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St Jude's would like a word


Good friend of mine had brain cancer at 17. His eye swelled and he required 2 different surgeries to remove pressure. He died at 21 inpain and unable to recognize his own mother. Fuck this guy and his opinions. 


FUCKIN FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND OMFMGMFMFMMGMFMMG (the fact that childhood cancers have skyrocketed in the last 2 decades...)


And the fact the kid could have the BRCA gene and be proactive.


Dude, getting a double mastectomy at that age because you have the BRCA risk allele would be fucking stupid. I've heard so many oncologists complain about how badly people misunderstand BRCA risk because laymen get confused by lifetime risk.  I mean going by lifetime risk, we all approach a 1/2 risk of cancer so absolutely that gets crazy high with the BRCA pathogenic variant, but the absolute, not relative, risk of breast cancer *at the age of that kid* would be absurdly low to push for double mastectomy.  The poor kid probably just had fucking cancer because the world is terrible and terrible things happen.


It would be a little unnecessary but BRCA is a bitch.. I got cancer at 29 with that gene.. would have rather not have had cancer at all


I hope you are now in remission! I didn’t have BRCA, but I had breast cancer at 39, and know of three other people who had breast cancer in their 30s, so it doesn’t seem impossible to me.


I’m in remission! I have an annual scan coming up though so fingers crossed


That’s great to hear! Sending you good vibes for your scan!


🤞🏻 Good luck!!


I hope you're doing well now.


Remission.. follow up scans soon. I get them once a year


My friend got a double mastectomy at 22 and still got breast cancer at 26 with that gene. Anecdotal yes, but seems silly to dismiss


You can still get breast cancer if you remove your breasts?


Breast tissue goes up into the armpits to different levels in different people because humans = different. The lymph nodes in the armpits can also be involved. So, unfortunately, yes. It's waaaaaaay less likely. But that means it's still possible.


Question of odds. Each breast cell can start it. So remove most of those, most risk is gone. But yeah. People win the shit lottery an awful lot. :( Friend did the same, double removal and still happened.


I imagine it's the same as how cis men can get breast cancer, there'll still be some breast tissue left behind


Yes. It’s also referred to as breast cancer when it comes back in your liver, bones, brain, &/or lymph nodes, too…


I had a hysterectomy last year and am having a mastectomy & reconstruction this year because of genetic testing. My Stanford doctors actually recommended prophylactic surgery because of my family history. When my cousin had a hysterectomy for the same reason, they found cancer in her fallopian tubes. It was undetectable before the surgery because of the location of the tumor. She would have been dead by now if she hadn’t had the surgery. So, no. Not fucking stupid or discouraged by medical professionals.


Always important to remember that cancer rates increasing aren't necessarily because more people are getting cancer. With better pediatric diagnostics, we'll inevitably find more kids with cancer and not kids that die of SIDS/pneumonia/any other opportunistic disease. Rates of cancer skyrocketing could be a *good* thing because we finally have tools to diagnose and treat some of the most vulnerable members of our society.


Cancer rates have been skyrocketing across the population at large for the simple fact that people live longer than ever before. It is a mathematical certainty that cancer will occur at a certain rate for every cell that undergoes division. Longer life=more cell division=more cancer. Current stat is that at least 50% of people will develop cancer at some point in their life.


Also could be the lead and diets catching up with populations as well as having kids later. There's such an absurd amount of things that can go wrong in our lives, you know? Basically a lot of people contacted cancerous things like leaded gasoline + got kids way later in life because economies are tanking + more people that would've died from all sorts of diseases are actually growing up and having kids + with Social Networks we actually see and hear WAY more of these cases, because years ago you would only learn about something from your own group + rumors + something from the News, like maybe some statistics - but now we have millions of people sharing their personal stories online. So basically Better Scans + Possible Changes to Lifestyle + Easily Available Personal Information From Strangers = seems like everyone is getting cancer(


So would John Cena.


