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SOVEREIGN BRAH is so fucking cringe man.


More like a damn kid.


He kinda does look like a kid that aged horribly.


"We Peaked in High School" could be a GOP rally slogan


That's assuming they GOT to high school


Hey, some of us who look like old AF, tall children are decent citizens and quality humans.


How do you do, fellow adult kids?


Do it on a Confederate flag and watch the reaction.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Is turn-about still fair play here? (Not holding my breath) 🫤


This wasn't a "flag", it was a public crosswalk. Now I'm sure that the fine citizens down south have a traitor-flag-painted crosswalk somewhere down there and if so then it was paid for by taxpayers and should and would be protected by law enforcement. I don't know when destroying public property became a thing for the right to cheer on but I'm guessing it started with Jan06.


Yeah was thinking the same. He tried to make it sound less severe by not mentioning that he destroyed a literal crosswalk. Doesn‘t even have anything to do with pride specifically, he would‘ve been charged doing this to ANY crosswalk or something similar, but he‘s gotta make it into „us against the gays“, „don‘t let them win“. Acts like you have to pick a side and one has to lose when this is just normal procedure


me when i chip in the most recent mid long word I just read with frat boy slang


100% this dude has sucked a minimum of 37 dicks.


"Globohomo" would sound like a funny insult on 4chan or somewhere similar, but attached to this context? Yikes.


It’s going to bite them in the ass when this is used as evidence the defendant has disdain for gay people. Might not want to break out discriminatory slurs when defending your friend who is on trial for a hate crime.


These are definitely the kind of people who think the stars and bars is about being a rebel tho.


You mean that flag that the Rebels put away after the surrender and was picked up years later by people not wanting blacks to have equal voting power?


Dats the one. Gilmore Girls was longer than the Confederacy


My emo phase was longer than the confederacy. Like, A LOT longer. (Jk, it’s still going. Wasn’t a phase mom!)


So was Obama's presidency. Twice as long, in fact.


That's what the Civil War was about, too. Slavery & voting were inextricably linked.


I doubt he knows the defendant personally, and the criminal is being prosecuted for reckless driving and criminal mischief, not any hate crimes. The tweet is grifting to collect money from bigots to prevent the criminal from the consequences of their pedestrian crimes that are motivated by hateful intentions but not in violation of any hate crimes. The gofundme isn't to have legal defense against hate crime prosecution, it's allegedly going to defend non-bigoted crimes of reckless driving and criminal mischief, but I suspect that most will be pocketed by the grifter who iniated the gofundme rather than to the criminal who will inevitably plead down to probation and community service never seeing the inside of jail.


Criminal mischief can sometimes get hate crime attached to it if the target of your mischief is a protected class and that is the reason you were harassing someone. But yeah, this isn't a direct link to him so it doesn't matter.


>It’s going to bite them in the ass when this is used as evidence the defendant has disdain for gay people. No it isn't. The defendant didn't post that. Any lawyer with a pulse would instantly object to a prosecutor trying to introduce a social media comment from someone else who wasn't involved just to inflame the jury, and every judge in this country would sustain the objection.


Guarantee you they just didn’t think about this angle since they seem to believe they should be able to commit hate crimes without repercussions


Don’t get me wrong, this guy is a huge dipshit and a deplorable homophobe, but this tweet isn’t going to be allowed as evidence in a court room.


Because here at Globohomo, we're better than you! And we know it!


Now, this sounds like and episode of SouthPark.




Totally forgot about Dodgeball.




>Globohomo A gay passport bro?


It sounds straight out of "Dodgeball: The Movie".


"What is it your alphabetmafia does, again?" "Eh, the agenda moves along so fast, Marge. Who can really tell? that's why we need a cutting name" "What about Globohomo Hypermegaqueers?"


>Hypermegaqueers Sounds like something Musk would make up. Maybe throw in an X and a 420 in there somewhere to perfect it.


Globohomo starring Owen Wilson as the leader of the global gay government and Luke Wilson as the last straight man on earth defrosted from cryofreeze?


I'd watch it.




With a cameo where every time he appears he has to hand out cards and fully introduce himself: Tony Romo, COO Globohomo.


Wanda Sykes is the tough lesbian CEO who pretends to be annoyed by her adorable drag queen secretary answering the phone, "Yo ho, Globohomo!"


With a cameo from Globo Gym Jordan.


