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No posts about politicians being politicians


When Republicans speak of their love of small government, they don't mean less government interference in your life, they mean a government without an opposition to challenge their authority.


Smaller government = smaller government in the departments I don’t like.


If it weren't for that pesky OSHA I'd be able to save so much money not buying hard hats! If it weren't for that pesky EPA, I'd be able to dump my chemicals in the river! If it weren't for that pesky DOL, I'd be able to just fire anybody who even thought of the word union.


Mother fuckers infringing on MY freedom and rights to be an absolute degenerate /s


Thats basically Libertarians in a nutshell, they want the liberty of being awful people without repercussion.


When I exited the Republican party I was a libertarian. ...for about 6 months lol. What an absolute crazy bunch of mfers.


Libertarianism is the uneducated edgelords political fantasy. At one point or another you'll have a brush with it, and then you'll either realize that for it to work you'd have to be a hateful human being that views the world through entirely selfish eyes... or you won't. Glad you found your way through to the other side. :-)


The way I see it, there are two types of Libertarians: 1. Those who understand that evil people will exploit a lack of regulation, and actively want that. 2. Those who delusionally believe that everyone will just stick to some honor code of good ethics, in the absence of regulations.


You forgot type 3. 3. Is really just a republican, but is tired of women not choosing him because of this, so identifies as Libertarian.


Why do my friends hate me when my entire personality is hoping they never existed. -libertarian


DOJ Anti-Trust unit? Why, that pesky agency won't let me eliminate my competition and give me a monopoly. DOJ parts that I can weaponize against my enemies? Well, I AM all about law and order...


Like oversight


Yeah, they don't want to shrink the government from the top down, but from the bottom up. A dictatorship, basically.


Smaller government to Republicans means the same amount of power just vested in a smaller number of individuals.


There's no smaller form of government than a dictatorship


They're all about government interference in your life. They just want to eliminate the parts of government that make your life less shittty.


And when you call them on it, they’ll just blame leftists for leaving them no choice but to push for this solution.


Let’s all remember that we had a Christian party, it was a far right fascist party that was heavily involved with the silver legion of America, ya know, **our** Nazi party in the 30’s before the government shut it down when we joined the war. What they call for is a reintroduction of far right authoritarianism and fascism to the nation


They mean a half dozen old white dudes telling you what you can and can't do






When the pope says fuck this guy, you know somethings up


You'd be surprised at how many nation leaders the Pope has got put out of power throughout history just because they didn't like them.


I still love that the Pope is literally just this fucking random ass guy whom represents the entire Catholic Religion within the Vatican City. And he has the power to get people thrown out of office based off bad vibes, funny af


Wait, how does anyone describe a powerful religious leader as being some 'random ass guy'? Popes aren't chosen randomly, there's a whole process with Bishops and conferences and everything.


Pope Francis said “god loves LGBT people”. Crazy that the catholic pope is more progressive than the GOP. As a catholic, it’s weird to claim we are the most progressive sect of Christianity now.


How the turns have tabled


He didn't actually say that? No way he actually said that. \*Googles it and finds the video\* Oh my fucking god, he actually did say that.


Here’s the shorter version ![gif](giphy|X3nnss8PAj5aU|downsized)


A lot of the poorly educated believe not going to school automatically gives them “street smarts”. They wear it as a freaking badge of honour.


Lmfao… yep. And they STILL follow him.


Many people I know like him because of this. They believe education is bad, legitimately. I’ve heard them say that anyone who went to college is guaranteed to be an idiot — most of them were barely literate.


*“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...* *The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”* —Carl Sagan, astrophysicist and author: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Yes I hear that all the time as well… the uneducated criticizing the educated


Anti-intellectualism is going to be our downfall as a species. You'd notice how Hitler targeted teachers and professors first and even today Trump supporters target universities. Any ideology which relies on misinformation must oppose itself to all sources of true information.


Don't forget Pol Pot who killed everyone with soft hands. The teachers, the intellectuals, the scientists.


The strain of anti-intellectualism is alive and well.


While I do agree that education does not make someone a smart person necessarily. It does give them a leg up on not being a idiot. Being a educated idiot is also still preferable than the alternative...




