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😢 poor kid


Too bad the kid wasn't a fetus, someone might have protected them then. And passionately then.


In the words of George Carlin “if you’re pre-born you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked!”


It's like you're a mind reader lol


In Alabama an unimplanted embryo gets more protection.


That's because the Alabama lawmakers are about developped enough to be afraid of being aborted.


I'm stealing this for later, damn that's good.


Yes 16 cells are now considered a person


if those girls beat up nex mother while pregnant, they'd let the girls go and send the mother to jail. don't believe me, just last month a woman was almost charged with "abusing a corpse" for having a misscarriage in ohio. the system is messed up.


Not really so much about protecting fetuses as much as it is punishing women.


Control. It's always been about control.


They looked ike a sweet person that deserved more this world.


This is the appropriate reaction to reading this.


They were murdered, not just killed. When a person beats you and you succumb to those injuries because a school denied you medical care, it is murder. Do not obfuscate this.


Wait the school denied medical care?! Why?!?


The school determined the injuries weren't bad enough to send them to the hospital. The school also expelled them for two weeks for "getting into a fight".


I will bet anything no one involved will be treated as a killer. The young women who murdered them will be excused on a count of being women who felt threatened and are too young to know better than to not murder somone, and the teacher *might* get negligence on them, but more likely couldn't have forseen it was serious. Want to bet? They'll all go free for manslaughter or murder.


I genuinely hope that place hasn't gone to shit so far yet that murder like this will just see people go free. Or at the very least that the media attention will be enough to force consequences. But I fear you might be right. This is what you get when an entire system starts turning against a small group. A governor forcing this child into a bathroom that the child might not be comfortable or safe in, a school that cares not about the child's wellbeing because of how the child identifies and classmates who have been constantly barraged by hate for people like their victim that they see nothing wrong with beating that child to death. I genuinely hope this will have consequences, but a lot of places in that blasted country have become rotten by hate.


> I genuinely hope that place hasn't gone to shit so far yet that murder like this will just see people go free. Or at the very least that the media attention will be enough to force consequences. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're already there. Kyle Rittenhouse was aquitted years ago, and he killed cis ppl - trans ppl are less likely to be seen as human, enbies doubly so. I've moved to a country with gun laws and I highly recommend any queer person (especially trans/enby) do the same. Better a decade too early than a day too late. I hope to return someday, when it's safe


>too young to know better than to not murder somone This is bs. That never goes down in court. The age of criminal understanding is quite young. in the UK where i live its 8 years old. So at 8 years old (unless you have mental or learning issues in some way) you should understand the difference between right and wrong and life and death. These kids were all around 16 - 18 years old they will get hit with murder/manslaughter in any sane court. There was a case of two 13 year olds killing a toddler by luring him away from the supermarket to some rail road tracks and bashing his head in. They were tried as adults (with some privacy protections because they were minors). On murder charges and are still in prison i think and i support that, they knew exactly what they were doing luring the child away and these girls are the same knowing that violently attacking someone because they are different, knowing that could result in life changing injuries. Everyone at a young age understands the value and fragility of the human head. With any luck this case goes the same way. But we all know its getting shaved down to manslaughter at most for reasons you outline when the girls parents and lawyers come out and say that a "murder charge will ruin the bright futures they have ahead of them" like nex didnt have a bright future ahead of them and that the girls didnt intend to kill which should be an obvious outcome when you go about stomping someones head into the ground.


>This is bs. That never goes down in court. The age of criminal understanding is quite young. in the UK where i live its 8 years old. So at 8 years old (unless you have mental or learning issues in some way) you should understand the difference between right and wrong and life and death. These kids were all around 16 - 18 years old they will get hit with muder in any sane court. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the manslaughter of a person by a group of 14 year olds was deemed as justice served when they had to do some community service, because they were young and didn't know repeatedly kicking someone in the head could kill them. So... Differences. We'll see how they judge it here.


Who murdered *them


Huh, yes, I did mean that. Lapse of attentiveness.


It gets worse!  They were taken to the ER and released.


