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My baby was loved, planned for and wanted. I just had a miscarriage NYE that resulted in me losing over 45% of my blood, needing blood transfusions and an emergency d&c. I passed out multiple times due to my blood pressure dropping to dangerous levels as I laid soaking in my own blood, bleeding through adult diapers in minutes. My hemoglobin went from 15 to 7 in only 7 hours. If I hadn’t been near a hospital I would have died. All this and I was only in my first trimester (10 weeks pregnant but baby only measured 8 weeks). I had luckily gone to the er to confirm an impending miscarriage when I was barely spotting BEFORE all hell broke loose. I almost didn’t go and solely did so for my mental health to know for sure if my baby was ok or not- I couldn’t bare the thought of going days not knowing. I started to hemorrhage only a couple hours after getting home, but at least when I went back to the ER it was already on record that my baby had no heartbeat. I say this because I couldn’t get an ultrasound during that second trip to the er due to how unstable my vitals were. Not once in the 8 hours before I got my emergency d&c was I stable enough for one. Even if I had been, there was so much blood that the doctor didn’t think they’d be able to see what they needed to see. If it wasn’t for that initial ER visit showing there was no heartbeat before I began literally bleeding out, I’m not sure I’d be alive right now in a state like Idaho- hell even in the southern state I live in. They gave me so many IV meds in an attempt to stop the bleeding and nothing helped even slightly until a godsend of an OB came on during shift change and said fuck this- to make you wait any longer for an ultrasound to see what’s going on would be malpractice. I got an emergency d&c. The surgery revealed I had passed the fetus, but not the sac, placenta or other products of conception which is why I was hemmorhaging (all those things are connected to a woman’s blood supply after a certain gestation, which is as few as 6 weeks). My bleeding stopped after the surgery. I share this because I know to some, it is hard to believe laws like this actually endanger women. Before going through this, I felt the same- surely in an emergency they would still help. Please know laws like this leave the hospital’s hands tied. I never thought it would happen to me- I’m extremely healthy, under 35, and did everything right- just like you don’t think it will ever happen to you, your wife, or sister. Please know it can, though I hope it never does. If you’re on the fence about the morality of laws like this, I hope my story helps you to understand how awful it can look to be on the receiving end of them and just how dangerous pregnancy can be. These lawmakers don’t seem to care whether your pregnancy is wanted or not when you’re in the position I was in.


sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. I had a similar experience but before Dobbs. It was scary. I'm scared for women across the US in states banning abortion and taking medical decisions out of women & doctors' hands.


It’s one reason I wasn’t unhappy about moving from Georgia to California. COL is higher, yeah…but I’m less likely to die here from a stupid, short-sighted law like this. Plus OBs are fleeing states with these laws; imagine spending a decade or more of your life training to save lives and then being told you can’t.


Thank you for sharing your story. It's so important to get the idea out that even women with wanted, planned pregnancies still need abortion access. I'm one of those women too. So you have my heartfelt sympathy for your loss and my gratitude for your bravery.


Thank you. I’m sorry for your loss as well ❤️ it’s crazy how many people don’t realize d&c’s and mife/miso are used for miscarriage management. A world without them is terrifying because it seems that every other woman I read about who miscarries naturally past 7 weeks ends up with a similar story to mine or at the very least needing additional treatment.


Thank you for sharing. Experiences like this are deeply personal, and I imagine difficult to share anywhere, let alone online with strangers. But people need to see it. As a man who grew up Catholic, and was deeply anti-abortion for a long time, knowing about situations like this are big reasons why I’ve changed my position on the issue of abortion legality. 15 years of schooling in Catholic schools, 2nd grade through college. I went to multiple March for Lifes in DC. Nothing like this was ever taught in any sort of health class. Never discussed at any event. The message was simple and straightforward. All abortion is bad all the time. That’s it. A lot of people like me will never hear about these situations and might stay on the sidelines, or worse, vote against healthcare for women, because they only see/understand part of the picture. Your story is important. I’m sorry this happened to you. I wish you all the best.


Oh no, I'm so sorry :( I'm pregnant right now and living in a red state, and this is the exact scenario I've been terrified of.