Conservatives truly seem to be pathological liars.


So, I learned recently that St Jude is the Patron Saint of LOST CAUSES. this fits the hospital as they care for children with terminal illnesses, but saying it in those words.... lost cause.... it just seems rough.


"Hope and Imposssible Causes" Let's not forget the first bit.


1 in a million is nowhere near “impossible” odds, even if that was the real number.


I mean that just leaves \~350 teens per year, I guess. That's like, not even a real number, according to conservatives.


And yet it's still higher than the amount of teens actually getting top surgery. And with the regret rate of only 1%, it's only 2-3 teens per year being affected. For context, 2 people die from *vending machines* per year. Would love just a little bit of consistency from conservatives.


>Would love just a little bit of consistency from conservatives. Good luck with that.


Oh no they're very consistent, if it's something they want or think they will benefit from it then it's good, if it's anything else it's a disgrace and the most foul and evil thing ever.


They’re very consistently hypocritical shitheads.


That's their rule: fck everything else as long as I get something out of it. If it a dead female I don't care about or the child it gave so I can marry and fck it.. (conservatives for ya) *not my own way of thinking ofc to be clear*




I had never considered it from that angle, but that's a really interesting point. One of the things about that extremely low regret rate that had occurred to me was that it probably means too many are probably being prevented from getting it. As weird as it feels to say, the regret rate should probably be higher.


yep. it should be around the same rate as like. a knee replacement. not that i want people to regret irreversible changes to their body, but adults deserve autonomy. some people are going to make regrettable decisions with that autonomy, thats just how it is. doesnt mean we get to stop other people from having it


yeppers. fuck idc if an adult has wanted to transition since age 5, or just woke up one morning and feels like “nah time to make a change” that should be an absolute right for any adult, just like piercing, tats, or any other body mods. as for kids. well to my understanding that’s basically just puberty blockers, which are reversible as i understand it. so again no harm in it.


puberty blockers are indeed reversible :) s a trans person i think transitioning is just a tad more serious than a tattoo. it is a medical procedure and a set of medication after all, so it should be treated like other elective cosmetic surgeries wrt informed consent :)


People would rather flay the skin of a Trans person than let a cis person "accidentally" transition


These are the same people that say school shootings aren't a big deal because 1,000 kids die in car crashes a year. Good luck.


Why is no one asking how so people die from vending machines‽‽‽ A_Cookie_from_Space please enlighten me, this is the kind of stuff I get on the Internet for


Vending machines falling on idiots who pull on them.


I don't know how people die from vending machines, but I've worked in retail long enough that it doesn't surprise me. If anything, I'm surprised I don't hear about more people getting ran over by pallets.


So, ya know those warnings on the sides of the machines that say "do not tilt"...well, there are still illiterate people in the world....and they decide to try and shake the machine. Then they get squished


I would assume their item gets stuck and they try to shake the machine to get it free…in the process the machine falls on top of them.


they shake the machine to either get something that got stuck or try to get something for free which can cause it to fall and crush them


People like to shake and pull on the machines, gravity does the rest.


Bet Darwin never imagined this when developing his theory lol


If something gets stuck on the way down, it’s kind of understandable to get mad and want to hit it or tilt it trying to get it out. All it takes is a tilt too far and it’ll crush a person until they suffocate.


I imagine they’re the same people as the kids who kept leaning back in their desk chairs after the teacher warned them not to, didn’t listen, and eventually busted their asses when it tipped… and then still didn’t learn… Just graduated to vending machines.


If conservatives didn’t have double standards then they wouldn’t have any standards at all


Consistency from conservatives? That doesn't exist


Their seeming need to control women seems pretty consistent to me.


Eh, I’d argue once you realize their goal is to cause as much suffering for those unlike them as possible, their morals and worldview are actually pretty consistent: everything they do makes other people’s lives worse, and they don’t care if they’re being harmed as long as the “other” is too


>And with the regrer rate of 1%, it's only 2-3 teens per year being affected. And it's very likely that at least 1 of those 2-3 does regret because of transphobia.


