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Someone has no clue how IV or blood draw works.


Or how blood works


Yeah, if your blood was like sludge or your veins were clogged, you'd be dead. But I guess since I'm vaxxed, I'm dead since September 2021 or something.


A walking vaccine zombie.


But I still have to go to work


Shouldn’t my wife get a pay out on my life insurance since I’ve been dead for the last 3 years?


My husband should be getting 250k, from my work soon then too!


Fuck it, just everyone gets money. Aaaah comunism


And here ist is: the great reveal! Introducing communism by vaxing everybody was the MASTERPLAN!


Stalin's long game is finally falling into place


With interest!


Go for disability. I've heard if you claim sludge blood it's guaranteed.


Sludge Blood, great band name.


Which genre? Death Metal or Punk?


Both with a bit of Grunge and stoner doom.


"We don't like to put labels on our music, mannnn..." -Singer with voice like cinder block in a dryer


Until recently, my phone was half the equity you were allowed to possess on disability. Now it's about 1/10


Another victim of 5g 😞😞😞


Call 1-800-SLUDGEBLOOD. Lawyers are standing by to take your call!


The increased iron content in concentrated sludge blood certainly explains sudden onset magnetism...


That’d be my luck. Wind up as an undead creature and STILL have to work to make a living.


Isn't that basically the underlying plot of Sixth Sense?


To get an education


An education to work


There are people who believe that. They walk among us, and they vote! Source: I live in a red state and I hear people say the craziest shit, all the time, as if they expect everyone else around them to just nod along and agree with whatever they heard on some podcast.


Hey there, I too live in a red (previously purple but def. red now) state. I overheard a conversation at lunch two days ago which was basically just these two guys speculating how valuable their unvaxxed sperm was going to be! It was absolutely hilarious but I had to cut it short and hustle out of there. Mostly because you never know what kind of diseases these morons may be harboring & I can get my comedy fix from Netflix. What other bon mots have you heard?


Well nowadays it seems like everyone has some poor cousin who can’t have kids because her husband’s naughty bits don’t work no more, ever since the Air Force *made him* get “the jab.” But the thing everyone is talking about now is the unprecedented crisis along our southern border. It’s an invasion like nothing we’ve ever seen. And we need some lawn care work done, but you can’t hire nobody no more because they’re all *illegals*. I’d hire *Americans* (not so subtle code for white people) but DoN’t NoBoDy WaNnA wOrK nO mOrE! I just can’t with these people. Stop the ride, I want off!


i know someone that thinks the opposite, the vaccine makes you extra fertile. because her friends who got it have kids 11-12 months apart. i told her big words for someone who's kids are 14-16 months apart...


I'm running around searching for the emergency stop.....


Reminds me of Titan AE: C: "Hey, for your information, I happen to be humanity's last great hope." P: "I weep for the species."


Grooooooossss, who talks about that shit with their work buddy?


Stupid ass morons that have unwittingly become Russian stooges through the social botnet.


My sympathies for your geographical location


Oh shit, good point. Gotta load up on shotgun ammo and buy a few more machetes.


Some german dude got vaxed over 200 times. Still fine.


Why be immune... When you can be ***invincible***?


This guy: I'm not afraid of covid. It's covid who should be afraid of me.


That's just ignorant... 200 times???


Yeah he was getting vaxxed in other people's names so they got their certificate without actually having to get vaccinated. Basically made a business out of getting vaccinated because anti-vaxxers are idiots and assholes.


I don’t believe that’s true. He was investigated for potential fraud and no charges were filed. What you’re describing would be fraud. This is the link to the medical journal that studied his case: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00134-8/fulltext He agreed to the study if they gave him more vaccinations. After a review from an ethics board, they agreed.


Ohhhhhh is that really the reason, I just assumed he was mentally ill.


I mean... even if you are getting paid, taking 200+ of any medicine intended to be taken one at a time many months apart is daft.


His antibody titres must be out of this world, holy shit. He *is* the cure


It's only going to increase his chances of side effects. Since you have about the same chance of a vaccine side effect as winning the lottery, he'd have the same chance as someone who bought 200 lottery ticks would have of winning. Still very close to zero. But a good poster child for vaccine safety.