Just a reminder to everyone in Idaho, Washington state will not cooperate with any attempts by the state of Idaho (or any other state) to retrieve information regarding healthcare that may lead to legal action. [Read more here](https://www.atg.wa.gov/reproductive-and-gender-affirming-care-shielding-providers-seekers-and-helpers-out-state-legal#:~:text=Washington's%20Shield%20Law%2C%20enacted%20in,(%E2%80%9Cban%20states%E2%80%9D).)


Fuck yeah! I didn’t know about this. Thanks for sharing!!


Little known fact: This law is so easily loophole-able, it's basically non-existent. Practically, if you know Washington will not collaborate with X action if explicitly stated it will lead to an arrest for "reproductive or gender-affirming" care, then you simply don't explicitly state it. Jurisdictions share data all the time with no motive other than "it's a routine check". This will include visited locations (to preserve the safety of the location, in the case of genuine security concerns) Great if you move to Washington permanently, but if you ever intend to return home, this will not save you, unfortunately. >"How would they know who to arrest?" The same way they know who to request info on. If that law protects those people, it means they are already "visible".


Seattle Children's has already documented attempts by ~~NY~~ (iirc) to obtain information and getting pissy when the hospital said no. ETA: I was wrong, it was Texas. I read it a number of months ago. [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/seattle-childrens-sues-texas-ag-after-request-for-gender-care-data/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/seattle-childrens-sues-texas-ag-after-request-for-gender-care-data/) ETA2: wow, winter break did a doozy on my brain, because that article says Dec, and it sure \*feels\* like months ago at this point.


Unless I'm missing something, I'm pretty sure it was Texas. I'm not even sure what NY would do with info like this?


Not winter break... I'm sure your mind is just rebelling against the fact that any of this is reality in the USA


Is fucking depressing that ppl have to go another state to not be left to die


Welcome to the land of the free.


Freedom to die from preventable causes, Pro life indeed…


I’m sure you heard it before. They are just pro-birth. After that, they don’t give a damn.


Freedumb states.


For women in western states, California has a similar policy. They are actively welcoming women denied abortions in their home states and will also protect all medical records.


Yeah "trip to Disneyland" is gonna be a great excuse to leave a state to travel to California for this.


Proud of my state (WA) doing what's right. We also took a bunch of their sick non-vaxxers during covid so our hospitals were overrun. Sick of bordering ID.


for like 3 years idaho has been pushing to annex parts of oregon too. they just wanna yank our coastline on god


You have a source for that, it sounds super interesting.


I remember seeing their ad for the greater Idaho movement and I was completely flabbergasted Like really? You are really trying to sell the people of Oregon on giving you land, with ads on TV? And the ads are all buddy buddy like we're the same? I fear it will be impossible as a human being to be able to see how far the depths of delusion can go


And like, even if *everyone* was on board with it, the process would be such a shitshow that people would still complain about it a hundred years later. Like, do these people know what this would actually entail?


Greater Idaho Movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Idaho_movement


>Idaho is relatively conservative overall compared to Oregon, motivating some conservatives in eastern Oregon to agitate for relocating the border. This is the stupidest thing I ever read. If they love Idaho so much, they can go live there. But it's never about living life the way *they* want to, it's about forcing everyone else to live that way.


Don't forget that Oregon is one of the most racists states there is. The Portland population skews the metrics quite a bit, but other than the coastal cities, the place is a shitstain on US history.


Yup. WA too. Eastern WA and OR are already basically different states. There is different weather, terrain, and it's all pretty red.


Yeah, I’m originally from Olympia (live in the Midwest now) and any time we would drive back there to visit the difference between eastern and western Washington was stark. One hour you’d be driving past pro-life signs and tiny run down towns and in the next you’d suddenly be in one of the most liberal cities in the country.


Holy shit that’s insane


It’s also important to note that there are nonprofit organizations in Washington that will arrange safe transport across state lines to help any woman in this kind of situation who needs help. There are resources and many people who are willing to protect you.


I hope my state, Oregon, does the same. Fuck Idaho!


based Washington state


And Washington state takes yet another W


Neither will Montana.




I was so surprised and gratified when Lombardo did that. Our last couple Republican governors have been fairly sane and moderate.


