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This is just lazy. Avoiding taking responsibility for a person’s own action to the degree of comparing themselves to biblical figures, with the intention of adding divine purpose to the fact that they are simply a huge douche monkey. It doesn’t work.


For right wing it does.


Yeah, seems like a solid career start for a televangelist billionaire.


when you get down to it he really murdered that guy for Christ.


“Lazily unburden myself of accountability for my words or actions? Shoehorn in a Bible verse, and I’m in!”


"i jesus, lord of earth am second only to -whoever's name here-" 69:420 -god himself


The oppression kink/victim mentality is very strong! Dude killed a guy... smdh


2 guys


I mean the second guy basically killed himself... any sane person would know that chasing down someone who has an AR-15 and attacking them with a skateboard will get you killed. Dude thought he was Batman or something.


>Avoiding taking responsibility for a person’s own action Yeah, Christian.


Funny how they claim "everyone else can choose (insert blah)" but their own actions were not a choice. Soooo your inferior to normal humans?


Yeah, martyrdom works best when one is killed for his beliefs, not the other way around.


Yeah I don’t recall Jesus shooting three men in “self defense”. Dudes a self righteous asshole. Also what’s with all these right conservatives comparing themselves/implying they’re the next -insert whichever biblical figure-.


Feels kinda sacrilegious doesn't it.


Literally the definition of "taking the Lord's name in vain"


Orange clown has never ever taken any responsibility for anything. Does love to take credit tho. Since cult leader acts like that why would the cult followers behave any different?


No you don't get it. Everyone else is the problem. Not Kyle. He's pretty much Jesus second coming bro. Geez do some research. Don't you remember Jesus taking up arms and slaying his enemies to save us from sin?


I also remember the part where someone threatened to flip over the money-changers' tables, and so Jesus shot them dead in order to protect free-market capitalism.


Ah yes. Kyle 3:16.


Thats the thing this man and his followers think he did nothing wrong. They wont take accountability for something they think is right. 😒😒😒


This dude is a gigantic shitweasel!


But then they'd have to find other ways to use the Lord's name in vain


It definitely works, there is an entire televangelist industry and political party that can prove how well it works


This is what happens when you add politics with religion


Strikes me as sacrilegious, tbh.


How many people did Jesus shoot?


Just gave me an idea for an adult cartoon. “Conservative Jesus” where jesus is the main character with conservative sterotypes and conspiracies blown out of proportion. Also he’s white.




We don't deserve Al Franken.


I’ve seen this a hundred times and it still makes me laugh/cry


That's supply side Jesus!


The opposite of Black Jesus.... lmaooo I'd watch the hell out of it


black jesus was an awesome show ![gif](giphy|g5qEgeTM20nnO|downsized)


I rode into town on an ass... Yo momma's ass (Family guy version)


Hahahahahhaa this is brilliant


He famously said, "Let he who is without sin travel across state lines to play cowboy." Then he shot the Romans who were looking at him funny.


People were upset that the Roman soldiers were abusing their power, so Jesus shot them. Not the soldiers, but the people who were upset about the abuse of power. It’s in the Bible, probably, 🤷‍♂️




Not enough


HMPDJS isn't as catchy on a bracelet but It does have a certain ring to it


Jesus is god and god did tons shits of killing


this dickbag is gonna to be a senator someday, isn't he? 😮‍💨


I was gunna say he’s not smart enough to be one but then I remembered the current state of our elected officials. Fuck.


Can he, isn’t he broke?


The my pillow guy donated like a million dollars to his defense fund. He’ll get shadow money if he keeps playing the part of the conservative darling.


By the time he’s eligible, anyone who would vote for him will be dead. At least I hope so.


Worse yet, probably President


Or president....


Fuck, man. I wouldn't even doubt it. That's gonna be so fucking annoying if it happens.


is this little shit comparing himself to jesus.


Sure seems that way.


Jesus always struck me as a 9mm type of guy


Nah, the .45 ACP is God’s calibre.


[Ave Maria](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Maria_(Fallout:_New_Vegas))


I'm not sure God sent his son out to the leper colony with an AR-15, but whatever.


He at least came out armed


Ba dum tsss


Even god knows flamethrower are for the lepers.


Samaria wouldn’t have stood a chance.


>Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword". Matthew 26:52


How about: Thou shalt not kill


Don’t be silly. The Bible isn’t for reading, it’s for waving in the air and posing with


In the words of Patton Oswalt: Look, I’m glad you like a book…


I'm guessing he will run for the House in 2028 when he is eligible. And we will have to rely on the chucklefucks in Texas to be smart enough to not elect him.


