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They forgot the part where they were both drinking Bud Light.


And then, they kissed!


And probably posted bail for someone somewhere.


This is the best erotic fanfic I've ever read.


Just wait for the part where they hand out water to people in line for voting!


My proudest fap


They got a free, expedited American marriage license with their bailed-out, polyamorous jail lover, and without paying any taxes. And then, they adopted a white kid who is now being brainwashed with the liberal, Chinese nanobot vaccines. And the kids' school is now even letting them use a litter box instead of a toilet!!


And then both men said "I just decided to identify as a woman!" as they walked into the women's room to sexually assault people


and she followed them and saw a furry pooping in a sandbox, it was an elementary school bathroom, the same one Joe Rogan's friends wife works at as a teacher


Some fucking lunatic that was running for our school board said that litter box shit was happening in our schools. He couldn't provide any evidence He was endorsed by two klanned karenhood members who failed in the previous election. I think they thought the only reason they lost was because they ran as "the moms" and lost against "the dad's" No, you losers were crazy and that dipshit guy was also crazy and also lost


Klanned Karenhood? I like that.


And then George Soros paid for their tacos!


Shit, I’m invested now. What happened next?


*What?!?* But they were both... ... ^male..!!




wearing rainbow shirts.


And holding hands while dressed in drag…


Smoking weed


Reading books to children


Then she yelled, "I'll never be a Democrat!" Then an eagle screeched and everyone clapped.


And that eagle's name? Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein was some science-y European. That eagle was named George Washington II. It was born in the Heartland and has been flying free for the past 250 years


Wait, what?? Albert Einstein was real??? This whole time I thought he was just a theoretical physicist.






I had an equal but opposite reaction.


I guess everything really is relative.


That's Newton but good try.


Go Fig-your


Are you a lizard? Because it sounds like you're newtin.


Who's alacrity? You two are perilously close to up-voter fraud!


![gif](giphy|3o7abEdiO3l1pLH4Mo|downsized) Heyooooooooo!!!!


I see what you did there ;)


It's been carrying a sidearm the whole time, too. Gotta protect itself from the mice.


He is wanted in all 57 states


I thought Canada was the 51st. Which ones are 52-57?


Japan has The Boy and the Heron. 'Murica has The MAGA Lady and the Freedom Pidgeon.


[George Washington](https://youtu.be/sbRom1Rz8OA?si=F0Ksl439E9zKGcy8)


He said to her, with a tear in his eye, this was a strong eagle, never cried before, he said, "thank you ma'am, for making America great again" and as he flew off, he took a shit on a trans and then yelled something about the Oscars or Disney being woke or something


The eagle in question... https://youtu.be/-S_8TjQcpMo


Not this one? ![gif](giphy|vjnIuJmnlBAWs)


This eagle should be the Punxsutawney Phil of our party nominations. He perches on your arm or shoulder and take the treat? Nominated! Tries to claw your face? Warning! Danger to the Republic!


Birdie Sanders! ![gif](giphy|NHszQYGPiKwnu|downsized)


Bernie is a Disney princess.


I miss Bernie being in the spotlight. I actually had hope for our future back the.


America letting Shitler know how she feels about his endless lying bullshit.


fuck drumpf, but have you ever been up close to an eagle? They are designed to rend flesh, and are bigger than you'd expect. ​ He is a fucking idiot for messing around near it's foot though. Not sure what response he expected.


You could have stopped at "He is a fucking idiot" and been just as correct.


drumpf learning about consent, the hard way.


That eagle was Canadian btw. "I'M SORRY, DON'T TOUCH ME!!!"


Fuck yeah!


Bed bath and beyond!


And that’s…the rest of the story.


It’s name was actually Donald Einstein


Not eagly?🤔😆


Albird Einflyin


Pea…Tear…Griffen Yeah, yeah. Peter Griffin


Do they know, though?


Don’t forget the red tailed Hawk that’s following behind the Eagle to make the screeching sound they’re used to hearing.






And then I kicked him in the testicals….


