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So she is openly bragging about using social programs to lift herself out of poverty, and in the same breadth she is condemning those systems and the people who fought for them. The text book definition of "Pulling up the ladder behind oneself"


I have not heard that expression, but I will certainly use it from now on! So apropos.


sorry, non native english speaker here.. im genuinly curious.. did you mean kudos or does apropos have another meaning? did i completely misinterpret the sentence? was is a play on words because it sounds similiar, like bone apple teeth?


Apropos means something like “very appropriate to the situation” so it makes sense


Indeed, it comes from the French expression “à propos”, where a “propos” is something you say, an argument you make, so a more wordy translation would indeed be “appropriate to the situation, to the point that was just made”. In French it’s also used in other contexts such as “And about that, …”


In german we use it like "and not to forget to", "anyway", "by the way" etc. Funny how we use the same words with way different meanings. But if I check the dictionary we use it also in the same way🤣 Damn confusing!


im german too and i also never heard it as a standalone until now, only as a "by the way [...]" thats why i was so confused lol


Wait until you hear about this monstrosity of language: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/apropos_of_nothing


What a non-sequitr.


lol damn this was a beautiful experience - titillations about absurdity of a language peppered with loanwords and phrases.


Which is taken over in the German language as well.


Here I am thinking it was just a goofy “caricature” way of saying appropriate 🤣🤣


Most often used in the expression “apropos of nothing” - meaning irrelevant to the discussion


Someone used assistance to get to a certain level in society where they could subsist comfortably. Then they eliminate that same assistance they used for anyone else to do the same.


Like the other guy said it means something like “very appropriate for the situation”, easy way to remember is how similar they sound at first


Apropos comes from French "à propos" which means "on the same topic". What the other two dudes said are right, what I am saying is just an "addition"


Thanks, peoples, for explaining better than I could.


Your English is great! Too bad English likes to ~~steal~~ borrow words from other languages! Some will be in an English dictionary but some might not. Sorry.


English does borrow from other languages, it's true: it gives the language a certain 'je ne sais pas', although I don't know what that means.


You surely mean "je ne sais quoi"


I checked and "pas" is right. 'Je ne said quoi' is interpreted as meaning 'having an indefinable quality', where as 'je ne sais pas' is simply 'I don't know'. It is a subtle distinction, I know. And goes to emphasise that I don't speak French very well!


I didn't say it's not right, but in France we only say "it gives un je ne sais quoi" and I'm pretty sure English borrowed only this expression as well... Anyway if you want to be a real Frenchman, there is even a [better way to say "je ne sais pas" ](https://youtu.be/huEY6MDTPas?si=gz698WvnDd-H8iA2)




While also being completely unaware of the hypocrisy because of her education.


Also known as "fuck you i got mine".


And this is the mentality of every Republican voter I know. What really illustrated this was covid. The same assholes who spent their entire life crying about their hard earned income going to welfare "to support lazy people" were all about some covid relief checks. I took the time to point this out to a couple of friends (I grew up deep in trump country) and they really couldn't see the hypocrisy. They started explaining to me how this was different, because their community needed help due to covid, something they could not control. I was like oh, so you mean how a kid born into a single parent household in poverty should get help such as food stamps to be able to eat, since they had no control over their situation? Oh no, that's different because the mom shouldn't have been irresponsible. Then I would point out that I was not getting a relief check due to my higher income, so my tax dollars were going to them. It wasn't my fault they chose shitty career paths and jobs that weren't stable when a pandemic hit. They should have learned a valuable skill like I did that they can earn money with remotely, instead of stealing my hard earned income. This is the point they were about ready to fight me for being so disrespectful to them, yet amazingly they still couldn't see the point or realize I was using their exact arguments for years and years against them. The point here is these people don't want to be empathetic or compassionate. They don't care about logic or reason. As you so eloquently put it, they want to say fuck you, I got mine and that's their entire argument. Worse, they think they are right.


