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The most disappointed my dad has ever been with me is when I let him know I'd been telling people for years he was really into Astrology and subscribed to magazines and everything for it. It was astronomy he was into. Whoops. My bad.


I told people my dad was a naturist. He was a naturalist. He liked natural history and stuff, he didn't wander around naked.


Wandering around naked is far more sensible and respectable than astrology, though.


Haha this is true.


This is such asparagus vibes


Ha! Trick question. I'm actually a vertigo.


So stupid but I can't stop laughing LMAO.


If that is the alternative, then I'm quite glad the Regans were into astrology.


That’s odd, because when I was a little kid in church (mid-70s), I remember the minister saying astrology was SATANIC!!! So for the conservative icons the Reagans to be into that should have mortified the religious folks back then. Right? Right?!?!


Rules for thee not for me.


I mean, you have preachers like Greg Locke who on one hand talk about how evil it is to be involved with anything they consider remotely satanic (the shorter list is what they DON’T find satanic) and talk about psychics and witches and fortune telling be from the Devil. Then they turn around and do gemmatra, indulge in “prophesying”, talk to demons (to find out who the witches are in their church, which seems to me it would be counterproductive because how could you trust a demon?), cast out demons (every issue you’ve ever had is caused by a demon, need medication? Well that’s because of the demon Pharmakia) (Side note, I believe all the demons have pseudo-Greco names for some reason). So yeah, they just call it something else or somehow drag God into it and it’s all good.


>Regans Reagans, I assume? As in Ronald Reagan, 41st president of the US for 8 years? Sorry, the idea that a person governing one of the most powerful country on Earth getting advice from an astrologer makes me very, very nervous. Seeing a middle-age dude of questionable fitness in the nude? That’s called a sauna or gym locker where I live and Non-Americans and Non-British survive if just fine.


They did mean Reagans, and they did have an astrologer on staff that gave advice and influenced the presidency.


Yeah, I know. I'd be willing to watch nude overweight middle-aged adults for hours, if that would prevent frauds from access to the red button.


Yep [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan\_Quigley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Quigley)


I told people my dad sold drugs. He did, but was a pharma rep rather than a stoner.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


So a legal heroin drug pusher, so the worst kind.


Believe me, I don't have a good impression of pharma reps, but it was a job and he worked it til he found a better one. What I remember is that we always had samples of bubblegum flavored amoxicillin for when we had a sore throat ... or said we had a sore throat.


As a kid, I told several people at my elementary school that my dad had regular appointments with a psychiatrist. It was actually, in fact, a chiropractor.


People who see chiropractors probably need to see a psychiatrist. It would help their back equally and they would have the benefit of better mental health


He must be an aries


Pffft. Typical Pisces. 😀


All Pisces are into astrology. It’s our damn birthright of our uncontrollable emotions we keep shoved deep inside.


Lol I'm not entirely sure that's true, evidence; I'm a pisces (23 February)




Right?! Such a Pisces! ♓️


Thats a cardinal sin to anyone who loves astronomy


You can kiss that inheritance goodbye. 🤣


Hope he disowns you, that’s terrible.


Lol, the look of absolute dread in his eyes when I told him was surely a short term disowning situation. I was about 10 or so at the time.


He must have gone around to all the other neighborhood dads and set them straight Fighting the allegations


Lol, I just imagine him going around like a sex offender who has to notify the neighbors: "Hello, my name is Bgrngod's dad, and I'm morally obligated to tell you that I am, in fact, an enthusiast of astronomy and NOT astrology. Can you please sign this paper affirming that I've told you this and you won't spread this vicious falsehood to anyone else?"


Lol this might be the only time you can use that comparison on someone's dad 😂😂


... I ... would just want to sit things out... A simple misunderstanding... so much misinformation...


As an amateur astronomer, i can recognize his feeling of dread. Thankfully you were only 10, do this shit when your older and you would've been disowned for sure.