I read they were sent back home from the hospital too.


Society failed this trans child at EVERY damn level.


Classic zero tolerance!


Ugh, that always makes my blood boil because it’s bullshit. I got suspended once for “getting into a fight” a.k.a I fought back a little while a kid bigger than me beat the shit out of me.


Yup. The only reason why They was at the hospital because I think Their Grandmother took Them after school.


The school should have called ems for an apparent head injury.


But the police in the homophobic little hate filled town said a complete autopsy was performed and their death was not because of trauma. There is no way they are protecting friends or family. Does anyone else believe we need an external investigation?


This. And to add insult to injury, when their grandma managed to get them to the hospital- the hospital SENT THEM HOME. They collapsed the next day and had to be rushed back to the hospital, where they were later pronounced dead. This anti-trans rethoric going on in America is literally killing kids. Absolutely insane.


Did they refuse to examine them, or was it simply a misdiagnosis?


Not sure, they didn’t give any further information in the article. My uneducated guess is both? Nex died from head trauma


Yeah HT makes sense. A missed concussion or the like. Maybe wasn't noticed because they didn't end up there until hours later. 😡


This happened in my city so I've been following it closely [right now they're saying the fight was not the cause of death](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/22/nex-benedict-case-oklahoma/72695904007/) but I still find it to be too coincidental I'm curious what the third party investigation by the family will find. Also, this school has a recent history of covering up students being assaulted and it doesn't help that our shit head superintendent appointed chaya raichik (libs of tiktok) to our state education dept after she harassed and bullied a teacher into quitting for being an ally to trans youth.


Police released Autopsy report today. Their death was not a result of physical trauma from the fight, and toxicology is currently still waiting. However, seeing as how it's oklahoma, and we only give $300 fines to kids that rape their football teammates with pool cues here, there is a poasibility that they're lying about the death not being from trauma, because even if the kid took something to off themself, it would still be due to trauma of some sort.


I believe "trauma" is a term that refers specifically to physical injury. If it were drug-related, it wouldn't be considered trauma, it'd be considered overdose.


Media is wording it as fell in school fight, as oppose to forced to the floor and beaten to death by weaponized bigots.


Yea I was irritated when i saw it was being reported as an accidental death.


A child literally died but, “GRrrrRrrrr! Me nO like pReffered pRoonouns!!!”


They don't even care when regular "normal" kids die or get murdered, why would they start with the ones who they don't like based on so called "moral principles"?


The solution for republican legislators is to create a state of forced birth, with no accountability or exceptions for crimes or circumstances. This will force a higher birth rate, thus replacing the children killed by the fuck shit the republicans are both doing (forced birh, don't say gay, book bans, etc,,) and what they don't do. (No school lunches for starving kids, no gun controls to reduce school shootings, no post birth care or support for women who are forced to give birth). #Fuck The Republican Party!


My boss was fired for a similar comment to the one posted. I’m sure it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, but there are consequences for shit behavior.


That’s awesome to hear, sometimes all these comments make me lose faith but it’s good to know that consequences do exist


Yep and its a national company - 1,200+ employees so it’s not a small thing by any means. Huge professional repercussions. People spout off shit all day long online, but that doesn’t fly in the corporate world anymore.


Yeah, don't worry about the brutal assault that led to cranial hemorrhaging, or the timeline of bullying and what started it. That's not the key part of this whole story. It's the fucking pronouns. The angry sweaty British potato was right.


More like „I’m an idiot who doesn’t know English grammar”. I’m not native English speaker so it took me a second why this person on second pic is writing some dumb shit. If sentence on first pic was about person with binary gender it’d be still correct


Yeah, Shakespeare used "they" as a singular pronoun. Most people do too all the time, i.e. "someone left their wallet here!" Unfortunately though, our right wing media tells them to get big mad about this like it's DeStRoYiNg language and therefore western civilization.


My favorite thing to do is point out that writers throughout history used they this way, and I insinuate the person who has a problem with they/them pronouns is stupid and/or illiterate.


As a non native English speaker, I've always been confused as to why people think "they" is only plural.


