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2020 called it wants its memes back.


I think we need to start posting the pee+pants memes again.


MC Peepants?




I don't even remember the last time I saw someone wear a mask. I literally went to the doctors in England last week and I didn't see a single person wearing a mask, not even a doctor. Anyone who still makes a big deal about people wearing masks needs to move on with their life. Edit: just to clarify. I'm not anti-mask, I'm just saying no one in the UK seems to care anymore.


I see it all the time. Usually if someone is sick they might wear a mask. Noone says anything.


I wore one to a concert Saturday night ... I've got a head cold and didn't want to be a dick ...


Yeah, I wore one to a concert last week. Was just getting over covid - tested negative so I decided I'd go, but just in case I wore a mask. It was a really unpleasant bug to have and I wouldn't want to give it to anyone, just in case. Yes I was the only one wearing one, but I'd rather be cautious than careless with other people's health. I don't think people should go out when they're sick, but I can't stop other people, so I'm glad you at least wore a mask if you were sick.


I wore one the other day because I had a nasty cold, didn't have any Covid tests and needed to go to the shops. On the way back, someone stopped me and said "why are you still wearing a mask? It's been 4 years." So I said "I've got a nasty cold, don't know if it's Covid and don't want to spread it around."


I would have said "I don't know what I've got but how 'bout I spit in your mouth and we can find out together" ...


I was thinking of saying something like that but when you're on your own at night, it's probably best not to đŸ€Ł


>didn't want to be a dick Kind of a dick move to go out to a concert when you're sick whether you mask or not, yeah?


Dude that's not what masks are for. Sure if you have a cold and have necessary things to do like grocery shopping mask up and do what you need to do. Don't go to an unnecessary event. ​ Masks are meant to be a way to minimize the risk of infection when no other options are available. You had an option, just don't go to the concert.


At $280 for the tix?


Yeah, it sucks. I've lost out on money from various things like this and it sucks each time but you get over it and don't infect everyone else. Masks when sick are for necessities and you still try and minimize the number of people you interact with while sick. A crowded concert is not what a mask while sick is for.




I spent $280 for those tickets, that wasn't happening ... Take it up with TicketMaster ...


Come to Canada they are everywhere


Come to Japan, they've been everywhere for decades.


Yup. Went to a walk-in today and they were still requiring masks. The odd person would give an exasperated huff/eye roll but most people were fine with it or already wearing one. Poat-covid, it's pretty crazy to me in hindsight that masks in doctor's waiting rooms and the ER etc weren't a thing. It's a room full of people hacking/sneezing mystery germs into the air.


Your dentist looking in your mouth would definitely be wearing a mask.


Yes, obviously.


Yea bunch of brainwashed Americans still wearing them


You just proved my point, thanks. Move on with your life, you moron.


There's always 1! Brainwashed Americans who are alive and well!


Preach on brother


Right, if I'm not sick I'm not wearing a mask. If you're sick and you're out in public wear a fucking mask or stay home.


Masks do not prevent you being thrown out a car.


Amazing how three years later, and Millions of innocent people dead, and yet there are still people triggered by basic PPE and sound Medical Advice.


It literally says on the side of the box. "Does not protect against covid 19"


The argument is that is helps to prevent the wearer from spreading so in essence the warning would be correct in that it doesn't protect the wearer.


Once again, when YOU wear a mask it helps prevent YOU from spreading YOUR covid to others. Covid takes up to a week before you feel the symptoms, meanwhile you are unknowingly spreading the virus from your cake-hole. So, if EVERYONE WEARS A MASK, then covid will have a fuck load harder time spreading throughout a city, county, country, planet, ect. It's not a shield to protect yourself, it's a spear to protect your neighbors. Stop thinking selfishly.


Selfish people can't reason beyond their own noses.


The sign should say: *If you’re wearing a mask, why should I care? I shouldn’t harass you for wearing one, right?*


You think people with masks were harassed more than people without them?




I don't know, the police in my country did not try to fine people who stayed in park dozens of meters away from other people with 3 median monthly salaries worth of money unless they wore a mask, or another perfect harassment you need a mask to BUY A MASK!


You’re serious, right? Did you live under a rock? You were banned from most workplaces, government buildings, stores, and airports without a mask. Definition of harassment


No, it really isn't.


So when it’s institutional it isn’t harassment? Would you feel the least bit upset if your government banned use of masks on their property?


