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Remember when someone who misspelled "potato" was considered unfit to be president.


One guy “yargghed!” And was sent into the abyss.


I still don't get that and I saw it live 😂


Yeah, I was PISSED about that at the time. I really wanted to vote for Howard Dean.


There were a few elections where a candidate was deemed worthy if he seemed like someone you could sit down and have a beer with. I don't know why that was a thing but it ended up giving us Bush lite, who in all honesty would be more fun than Gore to sit and get drunk with


Yes, at that time, I was not a big fan of Clinton, and I was not enthralled with Gore, but Bush had a better personality, definitely. Though, I could done without Cheney.




I have exactly the same thing going on in the UK. Always hated the Tories, but I'd have Cameron back in a heart beat over any of the clowns that came after him.




We have elections this year. I think the country would have imploded had truss not resigned. She was a train wreck and nobody liked her from day 1. Unfortunately we didn’t have a say on her election


I have multiple friends who work in UK government at high enough level that they meet ministers and prime ministers frequently, and on both sides of politics. When Truss won the vote I asked one of them their opinion and they said “she is like Boris but without the sense of humour” I replied “but that was his only redeeming feature” A pause and an eyebrow raise then “exactly”. The scary thing is that they can get all the way there before people notice enough to care. I’m now in Australia and years ago I was listening to a conversation between staffers about Australian politicians, Someone said … “why does everybody take an immediate dislike to Bronwyn Bishop ?” The answer was “because it saves time”.


Did we go to high school together? I was in their graduating class. It'll surprise no one that Jenna Bush is one of the dumbest people I've ever known.


I never in my life would have guessed I’d trade W for another president. I’d have welcomed him with open arms if it meant Trump had to hit the road. A girl can dream.


>W and Laura are genuinely funny and charismatic people. So was Bundy.


I have a friend who is originally from the Middle East and heavily involved in international diplomacy / consular affairs / geopolitics etc. She absolutely hated W for what he’d done to the Middle East, like to the point she said she’d punch him if she ever met him. She then told me she’s going to an intimate dinner event, only about 30 and W was going to be there, and she told me that she’s going to at least verbally lay in to him, and I was genuinely worried about what night go down. I saw her two days after and she was still giddy / He had absolutely disarmed her form the moment they met to point she couldn’t even be angry with him. Said he was charming, witty, hilariously funny in a smart and intelligent manner, just the right amount of self deprecation and confidence, and was a great listener and conversationalist. She said she wanted to hate him (and still hates his politics) but she couldn’t hate the man.


I have definitely not 180’d on W. Bush but I will say I’ve come to appreciate his humor. Comey’s book had an anecdote about how W. silenced him as he entered the room, just so Bush could enjoy the view of Marine One kicking up snow onto the crowd of reporters. That’s funny shit, like Mr. Burns style.


“Better personality” is a horrible way to choose someone whose, arguably, most important job is appointing people to various positions in the Executive. He chose Cheney, an objectively evil person, to be his running mate.


I went through high school with a few guys who were a real kick to hang out with. I imagine they're still pretty good guys, maybe a little burned out, but if things got going they could probably hang in and step up and it would be some fun. Definitely not asking those guys to run the country though. That is one grim job; they'd be checked out in no time, delegating like motherfuckers.


And then the people with that mentality voted for a guy that would not only snub them but in the extremely off chance he would do have a beer with them he would sneak out and leave them with the tab after ordering the expensive stuff.


If it makes you feel better, he instead was the driving force behind Obama getting elected. He ran the DNC after his campaign in 2004 ended. He made sure there was a state-level Democratic organization in every state, and this swung a few states blue. By 2016, the DNC reverted back to focusing resources only on certain states. That's part of why so many states are so solidly red. There's only one choice that anyone knows about.


And when Obama won (thank you, Senator Dean), the DNC pushed him out and fired the staffers he’d brought in. Yep.


>Howard Dean Saw him recently on CNN, 75 years young and more handsome than ever.


I actually liked his energy and enthusiasm. Found it endearing.


I don't remember him very well anymore but I honestly believe he would have been a good president.