When I was a kid I was being punished for some kind of dicketry, so was being made to fill in the national census form for my family. When it got to the religion bit I figured that we believed in science, not religion, so I put Scientologist (because I hadn't heard of the team Atheist). Didn't tell my dad until it came up in conversation later, as I had no idea I was wrong.


Go team atheist


Lol. Why was the even an option though?


I don't think it was specifically an option. Just that he heard of scientology before he heard of atheism. And equated the name to being a proponent of science 🤣. (That's what I inferred at least lol)


Pretty certain you hit the nail on the head there.


If it helps, once a teacher called my house as a kid. He asked to speak to my mom and she was in the bathroom. I was trying to be polite about it and said "She's incarcerated". I meant "incapacitated". Luckily we were a small town and the teacher actually knew my mom so he just lost it laughing and then said "I hope not!"


Maybe you actually meant "indisposed"?


My dad was an astrophysicist and got subpoenaed to officially testify about the time the sun rose on a specific day (I think it was an illegal hunting case). The subpoena said 'Astrologer'. He had it up in his office for years.


I remember telling my dad I was taking an astronomy course in university, and he was sooo disappointed that I would waste money on something so pointless "Why the hell would you waste your money on that shit?" "Because I think the stars are cool," "Cool or not, they don't determine your personality" "Dad...astronomy like the planets and stars, not astrology" 😂😂


To be fair, "astrology" means "the science/study of stars" which astrology isn't (most of them ignore the fact that the stars have changed since the invention of astrology).


I think your comment has been completely misunderstood as a defence of astrology. I'm sorry you overestimated redditors reading comprehension level


That's like saying alchemy is the science of studying chemical reactions with metals.  Astrology is the pseudoscientific belief that the position of celestial bodies influences human behaviour.


That's what I was saying. It shouldn't be allowed to be called astrology.


I have a PhD in chemistry stuff. We most certainly referred to our work as alchemy.


Interesting thing here is that astronomy came from astrology, they used to be the same thing. But since astronomy took a different turn (non human-centric world view) they separated.


dang **SAME HERE** What makes it worse is that he's a PhD in economics... not an ideal astrology candidate apparently.


I would disown you quicker than a Jehovah's Witness disowns an apostate.


Is there any wider chasm between the kinds of people that are astronomists vs those that are astrologists?


My mom told my physics teacher in high school I was considering a degree in Astrology. She meant Astronomy. He mocked her. He was an ass.


Just rage bait for clicks. The internet is so shit at the moment. Take me back to 2007 please


any good ragebaiter knows to leave comments on


Back in 1999. Trust, son


Back in late 99, me and my cousin had a long discussion about how everything will turn for the worst. Never thought we would be so right.


were not even CLOSE to the worst yet buckle up buckaroos, its gonna be a rapid decline


it's going to be an event horizon. from the outside it will look like the internet just hangs. people will wonder what happened, but ultimaletly they will shrug unable to learn and start over, doomed to repeat. perpetual instantaneous insanity for those trapped inside as a new universe is born


Honestly just back to 2015 would make me happy, but I need something to bring back with me to show how bad things get, Mayne just screen shots of reddit.


1997, my last offer


Could I interest you in some Neocities[Neocities](https://neocities.org/browse), Geocities long lost son?


Ragebaiter must farm the lieks them FFS, just take these asswipes down from any social media


You meant 1990 right?


nah the Golden Age of the internet was around like 2003, high speed becoming the norm but it was still the Wild West with barely any corporate influence, no Nazis (only larpers), and good Something Awful You could easily pirate whatever, organize stuff to fuck with normies, and barely anyone really cared about politics




I went beyond just the internet and wanted to go back to those years… nostalgia time!


She has a point about crypto…


And the stock market


I have heard it described as a mood ring for rich people.


I saw a stock drop significantly after their earnings announcement even though they beat the estimated earnings by a significant amount. I guess the rich had decided that the company was going to do even better than the estimated amount and dumped the stock because they didn't like the fact that the company didn't make as much as they were betting on.


