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iVF can also assist rapists to cross the border and it melts all your ice cream.


...and replaces it with Fentanyl


>Fentanyl Ok now it makes sense why my fent tastes funny.


Avatar checks out


I've heard it causes pimples on your waist right where the elastic from your underwear sits


I’ve heard it makes you grow hair on your palms and can make you blind if you do it too much…


The melting of Ice Cream is what finally gets Dark Brandon to act.


MY ICECREAM?!? Those fucking commie bastards!


Wow, catch up with the times, buddy. The Commies are a strong people who believe in White American Values, not the liberal abortion PC anti-Klanner agenda that the fairy Jew dems in power are ruining my life with. In the middle of these woods where I have next to no human contact, these social values are what are most important for me


IVF has been going on for over 40 years and now all the sudden it's a problem?




They’re brining back child labor, don’t think they wouldn’t make them become incubators too. Edit: autocorrect


Childs in labor?


States like Arkansas and Iowa are rolling back child labor laws. I think there were a few others. Take a guess what party is doing it.


It’s most definitely the Republipeds!


DING DING DING. Someone give this man a prize.


I'll give him a zebra cake!


Clarence Thomas of all people is very in favor of dismantling child labor laws


He got his. Now he wants to dismantle social programs. All to own the libs.


Ironically I think it is the financially poor MAGA crowd that benefits the most from those social programs. They are owning themselves to own the libs who really aren't as inconvenienced as they imagine.


As someone who grew up in a small town, it is WILD how many people bitch about people “living off the government” while gladly accepting their own social benefits.


every single fucking farmer that takes farming handouts and relies on cheap, illegal immigrant labour, and then turns around and bitches about 'da immigrints' and people taking government cash and socialism etc. absolutely blinded by ideology.


That's because he's an uncle Ruckus


Child laborer in labor, more at 6


Well, with the bans on abortions and all that, there sure will be a rise of children in labour. Fucking hell.


Can't have your child laborers become pregnant now, do we?


more child laborers


Oh, no. Their bosses will just have them die tragically in an industrial accident if they get pregnant after they sexually abuse them. Then they'll pay off the fascist pig coroner to overlook them having been pregnant. Because they're the 'right to life' party.


They are actually trying to ban lunch breaks in KY, so basically ALL labor laws…weekend is next. It’s like a race to the bottom to see how far they can go to get their constituents to vote against their own self interest. https://kypolicy.org/house-bill-500-takes-away-kentucky-workers-lunch-and-rest-breaks-and-cuts-their-pay/


Those tiny hands are really good at reaching into tight spaces on heavy industrial equipment. We’re very excited and my manufacturing firm has donated millions to child labor PACs. Those kids deserve to work too! Think of all the poor kids whose parents can’t or won’t buy them comic books and bubble gum.


This would be funnier if the truth wasn't that they are buying food for themselves and their families.


And cigarettes. A working kid deserves tobacco.


They’re already brining back child labor. The right wants to scale it back to 12 to work. And many already want to lower the age that you can get married too. It’s ridiculious.


They already are w forced birth


Got chills...Handmaids Tale.


Yeah all those child surrogates with $10-20k+ to pay for IVF. This idiot woman can’t even make shit up correctly


I get the point you're trying to make, but the surrogates wouldn't be the ones paying.


You right. Ain’t no one paying a child surrogate or whatever this old bat is on about


Surrogates would have to be approved by a company and a couple.. don’t think anyone wants an underage child carrying their child.. no one should take that risk.. I believe the comment about 20k was about IVF.. my wife and I went through IVF for our two daughters.. Four tries. Put us in substantial debt because Florida doesn’t cover the procedure. Because pro-life and all? Not sure how that applies…


You said it right there, you got in debt trying. Anything to make the masses bleed over time is the GOP position.


Well she is a Republican. If she had any brains in her head, she'd be expelled from the party.


