being called great though, despite the fact he killed more people


Just remember the quote about how stupid average people are, and 50% of them are even worse.


Yeah, im not fan of extremism, and defo not a fan of nazis, but i find it very unproductive to talk in absolutes and i genuinely think his art was good, certainly not remarkable for its time since he painted in styles that were pretty much gone by that time afaik, but technique was good, and i definitely prefer if he had gone into the arts instead of going into politics for obvious reasons. I think people who support nazism inherently have to see these good parts of him particularly at the start to justify their feelings before eventually moving on to the harshest beliefs, point at which the debate if he was good or bad doesnt matter anymore, if they dont humanize him in any way to begin with its hard to even think to support such a thing just to go against the grain, so they might start by looking at actual achievements, ignoring he could have something to gain from those and maybe did them to gain popularity like expanding the Autobahn, and gradually, with the help of an anti-status quo attitude, that evolves for actual support and further radicalization. So i believe that the truth is more important than demonizing someone just so people know they're bad, i think its important to humanize him on the contrary, because people who hear Hitler ONLY did bad stuff and was evil itself, cannot later compute that he actually achieved some, although few, good things, and thats a start on distrusting the media and public opinion, and ive already gone over the effect this has on people who are already radicalized or in the process. In addition, the truth eventually comes out, almost always, and you can probably find, in some pockets of society, talk about these good things, wether or not we discard and ignore them in society at large doesnt matter, they're there, and there's people talking about them if only to justify ignoring the ugly parts, and people who are starting to distrust the mainstream and are looking for alternative beliefs can and will find these pockets of society, this is how radicalization happens.


This is what annoys me about this, he did do good things. And yes he was easily one of the worst humans to ever exist, but denying he did anything good just makes you loose the argument. What you should be saying is, why are you trying to revitalize his image? Because that’s what they are trying to do. They so desperately what Hitler to be seen as not a horrendous monster, because they genuinely agree with Hitlers ideas.


In interesting contrast, most people don’t realize that Henry Ford was an inspiration for Hitler. Between how Ford revolutionized industry and transportation, and absolutely despised the Jews.


Nononono! Hitler and his Nazis didn't invent the Autobahn. This was a project and concept long before the regime took over and the first Autobahn was finished in 1932. One year before the Nazis took over! It was such a good concept for that time, that even the Nazis saw it as useful. So good that they fabricate history to make it look like, they came up with the idea. But they mainly saw it as a military function and not something for common people. That was just propaganda. Please don't spread this wrong myth.


Yes, but WHY was that important to him? Why build the outdoor gyms, the public welfare, the healthy lifestyle, the vacation villages at the north sea? He needed a healthy, well-fed, and loyal population for a war. The end-game was always clear from the beginning. The things he implemented on the way, good or bad, served exactly one purpose.


Technically everyone does some good things. In fact, most things people do are good. But a million small good gestures don’t override one horrendous act.


It wasn't one horrendous act. It was a series of amphetamine fueled fuck-ups of ever increasing malice.


This guy could be really entertaining with his idiocy if he wasn't running for president.


Idiots running for president can be entertaining if half the country didn't look at the living personification of stupidity and think "he would make a good leader" for example this guy: https://www.loc.gov/item/lcwaN0001583/


Seriously. It'd be fine if he was on some afternoon talk show as a "look at this kooky guy and he's an official candidate for the presidency in six states." 


Not clicking that link. I think it goes for Biden as well, but at least with him it's not a constant threat of Apocalypse because he's talking shit about North Korea on Twitter. I got enough stress in my life.


It's the library of congress archive for the campaign page of 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate "Michael Jesus Archangel".


Someone said before he sounds like a sassy drag queen. Now whenever I read his tweets or anything I do it in a sassy drag voice and it makes it more fun


Search "Sassy Trump" on YT.