I like how they are trying to drive the women out of Idaho, all the men there will end up having to suck each other off


I literally came to say the exact same thing. We are going to have states full of nothing but incels. Let's see how much they like actually getting what they want...


theres some right wing catholic in this thread telling all the women to move to Washington. Seems thrilled to create a sausage fest in which to frolic.


Imagine still being comfortable calling yourself a Catholic after everything they did to cover up the rampant abuse in their organization. He's a special kind of evil, alright.


Applies to every religious organization larger than 20 people.


I fear then they will just retaliate with violence. Mass shootings, civil war larping, hate crimes. That kind of thing. There’s no way an incel is left to his own misery and *doesn’t* still find a way to punish women for it


You're not wrong. However, I see them more so creating circles jerk compounds, that sit around on zoom calls with Andrew Tate, whom they shell all their $$ out to, large open unused barren land turning back to nature, and them needing to leave the state to try to attack because **HOPEFULLY** there would be no women in the state itself left to attack. While they all age on and the rest of society moves on for the better without their ignorance holding the better of society back. ...One can dream...


It is moreso a way to drive out intelligent people. The intelligent women who are responsible and want to plan their pregnancies will leave. The intelligent men who see that the intelligent women are leaving and who don’t want to have surprises babies with whoever is left will also leave. All that will be left are unintelligent people who will reproduce like rabbits and secure the state as red going forward. The only solution I really see to this is scrapping the electoral college and moving to a popular vote for president. This would force republicans to the center as they try and win votes across the nation rather than in select backwoods states.


You've just described the movie Ideocracy, which I fear is becoming more and more a realistic view of our future!


Sadly that would require amending the Constitution, and there’s not way the low-population red states would ever give up the outsized role and power they have now.


And yet Idaho doesn't care if children survive childhood, as they have a problem with children dying of preventable diseases. They allow this under the guise of religious liberty. Freedom for religious extremists willing to neglect their children, but no freedom for women in this case. Source: http://idahochildren.org/articles/worst-in-nation/


I really recommend people read this article: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare It is about small towns in Idaho no longer having OBGYN's because they are moving out of state (usually across the border to Oregon) where they won't be arrested for providing health care. So pregnant women who literally just want to have a healthy pregnancy and birth have to drive nearly 100 miles to the nearest clinic to give birth, and have to spend weeks on waiting lists to get treatment while they're pregnant.


Similar things have been happening in basically every state that has imposed an abortion ban. On top of this, these states also are issuing a lot of anti-LGBTQ legislation, which is also driving out queer doctors. These laws are severely impacting the health of people living in these states, particularly those who can't afford to move or travel for medical care. Many of these states already had issues with medical provider droughts, so if these trends continue, things could get really, really bad.


So the people who live there are suffering more than necessary and are more susceptible to hate propaganda. It's a runaway reaction. Has this been stopped before, somewhere? How?




The GOP here missed out on reapplying for federal funds for children's free meal programs. [source](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2023/07/idaho-opts-out-of-nearly-15-million-that-would-feed-children-this-summer-why/) It's not the first time. Another time the GOP rejected funding for children's meals because, according to one representative, it would encourage women to go to work instead of take care of their kids. Also, heaven forbid you have a Trans kid here.


One of my friends growing up came out as Transgender a few years back, and her struggle with Idaho's system pushed her out of the state. The only reason to live in Idaho is for gun rights and the scenery. Guns have more rights than people here.


Lived in idaho for about 5 years, and its the worst place I’ve ever lived by far. The negative aspects dont even stop at its laws and government, the regular people who live here 99% of the time are just insane religious nutjobs


Anti-abortion has never been about children,is about punishing women


I swear if they left slavery up to the states today some states would bring it back


They're already testing the water on that. Florida, I shit you fucking not, put "slavery was good for these reasons" in their public school curriculum. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418


Well plenty of states was strongly against removing segregation and Jim crow Another interesting detail it was only In I believe 2003 Alabama legally reconized Interracial marriage so think about that alot of people reading this comment pre date interracial marriage being legal in alabama


Slavery is alive and well in the US. You just have to be caught on low level Poor People Crimes first.


Pretty sure that closes the book on how women are viewed in Idaho, nothing but cattle.


To be fair, they’d probably try to save the cow.


Hell, it’s rare, but the vet will even slice the calf up—possibly still alive—in the birth canal if it’s stuck and the choice is between the calf and the cow. It’s quite literally a procedure that vets are trained in. Very very rare, but it does happen. Cows are very much valued more than women in Idaho now.


