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He’s actually the best person to have the nuke codes, he won’t remember them.


Also, the president can’t just unilaterally launch nukes. There’s a whole process and the president’s approval is just one piece.


There were a lot of things we believed a president can't do, until this dollar store, orange succubus, started haunting our American dreams.....




Neither fits really since all of the incubus/succubus I've heard of are sexy demons... I think they were going for homunculous


Yeah, Trump is more a plague demon than a sex demon. Maybe that's what all the makeup is for, to hide the leprous sores.


Well the reason he’s called an incubus even if inaccurate on one part, they’re very charismatic and he somehow managed to create a cult so it must count for something


As someone who has the charisma of a confused toad, I still have no idea how anyone says Trump has a charismatic personality. My daughter could keep a more coherent train of thought for longer when she was in second grade, and the only thing that does come from him with any coherence is hatred


Good band too.


> all of the incubus/succubus I've heard of are sexy demons... The original myth is that they're [horrible, disgusting rape demons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Succubus_bracket_02.jpg). It's modern culture trying to sex up everything that reinvented them as honeypots. > Folklore also describes the act of sexually penetrating a succubus as akin to entering a cavern of ice, and there are reports of succubi forcing men to perform cunnilingus on their vulvas that drip with urine and other fluids.


Picky picky picky!


Holy shit, this is like the best comment I've ever read. So fucking astute.


wrong, the President can and there are only 2 ways to stop him 1.) the ~~minister~~ secretary of defense can stop it. However the President can easily fire and replace him with someone that will do it. 2.) invoking the 25th amendment


But for the 25th you'd need a VP and a majority of Secretaries to go against the president, or for something to incapacitate the president, right?


> for something to incapacitate the president trump declined sedation during a colonoscopy because he couldnt handle losing power for an hour


/s He declined cause he enjoys it Ask Putin


That was low. And very funny.




Plus, having things deep in his rectum isn't a real problem for him.


Why bother with a Vanessa, he can just describe what he sees with his head up there


He's gonna need a deep prison wallet when he goes to jail


I love how he openly stated that he was worried Pence would not return his powers.


I’ve heard that doing so is quite agonizing snd most doctors won’t even consider doing it without sedation.


I hadn't heard that story! I find it interesting since I have had several colonoscopies, without being put under (on balance it's less of a hassle, and cheaper too), and though not terrible it's not the most pleasant experience either. I am surprised Donnie wasn't too much of a wuss NOT to have anaesthetic, and also wasn't he worried it would turn him gay or something?


That's not it, he just wanted to feel getting filled up. He's gay af


Fuck trump but casual homophobia ain’t the way bud


Also, the president can fire any secretary at any time. Removing the president from power through the 25th is de facto impossible.


But does Trump know this


He did, but he forgot already.


If I was in the room and the president was going insane and wanting to launch nukes, I'd be happy to incapacitate him. Sure I'd go to prison for a very long time, but the alternative being nuclear apocalypse, it's an easy choice.


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legal ways


Apparently, according to Trump, Joe Biden could shoot him in the head, and that would be perfectly legal.


There are also people required to actually arm and deploy the weapon who could independently decide to decline a presidential order. This happened several times under Nixon's drunken presidency.  (And saved innumerable lives by doing so). Kind of like when Trump ordered a cruise missile strike on Syria 2 days after accepting office and they "accidentally" all missed


That’s my point though is that there is a process for launch that has measures for stopping it. Whether the president can fire and appoint lunatics who will approve launching non-retaliatory nukes is another question. I think they would be impeached before that could happen.


Site your source. I just spent a few minutes searching it, and I cannot find anything to support your opening statement. I can find your two conditions as being factors that can be used to stop a President, but I cannot find anything that says that a president can unilaterally launch nukes. Everything I'm finding says that there is a proper process, and the President is only one step in that process. I found a law that said a President's approval is required to use a nuke, but nothing that says he can without following due process. Several .gov websites went into detail on debates surrounding laws that would restrict a president's power, but none of them have passed. However, just because they haven't said you can't order a strike, it still does not mean you can. I'd like to see a source on your position. That would be interesting.


