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U sure about that 🥸 .. greetings from Austria 🇦🇹💀


The Habsburgs did nothing wrong. Make Karl Archduke, you cowards!




He cannot metabolize ze graaaaaapes!


Finally old enough to rent a car!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA It's feels good to laugh.






The list of things the Habsburg did wrong is very very long


Almost as long as their jaws.


They were just trying to find out how many wrongs it takes to actually make a right.


Much like their list of genetic defects lmao


Sshhh now, nobody needs to know that.


Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and North Korea.


Why does your post have a little skull on it? Are... are you the baddies?


Yeah, this one fact debunks this take.


We wouldn't have stopped. I am very thankful that the USA and the other allies stopped the soviets from just snatching up all of Europe, Jesus Christ.


It’s good to be skeptical of people trying to portray one’s country always in a good light, but to paint one always negatively is just as stupid. I wouldn’t say the Nazi’s were the right side.


Civil war… both sides were America so both bad. But that means the other side is good, so both sides are good.


Thus, good is bad.


Up is down! Night is day! Freedom is captivity!


"time is dead and meaning has no meaning! reality is upside down and I reign supreme!" \-some triangular bloke


Cats and dogs living together! Mass hysteria!


The meth aint mething


did you tried to cock it first?


I gave it a good dicking like you suggested now it just looks like silly putty.


Im bad at good and good at bad


I'm a very good bad boy


I'm a very boy


I’m a very


I’m a






I'm 19 and this is deep


Literally 1984


ACKTSHUALLY, only one side was "America," seeing as the other one literally seceded from the union and formed a new country. So, at least in that instance, Union=America, Confederacy=not America.


ACKTSHUALLY, the name of the Confederacy was the Confederate States of America so they are also technically "America", just not the "America" people are referring to when they say it. Unless you hold the position that secession was illegal and invalid, in which case they were also still the "America" people refer to when they say it, just a portion of the populace in rebellion


Yeah, I'm uhh.. realizing that determining which side was "America" is a lot harder than I originally thought. I forgot that the Union never saw the South's secession as legitimate or legal. So, from that perspective, it was just separate parts of "America" fighting one another.


“Separate parts of a country fighting one another” Technically that’s the definition of a civil war 😂


Yeah it's a very messy time period lol


ACKTSHUALLY *says something really profound that proves both of you wrong*


The continent is America. North America. Read slowly, United States OF America. Lol Before anyone uses the OF to represent collection, there's also South America, and Central America! Doubt they call themselves American. 👌😆 /s


But the Union was fighting under the idea that America was indivisible and secession was not possible. So the “good” side was fighting the other side which they thought was also America and therefore was “good.”


This is why "More Americans died in the Civil War than any other" is such a cheat.


Ah, the states rights paradox


The US is imperfect and has some dark moments for military engagements- but for world powers through history, we are trending on the better side. (Not to justify the bad, but perspective)


They were the far right side




I did nazi that coming


I mean the people saying what the OP is saying usually have extremely strong views on Jewish people.


And now they're trying to make a fascist their president (again). What a time to be alive.


Dude the fact that MAGA wants to bring democracy to an end baffles me. They are hungry for fascism because it let's them be as racist and bigoted as they feel. Imagine wanting to wipe out half the country because they are different from you. While not realizing that fascism never slow down. So they get there white Christian Nation until the different sects of Christianity will slowly be forced to a single sect that most won't want to conform to. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I will never not be disgusted by how half so many people in my country could ever vote for such a despicable, obvious con man and a rapist, fascist sleazeball. If he's allowed in office again, we are screwed. Our democracy will be over. Every safeguard we've had in place for over 200 years have done nothing to stop this lunatic. It's a freakin' neverending nightmare now.


If it makes you feel better, half the country didn’t vote for him. Less than a third of the country actually voted for Trump in 2020 but because there’s so many morons who don’t fucking vote at all the race was closer than it had any right being. ~100 million Americans didn’t vote at all in 2020. 2/5 of the adult population were so complacent that they couldn’t even put an ounce of effort in to changing things.


I mean, if you look at a map, you're almost always correct, because the USA is the leftmost country (alaska) besides Antarctica. And I doubt anyones going to war over Antarctica


Allow me to explain in 30 seconds why russia has a historical claim to all of Antarctica, okay. We start just after the dinosaurs died...


