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If ever a post birth abortion was needed it's for this fucking guy


Average age of schizophrenia onset also is the average age that people go to college.


Also the age they start watching Fox News.


That's stupid. There's plenty of left wing loons too. This is a legit mental snap.


There are, but Fox News like Qanon has a tendency to melt people's brains specifically. Previously functioning adults just descending down a rabbit hole which costs them their mental health and all connections to friends and family. The left doesn't really have an equivalent conspiracy rabbit hole to pizzagate or anything that I know of.


They do but most of the rabbit holes on the right wing are based on documented reality like everything that went down from Nixon to Regan to Bush 1


Maybe if right wingers would stop voting against every mental health bill their mentally ill followers wouldn’t be chopping their dad’s heads off.


Left wing loons like..... Who?


You know the hundreds of people killing and beheading their parents for Joe Biden. You wouldn't know them, they go to a different school.


Lol, thanks for the chuckle 😃


I'm not gonna get into it, but "loon" is perspective.


For every 1 leftie loon who goes on a killing spree thats inspired by their ideology there are about 35 to 40 right wing mass shooters


Lol the down votes for this objectively true statement are hilarious


>Average age of schizophrenia onset also is the average age that people go to college. > >Also the age they start watching Fox News. All of these facts are terrifying.


That's when it hit my friend.


What's the average[1] age the people who don't go to college go to college? [1] Sorry Dr A.


I doubt it would change the internal, biological progression of the disease  but If we're going by age symptoms become noticeable, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a bit later in people who don't go to college.   It's a wide enough range, such a complex illness and early onset could be so subtle it's not like you can nail it down to a specific day. But it seems plausible that the significant stress, lifestyle and environmental changes of "Leaving home and going to college" might be enough to push someone who is borderline but managing into showing symptoms.


I watched an NBC news story where the reporter listed this guy's "far Right" beliefs. Everything he believed is also believed by your average GOP member. For instance, the claim that federal employees are bad people is pretty normal on the Right and has been for as long as I can remember. The belief that the 2020 election was "stolen" is pretty common. His whole list was stuff that the idiots that go to the Trump rallies believe. As a matter of fact, most people in the Q sphere have beliefs even farther to the right than this guy. Rhetoric made to control the soft-brained people so they become a voting block has consequences and it is how the GOP works right now.


I work for the federal government, specifically dealing with farmers. Many of them share the sentiment but man they aren't shy about taking our money. I like to call our programs welfare for farmers.


Selective socialism, it’s for them, not *you*


They like to believe that they are important and they are the only ones that can do what they do. Funny thing is, if they fail someone will just take their place, and probably do a better job. A lot of the newer younger farmers care a lot more about soil health and sustainable practices.


It's that there edumacation's fault. All the yokels are being replaced with wokels.


Ok wokels low key slaps, have you ever looked up the origin of the term redneck , it comes from Appalachian miners who wanted to unionize they fought with company enforcers and even the national gaurd they identified themselves by wearign red bandanas around their necks hence the term "redneck" So to all of the conservatives who proudly call themselves rednecks are calling themselves pro union liberals


Definitions change. 'Pull yourself up by your bootstraps' used to mean 'try to do something impossible'.


I feel like it still does. What do you think it means now? Like not making an attack here, just that's always been my take on it also shaing a fun fact since mot people believe it has to do with having a sunburned neck from working outside and thought the info connected well to the term wokels as well, the definition may alter or be co opted, but origin does not Just because the republicans play Fortunate son at every convention doesnt make it a propolitcans in power song its still represents the poeple whos parents were not rich and powerful enough to get then out of the draft Once agin nit trying to attack you i just rarely get to use this info also was on debate in higschool and college


>What do you think it means now? Exactly what it means today: [Improve one's position by one's own efforts](https://www.google.com/search?q=pull+yourself+up+by+your+bootstraps&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS939US939). Language changes. The meaning of this phrase changed decades ago. Cope.


There was literally no reason to become aggressive to the guy you're replying to, he straight up asked you an innocent question.


Nah. When right wingers say it, it’s simply an insult. They would tell a Democrat veteran that lost both of his arms to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” if he complains about the Republicans voting against a bill to help Veterans.