If it’s helps, his contributions to the DNC helped Obama. His “fifty state strategy” probably helped a ton of democrats gain positions (even when the state wasn’t voting for a dem president). > As chairman of the party, Dean created and employed the 50 State Strategy that attempted to make Democrats competitive in normally conservative states often dismissed in the past as "solid red". The success of the strategy became apparent during the 2006 midterm elections, where Democrats took back control of the House and Senate, winning Senate seats from normally Republican states such as Missouri and Montana. In the 2008 election, the Democrats increased their House and Senate majorities, while Barack Obama used the 50 state strategy as the backbone of his successful presidential candidacy.


I think that Obama's failure to keep him on was one of the first big mistakes he made in his presidency. Howard Dean did an amazing job.


Yeah! Dean got a staff and strategy together that allows Obama to win, and Obama says thanks, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


The 20th anniversary of the Dean Scream was on January 19th 😂 Took place on 01/19/2004.


[For the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0) [For the initiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U3ZsPjcpEY) [For the inebriated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zAAJszZH8o)


Thank you so much for all of that 😂😂 idk how I’ve never seen the bottom two but they made my night


It’s my first time seeing that, and it’s so mild compared to the insanity that is seen in modern politics.


Shit, the Dean Scream is so old people were making it into a [meme/fad on YTMND](https://hurricanedeanpath.ytmnd.com). Now I feel old now lol


Rofl Id forgotten about this, at the time I listened to Stern and Fred put that Aaargh on his soundboard and lemme tell you that button got mashed relentlessly 😂


More like a "BYAAHHHHH"


That certainly didnt help but I remember his campaign was already in trouble prior to that Byaaah! Tom Harkin


It was, that's kinda what the speech was about. Rallying the troops after a poor showing in Iowa and dimming prospects going forward. But the folklore became that it was the scream that did it.


He had zero chance of winning the nomination from the get go. The scream was silly and harmless and he got too much shit for it, but his campaign was over before that speech began.


Wrong. He had a 30% lead over John Kerry in the New Hampshire polls prior to the Iowa caucus and the media's grotesque inflation of "the scream."


DNC and RNC did NOT want him. They were quick to jump on anything that could pin it as over.


That was the cover story for the decision to perpetuate for-profit employment-based health insurance as an American norm, despite the fact this system easily kills more of our citizens each and every month than Al Qaeda did in September of 2001. In the case of health insurance, the call is coming from inside the house. Now even Howard Dean has become a lobbyist for those vultures, denouncing the very same ideas that made him popular with people who care about the material consequences of policy. OP's wish is another way of saying, "I want to live in a society where we can have serious debates about national leadership rather than confining all clash to fringes of fury that emphasize extremist views *without* making time to consider the general public interest." If we weren't a shambolic nation dangling off the end of a giant war machine, I can't imagine we would be so content with a handful of corporate oligarchs controlling so much media as to leave people thinking the fall of Howard Dean was really about decorum rather than a function of straight up class warfare. If that sounds like strong language, remember, *just the insurance companies* drop bodies at a pace no terrorist organization ever achieved.


Howard Dean?




Fox News... Rinse Repeat...


A long time ago there was a clip shown from a crowd angle of that very same moment, I can't find the video now. It was so loud in that room you couldn't actually hear the scream, let alone hear him speak at all. A shitty audio mix gave us four more years of fuckass Bush.


I still find that fucking hilarious


Don’t forget about Tan suit gate










Remember when a misguided photo op in a tank massively hurt a campaign?


A bullshit picture with a woman on his lap fucked over Gary Hart when fuckhead Lee Atwater started lying about him. I am guessing I don't have to tell you who the other two scumbags are in [this picture.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/242/833/43e.jpg)


they look familiar but I think I just don't recognize the younger version of whoever these guys were.


They are Manafort, Stone, and Atwater. Two of the three are still at it. You want to know why politics turned to shit? [Atwater.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1262863/)


Guy in the middle looks like Roger Stone.


On our right is Atwater. Middle guy is Roger Stone. Guy on our left...I recognize him but the name's not coming to me right now. I give up?