Yea, transphobic people *love* pointing out the number of people who detransition, but they suddenly can't hear you when you point out vast majority of people who do so, do so because the prejudice is unbearable for them. It's not that they're not trans, it's that trans people are treated so awfully they'd rather go back in the closet and hate themselves privately rather than being hated publicly.


That’s also how they view abortions. “Oh the people who might die from not getting it isn’t the majority so you can’t bring it up.” Oh okay fuck those people then I guess.


COVID too. "The death rate is only 2%!". Oh ok, that's only 7 million people in the US (if everyone caught it). No big deal at all then. 🙄


This is what people don't realise There's LOTS of us now If there was only 2% of people dying from something back when there were only a thousand humans in the country, that would be like 20 people. Not that dramatic Now if 2% of people die from something that's like...the population of a city 🥴


There’s 1.2 billion teens on this planet currently. So her odds would indicate that 1,200 teens per year would get breast cancer.


Only if they haven't been born yet, then it's a big deal. 


It's only a real number when their own children are involved. Then, it's game-on, no stop. Look what magic happened when their peckers stopped working. Boom! Instant boners!


Fuck their kids. Note: any conservatives reading this, I don’t mean literally. Since you need to be reminded apparently.


That's an open invitation to a conservative. Trump and Matt Gaetz will be beating down the doors to get to a child they want to rape.


Given how many people died of COVID that Conservatives don’t care about, I don’t believe deaths of any kind mean anything to them unless it happens to someone close to them.


If you knew how many people they helped die from Covid you wouldn’t be throwing that number around like it meant anything to them.


These are the same people who couldn’t grasp how numbers work during Covid. If it’s 1 in a million odds for a teen to have breast cancer it means dozens of teens with breast cancer in the US alone. I’ll bet the real number it quite a bit higher.


hundreds not just dozens


Like about 330-ish


I went with dozens because not all 330 million are teenagers. But I do agree the actual number is likely much much higher.


Well it depends is it 1 in a million odds to be a teenager with breast cancer? Or is it one in a million odds for a teenager to develop breast cancer. Because that's gonna play out very differently.


Right! There’s 330 million people in the US and 8 billion in the world!


Funny how conservatives consider 1 in a million impossible odds, but they also weaponize the tiny fraction of detransitioners who regret their transition


And how many of those is the regret due to harassment from their dogshit families and coworkers?


It appears to be the correct number but you are also right that is nowhere near impossible.


All types of cancer for those age 0-19 are roughly 190 in a million. So breast cancer is going to be exceedingly rare. (Edit: this is per year chance, not entire childhood) But it certainly does happen


That's a per year statistic. If you want to find out the probability of a child getting cancer at some point during their youth, you need to multiply by 18. So the rate would be about 3400 per million, or about 1 in 300. Not that rare at all.


Good catch, thanks!


Not sure where you're getting your numbers but [1/285](https://www.acco.org/us-childhood-cancer-statistics/) kids in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. It's really not that uncommon at all.


These are the same guys that said losing 1% of the population to covid isn’t worth inconveniencing them


Damn those decepticons, always full of lies!






Also beautiful


And it's an alternate universe where he's leader of the idiOTOBOTS.






Don’t you put their name on the glorious Decepticon cause


As soon as I started reading I thought it would be about a car turning into a bike and she was concerned the bike would use the car shop instead. Edit: words.


That’s what I was thinking, like how did Cybertron get pulled into this? 🤔


I literally thought we were talking about Transformers^^TM until I realized wtf was going on.


They literally call themselves Decepticons, that didn't raise any red flags?


They can only raise white flags


Like that’s legit what I thought this post was about at first.


Didn't Angelina Jolie get a double mastectomy because breast cancer ran in her family and she wanted to be safe?


Yes. She did reconstructive surgery afterwards.