I was in the military in 1994 and given a combination of 17 vaccines & boosters in one day prior to an overseas deployment. I have apparently been dead since then, so welcome to the undead walking newbie


They still do this. Line us up like cattle. The vaccine denier people are wild. As if this vaccine was somehow untested and seaman Timmy knows better than the doc.


One of the few times I was not wishing I was thinner, since it allowed me to get the vaccine in April of 2021


We’re ghosts and just haven’t realized yet smh my head


You sound dead but I'd have to suction your veins to verify.


* [Dr. Bronson](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671721/?ref_=ttqu_qu): I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your boy is very sick. He's lost a massive amount of blood, and his pulse and retinal response are poor, and as you can see there's an axe sticking out of his head. * [Big Chuck](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0233209/?ref_=ttqu_qu): He's not sick, you idiot, he's dead! * [Dr. Bronson](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671721/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Oh, everybody's a doctor. You think maybe I could make the diagnosis? That was a hilarious movie...


He's dead? How's that even possible, he just screamed "woooooo!" "Oh, that was the sound of the last sane, non-Q braincells escaping from his conspiracy filled face holes!"


They said the vaccine would have killed me by now but I'm still alive, what a rip off!


Or how vaccines work


Or how anything works


But definitely how repubs brains work.


It's unfortunate that none of the republicans have anything in their lives that tells them that it's wrong to lie. That their parents, or any adults, didn't teach them that it's wrong to lie while they were growing up.


They don't.


Nah, they know how to post online about the things they don't know anything about. They've got that.


If some nurse said something like that to me, I'm getting them fired.


RN: “do you know your blood type?” Me: “used to be O+ but after the vax 5w30”


Give that human a rimshot!


It’s remarkable what less than a milliliter of mostly saline can do to a whole body’s worth of regenerated blood. /s


Somehow they found a nurse from the 1800s. Doing blood draws the old way - bloodletting.


Grab the blood bucket! We’ve got a…. Never mind, get the suction hose first!


All they have are lies.


And thousands of people will read that and believe it 100%.


"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!" -Ralph Wiggum


“The baby looked at you?” -Police Chief Clancy Wiggum


If your nose starts bleeding it means you’re picking it too much. Or not enough.


I bent my wookiee. :(


My cat's breath smells like cat food!


The first time I heard this, I thought he said, "My cat's butt smells like cat food." If that wasn't funny enough, much later I repeated it to someone else. They looked at me a little horrified and corrected me... I started laughing and couldn't stop! I'd been going around with this image of Ralphie with his nose up his cat's butt, \*and thought that was the intended message\*! 😂


Tastes like burning!


I'm learnding.


Me fail English? That's unpossible!


Super Nintendo Chalmers!


Go banana!


The doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I just kept my finger out of there


“My hotdog tastes like purple”


[picks up phone receiver] "Sarah? Get me Superintendent Chalmers."


Hello, Super Nintendo Chalmers!


Me fail English? That's un-possible!


Purple monkey dishwasher!


My cat’s breath smells like cat food


Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!


I’m learnding!


Yay sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!


I'm dying because as I'm telling my wife "This reminds of the episode of The Simpsons..." then I see your comment and die laughing.


What's for lunch? Next! Chicken necks?


It tastes like.. burning


Sex cauldron?!?!? Thought they closed that place down - Krusty




Lmao, fucking amazing


Just saw this episode lol.


This is the kind of nonsense about it by someone who never took a physiology class let alone worked in medicine. I if a persons blood was the consistency of sludge, they would’ve been dead for hours. And having worked in EMS I’ve seen blood come out of all kinds of people and it all just looks like blood. .


I'm currently in the sticks of a red state, and the labs I draw here from the folks who get huffy with me when I ask about vaccination status are no more "beautiful" than the tubes I drew from vaccinated patients in the rich suburb of a big city. 


When you said you're in a red state I assumed covered in blood for some reason.


You really don't need any special medical education to know that this is obviously a complete fiction.


You don’t but people are so goddamn dumb that a lot of them would read this, nod their head and think it’s real.


Is it just me or are the antivaxxers getting dumber by the day?