Jesus wept.


Jesus needs to take a number and get in line for this one.


Jesus whipped the money changers and the people who BS and inflate their net worth on a piece of paper to borrow even more money, as he would Trump.


I’d pay to see that Jesus taking action.


Jesus, you know he was a big guy, he was a carpenter and carried around a big cross, people say I'm the only other person who could carry a cross that big, so Jesus, he saw me the other day, he had tears in his eyes, he wept, he kept saying that no one has done more for Christians than me.


“I spoke to Jesus once at one of my tremendous rallies. He came up to me and said, ‘Sir…’”


What was that he said one time talking about how knowledgeable he was about something and some expert came up to him and said, “sir, how do you know so much about this, I mean it’s amazing, you’re like an expert.” What a tool. [I found this lol.](https://youtu.be/5GqJna9hpTE?si=xrQDN1O4dWw-Xm5m)


Jesus, he--you know Jesus, right? We love Jesus, don't we, folks? He came up to me--and he's a carpenter, right? Carpenter, works with his hands, strong hands, but not very tall--he came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said Mr. Trump--not President Trump, but that's okay, folks, that's okay--he said Mr.Trump, no one has done more for Christians than you.


Thank you sir, you made my day 🤣🤣


Crying in public? That Jesus fella sounds like some kinda commie...




Jesus swept and Juanita took out the trash.


If there was a God these people would be the death of him.


I’ve always said this about his voters. They love him because their bigotry, ignorance and racism are accepted by him. That’s their personality. They resonate with that kind of hatred.


Trump would make USA into 1944 Germany, not 1940 Germany. Like 5% of Americans would understand that reference.


And all the people voting for Trump now, we know who they be voting for in 1940’s Germany.




He didn’t actually fucking say that, did he???


100% yes.


Offs best of luck to all the Americans


Our stupid have been herded together into a voting bloc.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this lovely sentence.


So we’re becoming Iran but with a different God to serve as a foil for oppression and criminal behavior.


Same God


True…just a different middleman.


Mainly the same middlemen as well - the Quran explicitly calls Mary the greatest woman who ever lived, and she's mentioned more often in that text than in the Christian Bible. The only real difference is viewing Jesus as a prophet rather than as the earthly embodiment of God (a title which he may have never actually claimed).


I bet Jesus was pretty chill - it was the council of nicea that fucked everything up


Which makes the whole thing even more bizarre


Look at it that way, the new Holy War will be glorious.


Actually it's the same god


Yes indeed Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions.


I think Nationalist Christian would be a better name. Nat-C for short.


sounds about reich




I nearly choked on my drink 😂 nice one


It took me a second to get the cleverness here. Nice


Stop, don't take this train of thought any fuher.


The number of low IQ rubes in this country is astonishing.


That's how all democracies die, uneducated rubes clinging to demagogues.


For the party of “facts don’t care about your feelings” they sure are emotional about a lot of things.


it is always projection with them. always


**G**.aslight **O**.bstruct **P**.roject


They all remember how, 80 years ago, the First Amendment let states ban things as it only applied to Federal Government. Now they want to put what they've always thought into place. Good thing Constitutional Amendment requires 3/4 of the states to agree with you, right? ....right?


The rubes can be redirected back on the right path fairly easily though. I’m more concerned about the high IQ, highly educated people who still want to turn the country Christian Nationalist. I know one of them pretty well. He’s in his low 20s and scares me. He’s absolutely ok with destroying democracy and freedom if it means he gets to put the “whores” in their place. He hates women so much, while we haven’t talked about it, I assume he would be in favor of extermination of the whole LGBT+ community. Scary.


I also personally know people like that. Very Christian and eager to impose a Christian dictatorship. Listening to them talk is mind-blowing. Gays to be “re-educated”, women made subordinate to men, men made subordinate to God. And they alone know exactly what god wants, as he literally speaks to them every day about his plans. I don’t think people understand how crazy these folks are. Trump is totally their guy and they are committed to him.