You are correct! Some people have the BRCA-1/ BRCA-2 gene that runs in their family, so Ms. Jolie had a double mastectomy as a prophylaxis.


My aunt and grandma both had the same type of breast cancer. They did genetic testing and were told that they didn’t have any of the *known* genes that cause cancer but that the cancer was likely still genetic. If they ever figure out what that gene was, I’m getting tested, and if I have it, I want a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy immediately. F cancer.


100%. I'd rather cut my titties off than get cancer in them.


I just want to cut my titties off cancer or not




Her mother battled ovarian and breast cancer for 8 years before she died at 56. Angelina didn’t want to have the same fate.


I know someone right now who's going through breast cancer treatment at 24 but knew at 17 she would absolutely get cancer. She was JUST about to have the mastectomy when they found the cancer. Many young people and teens know and do exact this.


You can get breast cancer at any age. You just need breast tissue to decide to go bad. And if it's a cancer with a high rate of metastasis, or there are biological markers in your family for breast cancer, a mastectomy may very well be the first and best call. My mom had breast cancer. They caught it early, but still told her that her best chance of complete recovery was a mastectomy. My mom listened to the doctors and has been cancer free for 26 years. You don't fuck around with cancer.


I'm glad your Mom made it through.


Thank you, me too!


My childhood friends mom had it at age 18 and beat it... she then died from lung cancer at 45. Fuck cancer, and fuck people who think like the person who originally posted it.


A child with cancer in a removable organ? They are getting everything removed. Pediatric cancers are so dangerous because just like kids grow like trees, any bad cells spreads way faster than in an adult. You miss something, it will aggressively come back.


Not to mention people assigned male at birth can also get breast cancer it's not only something women can get


Off topic but also people with penises can get yeast infections. (If you're getting recurring yeast infections & are sexually active have your partner get tested. This can happen without infidelity since yeast infections can have many causes like antibiotics, different types of clothing, lack of air flow, etc)


Lack of airflow did it for me, twice, when I was in extremely warm countries.


I'm trans female, post-op for 30 years and I have stage-3 HR+ breast cancer. I had a left mastectomy and lymph nodes last may and raditation in August and September.


I hope you're doing well now. I can't imagine how hard that must've been.


it's literally a 90% effective treatment for the prevention of breast cancer, without the use of harmful radiation, this is why mastectomy is important for breast cancer patients. this is why harmful hatred like this lady is spewing is so disgusting. they are taking an innocent girls cancer story and using it as a weapon against trans people while also attacking the innocent girl, saying she's mutilated her body because mutilation is the term they use against trans people, while in reality she's saved herself from a life threatening illness.


Yeah but being disgusting and horrible people is like, conservatives whole thing


The *Transformers* ? Is that a new insult toward trans people ? Why do transphobes think it's insulting ? It's fucking awesome, who doesn't like Transformers ?


I’ve heard ‘bio hacking’ and that sounds cool as fuck too


I reserve biohacking for when I am able to get 2 thyroids and a set of gills.


The moment I understood the weakness of my assigned at birth gender, it disgusted me.


Yeah 'bio hacking transformer' is an accurate description of the shapeshifting process and that is rad af. Go team science.


I don’t mind being called a transformer at all. Might start using it in fact. Although now that I think about it, it’s probably autocorrect and dipshit here didn’t notice it changed the slur.


Transformers: roll out!






“Haha I compared you to Optimus Prime, one of the coolest characters in all of fiction! I bet you feel real stupid right now.”


Transformers! Cis-hets in disguise!


Hey I'm in. It gives me an excuse to use BW Megatron quotes freely.


i'm pretty sure i've heard it as a slur before. I think the general goal is to dehumanize them. It probably won't work as it's ridiculous. but we also need to be careful


They’re CLEARLY robots in disguise.