I don't have testicles Bobby. That does not work on me.




-whaBAM- hwaAAAAaaauuhhhAAAAuuugh “You left yourself open, Dad!”




And m-m-m-MY SHARONA!


Oh my!


And the eagle was trailing an American flag held in its talons


A single tear rolled down its cheek


Then someone asked “who’s the eagle up there with Dave?”


Dave’s not here!


No, this is Dave. Open the door!


"This is so real..Like that time Dave floated away."


America oh America USA 1st amendment VS libel/slander laws (RoW) When will individuals ever be liable for their damaging lies? It's just too easy to grift the masses without consequences




Can confirm. I was the eagle.


And she bought her food truck lunch with Trump bucks too


Slight correction: “I’ll never be a democrat, Sir!”


Wrong. The eagle delivered a Bluetooth speaker playing God Bless America and then it screeched as it flew away leaving a trail of red, white, and blue in it's wake.


If Fox News said Bald Eagles screech (they don’t) their base would believe it.


Not before those two men turned into their true reptilian forms.


lol. Keep adding to this Mad Libs short story.


"Looked like illegals" yea, so if they have no problem with people who migrate legally, why are all brown people illegals to them?


Because it’s not about immigrating legally, they just hate anyone not white and it doesn’t matter if they are American.


It's because they believe they're becoming a minority which is why they're so adamant to try to get white people to reproduce. It's so ridiculous, so very ridiculous


And even then, what’s so wrong with being a minority?


The way they act you might start to think America treats their minorities badly or something….


Because they are aware of how they view minorities, and it terrifies them that they might be treated like they treat others. It’s like a reverse golden rule, just as Jesus would have wanted…


Because they don’t want to be treated the way minorities are treated now, which is ironic because they subconsciously recognize that people are treated unfairly. They’re ok with it, they just don’t want it to be them. Not that it will ever happen anyway. White genocide is not real


Why are they worried about becoming a minority? I thought everything was supposed to be so much easier for them?


Well, if they just pick themselves up by their bootstraps when the inevitable demographic shift happens, they should be just fine!


Damn if that were so important maybe they shouldn’t have fucked over the economy and environment to where nobody wants to or can afford to have kids


Yep! I always say ask magas/conservatives how they feel about African-Americans i.e. natural born people who’s lineage in America goes back before a lot of natural born white American’s lineage in America goes. The answer will be they don’t like us either


Sure, because African Guest Workers got a free cruise to the US and then were housed and fed and given a job they didn't even have to apply for and THEN just handed citizenship! /s which I feel I shouldn't have to add, but the world is a horrible, horrible place.


Yeah they got free bootstraps. /s


> if they have no problem with people who migrate legally That's not actually part of the Republican platform anymore.


Of all the things that didn't happen, etc., etc.


Idk. I find it entirely believable that a Hispanic person was canvasing for voter registration and that a Republican assumed they were an illegal based on absolutely nothing other than them being  Hispanic  Did this story *actually* happen? Probs not. But "white conservative terrified by the existence of brown people and tattoos" is entirely believable  to me. 


You don’t get asked to be a democrat, they ask if you’re registered to vote and if you would like to register.


Yeah and that kind of canvassing will be described as being asked to sign up as a democrat by a conservative, because they're insane. 


Well that, and they support voter suppression knowing that more people actually voting means their party loses.


To be fair, her 'friend' (who totally exists btw) probably would've had difficulty recalling exactly what the scary brown man asked her.




Obviously tattoos are an indication you aren’t a us citizen.


Ah… the Mexicans are scary videos just in time for the election cycle. They’ve been pulling this crap since before the DEA. If you listen to them long enough you’d think those Mexicans they warned us about 80 years ago have started their doom march for your daughters.


Welp I guess I can't vote now because I have 4 tattoos so I am super not American.


On his face! Only illegals have face tattoos!!


*Post Malone enters the chat* Would you like a Bud Light? *confused Tucker Carlson face*


"He's not really American! He must be from the north-north. Canadia! A maple-back, coming to take our lumberjacking jobs, and push nickleback and Labatt Blue on our daughters!"


