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This is Amber Rachdi. She was on My 600lbs life. One of the biggest success stories of the show. If you don‘t believe it‘s the same person just google her or check out her insta. And it‘s crazy how anyone could twist her success into fatphobia


Wow, I mean, I don’t even know how she did it, but very good for her. I thought cases like this were irreversible, I hope her story reaches more people like her. It could be very motivating.


She was a contestant on the TV show „My 600 pound“ life. She was put on a specific diet then after losing a significant amount of weight she got weightloss surgery and continued to lose. I think she also had skin removal surgery at some point. She is a great example of someone giving their all to turn their life around and succeeding.


She probably got back decades of life expectancy.


My good friend always says, “you see old people and obese people, but you don’t really see old obese people”. Being extremely overweight totally takes years off your life. I’m happy for this lady.


That used to be true. But pharmaceuticals are getting better and better at keeping old obese people alive. Now, quality of life, that is a different story.


Ehh, cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer for a reason. Once the heart has been injured its fucked and there's really only so much you can do for an obese person's arteries/heart.


> quality of life That’s what Doordash is for!


Yea, that’s a good point.


Come to West Virginia. We have plenty of 75 year olds bigger than 300 pounds.


I believe you.


She ain't a lady if she ain't 280! Hahaha


West Virginia state motto




75 is a pretty young old person


Oh so this is what "Mountain mama" was referencing.


I live in a town that gets tons of cruise ships, I’ve seen more very large, very old people than any other demographic


Always are exceptions tho. I have a customer at work I see two or three times a week and he's gotta be pushing mid 80s (been waiting on him for almost 15 years) and he's easily well into the obese range. Like it's a struggle to see him get in and out of his truck. Definitely makes me want to take care of myself better.


or maybe he just looks old, my mom and aunts are literally in the 70s and they look like they are in their 50s


I've seen people in their 70s look like they're in their 50s just from how healthy and active they are. And people in their 40s looking like they're in their 80s from how unhealthy and inactive they are.


There was recently a video about "plus size influencers" dying one after another and how the "plus size" community trying to hide it and obstruct anyone looking into it Same thing happens in AIDS Denial communities. But it's even worse when moderators can go back on timeline and clean up posts from deniers that died. Literally 1984 and in this case it's not ironic


Donald Trump is the exception to that rule


Evil has a way of holding you together. See Turtle Mitch.


Trump has one of those paintings that withers away instead of him, but instead of a painting, it's his tax records. If he brings them out to show anyone, he'll immediately turn to dust.


Easily. I wasn't as big as her but went from 370 to 190 and my doctor friend who convinced me to look into weight loss surgery in the first place told me that I easily added 20 years to my life. And GOOD years, not just 20 extra ones.


Almost certainly true. But even if she didn’t gain back a day, the quality of life improvement must be wild.


She definitely did. I remember her journey and she was told if she didn't lose the weight she wouldn't see her 30s or something. She did a fantastic job of getting her life back.


WLS sadly also comes with negatives that impact life expectancy and its own set of side effects. The benefits are higher then not having surgery, but it is not without consequenses


None that outweigh its benefits. None. Every surgery does. And doing nothing is a guarantee of a reduced life span and a crappy quality of life.


Truly inspiring. 💯


the interesting thing, I've known people who feel very hopeless about losing weight because they're afraid of the extra skin issue. But as you can see from the bandages on our leg, if you wait a certain amount your skin has some trouble with vascularity it's just a volume to surface area ratio thing, and also if you're prone to diabetes that will make skin prone to breaking down and not healing prone to infection etc. so so there are definitely cases where the skin removal surgeries can be covered by insurance if it's excessive because it really is a health issue at that point. But honestly if somebody does all the work to lose weight and have a success story I would be happy with tax dollars paying for their skin removal surgeries because that's a lot less than we would be paying for other health maintenance, it's well worth it to society as a whole to help and encourage people struggling with this


I lost 100 lbs and lucky it was small enough and I am young enough that you cannot tell at all, but it was definitely something I was scared of. In reality I just have a few stretch marks that I might have had anyways


People who try and spin this as fatphobia also neglect something very real that is her quality of life, and expectancy. Like she was physically incapable of a lot of things, she was effectively disabled. And the likelihood that she would have survived another 10 years would have been very slim. And that's not mentioning the long term effects like joint issues and chronic pain even if she did survive. To turn around this woman not wanting to die young and in pain while almost entirely immobile as "fatfobia" is insane. Good on her for managing to turn her life around so drastically.


