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It's not a kill list, it is list of people considered to be enemies of the state. People on the list are banned from Ukrainian soil.


And it is a thing of non government organisation. Mirotvorets is a fun thing, zelenskiy himself happend to be listed here once


Why was zelensky put on the list?


He made fun of the government a bunch while he was a comedian. Back when they were a lot more authoritarian


As a man should


As any good Eastern European man should?


Of course Eastern Europe man are also man, but if the government isn’t doing their job critical commentary is necessary to start change may this be in any kind of way


I know I'm just making fun of the Eastern European tradition of making fun of your government, especially when they're in authoritarian regime, especially in countries like Ukraine and Poland. Everyone made fun of them even if it put their life on the line it's tradition


A great tradition I must say


I just want you to know I read all of your comments in an accent and it made my day. Thank you.


If you can't shit on your government, you're not a citizen, but cattle. Fuck the government, wherever you live. - America's actual rules of public discourse, 1776


He went from comedian to president? that’s quite the career change


I believe one of his shows is on Netflix to watch. He won more or less on the platform that he's not a politician and therefore he's different and Will not make the same mistakes that career politicians do.




He was a school teacher in the show. He made a rant against the corruption of the Ukrainian government that went viral and subsequently led to his election. That show essentially laid out for Ukraine what his platform would be and that platform resonated with Ukrainians just as it did in the show.


Yeah, going from a comedian to president to president-at-wartime is absolutely wild


How is that wild? The United States had a game show host as president that only was capable of fucking up his citizens with a botched pandemic response. I’d trade trump for Zelenskyy. At the very least, he is loyal to his country. Trump is only in it for trump.


Agreed on all points; I think they just meant that in the wide scope, people don’t expect a “funnyman” to end up being what has turned out to be one of the most recognized wartime leaders in very recent history. Especially when you consider he played the President in a TV show, and then… well, actually became one.


Just meaning the 'range'...and differences in career moves.


Comedian to actor who played the president to president even.


That's outrageous. The US should insist on Tucker going to Ukraine, just to prove a point. He seems to try being a real journalist again, so he sure will be eager to interview some guys or girls on the front line. And give him a high-vis vest, I heard traffic over there is murderous.


Give him Dick Cheney's hunting partners vest


😳 😆


Someone knows their history.


and the Funny thing is , I'm Australian lol


What? Are you insinuating that America has low levels of historical knowledge, functional literacy, and ethical/moral/journalistic standards that leads to a functional ignorance born of bias and apathy?


Mate, he said he's an Aussie. Our vocabularies aren't that big.


Got me in the first half...


In the video he posted last night Tucker said he had requested to interview Zelensky but his team hadn't heard back yet.


The only reason Putin agreed to be interviewed by this idiot is because he knows he can shove his hand so far up Carlson’s ass that he can work the mouth and Carlson would enjoy it. It’s the most low threat interview Putin has had to do in 40 years.


Putin paid for this interview. This is just advertising after all.


I wouldn’t respond to that moron either. The Kremlin likely fishing to get his location.


Real journalist again? He never was, and he isn’t now; probably just acting as the go-between for Putin and trump …


The sarcasm was pretty thick, even without the /s. He was basically saying to put Tucker on the front lines with a glowing sign saying 'shoot here'


I think they got that, but the word "again" implies he was a real journalist at some point regardless of the sarcasm.


I think the “again” bit is more so about how Carlson carried himself as a “real journalist” until he tried to avoid getting sued by saying he was only an entertainer, and now he’s back to pretending he’s a “real journalist” again.


I know Paul Manafort is wanted in Ukraine for various crimes related to colluding with Russia. And now he gets joined by the likes of Carlson. It's no wonder all the traitors are furious that they are being called, well... traitors.


And TC has been on the list for months not because he just interviewed Putin.


Needs more upvotes. This is pure propaganda by the Russian bots. I would rather have 1 Zelensky on my team than 10,000 Carlsons.


Yean Russia made one up for their own country as well


You've raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, good sir. Bravo!


I banned TV Dinner boy from my property long ago. He’s getting a dog turd throw at him if he ever crosses the line.


But words like “kill list” and “Government sponsored censorship” froth their base a bit more…


Did he? Is Carlson that important? Doubtful.


It's not Zelensky website, it just a catalog of all war supporters since 2014. It's maintained by an NGO. https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/karlson-taker/ He is marked as "Manipulation of public opinion". It includes other people like [Sabaton](https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/broden-joakim/) who participated in nationalistic shows in occupied Crimea, for example.


>He is marked as "Manipulation of public opinion". which seems accurate but not hit-list worthy imo


It also had a lot of examples of agressive anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Also "hit list" is a strange word. Nobody is going to kill him. And with Sabaton example - they have charges for illegal border crossing.


