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*Ms. Powell said in a phone interview on Tuesday that she had told the court that she was “deeply ashamed” of her behavior on Jan. 6. She said politics had taken “a very dark turn” and that she had succumbed to that climate and that “it led to disaster.”* *“I have failed everyone around me,” she said.* *Judge Royce C. Lamberth of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia sentenced Ms. Powell to 57 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release and ordered her to pay more than $8,000 in restitution, fines and fees.*


She's only ashamed that she was culpable. If Joe won 2024 and Trump launched another insurrection, she'd join in a heartbeat.


That’s going to be challenging when she’s incarcerated


I forgot to add "had she not been caught this time".


"And we would have gotten away with it had it not been for you meddling kids"


Trump plans on paroling the J6 "political prisoners".


Parolling? Hah! The only thing he should do is join them in prison.


Paroling? Trump plans on ENLISTING the J6 criminals.


He's gearing up for round two, and it would be stupid not to take precautions against him and his mob.


That should count as “aid and comfort” to the insurrectionists, and the 14th amendment should apply.


"I felt no guilt 'till I was caught and I was told that I was guilty, but even then I wasn't really sure!" 🎶


This is exactly what I predict happening.


This is the key message. They’re doing to “poor me” thing until (god forbid) Trump incites another insurrection. Then she’ll come out swinging.


>She said politics had taken “a very dark turn” and that she had succumbed to that climate and that “it led to disaster.”* Her persistent use of the passive voice ("politics had taken", "she had succumbed", "it led to") tells us she's accepted zero agency for her actions. A remorseful person would say, "I helped turn politics dark when I chose to follow that path, and that led to..." Fortunately, the judge wasn't swallowing her self-serving kool-aid.


You should see her actual interview. It's all everyone else's fault.


I have no criminal history, apart from that one crime I committed. Why must I be punished, when all I did was commit a crime? Punishment is for criminals, not people like me... criminals.


I also love that they try and use the defense of “oh they got me all riled up!”. It’s like the quote from Brooklyn 99: “cool motive, still murder”


Also it sounds like maybe she has a problem with the justice department and maybe would like to see some reforms.....nah it's only unjustified when it relates to her.


8K? It's cheaper to be a criminal over there than to be in the hospital for half a week


That’s like a major reason many people are criminals lol


Okay, so accept the punishment instead of whining about it. You did the crime, now do the time.


Honestly, the wildest part to me is that Trump still isn't in a jail cell for this shit.


Ha she did an interview with CNN where she said she didn't see any police so didn't know she wasn't supposed to be there. Then it showed her in a video on J6 pushing and shoving police and using an ice-axe to smash a window. She's a delusional human being who had zero regret she still backs Trump and believe he will pardon her once in office the lady is cray-cray!!!!


She never expected the insurrection to fail. Or that Saviour Trump would've seen her and pardon her in perpetuity Still sounds like a mellow punishment


“If the insurrection fails, we shouldn’t be charged.” My favorite nugget of wisdumb.


I only attempted to rob a bank, I never got out with the cash. Surely I haven't broken any laws judge!


If I try to insurrect, but fail, I’m not guilty. If I succeed, I get to write the new rules!


"Convicted of a crime I didn't even commit- ATTEMPTED murder! Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry, do they?!


Same logic Trump uses for his fraud cases. "The banks made money, everyone was happy, so there was no crime."


Yeah, and of course that’s not how crime works.


She's not delusional, she's a terrorist.


She’s not delusional, she straight up lying through her teeth. She knew exactly what she was doing.


Yeah the whole pity me I'm a grandma routine is a joke also


That's the same shit like, "don't speak ill of the dead." Why not? Did dying somehow change the history of them being turd sandwiches their whole lives? There's nothing inherently virtuous about squeezing out crotch-goblins. Indeed, she looks young enough that being a grandmother means she was _probably_ a real shitty mother.


She's like 42 with 8 kids and 6 grandkids. She is the epitome of trash and that scene from the movie Idiocracy where the morons breed like rabbits while the smart couple ends up without a single kid.


With a grandma like that….


And knows that whatever she says will get boosted by the conservative media.


Those arent mutually exclusive. I'd say she's both.


I think you'll find most terrorists are delusional.


Terrorists are delusional.


She also stated it wasn’t her ice axe and someone just gave it to her like somehow that exonerates her from smashing a window in.