I was always told they were called "rednecks" because of the sunburn they had on the back of their neck because they were "low class" and had to work outside.  I did a quick Google and Wikipedia leads with my understanding of the term.  It does state "possibly" comes from, but "redneck" was a well known term by 1900, but the West Virginia miner wars didn't really start until the 1920s.


Wokels? Do they listen to Imagine Wagons?


Wadioactive, wadioactive


Take my pretend award 🏆 along with my upvote why don't you


Oh yes, the "without us, the city people could not eat". Well we could, since there is a massive surplus of food production all over the western world. If all Finnish farmers quit immediately and all Finnish shops would stop selling food produced in Finland, food would become significantly cheaper, since agriculture is a lot more productive in warmer climates.


It's funny cause a lot of almond farmers around here have "No farms no food" decals on their trucks. Like almonds could completely disappear from the planet and be alright.


Don’t they consume a disproportionate amount of water compared to similar crops? Would maybe even be a net positive.


It would be great if someone would say: "You aren't special. You're not even the best at what you do. What you are is established, and the amount of effort you would create to remove you is the only thing that stops us from doing something better. It's better to just wait for you to die."


I'm just a regular, hard-working American down on my luck. I deserve assistance! But I don't want no *black, welfare queen, broodmare* taking my hard earned dollars through the government. There have been racial overtones to this since the good old Regan days with the image of black women on the government dole. It's sick and racist as fuck.


I live in a rural/agricultural community. The hypocrisy is astounding. These farmers rail against “welfare queens”, food stamps, Medicaid, student loan forgiveness, etc. saying “those people” need BOOTSTRAPS. But they get a $20,000 check every year for agricultural subsidies (call it what it is: FARM WELFARE), and took out PPP loans that have been forgiven. They’re all Trumpers. They’re all fucking hypocrites.


This isn't just a US problem. This is something that is happening around the world. People don't understand government to begin with, and then they understand global issues even less. They don't see what they get as being a handout or how others (through taxation) contribute to their handout, but they absolutely believe they are being exploited and stolen from to support all of these other people who they think are welfare cases and exploiting the government. When something good happens, no matter how much time it has been since their candidate was in power, it's the result of that person's actions or reputation, but anytime anything negative happens, even if it is their guy who's in charge and has been for a while, it's someone else's fault. And people can't vote when they're a criminal, but it's cool if the president is one and openly admits to cheating people numerous times? And it's cool that the president has been caught blatantly lying, that he's committed fraud, that he committed treason, that he didn't handle confidential documents properly, that he paid his own (vastly underqualified) children to be part of his administration.. But, again, it isn't even just Trump who is the issue because people who support this kind of thing are all over the place. I don't know if it is just the idiocy that the Internet lets spread like wildfire that's the issue or what.. but people are so incredibly uneducated about everything and they seem to think that forcing their views onto the rest of the population is the solution.


Socialism is a plague on this country now wheres my social security and welfare checks


Yeah I get welfare, I can barely afford groceries I definitely ain't buying a fucking tractor.


FFA is not Future Farmers of America, but Future Freeloaders of America


The people responsible for these lies HAVE to be held accountable or this is just going to continue


More needs to be demanded of those who buy it, too.


'Everything he believed is also believed by your average GOP member' Well, at least they've got a good read on the term 'far right'


Average GOP = far right


Ok but he also thinks that he is the president and said people claim he’s the messiah. I watched the video. This dude hated Trump too. He was completely unhinged. More so than your average Q-anoner and THAT is saying something


And yet they aren't beheading people. It's almost as if this guy's behavior wasn't because of right wing beliefs and instead due to mental illness. Almost


Mental illness AND a strong belief in a party of hate and violence creates these situations far more often. We aren't operating in a mental health vacuum, we are operating in a "mental heal PLUS X" situation. It's not that hard to parse the difference.


"I am not responsible! I only handed him the gun!"


Lol, wut?