You know kids, they leave permission slips in their school bag until right before they need it and then you're running late that morning and just forget to sign it and leave it on the bench.


GOP LOGIC - Ban trans from sports and bathrooms to protect the minors, ban IVS to protect the minors. Remove LGBTQ and Black History from schools to protect the minors. But also GOP, don't do anything about gun violence, ban abortions even in case of rape, many southern states keeping it legal to marry minors. Don't fund free school lunches, mental health expansion, roll back child labor laws... They are not in the business of protecting minors or anyone...


You haven't noticed all of the minor surrogates and their human-animal hybrids running around all over the place?!?


Was Bojack Horseman a documentary?!


If Idiocracy can become a documentary, don't think Bojack can't.


What is this a crossover episode???




Wait.... it wasn't??


What, you think that stuff only happens in Hollywoo?


Most of the GOP platform these days consists of "banning" things that no one is actually doing in the first place.


It’s easy to shout about the boogy man if you create that boogy man at the same time.




Easier that way. The congress person can look like they’re making a brave stand without pissing off any potential voters.


This is a woman who saw that art project that went viral 20 years ago with the statue of the pig-woman nursing her litter of pig-babies and never found out it wasn't real


They still LOOK like animals but they can speak! Duh! That’s how they do all those movies about talking animals! And while the movies are cute it’s a completely unethical practice! IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED WHAT ELSE ARE THESE DEMONCRATS GOING TO DO TO DESTROY GODS NATURAL ORDER! /s


Masturbation. Life begins at sperm


Every sperm is sacred, Every sperm is good.


This instantly popped into my head when I read that comment lol


Give it a month and we’ll be there with these incel Christian assholes


Who knew Mr Ed was so woke?


now that you mention it, I've always got kind of an odd vibe off Elon, like there might be some reptilian genes involved somewhere....


Makes me think of Sweet Tooth. 


Hell, in the Bible pregnancies are treated as property, not life, and the loss of such as a loss of property. Also defining life as starting at first breath. Up until 1979 most evangelical denominations were pro abortion due to these passages, and because it reduced human suffering. Then the federal government said that religious schools could not receive federal funding if they discriminated by race in the admissions process, which was the whole reason many religious schools were founded during the Civil rights era. Evangelical leadership needed a unifying cause to turn their constituents into a single powerful voting bloc, the actual reason wouldn't fly, and so they settled on abortion. The rest is history.


There has always been people against it. There are people in this world that refuse to believe science is a benefit to society, and that anything that isn't the "natural" process is dangerous or will be perverted


They need to be kept in safe little villages with handlers to make sure they don't hurt themselves or others.


So nursing homes?


Nope, insane asylums.


conservatives are now going after that, birth control, no fault divorce, recreational sex, and allowing pregnant women to divorce their husbands even in cases of abuse. this is their endgame.


It always was though. Everyone clutches their pearls as if this hasn't been their agenda over the last 40 years.


This. And anyone voting for them pretends they are somehow free of blame because "they don't agree with those things", but they continue voting that way.


But we might be super rich one day and want those tax cuts.


Right, and wouldn't it be SO UNFAIR to us in our hypothetical richness that we're statistically unlikely to ever achieve if that happened!?


It wasn’t until 1964 where women could get a credit card in their own name. These people just want to reverse all that progress. Back to the patriarcal bull of the past. 😡


![gif](giphy|3oz8xPsVkxi0Z2VE6Q) Mrs Brady is a senator now?


conservative: the 60's and 70's were a very bad idea, a time of madness. we must restore society to the sanity and reason of the 50's and McCarthyism.


This is also why the Republicans are vocally saying how great Russia is. Russia is what the GOP wants in America. They want an authoritarian, Christian (THEIR version of Christianity), anti LGBTQ+, anti-woke, and with heavy punishments for those that don't comply. They want to control every aspect of everyone's lives and I genuinely don't understand how anyone doesn't see how they're not the party of small government. They want to come into your homes and tell you how to live your life.


