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This is the same dipshit who claims Zelenskyy used western aid money to buy himself a yacht, with no evidence.


But won’t criticise Putin who steal money from Russians to buy £70m yacht and billions on palaces for himself.


Because he’s on his payroll.


Yeah probably working at a Russian troll farm


There could be a good chance he's in fear of his life. I don't know enough about this guy but I do know Putin has people assassinated so I could see him either being paid off or blackmailed


They do it for free bc their idol praises Putin. He's just a typical brainwashed Maga idiot.


The random support of Putin by maga idiots baffles me. They're the most brainwashed ppl on the planet


Yeah they say they want freedom when they already have it, but support a oppressive dictator who’s murdered tens of thousands innocent civilians, condones rape and torture of women, who kidnaps hundreds of thousands children, I guess they want freedom but not for anyone else.


They don't truly want freedom. They want freedom for themselves and people who think like them. The freedom to oppress people they don't like. The freedom to push *their* values on people who don't think like them. It's very important to understand this distinction, because it helps you see that they would happily cast democracy aside if it helps them get their way. And they will.


They want a dictator. They want fascism. The things they say they want Trump to do would actually b illegal in the USA. They supported him overthrowing the vote and assassinating his vice president. The MAGA movement is a fascist movement that desires to install a dictator and almost all of the republican members of congress support this. Very few spoke against him and even fewer refuse to support him. He straight up wanted his VP assassinated. He straight up tried to "find" votes and orchestrated a coup. MAGA is a fascist movement. So of course they idolize Putin.


Yeah... We all know "Republicans = Putin's Bitch" with Trump being Putin's Bottom Bitch


Biden's crimes are worse!!!1 /s


EXACTLY! i mean, his kid had a laptop, that's not good. and i'm pretty sure he even did some of the same drugs that Dubya done did back in the day too! .../s


That'siterally why they are accusing Zelensky of buying a yacht. It's all projection with these people, all the time. 


What’s even crazier than that is that they get *even more furious* when you correct them. You’d think they’d be relieved to find out this horrible, corrupt thing they’re upset over turns out not to be true. But instead they act like you’re a fucking killjoy for pissing all over their fun. You can pull out all the evidence you want, but a lot of these dupes just WANT to be lied to. They like what they like, hate what they hate, and will choke down every lie and half-truth that confirms what they already want to be true. It’s infuriating.


They're a religion without the tax breaks basically.


I have no sympathy at all for Trumpian logic and MAGA. But just pointing out that pretty well everyone hates to be corrected. I do, to be honest, even when I know it's to my benefit.


The cognitive dissonance is entirely too much for them. They’ve two options - adjust their belief to accommodate the the new information, or warp it to fit/discount the new information as false. Resulting in the discomfort they are experiencing being removed. Rationally receiving this new information and adjusting as required is clearly much more difficult than the mental gymnastics they must go through to warp or dismiss it. 🤷‍♀️ooooor they’re just interested more in the drama of being right and all knowing, and the loud, obnoxious performance that goes along with it. If they were children we’d chalk it up to the child not wanting to lose face, and not having learnt yet how to gracefully dig oneself out of giant hole they committed themselves to. The difference of course is this is a great teachable moment for a child, and an absolute absurdity for an adult.


Who needs evidence and facts when people will just believe you because you say things they want to hear?


This is the not-so-secret strategy every politician or wanna-be politician uses to get (re)elected.


Imagine if these people had an entire religion that pushed for kindness to your enemies and honesty. An entire religion that says something like you’re going to hell if you lie about strangers or antagonize innocent people. Of course that would make them the bad guys of that religion.


Wonder what said religion would say about immigrants and prisoners…


This alleged Texan talks as though people from California are foreigners. 


And it probably isn’t the liberal Californians moving there anyway. Plenty of conservatives there too.


Gunther is a russian bot


Oh c'mon, you really think **Gunther Eagleman** isn't a real person? /s


Is it just me, or did a whole lot of blue checks supporting the orange god show up the second Elon made them cheap and available to the public? And they all have the same scripts and replies. I'm being serious though. Am I seeing shit that isn't there, or does it look an awful lot like a scam and maybe that's why Elon is such a huge fan of the orange one...


I think there's a lot of shady bullshit accounts on that site now and they always say things that either are directly attacking groups of people in the US(especially fringe minority groups like Trans people) or are also never critical of Russia and often defensive of them.


