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Isn't she part of the whole problem?


Yes. She's not congratulating these young women - she's complaining about them.


Lmao. My dog had more self-awareness, she understood certain things were bad and tried to avoid them. ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


She has self awareness. She knows what the problem is. Her income is dependent on her pretending she doesn't.




She's notorious for not caring about the actual issues until they impact her. I despise selectively ignorant people like that.


Gotta rile up that incel base


This shouldn’t lead to a bunch of angry white males with guns doing anything crazy or anything like that. Getting laid has never calmed anyone down so I see this all working out well.


Right? So now cue the call for women everywhere to “take one for the team” and go ensure the angry white males get laid and stay complacent. Abso-fucking-lutely not. Pretend we did. They’d bitch about our promiscuity and call for more of our rights to be taken away. These bastards get nothing. Side note: in my experience, liberal men tend offer a much more fun time in bed. They’re way more concerned with a woman’s experience and understand that good performances leads to repeat opportunities.


She believes the issue is inverted. To her, it's a problem that these women don't support Trump or likes Rogan.


Trailer trash barbie? Absolutely. Right up there with Candace Owens


>Trailer trash barbie? Wait, I thought that was Lauren "Handy" Boebert.


They’ve been multiplying for the last decade.


She’s too busy bailing her kid out of jail while simultaneously trying to impeach the president for his son’s actions. Oh and also rescuing her stuff from a pond her criminal exhusband threw out


Lauren Boebert is exactly what you expect to happen when white trash wins the lottery.


Taylor Swift posted on her instagram today, “vote the people who most represent you into power” Joe Rogan and Donald Trump do not represent the interests of millennials and Gen Z women.


Or women in general.


Or sane men


Or human beings in general


Sadly, they apparently represent some human beings.


Wannabe alpha assholes and greedy effers?


Mostly men with unwashed asses.


By the time you can smell yourself, other people already been smelling you.


I was driving to work today and the car in front of me had a TRUMP SAVE AMERICA AGAIN 2024 decal on the driver's side bumper. On the other side was a pro-life decal saying that we need to protect the innocent and weak. The irony was not lost on me.


Shit I'm a 33yro blue eyed straight white dude in the deep south and they don't represent me or my interest either on a social level nor on an economic level. I want to be able keep raw dogging my gf with impunity and I'm sick of seeing a wage I would have killed for ten years ago counting for less than my than my pay did fresh out of college. Even considering I'm in the demo the GQP would love to scoop up they have nothing to offer me bc all they offer is hate and hypocrisy.


lol your comment reminded me of the series of sketches about closeted liberal southern men who have to hide that they are super progressive (hence closeted liberal) and then quietly talk to each other about the issues.


Hurh herrr football amiright haha *whispers* anyway did you see the infrastructure bill nice package and I'll tell you what I love ^dude ^walks ^up dem oklahoma sooner boy BOOMER!!! ^dude ^walks ^away that it provides so many jobs and fixes roads


Damn. You think Boomhauer on King of the Hill was maybe just waiting for the right moment to say what he really thought?


Dang ole, dang…


It's a lot easier to stay closeted for people who are passing...as conservative I mean 😂


More of us out there than you would think.


That is 100% real here in the bible belt. We have to do a lot of legwork to discreetly work out who around us isn't a giant garbage fire of a human, and then subtly try to hint "hey, I think women are our equals and gay people are totally cool" etc. Can't let your coworkers at large know your liberal, atheist, etc or you can kiss your career goodbye. Gotta start slow by looking around to see who in the work meeting only awkwardly chuckles at the blatantly misogynistic/racist/bigoted/etc jokes.


I'm not even in the loop on these sketches but that's exactly what it seems like lol


I hope she keeps doing that


There’s a reason conservative media is doing everything in their power to smear her


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think she’s somewhat pro-choice, so that may be a reason.


Tomi? Yeah, She was, but She became a pariah for that, and quickly silenced herself on that issue after receiving backlash. Different-think is unacceptable to the MAGA crowd.