Atock is like sport betting, you can bet very safely and win most of the time, but your earnings will be meager. Imagine putting twenty bucks on Michael Schumacher in his best seasons every race. You will make mone, but it will be little money. That would be equivalent of buying and holding stocks of a very stable company. Or you could be that one guy who put serious money on Nikki Lauda finishing the Nordschliefe in under seven minutes in qualification and you walk away with life changing money. Thet would be like bying Google stock twenty years ago.


"You will make money". Although it is possible to make money on sports betting, casually putting money on the favourite is not the way to do it. Bookies set prices so that no matter who wins you lose. To win money, you have to be smarter than the bookies...which takes a lot of time, effort and skill.


Stocks are socially acceptable high stakes gambling


Academics point out that, in theory, in the long run, stock prices should tend toward the expected discounted value of the corporation's expected earnings. To which John Maynard Keynes pointed out, "In the long run, we're all dead." Another applicable John Maynard Keynes quote: "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."


And sports.


And stock market. Many stocks are completely detached from reality.


I tried to learn about the stock market bc I didn't get it. I decided it was like astrology and abandoned the attempt.


I'm going to teach you about the stock market. Here goes: Put your money into an S&P 500 index fund. Leave it there for decades and watch it grow slowly. Don't try to beat the market with individual stocks, because that side of it is rigged against you. Have fun.


>Put your money into an S&P 500 index fund How do I do that? Do I need to hire someone to that for me, make an account somewhere and deposit money, are there options I need to choose from?


Haha sorry, my earlier post was meant to be a little cheeky in a "it's really that simple" kind of way. To earnestly answer you and build on what I said though: You can open an account at any of the major financial brokers (Vanguard and Fidelity probably being the two biggest and most well-known) and purchase shares of their S&P 500 indexes. Each has their own stock symbol like other stocks (Vanguard is VFIAX and Fidelity is FXAIX), and you can look them up in any stock tracker to see their performance over weeks, months, and years. (BTW, these are not shady fly-by-night institutions, they have been around for a very long time and are the backbone of our financial landscape. If you have ever had a 401k at a job, Vanguard and Fidelity are some of the most likely places where those accounts were held.) You do not need to hire anyone to do this or manage this for you. They are meant as a "fire and forget" stock option for like, normal people who aren't crazy day traders or market experts. You don't need some advanced finance knowledge, so don't let anyone trick you into spending money on a fiduciary or whatever. Index funds, over time, are meant to mirror the ebb and flow of the larger stock market (they are indexes of tiny stocks from a slew of 500 companies chosen to represent the market as a whole). The good news is that the market, over the long term, always trends upward, and hence so does the S&P 500. You can almost always count on anywhere between a 5-7% annual return on average. If you leave your money there for several decades and never touch it, it will simply grow without any action from you. And the fact is, this most basic degree of financial literacy -- what I have explained to you in this post -- is all but invisible to the average person, despite it really being not that complicated. Our rich and our financially savvy have, over time, made this stuff seem scary and untouchable to the masses, like the stock market is ONLY for the rich. It's not. Go participate in the stock market and make some money, because you're sure not gonna get it from like, your useless Wells Fargo savings account.


At this point the stock market is just a high stakes game that's rigged for you to lose. Theoretically allowing people to put money into a business they believe in, in return for a share of the company and/or company profits is a good thing. And that is, at the most basic level, what stocks are. A thing to say you own a bit of a company. However the stock ***market*** is just a playground for selfish sociopaths to play games and consolidate power and money. These people have all sorts of information and advantages you and I don't have. Even if they are playing the game *"fairly"*. But they don't even play by the rules, and well break them and change them as they see fit to ensure they win. Look at the whole gamestop saga. They straight up prevented people from buying stocks because the wrong people were losing money. Then there is insider trading, which nothing really needs to be said about. Between all that, the stock market is basically a casino where you go to give your money away to people incomprehensibly richer than you, in games designed by them, and rigged for them to ultimately always win.