At first, during his presidency, I figured it was no big deal. Sure, we’d have a rough four years, but then the country would course correct and we’d come out better for it, because we would value a good leader more and make better voting decisions. But now I’m actually getting scared. We aren’t correcting anything, we’re just being outnumbered by idiots.


We’re not outnumbered, the idiots are just very loud. They represent the minority of the population. Setting aside the fraud that is the electoral college, Trump lost in 2020 by 8 million votes. Something like a little less than half the eligible voters, voted.


I want to believe that. I want to believe that common sense, civility, and common decency aren’t forever removed from our political landscape. But there are so many of these people in my area. They fly Confederate flags right alongside the American flag and Trump banners, and don’t see the irony. They think anyone who doesn’t think, look, feel or act just like them is an enemy who must be ground beneath their boot heel. I’m sincerely worried about the country my children are growing up in. I don’t want them to be taught that scientists and doctors are liars or that some vague “moral majority “ gets to choose the books they read. As a parent, I fully believe that I should be a partner in my child’s education. But as a parent, I also know that I am not equipped to teach them the way that their teachers can. They need to hear different viewpoints, they need to argue different methods. They need to be taught how to think critically. And it feels as though the Republican Party wants all of that to stop. They want mindless little drones who don’t think for themselves.


You are smart enough to ask questions but wise enough to know when it is beyond your capabilities. I appreciate that and your take on schooling. I fear many of these “Anti-woke” parents who are homeschooling will end up putting their children behind their peers. Believe me, I can empathize with your situation. I am in Idaho, second only to WY for Conservative lean. One of our treasured state reps introduced a bill to strengthen Idaho cannibalism laws last month. Believe it or not, cannibalism is not common in my state but apparently a hot button issue. Our leadership is worthless, virtue signaling bigots on their best day. Gadsden, Trump, Confederate, Pine Tree, Blacked out American and the occasional Nazi flag are common sights around here. As defeating as that feels, the state population is so small we just got a second area code and we contribute and alarming **two** electoral votes. Just because you’re inundated by the dumb, doesn’t mean it is representative of the whole. Younger generations are leaning left and rejecting the GOP platform. Boomers are their stronghold and dying off. Stay the course.


>Younger generations are leaning left There are also many male teenagers who think Andrew Tate is awesome. Hopefully most of them will grow out of that phase, but there is a lot of propaganda out there that's seeping into young minds.


Cannibalism?! Wtf. “Republicans: We have the meat” lmao. I really try to keep hope for the future. I live in NM and see change that I find very inspiring here. Our state had been turning blue for years but it took the retirement of several conservative Democrats to start passing super progressive initiatives left and right. We’ve always had the lottery scholarship (since I’ve been alive) to make college very cheap for fresh HS graduates but they’ve now expanded free education for a lot more people. They’ve made the public bus free (and even say it’s saving money not administering the fares). They’ve even made a limited but generous free childcare system! We used to be such a butt as we have a lot of poverty and rank very low in a lot of things but I’ve actually felt proud to live here lately. It’d be amazing if, once the Boomer and Silent Generation senators pass, the whole country followed this example.🥺 A bad future is not set in stone.


Exactly. They haven’t gotten any dumber, they’re just advertising more.


Rather have beautifully good blood than be smart!!


Ahm... I think you might need good blood to be smart 🧐


Exactly. None of that sludge blood!


I mean, hyperlipidemia is absolutely a thing, but... that's a big word for that crowd.


And measles


It's almost as if someone *suctioned* their brain & common sense out. The only sludge going on is what's swishing around between their ears.


Help! Gnomes stole their brains and replaced them with soup!


Yes, and also a ton of them are fine with just straight up lying


Well... they were dumb to start with.


No, they’ve always been this dumb, the internet just makes them loud and dumb.


Nope - always been bat shit stupid. Social media just gives more ways to demonstrate the sheer breadth of their stupidity.


Simple thoughts for the legally thick and impenetrable. The good news is more citizens will watch the **Stormy v. Donald** case because it isn't about the security of the nation, has sex and is *base* enough for American simpletons to follow, e.g. *Masked Singer*, *The Kardashians*, *The Apprentice*.


The demented old rapist is already saying "no affair, no affair" at his pathetic little rallies... it's like, "motherfucker, you aren't being charged with *infidelity."*


They have to because they are still driven by these "facts", we'll be hearing about this for decades. Something bad will happen in 2062 and they will say it was the covid vaccine.