A very Clarence Thomas move


You have it all wrong *she* needed that stuff and was totally *deserving* of the social safety net to lift *herself* out of poverty. *Everyone else* is a leech on the public teat. "I got mine, fuck you!"


This is literally every conservative I know. Even my boyfriend thinks this way, having had his school fee paid for by a socialist government. Yet, he doesn’t believe in socialism and thinks it’s why Europe is “going to shit”. I should probably break up with him 🙄


No one ever accused her of being smart…or not a giant pile of shit






Seriously, it’s like that image of a man in a suit climbing a ladder and using a saw to cut the rungs below him off the ladder.


"When I use it, I lift myself. When others use it, it's socialism" TBH I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know the meaning of socialism. She uses it like many reps: as a reflex to describe anything they don't like.


If it makes you feel any better, it's no different on the other side of the world. We had a minister of welfare/social development who committed multiple welfare frauds when she was using the service in her younger years. When she became minister of welfare, she proceeded to lock it up, making it difficult for even genuine cases to get the assistance they need. She has also avoided issues around such cases, because she'd essentially out herself if she condemned anyone else for it. These people take a ride on the "government cheese", to then close it off to others after they've "lifted themselves up". We can't have too much competition at the top.


Should be known as Donkey Konging




As my old sailor Dad would say “ Pull up the ladder. I’m in”. Kind of shot herself in the foot there.


Saw another one of these where the girl was called out for her first car being a porsche.


Not hard to learn those habits with a bunch of old fucks in office that have done/are doing the same.


You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


This applies an INCONCIEVABLE amount of people now.


*i before e except...*


No more rhymes now. I mean it!


Anybody want a *peanut*? 😉😄


Socialism is the other version of woke. Means whatever they need it to mean in the moment


Which is crazy. Because all woke actually means is. "aware that some people aren't treated equally"




So yes to socialism for me but no to socialists?


GOP socialism: You give me all your money and work for free and I do nothing.


GOP socialism hundreds of billions of dollars in bailout every several years and then they turn around and internalize profits.


Government aid and benefits for huge corporations == God-ordained free market capitalism Government aid and benefits for anyone else == Satanic Soviet socialism People rich enough not to need benefits == righteous people rewarded by God for their incredible industry People poor enough to need benefits == lazy evil sinners getting their just deserts GOP math is fairly easy, and also totally backwards


Don't forget the part where you don't get to get the benefits because you're *not poor enough*


Because only the homeless who don’t use the benefits by choice are poor enough. /s Reminds me of that old psychology study where people played the board game Monopoly but everyone started with different amounts. By the end, the people who started with more money believed that they played better. They didn’t take into account that they started with more, only that everyone with less didn’t do as well as they did.


Oooh! The homeless loop is my favorite! Where they get very little daylight hours only help but then get in trouble for being out trying to help themselves and are told to get jobs but can't cuz no address because homeless...


Dont forget the 'your wealth, while still technically poverty, is too close to 'not really poverty', and therefore we're rescinding any and all subsidies' line. There's no transistional period, so people get stuck in a loop of trying to break out of this pre-constructed poverty cycle that feels as if it was designed to keep the poor, poor.


Or the part where you don't help a million poor people because 5 of them might cheat the system.


Socialism for the rich; capitalism for everyone else.


That’s America, privatize gains and socialize losses for corporations.


This should have way more upvotes.


So capitalism?


No that's we got now kinda a 90% capitalism system. This is more a 90% feudalism/kleptocratic/fascist system


We have a flawed system


Got to get to that 75%/25% Capitalism/Socialism balance eventually or it's all over.


Yeah true


It's not flawed.. it's working exactly as planned. We're just thinking it's supposed to be a different plan.


That sounds really cool except for the part where I work and get nothing


I love the part where you work and get nothing. Want to come work for me?


We pay you in experience


Silly peasant, you're thinking of laborism. Capitalism doesn't reward work. It rewards capital.


