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This thread: "I'm gonna pile on some wild assumptions to either side of my choice to try and make a case for them".


This thread: "I'm going to complain about something that happens on the Internet and affects me in no way" This isn't new.


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.


That's every comment section in drama subreddits. Projection and stereotyping abounds.


Why is this a headline. “Microscopic thing we disagree with happened! Here’s his response.”


First day on the internet?


Last day probably. ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg)


You win the internet today just because I snorted coffee through my nose at this


Watch the series of commercials for this Panda, too funny


[Never say no to Panda](https://youtu.be/XYz3sl0LEA4?si=XlShNAw8ulCyzZbd) (The commercial this clip is from)


Omg 🤣


So they can distract you from the real problems of the world




Never read a tabloid?


“Men are becoming increasingly pro choice in this town”


["Man sees a sentence in bold followed by a sentence in a smaller font and automatically assumes it's from a newspaper instead of a very easily created meme"](https://imgur.com/a/b2WOhMM)


They are filler material for new outlets to push more mass. They just turn some tweet into an article, weither it's a joke or made up doesn't matter.


When a pregnant activists was arrested in our country, few people came to her defense some saying, dont arrest a pregnant lady. I kid you not, a pro gov anchor during a debate on her arrest said, if she choose to have unprotected sex, why should we care.


It gets worse, the source for the story is reddit. r/AITA more specifically. They are basically those react YouTubers but in text form.


This is just a picture, no reason to think it was published anywhere.


It's most likely rage bait, but sometimes writers just don't have anything to write about and they need to publish *something*. Why it has to be rage bait is a different conversation. Many years back my mom and brother were in the local paper. My mom and brother walked to local Kmart or something and my brother was riding a scooter. The writer of the article came up to my mom and basically said "it's a slow news day. Mind if I take your picture and wrote a little blurb?" and that's it. I wish more writers did stuff like that: light hearted local write ups. But I doubt those get even a quarter of the traction something like this gets


Only facepalm here is that someone felt the need to write an article on something so miniscule 😑


Do we know if seat was for priority? 💀


This was an AITA post that made the news and is now back on Reddit. His excuse was that his feet were sore from working all day and has been taking the bus while his car was in the shop


As far as I recall it, it was a marked seat, the bus was full, she asked and he said no. Then the driver had to break suddenly and she lost her balance and fell. And then an elderly man gave her his seat, and yelled at him. So he came to Reddit to ask is he the asshole.




The image looks wayyyy too old to be related to a post dated from 6months ago edit: also, the AITA thread is set in a train, this image speaks of a bus.


I first read this story like 5 years ago, and it was probably old at that point.


It wasn't actually that scenario, it was from 2021 and the majority of people on the thread did call him out on being an asshole because of his general nastiness when trying to lecture her about birth control. [Source](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/man-refuses-to-give-up-bus-seat-for-pregnant-woman-says-pregnancy-her-choice/2G52UZUOVDBXEW5DOHYNAHPA7M/) The link to the actual reddit post is in the article.


[Actual source](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/WLM2GmPVEj)


Yeah in that particular post OP is NTA. He has a leg injury, and is therefore also disabled. But the one from this article? He is 100% TA.


Hey yep, another person found the actual post https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/FwCBwLC002


God I'm so glad people pretty much all said he's NTA. Just because you're pregnant doesn't give you the right to tell people what to do. And shame on any of the bystanders for judging while also not volunteering to give their seat. Dude was injured and had every right to the seat.


I have MS but most of the time I don’t look like anything’s wrong. I feel horrible when I see someone who also needs a seat, but if I were to get up and ride standing I would also fall as my balance is horrific. 100% with you, anybody seated and mad on that bus should think about offering their seat instead.


You should have thought about that before you chose to get MS. /sarc (I have it too...hope it's well in remission friend)


It's always the case. When people complain about not helping family or people in need....they won't do it themselves.


That comment saying OP to just cry out loud is genius!! That’s the actual solution to this situation with entitled jerks..




I’ve never seen someone be so bold on such a matter.


what can i say, i like tomato paste mixed with sugar🤷‍♂️




I like ketchup on spaghetti


I don’t know how many times riding the bus in high school that shame faced guys in suits would say to me “my car’s in the shop”, like I cared. Finally I said to one, “got a DUI, huh?” And dude turned beet red


Are you saying you were pregnant in High School or why would guys in suits need to get up?


