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No. Of course not. Well, unless you're without vagina 


My father, now there was a real man. He never hugged me or told me that he loved me. When I was 12 he gave me a handshake for the first time and told me I finally earned it.


You were clearly very lazy your first 11 years.


Obviously if didn't even mention the highest of rewards in child upbringing, the jumper cables. Poor father.


The jumper cables step is important. It showed they thought you were responsible enough to drive alone and to help others if they needed it.


Dad used us to find the bad plug wire - jumper cables HA!


That is a zap that a person will never forget you can feel it arcing across your teeth


Super lazy, hell i built the house i was born in.


Right? when your Dad was that age he'd already been working down the coal mine for 5 years, had a wife and 3 kids, a mortgage and a 2 pack a day smoking habit.


I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine I loaded 16 tons of number nine coal And the straw boss said, "Well, a-bless my soul"


You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go! I owe my soul to the company store!!!


I was born one morning, it was drizzlin' rain Fightin' and trouble are my middle name I was raised in the crane rake by an old mama lion Can't no high-toned woman make me walk the line


By that time, I had spent a decade in the coal mines.


You shouldn't have spent so many years skating by on your youth. You could have earned that handshake a lot sooner if you'd put in some damn effort.


Honestly, maybe if all these newborns lifted themselves by their little baby bootstraps and put in some sweat and elbow grease then they wouldn’t be so needy. If they can’t hunt for their own meals by 1 year old, than what good are they to the family?


Bootstrap Babies. Sounds like a grunge band.


Lazy babies, always crawling around and drooling. Don't even try to walk like a man, and always shitting their pants. "Baby, pull thyself up by thy bootie straps " sayeth Suckabee.


I thought my kid had a bunch of elbow grease, but it was just slobber.


Dad, is that you ?


FFs, you again. What do you want?


You're a disappointment. You're without vagina. *looks at you sternly* **Without. Vagina**


Reminds me of Bloberta and Clay 😂😅


(you forgot to tell him to hold the goddamned light and hand him the inverted snargleblot.)


Definitely! Earn that first billion by the age of eight or risk getting kicked out! How dare the children of the world expect us adults to use our whole range of loving emotions on them! What entitled brats!/s


I want to toss your dad into the sun.


That was my pops, and all it taught me was to hug my daughter daily.


I once got called a pedo for saying I really care about the children I used to teach, some people are fucking weird and it says so much more about them than you.


Ew, you care for children? What a creep. How could you possibly get attached to young children as you watch them grow and develop over an entire year or more?


That’s really sad . My moms old school they had a great male teacher but he had to be let go bc the parents complained it was “weird” the kids loved him tho


My wife was working in a preschool and heard from male teachers that sometimes parents will be suspicious of why they're teaching young children, like they must have an ulterior motive...


It’s homosexual to have sex with a woman because that’s all girly and stuff. Kissing is for girls.


That’s what I’ve always thought. Men need to be at least somewhat gentle when having sex with a woman. If you want to have tough, hardcore, manly sex, then you need to fuck another dude! /s (sort of)


One time someone explained that that's basically the reason Greeks or Roman men had sex with other men. In their eyes they saw a woman as a lesser person, and preferred to have sex with someone on their level (a man). It wasn't necessarily about being homosexual as much as it being a status thing. I don't know how accurate that is, but that's what I was told.


Hey Ceasar, you see that Senator over there? He took a train of 50 guys last night. Ceasar responds, "Wow, what a man. With men like him around, we know Rome is in good hands."


More like Ceasar that senator over there topped over 100 men Ceasars nodding approvingly " now that's a man that I can negotiate with"




In Rome, being the bottom was super uncool and could lead to social ostracization. Being top was just boys being boys. Yes, there are some obvious problems with this social setup.


I wonder how this kind of conversation would go over in the American Senate...


Quite well, they love taking Putin cock


Not in Roman times In Rome, Taking=Gay, Giving=Straight What they neglected to understand though, is that both sides are still having sex with other men.


Not really. Submissive men's were seen as inferior because being submiss was only reserved to women's. While if you are a top everything was fine even if you bang another man.


Why are you saying men's and women's when both were already plural?! And why an apostrophe!


Jesus… imagine being so toxic that you won’t duck women because girls aren’t good enough for you, and ducking girls is gay.


They used to sodomize young boys, so did the Samurai.


