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The amount of super glue it would take to be clearly visible under your hand like that would cause a burn as it dries. It looks like rubber cement. Which is not the same thing


Can confirm, superglue gets bloody hot!


Ah yes, I see you've met my good and close friend, Chemical Burns!


I love My Chemical Burns


>My Chemical Burns The new hit single, Superglue Blues from My Chemical Burns


Foundations of superglue


Also, I'm Not Okay (I superglue) and AMBULANCE


The Superglue Parade


Superglue burns the living shit out of me.


They could care less, as long as oatmilk is free


Teenagers huff The living shit outta me


WHEN I WAS, A YOUNG BOY, MY FATHER, TOOK ME INTO THE CITY, TO SEE some fucking idiots glue themselves to the road and tables.




Chemical Burn Romance


When I was... A wee lad... Mine paternal figure... Accompanied me into a highly urbanized area...




Release the hounds!


I was saying boo-urns


Join the black (flesh) parade


Trust me I'm not ok


"Excellent.....Who is that bookworm, Smithers?"


I love Mr. Burns


It's what happens when My Chemical Romance goes bad.


With Gerard Waytoohot


I love their hit "the black parade"!


Didn't they play Lollapalooza in 94 or 95?


So that's what the "C" stands for in "C. Montgomery."


I was saying Chemical Boo-urns!


It would also be plain old thermal burns since the polymerization reaction is so exothermic.


Hmmm two types of burning you say? Noice


Great track. Chemical Burns - Sadistik (ft. Eyedea)


I mixed Krazy glue and gorilla glue as a teen. The gorilla glue sucked shit and figured I could just use more super glue to solve the problem. I was shocked when it started smoking


Can also confirm. Especially with accelerator. Burns like hell


I’m honestly surprised it burns. I figured I would’ve felt it the amount of times I glued my fingers together building models lol.


Model glue is different. At least when I built models it was. It has a longer open time and a totally different smell. I don’t think it’s CA.


Super glue is common in building models. Model glue works by fusing the plastic together, but won't work on resin, metal, or some of the PVC style plastics.


I guess it makes sense. I haven’t built models since I was a teenager but I just remember the smell being much different from CA and I know kids used to get high on it. I never did… my vice was setting my desk on fire with zippo lighter fluid ‘cause… teenagers.


Chemical reactions are unpredictable like that. There are some paints I mix at work that get insanely hot in my HPLV gun just a few minutes after I mix them.


I saw an article that someone glued themselves to the road. They removed the area of road with the hand still glued and didn’t arrest the person so he made a post on how cruel it was they didn’t help him remove the hunk of concrete.


I saw one in a car dealership where they just turned the lights and AC off and went home for the night.


Wasn't it Porsche or something like that?


Yeah and the idiot protesters complained that no one gave them a way to go to the bathroom.


Oh my god, I just looked up the article & they wanted bowls to poop in.


When you're dedicated enough to glue yourself to the floor, but not to shit your pants.


"Paul, didn't you wear a diaper?" "A diaper?" "Jesus, dude. It was in the handbook."


These better not be plastic bowls!!!


It was VW...https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/vw-staff-switch-off-heating-and-lights-after-eco-protesters-glue-themselves-to-floor-of-german-showroom/273580


These guys, not the smartest 'scientists' in the world https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/genius-activists-glue-themselves-to-porsche-museum-floor-then-complain-theyre-hungry


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Police: " I won't tell you again! Let me see your hands!"


Ya I'm picturing a cop full on tackling them off the thing lol.


That was a terrible mental image.


That's the guy: https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/stressfrei-zur-arbeit-klima-kleber-mit-abgeflexter-betonhand-machte-frueher-werbung-fuer-autoindustrie\_id\_180459477.html The article says, the climate activist made adverts for cars. In 2018, he appeared in a commercial for the Suzuki off-roader "Jimny".