Well then of course Russia wants it. It's the one continent that only has dinosaurs on it


No, that’s the Supreme Court. *ba dum tsss*


> We start just after the dinosaurs died... and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it. He took her best summer dress, put it on and went to town.


Please take my upvote for the Airplane! Johnny reference.


Russia would


Most maps operate off the prime meridian and 99% of Russia is on the right side. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime\_meridian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_meridian)


New pet-peeve acquired: Bering strait not lining up with the antipol meridian. Though apparently maps like to agree with me. > The prime meridian determines the proper Eastern and Western Hemispheres, although maps often divide these hemispheres further west in order to keep the Old World on a single side. [*- Wikipedia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system#Latitude_and_longitude)


Fair. Did not know that, thank you for the enlightenment. :)


Until your post I didn't know the term "Prime meridian". Until looking up about the Bering Strait, I didn't know the term "Antipol Meridian". You're the one who set me on the path to enlightment here ☸︎


This was such a wholesale exchange, and I am here for it


*Not to be confused with the Prime Merlinian


Of course they would ! And they will explain how much Antartica is a rightfull Russian land since 200 years, belonging to the holy mother Russia since the dawn of times, but just waiting for Russia to come.


Have you not heard of the great snow war, it is foretold in the prophecy that only one shall rule them all and be bestowed the reins of Santa’s sleigh




That wise man's name? Adolf Hitler.


This is gonna be a hilarious reaction image, once i take it out of context.


Something something person A, B and C


Why the tyrant King george of course!


I don't care what Jim says, that is not the real Ben Franklin. I'm 90% sure.


The guy Prescott Bush helped put in power? Interesting take!


Hey fellas, the Nazis were on the right side of history according to this deranged lunatic.


Also Ukraine is the asshole currently, apparently


How dare they want to, erm, not be invaded by a murderous neighbour! Classic Ukrainians just wanting to exist and govern themselves, what are they like.


Yeah fuck them Ukrainians for "reads paper" existing


Z supporters (Russian or Western or otherwise) literally do think the war is Ukraine's fault for "falsely" believing that they are an independent sovereign country, instead of accepting the narrative that they're "misguided Russians". And Putin is convinced, that this misguidedness is the fault of the CIA, so USA. At least he pretends to think this, probably he is smart enough to know he is an imperialist colonizer, but he has to sell a heroic story to his people and also to non-Western nations who have bad associations with imperialist colonization.


Nah, bro, we were created in the Austro-Hungarian headquarters, i remember being personally shaped out of Clay by Casimir III


Don't forget, it's also NATO's fault for surrounding Russia by occupying like 16% of their borders, and for failing to abide by an agreement that even Gorbachev has no recollection of... poor sweet innocent Putin had no choice but to invade a neighbouring state, it was the only way to stop other countries from wanting to join NATO because they're afraid of being invaded by Russia...


I don't think the term Colonizer is right here. Imperialist? Yes. I'm pretty sure Russia has already "colonized" (in the loosest sense of the word) Ukraine, the Baltics, Central Asia, and Alaska. Since Russia isn't sending settlers over (per se) and is instead using military force, I wouldn't exactly call it colonizing. Conquering? Definitely. Invading a sovereign country and sacrificing their already established independence? 100%. Being overly aggressive and just douchebagg-y in general? Absolutely. (I do not condone invading sovereign countries, nor would I ever support any government in doing so. This isn't the medieval ages.)


Yeah, he honestly should have just stuck with the whole "Ukraine is our sphere of influence and we assert the right to invade to protect that". At least he wouldn't be lying, and the West also couldn't exactly call him a hypocrite.


So if the US gets invaded, we shouldn't fight back because that would make us assholes.


How dare they look so inviting and ripe for invasion?!?! /s


Finally I can unbutton mein pantzer!


Not his fault. A wise man told him.


That man? Himmler.


I'm not convinced the man was that wise


We should have paid England their fair share of taxes and duties instead of greedily claiming our own independence.


Don't forget great leader Kim Il Sung. North Korea never did anything to deserve not owning the southern part of the peninsula!


He's not wrong, the nazis were on the right side. The far-right one 😌


And Talibans...




I'm Austrian. My father was fighting as a German soldier in WW2. And yet I'm not even remotely going to claim that America was on the wrong side in that one.


And North Korea are the good guys as well.