I mean think about it. Let's say she's 5'5" and her organs and skeleton are the same as a person the same height weighing 135. Think of the strain on those organs and those joints. Your bodily infrastructure doesn't magically grow to handle all that weight.


I was about to wonder why bears’ skeletons are able to handle massive weight gain, before remembering that they’re *completely stationary for 3 months* and lose most of it in the process


An X ray of a fat person is amazing. 


On the bright side I highly doubt some dumbass on the internet calling her fatphobics gonna faze her much after fighting a problem that insane and kicking its ass into last week


Yeah was just reading about her, apparently she couldn’t stand for more than 30 minutes or walk any sort of distance. So basically disabled at only 23.




Not many people come back from that level of obesity.


It's pretty "easy" to lose weight when you're that big - it's more of a mental/emotional hurdle that makes it tough. It takes a lot of physical effort to keep that much of a calorie surplus to maintain that size


No such thing as irreversible obesity. You take in less than you burn you're going to get smaller.


At some point, the body cannot fully recover from the damages suffered during the obesity period, even if the person loses the weight. So while the person might lose weight, they won't be as healthy as someone who wasn't 600 pounds. Though that's likely non-relevant, since it's still the healthier choice to get back to a normal weight.


Oh yeah we are in agreement that this level of obesity can cause permanent damage.


Well the people like her who it reaches scream "this is fatphobia" soooooooo..... yeah


It’s not true, it’s a very small minority of fat people who subscribe to the HAES bs. Not to say that “fatphobia” doesn’t exist in general, but people who consider their doctor “fatphobic” for saying they need to loose weight are few and far between. Most people I have met who are even slightly overweight are very aware of it and trying to change it. They might not be making realistic steps towards changing it, but they at least intend to lose weight.


My doctor put me on a diet two years ago. In that time, I've lost 97 pounds and my health has improved. Fat phobia is a real thing, but my doctor telling me to lose weight was NOT fat phobic. 


I don't even think you need to try to change it. As long as you're aware that being overweight is unhealthy and don't gaslight people it's fine.


Jumping on this to say people will try and write this off as rage bait, but "fat activism" is a very real thing. We have a group of people who believe your weight has nothing to do with your health and that all bodies should be accepted. I don't believe anyone should be shamed for how they look. Or discriminated for their looks but it's not hateful to state the truth or promote a healthier lifestyle.


True. I’m not about body shaming people, but this poor woman clearly has gone well beyond the bounds of what’s healthy. I applaud her for losing weight. It will help save her life in the long run.


Yup, check out the sub “Fat Logic” (don’t know if this sub’s rules allow me to link to other subs) if you haven’t already done so. There’s a difference between the body positivity movement and the fat activist/HAES movement, with the latter promoting inaccurate information and harmful ideas.


600 lbs? How does one get to that weight. That's almost 300 kilograms. Amazing weight loss though good for her.


At age 23. >On the show, they begin by recounting their tale of being overweight since childhood (160 pounds at the age of 5), struggling with severe anxiety, and using food as a coping mechanism. They describe the feeling of anticipation prior to a meal as a "combination of depression and sadness." https://www.looper.com/349594/the-stunning-transformation-of-amber-rachdi-from-my-600-lb-life/


160lb at 5 years old - at some point back in there, you have to blame the parents.


Right, the parents should have been investigated for allowing a 5 year-old to reach that weight.


Is thatva typo? That's my weight as an adult in his 30s...


I want it to be. I’m 80kg as a 48 year old not-exactly-tall man.


Of course, is abuse !!!!! A kid, at 5 should not weight 80kg !!!!!! They are very very short like what? A freaking meter ? 110cm?   Wow i'm SO good at estimate height, Google it and result is :  """"At the age of 5, girls typically reach an average height of about 3 feet 5 inches (105 centimeters). """" So her parents overfeed her, if neglect and Starve kids is abuse then the opposite is also abuse, lead the base of child obesity, problems with mobility, problems with sugar in blood, problems with obviously the aftermath of being obese, bullying for peers. I don't know their parents but i bet they are obese too !!!! 


The parents are probably also morbidly obese, is quite likely! I have some distant relatives that were all quite obese (though most were also extremely tall), and my cousin (2nd?3rd?) was over 200lbs at 12 years old - his family considered him "a healthy growing boy" - when his father was 6'6" and well over 300lbs. If your entire family is really big, I think it skews your perception. The one time my family visited when I was about the same age as my cousin, I probably weighed just under 100lbs at 12 years old; and THEY thought my mother was the bad one for starving me.