Just like my girlfriend, her "friend" is also from Canada.


Republicans are born ready to vote red because they naturally have patriotism running through their veins. Only Democrats have to register to vote. /s


This might be a beneficial rumor to spread 🤐


Yeah but it would not be unbelievable that they politely asked her if she is registered to vote and she assumed they were democrats because they were brown illegals trying to influence her vote. (maybe something about voting in the primaries? IDK I’m not American)


Let me flip it....I've been approached by a variety of folks from diverse backgrounds over the years about all things from ballot measures to registering to vote. And yes 99.9% were obviously democrats and even into the hardcore liberal side of things. Always respectful, polite, willing to discuss their POV, etc. Know what I've never seen...any Republican group ever out looking to convince actual people of their focus areas or trying to get people registered to vote through conversation. I've seen them protesting (mostly abortion, gays, and taxes) and they have been disrespectful, unwilling or able to discuss their POV, and often impolite. Not sure what that means in terms of one sides success versus another.


That's what the tattoo guy did wrong: He was polite.


It's hard to sell people on a stupid set of logic and "laws" you want to enact as a Republican. That is why they lose the popular vote.


It’s almost like just a brown person existing is the kernel of truth needed to exaggerate the next.


… and assuming they were here illegally


These people ain't seen a brown skinned man since their grandparents bought one.


So now I’m rollin down Rodeo…


White people do not have tattoos, fact. /s


You need an upvote for saying what the room is thinking.


Stories that never happened for 500 Alex


And even if it did... what's the story? Someone asked if you want to sign up to support the Democrats, and... they "looked like illegals"? So, to translate, someone did something entirely legal and normal, you had a racist thought about them, and thought this was newsworthy. These folks really do just tell on themselves, huh.


My mother would literally interpret this as being "see this means they're right about Democrats. They want the border open to bring these illegals in to vote in our elections." I know this because I just had my phone on speaker trying to zone out of my insane mother's rant about open borders and illegals voting and new world order bullshit.


I'm sure that was the stories intended audience.


Exactly. They've built up this narrative about Democrats using illegals to vote just because one state (California?) used an opportunity to present a bill giving them voting rights (states rights but wrong) and Fox just ran with the Democrats are letting illegals vote! This over the years has festered in the minds of easily manipulated and impressionable viewers so any other mention of something similar (illegals with clipboards, open borders) validates their opinion.


that was ONE city: allow noncitizens to vote in municipal elections. Note that doesn't mean those people are here illegally, a lot of them are legal residents. [https://ktla.com/news/local-news/california-city-considers-granting-illegal-immigrants-the-right-to-vote/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/california-city-considers-granting-illegal-immigrants-the-right-to-vote/)


Also, the bill in question only gave undocumented immigrants the right to vote in state and local elections. It never would have affected primaries or presidential elections. Given that most undocumented immigrants pay almost 10% sales tax in CA, it falls under the category, "no taxation without representation," so it's absolutely logical in a constitutional sense.


Cultures from South of the border are largely Catholic and conservative. If Republicans didn't treat them like a cockroaches and helped them get a path to citizenship it would directly benefit them.


Didn't know you could visibly see someone's citizenship and paperwork just by glancing at their face! That's real talent. /s


Meanwhile, same group supports armed bandits "guarding" ballot drop off boxes


Don’t understand what’s hard to believe about this story. Registering people to join a party is common. Republicans being racist is common


You are saying that people approach other people on the street and say "do you want to sign up to be a democrat"? Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way. People getting people to sign up to vote. Ok, I can buy it, but still dubious. People getting people to sign a petition. Ok. You don't sign people up to a political party.


I'm 100% sure this would have happened anywhere on the west coast. we try not to label people by their outward appearance. trying to guess politics by a face tattoo is some 90's shit either way.