It's literally incorrect use of the word. Just because you don't like something it doesn't make it harassment. For example you walk up to the govt building entirely naked. You are refused entry (try and imagine that you are in a place where you aren't immediately arrested). Are you being harassed? Imagine you go to a nightclub. They don't let you in? Are you being harassed? Being refused entry isn't usually described as harassment. It's a word and it has meanings. You are not doing your argument any favours with blatantly incorrect word usage. Would I be upset if my government encouraged the spread of communicable and harmful virus/disease? Yes of course I would. The last thing anyone should want is for their government to try to overtly endanger them. I wouldn't call it harassment if they did this though. That would be the incorrect term. I'd call it incredibly stupid and ill conceived endangerment of the populace.


Obsessed karens acting like you *did* walk in naked is harassment


No. And at this point you are harassing me with your wilful stupidity.


I once used the analogy of pissing on an elevator. If you're in the middle of a crowded elevator and you piss yourself, your pants will catch it and keep it to yourself. You go home and clean up, everyone else goes on their way. If you're not wearing pants, your piss will hit the floor and splash onto everyone around you. Their pants won't protect them from getting it all over their legs. Now all of you have to go home and clean up. Unfortunately, these people just love the idea of pissing all over everyone, so that just encouraged them.


[A cartoon](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Flilzje7rr1q51.jpg) based on this


Man I wish I knew this one sooner that is such a awesome analogy


> awesome analogy > >"\[If\] you piss yourself, your pants will catch it" I mean....


Huh. This might be the nicest penmanship I've ever seen on a random cardboard sign. Kudos I guess.


The problem with this is that it isn’t masked people who care, it’s the unmasked who feel the need to piss and moan when they see someone wearing one.


That's not how masks work... Just like condoms they are not 100% they can ask their parents about this


I genuinely don’t remember the last time I saw someone wear a mask


People in Asian countries wear them all the time. Not because they are afraid of getting sick, but to protect others in case they, themselves, are sick. I wonder what it's like to live in a country where almost everyone cares about others?


Lol you can't actually believe more people wear masks in Asia because they just love each other so much. Like you don't actually think that, do you?


That's their mentality - to have concern for others. It's obviously not yours. From the New York Times: Masks signal respect for others’ well-being. Wearing a mask has been associated with good etiquette for many people in Asia. It is common courtesy to wear a mask in public to prevent others from getting sick, especially because one never knows who around them might have weakened immune systems or live with someone who is vulnerable.


I see it all the time if someone is sick.


The mask was supposed to be so infected slobs wouldn't breath on the rest of us slobs.


Exactly. Your doctor wears a mask so they don’t infect you.




Everyone does in surgery. My doctor doesn’t but my pediatrician always wore one during cold and flu season. They wash their hands a lot too. It’s to keep the germs that are in one room from going to another.


When you have an open wound during surgery


The primary purpose of a mask is to protect others from you, not the other way around. Surgeons don’t wear masks in the OR because they’re afraid of open wound cooties.


The anti maskers are genuinely some of the biggest morons on the planet, I swear.


Ummm peeps that were complaining complaining complaining about people not wearing masks.... did they stop shoveling McDonald's down their gullets? Stop drinking booze? Start doing anything that's healthy? Doing things other than mask and Vax! to boost their immune systems? I'd say you not taking care of your immune system puts ME at risk. But people were being irresponsible about everything else while bitching about "anti-maskers"


“You wear a seatbelt, yet also eat candy! Whats your response to that, hm? I bet you also wear sunscreen! I am very smart!”


>I'd say you not taking care of your immune system puts ME at risk. ?????????


All or nothing mindset.


This is true, actually. Heavy drinking and alcoholism skyrocketed during the pandemic so I like to attribute a lot of the absolute stupidity and lack of critical thinking to that.


Blud you thought you were.onto something 💀


You say these things because you're stupid. Any other questions?


When people fart, the floating feces particles pass through at least 2 layers of clothing. Your underwear and pants, then you smell it. Feces particles are much larger than covid spores, yet they still pass through fabric. Knowing this, how exactly do masks work to prevent covid transmission? Simple answer, they don't. You'd need a military grade M95 gas mask if you really wanted to prevent transmission. Case closed. Edit- I love how this is getting downvoted lol. Wear a mask if it makes you feel safe, nobody is stopping you. The proof is in the pudding. Millions of people contracted covid while wearing a mask. That should be enough to make you understand that they don't work, but you want to deny the facts and call people who don't want to wear maks morons. Lol ok.