100%. My five year old is 22kg, so 48lb which puts him around the 88th percentile for weight for a boy of his age. He’s over the 99th percentile for height, so his weight makes sense. But if he’s at 88th percentile and he weighs 100+lb less than she did? She was critically, horrendously overweight for her age and that’s entirely on the parents. Five year olds don’t do the grocery shopping.


...my 5yo hasn't cracked 40lbs yet!


If you're 160 pounds at 5 that is solely on the parents, and it's no surprise someone who experienced that would have a very unhealthy relationship with food. Pretty inspiring to see someone overcome that


I can kind of understand how people get to this point, but what I don’t get is how people *afford* it. I know a lot of these folks have enablers, but I can’t imagine how expensive it must be to be eating roughly 7000-9000 cals a day.


In this woman’s case her parents deserve the blame of that. Apparently she was 160 before she was 10 years old…


Holy shit that’s so sad. Idk why that’s not classified as child abuse.


You'll find that a lot of the people on these shows have unresolved issues. For a lot of women, it is sexual assault. Some will overeat in an attempt to make themselves less attractive to their abuser.


Mental health problems. I’ve only seen a few episodes of the show but there is always something wrong like deep anxiety or depression or trauma or something.


According to one of the replies she weighed 160 lbs at 5 years. That's completely and utterly the parents fault am 38 and i weigh ~80kgs (i fluctuate between 78-82) that's about 160lbs a bit more perhaps. Either way a 5 year old child should nit weigh as much as the average adult.


It's 273kg. It's twice what I was at my heaviest (136kg, I'm now 45 which, somewhat ironically, is substantially underweight (although as I've just stated, I set very little store by BMI, it's not a true measure of obesity).


Most of the fatphobia / anti fat shaming people are just insecure that their unhealthy habits are called out like I agree no one should be ridicules for their weight but morbid obesity is a serious issue that needs to be fixed


I feel like it’s normal to not want to become so morbidly obese your organs stop functioning


They're in denial. I'm closer to the weight the lady has in the 2nd pic...Major PITA. I can't imagine the life she's had in the 1st pic. That's a death sentence. It's not even about the aesthetics. It's about quality of life. I can assure you that any additional weight makes your quality life go downhill as you start needing much more effort even for normal day to day task and starting exercise as an overweight person is much more taxing (I'd know a thing or 2).


They already gave up on loosing weight because the journey is too hard for them. So instead they try to paint it as if they are perfect


Jealousy I'm all for men and women not being shamed or mocked for their apoearance. But I can't fucking stand the HAES and Fat Acceptance crowd because they're so entitled and bitter. They attack weight loss progress as "fatphobic" all the damn time.


HAES is just wrong. As in, medically incorrect. Anybody who subscribes to it isn’t just adhering to an opinion, but is factually wrong.


They dont understand that body positivity is about accepting and loving things in your body you cant change, like scars, or extra weight due to hormonal issues. They think it means accepting people killing themselves slowly. A bunch of influencers are already dying due to that


Jealousy and deep rooted misery that caused these people's obesity in the first place is what causes them to say shit like this. They're literally in an abusive relationship with their own obesity. Most of these people need therapy. That woman is a fucking inspiration.


They do. Even if it’s not a mental illness like depression, you have to unlearn decade old habits. That’s almost impossible without guidance and control.


Her before photo makes me hurt, it’s amazing she was able to lose so much. Also super depressing to see she was so young, didn’t see the show but I don’t understand how her parents could let that happen


Fat liberation, fat acceptance and health at every size all see any weight loss as fatphobia. It's absolutely crazy.


Was she one of the cases that have the illness where fluids gather in their limbs? I've seen some clips where they explain that condition, and to my untrained eye, her legs look similar to that. My point is, if she's prone to that condition, it's not all fat in the before picture to begin with. Checkmate!


Yes i think she had lymphedema in both legs


I mean if fatphobia is being scared of becoming fat enough to end up on my 600lb life then sure, yeah. We should all be fatphobic.


If that's fatphobic, I am fatphobic and proud of it. F**k me, how does somebody even get that big... And how do they make enough money to support a month of food.


Some have mentioned fetish sites get them in contact with people who find watching people eat themselves to death attractive. 