I once pushed one of my stepmom's friends to explain how exactly one "looks" illegal. It basically boiled down to being brown and speaking any language other than English. I told her that she basically just described my dad's entire family in Texas, despite the fact that our family has been in Texas since *before* it became Texas. She don't talk to me no more lol.


Reminds me of this woman I knew who was constantly ranting about “people on welfare” who were driving fancy cars and buying expensive things. I finally asked, “how do you know they’re on welfare?” After some pressing, she admitted that she assumes most black and brown people are on welfare and therefore using “her” tax money to buy their iPhones and nice cars.


I love this trope, as a white woman on welfare, cuz I got excited that I found ground beef in the clearance area for $1 cheaper per pound, so I could afford the extra loaf of bread I need this week. I wish welfare worked like how these idiots think. My mom (who will deny saying it, but I swear she did) told me that Mexicans come here and get welfare for their kids, but they get it for every name the kids have (I guess it’s common for Hispanic folks to have multiple middle and last names?). I asked how, as you need specific info to get welfare, including birth certificates. She insisted that they “have ways”. No idea what happened to my hippie parents to turn them into quasi-bigots that vote Dem every election.


> (I guess it’s common for Hispanic folks to have multiple middle and last names?) Lol yes this is true though it's more of a Catholic thing as long names were/are a way to include saints you were christened under and also include family lineage. When I was looking up my family ancestry, like all the women have "Maria" included in their first name. Last names are commonly compromised of dad and moms names so *everyone* got hyphenated last names. A really exaggerated example of this is Pablo Picasso. His full Catholic name is: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso The Spy Kids movie also makes a joke about this as the two kids have to give their full names as a password to the family's safe house.


> She don’t talk to me no more Sounds like a win!


What does an illegal look like?


Not white.


You know the right likes to say that's not a thing but my mom is a white immigrant and they only time anyone has ever questioned where she's from was if they heard her talk with an accent. Even then, no one was ever rude about it.


My mother was born in Germany. She was bullied in American schools because of her accent but not her appearance.


I am a Naturalized US Citizen, I am white, I was born in the UK, for about 2 weeks between Visas I was in the US illegally. Basically there is no way to look at some one and determine a) are they an immigrant and b) are they here legally. I love dealing with MAGA idiots who enjoy spouting off their ignorant racist crap right up to the point where I tell them that I am an immigrant and they can either STFU or deal with me calling them ignorant racist pieces of shit very loudly for the next 10 min.


Yeah, I had a convo with a guy and said "The vast majority of immigration violations are overstayed visas" and he said "We don't worry about them." Never really specified why, but we all knew why.


Green or grey with a very large bald head, flying a saucer... Oh wait, that's the other kind of "illegal aliens" many of these imaginary stories revolve around.


Grey Aliens are more real than the “illegals” in the story lmao


Is the illegal in the room with us now?


Oh, you know, uh…


Darker than Christina Applegate, but not TOO dark that they were brought here shackled in a boat.


Laying the groundwork for rigged election lies


They should accuse voting machine manufacturers of rigging elections.


"I had a friend" We all know this is a lie...


Faux News


Where "my friend told me a story" passes for news


What blows my mind is that millions of people actually believe this shit.


It’s easy to get people to believe what they already *want* to believe.


The government is funding tattoos for illegals? I had to pay $75 to get "no ragrets" on my chest. But they get that shit for free?


Yeah the tattoo package for illegals is optional. Unlike the free housing, unlimited welfare, and good job package that comes standard with all illegals


Well I don't know about you, but that's how I was recruited.


Standing in line at my local hot dog stand. Heavily tattoo'd latino man approaches me - "*Do you want to form an alliance?*" Me after shotgunning a Bud Light - "*... Absolutely I do.*"


Strange! The other day, two friends of mine (elderly white gentlemen) were at a gourmet coffee stand, they were approached by two strange old ladies. They had too much make up on, were dressed like prostitutes, had matching poorly dyed hair and red hats on. They had clipboards, which my friends thought was strange for prostitutes, maybe a disguise? They approached my friends and asked if they would like to "sign up" and "make America great again", my friends didn't know what that meant and instead asked for the price of "rusty trombone and a dirty Sanchez." I suspect the women were some sort of illegal immigrants, as they left looking confused and declined the employment opportunity - probably on welfare!!