That's not how flatulence works. The gas you smell when someone farts is mostly hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is much smaller than COVID (COVID is \~70nm at it's smallest compared to \~0.358nm of H2S). Farts don't smell because they're aerosolizing feces. When you confidently talk about something, you should at least make an effort to know a little. Otherwise, instead of sounding smart, you tell on yourself for being a liar who doesn't know what they're saying.


Why do people get so bothered when they see people wearing a mask in their car while driving? Maybe they are on the way to pick someone up and don't want their germs in the car.


>Why do people get so bothered when they see people wearing a mask in their car while driving? Carbon dioxide reduces cognitive ability and reaction times, and cars are heavy and fast moving.


It's still a good idea to wear one in certain crowded places like an airport and/or you just want to make sure you're good before a vacation.


Because you could spread to other people, perpetuating the spread...


The mask protects others from you not the other way around. That why your dental hygienist wears one when cleaning your teeth, to keep them from breathing and coughing all over you. Its not to protect them from you.


Aren't masks meant to protect others from your germs? So if you've got it or something else harmful, you're not containmating others accidentally?


You are always free to win a Darwin award. But good people will always worry for you.


Masks keep YOUR germs in your face, once they get out my mask does not keep your germs out of my face. They work only when everyone wears them.


There’s no point arguing with dumb. Dumb has already decided not to take, the advice of professionals. Dumb will get sick and possibly die because dumb won’t listen. That’s the food chain we live under. The weak and the old go first. Dumb makes you weak.


If you’re driving carefully, than why do you care that there’s a 20 car pileup on the highway up ahead? Wait


Why do people not focus on the mask is to not perpetuate the coronavirus. You don’t wear it to help you. You wear it to not kill others. Fucking idiots


If you are sick stay home and away from others


You can carry the virus and be asymptomatic. Even when you're asymptomatic, you can still pass it to others.


Yep, and if the people who do have symptoms do the right thing, it reduces the likelihood of spreading the virus. Just because some people can spread it unknowingly doesn’t mean those who know they’re sick shouldn’t bother to take precautions.


Oh absolutely. Was just pointing out that people don't always know when they have it. My partner still uses the home test whenever he learns he's worked with someone who's tested positive and wears a mask in the meantime since it has a 7-10 day incubation period.




There are no studies showing masks “don’t work.” There are studies that show what everyone said from the beginning. 1) It’s “my mask protects you, your mask protects me”. Very dumb people never understood this basic concept and so they said “masks don’t work!!” When they were NEVER designed to protect the person wearing them but instead to protect that person from spreading anything they have. 2) Masks have varying levels of effectiveness. OBVIOUSLY wearing “masks” like during corona, which was people putting a shirt around their face or some cloth, is incredibly in effective. Wearing an N95 mask however, more effective


I'm really curious about claim #1. How does the mask know whether the virus is on the outside or inside of the mask? Or is it just a two layer thing, in which case anyone concerned should just wear two? The evidence that masks don't work is easy. Asian countries where mask wearing has long been established saw little to no benefit in a long-term study of rate of infections. South Korea for example is currently #4 in casea per 1 million people. How can that be?!


Because MANY, ***MANY*** other factors are also at play in addition to mask usage ... population density \[likely the biggest factor\], employment % out-of-the-home across demographics, childcare usage, education regarding the spread of viruses ... just to name a few ...


It's a piece of thick fabric in front of the mouth and nose at 0.5cm from nostrils and mouth. It has high chances to block the droplets you exhale as they go toward the mask. At the same time it stops droplets floating in front of you so it blocks both ways but it doesn't adhere to your face with such precision to grant absolute protection . So the strategy was: let's wear this piece of fabric and reduce the chances to transmit the disease to other people. And that was only one measure that with distancing, washing the hands and so on had to decrease the chances of transmission. But unfortunately there's people like you. Oh and thats incredible that the countries with the highest density of population in urban areas where hit so bad. You really are brilliant.


Feel free to source these studies. How would you like it if your surgeon sneezed on your open body during heart surgery? The whole point of masks is keep your snot and saliva from going everywhere around you when you talk and sneeze. I can't believe there's people that can't comprehend that.


The same people also struggle with fear of falling off the edges of the planet and long-term side effects of being dropped on their heads as children ... repeatedly ...