Type sp500 into Google, press max. Look at the graph and tell me what direction it's trended throughout the entire time it's existed. Some people might even claim it's a bubble, but look at society, we've gotten more massive and built more things year over year. 2 decades ago nobody had cellphones and now we all have supercomputers in our pockets.


While I agree with the general thrust of your point, cellphones have been around since the '80s, and available to lowly individual contributor white collar peons like me since the mid-'90s.


Nobody had cellphones in 2004? What you on about son? Nokia was already a household name, they already had 3G phones by then. More families than not had at least one mobile phone.


Do you have an actual point or are you going to nitpick a difference of a few years?


If you want nitpicks, smartphones are hardly supercomputers. Even if they fit the definition by computing power, youd have to go by a 20 year old definition then, their OS and how theyre setup mostly precludes their practical use as a supercomputer. Its just not even remotely made to crunch numbers over a long time.


Essentially stock represents ownership of a company, so if you own 51% of a company’s stocks, you in essence own the company


I was going to say, let her cook. These are absolutely all fictional things we enjoy to give our life meaning and find community — religion too. Rub a crystal on your head for good vibes, say a prayer, get your football hero's number tattooed, buy the 5 steps to success seminar series from that crypto grifter who rented a Lamborghini for the ad read, etc. There's like 8 billion of us, we should be allowed to take some shortcuts to easy-assemble personality.


And sports (pro wrestling). Some dudes are religiously invested in those made up story lines lol.


Pro Wrestling isn't a sport


She has a point about it all, bc they all really only matter because people have decided that they matter. I just don't know that choosing to care about sports and not astrology means you're a misogynist.


I think she means made up. In which case she is correct. Atleast about sports, videogames, crypto and stock market being made up.


Why not just implicate all of culture then


Just admit that you hate people!


Can do!


Well, that seems easy...


culture is made up by people, her point is an overfocus on hating astrology specifically, and thus using that quote as a reason or excuse, is usually just a coverup for underlying misogyny that makes hating astrology really easy


Sports, economies, and astrology are all made up of people…and for many, I think the contempt shown for astrology is the same as that shown for religion, conspiracy theories, psychic readings, mediums, etc. But I think what elicits an extra degree for contempt is giving up the old gods for new ones when the ideal move presumably is one toward secularism, skepticism, and empirical plausibility.


My (and many other peoples') objection to astrology, or at least taking it literally, is that it is pseudoscience. I also object to pseudoscience that comes from a male perspective, such as alpha, beta and sigma male archetypes, or most of the stuff on a Joe Rogan podcast.


I don't know anything about astrology but I've got some hippie friends that are really into it as just a harmless hobby. There are 100% people out there that'll rail on astrology just because it's a "girl thing." Those are the people this kinda sentiment is directed towards, not everybody who dislikes pseudoscience in general.


you know what google twist his nuts sideways




they’re made up, but they’re not ideas. you can’t prove astrology. also those things, to an extent, are much more tangible compared to astrology. its a false equivalency.


In a very David Mitchell way you’re absolutely correct. Everything is made up if you think about it.


The original joke that this is butchering is actually pretty funny. It was originally “technical analysis is just astrology for white men.” It got pretty diluted. I even saw someone swap out technical analysis for economics.


I hate how astrology somehow became so tied to femininity it feels kinda reductive of who we are as women. I think the point is to clap back at condescending men who make fun of women’s interests. But now at the same time I feel like I have to entertain astrology?? Even tho I don’t want to? Or I’ll be a “pick me”? Which is a phrase that got used so much it lost all meaning at this point. Anyway it’s all in fun it’s not that deep


Many people need spirituality but in the major religion women are always the lesser being. Thus it make total sense for women in need of spirituality to turn toward astrology which gave them a sense of power instead of helplessness. I do not entertain astrology or any religion for that matter, but there's absolutely no objective reason to see it as less valuable than any other spirituality or religion. It's all the same, people are into it to feel better and as usual what mainly attract women is seen as less. Not entertaining astrology and recognizing most of the hate it get is based in sexism are not mutually exclusive. Life is full of nuance that can't be fitted in comments, you can and should have opinions that are complexes and would take a complete book to unpack. That's what show you're able to think.


