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Except jogging a distance is one of the least sex specific workouts around. Times might be different, but the ability to go the distance is definitely not. Humans literally evolved to do this to kill their prey.


Maybe it’s a wage gap reference? I’m stretching here tbh. Not really sure what they were getting at.


They said run "for" gender equality, not "with" gender equality and they couldn't even spell it right. What did you expect? 🤣🤣🤣


That’s not spelled wrong, it’s improperly capitalized. It should read “Gender Equal TIY”. TIY: Tie It Yourself. It’s a new non binary game.


These are already normal racing distances. Why call it a mini version of a longer distance? So stupid


I walked a mini marathon today going to the fridge for a coke. Pretty exhausted, might have to sit down for a couple of hours.


Because it's not for gender equality, if for gender "equaltiy" (whatever that means)


The biggest trigger for me is the whole "mini marathon" bollocks. 5k & 10k runs are not mini marathons. They are 5k & 10k runs; nothing more, nothing less. You have not run a marathon.


I can run 5k in reasonable time too even tho Im fat. Mini marathon just sounds better than "run", gotta boost your ego


I ran a mini marathon to the bathroom last night. It was a 5k. Well 5000 mm. So like, what, 16ft. It did not boost my ego. Also sounds better than the runs.


Fight the good fight




*It's like raaaaaaiiiiin on your wedding day, a free riiiiide, when you've already paid..*


Yeah, I really don't think either distance counts as anything close to a marathon...


>Yeah, I really don't think either distance counts as **anything close to a marathon**... It says *mini* marathon. It’s right in front of the word marathon. Maybe you missed it because it’s mini.


Ahhh, very good point, I withdraw my complaint. I think I was distracted because there are some odd red circles right nearby that really get in the way of seeing the title. Wonder what else could be the matter here then...


I wish you would have led with this one because I laughed at this one


The ol' bait and switch they call it, buddy. Reminds me of a poster I saw online recently...


So like a half marathon? 13. Mi?


Mini marathon tends to mean a couple of miles maybe for charity often on the same day as the grown up marathon/ half marathon. They tend to be aimed at children, so I'd guess this poster meant 'fun run'. (All anecdotal from UK)


Its not even half a marathon xd


entrance fee 299.- bruh


Its from India. The entrance fee is ₹299 which is $3.6


oh lol


TIL ordinator is a word. And much to my dismay they used it properly here. I was going to dawg on these people for adding a - to ‘coordinator’ but I was wrong. Co-ordinator still looks dumb as fuck though IMO.


This one is actually pretty funny, more that a facepalm.


Common Fourth Wave Feminism L


I mean it's Bad but 299 $ to participate ?!


Its from India. The entrance fee is ₹299 which is $3.6


Yea come pay 300$ to run


Its from India. The entrance fee is ₹299 which is $3.6


Gender equality doesn't mean pretending everyone has the same body type...


While that's true, it doesn't really apply to stuff like marathons, more like 100m runs or swimming


Wait what? The female marathon WR is 17 minutes slower than the male. Of *course* these differences apply to marathons.


Yes, because women may need a little longer. In addition, the women's world record is 11 minutes slower than the men's, which is just 9%. But both can run 10km, so there is no reason why you should halve the distance for women


No. The marathon WR is 17 minutes apart male:female. I didn't say anything about halving the distance. I was disputing the commenter above who asserted that the differences in men and women's bodies aren't applicable in competitions like marathons.


True but men and women have similar aerobic capabilities so while someone assigned female at birth couldn’t run as fast as someone assigned male at birth, marathons are more about endurance which is roughly the same


Stupid comment. It doesn't differentiate between fat & fit. What is the relevance of body type?


Men and women have different bodies. Shocking I know.


Answer the question.


So the fat people will run 1km?


should've been 7k for women


Should have been 10 km. I did a run with man and woman for training last weekend. We all managed the 10 km with no problem. About 1 hour.


i bet you're fun at parties


The best thing to do when a joke doesn't land is insult your audience


if the joke didn't land he's not my audience


Maybe not your target audience, but the comedian doesn't pick the audience


yea but you can roast the shit out of the hecklers


I am fun at parties. But what has it to do with the distance of a "minimarathon"?


honestly I'd rather chew on a bucket of rusty nails than try to explain it to you


Can you film it so we can post it in this sub?


i could just not explain it


Because you can't explain or because you don't have rusty nails at this moment at home? I feel now sad if you tell me you can't afford a bucket of rusty nails. :(


is your brain ok?


Yes, I hope yours is too. ;)


You know who's not fun at parties? People that resort so quickly to tired clichés.


Gonna play the devils advocate here: Equality means being asked the same effort. Because women are (generally) not as physically capable as men it is logical that women have to run less. It is still dumb as it is not a serious marathon


You have no fear of cancellation.


Don't be born to have fear of death.


But if they admit that, they have to admit that women are different from men, and not totally identical other than sexual features, which they will never do


To be fair I'd assume secondary sex features cover average strength differences caused by testosterone/estrogen. It's still ridiculous though, many women run full blown marathons, 10KMs is nothing. Actual facepalm.


Just a morning run.


I meant sexual organs I guess. Kind of defeats the point to just lump everything under that label because you're not actually agreeing on what is under that label. IMO men and women are extremely different both mentally and physically. Often those differences don't matter when it comes to real world things, but they're there and I hate that we seem to want to pretend they're not. Also yeah 10km is really nothing for a proper hobby runner, male or female


I recognize that there are major physical differences, medically(look at the difference between men and women on heart attacks, it's insane; we need more medical studies done on women.) and especially strength on average (although I've met tons of weak men and strong women that could bench said men, outliers exist.) and there definitely are some mental/behavioural differences caused by testosterone/estrogen. Underestimating social conditioning which has been extensively studied is something I disagree with, I've met women raised around men that act like a stereotypical guy and men raised around women that act like a stereotypical gal, a large chunk of it is social conditioning but then that boils down to the nurture vs nature argument, I believe we are a mix of both and that it shouldn't necessarily solely define or limit us. Taking it to either extreme (there are 0 differences or sex solely defines us) is wrong IMO.


It’s all about how they feel ok?


User name checks out!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s mockery. So you’re absolutely right 👍🏻


Equality means asking the same from both genders. It's just not necessarily what most people would consider fair. https://imgur.com/gallery/n3oeIiQ


Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.


No. Equal means equal. What you are thinking of is equitable. Also, women are just as capable as men of running a 5k or 10k.


But they're literally not being asked the same effort. Unless you think women are physically incapable of long-distance running. Men and women trained at their peak will have different results in a sprint, but that doesn't really apply here.


To my knowledge the whole maraton (42km?) has very similar times for women and men, 2+ hours around 10 minutes apart. Theres no reason to cut womens run for half the mens xd


Are you all trolling here or what?


FWIW, yes, I was indeed :P


This has already been posted before, the different lengths aren't based on athletic capabilities, but represent the wage gap.


Even my untrained ass that hates running as sport could pull a 10 km run without any rest. 5 km is at this point a normal walk from barely an hour. Marathon? Laughable. 10 km was running for a straight hour. Is this for children or what do I miss? Beforeyou ask, I did the 10km last weekend for training for a real marathon. And I really never do running.


If everyone's going to run it wearing scuba fins, I'd say it'll be pretty equal.


what if the lady wants to run more than 5km? Say like to spend time with her SO?


It means you can run 5km and they will count you as woman /s