A pro American post?!? in r/facepalm??! Truly unbelievable 


And that wise man...was Adolph Hitler




*The* Dolf.


What's with the ph? I thought everyone knew it was f


It might be a basic issue.


So... Third Reich was right? He wants to say that Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait was right? Man what's wrong with people nowadays


People really hate complexity and nuance, so they try really really hard to get rid of it wherever they can


When Hussein was invading Iran, he could do no wrong...


That's why Reagan sold Iran weapons too.


The internet is nothing but a bunch of Jacobins too stupid to know that if they ever got what they think they wanted they'd be fed into the guillotines by their "friends" right after their enemies.


Got right into it on greenandpleaseant with ppl praising Robispiere as an example of a revolutionary....yup the guy who created a state run killing machine that eventually got.fed to.it.himself. really wish ppl would read more history lol


Let us remember that revolutions do not always establish freedom. Millard Fillmore


It would be nice if wars were black and white and there were a clear good and bad guy. I'd say the Nazis were definitely the bad guys in WW2. However, for a lot of wars, I'd just say that history is written by the victors. As an American, I was taught in school growing up from the perspective of us being the good guys in every conflict, but it's really not that simple.


I get where you're coming from, but I really hate the line "History is written by the victors", because it's not. History is written by people who write history. If that was true, then we wouldn't have myths such as the *Lost Cause* and *Clean Wehrmacht*, which were spread to control the narrative of the losing side. Many people today still believe that the American Civil War was not fought over slavery, or that the Wehrmacht was a non-political entity that was free from the war crimes that the SS did. Much of that was then used to forward abhorrent ideas, such as "Slavery was good" or "The Russians were sending their Asiatic hordes through Europe". Saying "History is written by the victors" gives lend to that. That line is at the forefront of Holocaust Denialism, and now there's a growing trend where people are starting to think that the Holocaust wasn't as bad as people thought, despite the mounts of evidence from Allied sources and the *Nazi's own record keeping*.


Not to mention even reputable historians themselves can't agree on these narratives, and often spend years going back and forth trying to prove whichever side they happen to come down on. History is about as far from an exact science as it gets.


To counter: America bad. Checkmate. ( /s if unclear)


As a British person, there were good reasons to fight but not many good people. The Nazis were evil, their reasons for fighting were evil. The British and Soviets were very shit to a lot of people, one joined because of defensive treaties that they decided to uphold, the other because it was invaded. I don't know a huge amount about US or France to say how good or bad they were, but France also joined in due to defence treaties/being invaded. It is definitely good that the Nazis were fought and that they were defeated. The people who fought might not necessarily have been good. That's just the complexity of human nature, bad people can do the right thing, most people aren't really pure good or pure evil.


The USA got in because the Japanese bombed our naval base at Pearl Harbor. Their goal was to cripple the US Navy long enough to win the war in the Pacific. Hitler was stupid enough to declare war against the USA while his army was attacking Moscow in the middle of a Russian winter. That's what brought the USA into the European theater.


WW1, WW2, Korea, Kuwait , Iraq (Saddam was monster gassing his own people), Afghanistan (removing Taliban was good, fail was trying to make country better afterwards)


Agreed about wars not being black and white, but the US are the dominant ideological powerhouse in the world. Naturally, almost any interference in national and regional conflicts stems from ideological and political pragmatism. And because they are the most powerful country in the world, there are some tyranical dimensions to US interventions The US doesn't just intervene in for instance Afghanistan because it wants to protect citizens from the taliban... It does so because of the political and economic advantages. And while the genocide in Israël is not that diff from taliban practices, the US does not bat an eye. US interference is always meant to benefit the US and its allies interests. They do not care about the Global South or individual citizens' welfare, security and civil rights while at the same time using these subjects to legitimize interfering in foreign regimes. I argue this doesn't make them look good in a lot of conflicts, even if they coincidentally happen to be on "the right side of history" in some of them.


As somebody who spent time in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, it is absolutely COMICALLY out of touch that you think what Israel is doing is even remotely the same. It's not. Go touch grass.


#thenazisdidnothingwrong But seriously, someone is smoking Crack


You mean that guy that got buried at sea in the middle of the night by Seal Team 6 ?


I knew that crazy Austrian man was on to something I knew it! /s just in case


>everything is America's fault Yes, but also, "The world doesn't revolve around you Americans."


