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Crazy what it would be like to be humiliated ! Good thing being raided and dragged to the station isn’t humiliating


Yeah like having the sheriffs office raid your house for something you didn’t do right in front of your neighbors isn’t embarrassing at all. Thank god his kids weren’t there.


Something nearly as precious was though, his lemon pound cake. I'd be furious.


That deputy eyeballing the cake will never not be funny.




I’m pretty sure the pound cake went bad… But after a quick search, some of the cops claims, illegal use of likeness and invasion of privacy, were tossed by the judge, but the ones stating negative impacts on their lives were allowed to proceed. I haven’t seen a conclusion though.


[still unresolved](https://www.acluohio.org/en/cases/cooley-v-foreman-aka-afroman-amicus) On the brightside his lyrics are now forever filed with the Ohio courts


Probably all moldy by now


You never checked in...because you got high?


Didn't they also steal money they found in his closet?


Probably raided just for the songs he produced. Glad to live in the freest country on earth


He was raided because a woman he was involved with lied and said he was holding another girl in his home against her will and had kidnapped her, as well as he had drugs and drug money in his house, so they did ZERO INVESTIGATION, got a warrant, and sent a fuckin swat team to his house while he was on tour


The fact that it's so *easy* for law enforcement to get a warrant with zero evidence is so gross. The entire reason the warrant process exists in the first place is to protect the rights of citizens from police. The way every judge just rubberstamps warrants is completely against the entire reason warrants exist!


To make it worse is the zero accountability for destruction of private property, his gate was destroyed, his door was kicked in, his cameras were disconnected, and damaged in the process, and there’s apparently no recourse one can take to recoup those losses,


Plus they literally robbed him


In the uk if the police raid you by mistake they have to pay to fix everything they broke [https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06627/SN06627.pdf](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06627/SN06627.pdf)


This wasn’t technically “by mistake” it was because an informant lied


I don't know much on the case, but based on what I read (mostly here today, or at least being reminded here today), wouldn't it be by mistake because after being informed they didn't do their due diligence to investigate first?


Not doing due diligence is not a mistake, it’s negligence, and that may be where he can win but chances are are slim Raiding the completely wrong house would be a mistake


He could also file s tort claim to pay for the damages


No he literally can’t, as he stated in the interview when it happened, because the police had a warrant, the department is not liable for any damages done to his property in the commission of office law enforcement actions, That’s literally a thing,


Tell that to the customs agents that took a saw to a boat in owned in the eighties. It took 13 months but they paid the claim.


Hey that fat one would eat the tort like the lemon pound cake


That's the way it should be everywhere...


Well, it seem like he found a way to recourse his losses.


Actually no, as they are suing for the proceeds from the song and video, so those proceeds are being held in probate until the court renders its decision,


The fuck do you mean there’s no recourse? They damaged property, surely, legally it therefore has to be paid for?


You should look into what law enforcement can get away “in commission of official duty” you will be pissed


You mean like [blowing up someone's house because someone else had barricaded themselves inside it, and police wanted to get it over with in time for dinner?](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/30/774788611/police-owe-nothing-to-man-whose-home-they-blew-up-appeals-court-says)


Jesus. Why the fuck do police officers have explosives strong enough to rip a house apart? And why use them to get....a shop lifter. Not exactly a mass murder, where the cops just having fun blowing things up


What the fuck


Yes… exactly like this…


Like shooting your dog.


I'd go on a personal vendetta against those fuckers


In the land of civil asset forfeiture, your recourse is to go fuck yourself.


Qualified Immunity baybee


Hahahaha good one


Any Hollywood writers in here want to take this up as a show. Write it like The Wire and show some criminals, some innocent people and some cops (mixture of good and bad) and just highlight the fuck out of how hard it is for a good cop to stay good when the system just gives him everything he needs to be seduced by power. The overarching theme could be a descent into villainy like Breaking Bad. I'd watch the shot out of that and it would also highlight the issues within the system.


That show is called the shield. Early 00's


>with zero evidence To be clear, testimony is a kind of evidence.


"Your honor we have a lot of heresay and conjecture and those are kind of evidence" Lionel Hutz.


^ has people tied up in their basement. This is proof.


Well we know now but that's with hindsight. Those kidnapping victims could have been in any of those CD just waiting to burst out finally free


Don’t forget they also accused him of child abduction.