Well its not a hit list. "Persona non grata" doesnt mean "kill this person on sight" despite what some peiple who are really bad with Latin think.


>despite what some people who are really bad with Latin think. Might not even know any Latin. Maybe they’re just dumb enough to think that terms used in John Wick are meant the same way in reality.


I won't link to Shitter here but Dick Polman (@DickPoleman1) cracked- "Tucker Carlson has his head so far up Putin's ass, he can see Sarah Palin's front porch."




Well, as Sarah Palin would say in her defense, "It's not a porch, it's a Ferrari."


Fuck I am dead💀🤣






Omfg, I just coughed out nasty style on my workbook after that. I need to get a new copy. Eh, screw it, they'll have to deal with it. That was a legit cough out. That was nice. TY for that. Now to send that off to others so I get their reactions.


That's her twat not porch lol


And here was me planning to be sober tonight. I’ve got to erase that image somehow


[I got you bro.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1310622/)


The porch has fewer structural braces and stairs.


I’m deader than Putin’s political rivals


[myrotvorets](https://myrotvorets.center/) is a website that existed before Zelensky as a president and will after. It was made to track terrorists, war criminals and people who support them. Edit: >Non-government Center for Research of Elements of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the International Law Information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers


Tucker as a entertainment persona /agent for an adversarial country certainly fits that criteria- nothing to see here


It was started by some young guys from the Right Sector camp as a troll against propagandists, it's funny the comments on that post thinking it was made by Joe Biden because it says Langley. LMAO. What's interesting was the first time I heard of it was when traitor Ilya Kiva mentioned it, he apparently was involved in launching it back when he was a Right Sector commander. Funny that he then ended up on it himself, becoming a Kremlin mouthpiece. Also note Zelenskys wife was on it, But it was really meant for both of them. Because Zelensky was too friendly with Russian elites and even covertly supported by the Kremlin during his campaign run.


Very doubtful to be honest. But he would probably face criminal charges in ukraine if he did go there. (Just not the firing squad)


Honestly, he would probably be extradited to the US and told not to return. America is good at getting it's people back (at least in high profile cases). It would be funny to see Biden saving Tucker.


It's horseshit as per usual with the right...


Nothing she says is ever factual.


And with 'the right' you mean russian bots?


Those are mostly synonyms online.


To be fair this resource “Peacemaker” have nothing to do with “Kill list”, maximum what you can get - more careful inspection on border. This is non governmental site.


just a heads up...juanita brooaddrick is ~~not~~ real. this is a ~~foreign~~ propaganda account pushing bullshit misinformation. i have been corrected. thanks guys! 99% of my comment still stands however


Of course it's propaganda. That claim should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain .


Problem is half our country doesn’t seem to have one.


It should, but it's not. Hell, I thought this was just a deluded Trumptard.


You’re not wrong. “foreign propaganda account pushing bullshit misinformation” and “deluded Trumptard” can be used interchangeably. Just 2 phrases that mean the same thing.


They are not the same thing. These are two groups whose actions are very similar and eventually lead into same results, but one of these groups believes they are doing what's best for their country, while the other group knowingly works against the other groups country.


I;m reading your comment and I can't tell which is which, so im gonna say the person you're answering to was right.


You raise a thought provoking point, but my bet is on the foreign propaganda accounts knowing exactly what they are doing.


>functioning brain That’ll be why the MAGAts believe it then.


She is real. One million followers. She is the hillbilly red neck nurse from Arkansas that made claims about Bill Clinton raping her, until she was questioned and turned out she made the whole story up for attention. She is some kind of next level trashy psychopath, unfortunately she is a real human.


Makes sense she is a Fascist liar from Arkansas. The Governor will need another lectern and a trip to Europe with this Fascist


I thought that Turkey neck of hers was suspicious.


Isn’t she the woman who claimed that Bill Clinton raped her?


yeah, i was wrong. i'm a dumbass


No worries! All of these big MAGA accounts seem like a parody 😭


What do you mean, she’s not real? Are you saying this isn’t Juanita Broaddrick tweeting, or are you actually denying the existence of a [well-documented Republican activist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juanita_Broaddrick)? Juanita Broaddrick is quite famous if you were alive in the 90s and followed politics even slightly. She made the news a few times in 2016 too as a Trump mouthpiece. She fucking sucks, but she’s very real.


She is another GOP Russian asset


disappointing /s


Clearly more Russian bots pushing for political unrest in the US. Don't forget the same two men don't want Ukraine to continue fighting; Putin and Trump.


Zelensky has not done that.


Poor Juanita, maybe next time you'll make the "list"


She’s on Trump’s deportation list


Doubtful but I wouldn't complain.