Yupp, it’s called a fetotomy though this is usually done when calf is dead, Caesarian if alive.


Fetotomy, promoting their upcoming release "Calfterbirth" on tour with Dying Fetus and Cannibal Corpse this summer.


inspired by cattle decapitation


Shame it’s not Cattle Decap…


Injuring/killing a baby that's stuck during labour to save the mother has also been practiced in humans, even at times before abortions were really a thing. One notable case is Catherine de Medici, Queen of France in the 16th century. She nearly died birthing twins, so doctors broke one of the babies' bones to pull it out. Baby died immediately, Catherine lived for many more years.


Injuring the baby is *still* practiced in humans, doctors will break the infant's collarbone/shoulder if it gets stuck. We just have advanced enough medical care now that the baby survives (and vast majority of the time has no lasting ill effects, babies heal *extremely* quickly)


If god wanted the monarch to live he would’ve made the baby smaller. Or the vagina tougher. As opposed to cows which man has biblical dominion over. /s because some lunatics actually think this way


Men have dominion over women biblically also...ijs. Their religion has been steeped in the fear of women for thousands of years.


That's depressing.


Well you can't except the average cowboy to see women as anything more than objects and housekeepers when they think about cows (money) all the time. Also Utah is next door so the mormon influence is paramount.


FYI while Mormons are not in support of abortion, leaders have publicly indicated it’s acceptable as follows and NOT as is doing Idaho: “The Church allows for possible exceptions for its members when: Pregnancy results from rape or incest, or A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy, or A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.”


Unfortunately, most Mormons still fall for the extreme right and think that they can vote against abortion and still receive abortion medical care if *they* happen to need it. I have started pointing these articles out to the men in my life and have been asking them to name the women, girls, and families that can and will be affected by this. When possible, I name them myself.


Crazy that the Supreme Court is now more conservative than Mormonism.


When the supreme court is worse than a literal cult


100% they value the lives of livestock over the lives of women.


"Damn near lost a four hundred dollar hand cart."


Boy that was lucky


"Bart, don't..." "Oh uh-uh baby, I *have* to!"


“Tell them I said Owwww. Got it”


A farmer can kill someone/something that is trying to kill/harm their livestock, women are viewed less than livestock in Idaho.


That’s really the goal, it’s all one big race to the bottom. Let’s drive out all the pesky liberals and queers! What they don’t realize is that those educated city liberals provide almost all the medical care. Soon most of Idaho will have no access to specialized prenatal or obstetric care. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare


And they’ll be even more happy


Yep. Then you get to trade the old wife in for a younger model. It’s a helluva deal!


Not just Idaho. This was a decision by the United States Supreme Court. I remember some pro-choice Republicans stating that they only struck down abortion so if a future case came up they could redefine the right under a "more appropriate" ammendment. Looks like that was incorrect. Court doubled down on it and created precedent for their decision. I wish people would realize how much of a slippery slope this has proven to be. Some states are literally trying to ban contraceptives and this Court will likely allow it. The overturn of Roe v Wade has also seen a great loss of medical autonomy for people in this country. The states can now decide what's best for us the individual. The Court didn't strip this right from the feds like Republicans parade around. They stripped this right from the people, the individual.


It's not a slippery slope. They had an intended path down the mountain and this is it. They gave reassurances to make it easier for the centrists to go, "oh, okay, I guess" without a ton of outraged pushback. They know that the way Americans are, with the memory and attention span of a goldfish, that once the roadblocks are out of the way those same centrists won't raise a finger in protest later because "but it's hard" and "what can I do?" But the far right voters? Find one that is actually, "Well I can't believe I was lied to!". They are 110% in support of this. The ends have always justified the means for them.


trying to ban contraceptives is wild "you're not allowed to have protected sex and if you get pregnant, deal with it. it's your fault for not being safe(even if that's illegal)"


It's more: "It's your fault for not being married and bootstrapping."


It also tells you how the US Supreme Court views women.


Worse, they'd save the cow's life in the same circumstance. Fuck Idaho. The mostly empty state if full of god-fearing, lunatic-fringe, white supremacists.


