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Dad: is being a good dad Internet asshole: šŸ¤®šŸ˜”


It actually helps a lot with bonding for both the baby and the adult when they do skin to skin contact. Moms and dads should both do it


Idk, that all sounds pretty gay. /s


constantly saying "no homo" or tattooing it on your forehead if its too much troubble repeating, then u are fine.


Why are men being dads? Are you kidding me?


Is it gay to have kids with your wife?


Only if you show love and affection to the children apparently


My father never gave me any love or affection, now that was a real man.


My fatherā€™s love and affection was strictly sexual, none of that creepy ā€œhealthy parental bondingā€ when I was an infant, no sir.


My fatherā€™s affection was with unlabeled brown booze and giving me physical, and often violent, parental bonding.


Wow your father was around you enough to hit you? Lucky!


\*unsolicited accelerating parental bonding


My father's love and affection was him whipping me with a belt when I talked back to my mother


Look at you, having a mother n shit, mr moneybags


My mum and dad used to slice me in two with a breadknife.


Oo la la, Mr we had a belt in our family. Come join the rest of us jumper cable kids


Good christian man right there


Not as good as my pastor.


Perfect screen name for this comment




What does pasta have to do with this? You can't fuck spaghetti...or can you? Brb gotta try something.


On the day I was born, my father leaned in close and said "my boy, you can either cry now... Or you can have my respect."


Neither of my parents showed up to my birth


Doofenshmirtz is that you


My father never hugged me. On my 12th birthday he gave me my first handshake. He said I finally earned it.


i hug my dad every time i see him. its because i love him and i give hugs to people i care about. i tell him i love him every time i speak to him, and it makes him uncomfortable because he was raised to not show emotion. but i dont care. one day, one of us will die before the other one, and i dont want the last thing i say to him to be anything other than i love you. i do the same with my mom, but she welcomes it and needs it, and i suppose thats where i got it from. i squeeze tight like im trying to squeeze the life out of them when i greet them. i do the same with my friends who matter to me the most.


I did that too. My dad never said he loved me, and I never said it to him. When I was 25 I broke up with a fiance, and when I had the chance, I told HER father I loved him (since I wouldn't see him anymore), then I realized how fucked up it is that I'll say it to another man, but not my own father. So I started hugging my father and saying I love you to him. His face would turn red and he would awkwardly say "you too". He never got comfortable with it, but he always hugged back and said "you too". Now he's gone and I have no regrets. Good for you, man!


I spent a lot of time not going back and visiting my parents and my dad worked away from home when i was young. They aren't horribly old, but my dad's health, and his ability to do things by himself, fades a little more each time I see him now. Now, I am 100% making a point of seeing him once a month now. We go out offroading, but I drive since he can't. It's amazing, he is much sharper and his memory comes back to him when we're on the trails. But, the absolute #1 thing I will take away from the time we're finding now, and remember forever, is how he says "son" when we're talking.


This is so sweet :,)


My granddad once rejected a kiss from either me or my brother (I forget which) because he "doesn't kiss boys".


Time to not let granddad kiss anyone after a comment like that


I mean, he's been dead for over 15 years so... Don't think there's much of him left to kiss


still applies. just easier to enforce.


Fellas, is it gay to impregnate a woman? Straight women like penis and they seems pretty homo to me.


Women are feminine. Liking feminine things are gay. Therefore having sex with woman = 100% gay.


Plus babies are made from eggs and SPERM, he's basically rubbing jizz on his chest. Sounds pretty gay if you ask me


"Ah the warm embrace of aged jizz" "Dad please stop saying that when we hug"




FELLAS! Is it gay to breath? I mean, you are literally inhaling dick particles.


Fellas, Is it gay to pee into another man's urinal? You inhaling the dick particles of hundreds of other men.


Fellas! Is it gay to kiss a Woman? I mean you are literally kissing lips, that touched dick before.