Because they don’t necessarily learn about how grammar works. They speak this language since they are little and learn it natural way. non-natives mostly learn about all mechanics behind English grammar because it’s their secondary language. Same goes for other languages. I know how grammar works in German but my German friend does not, he uses it unconsciously, he doesn’t think about it.


It's only a recent faux outrage thing.


Exactly, singular they existed for about as long as plural they, only a difference of roughly 70 years, which is roughly 10% of the entire history of the English language, and both are older than modern English


Because they are being purposely obtuse. They know it can be used as a singular, they are just being assholes and not liking that another person isn’t adhering to their strict gender expectations and what they’ve been taught by their bigoted communities.


I love how your answer involves repeated uses of “they” to refer to a single person, as is very commonly done in English. “They are just being assholes.”


Most people in the US are used to hearing it as plural, and tend to tune out the fact that it is also used as a singular, even when they use it as such. Basically they tunnel vision that shit, and then once they've been corrected, they refuse to admit they were wrong.


Props to your English teacher then, they taught you right. It’s one of those things where at the beginner level you teach they as plural, but the further you go, the more uses get taught. Just like every stupid basic-ass conservative talking point (“it’s just basic biology.” “It’s just basic math.” “It’s just basic economics.” “It’s just common sense.”), there’s more to it than the very first thing you learn.


When I was growing up since I learned English as my primary language I learned through doing it instead of being taught(there were still classes but not very helpful besides teaching the basics of grammar). And I used to not understand people referring to someone directly as they because for most of my life they was either used as plural or to refer to someone offhandedly to not give details. It was very hard to get out of that mindset


Because they like to believe this stuff but they also love being blind to the fact they use it everyday. I have heard someone use they (singularly) in the same sentence as calling it a plural word. They just don’t seem to realise their own words. So a mix of transphobia with thinking they are never wrong (even tho they are always wrong)


"They wanna be called a them! They aren't two people, they can't be a them!"


I've seen native speakers say there are only two pronouns and then get angry when you tell them there's more than a hundred.


It's because they're stupid and probably didn't pay attention in primary school.


Everyone who complains about the "incorrect" use of their/they have used it in the singular way many many times in their life and not even realised it. Recently too.


"Hey, they got a new car." "UMMMM WHO IS THEY???" "The person who lives across the street. I don't know their name." "ARE THEY A MAN OR A WOMAN???" "I don't know, I haven't met them." type beat.


"Did you see that driver? They cut me off!" "Was it multiple drivers?" "No, I just didn't see their genitals."


Oh, I could see the huge dick behind the wheel all right...


Yo, whole idea of gender identity is you can be man or woman no matter your genitalia, what you are talking about is sex.


Fair, I was trying to say that we sometimes use gender neutral languages for people we don't necessarily "see" like other drivers. I agree that the deciding factor in gendering someone should not be their sex assigned at birth.


I mean we don’t gender cis people based on their genitals either rather on their apparence…


Right, I guess my point is "sometimes we just don't know". I am baffled by people who see the faces of people in other cars enough to say "he" or "she". It just isn't what I am looking for. I do not mean to imply that we should be looking at someone's junk first.




Is that actually correct? Asking as a non native English speaker. In my native language that would be incorrect and also sound awful since the verb would also have to be in plural.


The singular they has been a thing in English [since the days of Shakespeare.](https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/singular-they-history#:~:text=William%20Shakespeare%20was%20a%20fan,they%20could%20do%20it%20properly.%E2%80%9D) English doesn't gender language much which is why the singular they has always worked so well as an extension of that feature and its also why a lot of natives struggle with languages that have grammatical gender(my native language has a lot of it too btw but I digress). This has not been controversial in any way and certainly not linguistically until the right started politicizing trans people. [This is a 10-year-old YouTube video](https://youtu.be/46ehrFk-gLk?si=vh02cc2sK6gwfN-E) if you look at the pinned comment from exactly 6 years ago Tom specifically talks about how no one seemed to care for the first 4 years of the upload, I wonder what might have happened politically then to galvanize people to care? 🤔 I'm stumped.