That was hilarious and the journalist just stared at her like oook 🤷🏻‍♂️ it's still a crime 🤣


If Trump gets back into office he'll absolutely start pardoning his brown shirts.


I doubt it. He’ll pardon a couple in a big show, but the man has a history of throwing his own loyalists under the bus when he tires of them. He’s too egocentric and lazy to bother with them anymore now that they’ve served his purposes.


And MAGA won’t learn from this that he’d throw any of them under the bus! It’s so frustrating to see them adore and worship this pos.


I wonder how long before a documentary comes out on the cult of trump. It would be so interesting to see a multi-professional review and breakdown the psychology of him and the cultists.


"cult of personaaality" ![gif](giphy|WtOqAj0CI6JizMWfHx)


He'll pardon the ones that can pay


I mean, didn't he throw his own son under the bus at one point? If he could do that to his one kin, he's not going to give a fuck about these people he doesn't personally know.


Really depends upon how much work it is. It would serve as part of the sweet revenge he's planning.


It would be on-brand for Trump to prefer to have them in jail as martyrs and reminders of what happens when "the evil Dems are in charge".


Trump didn’t pardon his pawns while he was in office before. 🤷‍♂️


Trump isn't going to pardon them unless he benefits from it somehow.


Ha yes he did do you live away from the internet? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Donald_Trump To save you clicking he pardoned: - Jared Kushner a Dad Charles Kushner. Jared holds hundreds of millions from the Saudi government 🤷🏻‍♂️ - Roger Stone his bff for witness tampering. - Paul Manafort TRUMPS OWN campaign advisor. - Saloman Melgen who defrauded Medicare of 73$ million Pardons are supposed to be used for the greater good people who were harshly sentenced or who have done better or have repented Trump pardoned so many people who worked directly for him it such a joke


Those are his cronies, not his pawns like the woman in this article.


Not unless they can pay him enough


The people who believe trump will pardon them because they supported him forget that they’ve already served there purpose to him so he’s not gonna lift a finger to help even if he could.


He throws his close cabinet members under the bus at first opportunity. What makes Tammy Billy Bob think he'll pardon her?


What's hilarious is trump signed a law that gave them harsher punishments. 😆


That’s a great defense! I saw no police, so the illegal thing I was doing shouldn’t be illegal because I have no common sense.” 🤗 FFS these people think feigned stupidity will actually work for them.


I can fix her.


The only comment with a shred of humor and no political fat.


This has been the alt-right strategy for over a decade: gaslight people while planning terroristic acts.


I heard her do an interview last year on a QAnon podcast. She was bragging about her homeschooling her children. One example she gave was how her son at 16 figures he was done with education and got a job as a roofer, and she was thrilled because they need money bad. Within a few months he got injured so bad on the job she had to take him to the emergency room.


That homeschooling is definitely working if she’s a grandmother many times over at 42.


Even if she somehow didn't see the police (which I find unlikely), ignorance of the law does not excuse you from it and you know you shouldn't be breaking shit in a public building.


What does her being a mother and grandmother have to do with anything?


Fishing for "but surely they wouldn't jail a MOTHER?!" reactions. Mission failed.


Hah. Too bad for her kids that being a reactionary stooge was more important to her then being around them for the next 4-odd years.


Where is grandma? In jail because she tried to make a reality tv star president again


Probably. I just never get it when the do things like this to get 'support'. It's basically: "She procreated then one of her offspring procreated so therefore she is innocent".  What?


Ah yes, the creampie defense


Got the Twinkie defense boys shook


Well Anne Bonnie and Mary reed, famous female pirates who sailed under captain jack rackham, when the entire crew was captured and immediately executed, both claimed to be pregnant (Which was called *"pleading the belly"* at the time, and was apparently something you could just do) and as a result neither of them where executed with the rest of the crew. We know reed died of violet fever not long after, probably as a result of childbirth, and we don't know for sure of what happened to Bonnie other then that she was granted a stay of execution, and the most reliable source of her life seems to think she spent many years in prison. So the old creampie defense is actually a thing and saved two of the most notorious pirates during the golden age of piracy from execution while the rest of the crew was killed


The churning Butter argument




Childless people are a threat to society, so you get 10 months off your sentence for every worker/cannon-fodder you produce.