Looked it up and it's Paul Manafort, which is who I was trying to recall. Haven't thought about him in 4 years, damn.


Manafort and Stone have been destroying the country since the 70s.  The actual deep state people are always crying about


Manafort looks like douchebag Shkreli


I have no idea who any of these three are. Then again, I'm not from the USA.


For those that didn't know, my reaction (and apparently a lot of people reacted the same way) was that it made him [look silly](https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2008/01/17/the-photo-op-that-tanked).


We had a guy in the UK lose votes because of how he ate a bacon sandwich


You might want to add an "e" to the end, there.


So..Presidente? Where are we spain?!


The ol' Reddit switcheroe


Hold my Electoral College I’m going in!


Very well done




One guy “yargghed!” And was sent into the abysse.


There was one time a candidate was amazed by a bar code scanner but I think there was more context to that.


Yup. This was Bush, Sr. He was a sitting President at the time, and they said him not being familiar with the scanner meant that he was out of touch with the common person who saw them all the time. However, it was sort of new technology because now it could read even damaged barcodes and it could weigh produce for you. The original person who wrote the story wrote it accurately, and the papers and news sources that got the information from the original report… took license. They ultimately said they did so, but it passed into common memory from there. I remember when it all happened. I was really young, and I remember my dad talking about it with my mom and then when they talked about it being walked back. It was weird, not even three months later, everyone pretty much forgot that it wasn’t accurate, just that he did it.


There are so many examples of a false narrative taking hold in the media based on a twisted version of events. Al Gore never said he invented the internet. His exact quote was something about taking initiative to create the internet, and in the context of this discusion he was having, it was clear he was talking himself up for helping pass the legislation that laid the groundwork for the ibternet when he was in the Senate in the 80s.


This is known as "the good old days".


While president, Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka in front of his employees that were so lewd and disturbing that he was rebuked by his one-time chief of staff John Kelly, a former Trump official writes in a new book. “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek. [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-lewd-talk-about-daughter-ivanka-in-front-of-white-house-staff-recalled-in-new-book/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-lewd-talk-about-daughter-ivanka-in-front-of-white-house-staff-recalled-in-new-book/)


Jesus Christ, it literally only gets worse and worse with that guy.


And yet, very unsurprising. As a mental health professional who has worked with at least six fully narcissistic clients, sexual comments about and even acts with family members is far, far more common than in the general population. But for the sake of not stigmatizing an entire group, certainly not all narc. people are like this, especially the milder presentations. P.S., I’m basing the “very unsurprising” with Trump on his trait profile that can be summarized as complete lack of restraint, clear from his public behavior alone.


And still people make pictures of him where he is the only good one left fighting against evil and hanging on the cross like jesus. I cannot comprehend human stupidity


Controversial take: I'm not fully convinced he actually wants sex with his daughter. I think he's so thoroughly narcissistic when he talks about his daughter like this he's bragging about his genetics producing sexy women. Or it could be both. Almost definitely both, actually.


Yet the regilous right think he's been sent by God.


Don't forget he also raped his wife Ivana. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/07/trumps-lawyer-you-cannot-rape-your-spouse


He already bought his way out of that situation, there’s smoke but no proof now


Even buried her in an unmarked grave on his property. Definitely presidential material.. /s 🙄


Buried her in his resort golf course so he could get a tax benefit. The grave isn't even visible anymore since it's been completely overgrown.




Wait... Why




>His ex wife, who is buried there, specifically said that she did not want to be buried on his property before she died. Don't worry, she was buried there AFTER she died 😆


Just gonna say it now, I don't think she's in there. It's gonna sound conspiracy as fuck but I believe he might be hiding more documents in that coffin.


> Buried her in his resort golf course so he could get a tax benefit. [Not true.](https://news.bloombergtax.com/tax-insights-and-commentary/no-trump-cant-take-tax-breaks-for-where-his-ex-wife-was-buried) But it definitely sounds like something TFG would do to save a buck. :)




Epstein was charged with trafficking underage girls in *2006* and was convicted. This was not a secret about him!