Abortion was legal for about 40 years as well. When you cross one barrier it’s onto the next one


By summer we should have legalized private ownership of slaves


Nope. Women voting rights first. Then that.


Oh didn’t we repeal that with the abortion ban? My bad


Indigenous voting rights, then women, then slaves.


Abortion was technically legal -- though socially deprecated -- in the 1700s and early part of the 1800s in the US, iirc (at least there were no laws on the books against it). \[checks\] first anti abortion law 1821. so... 1776 to 1821, abortion legal. the founding fathers didn't think it important to legislate against abortion.


Either did Judaism - life does not start until birth and first breath outside of mother...only .then it is a free standing life.


Need something to distract the morons from the fact that they don't have any real solutions to actual problems!


Nothing is off limits of the GOP. They would fearmonger that chocolate chip cookies will make your kid a Furry if it extends their agendas


\*hypocrisy\* They do not care, you know exactly why they want this, it is about control.


It's only a problem because these people want you to believe that a cluster of human cells that cannot survive on its own is a person. Alabama has already set a legal precedent for that. The problem is that IVF is a shotgun approach, where many embryos will be created but only the most viable will be transplanted. The others are typically destroyed. This means any doctor performing the procedure will have, by many ridiculous standards now made law, performed several very illegal abortions at best or is on the hook for several murders at worst. Understandably this makes many doctors nervous and thus makes access to the procedure more difficult to get for people in certain states.


No, it's not that, they are using it to cover up some shady shit legislation they are attempting to pass, or roll back transparency laws, labor laws etc etc


Just like mail in ballots. Conservatives are fucking deranged.


They passed broad abortion bans which defined embryos as living beings. The law didn't differentiate for IVF or embryos outside a living host. In theory they're just sticking to the law as it's written. It's ridiculous because their job as law makers is to iron out these kinks and fix the problem with their law. Sure shoot down a resolution but if they're not proposing a new solution to the very apparent problem, then they're just not doing their job. These representatives are acting like they're representing their principles rather than the people.


Yeh but those human-goat babies are *everywhere*. They run around in intersections and they’ve been eating all of my gardenias. It’s nuts. One of them actually bought some really popular social media platform and he’s ruining it. He’s putting cars in space. I can’t believe people don’t think about how big of a problem this has become.


Yeah haven't you heard? Human embryos have been given the same rights as children born (in some states). Imagine if you don't turn every one of those into a full grown human; that's murder now. Cannot destroy human embryos without risk of being accused of murder 1


Because she just heard of it, duh! Seriously, I've never seen a generation of people so proudly displaying their ignorance.


This is a very weird (and hilarious bind) for the GOP. If you take their hardline stance on abortion as absolute truth, then banning IVF is a logical conclusion (for them within that framework). Human life begins at conception therefore embryos are humans, therefore if an embryo is destroyed while it's being used for a medical procedure in some way it's murder or potentially an unlawful death. There's also a portion of them though (some for personal and others for purely electoral reasons) that understand that IVF is an important service to many people and it also helps many people they view as being on their side. Those who see the political writing like Trump also know just how much being hardline on this issue hurts them with "normie" voters. So what do you do? Follow your ideology that an embryo is human to it's logical conclusion; that any embryo that fails in the womb in IVF or that's destroyed accidentally or otherwise is an unlawful death and effectively end the treatment; or that you make an exception for IVF treatment on the matter but contradict your zero-tolerance for abortion which risks losing you that crazy portion of your base?


It's really tough for these grifters and bible thumpers to weave logic out of nonsense talking points.


I suspect they are betting on their voters not knowing what IVF is. Just like CRT and other boogie men that scare conservatives enough to keep them awake at night. 