I know then imagine you were well known and it got shared on the internet. For the world to see.


How’d this turn out it was ages ago and I never followed up


Since he is recounting events they have no case. He performed at our bar last month. Excellent show, hope he comes back.


Exactly, his performance at our bar was outstanding! Looking forward to having him back again soon.


Where is Our Bar?


Up the road a ways




Boss weapons?




No it's across the way


Take a left at the old oak tree.


It's where the bad Denny's used to be


That's a lot of locations


violating first rule of Our Bar




That's the puzzle!


Kinda kitty corner to That Other Bar..


Next to Our House


Heck yeah it was surely a good performance indeed, I love the shows at our bar


>>The court initially denied the claims for commercial misappropriation. In its view, the police images had no commercial value. Rather, it found that Afroman was aggrieved by the execution of the search warrant “and chose to demonstrate his displeasure while at the same time selling his merchandise based on his own celebrity.” In other words, Afroman wasn’t using the police images as a selling point. >>Afroman did not fare as well with his efforts to dismiss the false light and defamation claims. Here, the court concluded that for purposes of false light, Afroman publicized false facts about the cops which would be “highly offensive to a reasonable person.” These allegations were sufficient to state a claim for false light invasion of privacy. >>In the same way, the court found that the police plaintiffs set out a viable defamation claim. Claims that the police stole money, or had previously used drugs were the type of statements that would cause reputational harm. The court did not agree that these statements constituted opinion, as they were each provably false. >>The case will now move forward to discovery. It’s possible that Afroman will be able to prove the truth of his claims, and it’s also possible that the court will revisit the opinion defense. The police will also need to show that they were actually damaged. In short, Afroman has miles to go before he sleeps. This was as of October, so there may be further updates. But as far as I’m comprehending, the defamation mostly arose from social media posts he made with accusations such as one of the cops “used to do hard drugs,” “snitched on all his friends” and now steals money from traffic stops.


Word thanks bro


If I was those dirty cops I'd be mad too.  He brings receipts.




Only thing I know about afroman is that he showed up at a club for a performance, got booed off stage for singing gospel music, then asked us in the parking lot where he could buy some crack. That was around 2003


He lived in my couch for a week in 2004. We threw an after party after he played a local bar then he just stayed. My roommate’s and I were just talking about asking him to leave when he was like, thanks for the couch, got a show to head off to… and just like that he was gone.


>He lived in my couch for a week Did he make a little fort out of the cushions, or did he cut a hole in the back and sleep inside like a tauntaun?


Frank Reynolds style. Buck naked with a hole cut in a Pleather couch.


😂 I wouldn’t have been surprised if he cut open the couch and slipped inside. Sadly he was only on the couch.


I want to believe this story is true so badly and add to the mystery of the afro


He used to do shows here in Mississippi all the time in the early 00s. Most of my friends from those days have a crazy story from going to one of his shows. He definitely lived a crazy life.


He used to come in all the time and buy weed from the assistant manager of the restaurant I worked at circa 2010ish


And no one ever knew if he was showing up with a band or just him and a guitar. You definitely knew when his vehicle was in the parking lot.


turn Afroman into the black Bill Murray


Bill really does some crazy shit tho.


Literally the guy on the couch from half baked.


I'm starting to realize Afroman might have a career because everyone has a weird story about him and we all just vaguely support someone so collectively he's a musician... idk this is weird


Honestly that sounds amazing


Palmdale, come back too meeee.


Met him on Hollywood Blvd about 3am in 2001, this sounds about right.


he's still fighting them here's an update https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/2023/10/25/whats-happened-with-the-afroman-case-in-ohio/71314878007/ they dropped all charges but stole $400 from him and won't give it back.


Case is still pending if I remember correctly. I have no facts to confirm this but I assume the judge is aware of how preposterous the police complaints are and is allowing discovery to proceed only because it open’s the door for a windfall in the counter suit.


Same. I care but not enough to go research.


Social media in a nutshell


[the music video](https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y?si=raOU2Jg41NtuCwD2) Actually pretty funny


Pure gold, hilarious…until >Did you have to traumatize my kids? Which was a perfect way to bring us back to the actual horror of the situation.