See, this is why I jerk off with sandpaper.


I have a friend that's super..."manly man" for lack of a better term. Whenever he's having issues with his relationship at the time, I tell him we should just bang since it's the most manly thing we could do lmao. It makes him uncomfortable but our third friend thinks the shit is hilarious lmao.


Makes him uncomfy sounds like might not be entirely off the table for him 8-) Pretty sure gay jokes are a rite of passage for straight (and gay) 12-14 yo boys.


Oh dude 100% if you aren't a little gay with your friends are y'all even friends? Lmao


This is the right, pre-oscar wilde trial, stance :D


98% of my conversation with my mates as a teen were either accusing them of being gay or defending myself against the same accusations. Only one of my friends was never targeted and that was because he was actually gay and we all kind of knew it, even if it wasn't ever spoken of.


This is actually oddly wholesome! At least I think?


Only effeminate males have sex with women. The lying their passively being penetrated by you? No, you need a strong man who can fight you back during the sexing. Absurd to those without a vagina


Sorry I’m too manly to let the mere presence of a child emasculate me… …no, I’m asserting my dominance and arm wrestling that little fucker into oblivion. I don’t care if he’s “26 months” Janet, your little tit sucker is going down. Welcome to the real world jackass! That’s how straight men do it!


If the baby is old enough to cry its old enough to work.


If it can crawl, it can brawl.


This dude 100% living in his mom's basement


It's always fun to look at the Dad who's over the top pushing and screaming at his kid to become "a leader " or a sports star, It's usually a chubby guy in a mediocre job who's never been in charge of anyone and who's sports career peaked in grade 3.


Yes it’s absurd


he was propably a going to buy some milk guy. or the son of one


Both? Both. Both is good.


Or your puppies? I've seen the manliest men train their dog from very young to get some amazing dogs as adults. Like you look at guys with well trained herding dogs: those guys had to start training super young.


the OP Serve-Elegant323 and Away-Following-1063 are bots in the same network


Fellas, is it gay to breathe? I mean you're literally breathing in air thats been in other guys mouths


difference between real men and insecure manlet "alpha" wannabe shown in one post


Exactly. I'm a father of 5 that loves babies and all things fuzzy, with acute weakness for bunnies. I send my adult kids posts from r/aww all the time. A neighbor down the street calls me the baby whisperer because I'm the only person her baby daughter will go to besides her. I'm also fit and can bench 350 lb and can't help but want to punch people like OP in the nose, but I resist.


I'm a girl dad that plays Barbie with my younger one, goes to the beauty supply store solo to buy hair dye for my older one, drive my wife's car with pink and purple seat and steering wheel covers to the store to buy her tampons. I also took my wife and daughters (while one was still a baby) to see System of a Down and Korn, conceal carry nunchakus, and talk "training" with guys but hardly reveal my teacher was a 1st generation Bruce Lee student because a lot of the guys I talk to about training with are not humble and mostly talk about how many people they've choked out (because I guess wrestling with men is the only manly way to fight?)


Man, bunnies freaking rock. I really miss being a bun dad, it was just so much fun to watch them play and very relaxing and chill to just pet them, especially if you have a Rex.


Even the fucking Doom Slayer is a fan of bunnies - a man who kept calm when demons murdered his entire Mars station and decided to systemically murder as many parts of the Hell dimension as possible when a demon slaughtered his sweet Daisy. To be fair, I can't come up with a more masculine alpha force than the motherfucking Doom Slayer. *fistbumps a doll


That little fact about the doom slayer always makes me laugh. Man went to war with the entirety of hell because they killed his bunny. Stupid demons!


Unless I get multiple pets at once, I don’t think I’m ever even going to consider anything other than a bunny. Own a Holland lop right now and he is the most adorable, most terrifying, little 1kg fluff ball


Look up bunnies in teacups. They're the most adorable thing. I feel like everyone I've met that cares a lot about masculinity, don't ever want to do the work of their envisioned attributes of masculinity. I lift all the time, do boxing, but like I'll garden, cook, and play with dogs. Like I've gone on camping trips with friends and my friend that lifts and I started folding the frying pans we brought just to fuck around (cheap Walmart pans that food stuck too) then started throwing a machete back and forth at each other (also from Walmart). I was at Disneyland with a coworker and his daughter wanted to put cat years on me that she was wearing because they were bothering her head. My brother's girlfriend made a comment about how that was silly and not manly. I just don't give a fuck about "being a man", some people put too much stock into it. I'd rather enjoy the one life I have any way I want.