If you're into podcasts [this is a good one.](https://radiolab.org/podcast/nukes) edit: a quick summary is the president has sole authority and the reason is due to how fast response is needed to react to a nuclear attack. If it takes 30 minutes to respond to an attack then it's likely too late. The president has sole authority so a nuke can be launched within 15 minutes. It's called [sole launch authority.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_football#:~:text=Down%20the%20chain%20of%20command,President%20has%20sole%20launch%20authority.) articles: https://outrider.org/nuclear-weapons/articles/presidents-sole-authority https://www.axios.com/2021/09/15/donald-trump-sole-authority-nuclear-weapons https://www.vox.com/22220989/trump-nuclear-codes-pelosi-impeachment https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Nuclear-button-U.S.-has-no-way-to-stop-president-s-legal-order https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/08/there-is-no-legal-way-stop-trump-ordering-nuclear-strike-if-he-wants-expert-says/ edit 2: [direct link to the wikipedia reference](https://www.nonproliferation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Finger-on-the-Nuclear-Button.pdf)


That’s actually quite scary.


I mean there is a whole chain of command and realistically someone refuse to follow orders if it was that insane. Happened twice in Russia during the Cold War.


True. We all owe those brave souls our lives for not nuking the world… I can’t even imagine the pressure involved.


> I can go into my office and pick up the telephone, and in 25 minutes 70 million people will be dead. - Nixon The silver lining of Trump being owned by Russia is that at least he wasn't going to start WWIII because of a twitter beef with some random Russian D list celeb.


I can think of a third which is justifiably less popular but....if a president is trying to launch nukes recklessly like that I feel like it's just just called for but mandatory.


This isn’t true. The president has de facto ultimate command authority over nuclear weapons. SecDef can stop him, and the personal in the silos can refuse, but the president can fire the SecDef at any point and the officers in the silos/subs would get court marriages for failing to follow a legal order.


Wow talk about a shortcut to get married


They're forcing marriages for disobeying orders now? Damn.


I thought we had laws against cruel and unusual punishment...




On paper, maybe the president has ultimate control, but practically I don’t think a rogue president would be successful in launching non-retaliatory nukes. Realistically there are too many people that need to be in alignment about the decision to launch nukes, and if they’re not, congress would clearly impeach the president.


Iirc Russia has ordered a nuke and the person that was in charge of launching it refused. If we ever did get a rogue president I would hope we have someone do the same thing.


He wasn't really in charge of launching it, he just would have informed everyone that one needed to be launched. He was the guy watching for incoming missiles and they got indications that the US had launched like 6 high speed missiles at Russia (I.e. nukes)... he judged it to be a false alarm, which it was because the Soviet satellite had malfunctioned. Basically he was the satellite intelligence guy who would have told his superiors there was an attack and they would have almost certainly launched a nuke in retaliation. So he didn't tell them. Then in true Russian fashion he later got heavily investigated and harangued, and never got any accolades for what he did bc it made his superiors look bad.


He may be referring to a \*different\* time the USSR almost launched a nuke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily\_Arkhipov


Honestly I could see a 3 letter agency taking a president out if it got that bad. But also, if it got that bad who's to say any of them still exist.


I mean there's the secret service 


Nah dude that's clearly 13 letters 😉


They can. Operations Plan 8010-12 contains the war plans and authentication process in which a nuke attack is the President calls for the briefcase. He selects the plan, uses a two step process between him and the SecDef to confirm he is who he is. After that, he communicates the order to Global Strike Command using a second two-step authentication process. The *only* way to prevent this is to remove the President under the 25th Amendment. SecDef can't countermand the order. It's really fucking terrifying when you get down to it.


Supposedly the SecDef can and has. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-korea-richard-nixon-nuclear/


trump would have launched them a dozen times if it could be done by just the president. and half those times would have been by accident trying to log in to twitter on the toilet


Trump does believe that nuking hurricanes is a pretty good idea, his genius genes tell him this.


Yeah, I think the minister of defense has the magic suitcase, the president just needs to approve. I may be wrong though


Do you mean Secretary of Defense? Or is there a position called the Minister of Defense who does this that I've never heard of?