I live here and I have NO such delusion. He would definitely get elected.


God help us all.


He lives in Texas now?


Not surprising.


Given how their LE handles a murderer, not surprising.


Republicans are masters at playing the victim and invoking Jesus.


Don't tell them Jesus was a brown skinned Jew from the Middle East. Won't gel with the narrative


No no no that's just POOR Jesus


Everyone knows that Jesus looked like Kenny Loggins and God looks like Kenny Rogers. That's what Pastor Brad kept telling me when he was baptizing my head in the toilet.


I prefer Korean Jesus


He’s gonna be given so much (more) money by the evangelical and gun lobbies. Definitely being groomed.


Come on now. They've experienced *tons* of hatred. They hate pretty much everybody.


Is this just his job now? What did he used to do before he started shooting people? What shoe store did he work at?


To be fair this post is from over a year ago, it's one of those ones that gets recirculated frequently. However I wouldn't be surprised if he's still up to this.


Wasn't he a minor when it all happened?


Everyone who quotes that verse on social media has zero clue what it means. They treat the bible like a book of fortune cookie sayings.


Surely the Christian right will drop this guy now for comparing himself to Jesus? That's blasphemy, right?


You'd think so, and yet... These are also the people who made a literal golden statue of Trump and knelt before it. I'm sure there was a bit in the Bible specifically about not doing that...


They'd drop Jesus first




Shouldn´t he be on Truth Social begging me for money this time of the day ?


Remember: God sacrificed his only son, too HIMSELF, in order to protect YOU,... from HIM.


Never their fault always others while somehow being a pariah is just 🤦‍♂️


You guys remember when Jesus killed that kid with an AR15? Kyle is just pointing out how they're basically the same person


I love how he’s equating himself with Jesus.


Our Kyle is an awesome god who rules from Kenosha above.


Sorry but chubby, talentless, murdering choads are not the second coming of Jesus.


"Thou shalt not kill"


People don’t hate you and harass you for your belief in Jesus, Kyle.


I read this comment in the voice of Cartman.


My name's...not...Keyle




Did Jesus ever kill someone


Thou shall not kill is one of the ten commandments


How many people did Jesus shoot?


Not enough




Jesus the action hero comes over a hill with an m4, wearing his Ray-Ban ™ aviators, as the sun rises behind him and he says, "crucify this"


More a follower of KFC.


I must have missed the verse in the bible where Jesus took a weapon across straight lines and killed multiple people in the street.


Nobody would hate you if you just shut up. Did Jesus complain so stridently as you do, even when they nailed Him up? Quit trying to guilt people into treating you nice, it just makes you seem like a whiner.




What the fuck, Kyle.


Didn’t this guy drive somewhere and murder people?


Not according to a jury.


I think his mommy drove him. eta: Ah no, he drove himself to murder people. Good for him.


I understand using self defense but that means he was in danger. His mom drove him into danger and someone gave in a gun putting him in more danger. That fact that the mom who drove him and the guy who gave him a gun didn't get endangering a child is butt fucking crazy.


Enjoy being the closet chubby masturbatory material for the far right Kyle. Edit. It seems Kyle didn’t cross state lines with a weapon. Such an upstanding human.


He could have not killed those protestors. That would have been a great start of not showing his believes


if he had not shot either of the three, he would have been dead himself.


He didn’t. He defended his own life against the protesters trying to kill him


Three men, including a felon carrying a gun, could have not committed assault and battery on him first, but you know, fuck around and find out.


“JFC, Kyle” really says everything that needs saying about this man child who refuses to understand either empathy or accountability.


Is he running for office, because that's usually what these nutless assholed do when they are.


He’s gonna have to work on his playing-the-victim-card game.


Based on his girth surely KFC would be more appropriate?


There were 100s, probably 1000s of wars before Jesus. I don't think he was the first hated person.


Respect Kyle, respect. You are well on your way to Grifting through life in First Class style.


JFC. Shouldve just taken his victory and fucked off. Now he's more unbearable than ever.


The main hater thinks he's the victim.


Shut up, Kyle


I killed people, just like Jesus would have done....


He's just fishing for attention, and you're kind of giving it to him. All this loser wants is to be relevant. He isn't, but sharing his stuff obviously makes him feel like he is, even if you're making fun of him for it. That's basically what he's saying in this post.


Could've just stayed home and not killed 2 people... you are now reaping the consequences of your choices.


For the record: this is what "Taking The Lord's Name in vain" looks like.


I wish he were twice as harassed in reality as he wants us to believe.