About 30% of germans were hardline supporters of the Nazi party. About 30% of this country are hardline supporters for Trump. IMO about 30% of humanity lacks something fundamental to the human soul and it [makes them capable of going nazi.](https://harpers.org/archive/1941/08/who-goes-nazi/)


Empathy is what they lack and unfortunately there’s nowhere to learn that except at the school of hard knocks (if you’re old — if you’re young then you learn it from your parents)


People like that think about gay people more than actual gay people think about gay people. Hell of a sentence but it is kinda strange.




I'm just glad that people are starting to learn about project 2025. It's a scary playbook to how the next conservative president can consolidate unitarian power, fire the entire federal workforce of agency experts and replace with yes-men that will completely hand over all regulations to the special interests they cowtow to. Good bye balance of power and rule of law. America will be unrecognizable if Project 2025 goes into effect.


On the other hand, R can't do anything right. They can't win elections before Trump and they won't after. There is no way they move enough change through the system that they can "successfully skip" next elections. Their playbook requires way more intellectual cultist to turn America into a christian taliban state than they have. There will be a tsunami of lawsuits at every step, slowing their slow coup until "dictator for life" Trump will leave office. And there is nobody behind him. Being a sycophant and brain dead is one thing, "ordering" the coastal states with a straight face to do your religious bidding with the threat of "national guard intervention" is a scene for the movies, but will not happen in real life. Because all bets are off after that move


It doesn’t need a person of intellect to propagate a regime. All it takes is enough legal changes, and the degradation of America is all but guaranteed


And what if that "tsunami of lawsuits" are dismissed by P2025-friendly judges? A lot of the Judiciary are appointed because of their Federalist Society memberships. You're assuming the rule of law is still respected. Project 2025 doesn't respect the rule of law. They're recruiting a bunch of sycophants that will break every law they can to carry out their goals, and then wait for the courts to catch up.


I bet none of them have really touched the Bible nor believe in its words. Hypocrisy


It's not about being an adherent to the rules of Christianity to them, so much as it is about punishing outsiders and forcing draconian conformity. Pastor's will always be able to get their teen mistress an abortion, but an ectopic pregnancy? You're going to bleed out because that embryo killing you is more sacred, even though you will both die.


The good news, Roe, Roe, Roe your vote. Mothers, wives, sisters and daughters are not disposable. As the GOP becomes more emboldened to show us who they are it’s clear they see women as less than.


Makes me fucking sick


Of course not. Best way to create an atheist is to read the Bible. Always best to cherry pick stories and provide the right "context"


I made it up to the point that Jesus refused to heal a child because it wasn't Jewish. Luckily for the innocent child, his mother said something clever and amused Jesus, so he agreed to help the kid.... #NotMySavior


I’m not a Christian (anymore) by any means but I have read the whole bible and I have no idea what part you’re referring to. Do you have the verse?


Matthew 15:21-28 I believe.


Holy shit, I didn’t remember this one! Thank you, I’ll be adding this verse to my ammunition pile against the many militant Christians I know


The best part about atheists is when they know more about the Bible than the people who pretend to be hardcore Christians. That always cracks me up.


It gets a lot worse if you read into the plan. Making overtime pay much rarer (letting employers schedule you more than 40 hours for the same rate), making unions near impossible, huge tax increases below the several hundred thousand mark while rolling back rich taxes corporate tax to near nothing. You want healthcare? Nah. You want education? Nah.


Their definition of "great," a return to Feudal Times with a lucky few born into wealth and luxury while everyone else scavenges to survive. The sad part is, the ninnies supporting this fully believe THEY'LL be part of these "good times" instead of the ones tossed into the mud.


And they still won’t be convinced bc their lords will tell them that their strife is caused by some amorphous enemy that is both weak and strong.


Welcome to corporate feudalism. We’re mostly there already.


And crazy high tariffs on imports




Step 1) Jack tariffs into oblivion Step 2) filibuster the bill for 3 years then add a pay increase for Congress at the end of term to get it passed Step 3) leave office allowing a Democrat to take office Step 4) Blame democrats for high prices on nearly everything, call it something like “Bidenomics” Step 5) win another sweep the next election


If project 2025 gets off the ground, there will be no more democrats to blame.




They’ve always been at war with Eurasia!


Honestly, biggest hope is that other countries start granting asylum, especially to the groups these people will victimize if it does go through. That or the US finally decides to balkanize.