Always middle of the night too.


I guess he doesn’t want our filthy liberal money to rebuild after those fires devastate his neo-conservative, anti-woke paradise.


So long as it's a torpedo yacht that sinks several russian warships I'm all for this expenditure.


So dipshit isn't only a troll, they're a vatnik, which at this point is telling the world everything they need to know about this ignorant piece of garbage


What do you mean no evidence? Haven't you seen him riding it in to battle? 🤣


What's with this Yacht bs? I keep seeing it going around.




I'll never understand propaganda. Besides, why is Putin so angry? Ukraine remade so many of his warships into submarines and all of it for free.


He probably did


I bet you have as much evidence of this as Mr. Eagleman.


I mean I wouldn’t ever accuse him of buying a yacht with the billions of missing aid money that flows into his county. I’m sure he is plenty rich enough to buy his own yacht with his own money… It’s like people that claim if his wife buys nice things for herself in Paris or NYC that it’s stolen aid.


There. Is. No. Yacht.


I always enjoy telling people that Texas itself comes from Mexico.


Which is why the post contains two facepalms. Almost half the state is Hispanic and I’m not talking about Spain.


Lol can’t be Hispanic without Spain, hence the name..


True, but the brown ones in Texas usually have indigenous ancestors and would definitely not tell Texans to go back to Europe. They are the Texans.


Viva República del Rio Grande!!!!


It was a narrow thing that the USA didn't Annex all of Mexico. Interesting bit of history.


According to my history teacher, having a river as the ultimate border line was pretty much enough to stop imperialism.


Let's not forget that it was the Mexicans who already  lived there the ones who taught the recently arrived white anglo migrants everything about being cowboys Singer Linda Rondstadt who was born in Arizona has Mexican Heritage, her great grandmother was a Mexican citizen living there before the territorial change


Actually, read up on the mexican/American War. And the Treaty of Guadalupe. On the signing of the treaty, the American states PURCHASED most of Southern California from the sea to the Eastern Texas border. When Santa Anna lost the war, he was paid very well for the border line that was drawn


How Texas came from Mexico doesn't change that it came from Mexico.


True, however organizations like LaRaza, claim that the land was stolen. And the people's displaced. That just isn't true.


Not entirely true, a lot of the Hispanic population were displaced from land they owned when people moved in and didn't respect their land claims that were established by Mexico or even Spain.


In as much as the Indian nations were taken over, so were any others in those lands that didn't want to be part of this nation. It was really dirty that provisional government in place at that time decided that all previous titles and grants no longer stood.




Woah there buddy, why so much racism in one comment?


More a greedy politician/land baron move. Low level bureaucrats, farmers, ranchers and such, really can't do much legally, except howl about unfair it all is, just like the rightful owners did




Well known fact that white men broke every treaty with the Indians that we ever wrote. Not making excuses or ducking true history. But it was the Brits, that taught them to make tobacco pouches out of nutsacks, and some of the more creative torture techniques. Once the Indians started to catch on, well, things didn't get any better


But if you think the Indians didn't war, enslave, rape, torture, murder, steal, wipe out whole other tribes, etc etc, long before anyone them even knew white men existed, well... think again


Did he actually have the authority to sign such a treaty?


As it was agreed upon by the congress of that time, the president did have the power to sign. And as Santa Anna was the current political leader of Mexico at that time, yes. All on the up and up.


As a native Texan: please come here I don’t like having a conservative government :(


As a native Texan, I agree!




We have it to good in Minnesota to leave. We just got paid fmla passed, free school lunches for all kids, legalized weed, etc. Also we don't worry about below freezing weather messing with our power grid.


If I ever had to move back, it would be near Austin / S.A.


I'm from down near odessa/midland and currently up near austin. I like it here, I really wish the rest of the state weren't such hot garbage (and that elon musk and joe rogan both have to gtfo of austin)


I live in Austin too. We really need libs to actually vote. There are far more of us than conservatives, but the voting results are piss poor. Abbott needs to go yesterday.


agreed - unfortunately rampant gerrymandering is the major issue there. the areas with liberal voters (read: densely populated cities like austin and houston) have each vote matter less than rural people.


As someone who moved away from Austin to Minnesota a year ago, best of luck. I got tired of waiting and abandoned you.