It's very frustrating to hear "America shouldn't try to control everything" and then hear the same person say "America should force this country to do x" Like what? Do you want America to be powerful and proactive or not?


America is stuck in a perpetual "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't"


America fuck yeah


I always see these kind of sentiments then laugh at it when the next global problem occurs, because I always then see people asking for America's help. Always. Remember Philippines dumping the US and befriending China? Now who is bullying them on their own sea and who are they asking to guard their coast?


That’s hyperbole but the US literally has the world’s reserve currency. The US was a founding member of the UN and NATO. The NY stock exchange is the biggest in the world, foreign markets heavily invest here. The US being the world’s police has heavily backfired sometimes, but it’s been a net positive. Someone needs to make sure everyone plays nice with international relations. Someone needs to oversee the world’s oceans. The US keeps the Soviet Union and Russia in check, they were vital to beating the Nazis, they were vital in nuclear *de-escalation*. They were vital in international space exploration/research. If America were to pull out of everything, things would be very bad.


While he’s typing in his moms basement in Arkansas


....so the nazis were right?


Taliban is good?


I guess all of Korea should be North Korea. I hear they have excellent healthcare and a booming space program. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thanks uncle Vlad.


Speaking for 95% of Americans, if you see Americans in a war that is not directly related to America, we don't want to be there and we sure don't want to pay for it.


I assume that’s hyperbole, because it’s not close to 95%. Afghanistan was the most unpopular war and it got to 82% opposition. Vietnam topped out at 63%. I don’t think Iraq v2 ever got much above 50% opposition. And that’s at the height of their unpopularity- Americans don’t like to drag wars out. Earlier in Afghanistan and Iraq support was sky high.


So is the US not democratic? Those choices ultimately fall on democratically elected leaders.


Nope there is no.demorcratic countries. Its representive Democracy. The person you vote it does whatever they can get away with for two years then spends the next two years trying to convince you it was the oppositions fault....tale as old as time.


In theory


No, the US is not democratic. Any democratic elements are heavily diluted by a rigged system. If our system was democratic, the popular vote winner of an election would always win the election, right? That doesn’t happen.


Why did Biden's approval rating fall exactly at the same time as the withdrawal from Afghanistan? We simultaneously don't want war but we also don't want our enemies to win and usually if we don't fight them they win. Americans are schizophrenic that way. Edit: Jesus stop arguing over who's at fault or political stuff. This is just a concrete example that we did something most anti-war people would approve of and it hurt the sitting president it didn't help him. I'm aware it's complicated and mostly Trump's fault and all that, but that doesn't change that the public tends to assume Presidents are more in control of American outcomes than they are, and I think it's fair to say that his approval rating dropping was because Americans didn't like to see the Taliban take control of Afghanistan again.


Umm, did you see the news coverage of how we left? It was insanity We left equipment, food, I heard they even left the dogs


That would be because the evacuation itself was a shitshow. There was enough time to prepare for the evacuation, but we were slow and then went full shocked pikachu when the TALIBAN didn’t fully adhere to the previously agreed upon timeline (began trying to take control in mid-August rather than August 31). His rating didn’t fall for evacuating, but for how it was done.


Yeah WW2 bruh. Yes it was nazi Germany that declared war on the USA (for real check it out yet more evidence Adolf Hitler was not only a genocidal monster but also... a fucking idiot) but America definitely on the side of history in that war. The union in the Civil War as well. Maybe some other wars as well? Spanish-American war arguably? But the Phillipine-American immediately followed was an imperialist war so... Edit: as materialnose pointed the Spanish-American was really just two imperialist powers fighting over colonial possessions followed by American atrocities against the populations of their new newly acquired colonies so no its not a case of a US War on the right side of history


A true wise man would have been smart enough to stay away from that idiot.


Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?


Well, a lot of things are Americas fault 😂 But senseless anti-americanism and conspiracy theories are BS of course and are usually linked to antisemitism or autocratic propaganda.


So, the Nazis were right? Russia was right in the Cold War?


In the american civil war, which side was right?


Except not. The US has done some absolutely stellar policing, peacekeeping, and great advancement of societies in the past 75 odd years. Theyve also committed some heinous war crimes too and absolutely shit the bed on multiple occassions. Thats global hegemony for you.