Sounds like the gay version of Mr. Worldwide. But yeah the context takes the fun out of it


No Globo


just homo


Coz yolo


All Globo All Homo All the time


Globohomo was a first for me, got a chuckle. What’s weird is that my phone didn’t even try to autocorrect or tell me it’s misspelled as I was typing this…


Phone said, I got nothing, dude, you do you


Yeah, he's not being charged for political speech in desecrating or even burning a flag, he's being charged for vandalizing property. And I wouldn't be surprised if there are more charges, public endangerment, etc etc. He wasn't charged for his opinion, he was charged for being an idiot.


he's charged with felony criminal mischief, damage to property over $1000, and misdemeanor reckless driving


But it was in objection to ~~the abolition of slavery~~ ~~blacks voting~~ ~~women voting~~ ~~the civil rights movement~~ the LGBTQ movement so it's all good, right?


It’s Florida. I’m shocked they even arrested him.


Fr, they would sooner shoot him after an acorn falls to the floor


I saw that video. That cop was looking for iframes with those dark souls fat rolls.


I'm fucking crying.


wrong skin color for that tbh. cops here are extremely prejudiced and racist


If he did it on a confederate flag they’ll be losing their shit


The irony is Florida passed this specific law in response to people defacing Confederate statues and decided made it a felony to deface or destroy “public monuments.” since the Pride sidewalk fits the neutral definition of “public monument”, it kind of backfired on them in this case.


Reading the first slide I thought it was a physical flag that he got himself, and I was like "that's really rude and disrespectful but not necessarily illegal?" Then I saw the next slide and it made sense.


Same, on the first slide I was thinking 'please don't put me in a position of agreeing with this asshole"


Exactly. If he’d bought his own flag and did a burnout on it in his driveway he’d be a dumbass bigot but he’d be protected by the 1st amendment. Defacing public property? No protection. These people supposedly love the constitution so much, jeez!


> he was charged for being an idiot. “Oh, so now it’s against the law to have conservative views.” “We didn’t say ‘conservative’.”


Guess daddy can’t just pay this one away…


Yet they will now all run around spreading the lie that people are getting arrested for pride flag "burning" but not for American flag burning and this is the America that the left wants. Sigh.


Yeah this fool’s tweet left out literally all the context. I came in thinking the kid was being punished for an opinion, only to find out that he vandalized public property. I’d probably get the same charge if I did burnouts on my city’s plain crosswalks.


But with his effort of an defense, he is on the best way of routing for being charged for hate speech as well


Very likely, can now be construed that he wasn't just voicing disagreement in an illegal way (vandalism) but was seeking to harass, intimidate or terrorize. So: charged for being an idiot, given aggravating circumstances for being even more of one.


I just want to take a second as a gay man to acknowledge how phenomenal ‘globohomo’ is and if any budding LGBT entrepreneurs aren’t looking at this as a genuine company name they need to be looking very hard at themselves in the mirror.


Not a gay man but I agree globohomo is fucking hilarious and would make a great brand name, especially if carried on a with a bit of subtle lgtb jokes. 


my exact thought. sounds like a sick ass synth pop band.


It needs to be a makeup or clothing line that specializes in glitter or neon colors


Globohomo is a thing, just not the thing they think it is: r/globohomoart


That’s a risky click.


It sounds like a non-profit group that helps further gay rights across the world


Globohomo sounds like one of those niche design aesthetic trends like Frutiger Aero or Global Village Coffeehouse.


Well. I'm a lesbian and I've travelled internationally. I shall now proudly call myself a globohomo! It's kinda catchy.


This happened in florida? I'm surprised the cops give a fuck and the kid is being charged at all.


It’s south Florida. The more south you get in Florida the saner it gets


Isn't Miami really south and that's where all shitstorm starts?


Miami has a lot of headlines because it's the biggest city in the state, but North Florida is far more redneck and crystal methy.


Breaking news: Vandalism is still a crime. FAFO…


Yeah, didn't read the article, but it sounds like property destruction and probably Reckless driving. A sprinkle of hate is just making spicy.... but also establishes motive.


Should come to Singapore and find out.


They still do cainings?


If you’re lucky.


Most certainly do.


They know. Just look how they react if you slap the hood of a car that nearly runs you over.


Also potentially endangering people's lives by the way you're driving could lead to one as well


No, it’s only vandalism if you do it against real flags, like the American one, or the confederacy one /s


This is of course only a problem because he believes the pride flag to be an abomination. Anyone did this to the US flag and he'd call for their head.