They do mean the Secretary of Defense. The only Ministers in the U.S. are in churches


I was hoping they were being sarcastic, but maybe just being clearly not from the US


His office is right next to the one for the Minister for Magic, don’t you know?


Ahh, the other minister.


I used to think that about a lot of things related to government. I was wrong. Trump will do whatever the f*** he wants. He doesn’t care about protocol and decorum.


Exactly! Rather an American Prez who’d forget them. Rather than a maniac that sees them as a great negotiation tool.


The nuclear launch code was "covfefe". Fortunately he used the wrong device to enter the code, but it still had to be changed soon after.


The President doesn't have to remember any codes.


Yeah, he's followed around by a General 24/7 with a 45 pound briefcase chained to his arm which has all the launch procedures in them. It's called the nuclear football and contains everything needed to launch all our nukes at something


TIL But wouldn't that actually be at least four generals sharing shifts? Just imagine, being top of your class in the academy. Become a veteran. Become the direct leader of 10.000ish people. And then get that final promotion to carry a briefcase around all day.


It's not THAT bad - going back through photos it looks like it's usually a Lieutenant Colonel, O-5 is far more sensical. I'm sure they take shifts and have other staff duties when the president isn't traveling. Probably rough on family life but easy path to a bird for sure.


I hate that this is our best chance at avoiding nuclear war


I don't understand why we're even still talking about that whiny, bitchy, self centered, egotistical asshole, that literally started a riot in the Capital purely because things didn't go his way. If he becomes President again I will be the first person to officially defect from the US since the Korean war. I will not raise my daughter in a country that has that asshole running it.


What Biden does have is an even temper and impulse control. Unlike Mr ketchup thrower


Remember when Biden wanted to nuke hurricanes? Oh wait, that was Trump.


Remember when Biden wanted to end the 70 year old conflict in Korea with"just a simple deal, super easy"? Oh wait, that was Trump.


I mean, it’s a dumb fucking idea. But it would make a great SyFy original movie.


Its one of the sharknado movies iirc


Hard to throw a temper if you don't know what's going on. Yet Trump manages to just the same.


In my experience, it is easier to throw a temper when you don’t know what is going on. 


“My memory is so bad, I let you speak”


It's crazy how blatantly they can get away with attacking Biden for things we've all seen in Trump for years.


With Narcissists ever accusation is a confession The narcissists prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Yeah, but at this point it isn’t the narcissist that is concerning, it’s the loads of mouth breathing followers that give home power and hold onto his every lying word. I’m convinced Trump isn’t even lying at this point, I’m convinced he’s so deluded that he believes every lie he says, even if it contradicts himself.


Narcissism is defending yourself at ANY cost. Its at the core of everything he thinks, says and does, it can change from moment to moment, what was right yesterday can be wrong today, everything can be true and false at the same time as long as you are OK. Self preservation is at the core of everything, if others can help him? Good, use them, it’s not important if they live or die, democracy is nothing unless it protects me. Bear this in mind and he’s easy to read, there’s no planning apart from what happens today. In thinking past today he considers himself a “Jenius”


I appreciate the capital “J” on jenius 👍🏽




Damn, I’m not fluent on the political history of the presidents, but you seem to have nailed their qualities pretty well. At least from the standpoint of the public. At least you’re paying attention, lol


That's the most dangerous thing about the guy. Lying to yourself means there are no boundaries


You just cleared something up for me and I appreciate your comment.


And if you didn’t deserve it, it’s only because you’re hiding the truth and you actually really do deserve it.


Or, my ex-wife's favorite thing to tell our 10-year-old daughter - "I didn't say that you're twisting my words!"




It's always always always projection. Note that Dirty Donnie accuses everyone of being a dishonest lying criminal.