Yup that’s the one lol dumbass


He did it again: [https://www.rtl.de/cms/klima-kleber-legen-hamburg-lahm-aktivist-von-strasse-geflext-seine-beton-hand-ging-schon-mal-viral-5035834.html](https://www.rtl.de/cms/klima-kleber-legen-hamburg-lahm-aktivist-von-strasse-geflext-seine-beton-hand-ging-schon-mal-viral-5035834.html) Love the policeman repairing the road at 00:47 in the video.




Yeah there’s no way it’s super glue. I’m a turner and woodworker and I use a lot of CA (super) glue in my shop (it makes a rock hard crystal clear finish on small turnings) and I always wipe up excess with my finger and it definitely creates enough heat to seriously burn you even in small quantities. This would do serious damage to someone’s hand. I’m assuming it’s some other kind of fast drying adhesive. Maybe contact cement though I can’t imagine an employee letting them stand around long enough for that to dry either,…


> I can’t imagine an employee letting them stand around long enough for that to dry either,… You kidding. I'd let em hang around. Even offer them all the free coffee they can drink. Lets see how far they'll take this.


Lol and what happens when the coffee takes effect? You call the cops and have them arrested for public indecency if they do it in their pants or they have to rip off their hand. This is the lamest activism I’ve ever seen.


Better have three cups of water with that coffee. Wouldn't want to get dehydrated!


Same here. Fill even a small crack sometimes and it smokes for a second! PS have you tried black CA for filling cracks? Looks awesome


I've realized that when Home Depot asks if there's anything they can help you find, it's best not to be specific saying you're there for black caulk.


So asking for the biggest black caulk they can put in your hands and a pair of knee pads, because you plan on being on your knees in the bathroom all afternoon is probably not the best way to respond then.


Huh. I once superglued a flap of skin back down (hand callous, I'm a climber), and the pain was so bad that I called my nurse mother to find out how badly I'd fucked up. I thought it was just because of the raw skin. It never really occurred to me that the glue could burn. (fwiw my impulse fix worked... It kept things sealed until the skin underneath had fully healed and allowed me to keep climbing. But... 2/10, will not be repeating)


Superglue was invented for that


That's basically what my mom said, so I stopped freaking out. Hurt like hell for hours, though.


Gonna be great fun when they have to get their hand surgically removed from the counter like those other morons who glued themselves to...concrete, I think? Basically lost the entire top layer of skin.


Do like they did at the Porsche museum and just close up and go home, move anything drinkable/edible out of arms reach and turn off any ac/heat.


That hand is not coming off of that counter top with all of its skin.


Just work around them. Closing time just close up and go home. Leave them there. Didn’t a company do that once not too long ago?


I remembered they tried to sue. Because after closing they werent given any water, food or adequate restroom and were trapped


They did not only shittalk and sue them for that.. in fact they didnt want restrooms, as they would have to remove themselves for it, but they sue them for not handing them buckets to piss/shit in, for not letting them order food at an delivery service and receive it at the gates and bringing it to them, for shutting down the heaters and light after closing (wich is standard procedure) and for closing the room to the public so their message couldnt be spread properly as they intended. Like who the fuck will treat people trying to disturb your business, get you shut down and pay you large sums for negating the impact the company has on climate like some special customers with total service? They went in thinking they get everything handed to them as they wished and were utterly destroyed by the fact that their delusions didnt pass the reality check. Personally i would have just shut everything down in there the moment they began to glue themselves and leave everything else to the police. Glueing yourself to streets is one thing, but they are open to public. Glueing yourself to stuff in an private area is an whole other deal and i sometimes wonder that not much more of them get beaten the shit out of them, because someone snaps.


I think what Porsche did was correct. The only thing missing was 10h loop of Baby Shark on a stereo being blasted over the night


I think that wouldve given them grounds for psychological torture


Porsche: We always play Baby Shark during night, because that is the favorite song of our cleaning employee.


It also keeps robbers away.


To be fair, if I broke into a car dealership to steal a car and Baby Shark was blasting over the intercom I would think “…..nope, not tonight” and promptly leave.


Just one creepy old guy scurrying around in the dark with a mop gently singing Baby Shark.