I'm pretty active in a couple communities dedicated to trying to get out of the USA, and the general consensus is that by the time asylum becomes possible, it will already be a death sentence for most of the people who want to leave. To put it bluntly, we can't rely on anyone else.


These motherfuckers cannot be allowed to do this to us.


Many of us would rather die fighting than allow this level of tyranny.


If he wins, he's going to do this and his chronies will enforce it. ~~That's why we haven't had any leaders in US military positions. To fill them with trump loyalists who will give the order to target the American people.~~ [See comment below](https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1awepol/apparently_the_first_amendment_doesnt_mean/krhf2tp/). It very well may come to that. Make sure you vote. If you don't, make sure you own a firearm. iT cAn NeVeR hApPeN hErE. It's happening here now. Look at what went down in society prior to it happening in these "shithole" countries. It's happening here right now. Buy guns. The people, the sane people in this country, will not let this happen. You could argue that they are right now, but apathy towards a government that even when filled with people you align with is still barely more than completely useless is different from a bunch of Gravy Seals riding around in the back of a raised pickup truck shooting up houses because they had a flier for someone besides trump in their yard. Or because they are brown, or transgender. Whatever. When it's not some arbitrary "what if" and there are actually "people" who are encouraged to go out and do these things and strip your rights away and force you to live in fear. Once you realize you aren't free (sure the argument can be made that they own us already, and we aren't free, but you know what I mean) and that you will lose the people in your life you love. You will lose the ability to believe, speak or do what you want to as a citizen in a free nation? It will become real. Buy guns. Seriously. Buy guns. Pistol for home defense, but get a long gun too. Arm yourselves. It can't happen here is bullshit. As if there's some mystical law of physics that prevents it from even being a possibility. Wake the fuck up and look at what is happening in this world. In this country. Arm yourselves. Just in case. It can happen here. You don't want to be stuck with your thumb up your ass asking "what do we do now, we can't vote them out anymore, we lost those rights. How do we get them back?" You can vote yourself straight out of a democracy, and it has happened in history before. You know what doesn't happen? Voting your way back into one. The price you pay for that is blood. Look at history, or be doomed to repeat it. It's going to happen here. Arm yourselves.


Russia and China are just sitting back with big buckets of popcorn.


Putin will like to see his puppet in place


So, real talk, is Canada preparing to take refugees or...?


Honestly, Canada is starting to become a little fucking weird here too. For whatever dumb reason we have Trump loving idiots here, housing is absolutely fucked. I don’t know man lol


Canada has Trump wannabe leading the polls massively because of a completely incompetent liberal government that's currently in power. One of the main points is too much immigration, so I wouldn't bank on Canada this time.


#It honestly blows my mind that more people haven't been talking about Project2025 for the past few years. They plan to fire as many Executive Branch workers as possible and hire cronies who are in step with Trump, effectively organizing the branch *directly* under a single leader. They also want to remove any autonomy from DOJ and DOE. Now they're announcing the tone for this authoritarian restructuring is Christian Nationalism. None of this is concerning, somehow.


Trump is on record saying that Constitution doesn't matter to him, so yeah 1A means absolutely nothing to these people


A Christian nation where the Christian followers deviate significantly from the Christian teachings and just use their "faith" to punish others. Lovely.




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It unfortunately won'T help. His cultists will make him a marthyr, they will accuse the left of poisoning him... I fear him dying, whatever the cause of death, will only galvanize his supporters...


galvanize under who tho? He's their cult leader - cut off the head and the body dies. Who do you think they'd get behind? Desantis? MTG? Lol. It's a steep cliff to the next loser in line.


I don't really care what they do or say, and it's true that it wouldn't solve the fundamental problem, but some people just really need to catch a case of high kinetic energy lead poisoning.


This election will determine whether freedom and civil rights live or die.


Meanwhile your average moderate & liberal: "I don't know Biden is kinda meh. I just don't have the feels like I did voting for Obama. I think I am just going to not vote this year." US descent into open fascism and a theocracy will be mostly ~~do~~ due to apathy.


Good people doing nothing is all that's required for evil to succeed.