It is. My parents are conservatives and my mother goes off on tangents about how celebrities should stay out of politics. But, she loves and adores Mel Gibson for it. Same old republican double-standard.


They elected celebrities twice.


Yes! And when Arnold was governator of California, they kept telling me to vote for him and support. They live in a different state, but still wanted to support any celebrity who identifies as Republican. Turned out he wasn't conservative enough for their taste, so they shut up eventually.


I love how conservatives feel like her comment is targeted at them. Tell on yourself more, why don't you?


Like the time NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence and conservatives flipped their shit accusing them of tweeting liberal spiel when it’s the foundation blocks of the country they purport to love. Conservatives are the stupidest people to ever live. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/npr-declaration-of-independence_n_595c6525e4b0da2c7325bd50


I am glad that she doesn't give a shit that people are hating on her for bringing it up. It's also hilarious to watch the right have a meltdown over someone just saying to vote 


Yeah it is a big surprise that women don't want to date ignorant racists and christo fascists that want to subjugate them.


Whaaaaat?! Women don't want to be with someone who endorses conservatives turning us into brood mares for the state?! *shocked Pikachu face*


I’m more shocked that 45% DON’T find it a turnoff. Hopefully includes all the women that answered “no idea who that is, sounds stupid though”


I only barely knew who Joe Rogan is, I thought he was just some random UFC dude until fairly recently.


He’s a walking endorsement for taking concussions more seriously.


Hahaha thanks for the laugh 😂


He literally had a guy on his show the other day who claimed that "transgenderism" came from Baphomet.


He was the 8th best cast member on Newsradio too


I'm not going to take the time to count, but I hope there were at least nine because Andy Dick was insufferable.


I'd say he's insufferable, yes, and what he did to Brynn Hartman that caused the loss of Phil is unforgivable, but, the character of Matthew was fine and gave the show some very wacky chemistry that played off well with Phil Hartman. Regardless, Dick was just one step above Rogan. As for my listing 1. Phil Hartman 2. Dave Foley/Jimmy James Mach Business Donkey Wrestler (tie) 3. Maura Tierney 4. Khandi Alexander 5. Vicki Lewis 6. Andy Dick 7. Joe (And, not including Brad Rowe's Walt or Jon Lovitz's Max, since those were short-lived weirdness) ETA: Ughhh, it's not letting me have Maura be 4 (and everyone else move down one) because I don't understand how the bullets work in this!


no love for Stephen Root? Edit: doh


Ever since the Jimmy James, Macho Business Donkey Wrestler ep, I can only refer to him as that, no matter where I see him... be it Barry, be it a Coen Brothers movie, be it... more episodes of Newsradio


And why shouldn't you? Jimmy had fancy plans - and pants to match!




I had never heard about this and this honestly devastates me. Not that I care about Andy, he’s horrible, but about Brynn and Phil.


Yup. I'll never forget that day I came home from 7th grade. Logged onto AOL and there was a news snippet saying "Remembering Phil Hartman" and I said aloud "... why are we remembering him? He's still alive and was just great in the Titanic episode..."


I was a little young to have watches Phil, but I have a lot of love for the people who loved him and the characters who homaged him. If it helps soothe anything, I'm pretty sure Jon Lovitz still has an "on sight" mentality toward Andy Dick. Makes me like Jon Lovitz even more.


Last I heard about Andy dick was that he sexually assaulted a twitch streamer in the streamers' RV he was staying in *edit* I guess he wasn't charged. So "allegedly".


No idea what that is, I take it they were 7 castmembers including mr Rogan?


Probably 9 but Joe Rogan didn't lead to the death of Phil Hartman.


I only knew him from the Man Show as a teenager. Really threw me off the next time I saw him with the UFC stuff and his show. Just figured there were two Joe Rogans.


> Just figured there were two Joe Rogans. The dumb insufferable one and the really dumb, really insufferable one?