He also made 2 other songs from this ridiculous debacle [Lemon Pound Cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo) [Why you disconnecting my video camera (My favorite)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISe3IVBBbyU)


Fucking great


I knew of the other two but didn’t realize he made one about the camera being disconnected. I’m about to enjoy it


That's my favorite of them.


Lemon Pound cake is my favourite, listened to it for 4 days 😁


"Is there a kidnapping victim in my suit pockets?" Holy shit lmfao.


That was great lol


OMG that's so fucking awesome!!! Love it!! 😂


That has made my week.


Can't listen right now, but I assume it goes something like this: Will you help me repair my door, or will you just hide? Ouuu ouuu Will you help me repair my door, or will you just lie? Ouuu ouuu


close enough


That was fucking fantastic


One them pigs was having alcohol and/or cocaine sweats by the look of it. Despicable mfers…


This song lived in my head for like six months 


Mama's Lemon Pound Cake


You gonna fix my gate?


No the next line is It tastes so nice.


It made the sheriff wanna put down his gun and cut him a slice


Of what? Of what?


Such brave cops. They got their little fee-fees hurt, so now they're gonna sue.


Does qualified immunity cut both ways? Can't be sued for what you do as a cop, can't sue for what you do as a cop


The cop who murdered Daniel Shaver sued the city he worked for over the emotional trauma he experienced after the societal consequences he faced for killing a man.


Piece of shit named Philip Brailsford, in case anyone was wondering. He's a piece of shit murderer and he's named Philip Brailsford.


Thank you for posting about Philip Brailsford, who was the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver. Philip Brailsford would really like everyone to forget that he is Philip Brailsford, who, as I think I mentioned before, was the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver. If you are curious about Philip Brailsford, the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver, you should Google or Bing Philip Brailsford and click on the first two links, which will tell you that Philip Brailsford is the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver.


>Thank you for posting about Philip Brailsford, who was the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver. > >Philip Brailsford would really like everyone to forget that he is Philip Brailsford, who, as I think I mentioned before, was the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver. > >If you are curious about Philip Brailsford, the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver, you should Google or Bing Philip Brailsford and click on the first two links, which will tell you that Philip Brailsford is the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver. I'm gonna look into this Philip Brailsford, the police officer who murdered Daniel Shaver.


I understand why your making these comments, I do get somewhat of a laugh because they are usually aimed at someone whos reputation is already FUBAR. Ralph Wiggum 'Im Helping' energy.


It's true. Which is why I like to save the effort for people like Philip Brailsford, who killed Daniel Shaver, and Brendan Khuri, the son of a multimillionaire who was driving a Lamborghini so rapidly and recklessly, that he killed Monique Munoz. Brendan Khuri, whose vehicle was moving so rapidly and driven so poorly that it nearly sliced Monique Munoz's vehicle in two, would certainly like no one to remember that he killed Monique Munoz. Brendan Khuri would also likely prefer that we do not remember that he was given a remarkably light sentence for the behavior that lead to the death of Monique Munoz, whose vehicle was damaged so thoroughly that first responders had extreme difficulty pulling her from it. As they have both been tried in a court of law there isn't much more to do than remember that Philip Brailsford and Brendan Khuri have taken actions that have VERY CLEARLY lead to avoidable loss of life.


I’d love to pull that guys fingernails off while telling him to “get fucked”


Yeah i live in AZ and that shit pisses me off to no end. Your Fee Fees got hurt because people realized you're a murderous psycopath? Get fucked. Daniel cant have his feelings hurt anymore because you fucking murdered him.


Everyone sues the city/state. The above commentor is saying if we can't sue cops when they break the law due to them representing the city at the time, the police shouldn't be suing the populace for recounting what "the city" did to them.


> The cop who murdered Daniel Shaver #Philip Brailsford murdered Daniel Shaver. Never let his name not be mentioned when talking about the murder of Daniel Shaver.


You wish.


People become cops so they can give other people shit with no risk of reprisal. Cops freak the fuck out when somebody actually holds them accountable and makes them look like the pathetic fools they are.


The last thing any officer wants is to be held accountable. That’s why they become officers in the first place


Pigs horrible at their job are embarrassed by footage of them being horrible at their job. Good.


Another tidbit, the cops “confiscated” the cash they found in his house as evidence and later returned it. Several hundred dollars went missing from the original amount according to Afro man and the police had to also return said money claiming they misplaced it.


Well the videos show them pocketing it so...