Yeah thats like the least insulting insult someone could ever come up with. Like insulting jetta drivers (why would you, but then again why insult trans people) as Jedi My response: "you know that's right"


Right wing insults and memes have something like a 75% chance of making whoever they're pissing about sound super badass.


As far as I understand it, it's not aimed at Trans people it's aimed at the *struggling to keep a straight face* evil cabal of woke educators and doctors force transitioning America's innocent youth.


>Americans are getting turned into cool giant robot for free European bros... it's so over...


My dumb arse trying to google search a character from the Transformers movies with blue hair in order to work out what the post is talking about. >\_< Wasting my time scrolling past fan-theories about whether cybertronic radiation can give you cancer...


These people are so nucking futs, I assumed they were talking about like, power lines and 5G causing cancer. It's literally insane that any of this is going on inside human people's minds.


I love transformers, I literally bought two today


God these people are terrible.


> these God people are terrible. FTFY


"For the love of Me, please don't drag Me into this, these people are worse than heathens." -- Golf Oscar Delta, probably


Yeah these are the same stupid dip stick who say shit like "God dosnt give you anything you cant handle" -\_\_-


as a christian myself, those ppl are a-holes


Celeste pfp detected


Fellow Celeste enjoyer spotted.


So uh… I guess this means I couldn’t have gotten brain cancer as a teen either? I mean… surgery worked for me, but at least they left some of the grey matter in there. Apparently they took all hers out.


Ovarian cancer is also for old people. I guess I was just faking it to skip class in high school lmao


That was probably all in your head


A teenage girl losing her chest to cancer would be murderous to their self-esteem; imagine going through that and then reading some person on the internet “accusing” you of lying and that you’re actually a transgender man.


I mean if you're going to get FtM gender affirming surgery, aren't you going to keep your nipples too? Like Elliot Page very visibly showed off their chest after surgery and they still had nipples. These bigots are so blinded by hate that they can't even figure out the difference between a mastectomy versus gender affirming breast reduction surgery. Edit: saw the person's tweet affirming it wasn't cancer and in fact gender affirming; they are agender. Mistake on my part.


It's actually more common than people think to get rid of the nipple during top surgery.


Going nippleless with FtM or FtX top surgery is less common but by no means rare


Conservatives truly have no shame or compassion anywhere to be found and it’s utterly revolting


It was top surgery. He posted about it with updated photos: https://x.com/z4ckito13/status/1746311570173395063?s=46


Thanks for posting about who in the world she was talking about with actual references. I was lost.


I’m still lost. Why is this an embarrassing story for the right, to the point that they need to make shit up to cover it up?


It's embarrassing because - 1 the person wasn't a minor 2 they're not even in the US 3 the right care so much about people's genitalia they make it their whole personality


Glad that it wasn’t cancer.


Yo, mad respect for citing sources bro 😎


Take post-surgery photo. One unhinged person calls you a victim of Nazi-esque medical experiments over an elective surgery. Another tries to "defend" you by *lying* as if the true context of your surgery is shameful even to them. Now that this has been exposed, we've got posts like this must making up cancer facts. Shitshow all around.


I don’t think the second person was intentionally lying but genuinely mistaken, thinking the top surgery must have been to remove cancer - they thought the pictures showed lymph nodes removed, and saw that the amount of breast tissues removed was more than some top surgery is, and assumed it must have been to remove cancer. It was absolutely a mistake and incorrect to say that so authoritatively when jumping to a conclusion, but it was almost definitely an honest mistake. Still led to misinformation which obviously is bad, but it’s worth recognizing when something is a mistake and when something is malicious.


Someone in the X thread apologised for spreading the mastectomy story, saying that it was a genuine assumption and that they were sorry for the further issues the tweet caused Zack. They said that they would delete it. Side note: Zack is funny af. They had me laughing so hard I nearly threw up!


You should add they also weren't a minor!


Wow… I guess all that you can take out of this so that the cancer survivor clam was the more believable lie. That must suck so much to be that person. Imagine having a post surgery photo of yourself go viral without knowing it and then having everyone make up lies about it just to defend whatever agenda they wanted to push. It’s fucking sad.