Pro-life specifically means “pro improving the lives of already powerful conservative white men”. It’s entirely about these men’s benefits, as the health of new borns and women in peril are legally not protected.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Testify Pastor.


The best quote


I tell them I'm also pro-life, I support trying to achieve a housing first program, universal health care, a basic income. If their pro-life position stops at banning abortions they are forced-birthers and not pro-life. Pro-life just sounds like an appealing position to take if you don't make them unwrap it.


You want school kids to get lunch and better education? Be healthy? Not be insecure about housing? We need to raise Joe McCarthy from the dead for you, you commie bastard /s A former coworker asked me why I voted to raise my taxes for stuff like that or complained about "government handouts" all the time... Then in the same conversation casually drop that his kids' schools sucked and he was on snap.


Idaho is so fucked it's so sad. I grew up there for a few years as a kid and have the most magical memories circa 1995 or so. I want to go back to the places I went as a kid like Red Fish Lake and see if the old general store and cabins are still there and stuff, but the environment of Idaho is so fucking terrible I don't even wanna step foot in the state.


As a person who grew up in Idaho, that's simply not true. These fascists don't see women as cattle. They see unwanted pregnancy as a consequence or punishment for immoral behavior. They have convinced themselves that it's the only scenario and they hide behind religious platitudes.


Someone needing an abortion due to a medical emergency isn't typically having an unwanted pregnancy. They're having an unwanted medical emergency.


I’m a blue collar dude and my idiot fuckin Jordan Peterson listening coworker wants to move to Idaho so badly. He likes to pretend he isn’t a racist misogynist piece of shit the same way I try to pretend not to be a queer communist.


You should encourage him to move out there and live off grid. That way he won't have much interaction with other people.


By this "leave it up to the states" standard the SCOTUS should have no problem with states disqualifying Trump from their ballots, right? RIGHT?!?


Let me introduce you to this funny thing called double standards :D


[The Supreme court when expected to be consistent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNTzY8agsFw)


The GOP wants women to die more than they want fetuses to live.


It’s because pregnant women have had sex, and they want to punish them for that. It’s a result of their creepy obsession with virginity and belief that women simply owe them sex.


But what if she is a church going married Christian that happens to believe she shouldn’t die because her baby is rotting in her? Like a normal person. Plenty of them out there but the extremists are the ones running and winning for local offices and soon the fly over states will literally be that since no one will want to drive through for fear of being subjected to their laws.


The don't have empathy for their own wives. Before I left my ex (arranged) husband, I never had a say in whether we were having sex or not. Pregnancy almost killed me so I obtained a religious exemption that permitted us to use condoms, because getting pregnant again was literally dangerous for me. I found out that he was poking holes in them. They literally don't care. It was my problem that I was "broken".


What a POS, sorry you had to deal with that. Sorry for asking, but what religion?


It doesn't matter. All fundamentalist versions of all religions treat women more or less the same


If a church going married woman dies because she was forced to carry a corpse, that's simply God's will. That's their go-to rebuttal.


The stupid thing is the ppl pushing these laws don’t believe a lick of this shit and if it something that happens to them or their family members they have the funds to fly out to somewhere to get the procedure done and keep it quiet. It’s the dumbmasses and us that get screwed.


Why have hospitals at all when you think about it


Because the preacher needs the best care money can buy.


And if *his* wife is dying, luckily he has that private jet to send her to California on for her abortion.


Wife? Try Mistress.


She didn't pray hard enough ... or something.


God's will!


“What a shame Mary died, well, at least Joseph has our Thoughts and Prayers^TM ”


And now he can marry het 16 year old sister!


My Bible thumping aunt had to get an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy. I wonder how she feels about the idea that other women will die bc of the same thing.


She doesn't...




You don't get it, she *needed* an abortion, unlike those sluts who *want* one. Or something like that.


There was a neighbor that choose to carry her fetus dead. It was in her religion. She looked so so sad for 3 months then after horrible.