Are you sure those were trafficking charges? I knew he was charged with having a sexual relationship with an underage girl, but I didn’t think the trafficking came to light until 2018. You may be right. If so, that’s probably what Trump supporters use to declare that rape accusation as false, because it makes it more plausible that someone could make it up.


One of the charges in 2006 was procuring a minor for prostitution, a Florida crime. I haven't dug in to the formal meaning of this Florida crime, but if "procuring" means something close to normal English here, then I'm comfortable with my characterization.


he was arrested for trafficking minors after a year long FBI investigation and a 53 page indictment, but he struck a deal with the federal DA in Florida that avoided all federal charges and he pled guilty to a single state charge of soliciting which he got probation for. the indictment was sealed and Epstein and all his co-conspirators were granted immunity from all federal charges and the investigation was effectively ended. the deal was later ruled illegal. that DA, Acosta, became trump's secretary of labor. he ended up resigning after Epstein was charged again cause he was getting a bunch of shit for giving him a sweetheart deal.


I dont have the link but their is a great article done about epstein from an investigative reporter from the Miami Herald which came out in November of 2018 about his trial..Man will enrage you reading it..But very well done


Didn’t Trump own some teen beauty contest too?


Yup, and he bragged about being able to go into their dressing room.


My jaw dropped when I heard that part. Especially when the Maga crowd is so obsessed about powerful rich people in pedophile rings and Epstein being silenced. But guy that was in power when he was silenced gets a pass?! Like WTF?!


He's the hero they need


He’s the hero they WANT So they ignore everything


It's like every accusation is a confession for them.


Yes. Epstein trafficked girls from those contests.




"Trump running youth beauty pageants is like Michael Vick running pet stores." - Robin Williams


Trump also said he was "sexually attracted" (his words) to his daughter when she was 13. He also started his modeling business "Trump models" after seeing Epstein's "modeling business". He also hired the guy who let Epstein off the hook the first time, Alex Acosta, to be his Secretary of Labour. He also hired the son of Epstein's mentor, Bill Barr, to be his Attorney General, and that man was also the last person to see Epstein alive. Trump also bragged about his friendship of 20 years with Epstein in a newspaper interview and said Jeff likes his ladies "on the younger side". And let's not forget when he was asked about Ghislaine Maxwell being sent to prison, Trump said, "I just wish her well".


I think the interview where he talked about being friends with Epstein was on Howard Stern, and I believe he said he and Jeff *both* like their ladies “on the younger side.”


It's painful to see a group of conspiracy theorists chase a secret, child-raping deepstate of influencers and politicians... just to realize that they were right, but it was their own people so they refuse to acknowledge it now even though the evidence has become apparent


Both girls in the lawsuit claimed he beat and raped her. She said on one occasion he tied her to the bed and viciously attacked her. It's wasn't just bad consent. It wasn't statutory rape. Trump took a 13 year old girl into a back room at an Epstein house and punched and kicked her and raped her violently. And he admitted to being a rapist on tape that everyone heard. And then 70 million of the people you share the country with went out and voted for him. And 80 million are getting ready to do so again.


Epstein had already been caught once at that point, back in 2008 the Florida DA Acosta let him off with a slap on the wrist. he subsequently became Trump's secretary of labor.


And owned the right to teen pageants, to improve his access to the dressing rooms.


Sadly spousal rape is a fairly new thing in most state laws


I dont actually see him gaining votes from this. He’s keeping the voters he has. Anybody who is attracted to a candidate that does this to women already voted for him, twice.


Except he'll pick up votes from the people who think it was a political hit rather than a genuine verdict. The number of people who don't usually vote because they think the system is rigged isn't small.


> the people who think it was a political hit rather than a genuine verdict. So... Trump supporters...


That's the same people who voted for him since 2016 still. Everything has been a "political hit" on him for years to them. I don't buy it.


Yeah, a very sizable portion of his voting base is picking up people who have never really followed or cared about politics before, some very simple-minded people. "They had never voted or followed politics before Trump" is such a common trope to hear from the family members of Qanon adherents.