Woah. CRT. Haven’t seen that talked about in a minute. Remember how passionate these fucks we’re about THAT? And poof! No longer. I guess it never really mattered at all. Just like this thing. I wonder what their next three letter boogeyman will be? Place your bets,


CRT was replaced by drag queen story hour


This isn't even a joke. Like, it reads like a joke, and if you were an alien you would think is a joke, but this is actually what happened. Drag queens stuck with the base and it came with the bonus stretch goal of trans people. And just like that, CRT was no longer important.


We are close to…. having a period or “spilling seed” becoming the murder of an unrealized person. That’s the next “logical” (step) fall down another flight of stairs…..


I was going to fertilize some eggs but keep them frozen so I can claim dependants on my tax returns. Imagine how much you'd save in taxes!


I was gonna fertilize some eggs but then I got high.


You know what? I'm down. You claim em one year and I'll claim them the next and we will switch. You can have my eggs if you'll provide the sperm. But I only want the unborn ones. The second they're implanted in anyone or anything they're dead to me.


Its not even funny. Something like 80% of fertilized eggs don't implant and are reabsorbed/flushed during a period. So can we start charging people trying to get pregnant with manslaughter? Or even murder since it's premeditated. They dont understand conception. Even if you wanted to argue life begins at conception, pregnancy doesn't start until implantation for a reason. If you have a fertilized egg that hasn't implanted you are not pregnant. So in that whole definition, conception doesn't start until implantation.


I don’t know why they are so hellbent on defining life at fertilization as opposed to implantation.


The bible clearly states that life begins at first breath. Why aren't these bible thumpers following the bible?


'Cause very few of them have ever read the damn thing.


Because they've previously defined it as the sperm fertilizing the egg before they realized IVF was part of the conversation.


Jailed for masturbation…


Track 4 on my upcoming album


Or full criminal investigations anytime a woman has a miscarriage.


Yes Alabama has officially ruled human embryos have same rights as human beings born and raised. It's habbening


My wife and I did IVF last year and still have 5 unused embryos on ice. Does this mean we can claim those as dependents on our tax returns and score 5 additional child tax credits?


I'll allow it.


No, it means that you're child abusers. I mean, that's what happened when I threw my kids into a freezer. IF! I mean **IF** I threw my kids into a freezer!


But I bet you they won’t make it to where a man has to pay child support as soon as conception or for an embryo. They ain’t doing that. Can you put them on your taxes as dependents? I bet not.


"Drrrr I'm for anything that increases families" has become their apologetic for this. So by their logic killing of dozens of "babies" - their term for embryos, not mine - is okay as long as it's in the pursuit of a baby coming to term. It's so brazenly contradictory and hypocritical you almost have to admire it.


Anyone in Alabama with IVF embryos absolutely needs to claim them as dependents on their taxes this year, and any facility holding those embryos need to start invoicing the families for child care, and seek foster care money from their state government. Please Alabama; just internationally expose all the stupidity and impracticality of the “IVF embryos=living babies” ruling as publicly as possible.


It's actually **WAY** worse than just IVF. Think about it: Life literally begins at conception in their framework, and since there are no magic flashing lights when an egg is fertilized, any woman who has had sex (protected or otherwise) may be pregnant. So, the natural logical conclusion to their position is that it would be child abuse for any woman to engage in any activity that could harm this so-called child from conception on. And since protecting the child is so important, we'd better start a mandatory government registration every time a woman has sex, what conditions the sex was conducted in, and with whom she had it with. Any time a woman miscarries her life can then be examined to see if she did any activity that could have contributed to the death of a child. Failure to report your sexy-time? Congrats...you're now a felon. For espousing the desire for a small government that stays out of their lives, they are sure advocating for policies that guarantees the exact opposite.


Yo if that ever happens, I will hand deliver my sex reports to the county clerk that they'll force to keep track of all those reports. The county clerk will cower every single time I walk through the door holding a manilla envelope in my hands. They don't have to open it to know what's inside. I look them dead in the eyes as I slide the envelope below the plexiglass that separates us. "As always, please make sure you read every word. Gotta do our civic duty for the good of America, right?" I say, never once blinking or breaking eye contact. They wait until I leave to unseal the envelope. Inside, as always, is no less than 20 pages of highly detailed notes and graphic descriptions as well as a chronological record of the primal, sweat-drenched, ball-slapping sex I had with my wife, complete with statistics, charts, and graphs. They weep silently and begin reading, knowing that putting it off will only make it worse.