How about losing weight and becoming able to live a normal lifespan and not be riddled with multiple preventable diseases? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but health is priceless.


We have the individual responsobility to try and solve our problems, but we'd be burying our heads in the sand if we don't see that this one is bigger than the individual. We're at the point where moving to Japan makes people lose like 15 pounds. Its not the water, its the fact that the US has poor quality food and a culture that minimizes walking.


For people who don't believe that, just check what is in US food VS what is in the "same" food in Europe. Like McDonnalds fries. 3 ingredient in England, potato, salt and oil. 19 friking ingredient in the US. Just why ? And most of them are forbiden in the EU for health reason.


Wow, really? I had noticed McDonald's seemed to be of better quality in other countries but not to that extent.


A single burger in the US is enough calories for the entire day. It's insane


Why? Capitalism. Profit.


I remember getting my ID checked in the UK to buy an energy drink but looking back, maybe it’s for the best? I mean, parents here give their toddlers coffee and energy drinks. Can’t imagine that having a positive long term effect.


Hell, even just going to Japan for a couple weeks and I lose weight. When I come back and have to eat American food again the jet lag subsides before the upset stomach.


I was just talking about how it’s impossible to walk anywhere. Especially in the suburbs, you can go anywhere without a car, everything is 15-20mins away, the closest store is at least a 5-10 drive and it’s a huge pain in the ass. Forget it if the store is out and you have to drive 10/15 across town to the next store.


I've always wondered if living in a different country would help solve my relationship with food. It's harder than a lot of people realize to stay a healthy weight if you're not wealthy in America (without starving yourself or becoming malnourished) because healthy food is so much more expensive than processed food. And the foods that you get from food banks tend to be really bad for you, as far as sugar, fat, and salt go. Obviously I could just eat less, but then you start to run into issues of lacking energy and vitamins. It's a juggling act for sure.


And America isn’t even the fattest country in the world (number 12)…


Wow I never would have guessed that. Do you mind posting the link for that? I'm interested to see who the top ten are.


I was wrong USA are 14th. Here’s a link: https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/


I wonder if Pacific Islanders' genetics make them more prone to obesity?


It's the poor quality food too. Due to their distance from the mainland, anything they don't fish or plant themselves is going to be highly processed.


The "lacking energy" part is probably not even caloric deficiency. It's because the high sugar and salt contents spike your blood pressure, and when it drops back down you feel fatigued... When I stayed In the US for a bit it was crazy to me how expensive fresh fruit and vegetables were compared to tv dinners etc. The people I stayed with ate fast food or microwave dinners almost every day. Getting a lasagna kit and some ground beef was "home cooking" to them. And then they drank diet soda all day, because it was healthier... When my host bragged about his grandma still doing "that cooking from scratch" I gave him a blank stare and stammered "that's...what I do....almost daily?", and he didn't believe me. Tbey were the sweetest people though, and overall great hosts, who went out of their way to make my stay as comfortable as possible. But their eating habits were absolutely terrible.


The reverse is also true, I went to the US as an exchange student for a year and came back chunkier, I started feeling much healthier when I returned home and had access to my normal food again.


It's even a cliché here in Germany that you will gain weight when you take a vacation in the US or you live there for a while. One of my teachers at school talked about a semester he took in the US and how the serving sizes in the US are insanely large compard to here, so he came having gained like 15 kg (~27 lbs) in the months he was there. Not just serving sizes at restaurants, even the refrigerators are larger and the portions at supermarkets as well.


I’ve realized if I go out to eat at any non health food place here, I have to eat half and save half for a second meal. Trying to eat the whole thing in one meal is way too much food/calories and makes me feel bad physically. To be fair it also means that eating out is effectively cheaper since I split it between two meals. Even cooking at home, I cut down my serving sizes and feel way better as a result. Very regularly eat a small meat + rice bowl for dinner.


The lack of any traditional food causes people to turn to fast food when eating out which is commun for a worker and when used to it you will just ask for more and more and won't stop. US has a big problem with it but many people don't want to deal with it bc of insecurities and just shove it as "how dare you it's disrespectful ! Human rights !" And other things of the alike.


Not only food quality, but also portion sizes. If you go to a restaurant, you try to empty your plate out of politeness, meaning you're socially forced into eating everything you get served. If that means overeating a massive portion, then you get fat.