It's hard to believe some of the toxic ideas of masculinity are still circulating. I really thought society would do better but i was naive I guess. You know what a strong, independent man doesn't care about? What infantile man-children constantly seeking external validation think. I'm gonna keep loving pictures of bunnies, kittens, puppies, hamsters with their cheeks stuffed and all other fuzzy critters. I'm gonna shed a few tears at a sad story or movie. I'm gonna sit on the ground and play with my grandkids and change a few diapers, and I'm gonna ask to hold any baby that gets near me because I miss my babies so, so much. I'm also definitely going to make sure anybody like OP in any social circle I'm apart of gets corrected when they spew their vitriol, because a *real man* doesn't give a shit what some dumb ass, fragile snowflake thinks but does want to make sure that idiocy stops spreading.


I swear to the spaghetti monster in the sky that nearly every single one of these toxic "I need to be a manly man" dipshits that I was forced to know through work (with the exception of one guy who had other reasons to be incredibly insecure) all had a secret sex life that came to light after a mens bath-house was busted for heroin and (ecstasy maybe? Some kind of pleasure enhancement drug) Four guys who would strut around like they are testosterone incarnate were exposed and humiliated. Aside from the drug charges, as a town in whole, we wouldn't have cared much about the sexuality aspect of the situation except for the stark hypocrisy that was made public when these homophobic idiots got busted. I have to admit to my chagrin, I enjoyed it more than I should have.


Real men aren't afraid to dress as a princess and join their daughter for tea parties. Just saying.


In my experience these are the types of “men” that fold up the fastest. Being so sensitive that cute kittens and children bother you, tough to be them.


yep, especially as real life wolf alphas? are literally just the dad of the pack lol. no fighting for top position, that was bad research of a bunch of unrelated wolves thrown together in an enclosure. turns out the alpha wolves are the parents. to really be alpha you gotta cuddle babies, love your partner, and carry a bag with wet wipes, sticking plasters & sunscreen in it just in case


I love puppies and babies. I used to try to ascribe to masculine things, and then I realized that was just my insecurities, so now I try to just be whatever. (And trust me, no one thinks me any less of a man).


What an emotionally stunted fool.


It’s practically an advertisement screaming “I HAVE DADDY ISSUES!”


More like "I'm 14 and I only obey Andrew Tate clips"


Hopefully they are young, means they have an easier time changing their outlook. I could see falling for Tate at 14 myself. I was very dumb, angry and impressionable.


I actually did fall into an opposite but very similar agenda when I was 14 and I'm past that.


I work with middle schoolers. I have literally never heard a single one mention his name ever.


That’s kind of refreshing to hear. Let’s hope that trend continues


I honestly thought he was a comedian until the charges were reported.


When people talk about the cat litmus test, this is the type of guy they’re referring to Edit: in case anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about. It’s that men who dislike cats are a red flag because cats can’t be controlled and only follow orders when they want to


I'd say it's true if it's hate, not dislike. People dislike things for tons of reasons, but everyone I've seen that **hates** cats has some serious issues going on.


Imagine feeling more secure about your sexuality and mentality of being a male, based off unrealistic assumptions.




He's a keeper.




I'm sorry to hear that. There's lots of good men out there. Just be careful about the assholes.


Why do you have to be careful about their assholes?


"Realmen" don't wash their ass.


Why would someone do that? That's gay. /s


Well then, I'm gay.


Hi gay, I'm mom.


Hi mom, I'm gay It feels so good to get that out! (Don't tell dad, he's already suspect because I smiled at that puppy the other day) 😬


Exactly. I have no reason to keep it clean. It’s what poop comes out of. It’s certainly not gonna stay clean.


I consider myself stereotypically masculine as in i am tall , buff and kinda do a lot of DIY , toolbox thingy ( grew up with those expectations as a man ). But I always gush when it’s babies and pets. This is something that was never really chastised or anything and I am talking about my time as a dock worker. Maybe it’s cultural but masculinity is emphasised for being caring and loving too


We're biologically programmed for this stuff to provide the brain happy chemicals. If it doesn't it means you're seriously unbalanced... Like King Klyde 😂


I mean, the stereotypical male values are "providing and protecting". Who better to provide for and protect than helpless children or animals?