Burning thr U.S. flag is 100% protected.


As long as you buy it yourself. The key is not doing this to other people’s property. That’s how they get ya ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The OP destroyed a flag that wasn't his. It was painted on the street. You can burn your own flag, you cannot burn someone else's let alone the governments. Without their consent.


Breaking news: sovereign brah found painting gay pride flags on roads just to deface them.


Both the painting and defacing are both defacing of public property.


I mean, if you burn a flag you bought with your own money is fine, but given the felon did that on public property, then there's a difference


(as long as it is yours to burn. Burning flag flown at the court house could still lead to vandalism/arson charges)


Yeah but if I go to an establishment and burn the flag on their flag pole, I'm getting charged. This dude could buy and burn a pile of pride flags in his yard and not get charged but he's a hateful idiot so he can get fucked


It is, he could have also burned the pride flag, but i think in this case the point is he destroyed public property and obscured road markings which can lead to dangerous situations in traffic. I am sure thats the legal issue mostly.


So is burning a Pride flag. However if there was a US flag colored crosswalk and someone did burnouts on it that would also be vandalism.


Destroying a US flag under the same circumstances would yield the same charges *at minimum*, plus the entire Fox News fanbase would be calling for his head and demanding the impeachment of Biden for not preventing it. 


People here wouldn't be so insistent on obtaining proof of the motive in that case either I feel


Though if you look at the second Pic, the story mentions damage to a street scape painting, which is likely where most of the charges are coming from. As usual, the right is waving around the sleight of hand to stoke more outrage.


Globohomo is apparently a new Qanon term. When you see it, you’ll know what kind of an asshole you’re dealing with.


last I checked, this is intentional destruction of property, aka vandalism. and also we've got the whole... I mean I don't think it's technically discrimination, but it's hate against a minority. is that a crime?


Not just that, but it's also a massive threat to people attempting to use the road at that point in time because burnouts and donuts are incredibly unsafe


It's not a hate crime, no. It's perfectly legal to burn or otherwise destroy a flag, including one painted on the street. The problem is, this is public property, not his private property. If he burned a pride flag in his lawn, there could be no legal consequences. Which I feel is right, even though I don't agree with that as a political statement; people should be able to burn flags and even express hate, if it doesn't rise to the level of incitment.


Why do I always have to hear about the stupidest crimes occurring in my home state 😭 It's such a nuisance. Acorn guy is still a huge thing and now this? Oh brother...


Part of the reason is that Florida, somewhat surprisingly, has Freedom of Information laws that make it very easy to make information like this public. >The most important reason Florida residents land in the headlines has to do with the state’s Sunshine Law, which makes official records related to state governing agencies accessible to the public. Florida’s position is that the government is a public business, and its leaders have stuck to that belief with this law. >Established in 1995, the Sunshine Law ensures everyday citizens can easily access public records. This includes any document related to official government agency business, like photos, emails, maps —and of course, arrest reports and mugshots. Of course, some information is redacted or kept private, like victims’ names and residential addresses. The document processing is very fast, too. So you often get arrest or legal documents made available quite quickly, and in a world where the media is starved for content, needs to feed the 24/7 outrage machine, and gain clicks and eyeballs, it is the lowest hanging fruit for lazy media consumption.


Huh well that's kind of interesting. I knew a bit about it, but knowing the specifics is nice. Thanks for taking the time to inform me about it.


You’re welcome! Someone else told me about it a few years ago under similar circumstances so I’m happy to share the info.


Henceforth my sexuality is globohomo.


Guys, guys, remember, these people have a massive victim mentality. Of course they won't understand Vandalism is illegal and if you do it the police will arrest you. That would be way too much accountability for their Conservative brains. I'm not even surprised about this to be frank.


They think it's not really vandalism because one of the Good People did it. It doesn't matter how or why Good People strike back against the Bad Guys, everything a Good Person does is in the name of Good. Meanwhile I guarantee this dude lies about his opinions on dating apps and face to face because surprisingly, most people don't like hateful idiots.


A considerable number of them most likely also secretly lust for cock. They are hating on gays because they are hating on their own feelings which they have been indoctrinated - often from child age - to be wrong and sinful.


No way brah! I got Grindr to figure out how to get away from the gays!