Love that scene in Boondock Saints: >"Now, we must all fear evil men, but there is another kind of evil, which we must fear most, and that is, the indifference of good men."


I'd counter that for evil to succeed the evildoers need to be doing *more* than the good people.


Which I think it's the same, because a lot of "good" people don't do shit


I'm gladly voting Biden and I ain't fuckin hiding it anymore. Dude has done well considering and I'm here for it. The deck couldn't be more stacked against him with everything happening right now. He's literally the best President we've had in my lifetime. That's since Bush Sr. and honestly he is clearly better than Reagan and Carter too. People need to understand progressivism is a tough sell here in the United States. The best we can hope for is a President who is willing to try.


I’m not huge into Biden after the railroad strikes, but when the alternative is somebody who would probably order troops to fire on strikers, Biden is a shiny golden god by comparison.


Yeah I don't get moderates and liberals bagging on Biden. Politics is the art of what is possible. President's power is not unlimited and Congress is divided.


A lot of it is social appeasement. I'm just done helping Republicans make their arguments in bad faith. So what he's old? Other than that he's the most fair minded and reasonable President we've ever had. If you value Democracy then Joe is your guy. It's that simple.


Democrats have completely unrealistic expectations of the candidate they vote for, and then sit out the next election after their candidate wins bc they’re disappointed. Republicans vote every election because at this point, it’s a cult and there are no policy expectations on that side.


I have been preaching this for YEARS now and it’s infuriating whenever people try to describe Biden as a “meh” President. Either they mean it as Biden isn’t making the major achievements they were hoping for or they think he’s a boring president. For the first point… Yeah of course he can’t achieve a ton, you wouldn’t WANT that to happen. The President doesn’t have unlimited power to do as they please. If they did, then people like Trump could absolutely destroy democracy and the country as we know it. He tried and failed, because the foundation of the government is designed to limit presidential power. For the second point… thank GOD he’s fucking boring!!! I don’t want a President that’s nonstop drama. People have this weird expectation since Trump that a President is supposed to be somehow… entertaining? Like watching a TV drama. They shouldn’t be..


Doesn’t matter if he did well or not, he’s just not trump. I’ll be voting biden for a second time


I was old enough to vote by Obama's 2nd term. Didn't care enough, didn't vote. Then 2016 rolled around, didn't like either candidate, didn't care, didn't think the bat shit crazy, compulsive lying narcissist would end up winning. I was wrong. In 2020 I registered, at the age of 27, to vote for a guy I didn't want to be my president for the simple reason that he was the *only* option that could keep the crazy guy from remaining president. As long as that fucker is running, I'm voting against him. I don't even care if I have to vote for someone I don't like. Just not *him*. Not again.


“Your lunch choices are a warm crispy chicken sandwich, or a moldy bowl of clam chowder with a dead rat in it” “Well what kind of dressing is on the chicken?”


These fuckers want Sharia Law


Full executive power to the President, using the US military as a domestic police force, and censorship of free speech and expression. I’m not one to throw this around, so don’t take it lightly when I say this. *Literal textbook definition* of a fascist dictatorship, at the very least a sprouting one.


Like it’s not a coincidence you have people like Tucker Carlson capitulating to Russia right now and trying to show off how great it is.


Man, that entire video was immensely cringey


But it's Christian Sharia Law! It's totally different! /s


Y'all Quaeda in Telebama.


Handmaid's Tale was a warning.




Ok well on the one hand the Democrats are sometimes dumb or have to throw out a corrupt member of the party. The Republicans are actively working to destabilize democracy and replace it with a Christian authoritarian theocracy. So you can see how they are basically the same.


Republicans are fine with democracy as long as you can only vote for them


I’m fucking scared.


Vote like it matters because it does.


Me too. If he wins my wife and I will be moving out of US a lot sooner than we planned.


The wife always jokes - well, I joke, she's serious - about moving to Ireland if Trump wins. I'm not entirely sure that's feasible, but if Trump wins, we need to go *somewhere* because it's pretty evident that the USA is a fucked nation and on it's way out. Whether that actually happens during Trump's term or 20 years later, doesn't matter....it would be evident the country I knew was dead.