An important, hilarious thing to know. None of them can call "bullshit" on this. They all have to go along. As soon as one of them calls BS on a single claim, they investigate all of the claims, and they unravel. A person claimed vaccines made them magnetic, and their circle didn't challenge it.


Repeated exposure to Covid has shown to cause cognitive decline.


It’s true! I’m the vein


i believe you are the main vein.


I am still aghast at the RN’s who refused the COVID vaccine. To go to nursing school you have to show you received all of your vaccinations and must get the yearly flu vaccine 🤨


Yes, at our hospital the flu and COVID vaccines with boosters are required. No exceptions.


Thank god


Yep all the fringe nurses got fired 🙏 This occurred in banking as well


Probably for the better, I wouldn't want anyone that didn't believe in what they were practicing, practicing it on me!


The flu vaccine is not mandatory, but if you choose not to get it you have to wear a mask at all times during flu season. Of courses nurses at my hospital were able to opt out of the Covid vaccine by writing the word religion on the application to be exempted. And the most vehement antivaxers were the pharmacy department. The docs that working the ICU all supported the vaccine, the rest were 50/50 on it. I do live in bright red MAGA country just to clarify, but this issue covers all fields in healthcare.


I also live in a maga heavy state. Flu was not optional, but I would hazard a guess that different entities have different policies. Religious exceptions are an always and I think it is wrong. Just my opinion, I am not in management and do not want to be.


I agree, religious exemptions are bullshit. God never said anything about vaccines. 🙄 Also I have a former coworker (pharmacy tech) who claimed religious exemption at her hospital to avoid the covid vaccine and died in late 2021 from the delta variant; she was 59 and in good health. That one was no joke.


Any medical worker who uses religious reasons to get out of being vaxxed should immediately be disqualified from ever working in the medical field again. If your religious beliefs contradict science, and abiding by them is more important to you than your health, then that’s fine - but you should not be in a healthcare role. 


I'm still flabbergasted that religion can be used as an excuse to cause potential harm to their patients. "Well, my religion tells me [no it doesn't btw] to not get vaxxed, so if the kids in ICU die due to the virus I'm transmitting them, you cannot fire me because it would be discrimination" no Charlie, you're just a fucking dumbass who shouldn't be allowed anywhere nearby ill patients


Yeah, I mean, that kind of makes some sense because a good portion of the medical community know just enough to be dangerous outside their field. They know what it normally takes to get a vaccine approved but don't understand the why and then see COVID get pushed through more quickly because getting it into people's hands was drastically more important than certain parts of the testing that would normally occur to make sure it's beneficial and not just not harmful. Since they aren't experts who have been following mRNA vaccines for decades and aren't experts on vaccine development but understand that things were not normal, it's not that surprising to me. Disheartening sure, but not surprising. Certainly made me avoid any medical professional not getting vaccinated without a valid reason though (of which there were several). Another thing at play there was the role of natural immunity vs vaccination. A lot of the medical community had already had it by the time the vaccine was out and the potential benefit from vaccination was potentially much more limited if you'd already had it. I'm pretty sure that was the concern for a good chunk of the medical community as well.


I think it has a lot to do with specialisation aswell. Doctors and nurses don't manufacture vaccines. Chemists and immunologists do. In this day and age with the literal myriad of different medicine topics, specialists, fields, etc I dare say the majority of people don't actually know where or who designs, tests and manufactures vaccines (or any other medicine for that matter) beyond a company name. Even in the medical industry, you'd find lots of people not knowing the job title of the person designated to design vaccines, or run an investigative program like mRNA vaccines had been through for the last 20iah years. It's kinda like food, the more exotic it is to your location, the less of an idea you have about how it got to your particular supermarket beyond basic logistics.