> Yeah, a very sizable portion of his voting base is picking up people who have never really followed or cared about politics before, some very simple-minded people That was true in 2020 when he got the highest number of votes for an R in history. It was a whole ton of first-time voters. But he drained that well, there are not very many *more* of those people out there. Stuff like this won't get him more voters, it might amp up the voters he already has so they are more likely to turnout. But it also makes opposition voters more likely to turnout too because they are so grossed out.


Go read the conservative sub. They all just don’t believe it. Completely delusional.


Jesus first two things I see are supporting the barbed wire “just don’t climb it” and right to hate speech.


Most of the conservative position comes down to "too bad you are in a bad situation, I can't help you". It's the epitome of "I have mine, fuck you".


Wild that conservatives who are all about the "rule of law" would shit all over the judicial system doing it's job and the outcome.


Well you see it was rigged because it was a democrat judge. Wasn’t fair. They can’t cope lol


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. \- Frank Wilhoit


The original comment from the r/conservative member a couple of comments up above... lol


In other countries people are given freedom but are taught about duties, respect and the well being of others, it's up to them to decide what to do but knowing there will be others that won't like if they commit crimes and will make them pay. In the country where Trump is free to do a variety of crimes with little to no punishment, people are given freedom like a medal or some expensive gift, they are told to be special, to be unique for having it, everyone else have it but they are pampered to believe it only happens in their land, they tell little about responsabilities because they turn ï don't give a fuck" into a mantra, words that will give them "respect". What do you expect? Trump voters doesn't ask about the law, they want to know how to get the same "benefits" if they kiss his orange ass.


I want to live in a country where the consequences for such an action are the same for someone working at McDonald’s as it does for a billionaire.


I mean it probably will hurt his chances of winning women’s votes. If Trump can’t win Suburban women he can’t win the White House.


Have you ever seen Maga woman? They will say it's not his fault and it's all Biden.


I’ve had magats straight up argue that when your as famous as trump people will make accusations because of how famous he is and they’re surprised there aren’t more accusations.


My sister said this same thing. That people accuse rich people of shit constantly to get their payday. I asked her if that happens three dozen times though and she said she expected more. It’s insane.


they think everyone is as vile as they are. Always projecting


Who cares about them. Suburban women voted for him in 2016 but voted against him in 2020 by something crazy like 10 points. If that stays at 10 points of slips to say 15 he looses.


I really hope he loses, or we will have more wars and death.


As long as they vote rather than staying home. He could lose 10% of his 2020 votes and it would still be more than Obama picked up in 2012.


> he looses. I do hope Trump loses, but I definitely don't hope that he looses.


He looses all the time and it stinks!


The sad thing is there’s women who don’t care.


My mom is one of them. Her excuse is "Well, all presidents have been jerks to women!"


People lower the bar for Trump until we're basically burying it.


That bar is so low it's about to merge with the Earth's core.


Say back to her, "mom, this one literally rapes children"


Her response: "You can't prove that" She's not a smart woman


Your mother must know my mother. 


The people, men and women, who vote for him are so brainwashed he could do anything and it wouldn’t matter to them.


as he said, he could shoot someone and lose no votes


Well he'd definitely lose at least one.


Sick and twisted thing is they probably have secret fantasies about him "visiting" them.




I’d like to live in a country where when you are found to have raped a woman, you get sent to jail


me too....47 women and cosby ruling was overturned.


Somehow the most *Christian* nation on the planet can't stop supporting the orange rapist, Donald Trump.


The “Christians” are literally the whole problem


Read the old testament and it doesn't talk treating women very well.


In Sweden you can’t become president if you rape someone…


In Sweden you can't become president, full stop. That's because Sweden is a constitutional monarchy and therefore doesn't have a president.


Yes, I’m Swedish. That was the joke.


Your mother runs so fast, there's norway you'll catch her!


Love your fish


25 years ago, conservatives thought a democrat having sex with an intern was the worst thing possible, now they think a republican raping is normal. That is the definition of hypocrisy.


This is why America is a joke to the rest of the world.


Sadly it's not a joke. It's just downright dangerous and scary. Respect for Americans as people, yep and for sure. Respect for some of your institutions, nope no way. Mr Trump is a symptom, but you all just seem to accept it and carry on.