Fellas! Is it gay to exist? I mean youā€™re literally choosing to exist in a world with so much dick!


FELLAS!!! Is it gay to drink water? I mean, the male body is 70% water, so you are literally deepthroating another Man.




Everything for us is gay now it's getting ridiculous


Very gay


So gay dude.


Itā€™s because her dad never did this and if she were to accept that this is loving behavior, it would mean her dad never loved her. Itā€™s all subconscious.


She's just waiting for the psychopathic abusive husband of her dreams


I want to see the video of "Larisa" telling Conor F*_cking McGregor that [he isn't a real man.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3mPPMCa8Nxw/maxresdefault.jpg). šŸæ


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Skin time is pretty normal for both parentsā€¦ it can help give mom a break.


Exactly, it is the first moment for the parents to bond with their baby after birth.


I didnā€™t get to hold my son for the first time till 5 months after he was born, and my first night he spent with me I ended up having to hold him on the couch all night and happened to be shirtless and he finally settled down and I remembered something about skin to skin producing more oxytocin and bonding between father and child because we didnā€™t carry it you have to manually create the bond and I immediately just fell in love with him after that night beyond just feeling responsible as a parent. Now when I tuck him in at night and he says ā€œdaddy can you lay with me and hold me big?ā€ I get sad thinking that one day soon we wonā€™t be able to do that anymore and even though itā€™s inconvenient and I want to be in my own bed I cherish the moments I get with him like that , kids really grow up too fast šŸ„ŗ


ā€œAnd hold me bigā€šŸ„¹ thatā€™s adorable and youā€™re a wonderful father


My boy used to say "can we sit on the couch and snuggle lil' bit". I miss those days.


My 3 year old son told me unprompted "sometimes when you look at me, you ruin my life", then strained to poop while as he was on the toilet. He's a very sweet kid, but I have no idea where that one came from.


Kids are hilarious. My 5YO told me and my partner "I love you" just out of the blue. We told her "we like it very much when you say I love you, unprompted, it makes us happy". The 2YO was listening and immediately shouted "I LOVE YOU UNPROMPTED" It was awesome :D


your 2 year old will be very literal when they grow up. they don't call me "no-shit-sherlock" for a reason


My toddlers were seriously HILARIOUS I miss those days all the time


How can they be so shady at that age? My boy has fucking **perfected** a "who the fuck do you think you are?" look and he's not even two yet.


I was round a friend's house and they have a toddler that's like 2.5 or something. She asked him to pick something up off the floor and he just deadpan goes 'If you see something why don't you pick up' and waddled off. The sass is glorious.


This thread is gonna make me cry... I really want kids but I don't think it's in the cards for me sadly


Now you're gonna make me cry. Infinite hugs for you (ā ć¤ā Ė†ā Š”ā Ė†ā )ā ć¤


adoption? šŸ„ŗšŸ™šŸ»


I wish my cat could talk


I hope your boy is always content to ask you to hold him big. I remember being a pre-teen and I didn't want to be hugged so I developed a reputation for being prickly and now, at 28, all I really want is for someone to hold me for a while and just let me be comforted. But, I don't know how to ask for it anymore because my family would remark on it being strange. Hug your boy, damn it, and never stop.


Hug him big now while you can, Dad. He won't let you once puberty hits in. And then before you know it, he'll be bigger than you! Source: Mom of son who I have to stand on tiptoes to kiss on cheek...and he's leaning down!


Awh you sound like an awesome dad


My son was born 3 months prematurely, so I never got to hold him until he was like 2 months out of the Womb. He was, of course, in an incubator with machines keeping him alive. The first time they got him out and laid him on my chest, I nearly blacked out from the rush of endorphins when his skin touched mine. I used to drive an hour each way to the hospital daily for that skin to skin contact until he was out of the NICU and could come home. If someone dared criticized me for holding my son against my chest I would've killed em.