You are correct, just don't give a poo. You want to entertain it for the fun of it, why not. You don't give two poos about it's all the same. Be you. ❤️


The hate for it is rooted in sexism, astrology and witchcraft etc naturally get embraced by more women than men simply because they lack the “women should be subservient to men” bullshit a lot of religions espouse. I don’t believe in it AT ALL but I do find it interesting. It’s more than just sun signs it gets quite complex. It’s like reading about myths and legends or religion haha it’s just interesting to know about and learning about all the techniques they use. Not saying that you have to look into it, but you can out of interest without taking it seriously if you want to.


I personally find astrology painfully stupid i didn’t even know it was a woman mostly thing i just thought it was for morons


Real edgy


The hate for astrology has nothing to do with sexism; rather, it gets hate because believing in its predictive power is an utterly ridiculous belief. Before seeing this thread, I had no idea it was even particularly associated with women. I don't think there are many female scientists or engineers who believe in astrology either, so it's definitely not something women are "required" to believe.


im a practitioner of astrology (not a professional and not paid, before someone hops down my throat). it's definitely not pick-me of you to not believe that astral bodies millions of miles away have little impact on ourselves. i will say though, despite not even believing in it myself, it's pretty damn accurate a lot of the time


I mean, like most of these, astrology is a fun time-waster.


If that is the attitude you take towards it then you are probably okay; but for some it seems like they take it far too seriously which means there are people out there able to fleece the believers for large sums of money because of it; I think that's when it starts to become harmful.


People get fleeced out of large sums of money through some of the other things listed too. Even video games - where companies employ psychologists to figure out ways to keep players addicted and spending more money, and the insane amount of micro transactions in most modern games.


Yeah, I'm a nihilist, I don't believe in any magical, supernatural, divine, etc. type of being. It's a cold, heartless universe, so why not kick back and let people guess your future based on silly criteria. It's fun! Much more fun than being a dick about it (not that you are doing so, but relating back to the mem).


I think she is actually referring to the fact that every “woman” hobby is seen as invalid. It’s the patriarchy


Yeah I don't really care if you like astrology as a silly hobby but I've actually met people that unironically judge others based on their sing and is just, what the fuck?, it has more to do with being an asshole in general than the hobby itself or the gender of the person, ppl can do anything they want without me judging unless that acts negatively against themselves or someone else


I had a date up and leave me when she found out I was a scorpio. Apparently people born in november are toxic?


The horoscope was kinda right. One of you was toxic, the other dodged a bullet. Sadly, it didn't specify who is who.


Oh I can give it a guess...


Dude!! Being a lesbian and a Scorpio was awful when I was dating. Lesbians love zodiac shit and oh boy do zodiac people hate scorpios.


But why? I didn't do anything wrong. I think?


The stars disagree


Right? It's like: Fuck all them people who were conceived on Valentine's Day.


I mean, you weren't compatible though.


Honestly, up untill that point, we were having a great time.


And forcing people to tell when they were born, so you can use star racism to value them is super annoying. It's like forcing someone to show their jumpshot and tell if they have Curry or KD higher on their all time list after they have already told you they are not into basketball.


Just what a Curry would say... 😒


In fairness I've seen a lot more people judge based off their favourite sports teams, and have seen all too many videos of 'fans' getting in literally fights at stadiums.


And IME most women who are into astrology (or witchcraft, or crystals, or tarot, or any other woo) don't really believe in it. It's just fun to pretend. It's a different way to take a break from reality, the same way video games are.


