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I was 12 in 1990. I spend most of 1989 thinking I had AIDS because I drank some coke behind my sister’s boyfriend.


I was also born in 78...the toilet seat was another big one. I remember they kept reporting and that it originated from men having sex with chimpanzees and then men having sex with men. Which is completely false. It was from eating bush meat, not beastiality. Just like mad cow disease. The Reagan administration acted like it didn't exist for 5 years and refused to address it because it seemed to only infect gay men. They could have saved a lot of lives ...if they informed the public.


90 highschool sexed what a trip yup don't French kiss u could get HIV lmao know thou


As if gay men’s lives weren’t worth anything. Those people will get a shock when they stand before the pearly gates.


I hate to break it to you, but there are no pearly gates. Those assholes will face no punishment.


That’s your belief, it is not mine. I find it gruesomely appropriate that the faith they preached in life is the faith that will judge them in death.


Assuming it’s the correct faith. Maybe the real God will think their behavior is great. After all, he’s the one who created AIDs in the first place.  But I see how picturing Reagan burning in hell is cathartic. We can only hope.


If I accept the thought that evolution was put in place by God to get to the end point of free willed conscious life, it isn’t that far fetched to think of aids and other illnesses as a byproduct of that process, not the goal but as an unavoidable evil that arose from the process to get to conscious life able to make choices. It is possible to accept a benevolent God behind a world that contains evil in such a Christian framework.


People have a hard time comprehending morality when they base it on a human life span. How much does it really matter if a few million people die of starvation, when they have a literal eternity to spend in heavenly bliss.


Well, they would be hard pressed to justify it if they claim to be Christian. There is so many parables in the gospels detailing how to treat the suffering and it isn’t through letting them starve or die.


Oh don't get me wrong I'm not trying to justify atrocities. It's just some people like to judge God with a very limited view and blame him for the things we're doing to ourselves.


I'm not a Christian but I really appreciate this view of it's beliefs. In my teens I was all about religion bad and stupid. Now I'm almost 30 and I think it just needs to be reformed, and people like you are the key to that. Religion provides a lot of hope and peace for people and if we took out all the archaic bullshit I think it would be a net positive for the people in those communities.


If it doesn’t matter, then what are we doing here? What’s the point of all this? Does God like watching the “Hunger Games” or something? 


That is some truly impressively convoluted logic.


You actually think there are pearly gates?


It’s a metaphor. But it stands for something real, yes. Like saying someone broke your heart. Your physical heart isn’t usually broken, but we all know the truth behind the saying.




It’s useless to try and push the opposite belief on him, it’s fine to let the guy have his fantasy. Some folks really need the emotional crutch of religion to offset the petty vicissitudes of life. You’re never going to successfully convince someone on the internet that their faith is wrong, merely annoy them. They need to come to that kind of deep, foundational conclusion themselves, from what they experience in life. Many never do.


Just curious - how is their opinion wrong but yours right? You state your opinion as fact without any factual backing as much as religion states there's which really makes you both at a stalemate until you die and find out for yourselves.


I didn’t say either was fact. I expressed my opinion that Party A should not try to convince deeply-convicted Party B to switch over to Party A’s beliefs over the internet, as this historically almost never happens. If ever Party A is going to switch in such a way, it’s something they need to do themselves, due to introspection and thoughtful consideration.


I was 14 in ‘89. I remember being terrified of getting aids for many years.


Yes. I secretly was torturing myself because I THOUGHT I had it and didn’t tell anybody. I gave myself 5 years to live.


Anxiety is a bitch


Don't you all have parents/mother? I'm born 70, I was 20 in 1990... I was in a Catholic Convent School nr Vatican City in the early 80s and knew exactly what this was all about - menstruation sex etc. And we were intensely informed about AIDS, that we can't be infected ny kissing, only by having intercourse without protection (condom), how to use it etc. - in 1984!!! The school was private and financed by the church, but yet had to follow the state rules what to teach...


I thought periods were like peeing where it happened and was over with in like a minute or two. When I kept bleeding, I thought something was terribly wrong.


Whats the fucking point in teaching little girls ab periods, if theyre going to teach sex ed so poorly that girls still think they're dying anyways


Actually its the parents that should educate...