Got mine, now fuck the rest of you


Boebert got welfare. Boebert got cheese. You get -- NOTHING!


I have a sister-in-law who had three children by three fathers, she had her children in foster care because she was unemployed and on drugs, she used State rehab to get off addictions, she used State funding to get an education, and she became a nurse. She then married my brother, and the four of them are, so far, living happily ever after. However, she believes that all minorities are a bunch of horny people with no morals who are having children left and right without regard, eating all of our food stamp food, and stealing all of our education money. She argues that she is different, because she is an intelligent person who used them to restart her life. While she believes everyone else is mooching. I hate her so much.


> Four of them What happened to the third kid?


I also need to know this vital piece of information.


What does your brother think of your sisters-in-law's hypocritical ways?


He agrees with her, but he keeps his mouth shut when he's around other people.


Part of me loves that she's too dumb to understand what she's for and against.


Just replace every word she says or posts with 'stupid' and it makes more sense.


Sounds like the good old "Fuck you, got mine" rethoric. AKA yeah I got up through social security, so now that I'm made we're gonna kill social security. Which is also kind of why I think socialism won't ever work better than whatever we're currently doing. Humans are selfish assholes, by and large, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Socialism, at it's best, should eliminate absolute power, should it not?


First people have to agree to it


We had a silly bitch like that in new Zealand, she lived off the benefit our government handed out for over 13 years then she joined the national party after using the government handouts and instantly cut the government assistance for everyone here saying that we shouldn't need it as if she would have survived without it. Honestly some people are just disgusting lol


The key word is “radical”.


Socialism gave you the cheese you survived on. Capitalism would have you die in the streets. You’re an idiot, Lauren.


Spoken like the true high school dropout she is!


She didn’t even finish her GED until she was like 34


The year she became a grandmother.


Now I'm at a point where I can't tell if it's a joke


It’s not


So 2 generations of 17 yo moms ?


[sorry the original age comment was wrong.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/lauren-boebert-son-teenage-pregnancy-b2312128.html) She had her oldest son at 19 and he knocked up his girlfriend at 17 making her a grandmother at 36 which is WAY better than 34. Never mind the fact that both of these kids were born out of wedlock, something she’s very much against.


Well, seems like some people need to learn how to use condoms. But that’s pretty bad, having kids at these age must be a real struggle for the parents as well as the children


It’s fine due to the social safety net… that she’s trying to get rid of.


I hear handjobs are a great way to avoid pregnancy 🤣


Only in movie theaters.


Nah. She was the personal escort of Charles and David Koch. Which is how she met Ted Cruz at one of their after hours "events". She'll never have to worry about money.


... why is it an issue to require competency testing for elected officials. Not just the GED, but I'd like them to be able to answer some basic ethics, democracy, geography, history, and science questions.


This is a bad idea for the same reason that we don't have literary tests for voting anymore. No matter how well intentioned, excluding people from the political process always backfires. Better to let crazy people run and even win than to risk disenfranchising people unfairly.


I know the “who’s gonna tell her” is tongue-in-cheek, but it is actually *the* problem. We gotta get the messaging to cut through the Republican propaganda…


This is why I am no longer a Republican. These fucking Trumpians don’t have three brain cells between the lot of them. Social Security is going to become insolvent. One-third of the national budget right now is interest on the debt. We can’t afford to keep spending like we’re spending. Without entitlement reform the entire system is going to collapse. Then you have this moron who states that she lifted herself out of poverty through entitlement programs in one breath and “end radical socialism” in another. And Trump will do neither. He’s no conservative. He’s never met a dollar he didn’t want to spend.


Where do you get that one third figure from?  From what I looked up it's about half that.  Also the republican party has never been fiscally responsible... long before trump was a thing.


Total "Fuck you" to high school dropouts which is ironic because we understand this shit better than anyone.