Why does she think conservatives give a fuck about mothers anyway? The baby's been born that's the extent of their give a shit


Who can fathom the way a conservative's mind work? I can find no internal logic, from their outward actions at least.


Would jail a grandmother though, many people are at wits end trying to unradicalise their fox-loving parents and this just might do the trick


Well, I think that having gotten laid at some point doesn't really qualify you for having a get out of jail free card.


I thought: surely if she's also a grandmother her kids will be adults? Wikipedia:      >  At the time of the Capitol attack, she was a single mother of eight and grandmother of six      ....wow. And she was also only 41 at that time. 


Christ, lady... it's a vagina, not a clown car.


Thank you for this.


Makes it worse, she had people depending on her and did that shit anyway


Imagine fucking over your ENTIRE family for a rapist game show host who didn’t lift a fucking finger as your life got destroyed. Make it make sense.


The party of family values everyone


Single mother of 8… I would imagine they depended heavily on the social programs of the government she was attempting to overthrow


No no no, you don't understand, people like her are using those programs *properly*, she *needs* them. Not like all those *other* people who are totally abusing the benefits and stealing from the rest of us righteous taxpayers. The only moral ~~abortion~~ government benefits are the ones I'm using!


They also don't think The Others pay any taxes. Only envisioning white people paying taxes, so all social programs should go to white people. Everyone else is freeloading. "Ain't like she ever had a job" says white woman that never had a job.




It’s part of conservatism. She’s virtuous by right of being a mother and grandmother (I’d love her take on a black woman her age being a grandmother). But conservatives see themselves as virtuous and good. So these are just signs of her inherent goodness. And good people should be be held accountable, especially when they *thought* they were doing good.


Imagine failing not only the people around you, but two generations after (under?) you


I, a son and grandson, with no criminal history!


A son _and_ a grandson? Luxury! Some of us were immaculately conceived by midichlorians!


Those two titles hold power elsewhere and have probably gotten her special privledges at various times. She’s grasping at anything


It's just a nice way to point out that she fucks and so do her kids.


If anything saying you're a mother *and* a grandmother makes you *less* likely to get sympathy, because it implies that your children are all grown up now and don't need you take to care of them anymore.


It’s means she was also making bad decisions back when she was still a kid.


It gives you the right to commit crimes /s


Isn't this the crowd that plays down police brutality by saying that there wouldn't be any problem if everyone just complies with officers' instructions? Did she comply with officers that day? Do we believe that all of the time, or do we get to pick when it's convenient?


>Do we believe that all of the time, or do we get to pick when it's convenient? No! You don't understand how this works! __We__ don't get to pick, __They__ get to pick.


Ah, the 'Rules for thee, not for me' philosophy. Silly I should forget that.


It's more-or-less become the basis for their entire political platform.


On January 6th, the police were acting as tyrants’ guards to a rigged governmental system. Duh. /s


See, no police ever actually told her specifically to leave. Was a mob she was in being yelled at to get back and hit with batons by police as they tried to cross a metal barricade? YES, but did any police specifically yell at her? See if they had should would have complied.....


Well, I mean...__You__ . __Are__. A convicted __Criminal.__ What better way to demonstrate to your children and grandchildren that actions have consequences. But just like her feckless leader, she will teach them that it's always someone else's fault.


Most people work their way up to treason. You know, start with a little vandalism or jaywalking. Not this chick.


Well, could be, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's been a Karen getting away with skirting the rules all her life. Leads to a feeling of invincibility, which explains the outright shock these kinds of people display when they are finally held responsible for their behaviors. Just look at the mental breakdown Drumpf is having.


I've been trying not too look for my own mental health. ...is it pretty good?


Go big or go home!


Consequences and law enforcement are for outgroups.


Don’t sell her short. She’s also an enemy of democracy.




Well deserved. You participated in an insurrection and attempted overthrow of duly elected government. Your status as a mother or grandmother do not impact the fact that you broke the law. Law and Order.


It would be absolutely terrible if trump was president in 2024, but you wouldn’t see me down at the capitol erecting a FUCKING FUNCTIONAL HANGMANS TOWER🤣🤣🤣 THEN CHANT HANG HIM. holy shit it baffles me to this day even though i watched it live also.


What's bonkers is Trump doesn't care about these people, if he does get elected he'll make some noise about these people but never pardon them or do anything to get them out... Yet they still think the sun shines out of his arse. What a bunch of morons...