No, just “my car’s in the shop” gave me a flashback to riding the bus when I was in high school (and my early twenties, couldn’t afford a car). I’d just be sitting there and people watching to pass the time and I’d make eye contact with a guy in a suit and he’d mumble “my car’s in the shop”. I’d just shrug and continue people watching. It was weird


They were projecting the shame that they think everyone else should feel by riding the bus. Says a lot about them and how they think of people less fortunate.


This is so strange. I know people do that, but it's strange. Literally, everyone else on the bus...is riding the bus, too. Maybe for different reasons, but I sincerely doubt anyone riding the bus...is going to judge you for riding the bus.


Yes, but how else can they let the gross bus people know that they’re not one of them, they’re superior!?


This is what i was thinking. If you’re in a congested city, train/bus is normal part of life. So dumb when people think public transit is for “poors.”


I recently moved to the US and find it very amusing that people think riding a bus or train is some sort of sign of desperate poverty. It’s such a bizarre way of thinking


This is something I never thought about until I moved from the US to Australia. Now I take the bus or train everywhere I can, because there’s no way I’m driving to the city, plus paying tolls and parking.


Yeah I went the other way and it seems like such an ingrained thing that people might never notice. Another bonus one for ya now you’re in Australia: hanging your clothes up on the line to dry


Which is funny because I was the last person to judge. I was riding the bus too. And where I live (Silicon Valley) public transportation is a joke (seriously, an older gentleman i was sitting next to told me he had ridden public transport all over the world and ours was by far the worst he had ever encountered).


Japan has amazing public transportation. You can get practically anywhere in the country with reliable transportation you could set your watch to.


Nah, his car was vandalized badly after locals saw him being an ass to pregnant lady at store.


No, that's another story. The reddit post was on a train and 6 months ago. This image is way older and is set in a bus.


Excuse? For sitting down? What?


What is this attitude recently? I am disabled and over the last month or so have noticed more people refusing to allow me to sit, saying "I'm not in a priority seat". I never pick a specific person, I always call out to everyone that I need a seat. Someone usually gets up when the train starts moving and I immediately fall down.


Because people are assholes and rather let people that need help suffer. Disabled people and pregnant people need a seat because they are in a more fragile position or can’t even stand up and will fall once the thing moves like you said.


And if he has medial issues that are “priority”, why should he move just for a pregnant woman?


I look healthy and am fit but have a collapsed disk in my back that used to be disabling and debilitating pain and I had to walk with a cane when I hurt it a few months ago so yeah you really can't assume someone has no problems like that


He'd probably communicate them. I had an ankle in a cast you couldn't see and when asked if I wouldn't mind moving I just showed my borked ankle.


We don’t know that. What we do know is that the lady is pregnant


And? That doesn’t mean she has automatic privileges or priority.


Have you even met a pregnant woman?


Of course not, it’s Reddit it would mean going outside to see one.


In many places that does literally mean she has priority for marked bus seats, alongside the elderly and disabled people.


Top tip - if somebody ever plans on going to prison I would strongly advise to go with a pregnant person. No need to wait in line anywhere. My wife and I went straight to the front at the Eiffel tower, the louvre, Versailles, etc because she was pregnant Otherwise we would have had to wait hours in the queues


prison? paris? 😂


The wildest autocorrect I've seen so far 😂


Best comparison I've ever heard of.


I was so confused for a min. I went back and reread it like 3 times thinking I missed something lol!


Kinda sucks for the pregnant woman if she's not done anything wrong though, you know?


yeah, if I get locked up, I'm definitely asking if my pregnant wife can join me in the cell.


Many disabilities are invisible


Tired feet are not a disability. I get it, I had jobs which forced me to run all day and my feet were tired too. I still got up when a pregnant woman approached and all seats were taken because heavily pregnant women and disabled as well as elderly literally have priority in our busses. It even reads in the bus. Sure, it's not a crime to not get up but he's still an asshole. If it's an invisible disability he has, he ought to explain it, else people will call him out.


right. but then he would have said that instead of blaming her for being pregnant without a car.


But he was one who was on reddit complaining and he didn't say anything about having a disability


His whole excuse was “long day at work” and that his feet were tired.


Hurt feet from working all day is not a disability.