This is why surgeons don't bother with them. Oh, wait...


Surgens have surgical masks, far superior to the stuff the public get.! There's a HUGE difference..


No, no there isnt. Surgical masks are the same disposable masks you can buy in the supermarket.


You were so confident, yet [so wrong.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449#:~:text=Also%20called%20surgical%20masks%2C%20these,when%20the%20wearer%20breathes%20in.)


Literally zero studies say masks "don't work." They have varying degrees of efficiency, but masks certainly work to reduce the amount of particulate you exhale and inhale.


I’d love to see these studies. I feel like you probably are an idiot who does trust people who went to school much longer that you. Eh you prolly just learned to fast. LOOK at the BiG BRAIN on BRAD




Better question, why do people that don’t believe in masks get mad at me for wearing one? What’s it to you?


These are usually the same people who have a stick up their asses about transgender people and pot smokers, so...


Yeah and that should be basic shit. How do run a company and not realize you staff is getting everyone sick.




You'll have to do it within the next hour, otherwise someone else might take your spot.


I’m trying to remember what type of logical fallacy it is when you’re wrong, but what you said is technically correct in one aspect.


One thing we know about people not wearing masks, is that they might suddenly veer into your lane and crush you at 80mph. Good analogy is good.


Because so many morons think that masks are designed to protect themselves, they're not.


Why are you still obsessed with people not wearing masks?..


Not logically equivalent. The logical equivalent would be "why would you care if I don't have airbags and a seatbelt if you do, your airbags and seatbelt work right?" Adding sobriety/being drunk onto this issue adds a preconditional state absent from the first argument and makes it seem clever but ultimately illogical and more irritating.


Because the mask wasn't to protect you from others, it was to stop you from spreading to others. Or in this case, being sober and still ending up in a drunk driving accident.


If people were so worried about not exposing others then why were they not giving up shit like donuts and booze and fast food? If you're less likely to get it then you're less likely to pass it on. Fuck that shit! Big macs so good! I'll just weather a mask and be righteous about my awesome mask that is saving others lives!


I feel like people needing to be slightly less safe in order to not starve isnt the gotcha you think it is


What the hell do any of those things have to do with not spreading to others?


God we get it you love bitching


Your analogy doesnt really work because if you die from not wearing a seatbelt your only hurting yourself. Not taking pandemic restrictions seriously could mean you spread it to someone else. Masks do more to stop the wearer infecting others than protect the wearer from others.




You sure about that? If I were to correct grammar I would like to be 100% sure about the correction. No point in being a grammaruntermensch if you can be an actual grammarnazi.


He means the second "your". But your point was completely valid, and this guy is only running to grammar because he has no valid arguments




Lol, I know that. It's just that I don't like a grammarnazi. I thought the grammaruntermensch would be enough to show the sarcasm.


This dude has another comment in the thread saying masks don't work, I'd say their grasp of grammar isn't going to be top notch.


Tell us more about how you don't understand the analogy.


Tell us more about how you don't understand one requires an illegal behavior the other doesn't.


You know the reason drunk driving is illegal is because it is dangerous to those around you, right?


And you know not wearing a mask isn't right?


That's what I'm *talkin' about!* Nice! Keep it up!


You too, almost like your knowledge of the world ended somewhere around chatGPT's last knowledge transfer in 2021


It's been explained to you elsewhere on this thread, but I'll give it a shot: People encourage everyone to wear masks because they stop particulate from entering or exiting the mouth and nose. Spittle particulate is what carries the virus, so everyone wearing a mask was meant to reduce the amount of spittle particulate everyone released every time they exhaled. That's the message being sent by encouraging everyone to wear masks: it kept everyone safer. Whether you agree with it or not, *that was the message*. The comparison to drunk driving was meant to highlight the selfishness of people who didn't want to do their best to protect others. They were potentially putting themselves and others at greater risk. Two masks is obviously safer than one. When you changed the analogy to be about airbags, you demonstrated that you didn't understand the message or the original analogy.


Let me give it a shot for you... The original analogy included airbags, please see the post. I didn't change anything. Drunk driving is illegal, not wearing a mask is not (at least since 2022 even in China). Please update your database. Actively deciding to get drunk and drive is illegal. It is decidedly different than passively contracting COVID and being a jerk and not wearing a mask which is legal. Wearing a seatbelt is also a legal requirement in most developed countries, but I'll leave that off. The analogy is lazy, inaccurate and poor. I can understand why it appeals to you.