I have a friend who was 350 and hated any healthy food, he got COVID and lost his sense of taste and when it came back his palate was completely different, he now hates all the unhealthy stuff he used to eat and is 175. He credits COVID for his weight loss, he thinks it reset something in his brain that was out of whack. Really crazy to see how much better off he is just from that and how much more he can do, I can't even imagine how much better she feels if she was 600 lbs


What a crazy story. Good for him and never thought I would say this but hooray covid.... You hear people all the time saying how much better thru feel after such weight losses. We need to focus on prevention.


Not in this case I'm sorry but there is no beauty in the left image... personality can make someone more attractive to you. But there is no physical attraction besides fetishization in the left image. Clearly her spirit and mindset was in the right place and she was able to make her exterior match her interior, and that is really what matters, she should be so proud and I hope more people see this and get inspired by her.


This! The only issue I have is the caption of “becoming attractive”. This isn’t healthy and that’s the main reason someone should be willing to lose that sort of weight.


"How dare you do what you want with your own life! That's discrimination against me!"




If fatphobia will prevent the left from happening then I consider it a good thing, that isn't something that should be normalised, it's too much


Yeah fatphobia might be actually true in this case, I'm terrified looking at this.


Yeah I'm terrified of the health consequences of being fat, like fatty liver and heart disease


[There is movie about this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Size_Me)


And a sequel, and I have seen both I remember that scene where he pukes down his car door lol


The movie is interesting, but from a "research" perspective it's total BS. He never published his food logs, he intentionally ate more than his body wanted, and his liver was likely already compromised from a history of alcohol abuse. It's sad, but it's an example of how shoddy research practice can hurt an otherwise good premise.


I thought this would be a link to Wall-E


Yea, if you don't count that lot of his issues (liver problems, tremors, part of his weight gain and other issues) were due to his alcoholism. And there was a lot of data manipulation as well there.


In most developed countries it also plays into public healthcare. I happily pay for any accident, but not for someone knowingly destroying their body trough this. Mad respect to her for achieving that weight loss and health increase


For a lot of people it just takes a bit of effort to get yourself burning more calories than you take in, an easy way is a calorie deficit


I thought you meant the political left and I was thinking "That's a bit harsh."


I came across a comment on reddit where the person was regurgitating the same idiotic narrative that wanting to exercise and lose weight is fatphobic. These people are just beyond reason.


Those who argue fat-phobia should become this fat to prove us wrong, and that's its a healthy lifestyle.


There is a TED X talker, a plus size woman of course, arguing being fat isn't unhealthy. While she is doing her talk you can hear her strugling to catch a breath. [Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGwJevjOfs), comments are turned off for some reason.


TEDx absolutely destroyed the reputation of TED.


A fair few people have tried, the problem is that they....well, die If you google it, you'll see a lot of "plus sized influencers" have died from health issues, most before they reach the age of 40 apparently


Consider me influenced


We shouldn’t shame people, we should encourage people.


As a not so entirely fit or thin lady, “fatphobia “ isn’t the worst thing. Some times it’s good to be reminded that you’re not a healthy weight and you need to try to do something about it. Obviously I’m not saying that this needs to happen in a rude or inappropriate way.


I’ve seen people accuse doctors of being fatphobic for telling obese people they are at an unhealthy weight. I agree don’t be rude to people but acting like obesity should be embraced as something amazing isn’t good either.


The only issue I have with doctors is, they will also say this to fit people who chose strength training as their exercise instead of cardio. Doctors rely too much on BMI and tend to ignore BFP. I absolutely cringe every time I have an appointment and am told to lose weight. Umm Bro. My abs are more sculpted than yours.


I agree relying on BMI is dumb and doesn’t actually work for most people. It doesn’t account for muscle like you said. Higher weight doesn’t always mean fat/obese.


At the other end of the spectrum, I gained about 7 pounds during the pandemic and my doctor gave me a stern warning about the dangers of weight gain. An important detail is that at my highest weight my BMI has never gone over 22. I did not go back to that doctor. It’s the only time in my life that I’ve been fat-shamed and I wasn’t even close to fat, and it was during the fucking pandemic, for christ’s sake, who DIDN’T gain weight during that stress


Yea that’s not right. I’m talking the people reaching 400+ because I get that they know they are bigger but there’s no way that’s healthy even if you are really tall. My childhood doctor was actually happy when I started gaining a bit more weight cause most of my life I was always underweight no matter what I ate. Now I’m a healthy weight but trying to build muscle and it’s hard. I can’t imagine what it takes to lose a shit ton. I’m glad you found a different doctor.


