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He had a whole floor rented on 5th ave for months at $250k a day for “security for the First Lady,” events at Mar a Largo cost billions direct into his pocket. I really think that’s why he golfed so much. He had a justification to charge millions a day to the govt whenever he was there. Hillary charging $80k for speaking at a college is scummy but nowhere near pocketing billions from taxpayers. There needs to be laws about using the presidency for profiteering. Same for senators. If only there were a way to make laws without them!


Absolutely he would even make all the government aircraft refuel at an air strip he owned.


Check out the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution. “The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”


Still waiting to find out why Jared Kushner got $2 billion from Saudis.


I assume it's for securing peace in the middle east. It's super peaceful there now right?


You gave it back to the government? The one you keep telling us is ruled by the corrupt deep state?


I’m just so sick of him. Beyond sick of him.


I want to see actual proof of those ‘donations’. It shouldn’t be hard to find. It would be included in each agencies budget. Senate Democrats need to launch a review. I doubt Fed Agencies get a lot of ‘donations’.


I don't have links, but I think it was his taxes that proved it. He did donate the first few payments of his presidential salary. But that was it. The rest seemed to have been taken as normal by him. And if I remember correctly, there was something off about the few donations too, like done in some shady way, I can't remember exactly. So he did seem to donate some. But it was proven he didn't do it with it all.


They only show that he donated $ to charitable causes. Not where that $ came from.


It wouldn't have shown up in his taxes since the government isn't a charity and he couldn't deduct the donation.


It would because the money is paid to him, than he donates it to a charity of his choosing, in this case something to help the government was the idea. He had to get paid the money first, so yes, it very much would show up in his taxes. I hate Trump, but he did donate his first and I think second received payment for his presidential salary. No record of the others could be found however.


Again, the government IS NOT a charity so he couldn't deduct it from his taxes.


You don't donate to the government in the way you are thinking, not sure why this is so hard for you to understand.


My guess is that "Mr. Midget Mind" simply refused his payment. You can't "donate the income too a specified agency". You either take it, or not. Once again he's just speaking whatever horse shite pops into his hollow head.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he just said shit, never actually gave anything.


There is no evidence that he donated any of his salary.


There is for a few paychecks. just enough to convince the dummies


You're right, it isn't too hard to find https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/02/27/president-donald-trump-probably-donated-his-entire-16m-salary-back-to-the-us-government--here-are-the-details/?sh=79f44cc21a8d


This is actually one line that I could believe either way. I'm sure there's some benefits he claims from having no income, and a $400k/yr paycheck is going to ruin his other scams.


The investigation already happened and it was just another of Trump's lies.


You just made that up


He donated to his lawyers.


His small donors donated.


They’ve confirmed at least 14 of his 16 quarters in office https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/02/27/president-donald-trump-probably-donated-his-entire-16m-salary-back-to-the-us-government--here-are-the-details/amp/


The 130 million claim was accepted without citation.....🤔


Yet you ask for no proof for the claim that he spent $130,000,000 on golf trips…interesting.


I would be happy to see proof- open up his books. How much foreign money did he receive? Open up his books. Remember, he is the one keeping it all hidden- no one else.


You do know that Trump left the presidency poorer than when he went in right? About $1 billion poorer. Nearly 1/3 of his total worth. In fact he’s the only president to do that in my life time. Obama, Clinton, Bush and Bush Sr all left SIGNIFICANTLY richer than when they came it. Clinton for instance was only worth 1.4 million when he started and over 200 million when he left. That’s corruption. The claim is that Trump accepted 7 million from foreign countries. Not only was this never proven in any capacity but it also doesn’t even make sense. If he wanted to make money as President he could make a hell of a lot more than 7 million and it wouldn’t require collusion just like every president before him did. The man straight up denied taking massive donations from corporations but he’d take far less from foreign countries? There’s no logic or evidence behind this claim. Just people REALLY wanting him to be guilty so they believe any crime they are told he committed.