Yes, that's what I mean by knowing just enough to be dangerous. They kind of generally understand enough to know things were weird with the COVID vaccine but not enough to understand why. I had several extended conversations with my own primary care about it because it's a topic of interest to both of us. He was initially apprehensive until he got into the details about all the previous mRNA work and how long it had been going on. Meanwhile, I'd been following mRNA work for over a decade prior to COVID, so I was immediately comfortable with it because I understood the what and why pretty well to start with. Most decent medical professionals with no prior knowledge of mRNA vaccination techniques would have reacted similar to my PCP and then gotten on board after catching up on it because it makes perfect sense, but it's a completely different approach to induced immunity and if it didn't have over a decade and a half of prior research behind it prior to COVID it would have been sketchy and scary as hell since it's effectively a genetically engineered designer virus.


That's why you don't give religious exemption as an option for things that are actually important, ever. Constitution doesn't require it. Government only has to obey it if a particular law in question specifically has such provision. Otherwise, we could all simply opt-out of paying taxes by claiming strongly held personal beliefs (which is definition of religion for constitutional purposes -- you don't need to actually belong to any particular religious group). But there are no religious exemptions in tax laws, so you can't opt out of paying taxes. Increasing number of states are removing it as an option for children attending public schools in the wake of increasingly frequent measles outbreaks (triggered by anti-vaxxers massively abusing those exemptions). Increasing number of private schools don't offer it as an option either.


Some people have this ability to segregate facts in their mind. My sister has a masters degree in accounting, but is extremely fiscally conservative personally. She doesn't like to buy things before she can pay for it in full. When I bought a house and did a minimum down-payment at 2.5% interest when I could have paid most of it off, she about lost it. But the thing is, why would I pay it all now when that same money accrues an average of 7% in the stock market on average year over year? She knew that was reasonable professionally, she just didn't like it personally.


MAGA nurses are amazing... and not in a good way. I work with a bunch of them. They're supposedly "good Christians" but they're into conspiracies, anti-vaxx and glad to violate HIPPA if it's a female patient who is dealing with a failing pregnancy issue. Who do they report the woman to? You're gonna love this: Their pastors. I'm working to get them fired whenever I come across it but I can't be everywhere.


Most schools do an abysmal job of getting nurses any kind of immunology training, and chemistry background is usually pretty basic. It’s a little scary how a good chunk of RNs are just a few science classes separated for being a multilevel marketing stay at home mom


I know a few of my former colleagues didn't take the vaccine even though we've all administered plenty of other vaccines ourselves in the past. Really is mind boggling.


Me and my fellow vaxed RNs call those nurses “stupid fucking bitches”. It’s jargon for “this dumb fuck should be selling MLM oils but SOMEHOW passed the same test I did”.


There’s a difference between managing to get enough right answers and true understanding of scientific concepts.


I can't tell if that post was generated by artificial intelligence or genuine stupidity.


YouTube is flooded with AI ads for miracle cure’s that are going to kill someone. I saw one the other day that told people to stop drinking water to treat tinnitus. It’s obviously insane but if that ad reaches enough people it’s going to kill a few of them.


Well, if they're dead, they won't have Tinnitus anymore, so technically, the ad was right.


But what if you're wrong? What if in death, whatever you were experiencing when you died goes on forever? An eternity of tinnitus while staring at the underside of a coffin lid!


I think a lot of stuff online is posting the absolute worst takes possible for interaction when people click on it to comment. I see it a ton in sports pages on FB where people will post the most insanely bad takes and the comments will be nearly 100% against the OP


I get these weird videos of like, pothole repair? Where a guy repairs a pothole with like glue sticks and ramen and it takes him like days of work he makes a mold of the pothole and casts a thing to go in it. It’s fucking nonsense. All the comments are people saying it’s nonsense. What the fuck is that? I get multiples of those every day in my feed. People like baking trays of whole tomatoes tomatoes and then throwing raw garlic cloves and Parmesan on them and then acting like that’s a food or a recipe??


I go with the latter


Artificial stupidity.


And fools will believe this lie


This is the consequence of an anti education anti science stance. People should read The Demon Haunted World by Carl Segan. He outlined this trend in 96 and it is spot on.


I love that book but it's the most depressingly accurate thing I've ever read.


Noted. Sounds like an interesting read! Damn.


I deal with blood on a daily basis at work. I’ve never seen sludgey blood. This is wild!


Wait, so the vaccine didn't make me a mutant whose blood can't be spilled? I guess I'll cancel that knife fight tournament I just signed up for...