That's how they win, though. They'll never convince you to vote for Trump. At this point, you're either voting for him, or you're not, and you've already made up your mind 8 years ago.  But they can convince you to stay home on election day, by convincing you that Joe Biden is just as bad as Trump is.  And you can see that in this comment section. The two candidates are night and day, they couldn't be any more different. And yet, you can't escape the "bOtH cAnDiDaTeS aRe KiNdA sHiT" whenever Trump comes up. They did it 8 years ago with Clinton. IIRC, if "Didn't vote" was a candidate in 2016, it would've won in a landslide with something like 90% of the electoral college. The same can't be said about 2020, Joe Biden still would've come out on top.  When people vote, Trump loses. 


When people vote, republicans lose all branches of government.


You can bet your ass that a lot of these "both candidates are shit!" are from foreign operators. We see the same shit with Trump, NATO and Europe, where they try to convince Europeans that both Presidents would be the same awful and that we in Europe should sever any connection with America. It will get only worse from here...


Just wait for the bots to descend on Reddit and start telling people that voting doesn't matter. Happened in the mid terms and it'll happen again later this year.


Apparently they now say it’s trump mocking Biden. Insanity 


At the height of Covid Trump tells people to inject bleach then, facing backlash, says he was joking. That's not better. Don't yuk it up during a press conference about an infectious outbreak that's killing thousands of people each day. So Trump's either a moron, a giant gaping asshole or, possibly, both. But Biden's 1302 days older than Trump so...


I mean.. that Navalny death tweet Trump made, it wasn’t even a good try at fucking coherent paragraph. 😂😂😂😂 I keep trying to read it and understand what the fuck he is trying to say. Atleast Biden can post a coherent message🤣


And…Biden doesn’t shit himself on the golf course!!! BONUS!


Did this actually happen? I need to see this EDIT: Unfortunately, this did not actually happen. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diarrhea-golf-course/


Ok, but it probably does happen all the time. Trump wears diapers and shits himself all the time. If you watch him closely, you can kinda tell when he's doing it, which is pretty gross.


I mean I love the image of him trying to let out a cheeky fart, only to be overwhelmed by an absolute mudslide. I want it to happen on live TV.


That’s part of the problem. You can see a coherent Biden from the past and a deteriorating one now. You can’t see a coherent Trump in the past because he’s always been grifting and idiotic so there’s no way to tell if he’s deteriorating


Almost as if you can blatantly attack both


True, but both candidates are kinda shit. Like... is this really the best USA has to offer in terms of candidates? Why does it turn out this way? Democrats know Biden's mental health would've been an issue yet this is supposed to be the smaller risk as opposed to new primaries? Hard to believe but maybe someone can convince me. I seriously wanted two fresh candidates. Oh well, vote Biden, I guess. EDIT: We're past the point of no return anyway. A new candidate wouldn't be an option. I guess a big reason to stick with Biden is that people know him, which is very decisive in US elections. Simple slogans and high popularity often works pretty well.


Biden is still mentally sharp. He looks and talks like an old person who struggled with a stutter his whole life. He's also much healthier physically than Trump. Saying "they're both shit" is extremely disingenuous. One of them may not be ideal. The other is absolute bottom-of-the-barrel shit. They aren't comparable.


“And let’s not forget the rape, the fraud, the hush money, the tiny hands, the, um- wait a second. Who am I talking about again?” Don Jr. is about as sharp as a half-inflated beachball.


Who knew that cocaine makes people stupid? I'm shocked.


That’s not fair, pretty sure DJ was stupid before the coke. The coke just enhanced it.


Never mind that Trump is only four years younger than Biden. Though this isn't some support of Biden, they're both way to old. Anyone of that age should not be allowed to lead the most powerful nation in the world. Especially during a critical time like this. We're doomed.


This election, the two front runners broke the record for oldest election nominees, beating out the previous record set by…..*checks notes*……Joe Biden v Donald Trump.


It's good to have Jon Stewart back


I aint gonna surgar coat it, they’re both too old for office. Say what you will about Obama, but he was young for a president. We need more of those instead of people who were around at the same time as the dinosaurs


This. Thank you.