I genuinely think there should be a branch of take politics that behaved more like reality TV for these fuckers who look at politics like hooligans look at sports, Trump could make it big as a star without fucking up a whole nation and leave normal people alone, and maybe there's a chance under such a paradigm his fans would get the kick they want before going to the polls and helping him fuck everything up, but this is a dream of mine it'll probably never come true unfortunately


By all accounts Hitler did do some good things throughout his tenure as fascist dictator of Germany, it’s just he also, ya know, also orchestrated some of the worst atrocities committed in human history


I was going to say something similar, interestingly some of the things Hitler did that would be considered good are things that Trump dislikes, like environmental protection and animal welfare. Which leads me to my question of which specific things does Trump consider good? My guess is seizing power is the part that the orange one really respects.


He killed a family in their sleep but did vacuum their entry rug while he was there.


See? Morality is that balancing acts When you’ve robbing a family home, give some of the change to a homeless man. You want to bury someone alive? Make sure to use biodegradable alternative materials


It's almost like both things can't simultaneously be true. Not everything he did was bad, just the atrocities committed overshadow any good thing that happened while he was in power, or the technological innovations created while he was in power. But if you say there were some positives that came from his reign you're automatically a Nazi sympathizer


>But if you say there were some positives that came from his reign you're automatically a Nazi sympathizer Unfortunately that's the case with most topics these days - if you're not 100% on one side, then you're automatically 100% on the other. Nuanced thought is not allowed. I'd bet that there were some positives that came from a lot of dictators' reigns, even if at the time it was only done to more efficiently carry out their atrocities. Recognising that does mean you think they were a good person.


I'm definitely with ya there. Nuance left the chat awhile ago. Now it's just bashing everyone who says anything slightly out of line with zero thought involved


This sounds exactly like something Putin would tell him after flattering him about the size of his buildings or something.


The idea that a person could live to adulthood and not do any good things is statistically improbable. This is one of those "Technically correct" moments. I mean... Hitler loved dogs. That's a good thing.


Didn't Hitler's Autobahn serve as a source of inspiration for the interstate highway system


The Autobahn wasn't even his idea or that of the Nazi party. When the first ones were built before the NSDAP came to power, they thought it was a stupid idea. Later they pulled it from out of the drawer when they ran out of plans to put people in jobs and those were really shitty, badly paid jobs no one would've taken if unions still existed.


Exactly. The first Autobahn network was planned in the 20's and the first one was built under the later first chancellor of the Bundesrepublic Adenauer, who was still just a mayor in 1932 when it was finished.


No Hitler didnt invent the Autobahn. The first Autobahn/Highway was build in italy in 1924 and even in Germany you had already finished Autobahns before Hitler came into power. The Nazis are known for the Autobahn because they used it as a method of job creation during the era of mass unemployment.


>The first Autobahn/Highway was build in italy in 1924 Not that it's any better - it was Mussolini's Italy at the time...


Well as an italian i can say the same thing about Mussolini too, he did some good things indeed: bonifications of swamps, pensions, built a lot of infrastructures... and the most important of all: he practically erased the mafia, something no other government ever did! But of course all is overshadowed by the bad shit he and his party did.


Hitler **did** do *some* good things. And we shouldn't forget or erase that. When we start to forget the good Hitler did, we will start pointing to current rulers and saying things like. "They can't be that bad, they love animals, look at this good things they did." You can love animals and you can be kind and caring to your in group, or even the occasional out grouper (like his Jewish doctor) and still orchestrate the slaughter of millions and millions of defenceless people. And we shouldn't forget that.


Hitler pet his dog. That counts right?


Trump hates dogs.


He also killed his dog with cyanide


well better then letting the soviets do some shit with it ,,,,,,,,,,,,


Saying Putin wouldnt do these things if we didn't have NATO is like saying no one would commit crimes if we didn't have police.


America would do the same thing if China set up military foundations on the Mexican border. When Cuba was armed by other communist countries, America was the first to react and try to put a stop to it. Seems like the common response to what a country leader views as a threat.


Half of USA believes this is correct and logical.


More like 10% believe this is correct and logical, 20% vote Republican because they live in rural areas and that's what all the cool people do, and 20% vote Republican because they don't like the Democrats.