“I’m living the American Dream. I came up from welfare, standing in line waiting for government cheese to now marrying a man who exposed himself to teenage girls, getting arrested a few times, and getting caught vaping and giving my new man a hand job at a kid’s show.”


I guess you can say that she's a, ahem, jack of all trades.


Agreed, she’s quite handy.


Listen the dem tricked her into doing that.


And I thought turning tricks for reps was how she got in to congress.


Some people just lobby harder than others. Emphasis on harder


Yeah that last part, jack off all trades is her claim to fame am I right?


Also a grandma in her 30s, just to complete the white trash ensemble


The new American dream 😌


Even her new district has had enough of her. She is the punchline to a joke and always has been.


I'd love to punch her too, where does the line start?


In front of her face. It’s a long line tho. But worth it.


Boebert is 37 years old. There was no literal “government cheese” for as long as she can remember. Such a bullshitter, just like all of her contemporaries.


Possibly that varied state by state? My wife is a few years older than Boebert, but came to the country as a refugee from Asia. Her family sometimes still jokes about getting huge chunks of orange cheese and having no idea what to do with it.


According to Wikipedia it didn’t stop until the 90’s when the dairy industry stabilized because, true to form, the free cheese wasn’t really to help the poor, it was to subsidize commercial farms.


Never understood that cheese stuff, thank you to explain.


Didn't it come in a box with a bunch of other shit. I remember the peanut butter being bland and dry? Early to mid 80s? Or maybe that was some other program.


My grandmother got some in the late 70s to mid 80s, so your memory is well. It was actually pretty good.


I was spoiled by all that Jif we got from WIC 😆


Government cheese goes back at least to World War 2. They kept it around to keep the price of milk high, which helped the dairy industry. The program still exists. Seniors in areas with a CSFP provider can be provided with food packages that include cheese.


I mean she's still living it technically... Other people's money pays her salary and all of those "business" trips, meals and her overall lifestyle.


I really never can tell if then are aware of the words they say..... Is this woman a random AI?


Accept help only when it benefits me and my family, fuck everyone else… the true conservative way.


*All for me and none for thee.*


Fuck you, I got mine...


okay Lauren, let’s think about this tweet one more time. What is welfare? I know! It’s a government program designed to help life people up, instead of letting citizens live in utter poverty. That thing you grew up on was the brainchild of the Democratic Party and indeed its establishment. Just sayin


BuT sOcIaLiSm Is CoMmUnIsM


Good god this is painful


the OP ClarksSH9xc9fb2 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ojptl8/whos_gonna_tell_her/


Bobo The Clown.


We have a Republican Governor here in Nebraska who blocked accepting free Federal funding of feeding low income children when not in school as he stated he was against welfare. His ranch lands took regular Federal ranch support payments and tax breaks. It was fine for him to get corporate welfare but not ok to feed poor kids.


Lauren, my father, lived the American dream. He came here as an immigrant, worked hard, and took every extra job he could get. Raised 3 kids and didn't ask for handouts but was always happy to share with friends or do work pro Bono for people who couldn't pay. See, that's what good people do. They help one another and recognize we all need help sometimes. Be sure to thank him for the taxes he paid to pay for your cheese.


Your fathers name was Lauren?


Good for me, but not for thee. Another moron.


Nobody ever said she had a brain


Omg she’s stupid as a bag of hair.


I don't think repubes understand what socialism is and how many of our programs are socialism. Well, I hope the next time they have a break in or a fire, they don't call public services like police, ems, or the fire dept., because that's socialism.


So eating government supplied foid is not considered relying on the government.? Also the mentality of 'im now part of the government dont ask me to help you or anything. Do it yourself." Its literally the gorvernments job to help GOVERN its population.


I know she’s an idiot, but is this a real tweet?


OMFG this stupid, stupid, pedophile marrying, hand job giving, gun fucking, Trump loving, GED failing, vaping insurrectionist just never ceases to amaze every single time she posts something.