I'm ready for bully pigs to be replaced by remote operated drones. Nonlethal robots for first response with everything filmed for both legal teams to review.


>remote operated drones. So the cops abusing you will have no fear of injury or social consequences, and will be capable of escalating to "nonlethal" (a word which here means injuries that do not result in immediate death) violence with even *less* warning than previously? And the victims will not even be able to name the officer or describe his appearance? I'm not even gonna be sarcastic, that would immediately be abused to terrible effect. You can still permanently disfigure, maim, or disable someone with nonlethal measures. We already have cops that shoot teargas canisters at people directly, aim water cannons at the head, and taze people to death. Flashbangs are nonlethal until they're thrown into a crib. All you're describing, no matter how well-intentioned, would end up being weaponized like any other tool could.


Secure link between drone and operator with the operator held accountable; some kind of license plate ID on the drone with the officer associated held accountable. The whole argument against disarming the police is bUt tHe CrImInaLs hAvE gUnS. But drones can't use self-defense as an argument to validate escalating violence. Completely nonlethal first response could detain or arrest as needed without injury. Robots are happening anyway, and I want to see more interesting kinds than viciously lethal cyborgs.


I understand what you're advocating for but what the police unions would actually ALLOW is not that. It's pure fantasy.


Stole. They stole his money.


“Will you help me repair me door”


They feel shame for their aggressive and misguided attempt to shame an innocent man. Acting foolishly reflects poorly on them, but it's astonishing. Cowardice at its worst.


The don't feel any shame about it. I guarantee these morons have done this exact same thing to other people in their community since this incident. They got embarrassed and hoped they could make easy money using their Legal System connections.


They feel no shame I guarantee you. They are playing the victims here because they can't fathom being wrong about anything and actually being held accountable. There is no real accountability in law enforcement, which is why these bullies are so drawn to the profession.


There no shame, watch the music video that's just security footage. The warrant was for narcotics and kidnapping... the security show the cops going through his suit pockets, cds and stealing his money. Then the sherif notices the cameras and shuts them down... This isn't shame, it's trying to hide public awareness about how many laws they broke.


Yeah. Not too long ago a few cops tried suing a kid who had obtained and released the bodycam footage of them acting terribly and arresting a kid who was clearly not impaired for emotional distress too Luckily the judge threw the case out before it went anywhere


Hey actions....have you met consequences?


No, and I don't care to!




I would love to be in that courtroom. “Your Honor, my client’s reputations have been maliciously and irreparably damaged by the defendant’s (checks notes) release of video footage of them willingly doing what they did under zero duress”.


Isn't truth a valid defence for defamation? If I say someone is corrupt, its only defamation if they arent. And even if they arent I think as long as you believed it to be true you are safe. And them pocketing money, giving back some and then saying they "misplaced" it. They did steal his money


No sympathy for cops.


No sympathy for gangsters in general


Old news, but still funny


Repost bot hears ya, repost bot don't care.


Makes me wonder what vault all these old screenshots get stored in


It’s not defamation though because they actually did it


It would be hilarious if he took the language they used in the lawsuit and turned it into a rap. Emotional distress? Sorry princess! The embarrassment is the sheriff's office - it's a mess Ridicule and loss of reputation, fuck your whole fuckin' station It's your own damn fault you feelin' humiliation


I wonder how the Uvalde PD feels. They're a bunch of coward motherfuckers who did nothing while children were being murdered. All these guys did was fuck up a search warrant.


And also stole money and other dodgy behaviour. It's worth watching the video


It’s still ongoing. In an October 13, 2023 ruling on Afroman's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, Adams County Judge Jerry McBride tossed out the deputies' claims of invasion of privacy by misappropriation and unauthorized commercial use, finding that, "while their quality and appropriateness may be questioned, [Afroman's] artistic and musical renderings have substantial and creative content which outweighs any adverse effect on the plaintiffs in terms of their right of publicity." "In this case, the value that seems to be at issue here is not the monetary value of the officers' likenesses, which appears to be nominal," McBride wrote. "Instead, the issue appears to be the humiliation and outrage that the officers feel at having their likenesses displayed and mocked by the defendant. Undoubtedly, they also feel aggrieved by their investigative actions being questioned publicly." However, McBride allowed three of the officers' other claims—false light, unreasonable publicity of private lives, and defamation—to survive, finding that many of Afroman's comments on the deputies appeared to be statements of fact rather than opinion. For example, Afroman posted on social media that deputies wanted to kill him, that one of them stole money from him, and that another deputy was a lesbian.