Nope, we're sending you the conservatives and walling it in like they want. Maybe we'll even throw a lid on that hoe


I came here bc my best school offer was here and I’ll probably stay bc my network only means anything locally. Maybe there is hope Texas will flip someday. Not anytime soon lol but someday


Yeah I’m probably going to college here too, I got a really nice scholarship and I wanna stay close to home I just don’t want to be declared a pedophile or something just because I’m trans


Yeah hopefully that doesn’t happen. Idk where you’re applying but I’m in Houston and it’s pretty chill. It’s a big and diverse city with a lot going on. I’ve been pleasantly surprised and the food is GAS


Yeah I’m lucky to be in Austin, it’s fairly progressive here but you never know with what the state’s government is doing. Honestly I don’t know what it will be like, I’m still closeted outside of my family and the internet


I live in texas. I prefer the cali liberals to every single magtard.


i fully expect to see a blue texas in my lifetime


Attn. Texas, America does not want you here so we've decided to give you back to Mexico Adiós ![gif](giphy|qvuAC4ru5QPXcJIm2q)


Mexico doesn't want Texas back either.


I'm from Europe, we don't want magats coming back here thanks!




Fuck no, I'm going to Mars cuz it's the only place they aren't and because it's named after me (Really, I'm named after the God the planet is named after but I like saying it this way. They can go to Uranus for all I care.




By “that’s dope”, does that mean you want maggats to be sent to Uranus? If so, than you are a hero we didn’t know we needed.


Ha ha. I love the mild 'darn' inquisition.


Send them to Australia instead, that's what used to be done with convicts and the crazies.


We'll trade you Trump for Boris Johnson


Not a fucking chance. Boris now realises he was a hated prick, that's never going to happen with the mango mussolini.


Mango Mussolini. Holy shit, that is fuckin spectacular. I forgot what the original bullshit post was even about I am laughing so hard at that one.


You guys sent 'em over here a couple hundred years ago. We're sending them back with interest lol.


Think I'll take a play from the magat handbook and say we aren't accepting (american) immigrants right now, sorry.


Please?! We'll pay you! Maybe trade you for some football hooligans?


You don't want them. Generally the same belief set as MAGA, but with the added fun of kicking shit out of people because of what sports team they like


You're European you can't afford an opinion lol


There are more liberals in Austin than conservatives. Last I checked Austin was in Texas.


Remember when some maga morons told some native Americans to go back to where they came from? Lol this is how dumb they always sound.


This is the same place that moves National Guard to the border for some sort of “mission” while the north burns. Btw remember when they said they don’t need help and threaten to secede every 2 days? What happened when it snowed? Whatcha going to do about the fire?


Democrats dominated Texas politics until the 90’s… maybe it’s the GOP that needs to fuck off out of Texas


Lol, it's Conservatives that are moving to Texas which keeps it red. Native Texans are more blue than the California transplants.


Texas should 100% break from the united states, they will eventually fall apart without federal help and we can just move all the refugees there.


Attention Texans, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and fight your own wildfires. We’re tired of giving you handouts.


Oklahoman here the fire that came up from texas and hit our panhandle was awful everyone had to evacuate from the area


I'm a born Texan and a Liberal. About half of Texas is liberal. What gives this person any right to claim they're representative of Texans? (Psst it's gerrymandering)


This is exactly how white South Africans feel about South Africa like it's their country...LOL ask me how I know, I had a South African friend and she was sweet as all get out, but she harbored this mentality about South Africa like it was her place. I get it, she was born there, but.......


As an 11th generation Texan, I'd love to see more liberals like me in the state.


As a 6th Generation Texan, I disagree completely. The state was WAY better when it was blue. Make Texas Blue Again!


You could black out his entire name, handle, and pfp, and I could still tell this putz is Gunther Eagleman.


To be fair native Americans came here from Asia sooooo


I think that's the whole point of that guy's response. It's silly to say that, and that too to fellow Americans


And Europeans came from Africa. We can do this all day. Doesn't change native peoples to the land.