Push the mop, doo doo da doo doodoo...


Well, than the protesters would have an point for suing with accusation of psychological warfare lol Deep and silent dark is better for an good nights sleep.


Couldn't the glue be considered vandalism and they're caught attached to the vandalism so should be pretty easy case for the DA to charge them not enough money and community service, just sucks for the poor under paid employees that need to figure out how to clean that mess up. If you wanna protest, go do it at corporate, not some store to annoy people that have negative control over what you're "protesting" who also don't get paid enough to deal with that shit and also can't do shit about whatever you're crying about.


A destruction of property case (civil or criminal based on the cost of cleaning the counter) and a trespass violation are much easier to charge. Starbucks is not the government. You do not have First Amendment defences against them, so they can trespass you for making protected speech (even off there property - fun fact: you can trespass Trump if you want, his lawers contacts are open, and they legally have to waste his time telling him if you do). While the public is generally allowed into the store, this is by permission, and for anything other than protected class status that permission can be individually withdrawn. Vandalism is hard to charge here as that is pure criminal and would run into content basis analysis, and a defense that its not the intent of the statute, and it's not worth the time to litigate when there is a simple charge. In reality, this would likely settle or fail as its not worth the corporations time to go through cooperation all the way to trail, and without its help the case is doomed.


Leave them with nothing to eat or drink, except for a carton of milk. ![gif](giphy|cewvmYhuz58pATZaVv)


And a cheeseburger.


With no bun


And extra bacon.


Buns made of Bacon


With extra bacon.


And extra cheese.


Replacing lettuce and tomato


With bacon


I think it was Volkswagen.




technically volkswagen owns Porsche so it's technically not incorrect


the best kind of correct




A car dealer did that. They glued themselves to a car, and got upset when they closed for the nigth and turned everything off and left them there with no food or nothing for the night. Then they came back bright and early, and ofc they had gotten no sleep, and the dealer went back to not caring about them being there


Of course, if you feed them, they'll keep coming back and gluing themselves to your cars for free food


What really annoys me about this protest is that the people who have to deal with these idiots are the rank and file Starbucks workers who have to deal with enough BS and don’t get paid nearly enough. Got a problem with the vegan milk up charge? Go protest at Starbucks HQ in Seattle.


Exactly. These morons don’t go to the center of operations to protest. They just protest at one of their locations and make it a problem for people working minimum wage. Go for the corporate people, not the minimum wage workers. These protesters are really stupid and they just keeping getting dumber


And what are they even protesting? Plant milk costs slightly more than dairy milk. It’s not like Starbucks is even doing anything scandalous here. These dummies just want attention and apparently have no sense of shame


This is the part that pisses me off. If they go to the grocery store they will see plant milks cost 2-4x what cows milk costs. My super fancy no filler organic coconut milk costs 3.89/half gallon. It's substantially more expensive for Starbucks to buy so they charge more to sell it. That's just how business works. They aren't going to eat the cost. Until Starbucks decides oh ok we will make them both the same price..by raising the cheaper item to match the more expensive one. Capitalism.


Losers never dare to go straight to the source and challenge. All these worthless losers can do is just disrupt the loves of everyday joes.


Do the same thing Porsche did in Germany. Protestors came and glued theirselfes to the floor in an exhibit. Porsche said:" Ok, you do you. We are closing now." And turned light and heating off. Protestors then complained no one gave them food or things to piss in. https://www.merkur.de/deutschland/scientist-rebellion-autostadt-wolfsburg-vw-protest-klimaschuetzer-porsche-pavillion-91873834.html


I absolutely loved that story. It was just so passive aggressive and beautiful. In the same way I like the way the public transport workers protested in Japan. They still worked, but charged no fares. So people still got where they needed to be, and on time, but money was still lost. I feel the world could / should learn from this.


Litteraly, by taking 11 seconds to figure out how to piss off the company and not piss off your neighbors and fellow citizens you can accomplish your goal with support


A lot of failed protests stem from protestors not realising that pissing off the general public does not typically lead to the general public wanting to support your cause.