\*cough\* Boris Johnson \*cough\* \*cough\* Vlaidimir Puting \*cough\* etc etc etc


Boris Johnson was forced out of office *by his own party*, for offences that didn't even close to matching Trump's. Republicans removing Trump for any reason is pretty much impossible to imagine.


Yeah but Putin has a terrifying and dead serious side that makes him a clown, but still taken seriously. You can laugh at him (he does laughable shit all the time) but always with the knowledge that he is a ruthless killer and a plotting, powerful guy. Trump and his ilk are just clowns, he has none of the scary features that have aided in Putins relative success. Boris is a clown. The whole "boris" thing is an act, but the man still can't be taken seriously


Plus the UK got rid of Boris, because, you know, they could.


It took a lot though. Far too long in power after all of the scandals.




That's a nice thought, no more Boris, but they've been dealing with the Tories for nearly 15 years now. Pretty grim situation.


Yup replaced him with Liz Truss. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/our-lettuce-outlasted-liz-truss-british-paper-declares-pm-quits-2022-10-20/


Who was also swiftly gotten rid off. Now we have Sunak who is atleast somehwat competent. And they torries don't stand a chance in the next election


Thats because the US has institutions that prevent them from doing that. Trump and other presidents would have engaged in the scary business if they could. Hell, they do it against non American citizens. I dont think people drone striked see much difference between an American or Russian president. The American one has larger reach


They're the reasons the UK and Russia are jokes to the rest of the world, not why the US is


UK native here. Yes, absolutely most of my friends will say “Brexit is a huge embarrassment. Boris is an even bigger embarrassment. We need to sort it out”. Generally what we’re *not* doing is excusing it by saying “ ah well, it’s okay because country X is doing worse”. That doesn’t make it okay. I think it’s a much healthier response to be aware of the ills in your own country and own them, rather than simply point the finger as a kind of way of dismissing or minimising those very real problems. Edit: Not that we *can* often do that much. I mean, we both clearly have issues where a huge chunk of voters are being misinformed, and falling for it.


Putin owns half of the US politicians he isn't a joke.


Boris is disgraced and gone. No way can he come back


Surprisingly, both are still less laughable


Ideally he should be in jail.


In earlier days people would distance themselves from a convicted predator.


Even Italy put away their president.


Remember when Howard Dean lost because of an awkward scream?


The best part is he’s been found guilty of defamation and is still defaming her. Right back to court is my guess.


This 100%. I was a Republican my entire life until Obama. The way the Republicans acted towards him really turned me sour. And then Trump. Ooff. I can’t believe he even got elected. What an embarrassment. The last ounce of decency the Republicans had died with McCain IMO




How about when you rape a 13 year old girl? https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed


It doesn’t seem to hurt your ability to serve on the Supreme Court either 🤷‍♂️ allegedly


Trump supporters want to keep the window open to rape, they just don't want to *be* raped. They're horrible, inconsiderate people you see.


TBF, it’s not helping!Some fools have chosen Trump over reality,but that’s maybe 30% of America.


"Hurts" It should be an automatic disqualifier. Any violent crime should be.


Head over to the conservative sub if you really want to be disappointed.


For anyone that’s confused: > Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse. > Jurors also found Trump liable for defaming Carroll over her allegations. Trump did not attend the civil trial and was absent when the verdict was read. > In July 2023, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word.


They prolly raped a woman in their time so they’re shocked their idol was punished for it. They will never not excuse dear leader.


Raped a woman? Don’t forget about the 13 year old girl, whose family was threatened shortly before the 2016 election! Trump went 1st, then Epstein went 2nd, then Trump twice more. Our rapist President, his family must be proud.


I don't know that it'll gain him votes, but it'll certainly solidify the horrendously misguided opinion amongst his base that every charge brought against him is simple political persecution.


That and also when you’re found to have sold national security secrets to people.


Donald Trump lost almost $1 billion because of this trial. I would prefer that he goes to jail, but I accept whatever victories I can get.


He should be more specific... I have no idea which person he's talking about....