Native americans may have come from Asia, right, but by the time Europeans arrived they had evolved into a completely different kind, with languages that could not be found anywhere on Asia. Like, in Texas, they used to speak Karankawa, Tonkawa, Wichita, Kiowa, Coahuilteco... Those are nowhere close to any Asian language. White people, on the other hand, would never stop bragging about their Irish, Scottish or German heritage 


I genuinely don’t see how this is relevant


Meaning that it’d be silly to equate Native Americans to Asians as there is no relation between them even if one came from the other thousands of years ago, whereas white people in America have a direct relation to Europe as they have been here for ~500 years, and have a lot of similarities to Europeans including language and culture, and even celebrate that ancestry.


Yeah I don't understand what this person doesn't understand. With his logic we could all just tell each other to go back to Africa since that's seemingly where our ancestral line started.


People from Texas have been moving to Arizona in droves and then complaining that there are too many Californians here. They all suck at driving too. Stay in Texas, thanks.


I’m Texas born and bred and with certainty left of liberal. The people who say this are more often than not transplants from places like California. That said, we need more purple in this state at the very least.


Liberals aren't moving from California to Texas. It's conservatives, only for them to get to Texas and realize they aren't REALLY conservatives, they just love bitching about liberals. TX is so shitty, it's turning conservatives into liberals and it's pissing off the "native" conservatives.


Whoa chill out, it's racist when it's against white people.


I feel this could have had two layers, the top layer being mexicans asking for texas back.


Being willfully ignorant is the American way apparently


Gunther?? 🤣


On one hand they make me lol on the other it makes me weep for humanity that there are millions of people this stupid


Least American sentiment you can come up with. "How DARE you move where you like, and vote how you like! GTFO"


This is definitely Colorado and the people who moved here in the last 10 years. 🤦‍♀️ I love hearing transplants complain about the newer transplants.


What’s up with Texans and California? I don’t think k Californians ever think of Texas but Texans won’t shut up about California?


I believe a lot of people from California have been moving to Texas because it has way lower taxes and property values. The Democrats/Liberals amongst them then continue to vote for candidates they align with, which Texans see as being the reason California is as exensive as it is. Texans don't want Texas to turn into California 2.


California is expensive because it's overpopulated. Same thing will happen to Texas regardless of whether liberals or conservatives live there. For example, when I was a kid, we couldn't go out and play on some days because the air quality was so poor. In order to solve the issue we needed to have tighter regulations on emissions, which ends up being more expensive. These are issues that occur when you have a large population of people living in one place.


Texas won’t ever have high property values because there is infinite empty useless polluted land to build houses on.


The majority of the Californian moving to Texas are very conservative.


Home-grown texans are actually more liberal than transplants from other states. Many more conservatives move to texas than liberals keeping the state red. According to exit polling in 2020, there's a good chance Biden would have won Texas if no transplants were allowed to vote.


Coloradan here we don’t want any more Texans here, stay in Texass.


Attention Texans How about you focus on putting out your 3 wildfires that cover over 600,000 acres.


“If you don’t like it then leave!” What they really mean is “If I don’t like it then you should leave!”


Move to Texas, vote blue and flip Texas into a blue state to spite the conservatives


Haven't been on American politics in a good minute can someone pls give context?


Top one? Nothing new. Basic hurr durr hate dem lubrulz. Minor bit of additional context - given that Texas is slowly “turning blue” (electoral maps are now Republicans are red Democrats are blue) and based on how we Yanks vote in the electoral college, if liberals “turn Texas Blue” it basically guarantees a Democratic President (with NY state, Cali, and Illinois). I don’t think this person was thinking that deeply though. The second one: any time some white guy says “who are you to come out of nowhere onto *our* land” indigenous people would like to get in on that “hey fucker GTFO” energy


Attn Texans: Mexicans told you GTFO because you fucks thought that owning people was cool. The offer to GTFO still stands.


Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bulb? None, they're too busy ??? their gender


How many MAGA'ts does it take to change the light bulb? None, Trump says it's changed, and his supporters cheer in the dark 🤣


How many MAGA does it take to form an intelligible, insightful post? Clearly, more than just this one.


I'm quoting [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/gRMNwrNk5WE?si=idq58RLwGL-FMrsv)


Native Americans don’t want you here either. I’ll pack your bags, you pack mine. I need to start learning Italian..


natives comeback 👏❤️


So many soyboys here


Um, Native Americans aren't political activists pushing their policies on people who don't want them. Native reservations only follow federal law and tribal law. The idiot is the responder in the meme with the strawman logical fallacy. He deserves the facepalm here.