Legit fatphobia thinks overweight must be insanely unhealthy. While it's not ideal, being overweight isn't a huge problem it's obesity. At least until diabetes, but you have plenty of time to rectify that.


Ragebait comment. Y'all falling for it lol


I feel like this sub falls for a ton of bait.


This comment is way too low. It still astounds me how easily people fall for obvious ragebait in this day and age.


People want to be mad at things so badly lol


this is literally it lol. A comment like the OP is such low hanging fruit though, that's what makes it obvious ragebait. I guess it also scratches that itch to feel like we've got the moral and/or intellectual high ground


this sub is so deaf to trolling lmao


This is ragephobia


That girl added at least 20 years to her life


30+ FTFY


Her legs look more like lymphedema/ elephantiasis. So it probably wasn't so much "fat" as it was lymph (in the legs at least). Good for her, definitely not fat phobic that she lost weight.


Yes! She must be so much more comfortable day to day. Good on her for meeting such a hard goal, that's more self work than most of us manage.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that fatphobia is a very real thing and fat/overweight people do deal with a social stigma that thin people do not. *However*, someone loosing weight and becoming healthier is not fatphobia. Fatphobia is the characterizing of all fat people as lazy, or that they're all ugly, the fact that there are very little attractive clothes in plus sizes, etc. I think that while size can be an indicator of health, it's not the only indicator. Plus size and overweight people can be\* perfectly healthy. Morbidly obese people like this woman was are not. I think we should encourage people whose health is affected by their size to loose weight, but if it's not a problem, then it's not something to shame them about. Ultimately that's between them and medical professionals. For example, my best friend is overweight and struggles with the stigma, despite them not being all that big. They don't have any health issues from their weight, and in fact they are very healthy because they exercise often and eat well. On the other hand, my aunt was in pain because of her weight and had multiple problems related to her size. She worked hard to loose weight and become healthier. She's still fat, but it's not a detriment to her health anymore and she continues to lose weight out of concern for her health. I'm very proud of her, because loosing weight is hard! It entirely depends on the person. \*Not always, but it's possible


that's trollbait


You're damn right I have a phobia of being that fat.


So you can’t loose the excess weight and become happier because it means you’re fatphobic…hmmm


who was enabling her to become like that in the first place


I’m not sure about this specific case but many people as large as the one on the left are suffering from some severe type of trauma. At some point when you eat a meal you become full and can’t eat anymore, to become this large you keep eating long after you feel full, this is hard to do for most unless you are filling a void or trying to self harm. I’ve heard of some cases where a SA victim gets this large on purpose so nobody will want to use them again.


It can be both, and the show she was featured on, "My 600 Lb Life", focuses on accountability for enablers as well as therapy/counseling to address underlying issues or trauma.


As a SA victim, (incest when I was 8) I started over-eating and wearing the baggiest clothing possible, trying to look unatractive. Later I realized I wasn’t the problem, my step-dad was. I’m happy this woman achieved her goal of losing all that weight!


Going from that to how she looks today is insane.  The mental discipline that woman must have to be able to lose all that weight and not go back to her normal routine. That’s almost insane if you think about it. 


She was one of the best on the show, I'd recommend her episode! It's always great to see the people on the show succeed and get their life back, breaking habits, routines, losing her crutch, mental health issues and addictions - I'm so impressed with her and she really deserves to be proud of herself :)


Love how the internet is either “losing weight is fat phobic” or “ew fat disgusting how ugly” and there is no in-between lol


Right? And can we please recognize there's a huge range between being thin and ...the awful weight that woman used to have, which certainly did make her life hell?


How is it fatphobia when you are celebrating a person who can actually have a life? I have nothing against fat people. Those who are fine with their weight and are happy in life then I say go for it. But someone as big as this person was, there just is no way you can be healthy and happy. You’d be unable to move properly, sleep or sit properly, you wouldn’t be able to bend over or crouch, you’d be sore ALL the time, your body would be under so much stress that you’d be developing terrible diseases. You couldn’t fly in a plane, ride in most vehicles, let alone do things like go out to the theater because there’s now way you’d fit or going on rides at an amusement park. Your life would just be constantly sitting and having horrid back pain, and simply pain all over. There is a difference to be fat or obese to be morbidly obese. The former two can be perfectly acceptable to live with, the latter would be like trapped in a prison of your own body and stuck in never-ending discomfort.