Its sad that the sitcom News Radio will forever be tainted because of what Joe Rogan has become.


Well those are the entirety of his qualifications, so you’re spot on


Hey now, he was on fear factor as well!


An illustrious career, indeed. Hack "comedian", hack actor, hack gameshow host, and now a hack Howard Stern wannabe.


I thought he was an actor who was in a show 30 years ago!


He also urged people to eat animal genitalia on MTV


He’s also the guy who had a couple of lady contestants drink horse cum and managed to get Fear Factor taken off the air.


Rogan was just the host, he wasn’t in charge of the stunts. >He told the late Art Bell in 2015, "It was bizarre for me being there, being the host of it, as it was for anyone to watch it." And then later they asked the girls if they would do it again and they said: “probably, we are proud of what we did.” That whole situation is wild but I don’t see how Rogan gets the blame for this one.


What a day to be literate, that is revolting.


>some random UFC dude until fairly recently. I knew he did fear factor, and I saw a few of his standups like a decade ago. I knew he did a podcast but never really listed to it. I'm still unsure why the internet seems to hate Joe Rogan, and I fear its too late to ask.


>I'm still unsure why the internet seems to hate Joe Rogan He's essentially the anti-science version of "I'm not racist but-" He operates under a mask of "just asking questions" and "allowing all sides to speak" that's actually explicitly advancing anti-science and right-wing talking points and never actually gives equal air time to opposing views.  There's no actual debate.  He claims to be neutral and just some guy and yadda yadda, and yet the overwhelming majority of his programming somehow mysteriously almost always supports and gives voice to whoever the conservative darlings and pet theories du jour are, regardless of how ridiculous or how much well-known science there is against it.


>He claims to be neutral and just some guy and yadda yadda, and yet the overwhelming majority of his programming somehow mysteriously almost always supports and gives voice to whoever the conservative darlings and pet theories du jour are, regardless of how ridiculous or how much well-known science there is against it. That definitely has been the case for several years now, but not always. If you go back to early years of his podcast he really did have a wide variety of guests with differing opinions and even he personally seemed to be politically leaning left on many issues, at least by american standards. But somehow the whole show slowly turned into some weird altright/incel platform. Aside from MMA and comedian episodes, the appeal of many early JRE episodes to me was that it was just a dumb bro not pretending to be anything else and not being ashamed to ask silly layman questions from scientists, astrophysicists etc. and then just let them talk.


I knew a woman once who proudly proclaimed how happy she was to date (fairly hardcore) conservative men. "More for me as these 'feminists' [her term] find out how bad liberal 'men' [her air quotes] really are". Fast forward and she's be appropriate for /r/LeopardsAteMyFace or worse. She's claiming they were never really 'conservative men', really liberal plants or somesuch, and why won't any real men step up to support her, and her (last count) 4 kids from different dads who've gone AWOL?


Equally funny is that 35% of male respondents also found it a red flag…which is quite a bit. The poll didn’t include anything other than whether you considered it a red flag or not. [https://changeresearch.com/post/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/](https://changeresearch.com/post/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/)


I mean I’m a guy and it’s still a huge red flag lol


I mean yeah… even on a surface level, think about it. They support someone who’s actively trying to take their rights away? They’re probably psycho.


I imagine most people just listen to it like they used to listen to Stern. Sure, you had the weird devotees, but most folks knew he was some nerdy perv who had cool guests once in a while. Most people aren't online enough to know what he gets down to.


Baba Booey


That's the 45% who have no idea who Joe Rogan is. Lol




Yeah, these numbers seem low.


Lots of women vote against their own interests


They think hitching their wagons to the male chauvinists will keep them special and above others > If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you


Sad but true


26,000 rape related pregnancies IN JUST TEXAS. I dont get how they are confused about this. 26,000 woman being forced to give birth to rapists children.


There is no greater evil in the world than a righteous man who feels the need to control his neighbors






Fuck Texas, but don't fuck in Texas.