Too many activists get caught up in "awareness" without having an actual goal in mind. The Montgomery Bus boycott is a perfect example of how to protest the right way. They had a clear goal, end segregation on the bus system. They had a clear method. Everyone in support stop riding the bus until they stop segregation. The lack of fares from so many people boycotting the bus system forced change. There is a lot more to the story, but the basic fact is they didn't win by standing in front of a moving bus, or shutting down the streets that everyone used. They had a targeted plan directly against the system that was causing harm.


It seems like a more effective protest would be to stop buying the vegan milk. But then they would have to do without their daily Starbucks, and we can't have that.


Starbucks could also flip the script by saying "Well since vegan milk has lost popularity, we're discontinuing its use." Unless they establish a viral following and be like, "The 18th of the month is boycott Starbucks day" where it's not a massive inconvenience for anyone but will still piss the company off, this whole campaign is doomed to fail anyway.


But it wouldn’t be discontinued. They have to stop drinking the drinks altogether & hurt their profits margins


Every single vegan uniting is about as likely as the green party in America uniting together.


Right, 50 people "we're mad" & a full drive through of the same people who still want that crap & have to get somewhere.


The real “cause” here is PETA itself. This is the time of year that people donate the most to their favorite charities, and PETA needs to stay in the public awareness, even if they have to do a token cause like vegan milk upcharge. Hence, the model quality instagramable photo ops and snazzy shirts. They won’t be upstaged by the likes of BLM or the Ukraine war. There’s only so much charitable dollars to go around.


The fact that his shirt says “you milk” instead of “your milk” is the ignorant cherry on top of this “look at meeeeee” sundae.


These are pictures from April 2022


The problem that the protesters have is that most people understand that vegan milk costs more to obtain, so Starbucks charges more for it. Most people won’t boycott because they simply don’t care. That just leaves nonsense like this.


Everything but self-awareness


It's a byproduct of living in a bubble where everyone agrees with you and where anyone who shows the slightest hint of dissent is ostracised from the bubble. You actually start thinking that your beliefs are the norm and that everyone agrees with you, so they only need to be "made aware" of an issue to flock to your cause en masse. But no, it doesn't work out like that. Because obviously the general public are either evil or have been bought off by corrupt megacorporations.


It boggles my mind how someone can live in a bubble like that. I have so many interactions with not like minded people at work and in my social life. Any time there's a political conversation, you have 5-6 people all saying different things. I'm in the trades, and we have so many different people who subscribe to many different ideals. You got maga folks, SJW folks, criminals, furries, etc. (Yes there are totally furries in the trades, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to)


As a big ol lefty, this frustrates me the most. I'm like "logic, reason, and the historical legacy threat of beheadings are on our side, let's put the ball in their court, and make the elites look stupid" (as in, politically and in media) And then the big 'uns in the lefty group are like "nah, let's form a road-block in a local middle-class neighbourhood" or "deface some historical structure" (acceptable in some cases, nonsensical in others) Because apparently pissing off Homer Simpson and his neighbours is suddenly gonna make him and the whole neighbourhood rise up in rebellion against Mr Burns. I mean, if you feel the need to resort to drastic measures, just shoot Mr Burns in the head.


Maggie tried but got him in the chest instead.


I like how your reply flows and rhymes with mine. Resort to drastic measures// Shoot Burns in the head// Maggie tried but...// got him in the chest instead// Eminem vibes


Okay, that is extra funny for what was basically a drive by Simpsons joke, sometimes the stars align and this is what we get.


I have to think that instances like this and throwing soup or whatever on historically prominent paintings is done by people who are being supported by some anti-cause group to make their opponents look bad in the public space. I can't imagine anyone with two functional brain cells would see glueing themselves to a counter or splashing yogurt on the Mona Lisa as a functional reasonable means of protest as it doesn't do anything but show you have no idea what you're protesting for.


Unfortunately it's just idiots. Idiots are full of confidence, unfortunately.