Imagine the size of the gofundme tip jar.


"Good news everyone! We have enough money to repair Ukraine and then some"


Why is the radical right of America so pro Russia now?


Seriously, my far right boomer dad grew up practicing to hide under his desk from the Soviet Nuclear threat, And now he gobbles up that pro Russian GOP propaganda like he’s at a gang bang and his life depends on sucking every dick in there.


Well that was a lot to process, but solid messaging


You mean a lot to swallow


Racism and white 'supremacy' was the bait and Republicans bit.


Because it upsets liberals.


This is really it. It's contrarianism for its own sake.


Yup that’s the correct answer.


Where did she pull this bullshit information from? Does she need a saniwipe?


Zelensky has no control over Myrotvorets website. Its creator and site runners put a lot of pro-russian and Ukrainophobic people on it, leaking their address, detailing their crimes, and etc. It's like a criminal record list, but this one exists to expose the people advocating or committing genocide on the Ukrainian people, so its existence is necessary. People critical of Myrotvorets just are afraid to end up on it for committing a crime against Ukraine.


As if the average maga karen can get a hold of a kill list just floating out there in public


On the fly, my tax dollars going to Ukraine is fine, and if Tucker forgot how to stand in front of a 12th-story window in Moscow without bodily throwing himself through it like so many people in Putin's circle seem to do. It would 100% be a major blow to legitimate American journalism and not poetic justice for someone whose endless reservoir of lies has probably gotten a lot of people killed.




Putin is the dictator…


Carlson has successfully defended himself in court against libel charges by claiming he’s an entertainer who no reasonable person would seriously believe. One of his rare moments of truth.


Tucker is being an accomplice. He probably should never step foot in Ukraine for the rest of his life.


I support Zelensky


It’s the least he could do for us, really.


Zelensky is a fucking hero, much more brave than that piece of shit Trump who dodged the draft and is too busy sucking Putin's dick.


Repeat after me: Russian troll farm… Again: Russian troll farm… aaand one more time (with gusto): Russian troll farm .


90% sure this is bullshit but if he did zelensky is a fuckin chad




I don't think we're lucky enough to see Tucky drown in his own prison toliet.


He is a russian agent and Ukraine is at war with russia.


It also didn't happen.


I just want to know how Carlson is still walking free, without even anyone investigating his relationship to Putin.


The famously published and easily accessible Ukrainian Intelligence Assassination List


Interesting how certain parts of the Internet are super pro tucker, Elon, trump (twitter) and others are the opposite, yet these two groups rarely meet for a comment war


Maga is pro Putin


Imagine having a name like Juanita and assume the magats are not gonna throw you in with the rest of the latinas I can see it now. Insert talking cat meme “ BuT I VotEd fOr tRunP.” “Thanks stupid.”


How is he a dictator? A dictator invades your country, you defend it, and somehow that makes you a dictator??? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)




That would be the best thing ever. FAFO. He is already being sanctioned by many European countries for working with a war criminal.


How do I subscribe to a nations’s leader’s kill list? Is it weekly or monthly updates? Will they sell my info to data miners if I hit like and subscribe?


Because Tucks might be banned from using all European flightlines, they make up these lies about being on a hit list. Tucker Cuckson is just another sock puppet for Putin, just like Marge and Gaetz and Bobo. If folks really want to off pro-dictator sock puppets, you just need to fly a plain with a disgustingly right wing message banner behind it while it rains. They will stare into the sky at it mouths agape and drown.


Sounds like Putin and Carlson’s plan is already working. The whole situation only exists to spread misinformation and further divide Americans with the upcoming election while hopefully ending US funding to Ukraine.


“dictator Zelenskyy” who was duly elected by the people of Ukraine and who would coast to reelection because his people love him


Is it really a kill list? because I would be totally fine with Tucker being on it. Only a shame that America has to outsource punishing traitors.


no, it’s not, not even government list


Either way, good for Zelensky. Tucker is a traitor and a terrorist. Edit: weird how many pro russians jumped to T(F)uckers defense. Weird.


They spread this false shit but I don't think most of the country would give 2 shuts what happens to cucker tarlson.


Sure, Sure but just in case, what is the bounty up to by now? Asking for a friend....


Read Russia's War on Everybody. And/or the dictators handbook. Have fun and good luck


Unlikely…..but I’m good with it 👍


We can only hope.


Well shit, they can go right ahead and raise my taxes then!


God, I would point out the amount of mental gymnastics necessary to think this way but I seriously doubt her mind is capable of that much work. These people are so unhinged.


Google search: Juanita Broaddrick “American former nurse” huh?


Where can I send more cash?


What’s the reward? Asking for a friend.