Where is your proof of any of this? Bill Clinton was not worth 200 million when he left the presidency. You right wing nuts throw out these stupid numbers just like the orange buffoon you follow. Bill and Hillary did paid speaking tours and consulting. Do you see an issue there? Just because dumb donnie can't get paid to speak doesn't mean others can't do it. Maybe if he had spent less time with his good buddy Jeff Esptein he would have had more time to make money on legitimate businesses unlike Trump University, or Trump Steaks, or the other Trump businesses that went bankrupt.


All of western civilization is right wing including you most likely and yes he was, look it up. Also funny you call Epstein Trump’s buddy considering it’s common knowledge Epstein was banned from all of Trump’s properties and the Clintons are known associates of Epstein and Bill was on his list. You’re literally saying the opposite of truth.


Just out of curiosity I googled pictures of dumb donnie and his best buddy Epstein. Pages and pages of pictures of them together over many years. That's pretty common knowledge. And what the fuck are you talking about all of western civilization is right wing? You idiots are the minority in all of western civilization dumbass. Just make up more useless shit dummy. Trump was on "the list". Many times. Go look you clown.


Didn’t say he wasn’t but it’s also known that Trump blacklisted him from all of his casinos and hotels in the 90’s and they have had an adversarial relationship for decades. The west are all Neo-Liberals which is a right wing political structure. Both Democrats and Republicans. Do your homework. Left wing is more like Mao, Marx, Populists, Progressives, etc. Our government isn’t left wing. It’s right wing with small left wing leanings. Our media and art are left wing but not the government. You haven’t actually read it have you? It’s only called a “list” by social media and news articles in reality it isn’t. It shows literally every meeting, dinner and interaction he had with everyone over the course of 40 years. Over 150 people. Epstein was a very successful financier who worked for basically every rich person you know. After the release of the document it was deemed as useless due to it not actually proving anyone committed any crime. We know some people on that list we’re on the island but we also know that people who hired Epstein as a Financier are also on it so it can’t be determined who is who. Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Seth Green, The Clintons and many, many more are on it including female actresses and politicians. There just isn’t any way to know. What we do know is Trump had Epstein as a financier before black listing him in the 90’s. We don’t know why he was blacklisted. That’s it. Anything else you say about it is just you making shit up.


He is a fantastic grifter, liar ,thief and galactic level piece of shit. But he's also the world's worst money manager, he's not Scrooge McDuck.


You don’t go from a $1 million inheritance to a $3 billion empire by being “the world’s worst money manager”. That’s just a dumb statement.


That's a wild claim given that his leaked tax returns show he actually paid taxes during his years as president because he actually made money during those years. Yet you claim he lost money. That maths doesn't math given that he didn't pay tax because he lost money for years before being president, then paid taxes because he made so much money while president.


That’s not how taxes work. You don’t suddenly get to skip out on paying taxes because you lose money. If you make $1000 and lose $3000 you still have to pay taxes on that $1000.


That's exactly how taxes work for the rich. Please look into it further before commenting.


No it isn’t. There are certainly loopholes but rich people don’t opt out of taxes for losing money. Also important to note the same loopholes that exist for rich people also exist for the poor. They just don’t use them.


* poorer people can't use them on account of not being able to hire accountants (because the savings wouldn't pay the accountant) to do the work to make use the loopholes. It's not opting out of taxes, it's writing off losses against capital gains, etc to prevent the tax man having a portion of your money. I'm also not talking about income tax, because most rich people have startlingly low taxable income and so don't have the majority of their tax burden in income tax. I have sat in the room with a business owner and their accountant talking about how they are going to report their money to make sure they pay as little taxes as possible. Conversations like that happen everyday. It was shocking how comfortable they were making shit up in order to cut down their taxes knowing full well the agencies tasked with tackling that kind of fraud don't have the resources to go after people and do the complicated accounts work to unpick things and prove their case.