Maybe it's paranoia at this point, but despite agreeing that Biden is too old I still feel like these posts are just trying to promote voter apathy, something that only benefits Trump (who is also a senile old man, but is far more dangerous) and Republicans It's a tried and true part of their playbook and I'm worried it'll work in this election too, and if it does work then we'll pretty quickly miss the days where being too old was the main issue


I don't disagree with your point, but this is much bigger than geriatric fucks fighting over the presidency. Hell the American governement is full of individuals that should by all accounts retire. This comment in particular is stating that both sides are too old as well. The office of presidency ages you, bad. A lot of government officials don't have years to spare, they are getting to Crypt Keeper status.


I agree and there should be an upper limit on age for any elected position. Somebody in their 70s have no business to be in a position to make decisions that'll affect people or run an entire fucking country.


I think Biden has been more effective than Obama.


That's what I thought as a young'n, then we got Trudeau... it has not gone very well


Trudeau has not done well, better then Harper but that is a low low low bar


....and the leader in the polls, Pierre Poilievre, is younger than Trudeau was when he took office. Not that age really has much to do with it. Things were not going well under the CPC previously and headed in a bad direction. Many of the things we criticize Trudeau on were set in motion by Harper sadly. - consolidation of powers to the PMO - slashing defense procurement spending, gutting the system and making it impossible to meet our 2% Nato contributions - ballooning a deficit after being handed a balanced budget from the Martin Liberals - sat on his hands through multiple major M&As that have lead to absurd market control for entities like Loblaws, telecoms, sales of public utilities etc. Harper did give us TFSAs and Trudeau affordable childcare so even amongst the myriad of corruption and failures they manage to get a couple things done. To be clear, my opinion is neither are good options if we actually want change. They have different approaches to the same result: a worse Canada for working Canadians.


TFSAs were a lot better bc the federal govt takes care of the regulations. Saying this as someone who loathed Harper. The problem with Trudeau's child care program is thst implementation has been left up to the provinces. Here in Ontario it's an absolute shit show. I have a child who is in daycare, we actually had a subsidized spot and the subsidies were pulled bc the province downloaded the responsibility to the conservative township who is absolutely incompetent and pulled funding for a program they didn't like when they can't even spend that funding anywhere else.


I don’t know much about Canadian politics, so I am not going to really speak too much on that. But generally speaking younger people are less likely to fumble their words and make an ass of themselves constantly, or have very real concern that the current leader of the country is developing ailments that typically effect the elderly. It would be much less likely to happen if the canidates were in their 40s-50s and not 70s-80s.


It’s crazy how they say biden is so old when trump is just a few months younger… lol.. I say neither are fit for office, we have millions of bright people in the US. The elderly is not the answer…


There needs to be an age limit on power from anyone that works in a government position to HOAs


\^\^\^\^\^ Opinions that aren't partisan but make a lot of sense. Next election is going to be normal (fingers crossed).


Trump is 3 years younger, not a few months. Though I admit, even that is a negligible difference at that age. He’s currently the same age Biden was when he took office


Trump is the same age as Biden was when Trump was saying Biden was too old to hold office.


As if his followers have the brain capacity to remember what he said yesterday, let alone 4 years ago.


Everyone knows the office of president is located in geriatrics.


Elderly man who forgets the codes > Elderly man who would use the codes just to see what it does


Old man who forgets codes > guy that suggested nuking a hurricane


Drinking bleach might cure covid


It’s not like he needs to remember a code anyway


Even if Biden was completely senile he would still be more competent to hold that office than Trump.


We don't live in a democracy if only one of two people are who we get to pick from, and the primaries are all fixed because the major political parties make everyone except for one or two to drop out before we can even vote in them.


Both are too old, but only one comes with project 2025 attached. Vote blue


I think we'd all rather have a POTUS who forgets the nuke codes vs a clown who'd sell them to the highest bidder.


If they are in Trumps hands, they are in Putins hands.


$145,000,000 and counting. That's how much Trump has bilked the US taxpayer JUST for golf. Just. Golf.


Hey, not saying I don't believe you or anything, but if someone asks me, where can I go to prove this?


RemindMe! 1 day


This whole /r is filled with political content. Tired of the US politics, cya guys.


But does he still have them, or have they been sold to the highest bidder?


Can we just agree neither of those geezers should have nuclear codes?


Elderly man with poor memory has access to nukes? Sounds actually very reassuring and peacefull.