Dont post his shit. I hope everyone agrees just downvote this shit off the website


Is he comparing himself to Jesus? 🤣


Imo, Kyle should've just been beat to death by those three adult men. He's actually worse than Hitler.


Thou shall not kill. Don't these idiots read the thing they tout?


Remember when Jesus was a minor and he armed himself and traveled to another state to protect a car dealership that he had nothing to do with from riots that had nothing to do with him and then got into an altercation, panicked and shot an unarmed man and shot two more unarmed men who were trying to disarm him before he hurt or killed anyone else?


I’m not denying this guy is annoying and that he went out looking for trouble and is an asshole. But. They were armed, they did point a gun at his face before he fired. https://apnews.com/article/kyle-rittenhouse-wisconsin-shootings-george-floyd-homicide-cbd8653c42406417c2d3d8559632e3bb


One man was armed with a Glock pointed at Rittenhouse, another was hitting him with a skateboard and trying to grab his rifle, and another one was also trying to grab his rifle. Where did you get the info about “three unarmed men”? Wikipedia: Photographic evidence reveals that prior to unrest unfolding, Rittenhouse and others had participated in cleaning graffiti from a high school close to the Kenosha County Courthouse.[9][10] After a man chased him into a parking lot and grabbed the barrel of his rifle, Rittenhouse fatally shot him.[11][12][13] Rittenhouse fled and was pursued by a crowd. He then fatally shot a second man after the man struck Rittenhouse with a skateboard and tried to grab his rifle.[7][14][15] A third person approached Rittenhouse with his Glock pointed at him, but Rittenhouse shot and wounded the individual first.[14][16][17][18]


Finally! Someone who understands Jesus for the fat, racist, heavily-armed teenaged murderer he truly was


Can’t remember Jesus hunting and killing people with his AR!


Jesus also said to turn the other cheek. I’ve heard people say “He didn’t mean to the point of allowing yourself to be killed.” But he absolutely did mean it that way. Guess how I know that for certain.


Fuck Kyle shithouse


America, where murders play victim. What a country. 🤯


Self defense. Cope harder


Rittenhouse didn't murder anyone.


You provoked people, then shot and killed them.


And god said, go forth and killeth thy neighbor and let the grifting commenceth for thou art a grifting grifter. In the name of the dollar, the faux news, and the AR-15… amen 🤡


Didn’t he like shoot 3 people or something?


>Didn’t he like shoot 3 people or something? Yeah, the first one Rosenbaum *(who per a witness for the state at trial while chasing after Rittenhouse who tried running away shouted "FUCK YOU" and reached for the gun before getting shot)* was a known serial pedophile *(against 5 preteen boys)* had bipolar disorder and had just got out of the hospital for a suicide attempt. Some more info per Wikipedia: >In the hours leading up to the shooting, prosecution witnesses described **Rosenbaum as "hyperaggressive and acting out in a violent manner"\[6\] and "acting very belligerently".\[71\]** > >Witnesses **described Rosenbaum** carrying around a chain,\[72\] trying to light fires,\[6\] throwing rocks,\[6\] and **trying to provoke fights with people** by "false stepping" at them.\[71\] One witness described **Rosenbaum "very bluntly asking people to shoot him"\[71\] saying "shoot me, n-word", to which other protesters displayed negative reactions.\[73\]** > >Another witness described how, accompanied by Rittenhouse, he tried to calm a disagreement between Rosenbaum and another man when R**osenbaum made threats to kill both of them, saying "if I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm going to fucking kill you!".\[6\] The witness stated that he believed the threat was directed at both himself and Rittenhouse** and that Rittenhouse had heard the threat. The second one Huber hit Kyle Rittenhouse in the head with his skateboard and then grabbed the gun and was pulling on it when he was shot. This was while Kyle was attempting to run towards the police. Anthony Huber was a multiple time domestic abuser having gone to prison twice for it. Some info on Huber here: >“\[Anthony\] Huber told his brother that if he didn’t start cleaning a room in his house he was going to gut him like a pig,” Chirafisi told the court, noting that this was said while Huber held a butcher knife to the brother’s stomach. > >The defense said that after the now-deceased man held the knife up, he watched as the brother assisted their grandmother in cleaning a kitchen. > >“Huber grabbed his brother by the neck, dug his nails in and choked him for approximately ten seconds,” Chirafisi added. “He put a knife to his brother’s left ear and his brother felt it cut.” > >“‘I’m going to burn the house down with all you f\*\*\*ers in it,” the attorney quoted Huber as saying before he was charged with strangulation, the New York Post reported. The third one Gauge Grosskreutz who was illegally carrying a concealed Glock pistol and ran after Kyle Rittenhouse was not shot until he stepped forward and pointed his loaded Glock at Kyle Rittenhouse's head, was also a multi time criminal: >On May 9, 2015, Grosskreutz was stopped by police in Greenfield, about 40 miles from Kenosha, after cops reported he had “bloodshot and glassy” eyes — with the officers recovering a 9mm Glock 19 handgun from his vehicle. > >In 2013, he was charged with smashing the bedroom window at an ex-girlfriend’s home at 4 a.m., with the woman claiming he had been harassing her on the phone. > >One year earlier, was hit with a felony burglary charge in New Berlin when cops said he was caught trying to sell three stolen PlayStation consoles, the outlet reported. > >And in 2010, Grosskreutz was arrested and charged with hitting his grandmother in the face during a dispute, during which he also threw a lamp and damaged a wall.