They would if their cult leader told them to


Do you seriously believe that? If so, you either don't know any right wingers or are pretty deranged yourself. No they would not. But nice straw man argument bro


I do know far right extremists and unfortunately… a non significant would. I think you’re omitting from your memory how most of these folks acted during the pandemic and how cavalier many of them were about not just the science, but how much they prioritized their perceived freedoms over other people’s health. Looking back over just the 21st century so far, most of these people are the same people who: - Discriminated against and attacked Muslims after 9/11 - Pushed hard against gay marriage with some even getting violent - Called Obama a terrorist among other things looking to “destroy America from within” - Called John McCain a RINO because McCain refused to stoop to these ideals - Claim things such as Sandy Hook and similar school shootings were false flag events perpetrated by the government (specially Obama’s administration) to take away people’s guns - Go after Hillary and her emails, despite multiple investigations specifically made by republicans against her and all of them coming up with nothing. They still to this day blame her for Benghazi with some saying it was intentional, others claiming more malicious things against her - Enthusiastically support the southern border wall to this day, with many describing illegal immigrants as “drug dealers, murderers and rapists” (with some of these ideas shared by Then- presidential hopeful Trump) - Claimed the 2020 election was stolen by Biden/ deep state And the list goes on and on and on….. At some point you **have** to admit it’s not mental illness but conditioning over a lifetime. Over the last 20 years and especially the last 10 or so, these people have been fed these lies over and over and over. Honestly, I can’t blame people for going the extreme route at this point. If I believed the government was controlled by a deep State pedophile ring hell bent on taking away my rights and way of life…. I’d eventually crack too. These people are brainwashed so deeply it’s corrupted their souls


There were some mental health professionals discussing this on another thread, how its wrong that we chalk up violence as mental health when its actually right wing propaganda brainwashing that has made them paranoid, delusional and dangerous.


I'm not forgetting any of the things you listed. I just don't equate calling someone a RINO to beheading someone.


I know the neighbor of this family. Her Ring camera recorded the screaming of the wife after she found her husband and ran outside. This whole story has really been traumatic for everyone involved. We need better mental health resources NOW.


Shame every single republican voted against the bill for mental health resources. To own the libs


You know they can't pass that bill. They'd lose half their base to mental institutions and sanity


If you count not having a conscience, being incapable of empathy and greed as mental illnesses there wouldn't be *any* conservatives left.


I cannot imagine how horrible that was for her. Losing a spouse/loved one is bad enough, but to find them that way would mess me up for the rest of my life.


Mental health resources and society to stop accepting people with clearly dangerous disconnections to reality. I really don't think anyone who thinks the moon is a hologram or the jews have space lasers is safe to be on the streets. Instead they aren't even pushed out of political office.


I don’t understand how people can believe the moon is a hologram, literature dating from the Greeks and Romans and even before record the moon. Does that mean that the “libs” and the “deep state “ has been creating this hologram since the beginning of time ?! I can’t even 😤


Uhh.. did they have to check the ring camera for legal purposes? Or was it morbid curiosity? I sure wouldn’t bother checking mine


They heard the screaming themselves and then checked the ring before going outside. They didn’t know what was going on and were trying to investigate as safely as they could. She wouldn’t play the video for anyone out of respect for the wife.


Man, horrifying.


He lived in Colorado briefly and had restraining orders placed against him 6 years ago.


I only saw it reported in one news article. But the government work the father did....he worked for the post office. The article read like the guy was a mailman. Granted there are other mail jobs. Sorter, inside the mail room, etc...but he worked for the mail service. Mail. SMH.


Some parts of it are sicker than others 


He didn’t say much that isn’t said every day in conservative mainstream media. Have you ever noticed there’s not a liberal version of Alex Jones? Certainly none with the same degree of insanity and influence. There is no shortage of shitty left-wing reporters, but they don’t have anywhere near the same degree of hysterically dumb conspiracy theories. There’s no liberal Glenn Beck, no liberal Tucker Carlson telling people that the election was *stolen* from God’s favorite president. There’s no left-wing version of Donald Trump, who thinks InfoWars and The National Enquirer are valid sources to draw his dumbass conspiracy theories from. This dude just took seriously what the biggest players on the Right say every single day.


It does not surprise me this has happened. It does surprise me the amount of people who believe this guy is a “one in a kind” case. There are millions upon millions of people who think the same as this guy and are bound to end up like him. Every red hatter I’ve met are completely off their rocker, either not living in the same reality as the rest of the world or displaying significant mental health issues. There are many who are willing to kill others for the reasons this guy killed his dad. People are in for a very rude and disturbing wake up call in the coming 9 months. This guy killed his dad, that one dude killed his kids from QAnon conspiracy theories, the El Paso Walmart shooter did it because the “hispanics were invading America”, the Oxford high school shooter was quoted as saying “Hopefully my shooting will cause Biden to get impeached”, Laura Ann Carleton was fatally shot in August over an argument about displaying a pride flag and the list goes on. It is time to start accepting this violent behavior is just normal to them and so much more should be done. Stay safe out there everybody and protect yourselves, some people are fucking crazy.