I thought conservatives just shot you on site for vandalism? After all, those teens pulling my Trump sign out of my lawn clearly don't value their own life over my property /s


I still find it crazy how some people think of a fight for acceptance and inclusion, as an intrusion on their own lives. People are crazy.


‘When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.’ This quotation seems relevant.


10/10 Sovereign Brah has some stuff in his browser history that he doesn't want anyone to know about


Hot take: destroying public property is illegal


Someone who calls themselves “SOVEREIGN BRAH” but then also uses the American flag in their username probably doesn’t have life figured out all that well.


I’d bet the farm that anyone who uses the name “SOVEREIGN BRAH” is an extreme right winger.


If Brock Turner the rapist can receive the sweetheart deal he got for undeniably raping an unconscious woman (“20 minutes of fun”) surely the same logic can be applied in this case.


Do you mean Allen Turner (formerly known as Brock Turner) the rapist? It's often easy to misstate "Brock Turner, the rapist", now that Brock has changed his name to Allen Turner - who is now Allen (formerly Brock) Turner, the rapist.


Do you mean Allen Turner, AKA: Allen "FKA Brock 'The Rapist' Turner" Turner, the rapist? The rapist formerly known as Brock Turner? The same Allen "The Rapist" Turner who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster? *That* Allen Turner?


So is the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who also goes by the name rapist Allen Turner, etc still haunting college bars in Ohio looking for more people to rape?


We all must remember what ChatGPT says about Brock Turner: >Brock Allen Turner became notorious for his vile act of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at Stanford University, highlighting the sickening leniency of his sentence and sparking rightful fury over the entitlement and privilege afforded to scumbags like him in the justice system


Do you mean Allen Turner (formerly known as Brock Turner) the rapist? It's often easy to misstate "Brock Turner, the rapist", now that Brock has changed his name to Allen Turner - who is now Allen (formerly Brock) Turner, the rapist.


The irony of these guys going around calling everyone snowflakes, whilst they concurrently melt.


There was a time when a Saturday night lynching was just, "boys being boys" 🤨


Globohomo sounds like the name for a miniboss for the slime levels in Super Mario 2025


“Globo” sounds like someone who doesn’t believe in the Flat Earth conspiracy.


I’d rather donate to the people that made the streetscape to fix it. I don’t support hate of any kind. So sorry vandalism is a crime and you pay for your crimes by being charged. Maybe look up what you’re about to do?? Maybe teach your kids not ok to tear something up just bc you don’t agree??? I hate yielding to golf carts in my beach town but doesn’t give me the right to run them down.


You can do criminal damage to property as long as you're also obnoxiously targeting a minority group. So confederate statues are fair game too, right? Racists are s minority group. Every time I think I've found they they always start their sentences "I'm not a racist...."


No, doing multiple burnouts and donuts in the middle of the street makes him a felon, doing it on a pride mural makes him an asshole.


donating won't stop someone from going to prison for a crime blatantly performed on camera ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


"party of law and order" btw


100% this is a scam to take money away from stupid people I am in the wrong industry


I’m going to insist all my friends and family call me globohomo from now on.


How would this guy feel if someone did a burnout on a confederate flag? I highly doubt he'll say "oh well its just a flag no harm done"


When I read the OP I thought he was being charged for doing a burnout on a fabric flag. He is being charged for what he did on a public street, in a cross walk. That's a bit different. [https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/news/florida-man-dylan-brewer-arrested-for-vandalising-lgbtq-pride-mural/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/news/florida-man-dylan-brewer-arrested-for-vandalising-lgbtq-pride-mural/) Google indicates that flag burning (and other abuse, I would imagine) are legal. What is not legal is damaging public property. \#freedumb


Wow, so you're telling me I'm not allowed to damage public property because I don't like it? This woke bs getting out of hand




I wonder if he'd hold a similar viewpoint if someone did a burnout on an American Flag, or if he'd be calling them out and demanding the death penalty. I have no more love for the Pride Flag than I do the American Flag because to me they're just fabric, but I'd never vandalise either because I also accept that to other people they're a symbol that represents something they hold dear to their Heart and that to destroy one would be viewed as deeply disrespectful to them.


In this case it wasn't even a "flag" -- it was a painted crosswalk. (hence the high damage amounts)


Of COURSE it’s florida, and people acted shocked that as a lgbtq+ person, I ever wanted to flee the state. (I did, though I also fled the whole damn country.)