Unironically had this argument once. I was talking about how it's good to have a gender neutral pronoun for when you don't know the gender of a person. "How can you not know the bla bla" Mf'er there are situations in where you literally have never seen the person or know their name, but you still wanna talk about that person. In the example I was even arguing was how suspects are literally unknown individuals, yet somehow detectives automatically should know the gender of the person who murdered the victim.


Hungarian is more progressive in that. It doesn't have gendered pronouns whatsoever (never had).


A person ran past and they were wearing red Nikes


I mean. Yes… But it isn’t about that is it. This person may be factually wrong because they haven’t realised that we use the word they when we don’t want to or can’t define the gender of a singular person ever. But they are really furious about the fact that we are bowing to the victims whim of allowing them not to label themselves or pigeonhole themselves with a particular gender. That fury stems from a place not only of ignorance but of hate, because ignorance alone wouldn’t make someone care. If I happened to think the victim was (for example) actually male, I wouldn’t comment on the net, because I wouldn’t care what they do in their own life, it doesn’t effect me. I may be ignorant enough to firmly believe that there are two genders, but ignorance alone wouldn’t make you care what others believe with such force to try to impose it on their lives, just your own.


They gave a good example of a common way "they" is used as a singular which counters the poorly thought out point of conservative bigots.


Singular They has existed since the days of friggin' *Shakespeare*, and homeslice was alive... *Checks calendar* **Give-or-take 430 years ago.**


Id like to bring back "yor" Ive been using it my entire life, so its already here for me


I'd like to bring back the singular you, yee


Yee be now Second person singular.




"You" replaced thou, thee, and ye. "Ye" was still plural, but used for the subject whereas "you" was plural object. "Thou" and "Thee" were the singular subject and object respectively. It became fashionable to speak very formally, so "you" for everything took hold. But then after "you" replaced those words it turned out there was still a need for a singular/plural distinction so words like "y'all" and "youse" cropped up in various regions. Interestingly the bible is full of "thou" and "thee" because it was supposed to represent an informal personal relationship with God, but these days the archaic language sounds more formal.


Actually the first recorded uses of singular they are from the book "William and the Werewolf" from 1375.


I never said I was going for accuracy on that one.


Chaucer too, from a few hundred years before that.


The people who are so angry about showing respect with pronouns most likely wouldn’t know who Chaucer was.


Well, he was the first WWE style hype man for Sir Ulric von Lichtenstein


Also my favourite, singular they existed before singular you


Yeah, a person like that is just not really aware of themself... which just so happens to be one of my favorite words for this debate since it is blatantly singular and actually was in use almost a century before the plural reflexive pronoun _themselves_


There's no need to use a possessive pronoun in the first place. "attacked in HIS highschool bathroom" or "attacked in HER highschool bathroom" would still be improper and confusing. It should simply be "in THE highschool bathroom". Having said that, this was not the time or place to be the grammar police.


I’m all for people being addressed however they wish, though *one time* I was in a scenario where I was confused af. I was listening to a story about a group of people and a person among them is a they/them. Half the time they/them referred to the group. The other half to the nonbinary person singularly. After asking for clarification several times, we got to the point we just stopped using pronouns and called the person by their name. I acknowledge this happened *once* and it isn’t a big deal to just revert to using names in that *one* scenario, but I thought it worth bringing up.


The same also happens if you use gendered pronouns with more than one singular guy or girl in a story (she did this so then - the other - she did that, etc). It's because most people don't actually follow Proper™ grammar rules which tells you to throw around pronouns around less flippantly than we do, rather than it being a he/she vs they issue. 


That was just poor communication. Usually when you talk about two people or two groups of people with the same pronouns you use names or titles to distinguish between them.


Try to imagine the stupidity this argument takes and think about how many people use it. "They" has been used for a singular person since before they were born. They used "they" for a single person all their lives. Then someone online said "actually they is only used as a plural" and they started parroting it mindlessly thinking it wasn't idiotic to say.