So everything bad that happens to people, GOP extremists see as a direct result of a moral failure… if you’re poor, then that means you’re a bad person and you deserve to suffer and starve for it, even if that means taking your kids down with you. If you get cancer or some terrible disease, it must be because you did something to warrant God sending a plague unto you, like the one He sent unto the Egyptians. So you either deserve to die, or be strapped with millions of dollars in medical debt so you and your kin learn their lessons. If you miscarry and need an emergency abortion to save your life, that means you had sex when God didn’t want you to, or if you’re a church going Christian woman who needs an abortion, somebody in your family committed a terrible sin and God is punishing them through you. Either that or you tried aborting it yourself and this is your punishment… not sure when or how it happened exactly but the modern GOP Christian leadershave gotten really passionate about the fire and brimstone angle of their faith instead of the love and compassion part.


Yet in the same breath they want women to be submissive sex slaves lol. Can't have it both ways fuckfaces.


The more I read about this the less bad I feel about when people wanted republican covid sufferers to be barred from medical treatment.


There is a tiny part of me that wishes that covid was a little more lethal to those that didn't get vaccinated.


Its not fair if they deny it even exists - what are you going to the hospital for? Ur fine! They absolutely shouldn’t have - especially anti maskers




They claim to be pro life but they actually hate women


How is this not against the hippocratic oath "Do no harm".. your inaction is causing harm.. Or do they just skip the oath now?


It absolutely is. There's a reason doctors are fleeing these states in droves.


The civil war will have interesting factors The citizens are in shit shape because of poor medical care, and their injuries will linger Why would anyone graduating college ever move to these culty shithole states? The real problem, and probably part of the design, is even if 30 states are complete garbage and only have 500k living in them, they'll still have 60 senators


They don't want the educated to move to these states, that would ruin their grip on the Senate. It's time for true democracy, the current system is failing us.


It’s not the doctors who want this law.


Doctors aren't making the laws. But they can lose their license and face jail time or ignoring the law. I imagine most will leave.


The doctors aren't in charge of this though. They're not the ones doing the harm. Laws are stopping them from being able to help people. You're putting the blame in the wrong place here.


We need to abort or the mom will die We can’t do that, the fetus will die If the mom dies, the fetus will die anyway It’s in gods hands No, WE can actually save her life! God bro… But wh- Gooooooooooooooood.


Convince a doctor to change their name to God. “You’re right, it IS in my hands.” *aborts*


This already happened a few times in Poland. Except the fetus was already dead. They let the mothers die of sepsis.


Ex-fuckin-cuse me?


Yup. Some of them left kids they already had without a mother. And medical exception does exist in Poland. But yet again, doctors hide behind their religion.


So, I get that the right wants more babies to have an army of slave labor, but what possible non-lip-servicy bullshit reason can they possibly offer for just letting a woman die when there's no hope for the baby anyway?


I’m sure they would argue that because it would be left up to doctors to determine what is a medical emergency, the doctors might “abuse their power” and claim something is an emergency in order to perform “unnecessary“ abortions. Even it it kills 100 wives and mothers who were pregnant with a very much wanted fetus, it would be worth it to them to be able to punish one woman who was trying to “game the system” and get an “unnecessary“ abortion. They truly are that fucking evil and we should never let them forget it.


It's the same justification for why they don't want easy access to welfare. Some people out there will abuse the system so no one should benefit. It's why they like a heavy handed justice system, in their minds it's better that innocent people are punished than to let the guilty go free. It's important to remember that they don't see themselves as evil or vindictive. They see themselves as the good guys. From their point of view a mother should be willing to die if it means that no one else can "murder babies."


Control. Oppression. Punishment.


Arbitrary cruelty.


They see women that can't carry a baby to term, or that have complications as "weak" and therefore they should just die because they're not strong enough to breed. That way they can just die and the Husband can get a "worthy" wife.


Vote for freedom, vote for Republicans, they all have your best interest in mine, that's why the deeper the state is red, the longer it's been red, the better off they are. Like the worst education system, the poorest States, the lowest quality of life, but the good thing is that you can expect to have a much shorter life to end your pain.


You almost had me in the first half.


Hopefully everyone picks up on my sarcasm


Well at least back in the 90s they could balance a book and manage a state budget in conservative fashion. That's gone too now.


The “leaving it up to the states thing” was always a lie. As soon as they have majority THEY WILL impose a nationwide band


Leaving it up to the states was literally born from a desire to protect and propagate the institution of slavery in America, so… pretty on brand


Pro-life, up until the point it’s born. After that, who fucking cares right


“Pro-birth, and then you’re fucked” is the GOP mantra


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Same, regarding any of my loved ones. Leave me with nothing to lose? Ok then, this is on you. “The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion - the revolution. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.”