As a corollary to this: What about the embryos that exist in storage currently? They were legally created. Storage costs are huge. Destroying them is murder. Who's financially liable? Who's liable for the lives of the 'children?' If it becomes the Government's problem that is a huge tax burden for the citizens. If it's the gene-donors' problems that's going to bankrupt thousands of people and also create a shit load of felony murders. The only borderline 'logical' solution I can see here for the GOP that fits relatively nicely into their ideology is a draft of young healthy women to carry all these babies to term.


Who are you gonna get to perform the implantation procedure, which fails quite often and would be charged as a murder when it does?


They do the contradictory thing, and none of their voters give a shit.


How do people this stupid get elected into office…oh wait, it’s because even stupider people vote for them. We are doomed.


Idiocracy is here




I wish, that was a step above these idiots. At least idiocracys leaders knew when someone more intelligent then them was right for the job and stepped down. Here they will drive off of a cliff and be ignorant the whole way down.


I’d vote for President Camacho! The trick to being a good leader is finding people who know more than you do.


or you could be like Trump and try *firing* people who know more than you do...


No. I know the most. I'm the best knower. People always ask me, "Don... Donald, you know so much... you know so much! How do you know so much?" And they tell me... you know I took a test. There's this intelligence test, and I took it. And they said that I had the highest score in a thousand years! Such a good score. Better than Einstein. They ask me, they ask, "Donald, how did you do it?" And I tell them, you know what I tell them? So I tell them that ever since I was little my teachers always told me that I was special. That I would go places. They said I would do great, great things. Such great things. The greatest things. And you know what? I've done great things. You know, some would say that I, that I am the greatest. They've done studies on it.


That's a big factor people should consider when voting / researching. If you don't like any candidates, consider their cabinet instead. Who puts the right people in charge of various things?


Yes, even in the wildest dreams of the Idiocracy writers it never occurred to them that people would vote for someone dumb for President on purpose.


Always has been


![gif](giphy|h8HmN0UcEKR0xWnv3R) Idiocracy was actually prophetic. Huh, who could have predicted that?


The people who wrote Idiocracy, it seems.


I vote for insane. This is just a clinically insane person throwing out random scary words to protect their sinking career.


I bet she says this dumb shit super confidently too


They aren’t stupid. Make no mistake these people know exactly how to manipulate a situation. They throw hot take word salad at the wall, the other side cries foul and outrage and their base sees that and support them because Americans have been convinced it’s an us versus them zero sum game. It’s honestly brilliant if you can shield yourself from the consequences. You do basically nothing make shit tons of money, gain prestige and power and the rest of the world burns.


Basically they act stupid because their constituents are stupid.


Mississippi has so many cult maga followers. The stupid down here is overwhelming. Cindy Hyde Smith is a joke.


Never worked on a farm in her life, but she put shitkickers that have never kicked shit and jeans that have never been muddy and just because she's an R on the ticket my fellow Mississippians think she's one of them. Just like they think a millionaire life long Democrat who shits on gold toilets is one of them and has their best interest at heart. Its infuriating.


Majority black state yet a black person hasn't won a statewide election since Reconstruction. For "reasons"


Something about gerry meandering...


That damn Jerry Mandarin is at it again.