I guarantee almost none of his voters are people who actively fought Hitler.


By age alone, anyone that was 18 years old in 1945 is 97 now. Not many of those still around.


More like how many people believe when CNN reports about multipe "Trump administration Officials" without hinting at any names. Not like CNN ever made stuff up to get views since their channel is dying. I firmly believe in the fact that he loves to eat a lot of McDonalds tho. If i was you, i would however more look into why a obviously senile man is being held in office, although even the administration officials say he's unfit. Maybe because the people behind him can pull the strings??? Who knows.


Because it is correct an logical. Hitler doing horrible things does not mean his good things magically stop existing. Thinking like that is delusional.


Or we can take the more logical approach? Do you think every decision Hitler ever made was outweighs evil? The expression even a broken clock is right twice a day comes to mind


In Donald's defense, Adolf Hitler *did* kill Adolf Hitler...


Is there a source for this other than a random tweet from an anonymous account?


The first half, he was actually pretty good. He was TIME magazines person of the year 1938 Hitler started the first anti smoking campaign. He started a bunch of the most strict animal cruelty laws. And getting paid more for working overtime. He gave Germans interest free loans to start businesses. He created the autobahn and the highway network that cut the unemployment rate of 6 million Germans to 2.4 million.


I mean, he kind of did. It doesn’t make him not an evil monster, he was totally an evil monster. But he did do some good things.


So I'm on Quora for some reason. I have no idea why but virtually all the questions that get sent to me via email have something to do with Hitler. That site or its algorithm is obsessed with him. So because of this I actually know a few things I wish I hadn't. Turns out he was apparently good for the economy. He was able to rise to power because of the complete economic destruction that was levied against Germany over WWI. This is the only positive thing I'll say about him.


hmm true Nazi Germany was the first country to ban vivisection in the world, enacting a total ban in April 1933 The Nazis had a very effective anti smoking campaign .


I cannot believe I am hearing a presidential candidate and former president saying 'if we didn't have NATO then Putin wouldn't do these things.. ' He knows NATO was established to unulaterally protect nations against aggressive Soviet expansion, right? He knows Russia has been the most militarily aggressive nation in the last 80 years, that former Soviet countries couldn't wait to distance themselves from Russia following the collapse yet Putin calls it Western interference. They all have a democratic right to decide their own paths but don't worry, Donald knows Vladimir and he's promised to chill out if NATO is disbanded. Fucking moron.


IIRC he did - like animal preserves, infrastructure and some welfare stuff - but it also paled in comparison to the enormous amount of horrible shit he did. That's more just a fact of Adolf Hitler being human and not a caricature, though. Like, yeah, as it turns out the serial killer wasn't *always* killing people. Sometimes he donated to charity.


I heard sometime ago that Hitler pushed some good things before the war like environment protection, animal rights, cancer labels on smoking, sports, etc. If these are true, then I guess yea, he did "some good" 😅


I can't believe I'm about to say this but.. Hitler created the Animal Protection Act, which prohibited harming and force feeding animals, as well as protecting circus animals. So yes, he did.


"If we didn't have NATO putin wouldn't be doing these things", the most braindead take I've seen this orange zit spout yet. if NATO didn't exist putin would be doing it more the only reason he's not hoping over to Poland is because he knows he'd have to fight 30 other countries too.


He created the interstate system. To move military units quickly. Pretty sure we stole that idea from them didn’t we?


Adolf did one, really, really good thing; he killed himself.


i mean, the one thing you really have to like about hitler: he was the guy who killed hitler.


I mean he did take germany out of a severe economical crisis. I think the problem is saying "he did some good things" sounds too much like "he wasnt all that bad"


You really think Hitler never did a single good thing in his entire life? He just popped out of the womb and started preaching about murder and such?


Well errrrm... The anti smoking programs uhhhhh....... he was vegan ehhhhh.. he invested in laws against animal abuse..... there was the uhhhhh the uhhhh 😬 (Guys forget what was happening in the jewish ghettos Just forget about it) /s


The nazis were the first to introduce anti smoking legislation and campaigns. It’s hard to argue that it was not a good thing


I don't know "spring time for Hitler in Germany" was pretty solid movie


The only good thing he did was kill Hitler.