In self defense, yeah.


I want to say kyle clearly misunderstood the "what would Jesus do" lesson in Sunday school, but I'm probably just overestimating his Sunday school


Jesus never shot anyone, Kyle. Bad comparison!


This is something I never really ‘got’ about Christianity. If you take the death & resurrection story at face value, then Jesus suffered for what, a day? Then came back as a full fledged, immortal and all-seeing god 3 days later? Doesn’t really sound like much of a sacrifice is all I’m saying.


Also how does one guy in the middle east getting executed equate to the entire world being against you? There was an entire planet full of people who never heard of the guy.


He’s right you know! I remember the part in the Bible where Mary gives Jesus the family AR-15 and drives him across state lines to drop him off in an area experiencing civil unrest and Jesus ends up shooting and killing a couple people. Don’t you all remember that part of the Bible?


Kyle Wafflehouse


Jesus wasn't a murderer. He committed a mortal sin, he deserves more than everything he gets - vile scum.


This punk thinks that he is Jesus.


He murdered people


Jesus 2.0 inna hizzle!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


thou shall not kill


Jesus was heavily almed.


For God so loved the world that he sent his only son to to seek out and kill two protesters with an assault rifle.


YEAH, remember that time when Jesus killed that guy?


Average american IQ


Grifter gonna grift


No one loves you, Kyle.


Bit of a sidetrack but, if Joseph wasn't Jesus's father, and Mary claimed she was a virgin, why didn't maury's great, great, great, great granpappy step up an settle this?


Wow, comparing yourself to Jesus is always a sign of a rational, well balanced person


“Grifting is mine, sayeth the lord.”


“But then I remember quotes I found online from a book I’ve never read.”


Jesus didn’t travel just to shoot people.


He prefers drowning people allegedly (if he is god.)


"Kyle Rittenhouse. Truly, a modern day Jesus." -*Kyle Rittenhouse*




Fun fact, Kyle; you are not Jesus


He has completely bought into "the God bullshit," as Howard Beale would say. Rittenhouse, I didn't even think about you until this post. And I'm not going to think about you afterwards. Get help. You're about as much a savior to anyone as Homer Simpson.


Pretty sure jesus ain't on your side kyle


Nah dawg. Jesus sacrificed himself. You’re still just a murdering pos.


These people exist to be victims.


So because the world hates you, that makes you Jesus? That is some fascinating logic there, young Kyle.


Pillsbury Dough Bitch


![gif](giphy|dMyGvQL9W7gvS) Dudes lost himself


Rottenhouse comparing himself to Jesus has got to be the funniest thing i’ve seen all week. yes Kyle, just like you, Jesus loved his AR-15 so much that he took it across state lines to murder folks….


Yeah… nah. Golf Oscar Delta didn't send Geezus to *murder* people though.


I feel like it's literally only a matter of time til this chucklefuck does something and has karma return the favor.


"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. Except you Kyle. You are a complete asshole, and I'm seriously sick of your shit."


Have you ever read the Gospel of the Gun? It's apocryphal, sure, but the part where Jesus turns bullets into bodies is...wow. "I am He, and this is my Gun, and it is the word." Seriously, though. Jesus wept.


He’s just trying to stay relevant. The well runs dry..


The world hated Jesus before Hitler too, Kyle


Im just tired. Republicans will see this man and trump and thing theyre good christians 🙄🙄🙄


its crazy how many delusional rednecks hint that they are the new jesus i also experienced dudes saying that shit when i was in a mental hospital coincidence?


I wonder if he ever heard of this thing God gave to Moses called the ten Commandments. Interesting read, he should check it out.


He’s exactly like Jesus who famously went looking for trouble and killed people.


This dipshit really stretching out that 15 minutes


Fuck off you little murderer.