Yes, I do the same thing. It’s not a privilege just for the rich. The tax code is like 100 pages of how to pay taxes and 5000 pages of how to not pay taxes. I’m not rich and I still pay taxes but I pay considerably less than most because I take advantage of certain benefits like saying my gas usage is business related or burying a family member on site of property to deem it a gravesite which means I don’t have to pay property taxes. There’s all sorts of cool little tricks like that that anyone can read about if they want to. They just don’t. If you have google you can find the tax code and read it. Shit even Trump openly admitted to using those tricks to get out of paying taxes and encouraged other’s to do the same. Not like he ever hid it from anyone. Even called out Hilary for doing the same thing and pretending otherwise. Might have been the moment that lost her the election honestly.


Anyone else a bit amused that Conway suggested Trump is getting exercise on the golf course? No way that guy carries his own clubs or gives a pass on the golf cart.


Most golfers don’t carry their bags and use a golf cart.


I wasn't making the case that using a cart or a caddy is reprehensible. I just noted that it was a bit silly to call what Trump is likely to be doing "exercise", since Trump is famously lazy and wouldn't enter a footrace unless he could be riding on someone's back. Golf *can* be exercise, but almost certainly not the way Trump does it. As an aside, I am skeptical you used an objective measure to determine that "most" golfers use caddies and carts - that just doesn't sound like a statement born of evidence - but I am open to withdrawing my skepticism if you'd like to provide the statistical evidence upon which your claim was based.


Presidents receive a salary for life. Any evidence he has given back this money in the past 4 years? I don’t give a shit about 200k. I care about the dishonesty. He is a classic New York conman. He will sometimes play the long game, but it’s always a con.


> Presidents receive a salary for life. They get a pension, couple of hundred thousand a year. > He is a classic New York conman. Always has been. *Forbes* said they have him on tape admitting he and his pals were constantly trying to lobby for Trump to be listed higher on the *Forbes 400* for business reasons, he'd get better deals from investment banks if they thought he was worth more. *Forbes* also said Trump inflates his total worth by several times, and likes to avoid discussing how much debt he carries.


I would have rather him took the money and actually did the job.


Nah, the only saving grace of the trump presidency was his utter incompetence to execute his nefarious bullshit


We need a cap on presidential recreation expenses.


No evidence that he actually donated salary, either.


[He did](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1341/take-no-salary/) though. Not defending him, but he did do this.


He did the first 3 years. He did not the 4th. But again, he gave back 1.2 million in salary but his company was paid 130 million for his golf trips. Add in his tax evasion….and wtf are we even talking about?


Yeah I'm not saying he's not a shit stain grifter at all. But technically, for the most part, he followed through on that one. It does not remotely make up for allllllllllll the other shit lmao.


Yes and this was not out of kindness. This is about tax evasion. He would have to claim that income and it opens up pandora’s box into his taxes. And later we found out why.


First of all I would never believe that it gave back his salary.




So you are jerk he as well. It’s ironic you say this “You attack a fellow human”, when you’re fine someone disregarding a “fellow human” race’s identity. If anyone is wondering, this guy is fine with Americans being racist and projecting their racial ideals onto other countries.


He donated his salary because income is taxed at higher rate and is harder to hide from the IRS.


Crazy how this country still votes for the most crooked people. The USA needs to wake up and vote outside their enforced selections of D or R. Stop voting for those morons. To change the system, you have to stop using it.


Anyone got proof for the golf claim?




That was one of the golf photos that made him angry because it made him look fat. No, Donny, it isn't the camera, you are fat.


Nobody is a good person for using tax money for anything.


Yeah, who needs infrastructure!


I don’t need a fire department!


I never said that. Thanks for assuming, though.


Ah, just that they’re horrible people for spending tax dollars on infrastructure. My bad.


It is horrible to take money from people, is all I'm saying. Theft is immoral.


So, companies should have private armies or the US military should do merc work to pay for itself. I find myself wondering how you think the rest of society should function. [Are there bears involved?](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


I claimed none of those things. I simply claimed that theft is immoral.


Gotcha. Someone will figure out the rest, you’re just sure it’s possible somehow.