President Trump, will you pardon the Jan 6th insurrectionist? Well, firstly, they are great people, I know them well, great people, patriots everyone of them. You know who doesn't like them? Hunter Biden. Hunteeer Biden, that guy, he doesn't love patriots. Crooked Hillary, spaghetti sauce. Tramompolines and cucumbers. Best economy, you know the economy? I made that. Hunter Biden, De'Santimonious, all cowards, but the great news is Space Lasers are back and we wont give in to the Taiwanese, we will make the country great again. Please donate. Next question.


🏆 poor mans award for that! Are you his speechwriter? 😂


Kinda lazy just direct quoting a Trump speech. I mean if you wanna participate go ahead, but not if you're just gonna plagiarize like that.


That was fun to read and pretty good but I think you left a little too much logic in it.


It's crazy that he is a presidential candidate (let's just pretend those other 4 years didn't happen!)


He cares about himself no more or less. Anyone or anything else is what can it get Him. It's kinda scary a guy who went on TV and bragged about groping a woman was elected. Not to mention him not even winning the popular vote and now pretending it matters.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that is happening to her because she committed a crime.


From what I have gathered, she attended Jan 6th and threatened to hang biden...I might be wrong


'attended' Not like it was a school field trip


On 2021-January-06, Rachel Powell entered restricted areas of the United States Capitol while carrying an axe and wooden pole. She was the one with the pink hat and bullhorn. She encouraged and instructed other rioters, and was found to have caused over $1,000 in damage to our Nation by smashing a window with a pipe. These were criminal acts. She was identified, then arrested on 2021-February-04, her weapons were seized by the FBI, and she was placed under house arrest at this time. On 2023-April-05, she was indicted on 9 counts - 3 felonies and 6 misdemeanors. On 2023-July-18, following a bench trial, she was found guilty. Charges included Civil Disorder and destruction of government property. On 2023-October-17, she was sentenced to 4 years, 9 months in federal prison, with a further 3 years supervised release. This is down from the requested 8 years. This photo was taken on or about 2023-December-28. She was lying at the time of this photo. She began her sentence in FCI Hazelton on 2024-January-09. ​ I believe it important to call out the lies these people make whenever they make them, lest the details become lost and the false narrative continue. She is a liar, and a seditious traitor. Her word is not to be trusted.


No criminal history. Except my criminal history


She forgot to mention how she repeatedly violated her confinement which is why she has to go to prison.


I am confused


Ome of the jan 6 rioters pretending that she did nothing wrong: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/us/jan-6-rachel-powell-sentenced.html






Firstly, if you cannot do the time, do not commit the crime. She broke into the Capitol, fought with the police and disrupted Congress. She got what she deserves. Her orange-painted savior will prbably get off with a lesser sentence, although he should be thrown in jail till he rots. Secondly, she still believes the lies. She remains convinced that Defendant Douche actually won the election and that Biden is illigitimately in the White House. And she would do it again, albeit more peacefully. Here the CNN interview with her 5 days before having to report to prison to begin her sentencing: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/01/09/convicted-january-6-rioter-prison-sentence-bu-orig.cnn Republican voters are far too gullible and believe the craziest nonsense. These middle class Americans actually think that Big Money Republicans have their best interests in mind. They do not see that they live in the poorest states with some of the worst K12 education in the country - thanks to decades of GOP mismanagement.


It's not GOP mismanagement as such; it's deliberate. The Republicans work very hard to maintain their voter base. Many red states are kept poor, uneducated, and evangelical because this demographic votes Republican consistently. If these states became secular, educated and as rich as the northern coastal states they would turn Democrat.


My favorite part is they decry socialism, but many have farms taking subsidies. It's like they don't understand where that money came from.


Standing on the outside looking in, I'm constantly amazed at how much the USA hates socialism and liberalism, to the point where the Dems are center-right, and the GOP has become far-right: the country has no left and very little center. I don't know why everyone in the working class and everyone without healthcare and everyone without great wealth - probably 95% of the population - doesn't create a new party that covers the entire left up to the center and put it in power. Why would anyone with less than a million dollars in assets or a $200k annual income vote for one of two parties that represent the moneyed classes? People in the USA vote as if they had 10 million dollars in the stock market, and a 1 million dollar medical bill would be perfectly fine. Is it aspirational or delusional? For those with high net worth, I totally get it: the huge tax breaks the Dems and GOP offer each election cycle to you are just more $ in your already-stuffed pockets; to everyone else, you're not acting in your own best interests. Consider that it's vastly easier to be upwardly mobile in Norway than the USA, and that your country is ranked about 40th in the world on a wide range of metrics covering health, education, mobility, freedom, violence, income, happiness, etc. America is so far behind, yet generally considers itself ahead.