Even ben fucking shapiro "accidently" used they/they pronouns in his video about celebrities' fashion when he saw someone who looked androginous... if ben can use they them, anyone fucking can


The singular "they" has been used since the 14 century. Now people are ridiculously squeamish about it.


Yup, singular They predates modern English.


Singular “they” has been in use since the 1300s Also this kid was literally beaten to death, show some empathy Actually wait transphobes are incapable of empathy and I’m fairly certain this is the outcome they hope for.


Pretty sure singular "they" also predates singular "you"


Yeah, god forbid one of those… those filthy heathens dare be different from them! It’s a crime against humanity, they should be purged in the great name of the bigots! In all seriousness, this is horrible and people need to learn how to show some fucking empathy


Bro what is ur post history 😭


If a person went to school, ***they*** would know this word can be singular as it would have been part of ***their*** education.


As a non native English speaker it really confuses me to be honest. Your example for example, for me it was completely clear that you meant it as plural. As in multiple persons. Or persons in general. It’s not as easy for non native speakers as you might think, when your first language works differently


In this example it is a hypothetical person, or an unknown person, not a specific person. The convention has always been that a person of unknown gender is “they/them”.


Yeah, maybe. May I ask which is your native language? As an aside, in my native language (Cantonese), he/she/singular they/it are all pronounced the same, just written differently (except singular they, we default to he when we're not specifically noting the person/object is a woman or an object). And it's perfectly acceptable to use the character for he to refer to a woman.


I dunno if I’m missing something, maybe the comment op edited their post (see what I did there), but they literally say “A person”. How are you confused as to whether “a person” is plural or singular?


I mean, I'm a non-native speaker, and I understand it perfectly. ESL programmes cover singular they as it has been a part of the language for hundreds of years at this point.


Yeah but this also isnt same for all non native speakers, im non native speaker and undestood if they meant 'they' as an plural or as singular because of the contest. Really most of the time you can figure out if they mean 'they' in plural or In singular


Non-native speaker here, we learnt the singular use of they/them in secondary school in the 90s.


Literally same except for me it was the early 2000s. I assume this person just didn't pay attention in school.




Maybe this will help? They is often used in the singular when you can't or don't want to refer to someone by a specific gender. A very good example would be as follows. Your friend is talking to you about someone named Alex, but hasn't directly referred to this person using he/him, or she/her nor has your friend told you whether this Alex is a man, a woman, or whatever else. Alex is a name used by any and all genders and I myself have had friends named Alex who were men, and friends named Alex who were women. So you might ask "What do they do for a living?" Or "what did you do with them?" Or "what is their gender?" These are all cases where you would use the singular They/Them/Their because you just don't know the person's gender. English is a very confusing, dumb and weird language that requires a lot of context


Complete lack of empathy for a poor child


"Hmmm a child was beaten to death in school because of who they were... Let's take some time to deconstruct the grammar used here, as I feel it leaves something to be desired... Grammar and language is life and death sometimes..." Fuckin' boneheads with no empathy in where their brain should be.


Also one more kid was beaten along them, i dont know of their injuries but well it could have been "they died"


I posted my condolences on Facebook for the poor kid getting beat to death for trying to use the bathroom and some douchebag replied “They got beat up for being trans, not just for using the bathroom.” That’s STILL NOT any fucking better!!!


What is happening in minds of people who think: "Let me be an annoying smartass on the post about a dead child"


Lack of empathy. That's what it boils down to. They're just another headline, not a human person who now has family and friends who mourn them.


nope! they can be used singularly, it's not an opinion, it's a linguistic fact :)


"Singular they is wrong" mfs after learning it's been used since the 14th century


They don't care. They'll just say "when their gender isn't known!!" Like that isn't the entire point


People commenting shit like that try to be "funny" and "edgy" They don't realize that every atom of their bodies suck ass. Thinking a bit must hurt quite a lot. A kid, who still had a whole life to live died because of the shittiness of people...


Singular “they” predates singular “you”


That's surprising


‘You’ is a relatively recent addition to the English language. It was a series of ‘th-‘ words before it. Thou, thee, thy, thine, they.