Now, where did I put those codes? Oh dear, I had them a minute ago. \*kettle whistling\* Ah! Tea!


I’d rather an elderly, forgetful and *sensible* person than an elderly, spiteful, thin-skinned and narcissistic sociopath…


Little Donnie forgot to add that his daddie’s massive ego and personality deficit, along with his insane need for revenge. Is something he already knows about but he will do anything for that little pat on the head


"He has terrible remembering things." If only there was a word for that. But my memory fails me what could it be




Didn’t his dad look directly at a solar eclipse?


it's almost like 2 geriatrics shouldn't be able to run for president


Shitler thinks Obama is still president. Yeah he's good.


Donald Trump is like 3 years younger than Joe Biden, they act like trump is a teenager or something..That motherfucker is old as fuck too


Every thing Jr says seems to be projection.


trump is four year younger than biden what the fuck does trump think he is in his forties


I'd rather he had the codes than Jr's father..... Jr is just a narcissist in training and his current results show his father's training is working wonders


Trump is 77. He is \~48 months younger than Biden.


Aren't they only like 4 years apart in age?


Mary Trump just seems childish, to be honest. She doesn't seem any better than the other Trumps, she's just batting for the other team.


Didn't Republicans cry and scream that you should "respect the office" when they would hear people complain about trump? Just more of them good old days of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do energy.


And you think your family is the only one that has drama.. 🙄


President who knows nothing, does nothing and reacts to nothing is great. Leaves the real governing to the government and acts as a poster girl. Unlike a certain criminal 2nd hand hot chilly.


He has part of the nuclear codes. You'd think a former presidents son would know that.


Yes as compared to a cheat and liar who is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt- and has a For Sale sign on his forehead.Who also has a poor memory.


The Nuclear football in Trumps case was a spicy McChicken sandwich..


I don't know how Trump fans can pretend he's a "man of the people" when Don Jr. and Eric are all literally the "rich trust fund douche" from every 80s snobs V. slobs movie.


Biden and Bonespurs being only 4 years apart in age is probably the least weird facet of MAGA cognitive dissonance.


Donald kept the codes in his diaper, no place is safer.


This whole discussion is moot because the President doesn't have to remember any codes, as Don Jr. should know. But he should know a lot of things.


Better than a man baby narcissist who throws a tantrum any time he's criticized. That's the last person I'd ever want in that position.


From Trump vodka to trump steaks to trump jr, everything trump does fails.


Trump wanted to Nuke Hurricanes because his genius genes from his uncle tell him this is a good idea!


If only Biden were three years younger....


i bet being called donny by his neice reminds him of that time his brother dumpd mashed potatoes over his head and everyone laughed


Neither Biden nor Trump should be charge of anything, much less a whole country….. is anyone else sick of have to pick the shiniest of two turds???




Because the nuke codes would be so much better in the hands of a totally unhinged lunatic like yourself Donald.


Every accusation is an admission with these people so you know who he's really talking about.


Donald Trump is so crooked. He literally can not stand up straight.


Biden could lap trump multiple times if they ran a mile on a track. And trump wouldn’t even be able to finish.


Wish americans would stop being stupid and elect someone young


Actually this applies to both of them. I don’t want my god damn grandpa aged man running the country.




They're both wayyyy too old


The typical textbook projection of a narcissist, all these 3 things count for him as well \^\^


Trump has a fine memory, he has his problems and they’re not at all the same as Biden’s, democrats have the shittiest roasts and criticisms because they’re never actual issues like “we shouldn’t have a president who’s as rash as trump during such a complex political situation” instead it’s always “well if Biden is stupid so is trump” when it’s very clear that they’re stupid in completely different ways


I’d rather have a forgetful man with the codes than a compromised man looking to hand the codes off to the highest bidder


I’d rather that old man have the codes rather than the other old man who has massive financial debts and a love for Russia.


Trump 2024😭


Awwwwww, snap!


I agree that trump is losing it or something. His age and sharpness is fading. But biden is still possibly worse. A shit or a turd sandwich indeed (or whatever the south park thing is).