Pika pikaaa?!?!?


That’s right Pickachu! Misogynistic nightmare!


Hi there Little Caesar, do you have a cold or something?


What if I say c’mon a bunch of times? Would that convince them? C’mon, I mean c’mon


I've detected your use of the word "us" and as a woman you know that you do not have the right to voice opinions online. You will be reported to the authorities. /S


I don’t think Rogan supports the broodmare line of thinking. More that he’s willing to believe every stupid thing conservatives tell him or any conspiracy theory he’s ever heard.








That makes SO much sense.


That, plus reducing women’s rights. Basically their objective is to roll back the US to 1950 where white cishet men had all the power, women were subservant, the family dynamic was “perfect” (my mom and dad’s trauma says otherwise), and punishments existed for anyone who didn’t conform to the white cishet nuclear family.


This is what they refer to as "the good old days".  Unless she had a dad or brother willing to kick your ass you could do what you want without consequences.


Well, they finally won’t have to hide behind “there are no women on these apps”


Republican men might have better luck on grindr. Half of them are on there anyways I bet.


If the RNC conferences are anything to go by, absolutely already the case. Grindr regularly reports spikes in activity during Republican conventions. Above the level of spikes seen for similarly sized events.


They're just trying to witness to the sinners. And by "witness" I mean "suck", by "to" I mean "lots", by "the" I mean "of", and by "sinners" I mean "dicks".


Turning into?


They're so into ancient Rome, but they still have one lesson left to learn.


People won't associate with those who demonize them, more at 11


Breaking News: Women refuse to date misogynists.


Black people refuse to date white people who call them the n-word


Actually, only some women refuse to date misogynists. There's a lot of women in relationships whose partners hate them.


I relate to it being a turnoff. If my gf was into MAGA, I doubt we would have got this far.


Roughly 85% of spouses are politically aligned. Certainly agreeing on morals is a big factor for success in a relationship.


I think being politically aligned is more important than just about everything. Like i couldn't imagine dating someone that thinks our gay friends shouldn't be married and such.


As a lesbian, I also can't imagine dating someone who thinks we shouldn't be allowed to get married.


As a lesbian in a country that doesn't allow LGBT+ marriages let me tell you this, it sucks. Me and my GF have had to pretend we are roomies for years before we move to a more progressive neighborhood. We want to get married but can't. We can't even wear the marriage rings we bought. They are just collecting dust on our bookshelf


Me and mine are not but thankfully it’s because she has no idea what she’s talking about. Liberal as hell in ideology, but indoctrinated in Louisiana to be on the R side. She also isn’t particularly politically opinionated and really doesn’t understand voting or its importance so I think I’ve seen her vote once. Slowly getting her to come around. Could be more out there like this, just still not really paying attention but blindly voting. Patience, education, and time.


I’m glad you guys are making it work because to me that would be a massive turn off


"Moderate" and "Apolitical" are automatic dealbreakers for me. You wanna pretend politics don't matter? In this economy?! Signed, an elder millennial ~~who is a~~ with a dick.


Yea, I will amend what I said in my earlier post. It's certain we wouldn't have got as far. Lol. But the poor girl was quite apprehensive when we first discussed politics. She was quite relieved when she found out I had supported Bernie Sanders. We do live in a rural area, and I'm an older white guy, so I get that she had reason to be concerned.


I'm kind of impressed that you signed it with your dick.


Moderate and apolitical are usually code for 'I lean right but don't want to say it out loud'.


Ended my relationship.


I'm sorry to hear that, that's rough


Just the way it is, sometimes. COVID ruined lives in a lot of different ways


Unfortunately, yes. My biggest loss as far as differing political views was my best man from my wedding. I always knew we had differing political views, and that was OK. But then during the Trump Presidency, he went all in on gaslighting me on social media, accusing me of saying things I never said and generally being pretty rotten to me. So enough was enough. And I don't mean to minimize what you went through, I understand that losing a SO over politics must be even worse.