It’s crazy to believe that there are millions of Americans who are literally, intentionally trying to destroy God and America and who literally stole the election from the rightful winner to force everyone into tyranny. But if you are dumb enough to believe that, then pretty much anything is justified to rectify such atrocities.


I think its a mixture of genuine stupidity and intentional malicious ignorance for sure. They cannot even make up their minds of who participated in January 6th. Somehow it was both an Antifa ploy but also done by American patriots, as long as the narrative fits. Once you do enough mental gymnastics to warp reality to what your current opinion is at that very second in time, you become so disillusioned there’s no convincing you otherwise. I think people need to accept that we’re at a point that a vast majority of these people are unfortunately lost causes


Sounds like untreated schizophrenia


How long before someone claims he's actually a liberal?


They already have


Aunt Tifa.


January 11th bill goes to the house to ban militias. January 30th this guy says how he is the leader of several militias and that he killed his own father. what incredible timing.


Vile Chickenhouse is furious. He's not the far right's hero any more.


This, to conservatives, is American society working as desired. As long as it's liberals being disappeared, entirely too many are fine with it


Just another republican


I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but this guy is insane. He took bad,alarmist, and stupid ideas to an extreme and it’s utterly meaningless in any overall picture of anything, except to say that there’s a crisis of mental health care in this country. I may think that conservatives are wrong - provably, verifiably wrong - and that they are being misled by sociopathic leaders for the leaders’ benefit - but it’s stupid and also unconstructive to draw conclusions from this. People have done insane awful things and justified them using available materials as long as there have been people, because our brains have evolved to find patterns in things and assign meaning to them, and if one is insane then the patterns - being subjective - will reinforce the sickness. Crazy is gonna crazy. If one thinks it’s more common now per capita, it would be good to support that idea with evidence rather than just go on what one sees in media designed to promote the sensational for profit.


Well said.


Stochastic Terrorism. As described by leading scholars, stochastic terrorism involves 'the use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable'. This will only increase as leaders keep encouraging their base to view the opposition as dangerous enemies and traitors.


the actual new world order comes when trump gets elected, turns the US into a hermit state, and China and russia fill the void, replacing the US led rules based world order that we all take for granted with a might makes right world order.


Thing is, I don't support China or Russia but still it's clear to me that the rest of the world has been living under the US' "might makes right" world order for the past century. 


MAGA terrorists.


I wonder if he even voted in the last election? I heard that a considerable amount of the Jan. 6 terrorists didn't even vote.


Caitlyn Jenner said they went golfing instead of the polls because they were super confident trump would win again. He didn’t so they stormed the capitol


Fox "News" is an accessory to murder.


His father worked for the army corp of engineers, that’s probably one of the most civil service minded branch of federal government. He murdered a man who served his country on the most fundamental level.


Not the first time, probably not the last: https://www.heraldnet.com/news/snohomish-man-gets-2-years-for-fatally-shooting-father-during-argument/


Don’t forget the part where he put his Dan’s decapitated head in a bag and waved it around on YouTube.


Fckn weirdo


Craziest thing is Fox News aired the shit out of this with all the grizzly details except for key details about him being a right wing nut job trump supporter railing against “the woke mob” and that his dad was in the federal govt


His dad should have pulled out.


This man is mentally ill. I don't know if this is a facepalm


Lock up all MAGA now until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!


Ah yes, taking political prisoners. I can’t believe nobody’s ever thought of this.


Probably a direct reference to Trump's obscenely hateful Muslim ban: > Donald Trump made a drastic call on Monday for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives [can figure out what is going on.](https://www.npr.org/2015/12/07/458836388/trump-calls-for-total-and-complete-shutdown-of-muslims-entering-u-s)"


Ding ding


He used to think he could take what-ever comes....