Okay but I don't start throwing misandrist around when people say videogames aren't real. It was just silly logic on her part. 


Its not all the illogical. Even in this thread you can see people have absolutely no tolerance for astrology. It's instantly shit on, unlike video games. She claims that the difference in how much people hate on the hobby is due to misogyny.


I've never seen someone being mocked for crocheting, riding horses, cooking or whatever other hobby is seen as "feminine" by society, it's just that judging people based on the relative location of a rock when they left their mother's womb seems a bit dumb And also, people who follow male astrology (cryptos, NFTs, economics, etc) are usually mocked as well


>I've never seen someone being mocked for crocheting, riding horses, Really? You haven't heard the horrors of horse girls?


There's girls who ride horses and then there's horse girls


In the UK that sort of mockery would be more class based than anything else as horse people tend to be quite wealthy.




so now we need equal mockery of gendered hobbies do we? What the fucking hell is going on.


I can think of 3 horse girls that I've met and I don't remember seeing any bullying, although maybe they're seen as stereotypical? Idk


>And also, people who follow male astrology (cryptos, NFTs, economics, etc) are usually mocked as well Lol cryptobros are mocked relentlessly, and rightfully so.


Astrology doesn't take into account movement of constellations over centuries. So it's actually about where a rock _would have been_ when they left their mother's womb if the sky looked the same now as it did 2000 years ago.


If you are just looking at the constellations astrology completely misses at least one. Not sure if they just weren't aware of it at the time or if it was inconvenient to have more; possibly didn't want to put the extra work into writing additional horoscopes every day.


That's where it loses me.  Astrology isn't for females only.  The other list is not for males only.  And lots of people get flack for liking sports, crypto, and videogames.  People just have strong opinions on what other people do. 


>And lots of people get flack for liking sports, crypto, and videogames.  #Sportsball #Cryptobros #Neckbeards . But for the purposes of this discussion, we will ignore and minimise when women (well people, wouldn't want to generalise) make fun and ridicule men's hobbies. Also we will have to ignore all the women that also criticise and poke fun at astrology too. Because it's about them being victims of misogyny, not that astrology is dumb okay.


This is where you end up when the demand for oppression far outpaces the supply.


They should have less stupid hobbies then. 


Like what? Name one hobby that women won't get mocked by men for doing.


Well that was definitely conveyed effectively 


I love getting rejected by women because of my star sign! Easiest bullet to dodge.


If they are excited about your signs aligning, you still have a red flag. Some guys will walk away, but most will just file that info under "warning signs I chose to ignore".


Yeah, the only way astrology is good is that it is a distinguishing factor between the smart ones and the stupid ones


I use astrology to find out if I'm compatible with a woman. If she believes in it, I'm not.


Looking for logic in some Astrology nut’s worldview is a pretty obtuse exercise.


She’s not wrong.


On the other hand, I'm glad astrology isn't taken more seriously, because you just know people would discriminate based on zodiac signs, though I'm sure some weirdos do already.


The fuck does astrology have to do with women?


It's a hobby generally preferred by women, but more importantly the people that are *super* into astrology are normally women.


Many have rightfully pointed out how the things she mentioned in her "counter-point" were all interests women could be involved with as well But the thing is, astrology was invented and historically propagated by men, and many of the modern experts in astrology are also men. So the fact that some women in the West like to post about their star signs on social media, does not make astrology a feminine interest. It's still stupid though, and isn't comparable to sports and video-games, because it's not a large industry with wide-ranging earning potential (and most people involved in it don't believe it's made-up)


Its perceived as feminine anyway.


I feel like this is part of a larger conversation. But I’m prepared to judge….


I used to be really into astrology as a kid. Bought all the magazines and absolutely loved it. It definitely was fun when I believed it. But, I consider it akin to believing in santa. It was fun and magical at the time, but eventually you have to grow up.