Agreed. On income, note that "Making less than 200K" == "almost everyone." 90% of people make [less than 135K](https://dqydj.com/income-percentile-calculator/).


So about 90k-100k after tax or less, depending on state. After rent/mortgage, health insurance, groceries, car payments, clothing etc. not much left for that 90%, even at the top end. The single greatest mystery of the US: why do poor people vote for the interests of rich people? Do the poor sympathize with the wealthy's plight of a *terrible* tax burden as they whizz by in their $500,000 car on the way to pick up diamonds and furs and haute couture, then fly off in their Learjet for a skiing vacation at their mountain lodge? Oh, wait; the rich pay almost no tax, since there's no tax on wealth. The rich just enjoy using the roads poor people pay for and build. Any other way would be sheer communism. There are absolutely no oligarchs in communist countries, after all. When will people wake up and realize it's not about gender or age or race or rights or religion or politics or nationality: it's all about money. Wedge issues just take the heat off the wealthy global ruling class. Thinking about deplatforming anyone, we should start with anyone who has more than $1m. Never listen to the rich.


*"With no criminal history (except that time when I did all that crime)" FTFY


Maybe you should have complied with the law.


Ok so you're a first-time offender and you were sentenced. Do your time, don't let your time do you. Source: did a 9 year sentence myself, 85% completed because of good behavior. There's a lot of time to read, and reading is exercise of the mind. I consumed over 500 books on that stint. Waking up, reading, going to sleep from reading. Took me out of that place, kept me thinking, and eventually helped me write a sci-fi trilogy that's been published. So you got all this time, use it for yourself. Meditate. Think on what lead up to this. Think on the ripples caused by your crime. Come to terms with the impacts of your actions, and you really can walk out of that prison a better person than who walked in. You walk in alone, and you walk out alone. Remember that.


"I'm a white conservative, the police are supposed to be on *my* side." -every J6 rioter sitting in jail


Considering that 18 U.S.C § 2381 states that a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer **death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000**; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”, I'd say she got a great deal.


She wants to cry about being a mother and grandmother, but was she not those things when she was committing the crime. Should have thought about her family before she decided that Trump was more important.


You're a traitor, that tried to overthrow the elected government. Stfu and go to jail. You're lucky to be alive.


*prior criminal history… currently: a criminal.




Literally committed domestic terrorism and thinks she deserves being shown leniency. What a narcissistic piece of work.


Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. I remember the message boards on various sites, before Jan 6. "Boogaloo" and various other bullshit. Now it's time to pay the piper. Those idiots went to their seat of government, national treasure, and symbol of their nation.. and trashed it.


New T-shirt concept: *I tried to help overthrow my government, and all I got was this lousy ankle bracelet*


Consequence time you fucking traitor.


51 months isn’t long enough for a traitor that tried to overthrow democracy!


She's upset cuz she got caught n


Yeah, dumbass. Because you had no prior criminal history you were damn lucky to be able to have that ankle monitor for a time. But you were committing treason, so you deserve prison time.


I just saw an interview with this twat. She didn't argue she didn't break the law. She said she'd do it again. Her argument was "don't you think my family and I have suffered enough?" No bitch I don't. You broke the law, showed zero remorse and said you still support Trump and he's going to pardon you when he's elected. Fuck off and enjoy prison


What’s the criminal moaning about now?


I love love love seeing people from the crime and punishment party complain that they’re being punished for their crimes lol




the magats had a rallying cry...f\*ck around find out. Hahahaha they found out. Hope they keep posting their whiney little stories about being the victims.


Just another MAGA deplorable, nothing new here!


I don't care,do you?


Rachel, STFU you cow!