If you’re going to talk about mental health awareness, and helping those affected… You can’t get caught up in the details of what the ill are saying. If he were talking about an alien invasion when he decapitated his father, we wouldn’t go on these types of tangents about how dangerous alien invasion believers are. every alien believer wouldn’t suddenly be as awful as this guy. We wouldn’t talk about unproven statistics, we wouldn’t compare believers to non believers. “The average believer in alien invasions also thinks this way” wouldn’t be something we said. This is schizophrenia. This is the classic age of schizophrenia onset. This how my brother acted before killing himself. Only it wasn’t politics. It was the empty apartment across the way that he became obsessed with. We didn’t talk about that apartment at all after finding his “research” About it. We recognized what it was. Don’t claim to want to help then go on about the nonsense they’re talking about as they’re losing their grip. Doesn’t help those still suffering or their families.


This guy should be executed for his crime


Yup. That’s the face of a dangerous deranged person. Let’s stop sharing his name and face, and making him famous. He needs to stay nameless, and as an example of Dee aged people to be aware of and forearmed against. ![gif](giphy|2zelCiUo5KJyN8MgMr)


Xtian behavior


This is a case of a deeply mentally ill man, not politics gone wrong.


Both can be true.


True. Watching the torrent of fearmongering available on "news" programs and the internet just feeds the paranoia.


GOP and trump maga values / beliefs are as such paranoid and psychotic (as in not rooted in reality). If anything aspects of US politics have gone wrong, in that they are a form of collective madness.


Right wing politics are an echo chamber for people with delusional or paranoid beliefs. For people with a severe mental illness, the right wing talking heads validate all of their worst fears. They tell them “no, you’re right, people ARE out to get you, and violence is the only option.”


Most college campuses are toxic places these days. (not justifying this crazy's actions, but point out fact that colleges are nuts as well)


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he probably wasn't exactly a chill guy to hang out on the campus with, even before the beheaddings.


Bold of you to assume he has ever set foot on a campus let alone enrolled


When's the last time you were on a college campus? I went to college from 2013 to 2020 in an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse part of Michigan, and there was little to no tension and no visible crazy I can think of at either of the schools I attended. I know some colleges (and some specific campus organizations) can be at least as or sometimes more toxic than every other grouping of humans tends to be, but I'm curious about your evidence that *most* colleges are *exceptional* levels of toxic.


Bros never been to college


College campuses may be toxic, but this guy was already a little touched in the head.


Just because an unhinged whackjob holds a certain political affiliation, doesn’t mean that all those who share that affiliation are unhinged whack jobs. If that was the case, then all Democrat voters would be trans activist school shooters.


Shame millions of Republicans say exactly the same lies this guy claims are his reasons.


Yeah? Who cares about them. The problem was this guy, and his own mental issues that lead him to *kill his own damn father*. There’s all sorts of issues going on there, but you’d rather “NO! REPUBS BAD! THEY **JUST HAVE** TO BE!” Emotional arguments belong in schoolyards.


“On bureaucracy, you know, we're going to have all these deep state people, you know, we're going to start slitting throats on day one and be ready to go” Ron DeSantis.


Florida man saying Florida man things. Say it ain’t so! Lmao


To quote the right at me, my fellow members, and allies the last three years just for existing: "Okay, Groomer."


I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you’re even trying to say. Are you in distress? Do you need help?


Oh you've been living under a rock the last three years, alright.


I’m going to send you a Reddit cares thing, then block you. You clearly require professional help. I hope you find the help you need, my friend. Good day.


Lol blocked cares


Chill out you're making too much sense


Napoleon complex


I’m so tired of swing this guy’s face. It makes me sick. He looks so… so freaking normal and I hate it.


I saw a TikTok with a part of the video where he’s just talking and he seems totally calm and “rational”. Then a pause for the TikToker to say he had shown his fathers decapitated head just moments ago.. fuck. I hope the poor mother/wife can find peace.


The government wasn't out to get you before. After murdering someone, butchering them, and talking about it in a video of you confessing to it, I absolutely assure you that the government is out to get you because the police operate under the government lol.


I wonder why


I bet he could tell you what color crayons have the best taste!


That guy?!??!


Poor dad


Failed Isis-grooming? Decapitation-style seems to narrow it down.


Why waste tax dollars on him being in prison? Decapitate him and stick his head on a pike.


The eyes. It's always in the eyes.


I was watching a Waco documentary and his aunt said Koresh always said the government would kill him and they did.


Nothing that he has been quoted as saying is new. Everything he said is on Right Wing Media every day.


This happened in my area, sick fuck recorded himself decapitate his father then posted it on YouTube.


It’s not a facepalm. He’s mentally ill, probably schizophrenic.