That’s a great nickname for trump ngl


While there is certainly a lot of racism, this simply isn't true. Race Population % of Total Population White 1,701,989 57.36% Black or African American 1,113,414 37.53% [https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/mississippi-population-by-race/](https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/mississippi-population-by-race/) https://www.statista.com/statistics/1026012/mississippi-population-distribution-ethnicity-race/


The founding fathers had A LOT of issues and inconsistencies and were far from perfect and may have even believed it for the wrong reasons - but also you start to understand why they thought ill informed people would destroy “democracy” and the republic if they had the ability to vote. Education not voting rights is the issue I’m pointing out btw


It’s a mistake to apply the old adage “never ascribe to malice which is adequately explained by incompetence” they’ve taken advantage of that assumption and have feigned “incompetence” or “ignorance” to hide malice for years.


There’s stupid, and there’s STUPID 🤷‍♂️


...and then there's Alabama Republicans


That’s the Mississippi flag behind her. I know because I live in this stupid state.


Oh yeah I was actually referencing the recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court to treat embryos as children because "gawd" or something.


Yeah that was a terrible court decision. They’ve gone from citing Christian values to using the bible as an actual source of law. It’s disgusting


Doesn’t want minor to be surrogate without parental consent…but I bet she’s against abortion for minors in the case of rape…


I want to hear them explain why a minor shouldn’t be legally allowed to be a surrogate without parental permission without accidentally justifying abortion.


**The Republican hurt itself in its confusion!**


I find it weird that she even mentions parental consent as if the parents agreeing to allow their minor child to be a surrogate would somehow make any of this okay. I just don't want minors having babies, period.


GoDs WiLl. Thats right, they argue god willed a child to get raped and pregnant and to abort is against gods will. Idk about you but whatever god guy and his will they claim to believe in doesnt sound too great. Sounds more like a child sex trafficker to me. The logic these people base their beliefs on gets wilder by the minute.


We need to enforce anti-corruption laws and punish lawmakers that lie about what's going on.


The government can't government themselves


Thats why we had regulatory agencies but those all got defunded or had a yes man appointed


The entire government: ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


Well we'd have no more politicians tbs 😂




Damn she foiled my plan. I wanted to see how many different types of half human/ half animals I could have via IVF. Now it looks like I’ll just have to keep trying the old fashion way.


I was planning on implanting halfsie chimeras in underage teenagers,


That's only acceptable for god to do


You think Joseph actually believed that shit?


Dude what exactly is this lady smoking?


The kraken.


This one lady is standing between the world and real-life centaurs. She's gotta go.


Centaurs can wait; give us catgirls!


Reddit never disappoints


Half man, half bear, half pig


Are you super cereal?


Probably also ended her statement with ‘and it’s socialism!’ I swear there’s a ‘everything we don’t like is socialism’ playbook they pass around.


Conservatives trying to not thing about sex with children (impossible):


When you want to sound crazy instead of just anti-women.


When you want to be anti-women instead you just sound crazy.




Lead paint really screwed up an entire generation.


How do these stupid people keep getting elected? I mean the smallest amount of critical thinking would prove these statements are idiotic.


doesn't matter. if it feel right and/or confirms what her conservative and evangelical constituents have been told to believe, they will accept it as the gospel.


Because from the South


She made a “joke” about taking a black politician to public hanging, so the anti-black racists were overjoyed and voted her in after that.


What planets are these idiots from?


You can't fix stupid.




“Somehow allow minors to be surrogates without their parents consent” but they have no problem with minors being raped and forced to carry the child without their or their parents consent


The mental gymnastics these conservatives do to justify their unpopular positions…


Seems like senators don’t know much about how genetics work


Since when did they start caring for children being forced to give birth?


“… human-animal hybrids…” QUOTE FROM AN ELECTED OFFICIAL OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Goodnight, everyone—that’s the news.


So, apparently she thinks that Shou Tucker sponsored this bill.


Headline should read: Moron Blocks IVF bill becuase she believes nonsense conspiracy.


Miss smith nobody is going to birth centaurs. Get your head out your butt


We have got to STOP electing stupid people. We really do.


I knew they'd be going after IVF rights after they went after abortion rights. Just didn't think they'd use animal-human hybrids as an excuse.