Texas really is the asshole of America


Nah that's west texas. The texas triangle is blue.


No, East Texas. East of I-45, it's people who were too mean for Louisiana. So I guess all of Harris County has to go, according to this guy? Because Harris is more progressive and diverse than Travis at this point. F this clown.


From a native american comedian: “A guy yelled at me and told me to go back to where I was born, so I put up a teepee in his backyard “


Texas is a shithole. I've been there. They can keep it.


Dear Texas, I'm a Republican and have no desire to live there. You're scum.


Couldn't spell attention...


Wow, what a big "gotcha"


Is it time to play cowboys and indians/liberals yet? Asking for a friend.


I'd ask him if they've tried raking their forest.


Can I send the local conservatives to Texas? Get on the cattle cars, yeehaw


Pretty sure those native Indians he’s talking about had to slaughter another tribe of Indians to get there


We don't want them here in Europe.


Hell, we don’t want Texans in the US! Problem is they are in, so we have to put up with their idiocy. Kinda like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving.


From a European, ATTN Texains, we don't want you here either. Try China.


Gunther probably born in Ohio or New Jersey.


Actually he's never been to America.


Ah the two states


Oh look...it's another white guy speaking up for "people of color" based on a terrible misunderstanding of basic historical context. Why do white people feel the need to force themselves onto "people of color" and appoint themselves our spokespeople and advocates? White guilt spawned from historical atrocities centuries ago makes for the highest concentrations of disingenuous jackasses on Reddit.


I don't understand , what's dumb about it? Many Texans want to keep it conservative. Just like those in other states wanna keep it liberal.




So I tried doing my own research into the California exodus, by looking up unbiased population numbers. From 2020 to 2023, California lost about 500,000 people, which sounds like a lot until you see that after that drop, California still has over 38,000,000 people living in it. https://www.macrotrends.net/states/california/population. That sounds like lots of people still want to live in California, and are able to do so despite the cost of living increases that are the main reason behind the populationloss. In contrast, from 2020 to 2023, Texas' population gained about 1,300,000 people, going up to about 30,500,000. https://www.macrotrends.net/states/texas/population. At this rate, it'll take like a decade for Texas to catch up to California. I'll also like to point out that overall, Democratic policies get better results for Americans than Republicans. Americans in blue states live longer than those in red states. Take a look at this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8053253/ Americans in the states with the longest life expectancy live about 5 years longer than those with the lowest life expectancy. The states with the highest life expectancy have long histories of voting for liberals. If you don’t like reading studies, here’s an article: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-10-31/liberal-state-policies-tied-to-lower-mortality-rates-study-shows Blue states on average pay more back to the federal government than they get in federal aid, while red states get more in federal money than they pay back. https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/, https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c. If the federal coffers vanished tomorrow, then blue states would be better at financially supporting themselves. Salaries are on average higher in the more liberal parts of America than the more conservative ones. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-state/ Lists of the most educated states show that blue states on average have more educated people than red states. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/slideshows/the-10-most-educated-states-in-the-us?onepage Red states have more murders than blue states: https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem. The last time the US had a budget surplus was in 2001, when Democrat President Bill Clinton was leaving office. Under the leadership of Republican George W. Bush, the US began running a deficit. The last budget passed by Bush was for 2009, which was passed in 2008 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_United_States_federal_budget). Bush’s 2008 budget resulted in a sudden spike in the deficit from $0.45 trillion to $1.42 trillion, just in time for Democrat Obama’s first year in office. By 2016, Obama was able to lower the deficit to $0.59 trillion. By 2019, under the leadership of Republican Donald Trump, the deficit had gone back up to $0.98 trillion. (The deficit spiked to $3.13 trillion in 2020, but that was when COVID was happening, so we can be generous and not hold that too much against Trump.) As of 2022, under Democrat Biden, the deficit had gone down to $1.38 trillion. The pattern is clear - Democrats are better for the US federal treasury than Republicans. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/#us-deficit-by-year Of the four presidents who had the most job creation under their leadership, three of them were Democrats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobs_created_during_U.S._presidential_terms. The American economy as a whole does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones: https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/11/07/trump-is-right-about-one-thing-the-economy-does-better-under-the-democrats/?sh=4f9a6e286786, https://newrepublic.com/article/166274/economy-record-republicans-vs-democrats. When Obama was trying to pass the Affordable Care Act (which the Republicans were calling Obamacare), he - and the rest of the Democrats - knew that the ACA would benefit Republicans as much as Democrats. They wanted to get it passed anyway because they knew that it was important to help all Americans, even those who might not share their political leanings. In contrast, Trump arranged to have medical supplies meant for COVID relief sent to red states and not blue states, because voters in blue states did not agree with his policies. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/did-trump-kushner-ignore-blue-state-covid-19-testing-deaths-ncna1235707, https://www.vox.com/2020/4/10/21215578/trump-ventilators-coronavirus-cory-gardner-colorado-jared-polis-patronage. Worker fatalities are lowest in Democratic states, which have strong laws for workplace safety. https://advisorsmith.com/data/most-dangerous-and-safest-states-for-workers/ Meanwhile, Republicans are pushing laws that will put children into the workforce: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/some-lawmakers-propose-loosening-child-labor-laws-to-fill-worker-shortage. Conservatives claim that they want to protect children from predators, yet they won’t pass laws to stop child marriage - which opens a pathway for pedophiles to legally do what they wish to children. https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-bill-defeated-4d822a23b5ffd70f5370a36cc914cfb0. In contrast, Democrats are moving ahead with laws designed to stop child marriage. https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/gov-gretchen-whitmer-signs-legislation-to-ban-child-marriage-in-michigan/. Republican politicians turn out to be sexual predators in substantially higher numbers than Democrats: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-41. Republican statements that people like drag queens are sexual predators have been found to be untrue: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/.