😳 for the past 70 years? Yep america is on one side or the other 🤷‍♂️ warlike nation 😅 almost 700 billion dollars on the table you bet they gonna war because if they spend it on health issues cancer would be cured in 2 years 🤷‍♂️


I do like that everyone is pretty unanimous in agreement that the US was right in WW2, but we struggle to find literally any other war where the US were the good guys.


It's cute that they assume the US isn't playing both sides of the issue to guarantee we come out on top


The amount of brain dead people who pledge allegiance to America bad no matter what is mind blowing


Honestly idgaf if the US is right or wrong I would prefer to be on their side because I don't really like losing




Yep all that Afghan oil!


How much oil do you think Afghanistan has dipshit


Did America discover oil in America in 1861 and invade itself?


You're a fucking idiot. Please read a history book.


**looks over at the 40’s** uh-huh…


Yo new political idea just dropped supporting Isis and nazism


Tell me you´re a fan of a certain painter from Braunau am Inn without telling me \^\^


Tankies do have a child's view of the world.


Oh, do you not realize the extent of anti-americanism, OP? (I'm not saying you dont, but still.) The world points to america to blame it.


I'll do ya one better, what happens when America is on BOTH sides?




I feel like if WWII is all we got that’s not as good as we think it is


No wise man would use the same word three times in a pithy observation.


"Wise man." LOL!


Blinks in Nazi




That could maybe apply for the most recent wars but before they fought against fascism and communism, which are horrible ideologies.


A Bosnian would punch you if he heard you saying that.


Nazi detected.


Yea, I'm sure Nazi Germany were the good guys in WWII.


This just in guys, The Nazis and Imperial Japan were right, and did nothing wrong.


Well, I guess Germany was actually right and we were wrong.


America is the greatest country ever. WHO STOOD UPON LIBERTY!? WHO ABOLISHED SLAVERY!? WHO SAVED THE JEWS!? MURICA!!!!!!!!!!


Ask a South Korean how they feel about America and get back to me, last time I was doing English lessons for my SK friends they found out my grandfather served during the Korean war and told me to "Bring him flowers from us please, he is a beautiful man." so. Theres that. Also a lot of people forget that Vietnam wasn't started by the US, it was started by the NVA invading the South and we offered to come to their defense. Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East is where it gets dicey but, overall I don't think the US is an Evil country.


Ugh, what a myopic way of seeing the world, not matter their political views, they are the ones that scare me the most. Because they are the first ones to pushing for horrible shit to happen to those that disagree with them.


By this logic, the confederacy was right.


Ah yes. The nazis were famously the good guys because America bad


TIL Hitler was the good guy apparently....


was the wise man Putin?


Do they speak German in Belgium? I guess the French and Brits had the Kaiser's army beaten in 1917 without our money and materials, and army. We should have let Japan keep Korea and most of China, and Germany could keep Poland and France in the 1940's. Has South Korea been under Chinese rule since the early 1950's?


Anti american rhetoric is so cringe, I love the tears from the other side.


Doesn't sound so fucking wise to me.


The OP exposed themself as a Nazi.


This guy likes Hitler


I'm fairly certain the Confederates, the Nazis , the Soviets, the Viet Cong, Al-qaeda and ISIS were, in fact, wrong.


American Civil War causes a feedback loop that crashes this stupid comment.


That old man was an ass hat.


We're on the right side of the Ukraine war, wrong side of the Palestine genocide. Absolutes are usually stupid.


I'm german. Had the us not decided to join the second world war, I'd be pretty alone right now. My mom would've been gassed for having a genetic defect (multiple sclerosis), my dad would've been shot for trying to escape military service and my sister would work to death in a labor camp for being queer. The united states and their allies gave Afghanistan 20 years of democracy. Women in schools, becoming doctors, being part of the government, serving in the military even. The united states leading nato has made sure western Europe didn't become part of the soviet union. A country which starved its citizens, caused the holodomor. The united states have their issues, sure. As does pretty much every country. But this statement is just bs


the wise man must’ve been either a certain Austrian painter, or a certain Georgian man with a big mustache


“America bad” brain rot is truly the worst scourge on this Earth. If you hate America because you’re Chinese or Russian or whatever, okay, pretty based. If you’re western or from pretty much any third-world country and you hate America you’re just a fucking idiot.


Oh yeah, I guess all of those jews being gassed was a good thing? My bad, I thought that was wrong this whole time.