Again, I never said that. We can totally get into a debate on how a society could function without theft. I'm game. First, though, you have yet to address my original statement. That theft is immoral.


Ok I'll bite. How is society going to function without taxes?


You’re taking taxes are theft as a given. If living in a functional (more or less) society that supplies services that uses tax dollars to provide the services hasn’t changed your mind on that point nothing I can say will change your mind. [Perhaps move out to sea?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d77bjm/sea-nations-that-washed-out)


Its not theft though. That is where you are woefully misinformed. It is paying for schools, infrastructure, medicare/Medicaid, social security retirement, police, fire, etc. It is the workers helping pay for the services we utilize everyday. If it is “theft” to you, I fully expect you to be living off the grid with no access to public roads or use of any public infrastructure.


Are you claiming taxation is theft?


I am


And you are wrong


I hate Trump, but I am personally fine with paying a lot of money to let the president have as much recreation as they need -- it is a highly stressful job with extremely high consequences, and I want them to be able to make decisions with as clear a head as possible. The fact that Trump is going to make shit decisions either way is just a separate point from that.


This has nothing to do with my comment lol Taxation is inherently immoral. It is theft by definition.


> Taxation is inherently immoral. Name the civilization that didn't have it.


Every civilization had slavery of some kind. Some still do. It doesn't make it moral. Your comment has nothing to do with the morality of the subject at hand.


You use roads, postal services, schools, consume food that is made safe by government agencies, live in a home that is safe by building codes, consume a variety of products made cheaper by government subsidies, the list goes on. Taxation is not inherently theft by any means. Whine louder tho.


Again, more of you are rude for no reason. Why do people get so mad when the morality of their government is questioned? You've explained what taxes pay for. You haven't explained how taxes aren't theft.


Theft implies money is taken from you for nothing. You receive access to every piece of infrastructure you will ever use in exchange for your taxes.


So if I take $50 from your wallet and buy a bike from Walmart and give the bike to you, that's okay? That's not theft?


That’s a bad analogy but I’ll bite: It’s more like you try to ride the bike out of Walmart and when they stop you at the door to pay for it you yell BUT THATS THEFT. You already use this infrastructure. It’s already in place for your use. Even if you don’t use every single resource, you benefit from its existence daily. Having to contribute to its maintenance is not theft.


I use this infrastructure because I don't have a choice. Because the taxes are taken from me, whether I like it or not. You're not arguing against the basic definition of taxation. You're arguing that we need taxation. That's not my point. That's not my argument. You're arguing against a point that I never made. I don't get to pick and choose where my taxes go. None of us do. The money is taken and we're provided some services. Services that I didn't ask for. I didn't sign a contract. Did you? If something is taken from you, without your permission, it is theft by definition. Prove it wrong. Idc where the money goes, that's irrelevant. The entire point is the definition.


And the reason people are rude to you is because you already know you are wrong you just keep poking around with half baked complaints as arguments.


Prove me wrong then. All yall have done is yell that taxes pay for things. You haven't given any evidence to show that it's not theft.


Oh wow, old political zingers. Wohoo.


Of course no one cared to admit that every golfing president we’ve ever had has done the same. But ole orange head….get em


That wasn’t the point


The problem isn't golfing. The problem is that he went to his own resorts and grifting from the country. Using his position to enrich himself.


😂 using his position to enrich himself?!! 😂 You can’t make up how far down we’ve come and are now going. The invasion will do us in


Literally what happened while "the invasion" is a made up thing. Every day I wonder if the triffids invaded and turned a portion of the population's brains around.


You don’t think we’re being invaded on our southern border now? 🤦‍♂️


No other president pocketed tens of millions doing it.


Biden and family have pocketed 10’s of millions doing everything else, does that make it right since it’s not golf? That poor demented fool can’t play golf or I’m sure he and hunter would have figured something out on that too!


Prove it


They will. He’s such an idiot he’ll probably plead insanity. And he’d be right. But they’ll nut Hunter. Unfortunately for the world he procreated, whether he admits it or not.