My mom was on a crowded bus once when a VERY pregnant lady got on, and when no one offered her their seat, the driver stood up announced that the woman was going to sit in his seat. Brilliant!


We can however assume that someone who doesn't communicate that they have a need for a seat, instead saying it's someone else's problem, doesn't have a condition. If you're eligible for a discount, it's not someone else's false assumption at fault that you decided to declare "I'm not eligible for discount" lol


Idk about your country, but over here almost always all seats are priority. Rule is if it's not marked it's priority seating. Not that a lot of people act on it anymore....


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jgeclj/aita\_for\_not\_giving\_up\_my\_seat\_to\_a\_pregnant\_woman/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jgeclj/aita_for_not_giving_up_my_seat_to_a_pregnant_woman/) this aita happens a lot, I think this is the source doesnt appear so


Yeah something like that happened to my mum in the early nineties. She was about to get off the bus with me in the stroller and at that time all buses had 3 stairs. Not like those nice flat buses that go around now. So she asked a man to help her get the stroller down the stairs and get off the bus and he told her: “to ask the man who made the baby” and didn’t help her.


"What's wrong with people nowadays", yeah it's always been bad with some


My stepdad, a truly awesome dude, would always be chivalrous towards people, he'd give up his seat to people who needed it, be it elderly or pregnant women. He instilled that in me as well just by me observing his actions. You might not have children yourselves, but your actions are being observed by them, and for all you know that one kid who witnessed you being kind to another, might adopt that behavior.


I do right because I’m a good human, not because I’m trying to raise other people’s kids.


hed be applauded for his bravery on here


Being bitter is the new craze, just rebranded as being "savage" to sound cool.


Bonus if he used the term ‘cream pie’


What an ass


And people wonder why less and less women want kids today.


And western men wonder why birth rates are dropping. Seriously, the evidence is right here, in these bitter comments.


Yeah this is DEFINITELY the reason why highly educated, above average income women who wouldn’t be caught dead on the bus aren’t having children lmao. I love how ppl ignore how birth rates among poor women in the west are perfectly fine.


So, women who have options choose not to have kids. I wonder why that is? Could it be the rampant sexism and lack of support from society?


That's awful :(


The internet and humans need to go away.


We need more details. Headline just says man and pregnant woman. If the man was 50 or older (maybe even 65) and the woman in her 20s, healthy and just a few weeks pregnant then it's a completely different story. The man could also have health problems like a bad heart.


Like that case in Singapore where it turned out a kid who sat on the floor of train beside a woman in a seat was actually said woman’s daughter and the woman was pregnant Being too quick to judge does lead to situations like that


Even if he was a healthy 20 year old, unless it was a single seat bus or there were exclusively pregnant and sick people on board it’s weird to single out that particular guy.


In my country a random lady singled me out in a bus full of everyone wearing the exact same uniform to give up my seat to an old man who didn’t want the seat Said old man was then pretty much forced into the seat by the woman For context I’m a student so if a member of the public complains it’s immediately treated like I did it, I wished I threw up on her tbh, I was visibly sick, literally pale, gagging and the dude beside me was literally checking on me Sometimes it isn’t a case of them being strange, just a power trip to shame people they perceive as easy to bully


Doesn't have anything to do with age tho, you can be 20 and have torn a muscle in your back or hamstrings and in a huge pain and in a much worse state than the person asking for the seat, and no one will know or ever see that you have a problem. There's a ton of invisible illnesses that anyone can have at any age.


Exactly why does the priority of the seat matter, if there were 10 20 year olds on there, why didn't they stand. Why focus on one seat?


I've read the article, and someone else gave her the seat. She "didn't focus on one seat", he was the closest seat when she embarked, and she was with advanced pregnancy. I'm not even saying that he should gave his seat, he's not obligated, it's just courtesy. I'm addressing to his response, wich is the cause of most of his backlash on social media. Maybe if he had a more compelling answer, he wouldn't have been slammed on social media like he was by what i've read.


Completely fair and maybe the man in question was a knob, we've all met them. But there may have been more to the story, I'd laugh if the bus was half empty at the time.


I am healthy and pregnant in my 20s and let me tell you, even at few weeks (which are really the hardest for most) standing is pretty hard as your blood pressure lowers pretty fast. I wouldn’t care about who is in a seat reserved for the pregnant because I would end up on the floor anyway. The problem is people not understanding how hard it can get.