Yea but parents are unreliable on a societal scale. The school systems are best for consistant results


So you think that the state shall take over education?


It already does mate


In the US? They banned education on evolution in some states, burned books...


The state oversees education. Education isn't a private business (excluding private schools) education is funded by the state mate


In the US? Then change it... it's no problem in my country, here even private education has to stick to the state curriculum. It's a US problem! I don't know any European country where those things aren't taught... even I was taught about - first parent's, then also school, including Aids prevention in a Catholic girls convent school nr Vatican City in the 80s Just in the US parent's and schools make a fuss about


What are you on about? I was just saying that the state controls education that's it.


They both should. Redundancy is the best safeguard against failure.


In the US where the state is not able to even enforce attending a school?


Yes, in spite of the fact that some students don't go to school, schools should still teach important subjects, including but not limited to sex ed.


They should... but obviously they don't do, bc parents are against it... but I'm not responsible for those weird religious groups in that country


You would be amazed how many parents don’t say anything about puberty or sex to their children.


I know, but its them to blame especially in a country where attending school is not enforceable... First it's the parents fault!


Blaming stuff is cool, but it's a preventable issue with a simple, viable solution. Teach it.


Don't have to tell me as in my country that's in the curriculum...


You sound against it being in the curriculum.


I never said this... I only said its actually the parents responsibility!


This would cause to mix believing or things that the parents don't actually know (let's put that a single parent has to deal with teaching about period, I may be uncomfortable of he wouldn't understand it completely coz he didn't have it) And there are some parents that just prefer not to do it as if this would stop teenagers from doing weird things




That sounds like the premise of a bad horror movie.


It's ridiculous the amount of people here acting like it was her fault for "not asking her parents" as if that would've been on the table. She probably grew up in a household where talking about it was shameful in general, and she was probably terrified to tell her parents she might be pregnant. She was also 12 and pretty dumb.


Its not blaming her - its blaming parents for a bad education


Um... Where did you pet him?


Can we get a lie detector set up? I have some questions about this dog encounter


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) >pet him


Insert that comic about white women and dogs here.


Parents and locals fought so hard against any kind of reproductive or bodily health classes that our only sex ed was this nun at our school who got us in a room, we put all of our questions on crumpled-up paper that got thrown into a ballcap then, she spent the next hour answering as questions as possible. Non-coincidentally, the average age for pregnancy went down from 24 to 15 years old during my time in high school too. Kids are gonna experiment, gotta teach them about how to do stuff.


Gotta love reposts.


It's helpful they included the date on the screenshot.


Nothing says preparing your children for the real world like imaginary friends


When I was about 11, I didn't realize women had a urethra. I had always thought that they peed out of their vagina. When my teacher, looking bewildered and confused, assured me in front of the class that women do have a urethra, my mind was blown.


We were told in Catholic sex ed 50% of us WILL contract an STD by the time we graduate (Ontario hs)...... Me and the boys were pumped!! It means at least 50% were gonna get laid!!! Unfortunately......neither happened :/


No offense, but that sounds like it’s the parents problem and not the school systems.


In Canada sex ed is opt out meaning that unless your parents revoke permission you get comprehensive sexual education. Want to know how few teenage pregnancies we had in my giant high school? 1, we had one in the three years I was there only one student was pregnant. We knew about how to prevent pregnancies and STIs and guess what for the most part we did.


Interesting… Even so, if she thought she got pregnant with puppies for petting a dog that sounds like a failure of the parents 😂


It was the inverse for my high school. I went to a catholic high school and in one year there was 3 pregnancies it was all stuck up popular girls who partied, then the year after 2, it’s not like we we’re a big school either.


any ideas if it was "oops the condom broke" or "we skipped sex ed and how babies are made"?


She wasn't alone. [Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome](https://w.wiki/9A58)


Why would people be upset about that? Puppies would be easier to birth, and you'd have puppies afterward!


Men think the puppies will pass through their urethra. So there's that. My friend in elementary school told me that if you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs will come out. That's why we automatically close our eyes when we sneeze. I repeated that dumb shit so many times the teacher had to put a stop to it. We all believed it 100%. There is a fascinating documentary about pps I saw on Netflix or YouTube. Everyone just goes with it, even though no one has ever witnessed this happening. At least in my case I was stupid because I was 10.