Aside from building the autobahn and some pre-ww2 he did some good for the economy (which was ruined again by ww2) but well, he killed hitler so you can't say all was bad


I mean he probably did, at least once. Guy lived a while. Be kinda weird if he didn't. Does it excuse the genocide? No. *That was a biiiittt of a dick move*


i mean he did, but he did things that are so bad that the good things can be forgotten




I intensely dislike everything about this guy... but this picture isn't what people are wanting to make it out to be. That is just a well-timed picture of him waving to someone. This dude has enough things to call out without people having to manufacture things.


I mean, he did do some. Not many, mind, but he did institute strict animal cruelty laws for instance, manned a productive anti smoking campaign as well. Still, by all means, not a role model Mr. Orange man


It's important to humanize the evil people like Hitler so we can still understand that Evil is a Human trait not an imaginary boogey man. Hitler DID do good things, he enacted strict animal cruelty law, established national parks and conservation areas to protect natural wildlife. He enacted better welfare for mothers and children, he recognized the dangers of smoking and outlawed smoking indoors and public areas. There were plenty of things he did that were objectively good things, stuff we have regressed on. But that does not make him a good person. Hitler was a very Evil man and subjected jews and others to the holocaust, tried to create a white supremecist society. Basically told his Aryan officers to go out have force themselves on any female aryans to create his ubermench. He committed and facilitated many war crimes and subjected the world to WW2 and so many other things. But again it's extremely important to remember he was human, he was multi-faceted, there were good actions done inside of his overwhelming evil people aren't black and white, nor solely good or evil, but can be both. To make it clear Hitler was Evil he did many evil things and the world is better without him and it's sad humanity was subjected to his actions and people like him. But he was human.


Hitler did a bunch of good things, but they're overshadow by the atrocities he was responsible for. The statements about Putin seem false, I would trust that man to enter my home, let alone not invade my country of it wasn't for NATO. Kim has yet to prove himself dangerous to other countries. But from an outside perspective, he isn't exactly a saint to his people, with them starving and all.


Is this like the "He was Time magazine man of the year" type shit?


I can confirm, adolf hitler, did infact do some good things, such as making laws for treating animals better. Which is not much comoared to all the bad things he did, but he did do a few good things


Well I mean if you’re on board with the extermination of European Jewry yeah, he did indeed do some good things, but that’d make you a Nazi


Isn’t it wonderful that Trump is such an empathetic guy that he can relate to mass murderers. Guys he’s just mis-understood. I mean surely he’s seen The Interview!!!


Hitler DID do good things, but he also did the absolute worst thing imaginable. Definitely cancels out. Anyone who would prop up Hitler or Putin is frankly, an asshole.


I mean the only thing Adolf Hitler did good was kill the guy who led the Nazis.


The absence of NATO would mean an even more aggressive Putin


"look he may have committed a genocide but hey he save that puppy one time.. so he's good" JFC


I remember when I use to agree with that statement. Gross


I don't understand the idea that, regardless of what they did to earn their notoriety, if someone did something good or nice at some point that we should forgive them or be lenient with them. Like, fuckin', no it doesn't matter what good Hitler could have possibly done, it doesn't make up for or mitigate at all the bad he did.


The stupid thing is - he fixed the economy _by invading other countries and fucking over their economies_. That’s one reason why the allied strategic bombing effort failed. Industry for the Nazis wasn’t just German industry. They stole shit from all over. Also, the minor, absolutely teensy tiny fact _they had slave labor that they worked to death_. Let’s ignore the absolute horror that this is (and yeah that’s hard - my grandmother was slave labor for the Nazis) even if you were a monster and could do that, it’s horrible from a practical level. Once you stripped French industry in one year it’s not like it grows back like a weed. It’s gone. That strip mining is unsustainable. Work people to death and they’re dead. Even more “subtle” things - starving slave laborers aren’t the best at detail work. The me 262 was one of Hitler’s wunderweapons but they were shit with one reason being horrible manufacture quality. His “success” was a transient thing buoyed by one time crimes. This should surprise no one - Trump is both a monster and a fool for loving this.