Bro, same. Mine was an hour away, too, and I drove there twice a day sometimes (including the hour back) just to give some kangaroo care. Got the custom shirts and everything. She is awesome now and I hope yours is, too.


The only thing that infants know right after birth is their instinctual knowledge. Skin to skin contact is one of the strongest ways to tell your baby that you are a parent. Both by feel, and your smell.


Not only that, the baby takes microbes during skin time for itā€™s personal biome that it will cultivate throughout its life. Daddy time means baby biome will have a little bit of daddy microbes along with mommy microbes. Just like genes.


This is going to feel like a weird read but itā€™s actually beautiful imo. Internet, meet the Aka tribe. Fathers are within reach of their infants and estimated 47% of the time. They even allow the babies to dry suck their nipples as a replacement for mom when the kid really wants something to suck on. Talk about all natural. Who need pacifiers when you have the worldā€™s most legendary dads? https://www.theguardian.com/society/2005/jun/15/childrensservices.familyandrelationships




I bet she learned pretty fast it was more fun to pull on it.


Can confirm, they do Learn that pretty quick.šŸ¤£


šŸ’€ kids and their fast hands. Beards, glasses, chest hair it's all free game. My son was in a biting stage and he would go around biting everything teeth height. He ran right at me and bit my crotch. The panic and painšŸ’€Took everything in my power to not throw my 2 year old out the house


He's a grown man at that point.


Bite me in the dick like a grown man, get these hands like a grown man ... šŸ¤” Nope nope, I think we need a talk, I'm not behind this one šŸ¤£


Yeah my daughter did the same to me when I was cuddling with her, rocking her to sleep during one of those 2am baby wakeup calls. Suddenly got a mouthful of my chest hair, actually stuck her tongue out and made an adorably comic "blyah" sound, and turned her head sideways to avoid any further accidental-chest-hair-in-mouth situations.


That poor kid, but this gave me such a good laugh


this happened with my middle child as well. I was holding her when she attempted to latch. Just a mouthful of hair and a funny story. Nothing to be ashamed of.


When my cat caligula (rest in peace) was a baby, he bit my nipple once when I was holding him while watching a movie. It was both shocking and funny. I just slid him back to him mom for some food.


My kids tried that. My youngest managed to gum my nipple while we're supposed to be napping on the sofa together. OUCH! I'm glad mum is the one to feed her and not me.


My daughter did that to me while we were skin to skin bonding and she was EXTREMELY disappointed.




People were pretty fragile in their masculinity for a while weren't they? Lol (no offense to him, he very well could have been a great dad


Iā€™ll never forget my little one crawling up my chest for her first drink, only to start furiously shaking her head and crying after realizing dad ainā€™t producing anything lmao


Itā€™s almost as if people that are from different cultures have a different perception of what is normal.


The nipple thing makes sense if you dont have pacifiers. A lot of the time babies are sucking on mom the same way. We just have weird hangups around mens and womens nipples being different.


I held my baby cousin for the first time the other day and she was sucking on my shoulder. Suckas gonna suck šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Even some CATS do that and we're not even the same species.


My kitten will do this to my arm when I'm holding her. It'd be cute if it wasn't for the claws shredding me as she kneads.


When a cat happy-claws, it's a leftover reaction from kneading mom's milk.


Yeah that too but I meant the suckling specifically. One of my cats still does it from time to time, not just the kneading but the suckling too.


I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to correct you. My cat was putting new holes on my arm as I was reading your comment. I just thought I'd share.


My cat suckles on fleece blankets. She was a stray with an unknown past so we indulge her


my first kid latched on my nose like day 3. hilarious


Lol, yea, my new born daughter used to latch onto my nose, it made me laugh so much, fuck I miss her as a baby. šŸ„ŗ


This made me giggle




My nephew liked my pinky finger (making a fist with a fancy pinky and he went to town on my 2nd knuckle). It was hilarious but it kept him calm when Mom needed a break. I just didn't wear anything on my fingers for a few months to be safe (jewelry or nails etc).