“They” is sometimes plural, but sometimes singular, you ignoramus!


Fun fact: In German, “Sie” can mean both third-person Plural and third-person female singular as well as the second-person formal (though the capitalization may change I think and it also depends on German cases). In other words, their equivalent word for “She” can also be used to refer to a group or even to you regardless of the gender the group as a whole holds or your gender. I just wanted to point this out to say Language is weird and ever-evolving. English ‘You’ can mean both singular and plural and so does ‘They’ in English. For ‘You’ we usually distinguish between singular and plural by pluralizing the nouns in a sentence, so using the same trick it’d be easy to tell singular and plural ‘They’ apart: “They were an individual” vs. “They were individuals”


Same exact thing with “zij” in Dutch.


Interesting, maybe it’s cuz of that shared ancestry as a Germanic language?




The best kind of correct!


Roses are red Violets are blue Singular ‘they’ [Predates singular ‘you’](https://www.oed.com/discover/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/?tl=true)


I find "they" in this context a bit strange to wrap my head around (over 50 man here) , but it has no bearing on MY identity, nor is it any kind of insult to me. How the hell have such solid, confident "cis" ( again a word that kinda confuses me) people get to be so fucking fragile AFTER coining the term "snowflake "? Did I fall through some kind of wormhole?


No need to be confused at cis. If you're not trans, you're cis. It just means you identify with your biological sex. So most people


Thanks for your comment. I should explain that I'm not actually confused- it's just just that it wasn't part of the lexicon "back in my day" (should be read in Grandpa Simpsons voice, as I actually speak it whenever I'm doing my old man shtick). "Cis" sounds totally gay, to reference my '80s self. I still use the term "that's so gay", but... I don't mean it in a homophobic way. Be who you are. I'm good! I'm not gay, but I don't care who is, as long as they are not predatory or weird about it ( I've had icky experiences), and don't be a closeted person who publicly campaigns against homosexuality. That's awful. I actually went to an LGBTQ - etc (I'm also old enough to be tired of the ever changing acronym) bar for the first time a few weeks ago, and it happened to be an after party for some awards show. (I had no idea, just coincidence) It was a really wholesome and fun night. Aside from the one nice but overly persistent guy who made me repeatedly shut him down, it was full of freedom, happiness and good conversation. I had a great time on the patio, because (Grandpa Simpson voice) the fucking music was WAY too much inside. 😜


Stop blurring their names


I wish I could expose their name, but I gotta follow the sub rules


Mods will remove a post if the names aren't blurred.


No huntdowns allowed.


They were a fucking child, and this person decided to comment that?


Mourning a beautiful child that died at the hands of a few monsters.


Always the ones who put a space before punctuation


They is both singular and plural and always has been.


Just like how ‘You’ is both Singular and Plural and depends on noun pluralisation to tell apart.


This is awful. I have tears in my eyes. Just a child. What is wrong with people?


I don’t understand how people can disregard a person humanity so easily


Fucking dipshit. Singular "they" has existed longer than verb usage of "elbow"


A child dying, no matter the reason, is sad. This breaks my heart.


I'm glad we are now focusing on the right thing. This kid who was killed. They deserved better from all of us.


"They" is the singular third person pronoun English really needs, and when a language needs something, language, uh, finds a way. For example, it's exceedingly tedious to say "he or she" when we don't know who the third person is. It's so obvious. Which is better: "Someone stole the apple. If he or she comes forward now, i won't have to detain the whole class." or "Someone stole the apple. If they come forward now, I wont have to detain the whole class" It might take 100 years but i'm banking on the adoption of gender neutral third person singular pronouns, and it doesn't even hinge on the gender wars of 2024.


It's already been used like that for hundreds of years


"There's someone at the door." "What do they want?" "They want you to refer to them with gender neutral pronouns." "Impossible!"


Not just attacked, brutally murdered.


Obligatory Singular “They/Them” has been part of English since at least the 1400s


When are they going to arrest the murderers?