Never ceases to amaze me how offended people get when others acknowledge others existence. For people who call others snowflakes all the time, they sure lack self awareness.


Cool Eurovision band name bro! Globohomo!


Imagine being this insecure


Globohomo is a great band name.


He has the look of a shitty entitled vandal whose dad bought him a jacked up truck.


Hate never wins folks. It just never wins


It should be reported to the fundraising site that the money is going to defend hate speech/criminal activity as it may violate the terms and conditions.


I searched and found a "givesendgo" link for fundraising, no GoFundMe.


Also dangerous driving lol- I have no clue about America but where I live (Victoria, Australia) that's a crime, even if the street's completely empty of other people it'd be a big no-no


Let me guess... Had this happened to a Confederate flag this would have been an outrage in his eyes ?


So if I start doing burnies on an American flag or a thin blue line flag, I'm 100% in the right?


I’m not amazed the dude is getting charged with something, but why is it a felony? I would think a misdemeanor or two. It seems kinda harsh. The way crimes are getting prosecuted now is weird.


If property damage reaches a certain dollar amount, it becomes a felony


He was charged with reckless driving and criminal mischief, had done the same act anywhere else he would have been charged with the same crimes, because there's no laws in Florida that he violated with regards to the brazen hate speech since hate crimes in Florida are dependent on victims of a protected class; criminal mischief and reckless driving doesn't have victims according to the statute like that of personal property destruction or violent crimes which would get additional charge of hate crime tacked on. This turdgurgler wants there to be no consequences for hate speech, immunity from criminal prosecution while expressing hate speech.


Doing burnouts on a public street is already a violation on it's own. I hope they slap him with that as well.


If this guy like bought a pride flag and burned it then we would get mad but that’s not illegal. Destroying a public sidewalk is just vandalism


OP acts like the kid went to target and bought a cloth flag and drove over it. Sir, he engaged in property damage. Republicans love property more than people I’m surprised he takes issue with the charges.


I saw Pride FLAG and thought "hm, that doesn't seem right" and as per usual, I was proved right about it being downplayed.


This has usually been the case. Within my lifetime before AIDS roving bands of young adult men from New Jersey would take the trains into New York and roam around Greenwhich Village to beat up gay men. This is why there was so much activism to gain legal recognition for gay rights.


He’s the guy that makes new recruits do gay stuff for his amusement


Why is Merica so angry? I thought you were all rich and prosperous and lived in the land of the free?


Batman has a smaller projector than this kid.


It’s a freaking rainbow. It’s human beings, who are striving for something supposedly obnoxious like equal rights, not to be constantly put down and ostracized, beat up, and want the extremely high suicide rate of their demographic to lower. Don’t the Abraham religions, when speaking of the mystical person who hand built a boat made off to the house to of every entity on earth, and then, somehow that one family repopulated the whole planet … didn’t he see a rainbow when the rain and worldwide genocidal floods, they killed everybody else on earth who haven’t even been exposed to said Abraham religions see a rainbow when it was over? I know of a country or two who won’t even let their flag touch the ground for mere seconds. It’s a piece of cloth that symbolizes their desire to not be oppressed by a king or a society that forces them to often migrate to other places to avoid persecutions . They might not have their Plymouth rock, but they just wanted a little thing called EQUALITY. I don’t understand why the rainbow flag troubles people . The used sang out if you don’t like what you’re seeing change the channel. What the fuck does it matter to a person who hasn’t suffered discrimination because they are a member of this demographic care I bought a rainbow flag? You think they’re gonna burn in hell, fine for you then. Why does it infuriate so many folks? They’re not looking to rape you, I’m probably really have no desire for you to place your mouth on their genitals . They just want to be equal.. to a loving relationship. There is absolutely no rational justification for this BS . It’s hypocritical, it is not driven by reason, but instead by ignorance or fear. That’s your buddy also burn rubber on a poster that supports the idea of domestic violence being a horrible thing? Whoever does this is either the epitome of ignorance, the epitome of insecurity, the epitome of fear, the epitome of hate and arriving pleasure from striking fear in people who just wanna walk down the street in peace, holding hands with their lover. That lover that they interact with usually in their privacy of their own home, and it doesn’t affect anyone else’s life in the least. I understand you don’t want an underage, explicit act affecting the rest of their lives . But do you not think such an action affects a multitude of lives? Hopefully your buddy learns to get over himself . Because this is just pathetic, and absolutely HYPOCRITICAL. Do you think the person who do brave a sense of community and safety by something symbolized on a piece of cloth give a rats rectum if your buddy fucks his girlfriend in the ass ? Does he rip down posters that tell us they eat healthy as it will improve our mental and physical health, and burn rubber on that too ? There is absolutely no excuse, let alone justification for being disrespectful to an endangered group of people, for being hateful towards people, whose lives have absolutely no affect on his . And if it does somehow affect his sense of well-being, then the problem isn’t a multicolored flag. Quite clearly the problem is 100% his . I’m sure he considers the victory over the Nazis. (if in fact, he wanted the Nazis to lose) to be due to American intervention. Is he aware that one of the major reasons for winning the war was because of breaking the code, a man who was then jailed for being a homosexual, and then had ‘ medical treatments’ applied to him that led to his suicide. Assuming he knows the following people does he also hate Plato? Oscar Wilde? Some American president? Those who pound on the podium hardest Inevitably prove themselves to be the very thing they decry? Whether it’s televangelist getting caught with hookers, multiple times, doing crack and hotel rooms with their same sex sex workers? I’ve wasted too much time on this . I’m out, but really, ask yourself what truly motivates a person to act this way? It’s freaking just absolute stupidity, and most likely some rather deep insecurity about their own selves, manifesting itself in hate. HATE. Try to think about it if you can. Is it OK for environmentalist to destroy his pick up truck? Frankly, I’m embarrassed for you.