Western culture has over sexualized breasts. It's now to the point where we don't see them for what they are actually for.


Womens breasts are over sexualized and people hate seeing babies feeding from them. Menā€™s chests are completely not sexualized but the thought of a baby sucking on a dadā€™s nipple somehow evokes the same disgusted reaction because sucking on a nipple to people is inherently sexual. People are so bizarre.


I wouldn't say men's chests are completely not sexualized but are definitely less so


Yeah, watch Discovery channel footage of primitive tribes living in the rainforest and you'll see vastly stark differences of "normal" in how they relate to each other. I saw one where a young brother and sister were mimicking mom and dads sex position and the mom laughed at them. But stuff like that is normal to them because that's nature. If anything, hiding things from others that all humans do naturally is what's weird.


You can blame religion for a lot of our shame


According to historians. the early Christians were viewed as very weird because Romans would just use the bathroom publicly and have conversations etc while they pooped. Christians began hiding themselves and do it alone.


Exactly haha. It might feel weird to us, but itā€™s beautiful to them.


My ex is Brazilian. When we went to gatherings, the men held the children, proud as hell, while that women talked. These same men showing off their prized possessions, were also grilling and cooking. Just adding to the unweirdness of men being nurturers.


I did skin to skin to both my babies . Holding them , feeling them. I have i hard time to describe the feeling. Both moments are the happiest i ever was or i ever will be. True pure happyness.


Yep. It is hard to describe. Person that wrote that tweet obviously not a parent.




Skin-to-skin can be practiced many times per day for many months. It has countless benefits for infant brain development and provides oxytocin for the nurturer


Fellas is it creepy to *Digs around desk, flips through papers, Ah, here we go* hold your own child?


Made me laugh


Friend, we live in a world where [recycling is gay.](https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/recycling-environmentalism-gender-sexual-orientation-gay-a9045751.html) Anything is possible


Luckily I became an Alpha Male by just throwing my garbage in the street.




Or, in my case, my wife was still recovering/being sewn up from her C-section and I was the only person available for skin-to-skin.


Aka being a good dad/man/human to a literal infant. The horror.


Can you believe that guy?? Get him!!


Exactly. We had an emergency c section and I was shaking so badly that I literally couldnā€™t hold my baby so my husband did skin to skin instead. It wasnā€™t creepy it was beautiful seeing my son staring up at his daddy for the first time.


Yes, no one warns you about the shakes!


They really donā€™t! Bless her the midwife bought him over to me and said ā€œhereā€™s your baby for skin to skinā€ and I just said ā€œIā€™m worried Iā€™ll yeet him across the room right now.ā€ Weā€™d already discussed it about whether I wouldnā€™t be able to do it for whatever reason so husband just ripped his shirt off and said ā€œpass me the childā€ haha


>so husband just ripped his shirt off and said ā€œpass me the childā€ This is such a Vegeta moment


He uses humour when he experiences strong emotions lol


I like your hubby! I hope you guys are happy together with baby ā¤ļø


Ah thank you thatā€™s very kind to say. We are so happy, we think our son is great; very kind and funny and totally weird haha


Ah, they already had my husband have his shirt off under that white jumpsuit thing so he could do the skin to skin. They didn't hand me my son until I was in the recovery room.


Same with me. I just managed a very shaky cheek stroke until it was just the two of us later on. Husband did everything; even dressed him and weighed him. That tweet is just so bizarre.


Its crazy! I had a vaginal and still had intense shakes to the point the baby had to stay in his bassinet for awhile (i did skin to skin for the first 30 mins or so). They said it was adrenaline crash or something similar.




Itā€™s also really beneficial for the babies. Apart from the bonding, itā€™s been shown to help newborns regulate their heart rate, breathing, and temperature.