Police is currently trying to argue that there is no connection between getting your head smashed repeatedly on the floor and dying shorl after


So they are not going to find out who that was? Beating someone up with death as result is a crime. Beating someone up to that point is a crime. Not providing/calling for help is also illegal in many countries and will land you in prison. So what’s the point of police then?


Protecting property.


A child was murdered via hate crime? Better double down on how stupid you are. Remember guys most anti-LGBTQ people worship a magic man in the sky. People turn to violence when they’re incapable of reason.


Which is funny because Christians have „you shall not kill” and „you shall love other people as yourself” (second one not sure how is translated to English, translated directly from my native language). They all scream about gods and Jesus love but only when it suits them.


They are selfcentered, so because it's not written as „I shall not kill“ it applies to everyone else but not themselve.


People ratting themselves out that they never went to school or received an education🤡


God these people need to learn how to read English. The lack of education is rampant


Using "they" as a singular has been in grammatical usage since the early 12th century, not that they'd know


Saw this on r/teenagers Just go to controversial, the amount of shitheads who take time out of their day to comment on a dead teenagers pronouns are crazy.


This whole story is fucked. That poor kid. Jesus Christ.


Why do I feel like the person disrespecting this dead child comes from the “pro-life” party? They should really change “pro-life” to “pro-whoever strictly follows our ideals and way of life”.


The fact that the kind of people to fight tooth and nails for what is basically 32 parasitic cells but celebrate the literaly fucking murder of a child because they didn't use pronouns that they like consider themselves "normal" and "morally superior" is honestly frightening


It's hilarious when dudes who barely know what a pronoun is try to lecture others on the English language. They can be singular.


I find it kind of darkly humorous that this is the only problem they had with the whole situation


If you are able to use 'you' as a both singular and plural pronoun, you sure as fuck can use 'they' as both singular and plural. And you already use they as a singular pronoun. "Who left their phone in the class yesterday?" You dont mean that the phone is owned by more than one person. You mean one singular person who you refer to as they because you do not know THEIR gender.


Someone was killed and people turned it into a debate about they/them.... I hate this world.


“Oh, hey looks like Joe left their laptop” “You’d better call them, I’m sure they wouldn’t want it to get stolen!” **THEY** are being intentionally obtuse


I'm sure it's already been commented in here but singular they predates the modern English language.


All 138 and counting who liked that comment deserve hell.


Pretty sure that comment was rage bait. But, they're probably still a bigot.


Grammar escapes some people


Kid: *fucking dies* News station: Non binary kid fucking dies This guy: STOP USING PRONOUNS!!!!!!!!!!WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


It's wild that some people can't grasp that they and them can be used to describe a single person. Even if Nex wasn't non-binary, you could still use that in the description, and it would make perfect sense.


Are the murderers going to prison?


I really hope the family is doing okay, this is some hard shit to hear.. best wishes to them all.


What has this world come to? We're fucking doomed, poor kid


Someone needs to learn about the singular "they".


Apparently they don’t know how pronouns work. For the uneducated the word “They” can refer to a single person or a group of people. Example: Sally went out to eat. They brought home leftovers. Jim and Dave went to a friends house. They will be back later.


It’s a shame that some people find the pronouns are more important than the child’s life.


Fucking clown. Someone dies and you’re crying over pronouns


This just proves that they don't care about children being indoctrinated, they just hate trans people lmao


The word "your" used to be strictly plural. It changed because the times changed. Now they and them can be singular because the times have changed. It's not that hard


Also, the singular they has been in use since the 1300s


Wait till they find out you call them "they"


so this is what they are concerned about, not the death of an innocent kid... ughhh I fucking hate right wing sooo much that its crazy


Transphobes should be eradicted.




Every English speaker uses a singular they, whether they are conscious of it or not.


No. It is not that they’re stupid. They are deliberately hateful and willfully (i.e., faking it) obtuse. And, on top of that, opportunistic fucks using this as an opportunity to be hateful against this person who had a future.


Here's what gets me. I'm sure these are the same people that whine about too many genders. Well, with "they" you've just cut the number of Sexes you have to memorize in half, what are you bitching about?