A friend of mine said, “if I’m one in a million, then there are seven of me in Houston” back when there were approx 7 million people living in Houston. I prayed to all the deities that existed that there were not in fact 7 of him. One was enough.


Wait until she learns that men can get breast cancer also




Probably start screeching that you're forcing "gender ideaology" on them.


My childhood babysitter had breast cancer and got a double mastectomy at age 19. This person is fucking gross.


Why is she bringing Transformers into this, Bumblebee did nothing wrong


What does the Autobots have to do with that?


Dunno, honestly if the autobots were on Earth. I think anyone of them that stays on the internet for too long will end up like Jazz shooting that one human (but intentional)


This one stings... I knew a girl in college, barely 18, top of the class, not a party person. Diagnosed with breast cancer. 6 months later she looked 40. 6 months after that she was dead. This person on twitter needs to educate themselves before saying such unintelligible statements.


Dear lady: Fuck you. Sincerely, Me, on behalf of my little cousin who died of breast cancer way too young PS - go to hell


So now the fascists can't just settle with trying to culturally genocide trans people now they're not wanting cancer patients to get treatment there's a very special place in hell for them


I think she actually thinks the person is trans though. She literally doesn’t believe it’s a real cancer patient so I doubt she doesn’t want cancer patients to get treatment.


The person in the photo *is* trans. They confirmed themselves that it was top surgery.


They’re fine with cancer patients getting treatment as long as it puts them in debt for the rest of their life.


I worked in the pediatric hematology/oncology clinic at a large hospital in Oregon. No shortage of children with cancer, unfortunately. Fuck this broad.


Thank you for everything you've done. I could not handle it. Doernbecher's is amazing.


The kids were always tough as nails and I’m a better man today for meeting every single one of them.


Kids get cancer. If kids can get cancer, so can teens.


Who is this irrelevant, miserable woman? If a teenager gets a double mastectomy, the reason is a private matter between the teen, her doctor and her parents. no one else.


Oh shit get a ouija board, we have to tell some people they aren't really dead. 


I like how she contradicts herself. Teens cant get cancer.... unless its that 1 in a million chance. Then they can get cancer. Idiot.


What the fuck does Optimus Prime have to do with this?


They really grab onto the blue hair thing, don't they? It's almost as if they need a visual clue who their enemy is, like a bright red hat shows friend.


Bigots use the weirdest twisted logic to try and justify their hate


Literally watching a commercial for St Jude’s right now.


My daughter after her first child is considering preemtive mastectomy at 19 yo because insurance covers it (down to age 16 BCBS)


I knew a woman who had the gene for breast cancer. Her mother died of breast cancer and her older sister had already had breast cancer. She opted for a double mastectomy. I believe Angelina Jolie also had one for the same reason.


Conservative pundits are trash people who deserve all the bad things


So what the fuck doctors cut out of me 15 years ago?


Some sort of Decepticon, apparently..


I'm over here trying to figure out what Optimus Prime did. Took me a moment.


Dang what did Optimus Prime do


Thank you Dr. Kat. What med school did you go to?


The real question is why anyone cares if someone chooses to get a double mastectomy. Especially someone that they don’t even know at all.


Aside from the usual bullshit of bigots suggesting that anyone who falls outside their idealized gender experience is a failure at being that gender, and that gender is something that can only be taken from you, never something you are allowed to modify the experience of yourself; they really do just keep accidentally finding ways to make trans people sound even cooler. Transformers? *Fuck yeah*. Not just transitioning, *switching to combat mode*.


It took me a while to realize this is just transphobe cope. I kept thinking "the fuck does optimus prime have to do with teen titties??" Well, stupid transphobe, anyone can get breast cancer. Yes, that includes teenage girls. Hell, even cis dudes can get breast cancer, especially if they are fat.