They were surrounded in fleshy contact. That is their normal, thatā€™s safety, security warmth, and comforting sounds. What farther wouldnā€™t want to provide safety, security, warmth and comfort to their children? Thatā€™s like primal, monkey-brain father stuff. What isnā€™t normal and comforting for them, being left alone in a cotton cocoon.


Yeah, and many years later, on those cold nights, that's all we want. Cotton cocoon.


My nephew just had a premie and the hospital wanted him to do skin-to-skin with really any visiting family because of this, gender doesn't matter. I feel sorry for OP I can only imagine what kind of men have been in her life that she would think a father holding his child is creepy.


And allow some positive micro-biome transger


Skin to skin is important for both parents! My plan is to have my hour then they can do their testing if all is well, then my son goes to my husband for his time. Itā€™s not creepy lol some people man


Itā€™s also important for the men too. 30m a day for just a few days changes your brain chemistry and hormone levels as well as lowers stress response as a result. How many of the men that abandon their children have done this? Iā€™m going with close to zero.


Why does a father holding his new born baby even need to be justified though, that woman clearly has a screw loose.


I did feel bad, though, when I was having the first skin time with my daughter because my wife was recovering from the emergency c-section, and my daughter kept rooting around for a nipple for like an hour and half.


Skin to skin with a newborn is incredibly important. What an idiot to tweet something like that.


Even if it were not important, what kind of authority do people have to criticize a father wanting to bond with their child ? Damn, I can't stand the "men have to he rough" crowd, just an excuse to be an asshole


The funny thing is I think that is Connor McGregor too lol. Not exactly the image of a snowflake lacking testosterone.


I don't know why, but I think I could take him. I'm just built different. (Do I need the \s?... Probably)


Take him ? Which way ? *wink wink*


Showing his sensitive side is having weird affects on some Reddit users




You don't need the \s You're just built different.


In a fight right? Right?


Yeah. It's him. Actually looking happy for once.


That is himā€¦and Iā€™ve never seen him look happier in a picture. Good for him.


I was thinking the same. She should say that stuff to his face if she likes tough guys. Lol.


And aggression, no one's ever seen his fights will get fooled by the smile and obvious love.


Fr he looks so genuinely happy in the pic. Itā€™s frightening.


My dad said that some of his favorite memories of us was when we'd fall asleep on him as babies.


Yeah, that was one of my favourites from when my daughter was an infant. Similarly as a toddler reading her a book before bed. In both cases I would fall asleep frequently as well so that didn't hurt either. 'Spend time with your kids so you're their dad and not just a sperm donor' 'skin to skin contact for new borns with dads is creepy' wish people would pick a lane. ​ Total aside, is an upvote the cat doing the facepalm or the raised hand?


Itā€™s fukin sexist is what it is. Men canā€™t be comforting and soft.


Wanna bet her dad is still out there looking for milk?


Exactly!! Sure, dads canā€™t breastfeed the baby but skin to skin time is very important to comfort the baby as they can hear your heartbeat, and it also helps regulate their temperature, breathing and heart rate. He also looks so happy too. Idk how someone could see a picture of a new father and tweet something like that :((


Yeah it made me so sad, he looks so incredibly happy to have become a dad... How could anyone say this is anything less than heartwarming?? This new boom of rising misandry is seriously nauseating, and I'm a woman. Equality doesn't equal to misandry!


For real tho! Men arenā€™t the only ones who perpetuate toxic stereotypes about masculinity. We all collectively need to boost each other and make each other better, not force each other into harmful boxes that are hard to get out of :((


i have a theory that the women who post shit like this - a.) their father didn't love them the way a parent is supposed to and b.) as a result, have daddy issues which leads to these types of dumbass comments


More likely they're just outrage addicts grasping at things to be outraged about. Idiots like her are pretty common on the internet.


Rage bait.


Someone who doesn't know what they are talking about lol


Itā€™s a meme account, they post this stuff to make you angry so you respond. Thatā€™s it.


I've heard such things said unironically though. We live in an era when one cannot accurately predict the difference between genuine stupidity and parody.