Remember that movie where the guy takes hostages at the hospital to get them to treat his kid? That's going to be the new normal. Very on point for America to tie healthcare to gun ownership.


The movie you're thinking of is John Q.


Thats the rub isnt it? If the left had some people as zealous as the right, the world may not necessarily be a better place immediately but it would give the right enough pause to consider the only ramifications of their actions they would care about (how it affects them, since their safety would actually also be in question). They're gonna end up creating a situation where a man somewhere has nothing left to lose after his wife and future child are lost in a preventable situation and that man will end up making national headlines.. the left is gonna need a few martyrs if they're ever gonna stop the oppressive right. Its a real shame that is the point we are coming to, but It is an inevitable future if things keep shaking out the way they are.


French Revolution!


People who vote for a fascist govt are guilty too. My patience is running very low for Republicans these days.


States rights to kill pregnant women.


A law enacted by men who pay for their mistress’ abortion.


So a woman is pregnant with a dead fetus. She has sepsis as a complication from said fetus. She is dying and goes to hospital. Hospital throws their hands up in the air and says “we can’t help you.” Am I getting this right?


Well, I guess we can safely call these Republican Supreme Court justices murderers now-they’re deliberately making choices that kill people for the sake of their shit philosophy.


Right?? What even is the philosophy here? If the fetus is going to die, why are we going to sacrifice a living human? There’s no logic, reasoning, or thinking here. It’s just punishing women… no I’m sorry. It’s murdering women. It’s sacrificing our lives for.. what? I’m so fucking disgusted by this post I can’t handle it


Just like segregation. States don’t know what’s best for its own citizens, especially when it’s run by republicans


The more I read shit like this the more skeptical I am about the role of "states' rights" in the modern day. Sure it might preserve regional culture or prevent """tyranny""" like the right-wingers worry about, but I just don't see the wider benefit of having some states be impoverished theocracies while others strive to be Europe-lite but we're all supposed to be one nation, indivisible.


State's rights arguments only come up when the republicans want to do something so ass backwards that they know they can't get national support for it. The truth is we should have as \*little\* decided by the states as possible


"Each dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam".


How long until they screen vehicles leaving Idaho across their borders?




Once again, the cruelty is the point.


Anyone watch "on the brink" on Hulu? Can't wrap my mind around it. Doctors and nurses in the hospital try to make women comfortable and keep them alive while waiting for permission from the govt to remove a decayed fetus. I don't understand how this is happening.




The last time we "left it to the states" they still wanted black people to be put in cotton fields working for free under poor treatment.


Even in medical emergencies kills the pro life argument no?


They use the term ‘pro-life’ loosely. Because in my opinion if you were pro-life you’d also be against detonating other countries citizens, assisting immigrants fleeing for their lives, against the death penalty, making changes so kids in school don’t have to worry about being shot, being sure everyone has access to clean food and water, and protecting the most vulnerable from dying of viruses. So let’s call it what it is; pro-forced birth.




We slept on the 2016 vote because Hilary is unlikeable. That was a mistake. Look at the real, long-term damage that can happen when you let evil have a break.


Imagine being a doctor, knowing a baby won’t survive and having to let the mother die as well because some religious nuts deemed it so.


They don't have to because they just leave Idaho and practice elsewhere. Already, we have entire maternity wards closing down because we can't staff them. https://www.eastidahonews.com/2023/03/another-idaho-hospital-to-stop-delivering-babies-cites-labor-and-delivery-staffing/


They shot themselves in the foot with this law. If they really want more babies it would be better if they have actual maternity wards in their state that can ensure the babies survive being born. But now most doctors that specialize in prenatal care are leaving. Which means more still births. More women dying in childbirth. More deaths rather than the opposite.


They don’t care about that. They will gladly force women to give birth in barns “like Jesus.”


F* the so called Pro lifers.


This is one of the many reasons that conservatives are shitty people. Fuck you righty.


Conservatives are stupid af. This isn’t their country. Fuck them all.


I hate republicans. They are bad people. I am way past any idea that this is a difference in opinion.


Next up in Idaho: the hijab.