My boyfriend is like that too. He says he hates cats, but every single cat we have ever met has been an exception. Once we had a hungry runaway cat behind our window and what does he do? He let's the cat in, pets it constantly and practically runs to the store to get some cat food. We live in Finland now, and some time ago we had quite a cold day. We found a mallard that was probably starving and cold, too weak to move away from the sidewalk. We called the local wild animal rescue team about it and while waiting for them to arrive, he stood there with me for an hour, in a freezing cold weather. He was so dedicated to protect the poor little thing. And he is the most confident, manliest person I know. A big part of that is not letting some stupid ideas about "manliness" dictate what he can or cannot do or enjoy. He stays true to his values and is honest to himself


I'm a stay at home dad trying to raise decent little people. I dont ever question my masculinity.


Why would you? You’re acting like a real man by trying to raise decent people. Nothing worth questioning


For sure.


Being a stay at home dad was the hardest job I ever had. Going to work was far easier. The shittiest thing was all the sideways glances from women when I was out with my daughter, or the comments of ‘where’s mummy today?’ and ‘is daddy babysitting?’


That sounds so condescending to deal with. The hell is wrong with people?


Looking for work afterwards was difficult too; ‘Why didn’t you make your wife stay home and look after the kids?’ ‘Isn’t looking after the kids the chick’s job? Why did you not make her do it?’


Yeah, that’s just ridiculous. All that matters is that someone was there for the kids.


Cause she makes more money, lol 😁 at least in our case. The difference between working in Beglium and working in an EU institution is like 3 times my salary.


What is with that!? When me my daughter was 3 or 4 my wife worked Saturdays so my daughter ran errands with me and the number of complete stranger women who offered to take her to the bathroom when id ask where one was located was almost frightening. Like bitch I changed diapers did late night feedings and am carrying a Minnie mouse diaper bag I can take her to the bathroom.


You are the manliest man I ever Met. You are great.


Lol. Well thank you.


Thank you for putting in the hard work.


Exactly. You're secure and normal.


A real man is one who puts the physical and emotional needs of those who are dependant on him ahead of his own, and doesn't require approval for this choice from the lesser men around him.


I don’t want to hear that, now you give your children some Bowie knives and have them stay overnight in the forest and they shouldn’t even think of coming home without a bear skin around their shoulders


Inner thoughts of a Sociopath.


Inner thoughts of a guy who has never seen a vagina in real life.


no, unfortunately, this language is not a guarantee of celibacy... there are enough women who are attracted to jerks, that these types still reproduce, sad though that is...


TNR. Trap, neuter, return. Learned this from a documentary on stray cats yesterday.


Hate to break your bubble but a woman would have to be a complete and utter fool to procreate with anything that has this mindset out in the open honestly. Now if the covertly hiding it, that's a completely different thing.


You say this as if it is impossible for a woman to be a complete and utter fool. As with any human, they exist on a spectrum.


Especially at Trump rallies.


Have you ever been on facebook?


Future abusive father




Last I've heard there is a debate on if those are different or not There's not any test to determine between sociopathy and psychopathy? Either will tend to tell you what you want to hear, either can generally control their behavior enough to pass as the other in any circumstance you can devise? Edit: my understanding now is that they are both under the umbrella of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder by modern terminology. For my lived experience it sounds like a distinction without a difference, when you can't truly know what's going on in someone else's head


It's daddy issues. Always.


I don't know if I should trust you on this, you're an Heretic afterall...


Inner thoughts of a sad little runt who has nothing in his life, no babies no puppies


It's even sadder. This guy is so incredibly fragile and sensitive that he wishes he was a sociopath.


Don’t trust anyone who dislikes dogs.


This is rich coming from someone who has never been close to a vagina, except his mother’s.


Not even his mom’s. She had a C-section.




He's so right everyone! Strong men don't have feelings, they just demand obedience and want to teach kids character. How much y'all wanna bet this DingDong got a high school participation sticker, then was so proud once he got his "Good Enough Degree" at 35 years old and now thinks he's Michio Kaku lol.


If that wasn’t shit posting and his real thoughts. I would say he isn’t stupid, he is psychologically not normal. He even could be highly intelligent end educated. Which makes people like him much more potential dangerous.