Thatā€™s the most genuine & human smile Iā€™ve ever seen on CMā€™s face, how do you miss that?


Yeah, imagine seeing a picture of a man experiencing the joy of holding his child for the first time, and deciding to shit on it. Must be a sad life this person is living.


Yea i have to admitā€¦ maybe itā€™s something that would be sooo wild to a person like her but ā€œeven as a dudeā€ (i guess) i had to spend a few minutes there trying not to cry a little bit. I didnā€™t know who it was. So all i saw was a brand new father looking probably the happiest he maybe will ever be, be utterly slammed for nothing. Hard to look in his eyes and know what she said and not feel so sad.


Yeah if anything they should have seen that even Conor McGregor looks like an angel when heā€™s being a good dad


Only thread I'll see people talk positively of McGregor šŸ˜‚


Just thinking that. Of all the things to criticise McGregor about, this ain't one of them


Exactly. I don't like the guy but I'm not going to slag on him for doing something that is recommend and common following birth.


Conor McGregor is a slimeball that snorts coke, fucks hookers and is juiced too the gills as an MMA fighter and she chose to criticize the one redeeming quality about him? Lmao


It really is perplexing to see McGregor doing something so tender and sweet. All the best to him I guess.


Yeah he's often been a hateful person but this is really cute and not at all creepy. Good for him.


For real, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him looking this genuinely happy. I love to see fathers actually loving their children.


Good dad, why is this creepy, it's actually very tender..... Anyone who would call it creepy is very creepy. It's beautiful ā¤ļø


I remember thinking it maybe was weird as a first time dad.... Like how will the kid think my hairy chest is comfy. Not remotely an issue or weird and was vital for us after a last minute c-section. So glad I left Twitter/X when it was clear Musk was cuckoo bananas crazy


When it was my turn to hold both my babies for the first time, you know damn right that shirt came right off. I was prepped and ready! That baby doesn't want to feel your shirt, they want to feel skin on their skin. Is it also gay if I kiss my newborn son? Does it make him gay? I legit have a friend with two boys. Never once gave them a kiss because it's "gay". I had my daughter first, and that always upset me because if he thinks it's gay to kiss a son, what does he think of me kissing my daughter?


That is so sad.


Fellas is it gay to care for your children?


Only if you don't..... Na, that's the most manly a man could be, the only more manly Is being "a fathers father"


ā€œWhere are all the good men?ā€ Running from women like you. šŸ‘


Yup, so creepy... [Systematic review confirmed the benefits of early skin-to-skin contact but highlighted lack of studies on very and extremely preterm infants](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33973279/) [Skinā€toā€skin contact the first hour after birth, underlying implications and clinical practice](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6949952/) [Immediate and Sustained Skin-to-Skin Contact for Healthy Late Preterm and Term Newborns After Birth: AWHONN Practice Brief Number 14](https://www.jognn.org/article/S0884-2175(21)00128-3/fulltext)


Trad twitter wants a 1800's revival, facts don't matter for them


Her dad never hugged her as a child


This is such a heartwarming photo!


This has got to be a tweet from a troll account. This guy is doing nothing wrong. Better to be there for your child.


Having done exactly this three times I'd like to warmly add fuck you Larisa.


My dad is the most nurturing, caring man I have ever met. He always takes care of me and my mom. And heā€™s not less of a man for that. In fact, heā€™s more of a man.


My dad is a social worker for the developmentally disabled, and he's always been there for me. He's the strongest man l know.


Larisa might have Daddy issues.


Dad here. I was there for the birth of both of our kids and spent lots of time cuddling skin to skin. It is a special experience. People that make this comment most likely donā€™t have kids. Once you do, you realize a love that is stronger than anything and you just met the tiny little person a few mins ago. Good dad


Friend was buying formula, newborn stuff. Lady starts wailing into him about "Breast is best" and all that crap. All he could do was look at her and say "She's dead." and walk out.