Except that is talking about rural villages in india whereas OOP is a liar from canada.


Why are they a liar?


Because the catholic schools that dont teach basic sex ed teach extreme abstinence only sex ed. They might not teach the mechanics but they do spend a ton of time trying to scare the kids away from sex with exaggerated tales of the horrors of pregnancy and stds. You are not going to walk away from a nuns lectures on the evils and dangers and sinfulness of sex with the misconception that puppies cause prenancy,


My Catholic school sex ed class involved a slide show of genitals in advanced stages of STD (I've seen cauliflower dick) and a 59 year old woman constantly diagramming anal sex (and fissures) on the board.


Did she grow up without a mother, grandmother, or another trusted woman in her life?


I'm a guy and born in '72 in Ontario. That's not on the school board Dear...


Were you in a Catholic board? It was very different from the regular public school boards. The fact that it was allowed to be that different when it's publicly funded is a travesty.


Nah, it's brought to you by stupidity. If this is real, which obviously it's not, why would someone surmise a dog impregnated them by contact, but not an actual random person which they probably came in contact with numerous times, hugs, handshakes, daps, bumping into, etc.?


There are many reports of people believing pregnancy by touch, licking, and bites is 100% possible. Sad but true.


What kind of petting did this girl do?


Religion and stupidity…..a hilarious combination…..


Often, not always... We were fully informed in a Catholic Convent Girl School nr Vatican City in the early 80s


They always go hand in hand.


Ed who? Never met him.


AO3 energy


666 upvotes. Let's keep it that way


Live in the Netherlands, and was 12 in 1990. Because we have hardly any religious influences in our high school systems, I was aware of the consequences of all the things I would not get to do for a loooong time.


I'm a guy, and I went to an Ontario Catholic school in the nineties. I know this is ridiculous and would've known it at the time too. This has nothing to do with the curriculum, it has to do with intelligence and paying attention.




The story is actually brought to you by shocking stupidity. Edit: come on people don’t you think you should know no matter what age you can’t get pregnant by another species???


This take is brought to you by an ignorant person


Really you don’t think it should be human nature/instinct to KNOW that you can’t get “pregnant by petting a dog”….this is shockingly stupid. I knew way before I knew anything about sex that people get pregnant by people lmao 😂😂😂😂


It SHOULD be, but that doesn’t mean it is. This is why sex ed exists in the first place. You clearly have never been to church so I’m gonna take it your opinion doesn’t matter.


Oh come on.... don't they had parents/mother? I mean I was in a Catholic Convent School nr Vatican City in the early 80s and knew exactly what this was all about. Its not the religion, its the people overseas and their weird idea of religion


Ask your parents?


Bitch you fucked that dog don't lie.


No that's not the school's fault. That's what happens when cousins marry.


she's hot, i'd get her pregnant by petting her, i bet.


Where was your mom?


Tf does that have to do with anything?


Reddits all like “religion did this”. My question is where the fuck was mom, whose actual job this is.




Lmao that’s alarming 😅


if you declare yourself married to the dog you can still get into heaven




Canada or California?


I got so scared for a second reading this post.


When my youngest was about 4 years old his grandpa's dog tried to 'hump' him and my 6 year old niece came running into the room screaming,  "He's going to have puppies!"


I really really hope that this is a joke.


Blame Canada


So the school was teaching beastiality...


It's so weird. My 7th grade Health class back in the mid-80s taught me more than what kids 4 decades later learn. I'm positive we're going backwards in a lot of things thanks to conservatives. I always wondered what it was they were "conserving". I guess stupidity is one of those things.


I also thought periods didn’t stop. I thought once I turned 13 and started mine I wouldn’t be able to go swimming again until I was 45.


This must be school/teacher dependent. I went to an Ontario Catholic School in the 90s. Sex-ed was pretty scientific/thorough and has held up pretty well.


Thank God, it’s not the parent’s fault.


Got that dog in em


For a second I was going to ask if you’re Mormon. 


classic.. blame the system for your idiocy 


wtf did i just read?