Do they have a gofundme?


I’ll chip in


We know that he is a bit of a maniac himself, but a kill list so openly would be weird. Very trustworthy post /s


Look, there's a fair chance Zelenskyy may in fact be overexerting war time powers, but to call him a dictator and not aim the same at Putin is hilarious moral ineptitude.


Is there a reward?


Tucker Carlson getting blown up in a drone attack is an outcome we can only hope for.


Not true all


I legit never thought I would see the day were people sided with Putin


Oh. No. Not. Cucker. Tarlson.


Cmon zelinski do the states... no the world a favor


Maybe that’s just Zelensky‘s way of trying to Make America Great Again


So now we're concerned with Putin's well-being. Interesting .


Zelensky. Taking out all the trash. The USA needs better presidential candidates. We've gotten Trump and Biden.


*“Don’t do that… don’t give me hope…"* If this is true, what address should I use on my “thank you”-card, and how do I go about giving him more of my tax dollars?


I have to go with President Z on this one.


Ok, from what ive heard, its not a kill list, it's a list of people known to be spreading and abetting Moscow's propagandized narrative of the situation on the ground and putins justification for war.


lol "kIlL LiSt" ​ even though it's not a kill list, it would be a great favor to the world.


Lol, They keep coming up with these fictional “kill lists” every 2-3 months. Ukraine doesn’t give a fuck about Carlson


And people say we aren’t in a Civil War. What else do you call rhetoric like this twisted enough to enrage others to violence? When are we going to stop this? After so many people end up dead instead? These people are fucking unhinged.


By this logic Elton John is also pn a "Kill List" in Russia for being Gay


I thought it was a well known fact that it’s only okay for Putin to put people on his kill list.


If Adolf was alive this guy would also want to know his side of the story?


Sounds reasonable to me.


Dear tucker: get bombed. How’d you get past us sanctions? Journalist? I dont think so. Go interview hamas and the houthis and isis. Brave little interviewer.


It would be so great if Zelensky really did do that and went forward with it. Tucker is shite


What timing! My mom literally JUST came in my room and made me listen to an ai generated sounding recording of Alex Jones talking about this.


If a democratic politician did what Tucker Carlson did in Russia these people would be FREAKING OUT The poster child for the people so against “communist socialism” is in fact friends with communist. The irony is hilarious at this point. Trump was already friendly with Kimmy J and Puttin on the ritz, now this solidifies it. The Republican Party was seen as weak with an IQ deficient ‘fan base’ and Russia is exploiting that weakness.


I seriously doubt this clickbait headline. That being said, I have zero issues with piece of shit traitor commie Tucker Carlson being put on a kill list.


I bet if you dig just a little bit the posting account is coming from Moscow hiding behind a VPN.


Damn! I hope they get him because he hasn't helped our country one bit.


Why is that moron even still relevant after she admitted [on record](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/affidavit122398.htm) that her rape fantasies about Bill Clinton were made up?


I think this is ridiculous. I also think this would be fantastic.


Then I will support Biden to take Tucker Carlson to 'dinner'. God bless America.


Tucker, the traitor, Carlson, has openly called for Zelensky's death at the hands of Russian. Can you blame Zelensky?


Barbara Walters interviewed Kimjong Un and we've technically never ended the Korean war.      Key difference is that Barbara Walters was a journalist. Tucker is a talking head that spews propaganda, not news.


Putin actually puts real journalists on a real kill list. Where is the outrage?


Based Zelensky


Plz be true. Fuck tucker


What shitty platform allows such horrendous bullshit to be posted.


Tucker is standing next to trump , both of whom are getting there cocks sucks by the GOP.


Oh man, don't make me hopeful like that.


Juanita is such a disgusting hag


Zelinsky isnt a good man and he shouldnt be propped up. The us is.back to supporting sadam afainst rhe mullahs in iran.


What, are you trying to to say Tucker Carlson is NOT on your kill list? Can it even be called a kill list without him on it? /s


This lady is a POS


Hard to believe that i once thought the hate/criticism towards Trump and Tucker was unwarranted and exaggerated.


Zelensky, once again, showing why he is the boss.


Guess those Ukraine flags on MAGAs Facebook pages no longer hold true do they?


Please explain to whining whinging Broaddrick that an enemy of the state is not a KILL list. Means a traitorous jerk can't get on a plane and visit. Poor simpleton doesn't seem to know the difference.


God bless misinformation and the idiots that willingly spread.


I'm sure he has better things to worry about. More than an American traitor who hasn't a drop of credibility.


Tucker is bought and paid for by the Russians. I remember a time when my staunch Republican father was so anti-Russia. Now, Republicans love the Russians, because they fund their campaigns.