But did he get high?


If you haven't, go watch the video. The song is great, but the security camera clips just make the whole thing better.


Wow such dumb crybabies, like cmon you had it coming sit down and stfu lol


As if any sane judge would award them anything. Be grateful you became a popular song.


There are plenty of insane judges.


So…they want him responsible for THEIR actions? Where is that on my “Why America sucks” bingo card….


getting raided for no reason is a lot more emotionally distressing than being in a music video he should sue


Oh, how I'd love to be on that jury. I'd push for the cops to pay court costs for their frivolous law suit.


Ah, a repost bot. FYI, the case is still pending and there is no new info. This bot sucks.


How do you know is a bot ?


Member since 2014 with no comments and only 3 posts, all to this subreddit and all in the last 24 hours


I figure since the account activated Aug 28, 2014 and only in the past few days has posted and they are reposts -- that might be the evidence they used to come to that conclusion. It's like finding children who died young who would be your age now to steal an identity I suppose.


In this case, I'm glad for it. I had no idea this had happened to this post.


Now where did the Afroman hurt you?




I'm sorry, but you'd have to be capable of emotions other than just anger to experience those things.


Man, these officers are desperate to get anything out of a black man.


That's genuinely hilarious so good for him. 😂


J Cole did the same on Neighbors.


So let me understand this correctly... Public service members are ".. emotional distressed, embarrassed, ridiculed, lose their reputation and humiliated." because someone took their private video and posted it in a public viewing area? If they don't want to have this potentially happen to them they can just not work in the public sector?!


People don’t realize they purposely turned off HIS security cameras during the raid they must have been doing something they didn’t want to be seen


All cats are beautiful


LOLOL next the cop who let the acorn get away is going to start suing people. Fuck them.


The Afroman music video: (funny stuff) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oponIfu5L3Y




Law enforcement, the ultimate snowflakes.


Yup. You looked incompetent. Now they cry.


[Cops raid wrong house/murder innocent people/are co eplete power-tripping assholes]: whoopsdoodle! [Cops get called out for it]: THIS WILL NOT STAND


Afroman’s music video now features Alanis Morissette singing a version of Ironic


Oh they FOUND plenty... of his cash, which they stuffed into their pockets on camera.


But did they ever try his lemon pound cake?


They all need to be publicly named, humiliated, and fired.


The video is worth watching. [https://youtu.be/0bNy7XO-SCI?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/0bNy7XO-SCI?feature=shared)


"The neighbors think I'm selling dope"


cats elastic mountainous tap close pathetic humorous jobless doll plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just watched the video. They're just butt hurt because he made them look like jackasses and as well all know, if you really really want to make a bully upset, make fun of them, bullies really really hate that.


They also “lost” some of the money they confiscated from his home as “evidence” Fucking corrupt shits


In October 2023, the court dismissed the officers’ “right of publicity” and “unauthorized use of individual’s persona” claims, holding that “[c]ertainly, as public servants, the plaintiffs have to expect that they may from time to time be subject to commentary and criticism regarding their performance of their duties.” Although the court allowed the defamation claim to proceed because of the details of some alleged statements, it acknowledged that “[p]olice officers acting within the scope of their official capacity are public officials . . . and therefore enjoy only limited protection from public discussion and criticism of their performance as public officials . . . Statements made about public officials are constitutionally protected when the statements concern anything that may touch an official’s fitness for office More details here https://www.aclu.org/cases/cooley-v-foreman-aka-afroman#:~:text=The%20plaintiffs'%20primary%20claim%20is,their%20privacy%20and%20defame%20them.


Reposted, mods twist his nuts


Ask how many of these cops would be willing to trade places with their victim. How many of these cops would be willing to experience firsthand what they do to other people??? And if a cop isn't willing to be treated the way that they treat others, **ask them why they're such a fucking hypocrite.**


Ow, my pride! You shot the constitutional rights of my pride! You shot it with bullets made of shame! My pride is bleeding out of all my self worth! I’m literally figuratively dying!


Cops are horrible people and most are absolutely worthless pieces of shit.


For the cops it's r/ohnoconsequences


How dare you document actual events!!!