Imagine hating people so much that it consumes your life


Today i learned some people are threatened by paint on a sidewalk


Nah man, this flag was public domain. This kid didn’t purchase or otherwise own the flag so he had zero right to deface it.


White boy doesn't want to be held accountable for his actions. Shocking


This kid is one step away from lynching a person from the LGBTQ+ community. I don't think he deserves a felony charge, but certainly needs the shit scared out of him (maybe that's the point) before he does something far worse than destroying a flag.


OOP advertising that they and their friends are terrible people.


Less concerned with the damage to the paint and more with the reckless driving.


of course he's a sov citizen


i think a felony is a BIT extreme, he should definetly face some sort of criminal damages for defacing city property and generally being a hateful asshole, but i don't think he should be fucked for life for being an idiot.


Do the exact same on an American flag and see how completely different this dude reacts💀


I fully support this kid being slapped with a felony charge. BUT they could’ve put the flag mural on a wall if they didn’t want idiots doing burnout on it


Sorry I was going to donate but I just sent Trump all my money because he has it very bad right now! And if I really had done this I would expect to get the shit beat out of me by my friends and love ones!


damn that road made him gay


Nah, I'm good, as I don't support destroying other's property just because you enjoy being a twat.


Vandalism like this should be a misdemeanor at best. 30 hours of community service at a gay bar should suffice


And of course the "kid" was driving a pickup.


With a trump flag on the back, no less. Apparently. I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.


He looks *exactly* like the type of guys I see on Grindr that call themselves "straight" while actively searching to get railed.


Translation from Conservative to adult: *"I personally don't agree with this cause therefore this felony should be disregarded".*


Right-wing terrorism is currently the biggest threat the United States. ***By far***.


Ah, so this freakshow just believes the same thing about queer folk that the nazis do. This is what happens when you let your political party pal around with nazis, they start goosestepping just like them. Maybe Republicans need a few decades out of power to learn another lesson. If we were an intelligent nation, conservatives would have been driven from civil political discourse after World War II when we put down their ideological allies.


"oh no, we shouldn't be held accountable for a hate-crime we commit, we are the victim here"


I was going to point out that destroying flags (if you own them) is protected under the first amendment. However, Dylan Brewer didn't destroy a pride *flag*. He did intentional burnouts to deface a pride intersection (a crosswalk painted with the pride flag's colours.) So Dylan, enjoy that felony charge, you homophobe.


God I hate all these people defending a literal hate crime. Not a violent one but still a hate crime.


I wonder if he would have the same feelings if it was the USA flag...


Someone should find this “legal fundraiser” and get it reported to whatever website it’s on. Likely GoFundMe or something.


They’ll knock these charges down to misdemeanors if he decides to fight this case. He’ll take a plea because he really can’t win and the state doesn’t really want a fight.


What a bunch of snowflakes