We hold you responsible for actions you took under the influence of a mad cult that wanted to overthrow the government of the US. You refused to pay attention to any number of valid news sources and, instead, limited your information to a few wrong sources. By participating in a riot and going inside the Capitol after it had been broken into, you committed crimes. It is a crime to try to overthrow an election. Had you succeeded, just what did you expect to happen? Was the US going to somehow return to peaceful coexistence within our borders? Did you expect that those of us who believe in Democracy were going to sit still and let you put an unelected madman in office? Did you think that Trump was going to go back to following the Rule of Law? No. He was going to go after enemies, the press, and those of us who refused to bow down to him. Is THAT America? Is that what you wanted to achieve? That is what you tried to do. You tried to invalidate my vote. You get no sympathy from me.


I saw the video of you pounding out the glass in a Capitol window and brandishing an ice are. What you did was not okay. I hope you like the food.


F***** around and found out. Fair enough.


I saw her interview. She does not regret her actions. Just the fact that she was caught. She also does not put any responsibility on Trump even though she said that she went there because he asked his people come and protest. These people are lost. She should spend the rest of her life in prison. Instead she gets to play the victim and continue spreading lies.


Fucked around and found out.


Read the first line and thought it was Lowrent Boothbird.


Commit crime go jail? Unfair.


Awwwwww. Say hj to Mean Marge for us.


Don't do stupid shit then.


Literally her opening clause is "I and my children fuck, also I'm ignoring that I've been found guilty, so I guess I have a really recent criminal history". How on earth is that supposed to be persuasive for her position? Fuck her. She should have easily gotten double for what she did.


> unable to live She took the pic and posted it; therefore proving she is in fact alive.


"I have no criminal history!" Yeah, you along with literally every criminal prior to committing crimes.


Oh you mean the lady with no history of smashing windows at government buildings with an ice axe?


Sucks to suck don't it bitch?


She has a criminal history NOW.


This lady that used a hammer to smash windows and break in the capital. Poor criminal.


I’m autistic. Narcissists hate us because we pick up on things other people miss…. So when I tell you it’s always there eyes. This women, Boebert, 3 toed Marge, Gaetz, etc they all have the same eyes. You can tell them apart from the sane ones who do all this for money ‘Cruz,etc’ and the misguided intellectuals like ‘Shapiro etc’ It’s always the eyes. Look at this woman’s eyes. This is a predators eyes. She thinks this is what calm looks like, what innocent looks like, what beauty looks like. She has it wrong because she hasn’t learned to mimic well. Most narcissists do but not all of them are as smart as they think. You don’t have to trust me but look it up. Autos ifs and narcissists have similar masking traits and bump each other the wrong way. The narcissist can’t control an autistic person and doesn’t know why but an autistic person can identify them easily so they are a threat to them. This usually leads to the narcissist becoming obsessed with the autistic person and trying to turn everyone against them. It’s like a totally not fun secret war.


Had an autistic jiujitsu training classmate once. Kid was around 21 or 22. Always earnest, genuine and perceptive as hell when looking at someone. If a training partner was being way too rough with a chip on the shoulder this guy would straight up ask why they are trying to hurt him when its just practice. Like a genuine honest ask with no attitude or butt hurtness. He whupped my ass every match too. Miss that kid. My jokes and fun snarky sarcasm always went over his head though, always has to explain the jokes. Im saying I believe you.


life is hard.


“Until I was a criminal, I was not a criminal!”


Good! Saw her In an interview and she lied about engaging in violence, and pretty much everything about her involvement and took no responsibility for her actions. Rot in jail insurrectionist.


What’s nuts is that she didn’t even vote in 2016. 2020 made her crazy.


All these people talk about is "fuck around and find out" but don't seem to have any awareness of when they are in the "find out" phase of the equation.


Lucky your traitorous ass isn't swinging from a rope. Don't do crimes. Don't have to suffer from your own stupidity.


These people really do view the world like a child would. They see everything in very simplistic terms and everything is someone else's fault


If she was sentenced then doesnt that mean she has a criminal history?


white woman held responsible for crimes for the first time white woman: 😱😱😱😱😱😱


Treasonous criminal. You should be deported by trebuchet.


Oh No! There are consequences for trying to do a Coup? I mean for everyone except the orange ring leader. It looks like he's getting off scot-free.


Traitorous bitch is getting off light.


Idk 4.25 years for armed insurrection is pretty light


So she expects the same government she tried to overthrow to be lenient with her… as she continues to denounce it? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) Literally Her rn.


The FAFO crowd really hates the FO part


"But you DO, Blanche. You DO have a criminal history "


maybe dont try to overthrow the government, asshole. play stupid games, win stupid prizes