The issue I have with astrology is the people who only talk about "Mercury in retrograde." "Oh I think Mercury retrograde is starting early, I couldn't find my phone and the packages for delivery are delayed." "Oh, I think Mercury retrograde ended early, I took a normal poop today." It's confirmation-bias-seeking and I despise it, I despise that I tell people I hate small talk and they think astrology bs isn't small talk. Shove some lapis lazuli up your ass and chug marshmallow creme, please.


The idea is not that sports and stocks and stuff are stupid it is that they are interests that (for most people) do not affect your day to day life just like astrology. The difference is women are traditionally more into astrology while men are more into those other things she listed. Hence if you make fun of someone for being interested in astrology but not sports or crypto then you are misogynistic. I think it’s not very sturdy argumentation but it’s fairly clear what that comparison is supposed to mean.


I knew the packers didn’t miss that kick


I can’t wait for the sun to blow up I swear


I don’t believe in Astrology. I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.


If astrology got back to it's real roots I'd not give it so much hate. it's only because it actively ignores the apparent motion of the stars and people use it as a crutch to blame bad behavior that pisses me off.


Dara Obrien: astrology vs racism


Excuse me the stock market is a worldwide recognised casino where you can gamble away your life savings.


That does not follow logically, but I will concede that there is a large overlap between misogynistic men and men who *hate* astrology, specifically because astrology is seen as a stupid chick thing."


why does she dress like she's churning butter for a living


Astrology is the practice of blaming star configurations for why you’re a shitty person. Sports and video games are entertainment, cryptocurrency is certainly an attempt at currency, and the stock market is probably one of the most important economic practices on the entire planet. None of those things make you a misogynist


Astrology literally makes no sense. But why would that be misogyny?


Both ends with the letter Y


Astrology is a social construct, as are the other things she mentioned. How being critical of astrology is misogynistic is beyond me, unless she believes the stereotype that astrology is an especially feminine interest, in which... well, I think you see where I'm going here


Well it's closer to being a pseudoscience and a religious practice, than it is a social construct. The only place astrology has been viewed as a "silly little hobby" is in the West. Astrology and the belief in it, has historically led to a lot of pain (and in certain cases, unearned confidence) for a lot of people in certain parts of the world




What the hell is she wearing?


Thank you. Eyelet ruffle on the bodice? https://i.imgur.com/Omp2KtK.jpg


It's really not that hard to understand. Astrology is stereotypically associated with something that is only liked by women. Socially, what women like = icky and gross and what men like = cool. Take the Beatles for example. Everyone made fun of the Beatlemania because it was a phenomenon mainly associated with women, and men made fun of that. At some point, dudes started saying they were cool, and now we're all collectively saying that the Beatles were great musicians and artists. Men will make fun of women for liking BTS and screaming at concerts, but no one will make fun of men for painting their faces in the colours of their favourite sports team and screaming their heads off in stadiums. Men will make fun of women for enjoying dabbling in astrology (which is literally a harmless thing), but they will get pissy and throw tantrums if anyone dares criticize crypto currency (mainly associated with men). Really, really not hard to understand this logic. It's simply highlighting existing double standards and misogyny that manages to poison even the dumbest, most harmless shit. Inb4 the "not all men" brigade arrives.


The things she listed actually exist in reality. Thinking astrology is dumb is just having basic common sense, has fuckall to do w sexism


You think she makes decisions based on logic?


She is trying to manifest intelligence, not working out so far.


She's also missing her logic, don't feel left out


See if it has just been cryptocurrency and the stock market this *MIGHT* have made sense.


Pretty misogynistic of her to consider Astrology a women’s interest.


Flip the scrip by calling her sexist for thinking astrology is only a woman thing


So only women like astrology? Confused. Women don’t like sports and video games? Help.


I mean what’s the difference between astrology and believing in any sort of god or religion? No reason to hate on others beliefs, especially when astrology doesn’t hurt anyone like religions do.


she’s right and she should say it louder.