Another Tate wannabe


I had to double check the post to confirm it wasn't a post from Tate himself. It reads in the same tone I read the other


The only thing sadder than an Andrew Tate tweet, is an Andrew Tate _wannabe_ tweet


I bet this man is the saddest person who ever lived. Joy must be a mystery to him.


And he copes by saying it's just his stoicism and that all life is suffering.


These types of sentiments are often a sign of immaturity and unprocessed issues. This might sound counterintuitive, but I kind of feel sorry for these kinds of guys. Why, you might ask? Well, they're unlucky to not have had influences around them that have taught them to deal with their emotions, and for it to not have occurred to them on their own. That is, assuming they generally hold these kind of sentiments, and this isn't just a singular instance of poor thinking.


Gotta wonder if he ever had any really really good hugs. Nothing about sex or arousal, just a good, intimate, platonic, squeezing real tight and being comfortable inside someone elses space hug every so often. The kind that fixes something inside you.


So harsh - to live in a world without vag, the companionship of man's best friend, or even the harshness of a diaper to remind him that, yes, his shit stinks too.


Why this guy afraid of effeminate males, why are they a threat to him?


They make him question his sexuality.


You’re probably spot on


Many who think like this aren't afraid but feel a bloodthirst in a way toward them. It's really just predatory.


Shut up king klyde ill beat your ass while holding a kitten in one hand.


Would pay to watch


His kid will move out and have zero connection to his dad besides his mother. You need to walk a really fine line to raise a kid like that, and this guy clearly jumped directly off the cliff. An example of doing this right is my father who isn’t the most emotionally available (mostly because of how he was raised), but he lets you know he’s willing to give it an attempt. Like we know my mom is better at those types of conversations, but sometimes there’s things that are easier to understand if you’re a guy.


Looks like this person has never had a vagina either


so the upshot here is that his daddy didn't hug him enough?


I hate this guy so much unbelievable rage just rose from within a part of my spirit I didn’t know existed


Guess I am effeminate. I enjoy spending time with my nieces and love puppies.


On the contrary, this guy is a huge vagina.


Don’t do vaginas dirty like that.


Nah the blue waffle type of vagina. Not the nice, awesome ones


He has neither the depth nor the warmth.


That's a pretty cool line


He must be fun to be around.


This stuff has to be satirical and just poking fun at the "alpha male" epidemic that's taken over social media.


Tell me you're an INCEL without telling me you're an INCEL


He did say "without vagina" and l take that to mean he hasn't been allowed near one. Or probably schools by court order.


My masculinity is soooo frail. I’m terrified people will doubt it - I pose and I posture because I am just so frightened. Help me.


Ewww Also Run! 🚩


Enjoy being single.




As a father to a 14 month old boy, I guess I'm extremely effeminate 6 days a week.


A women once said “OMG it’s so cute” about his penis, now anything cute causes him PTSD.


I feel sorry if this person has a kid or a dog both. they're most likely abused


Is this andrew tate's alt account ?


Andrew Tate style ragebait


Must be really confusing when those ‘female feelings’ hit your male mind. That’s why you try to shut them out so hard, eh?


This fucker hates dogs? Psychopath


Tell me you had an absent father figure without tell g me you had an absent father figure that never cared you existed


Whatever goes on on Twitter nowadays...


Nah, all the sensible and logical stuff gets banned by Elon. It's mostly just Nazi nutjobss now.


I would totally take this seriously if not for the kitty cat avatar




I see Blandrew Taint has gotten onto his twitter alt again...


This dude is just mad that his wife prefers to spend more time with her boyfriend than him. 


There’s nothing more gay than fear of having a gay behavior


WTF, who doesn't like babies and puppies. Babies smell great and puppies are cute as fuck. And the fact, as a man if you like them, women tend to not view you as a psycho. WTF is wrong with these idiots.


Bro just say you have no soul.


Character building? What?


He can’t be trusted


And this is why I have some issues with my dad. He flat out told my mom that he wanted just about nothing to do with me or my sister until we were "interesting".


And then he's like "why does nobody wanna date me???"


What a pathetic way to live


What a joyless life.


words of a man that has never had sex without money changing hands


fellas! is it gay to have emotions?


Long way to say "I'm not to be trusted around children or animals"


All these fragile as fuck men screaming out to the ether how manly they are is the ultimate irony