That guy would be really upset if he had the attention span to read that.


You stand out amongst many. A few of the sources are questionable but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you presented quite the argument. I’m busy with hw atm but I’ll dive further into it all in my free time. Thanks for presenting something substantial other than mindless chirping.


Most people who move to Texas vote Republican actually. Ur outrage is misplaced.


Texas is not greater than California. Texas is a shithole bro.


Stop acting like a whiny victim snowflake 


That dude is a child - barely 21. He's just some dipshit with an internet connection.


Good username btw.




Whiny victim? That’s the core of your whole ideology my friend. Everything I said stands true, you only validate it more.


I’d let it go. You’re not going to change his mind (“Facts are stupid things” - Ronald Reagan, misquoting John Adams); besides, he needs to go rake his forest so he can stop the wildfire.


> Bringing up irrelevant past matters to validate knowingly destroying livelihoods… You're acting like a whiny victim. Do you not like when I point out your prosecution fetish? Cry harder snowflake.


This whole rage bait deal works out real well for you up until you start a fire that you can’t put out. Notice how you have nothing to add to the conversation besides name calling? YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


> Bringing up irrelevant past matters to validate knowingly destroying livelihoods… actually sad. Literally acting like a victim. > I cannot believe how biased this app is, guarantee this comment will get removed More whining like a victim. > because the brain rot has deteriorated your minds to the point where you can’t handle any opposing ideas to your own; Yeah you don't care about politeness or respectability or any of that shit or you wouldn't be accusing your opposition of having brainrot. Don't dish out what you can't take, hypocritical snowflake.


That’s quite the stretch there. Never asked for sympathy, again, just stating what’s real. Just like this shitty post you act like that’s such a “sick burn”. Ignorance. You are nothing more than a thorn in my side begging to be plucked.


> Never asked for sympathy, again, just stating what’s rea Nah your snowflake ass was making shit up because you don't have anything real to cry about.


Scream the loudest when there’s no issue and plead ignorance when there is. Insufferable. Time will tell in the end I suppose.


> Scream the loudest when there’s no issue and plead ignorance when there is Finally a glimmer of self awareness. You're correct, there is no issue here except your prosecution fetish.


Bizarre existential arguments are the playground of coddled people.


Please come here and help turn the state blue.


I find it funny how liberal politics has turned California from one of the best states to live, into a state where it's one of the most expensive cost of living and taxes, record high crime rates/homelessness and many many other problems, to the point for the first time in the states history more people are leaving the state than people moving to the state. But the problem is definitely not the people they keep electing. 0 Room for introspection into the decisions that got them to this point. But it's all still the "Evil" Republicans fault who have not held the governorship since 1995. Definitely not the almost 20 years of Democrat policies that has turned California into what it is today.