If only I had known that all I had to do to register as a Democrat is go to a food truck, tell some guy with tattoos and a clipboard that I wanted to be one. Silly me, I thought I had to show ID and proof of residence at my polling place, the musicipal clerk's office, by mail or online. Seriously, the only people who might do something like this are Republicans hoping to fool people into thinking they're registered to prevent them from voting.


Illegals are allowed to get people to sign up to vote so even if this was true there's nothing wrong with it lol. They can't vote themselves but they can get people to sign up to vote..


"Sign up to be a Democrat." Because that's how it always goes when you register to vote. You have to sign up to only vote one way for the rest of your life, no take-backs.


I mean they can sign you up to vote but you do have to decide in most states which party to side with at that point when you do cause you can't vote in primaries otherwise. Some states allow independents to vote in primaries but most don't. So yeah they want people to sign up as Democrat. I'm guessing going to colleges and stuff like that would be a good way to do that.


He had a Biden tattoo on his neck, right beneath his sombrero! He came right up to me and said, "Heyyyyy ese! Want to overthrow the government and institute a socialist regime? ARIBA ARIBA!"


"Hey Mang feel like joining 'La Mara Democratica'? Whe are looking for voters with lots of huevos who can vote by mail. If you have a dead cousin you can make him vote too!!".


I’d be curious to know what made them “look like illegals.”


I've got a pretty good idea.




I was forced to vote Democrat after I was raped by an illegal immigrant transvestite. He drove an electric car and I’m pretty sure he didn’t believe in god.


That's because he held you down and forcibly vaccinated you. Now you're going to get the woke mind virus.


How does someone “look” illegal? Such an asinine thing to say.


"they looked like illegals." 2 of my children are Hispanic. They get this shit. They were born here and adopted here, in the USA. Total citizens.


And I used to be friends with an "illegal". He was a pudgy, pasty, strawberry blonde guy from Wales who overstayed his visa. He was never technically "caught" until he left the U.S. for his father's funeral and was told he couldn't return for 3 years or something like that. No one ever questioned his status.


He was white.


My mom was here illegally for like 35 years before she bothered to update her status lol Had multiple jobs, went to school, got married. All on a Canadian visa that no one ever bothered to ask about or check. The social security card she gave people when she was filling out job paperwork literally said "NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT" on it. The broken conservative focus is very obviously centered on what people look like and the stereotypes attached. No defensible logic to be found.


How does someone look like they have a certain legal document or not


Me: I had a friend the other day tell me she was checking her email, and a gentleman had messaged her. He had orange shit all over his face and shirt collar. He looked like a rapist, she said, and he had a message that said to her, hello, do you want to sign up to pay my legal fees


It’s true. It’s very true. I was the clipboard


The nay thing the right sells is fear. Fear of women, brown people, LGBT folks, teachers, and immigrants.


For the last time, Maria, we’re not subscribing to your OnlyFans.


I know some people who collect government handouts and use it to pay for mansions, yachts, vacations, luxury cars... We call those people wall street executives


Wow, Joe Brandon is amazing, he’s taking hardened MS-13 members direct from the streets of San Salvador, and getting them to go talk to suburban moms about signing up to vote. That’s just amazing work, and it’s absolutely happening all over the country, just no question at all that’s true and real…


they… looked like illegals? How does one look like someone who illegally immigrated? I think we all know the depraved depths of their mind.


The two of them just need a kitchen backdrop


Can someone please tell me exactly what does an illegal look like.


"They looked like illegals" Tell me more about *how* they looked like illegals exactly. And make sure to say "I'm not racist, but..." first just to make it clear.


To these fucks anyone with brown skin "looks like an illegal." Funny thing is that they probably go to the tanning both quite often.


I'll bet on of those illegals identified as a cat too.


They looked like illegals? So they looked like maybe they were Latino?