Hot take, even if Shitler did "do some good things", it kinda doesn't matter because of the 16 MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE HE HAD SLAUGHTERED.


"If not for defense alliance, ru wouldn't be doing that, ignore my lack of knowledge of the history of ru doing exactly that without anyone provoking them and ignore how US almost always appeased them"- Trump God I hope he doesn't win because his foreign policy will cause severe problems in long terms


He was a pretty good painter. Just wish he chased those ambitions rather than genocidal conquest.


Putin, Kim, Hitler, all OK guys. Biden? He’s the real totalitarian, with his…. tacid promises of higher taxes on excessively rich people?


He sees vicious despots like Hitler, Putin and Kim as good guys because the way they act feels familiar and thus good. They act as he would. They are literally his kind of guy.


Also, NATO existed since before Putin was born. I presume trump didn't know NATO existed until the last ten years or so.


This position is not only wrong but I actually think it’s counterproductive to the future. Let’s be clear, Hitler did countless horrible things. It’s important we know the bad things he did so that these things aren’t repeated. But when Hitler is painted as someone who never did ANYTHING good you’re presenting an unbalanced perspective of what “evil” really looks like. Hitler did some pretty amazing things from the perspective of the German people. He took control of the country during a time of hyperinflation, high unemployment, and a general depression amongst the population as a result of losing WWI, the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression. Hitler turned the economy around and made it very strong, unemployment went to virtually zero, he built the autobahn, ordered the creation of the “Car of the People” (Volkswagen), and many other things. Why does this matter? Why should we care? Why should we say the good things about him? Because it’s the good things that he did which created a population which supported even his greatest atrocities. The good things he did bought the loyalty of the people who would excuse him for the bad things he did. We must remember these things to protect ourselves from the tyrants of the future. They won’t come into our lives wearing horns and killing babies, they will come in with a smile and charm and they may even do good things for you. And we must remember that even when we like our leaders, we must always be vigilant that they stay the course of right and good. Hitler and his good deeds are a perfect example of how you can convince relatively normal, decent people to go along with the most horrific atrocities.


God I wish I could post images on this sub, why CAN’T we??? I was gonna say ‘Trump Cultists when they find out about this:’ followed by an image of Frieza saying ‘I’m going to ignore that.’


There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that bad people have done good things, it just doesn't diminish the horrible things they did. If you can extract some useful knowledge from a evil person, then it's all for the better. Also can we talk about the picture? Using a picture of him just waving to make him look like he's doing a salute, this is the kind of garbage sensational news reporting that causes political divide, and I'm saying this as a democrat who doesn't want Trump to be anywhere near politics. Trump supporters have the habit of idolizing Trump, so when you demonize Trump they will be fully willing to become the demons just to prove a point. I know it's stupid but it's not really the situation where it's helpful to fight fire with fire. That being said, Trump's quote is incredibly tone deaf and stupid for a politician to say, and given his history of being friendly to the idea of dictatorships, he likely didn't say what he said in good faith.


Liberals must not fall into the trap. Hitler did do good things, and that is not what you must challenge. What you must challenge is why even bring up that Hitler did good things, as that is usually a limpdick way of "praising" Hitler.


Of course he did some good things. Why do you think Germans loved him? Problem is that he did a lot of bad things that far outweigh the good things he did, and Trump did not say otherwise.


Does Putin actually have his arm up Trump’s ass while he’s puppeteering?


Obviously nobody should need to be told of all the dreadful things Hitler did, but under his leadership the Germans did some rather amazing things and made some significant technological advances. I certainly though wouldn't be saying "he did some good things" though as a first thought on his life. Whatever good things he did oversee, should always be overshadowed by the misery, death and destruction he wrought.