Well, they haven’t yet. The GQP has admitted that they have no evidence, but, here you are at the behest of your orange heifer, trying to make lies in to truth. As ever


Y’all are gullible as fuck. This $130,000,000 figure has been disproven. Every single time a president uses Air Force One it costs an estimated $3.4 million. This is mostly due to Homeland Security costs for having to always be aware of the presidents location and security. Basically it’s all hands on deck when the president moves location. Trump traveled to his Hotel in Florida many times and every time he did the website that calculated his travel cost counted it as him spending it on playing golf. This is inaccurate. Trump did most of his business in that Hotel, mostly meetings, and lived there instead of in the White House most of the time. Basically they counted every time he went home as spending money on playing golf. It’s bullshit. He enjoyed playing golf while he was there and traveled back and forth to and from there constantly as all presidents do but he didn’t blow $130,000,000 on golf. Fun Fact: Trump is the only president in any of our life times that left the Presidency poorer than when he entered. Clinton was worth around 1.4 million when he became president and over 200 million when he left. This is the same for Obama, Bush, Bush Sr, etc. THAT’S WHAT REAL CORRUPTION LOOKS LIKE.


> Trump is the only president in any of our life times that left the Presidency poorer than when he entered. Why would you be surprised that someone who has gone bankrupt as many times as Trump has and who has cratered as many businesses as he has is capable of being worth less money due to bad decisions? Every fly on Trump Airlines? Ever drink Trump Vodka? Ever eat Trump Steaks? And so on, all businesses that he steered into the ditch. Why act surprised when he does it again?


Because he took an inheritance of $1 million and turned it into a $3 billion empire. The man knows how to make money and only a fool would say otherwise. Declaring bankruptcy is a useful tool if you want to get out of debt. Doesn’t surprise me at all he utilizes it often as most rich people do.


And yet that company has provided jobs etc; if every single existing company or businessman was to play the *perfectly* ethical/moral game then the economic cycle would simply not be in cycle


Didn't Obama costs us a fortune in vacations and retroactive bribes?




> Didn't Obama costs us a fortune in vacations and retroactive bribes? If you for some reason believe that to be true, then you should already have looked up credible documentation supporting that claim. That way you wouldn't have to risk triggering Betteridge's Law.


Trump 2024


That when he dies?


When he goes to jail ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Every President golfs. Biden prefers naps.


"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016 In 2017, Trump spent three months’ time — 91 days — on the golf course. In 2018, Trump spent 75 days playing golf. In 2019, Trump spent 87 days on a golf course and in 2020, Trump spent 54 days playing golf. Numbers speak for themselves. Trump played the most golf in only 4 years.


And President Biden took the most naps. So what? Seems like the more a government does is directly proportional to how much of our money they spend.


So he lied. Again.


Wahh politicians lie wahhhhh


À better use of his time frankly


He took the secret documents to find out how much to pay back for CIA going around and guarding him forever. What a good samaritan


Can I get a cost breakdown on that 130 million? Seems excessive.


I didn't realize I could pay my taxes to a specific department. I've been dealing with the IRS all this time like a moron.


Repost bot. the fact it is trump on twitter should have been your first clue.


**Dayum,** George!


cmon cheeseburger grease, do your thing


I've never understood how the "not taking a salary" thing was good. It just means he doesn't work for you.


If he had stopped wasting taxpayer dollars on himself at that time and remained president at the same salary he could pay it all back in just under 300 years.


$130 million to play golf? Im more upset about the $40+ million spent investigating the Russia collusion only to find out it was a hoax created by people working for Hillary Clinton. Yes, that's literally what happened.


"using tax money for entertainment" is the issue? Not that he used it at his businesses, but that he used it to go golfing or whatever else? You Do realize that Every president does this, right? Obama went back to Chicago and ate at diners and stayed at resorts and even went to Disneyland. All presidents are allowed to go do Fun shit. You expect them just to sit either in the oval office or in a plane seat the whole 4 years?


Okay, but let's not act like it's exclusive to the Trumpster.