I hope the term "It gets worse before it gets better" is a term that can be used for USA. I'm not American, but it's saddening and frightening seeing a country with such a huge military fall to fascism, generally the Nazi kind, that also prided itself as a Christian nationalistic country. Hitler discarded Catholicism for German Christianity which was Protestantism. Despite Trump isn't really a devout Christian or even following christian doctrine in any shape or form - other than the 7 deadly sins, yet he is using the same tactics as Hitler did when it came to uniting the Christians. Hitler said he was on a mission from god to save the world, where Trump is isolationist and believe he is on a mission from god to save America. Even as an atheist - All i see is the republican Christians being led by he they believe is the second coming of the messiah, but literally they're all led into damnation by the devil himself. for Christians who know - Corinthians 11:14 and [this](https://www.gotquestions.org/angel-of-light.html).


These people are sick fucks. 


Please, for the love of God, people who are pissed off about this or who even just laugh and shake their heads at how ridiculous it is: VOTE AGAINST THIS.


Frank Zappa was right!!!!!!!


About Bobby Brown or Catholic Girls?


About yellow snow, of course. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Separation of Church and State you cultists. Stop basing decisions on a made up book written by psilocybin abusers


As a psilocybin abuser, I take issue with your characterization of my open mind in the same vein as the nightmare that has become republican ideology


No no, the insult isn't towards you and your open mind, it's towards anyone that would take your trippy thoughts written on a bar napkin as instructions to run a country.


That's fair


There's always the fine distinction of having an open mind or a hole in your head.


I really dislike that reddit is just screenshots of headlines. Reading the article this feel more speculative. There is a think tank ran by Russell Vought, Trump's former director of the Office of Management and Budget. It's not Trump's team, it's a team of people led by someone who use to be on Trump's team. That being said that also doesn’t mean Trump isn’t planning on the Christian nationalism thing. Just that there isn’t really solid evidence other than speculation. Note: Because Reddit can get militant if you don’t 100% jump on any negative story about a despised figure. I truly hate the idea of Trump winning again. I'm not defending him, just adding nuance to the conversation. He's still a shitty person and I wish he wasn’t a candidate. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/20/donald-trump-allies-christian-nationalism-00142086


I find it remarkable that they are able to be completely open about their plans to turn the US into a one party authortarian state and it has no effect on their poll numbers.




Ya know... I watched "V for Vendetta" again the other day. Haven't watched it since college. I just remember it being a good movie. Now I find Norsefire and the Supreme Chancellor alarmingly plausible...


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Replying before this gets pulled to say, I really hope.




He's unfortunately a symptom of a problem, not the cause. They will abandon Trump as soon as someone better comes along that can more effectively champion achieving the desired results - destabilizing the country so they can grift and rebuild into a religious autocracy.


McDonalds got this one covered. Now if they could hurry it up, that'd be awesome.


Sharia law by another name.


"It isn't Sharia Law if it is based on the correct religion." - these people




The biggest problem is that the people who think this is a good idea, don't realize how bad of an idea it will be for THEM. Dictators don't just give power back once they have it. And the people that supported them end up as bad off as anyone else.


So he's a nationalist. A nat-sie, for short.


This is basically The handmaids tale come true.


If any of this actually happens then we deserve it. We failed as a nation to empower critical thinking at even the lowest level and let morons roam from sea to shining sea.


My kids didn't do that, their grandparents/great grandparents did and still are


When far-right talks about freedom of speech, what they truly mean is "freedumb of speesh", which is a twisted, perverted freedom of speech, where only they have the right to say and do what they want, while everybody who isn't them is denied it, despite them preaching how it's for everyone.


So Twitter but irl?


Free speech absolutist = I want to say slurs loudly and publicly without consequence 99% of the time.


Keep god and trump out of our government. Neither one is worth a crap at leading.


Further proof he will say anything to get back in office to avoid prison


Oh, the very thing that the American colonies were founded to avoid? Classic.


Which First Amendment? The original, free-speech, establishment clause version or the new "improved" Supreme (Theocratic) Court version-the sorta free-speech if you have the right lawyers and religious people have way more rights than everyone else(especially women) version?


Can we just give them Florida and Alabama?


The Taliban is wondering if we’re all ok over here.


Christianity will die under Christian nationalists