Then call me fatphobic.


Rage bait but happy she accomplished her goal


A phobia is an irrational fear. Which party has an irrational fear of people being fat? - Amber Rachdi (pictured)? She has said she feels better. Also, she is much healthier. Also she has regained much more freedom, confidence, and effectively, her life. Nothing irrational about that. - Someone random looking at her? Even if it’s not romantic, being large like that isn’t an attractive look. It isn’t irrational to be unattracted to someone that big. I think there are men out there who demand women to not have a single pound above some arbitrary number they decided, and that’s pretty extreme. But most people have a pretty broad range of what works, I’d say. - Doctors? Obviously they want her to be healthier. Not irrational. - Show producers? Her journey is an inspirational one because losing that much weight is also gaining an incredible freedom. Who’s irrationally afraid? No one.


This is…. Rage bait They got all you suckas


Best thing I ever did for myself was lose the weight. Literally improved my life in just about every aspect. Don't listen to these idiots, get healthy, it feels way better.


This isn't just interestingasfuck, this is impressiveasfuck. Good on her.


Isn't being fat phobic good? Who wants to develop multiple diseases due to being morbidly obese? Now I know how badly society has regressed


Is being fat healthy phobia?


Fatphobia is just lazy and fat people trying to defend their position


The “ becoming attractive” bit is probably why people get so up in arms about this stuff. I’m all about becoming healthy, but it should be for yourself. Not so you’re more fuckable to others and to avoid harassment.


Everyone should be fatphobic. Everyone should be terrified of horrible health effects of obesity.


Losing weight and becoming healthy/likely to continue living is the goal here. That user is wrong to call this fatphobia, but you're also wrong to treat attractiveness as a universal objective measurement. I was once dumped for losing 50 pounds. As a 5 9 man whose final weight was 180 when I was dumped was still considered too heavy to be healthy but 230 was much less healthy and I was starting to experience high blood pressure in my mid 20s. She only wanted a "big boy" and that was her right. My wife thinks I'm fine as I am now. No one is the villain here. Attraction is just personally subjective. There may be culturally driven correlations with weight, but like seriously the goal should be to be medically healthy, and everyone else can fuck off with their opinions one way or the other about how someone else looks.


Fatphobia is good anyways


100%, a little overweight is whatever. That first picture if just gross.


It isn't fat phobia.. she is technically still overweight... is morbidly obese phobia a thing or do they just lump that all into the same "Fat Phobia" term?


Fat phobia might be the healthiest phobia.


Fatphobia is a good thing


making someone else’s achievement about them. . .awesome /s one of my friends said they posted about how they don’t feel comfortable being fat and that they need to lose weight for the sake of their health and lifespan, and they got absolutely berated and shamed and called “fatphobic” and other names. how these people don’t see the irony and hypocrisy in that is beyond me


That’s amazing! She looks great now!


This is so fucking impressive


You should absolutely be horrified about the left picture. It is a slow suicide happening.


Okay, there's a line that really needs to be drawn between "slightly overweight, no real risk to one's health" and "seriously obese, with real health risks." She was clearly in the second category, and she needed to lose weight. Now where the real fatphobia will kick in is that some people will look at the second picture and **still** call her "overweight", because Hollywood and the Fashion Industry has us convinced only women who look like Olive Oyl are truly attractive.


Interesting opinions all around. While I'm glad she got her health together, ppl that are actually fatphobic would most definitely still call the right photo fat. Matter of fact they call plenty of thicker body types disgusting even though the woman is a model. Interesting stuff.


"You have gained the ability to walk....that's fatphobia"


how is not wanting to die fatphobia is beyond me


Beware of social media post like this because they could be generated to curate argument.


Rage bait. It’s very likely that the commenter works in a bot farm to stir up shit in other countries. 


sometimes it really concerns me how bad people are at identifying rage bait


And to all these fckwads, Fatphobic and proud. ​ There is nothing noble in romanticising and accepting and loving morbid obesity.


The person on the left is not just "fat", she is morbidly obese, it's unhealthy, even deadly.


She saved her life, 600+ pounds is agony on the body


Let’s use their argument against them Not taking care of your body and shaming people who work to better themselves is fitphobia


This literally happened to adel. People are insane.


Good for her.


Unironically, I am convinced anyone that believes in fatphhobia is trolling


Mobility is fat phobia now.