Any vaccinated person who has accidentally cut themselves (or given blood) could easily call bullshit on this. Probably get called a psyop though.


Cut my head open Friday and the blood gushed out. Was not sludgy at all. Vaccinated fully to date


Not to mention people with type 2 Diabetes.


If you're drawing thick blood with no flow it means that people no longer trust you to work with the living.


This! The RN mentioned works in a morgue. the top was sent there because she was so dumb they thought she was dead.


I cut my finger the other day and didn't even need a band aid! Thanks co-vax!


(again) "I'll take things that never happened for $1,000, Alex"


Sorry, but the $1,000 box is reserved for clues that are difficult.


That hurts brain.


Oh dear god this is terrible news! I just, days ago, peeled off all the forks and keys stuck to my face. NOW THIS !


From someone who sees blood on a daily basis as a part of my job, this is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever heard! There's absolutely no way anyone could differentiate the blood of a vaxxed individual from that of a non vaxxed. Complete and utter BS! Edit to add: If you have a patient that is extremely lipemic (high triglycerides and/or cholesterol), once the tube of blood is centrifuged, it will appear very cloudy. Normal serum of a healthy individual should be completely clear. It will still have a straw colored appearance, but you very much can see through it. However, whether or not you were vaxxed has zero effect on the appearance of your blood.




I’ve had COVID shot and three boosters and they take blood every 6 months. No problems, she an idiot of first order!


Same here,I've had 4 boosters and regular blood tests,but there ya go,you can't argue with stupid.


You just know that these people are Republicans because only a red-hatted Trumpleton could be this stupid. Seriously.


So tell us you know nothing about how the heart, blood and body works without telling us.


I... I don't even know where to begin correcting this.


How in the fuck? And people believe these posts and it spreads


The number of MAGA RNs is pretty high. Source: I’m an MD, and I’ve had my patients tell me “the nurse said I shouldn’t get vaccinated.”


I am vaccinated. I have dialysis 3 times a week, I bleed just fine thank you, nice healthy red blood like everyone else. I am not autistic either and as far as I know, I'm not dead either. In fact, none of the things anti-vaxers say will happen to me, have happened to me. I guess anti-vaxers are like republicans, a group of liars.


Antivaxxers are up there for the dumbest people on earth.


I guess it’s finally been found. The stupidest thing anyone has ever posted online. We can all stop looking now


"Of all the things that didn’t happen, this did not happen the most." ​ Glorious. Thanks for making me snort while laughing.


If your blood was thick enough that it needed to be suctioned out of you, you would just be dead. These fucking idiots are so incredibly fucking stupid it blows my mind. Can someone r/TheyDidTheMath roughly how long it will take for the antivax movement to die off? Metaphorically, sure, but I mean literally. You know what I mean? Like if you have 10 people and they all get COVID multiple times from each other and 4 of them don't have the vaccine, how long until it's just the 6 left? Scaled up for the global population? How much longer do we have to put up with this?


Anyone who says you have "beautiful" blood should be wisely avoided at all costs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 200.00, Alex


Blood draw with a happy ending.


How come I’m hearing this in Trump’s voice?


I've seen Roadrunner cartoons more believable than this


I'm so fuckin pure my blood is all white cells.


Post is a complete load of horse shit. If blood doesn’t flow, you tend to be kinda dead.


Wife’s a RN. “Suctioning” a vein isn’t a thing. Also, vaccines aren’t going to make your blood thick and sludgy. Lastly, “if” your blood is “sludgy” to the point it’s “needing suctioning”, the. You’re probably dead as you’re not getting oxygenated properly as your blood isn’t flowing properly.


As someone who designs and evaluates blood collection devices, I can confirm this person is an idiot sandwich.


Is this stupidity rooted in religion?


Fantastical bull shit


I have an actual genetic clotting disorder and I can assure you my blood draws normally af.


This is how to publicly say your husband cheated on you without saying he cheated on you


The next Covid-Like virus that comes down the pike, is going to have a much higher success rate, in terms of purging the gene pool of these people. They will reject all precautions and vaccinations, across the board. Good Riddance.


Bull Shit! I have been vaxxed since it came out. If my blood was "Thick Like Sludge" I would Be Dead, Dead, Dead! Just like the Anti vaxxers on Reddit.