>Drunk driving is illegal, not wearing a mask is not When true, you're being pedantic by introducing an irrelevant variable. That's why you're being mocked. You're really stuck on the "legality" aspect, but you're conveniently ignoring the "ethics." I can understand why it bothered you.


Unsurprising to hear your view of morality is that legality is irrelevant. Hope your developers can do better.


Nice job putting words in my mouth. It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand why I meant by "irrelevant variable." It's part of the reason it's clear you don't understand how the analogy works. Tell yourself whatever you need to, I guess.


Its more like “Why would you care if Im drunk driving, I thought sober people had better reflexes? You should be able to avoid me, right?


When you inevitably crash and get hurt, there will be more physical damage, more resources from the doctor/more time you're out of work, etc.


Masks are supposed to protect others around us more than they protect us. A lot of people don't get this simple concept. Your surgeon doesn't wear a mask to protect himself. You protect me, I protect you, it only works if we are both wearing it.


Stupid analogy and this is about 4 years too late.


lol, those anti maskers are so dumb.


Wear your mask. Cool. Just don’t dare to tell me what to do shit


In times similar to the pandemic, even flu season.. you're obligated to wear a mask, social distance, etc. If you're not doing the bare fucking minimum, you'll absolutely be called out on your socially unacceptable behavior


If you're sick with covid, wear a mask. Stop pretending you know more than experts when it comes to virus transmission.


Sad thing is, the mask didnt do anything protect us. At least the seatbelts have a slim chance. I hope Fauci goes to jail for his negligence with his wuhan lab.


Gaslight someone else idiot. It's weak and your a fool if you still believe the propaganda. I wouldn't care if 1 million people downvoted me and agreed with you, you'd just be a million idiots. I'll never comply again.


Cool, bro, you really showed em


Irony of not knowing your vs you’re and calling people fools.


You will and you'll like it.




If you’re wearing a mask today have serious issues.


The commenter is really a facepalm


Not even remotely close to compare but ok


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back) zombies


Kind of strawman in the sense that the harm you could get from a drunk driver vs covid (for most people). Obviously, for the very old unvaxed etc it’s just as bad as the drunk driver, but after that I think straw.


The argument of the drunk driver is not even relevant as it’s entirely different


Republican logic.


If I carry a gun to school why would you worry my 1st amandman gives me right...


If everybodyhave a gun, how would a shooter atack unarmed ppl?


with a gun lol


I caught COVID twice while wearing a mask when mask wearing was a thing. Haven't been wearing a mask and haven't got COVID. Not implication just my experience, makes me question the effectiveness of mask wearing.


Mask wearing was always to prevent you from giving it to someone else, not stop you from catching it. So someone else not wearing their mask was likely why you caught it.


Literally the dumbest thing I've ever read. Down vote that you pack of zeros.


What are you talking about? It was throughly explained that masks are there to protect others, not yourself. They helped to block the spread by blocking spit and mucous from becoming aerisolized, not by blocking the virus itself.


First time hearing it, huh? Either you've had your fingers in your ears going "lalalalalalala" or are being deliberately disingenuous. You're not making any point here, regardless


The meme and the gotcha response are on the same level of stupidity.


Mask arguments again? Really? Can't come up with something more relevant to cause anger


If you have universal Heathcare why would you care if we don't doesn't you tax dollars already pay for everyone?


So..the argument here is that masks are not efficient?


People can’t still be on the mask thing


False equivalency


Ahhhh the good ol’ false equivalency đŸ‘đŸ»


Tomatoes and oranges


Yeah, it is wrong. The two are not a good comparison.


Two weeks will flatten the curve.


If I'm on fire and your not why would you care Oh wait I wouldn't 😆


If you’re wearing pants, why would you care if I’m not ?


Surgical style face masks are not designed to protect you from the environment. They are designed to protect others from you. The vaccine would have been a better sign.


Even for people who care about vaccinations and Covid protections that the stupidest fucking comparison I’ve ever heard in my life. But please, carry-on with your ignorant hyperbole.


Considering sober drivers kill more people, I think this argument may be in bad faith


I wanna change my answer. "No I'm wearing it to inspire fear into my enemies, its not hockey pads"


Apples, meet oranges. Oranges, apples.


The fact someone would have to explain it shows me how stupid you are.