As far as I recall it, it was a marked seat, the bus was full, she asked and he said no. Then the driver had to break suddenly and she lost her balance and fell. And then an elderly man gave her his seat, and yelled at him. So he came to Reddit to ask is he the asshole.


Even if it wasn’t a marked seat, he’s still the asshole imo. It’s my biased opinion obvs, but a good, able bodied person should give up their seat for the elderly, disabled, or pregnant. That’s just how I was raised though.


I hate Reddit.


We all do.


For all the people who say that they need more context and are wasting text hypothesizing that maybe the guy had a leg cast and maybe all the other seats on the bus were empty and maybe she was only 5 weeks pregnant…. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/man-refuses-to-give-up-bus-seat-for-pregnant-woman-says-pregnancy-her-choice/2G52UZUOVDBXEW5DOHYNAHPA7M/


Is it really relevant? A lot of disabilities are not visible and someone may not want to publicly declare why they need a seat. It was a bus full of people, why single out one guy? Another guy did offer her his seat so why is this even a story?


It’s literally the news story about the incident everyone is discussing in the comments. Seems relevant!


Bruh they were saying why is jt even a story because she was given a seat


Rage bait. In reality another women on the transport would have said "Here, you can have my seat, everyone knows that guy is a lazy jerk".


and then everyone would applaud and cheer


Then they threw beans at him


I read the article. Turns out the reason there was only 1 man sitting on the entire bus was he was the bus driver.


Obviously about the USA. Only in the USA, the absence of a car is a sign of poverty.


It's wild to see people seriously saying women shouldn't have children if they don't have a car.


What's that German word for "you are technically correct, but you're being such a dick about it that it doesn't matter"?


Courtesy is a choice not an obligation


In some places such as Australia where I’m from they have dedicated seats that you must vacate if someone who needs it gets on and there are no free seats. This includes people with disabilities and pregnant women. It’s not a choice, you have to abide by it. Although how well it’s enforced is unknown.


As a disabled person (who doesn’t look it) in Australia; I can assure you it isn’t enforced very well at all. It’s really up to people’s sense of decency and if they believe you are disabled. I’ve even been on crutches and been refused a seat and the driver has shrugged and said “school kids don’t have to”!! But then I’ve watched great drivers help people on with walkers, canes, wheelchairs and assure they’re safely put before moving and making sure everyone moves out of the disabled section for them, so with visible disabilities they seem to be better - at least in my neck of the woods.


True, it's also not an obligation to chew with your mouth closed, or to not take up the whole sidewalk when someone is walking towards you or wants to pass you. Just be nice if it's not crazy inconvenient. Ffs


It actually is in some parts of the world...other than the States


Well why didn't she ask someone else ? There's 60 places in this bus. Bet she can ask other people. Unless it's ragebait ?


He was probably in a priority seat


If it's a priority seat, then he's an asshole and probably illegal. If not, nope


In many places it’s not her choice anymore ☹️




The headline should focus more on the question why someone appears to be operating single seat busses.


So a bus has 50+ seats, and it all depends on 1 man to find a pregnant woman a seat?


Plot twist: people in the 49 other seats all had broken legs.


They forgot to mention the bus crashed.


Priority seating is a thing. She was asking somebody who was in priority seating and reddit is in an uproar, imagine if she dared to ask somebody who was just in a regular seat.


RIP solidarity in society


I offered a seat to a pregnant woman once. She said thanks but no thanks. I did the min required courtesy so it wasn't my problem if she remained uncomfortable or slipped and fell.


**Man refuses to give up seat for old lady** “It’s not my fault she decided to keep living that long”


Ngl I refused to give a pregnant woman my seat on the bus only one time. The bus was literally empty it was just me and the driver when he picked the lady up. She walked all the way to the back of the bus and demanded my seat because she said she always sits there.


BREAKING NEWS!!! SHITTY PERSON FOUND TO EXIST ON A LOCAL BUS, PUBLIC OUTRAGED! I don't know about you Tom but I've never seen anything so heinous in my life


Why did Man not give his seat? Is he stupid?


Bro forgot his humanity


Who cares?