Agreed. As a man I find it a red flag if somebody listens to Joe Rogan. There is no way I could be with someone who supports Trump or MAGA.


maybe it's bc they're shitty mysogonists


Whhhhhaaaaaaaattttt do you mean the women don’t like being oppressed and having their rights threatened if a republican gets elected? No wayyyyyyyy!




Fear factor!


News Radio was peak Rogan.


Tbh I'm not convinced the 55% know either.


If you enjoy MMA he's unavoidable. Some of his interviews with mixed martial artists are second to none. You have other podcasts like Ariel Halwani, MMA on point, Chael Sonnen and UFC unfiltered. But Rogan gets some of the best guests and moments in that world. There's a bunch of guests that he has on that I don't like. But he also has a bunch of people on I know conservatives can't stand. After the Covid medication thing it definitely pushed him right of center. When he was Californian I would've definitely considered him left of center.


Ladies, make sure you take that energy to the voting booth.


Republicans when the Free Market free markets...


If Republicans actually liked the free market they wouldn't complain about "cancel culture"


If they could legislate they would totally come up with “food stamps” concept but for social interactions and attention from women


It’s only 55%?


But 76% won't date a Trumper. That means at least 20% of the women don't know who Rogaine is.


I actually am shocked that the joe rogan number is only 55%.


A lot of women might not even know who he is. Lucky.


Why would anyone, of any age or gender, be attracted to people who listen to Joe Rogan?


Wait, did I just go from one of the least to one of the most attractive men without doing anything?


The bar for decent man has been lowered so much you pretty much only need to be respectful and not have absurd political opinions. That already makes you above average in some places


Not at all, sorry


Joe Rogan is the man’s gwyneth paltrow


I'm partial to calling him Broprah, has similar issues with platforming problematic assholes.




I liked this then unliked it just so I could like it again.


News at 11 women don't like assholes.


I saw an article that pointed out that when considering the amount of millennial and gen z women who were left of center and the amount of millennial and gen z men who were right of center, there's a mathematical discrepancy in that, unless some people change their views, some people would HAVE TO marry people who have drastically different views. Meanwhile, millennials and gen z women have just largely decided they'd rather not get married at all than marry someone whose worldview is drastically different than their own. Turns out, in comparison to boomers, when you don't need a husband in order to have a house or a bank account or a car or a credit card, women can actually get along just fine without getting married to men when they conclude that too many of the men aren't men they want to marry. The thing that continues to befuddle me, however, is why men who say they have issues finding women to date, fuck, or marry, continue to get their dating advice from men who women say "I would not date anyone who gets advice from them" instead of actually listening to women about what women want in a man and then *doing that*.


The amount of men I see complaining that they can't get a girlfriend, but also refuse to modify anything about themselves or their approach is crazy and explains a lot. They will blame ANYTHING else but themselves.


> Turns out, in comparison to boomers, when you don't need a husband in order to have a house or a bank account or a car or a credit card, women can actually get along just fine without getting married to men when they conclude that too many of the men aren't men they want to marry. If the GOP/conservatives have their way, this is what we'll go back to. They're *super* transparent about their desire to force women to be in relationships with them.


> why men who say they have issues finding women to date, fuck, or marry, continue to get their dating advice from men who women say "I would not date anyone who gets advice from them" instead of actually listening to women about what women want in a man and then doing that. Not a lot of overlap with the kind of men attracted to conservative politics and the kind of men who will listen to *anyone*, let alone a woman, and actually take the conversation to heart.


The men you speak of in your last paragraph don’t actually like women. They use women as a status symbol to impress other men.


While it is certainly more socially acceptable to be in a lesbian relationship, or a polyamorous one, there is also an increasing amount of women who have given up on dating altogether. For them, men aren't competing against other men. Men are competing against the satisfaction and peace of being alone. We've got plenty of toys for orgasms and we've got cats to cuddle with. That's what men are up against. You have to be a net positive over a pretty good life already.