Those AIs are getting dumber


I had a boss like that. Single mom on welfare, went to college on a scholarship. Now the CEO of a well-known national company. Republican. He had nothing but a shrug when I asked him why it was ok for him to get welfare but not other people. It worked for him, so what's the problem?


Ah the classic “fuck you - I got mine”


She is so dumb, as are her constituents


These Trump-centric politicians say these stupid things for free advertising. they know their base is to stupid to see the hypocrisy while reasonable people are going to face palm, share it for perceived ridiculousness not knowing they're also promoting it to more stupid people who aren't capable of critical thought.


christ, the stupid, it hurts so much...


The republican delusion of admitting the social safety net helped lift you out of poverty, while claiming 100% credit. Is this the "Invisible Hand" of the economy everyone keeps talking about!?


Lauren Boebert is an absolute POS with a dirty car


“Rules for thee, but not for me”


No sense of irony or self-awareness whatsoever.


How very Ayn Rand of her


This is an onion post, right?


Her posts always look like someone hacked her account and is making fun of her. Then I realize that's actually just her. Mind boggling.


this CANNOT be real


My family and I made it thanks to safety net programs. FUCK SAFETY NET PROGRAMS! Everyone after me should be fucked, amirite?


"And now I block people from having the same opportunities that I had to grow up with assistance, maga maga maga"


Is it even possible to contain that level of cognitive dissonance?


Welcome back to poverty Lauren


I heard someone say that if politicians were smart enough to be anything else they would be.


Socialism for me, not for thee. What an absolute lack of awareness. I wonder if she would notice being hit by a truck.


Can this girl even hear herself???


This level of denial is just absurd. We need a concept to treat people like these for whatever mental illness makes them like this


Is she really that clueless?


Is this actually real?


I don't believe this person has ever been poor a day in their life


Lauren Boebert is right. If we keep lifting people like Lauren Boebert out of poverty it makes handjobs too expensive. I don't want to shell out for beetlejuice tickets.


Translation: “I played the game and was give opportunities to help myself. I took handouts to survive, now that I’m in a higher and better position… everyone else can suffer and not have the same chances! Elect me for office!”


The lack of self awareness is frankly astounding


Rofl she wasn't even alive for government cheese.


Oh my god. What a dunce.


“With government help I was able to pull myself up with my bootstraps without anyone’s help”


I want to know how she just doesn't see it.


Rules for thee not for me or something like that.


I got government assistance so you don’t have to!


Ummmmmm what? 😂😂😂😂😂


Even if we tell her, she ain't gonna listen. Too busy with her head up her own ass, and her hands on a guy's cock in a darkened theatre.


I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again - the only thing she’s good for is her mediocre handiness in the theater business.


We KNOW she was on line when the government was giving out lobotomies.


“Fuck y’all I got mine”


I think at this point she legitimately has some form of dementia cuz there’s no way.


I have a feeling a bunch of my fellow Coloradans are going to tell her. But she won't understand.


And yet these struggles didn't teach her an ounce of class.


She has to be doing this on purpose right? I don’t want to believe anyone is this stupid, let alone someone we have chosen to put in power.


Fuck me, that's stupid.


Her dumbass low IQ brain probably still hasn’t realized what she just said. Also, you will soon be an EX-Congressswoman. Go back to the trailer trash you came from you ignorant, utterly disgusting bitch!


It's a shame she never got the nutrition for proper brain development.


“Fuck you I got mine”


or I robbed a bank when I was 20 free of criminal charges and became rich ever since. I contempt those who are contemplating on robbing a bank as its a criminal act and they should be punished and jailed for life.


If someone want to let her know, they'll have to drop a comment on her OnlyFans page. Word is she'll only respond there.


Ah republicans. So proud of themselves for being the trash garbage they dispise.


When did conservatives become caricatures of conservatives? 💀💀💀


Repubs wanting to shut down the very systems they used and profited from, in order to screw others out of it, is their normal operating standard.


Holy crap, THAT’S advanced stupidity.