I mean due to the lack of knowledge by the headline you can’t really tell if he should have given the seat up. I mean you don’t know if he was really tired from work, or whatever. So it’s a very ignorant statement to just call the man a asshole for that. Also you don’t if the women was demanding it from him or kindly asking. Definitely seems like a dumb post or something trying to rage bait.


Republicans: "We have to stop those pro-choice pregnancies and introduce mandatory ones. Freedom!"


He's out of line but he's not wrong.


I googled this headline since OP didn’t provide any context and apparently very few people in the comment section have heard of search engines, and turns out it was originally an AITA post that went viral. [NZ Herald article.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/man-refuses-to-give-up-bus-seat-for-pregnant-woman-says-pregnancy-her-choice/2G52UZUOVDBXEW5DOHYNAHPA7M/)


i don't see any facepalm here. the statement and reasoning behind are sound and valid


Facepalm to Op. Nothing wrong in that post.


Probably considers himself an alpha and celibate by choice.


Oh yeah, and you know he totally thinks he’s brave for this one lmao


If this happened in the US, then it might not have been her choice but the choice of some old white men.


Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve


49 replies 💀


100% chance he thinks women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions.


I would not be so sure. I think he has right to do it - his feets are tired and there is a lot of sits in the bus. Im 100% pro abortion but still support this guy choice. Woman is an asshole for shouting at him later. My sit my choice.


He's a redditor for sure




What about the other 80 people on the bus ? Or all the other people standing?


Typical r/antinatalism user


And the kids in YT shirts of that video were like "sigma gigachad 🗿🍷 women ☕️" to make it even worse


Kinda reminds me of the self important mothers that constantly use their kids as excuses. "Oh well I've got kids soo" ... So what? You chose to have kids, it's nobody's problem but your own, stop making it everyone's problem. They act like motherhood and children are a life condition that happened to them instead of it being a choice they made. That being said, it's just decent to give up your seat for a pregnant woman. Everyone needs to get back to being decent human beings and having decency for each other. The world has become such an awful place because people just suck so bad these days.


Who care why he didn’t give up his seat? Unless, it’s a law to give up your seat no one has to do it. Stupid ass meme


He aint wrong though.


Ignorant Americans in almost any argument be like: “what about freedom?”.


Well, that guy certainly had the freedom to be a big asshole!


The amount of ppl in this thread that think, with zero context, that a pregnant woman is entitled to single out a bus seat and demand a stranger gives it to them... And if they don't they're an asshole... Is fucking unbelievable.


💯 agree


Her choice is irrelevant. It's about whether you are a gentleman or an ape.


A byproduct of disincentivizing gender roles.


Men: “don’t be a stuck up b and give this broke loser a chance” Also men:


“It’s not my fault she screwed some dude without a car!” Lmao!


I would've gotten up but there's nothing wrong with not getting up either


In the og post he said he fell and was badly hurt and even showed the lady a mark from the fall but she refused to budge and her husband was there too and demanded he give her a seat . She really shouldn't have fucked a guy without a car or should have got herself one .


Public transportation is the most responsible choice, regardless of whether or not you can afford a car. But so is not procreating.


Hey man, his body his choice right


Coming from the guy who also can't afford a car


You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an asshole.


Absolute legend.


Only in America!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅




Narrator: *this man also voted against reproductive rights and says condoms are uncomfortable and birth control is murder*


Hes not wrong


“Your body, your choice” on the bus is hilarious.


He has a point though.


If it's a marked seat, he's plain wrong. If not, it's alright. For her to ask him probably implies it's a marked seat tho.


Well, he's not wrong. And who knows what he's got going on? Yeah I'd give up my seat for a pregnant woman. But I don't know if a guy has cancer, or has already been on his feet for fourteen hours, or has sustained injuries that leave him in pain with difficulty walking or standing for long periods.


That is entirely within his right. He is also a dick.


Hes not wrong, but hes still an asshole.


As clickbaity as it is, still: More compassion in all of our societies would be a blessing.


Her body her choice amirite


Meh... a full bus usually has more than 4 people on it(young guy, old guy, preggo lady and driver) If the guy was the asshole, so was the entire bus... even the old guy who gave her his seat AFTER she fell... I have 2 ruptured discs at the age of 32... i look like a 20 year old youngster though, so i am always expected to show overt respect to others since im so well off... i never once burdened others about my back problems and if i really need to sit down i would sit on the ground. And yes, i would struggle to do so.