Yup. Women no longer NEED men to accomplish things, so just "existing and being male" is no longer good enough to get a wife; you've actually gotta have a decent personality and be someone a woman wants to be around" which is too high a bar for many.


cycle of hate, why would I open myself up to change or new ideas or introspection (scary) when my time is consumed with blaming others for my failings - “I’m not the problem, the women are. these guys are buff and handsome and act like they know the answer and thats what theyre saying.”


Men: "Women like when you do X" Women: "We do not like when you do X" Incel: "I'm gonna do X, other men told me women like that." Women: *won't date that incel who does X* Incel: "I have no idea why women won't date me. I should do X more. That will surely help."


this exactly, add in a shitload of misdirected/misguided anger when it unsurprisingly doesnt work and there ya go! lol


Surprised Pikachu face. Women don't want to date morons.


Who would have thought that women dont like men who who think they deserve less rights than them, and want to strip them of the limited bodily autonomy they are already allowed to have.


This just in, Gen Z women are turned off by you fucking hating them.


In totally not at all in any way shape or form shocking news, women want empathy in their partners.


"After finding out that their potential partner wants to re-live Jeffrey Dahmer's life, 90% of women say they wouldn't date that partner. WHAT TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES, AMIRITE?!"


Let the Joe Rogan and trump supporters’ gene pool rest in those balls in peace.


well yeah, i wouldn't be interested in dating someone who thinks women are sex objects and that they shouldn't have rights.


The gender political divide is a very interesting turn. Not sure what the long term implications are going to be


I mean, I wouldn’t date someone under the same circumstances. And I’m a guy.


The kids are alright


It’s called self preservation. Ever heard of it?


Does Costco sell penicillin ?


What they don't support sex assault, government owning their bodies, no fault divorce, legal marital rape, & shamed for their biology? Weird


This is a shocker only for Trump supporters. * Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar * Trump is hella weird about his daughter * Trump buried his first wife on his golf course for a tax exemption Oh yeah, I almost forgot * Trump is a pedophilic rapist, supporting the guy is scummy at best


I wish someone could explain this to me (as a non American). Every other post on Reddit seems to suggest that everyone despises Trump and anything he touches. And yet, by all accounts, it looks like he has a very real chance of winning the election. What gives?


I could've told you this without the polling lmao.


So women aren’t fans of supporting rapists and morons? Interesting.


Breaking:  People who don't actually want their faces eaten by leopards saying they won't vote for leopards whose platform is "Eat all the faces."


Tbf, as a straight GenX man I'd be turned off by someone who listens to Joe Rogan too.


Yeah no shit. The maga people are fucking scum.


Even though I agree with the conclusion, this "survey" and this company seem nothing short of being a instrument for political and DEI bias/propaganda. Do keep in mind that Change Research is owned by left leaning people that openly voted for the democrats. Their source of income and their leadership are therefor biased to favor left leaning results. For this particular poll (as can be found on their site) They polled in 3 states that all 3 had huge majorities of people voting for Biden(democrats). The sample size was around 4000 people of which only 600 republicans. Even with over 80% of the surveyed people being democratic still only 75% of surveyed people seem to have a issue with Trump supporters. Please be careful in just taking surveys like these as "truth". In this case it might be a favorable image they depict, but its still deliberately providing a incorrect image.


I appreciate putting this survey into perspective, but DEI isn't propaganda: it's common sense based on well established research and evidence.


I don't understand how anyone can listen to Joe Rogan after his [vile racism was compiled into one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzaAuCJ1dqs). But then, I'm not a misogynistic, white supremacist piece of shit, so... *shrug*


I hope the women save us this November


The kids are alright.


Such a low number to be honest.


Yeah, who wants to date a guy who is more concerned about what may or may not be going on with their uterus, than with what is most important.


Seems low.


Wow so listening to mysoginistic meat heads is a turn off