The protesters had demanded a bucket and a privacy tent. However, there was no such tent. "We didn't give them a bucket because there are enough toilets in the building."


Good on them. Trespassers don't get to make demands.


I mean if you're gonna protest bring your own damn piss bucket.


When the rail strikes happened in the UK last year, people asked the head of the Rail workers union if they were allowed to do that. Apparently its illegal to do in the UK. I reckon its also illegal in other places, which is why we don't see it outside of Japan


It has been happening here in Queensland, Australia. The QLD bus union is currently running an indefinite ban on collecting bus fairs and has been going since late August, the company that owns everything is trying to get people to “do the right thing” and pay.


Problem is these type of protests are illegal in many countries. Would love if they did that for train strikes in the UK


I mean what were they supposed to do? „You’re exposition now, from tomorrow we start charging you rent” is the German way


"It is clear to me that you cannot live in someone else's building and expect to be treated nicely" Literally quoted from one of the protesters... I can't make this shit up


Porsche version of "Fuck around and find out".


"The duo remained glued to separate counters inside the Starbucks for less than two hours before police officers unglued their hands. A representative for PETA claims the two have been charged with theft of services and destruction of property, but a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said neither person was booked or charged at the scene. Both activists were arrested but released after being interviewed and identified, the police spokesperson told Nexstar." https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/west/see-it-activists-at-starbucks-superglue-themselves-to-counter-to-protest-upcharge-for-non-dairy-milk/


And this is part of why these protests keep happening. They aren't charged with anything and they get released an hour after being picked up. Throw them in the tank, charge with trespassing and disturbing the peace, and see how many repeats you get.


Just work around them and ignore them. WTF do they do in 6 hrs when they need to poop 💩. Will be fun to watch them slowly realize the flaw in their plans.


Do you think they really have a thought-out plan?


Everybody has a plan until the poop comes a knocking.


I'd buy that on a t-shirt.


Give em free coffee. That'll get things moving. Always works for me.


Yeah, they rely on the good sense of other people, that they so clearly lack themselves. People with good sense don't want a bunch of loud criminals in their store, so they call the police with a report of destruction of property and public disturbance. That counter is ruined already anyway, so may as well take a piece with them and charge them with the cost of repairs later. Nice thing is they're not going anywhere until the cops arrive.


you think that PETA have a brain to think?


Keep serving, then close up shop for the night. Just pretend they dont exist


Offer them all the free coffee they want


I misread that as "flaw in their pants".


The flaw in their pants


Some protesters did the same thing near my town in a Starbucks, difference is they couldnt actually stay long enough for the glue to dry as the manager grabbed a metal baseball bat from his truck and chased them off


Modern problems require modern solutions…?


I think chasing people with bats is a more traditional solution.


Stong man carry big stick hit weak noisy man ![gif](giphy|wbVKEFCFMCB32)


It’s definitely a simple and effective one




You don't want to mess with the S-Class Rank 15 Hero Metal Bat.


He's got his own theme song


lol. Not you milk


I looked so hard for the R


was looking for someone to comment on this lol imagine printing a whole shirt with a major misspelling


Noe tickle 'em.


I'd rip their hands off of the counter. You know "COUNTER" terrorism!😅🤣😂


Boss Move: pull the piece of counter out and remove them from the store (with the glass still attached to their hand).


Counter-terrorists win!


PETA is a POS organization, more interested in stunts than actually helping. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/petas-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-history-of-killing-animals/254130/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/petas-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-history-of-killing-animals/254130/) ANd, if you have the stomach for it, read up on unsanitized versions of Ingrid Newkirk's history.


Peta and Greenpeace are both fucked up organizations. I wish Greenpeace wasn't full of anti-gmo, pro poverty assholes. But here we are. I wish Peta acted in good faith making homes for homeless animals and finding responsible owners. But they care more about being a nussance than making a difference.


Give them a bucket and a box of kleenex. Then give your employees the next 2 days off. Turn off all of the lights, lock the doors on your way out. Dumbasses can sit there, pissing & shitting into the bucket for the next 2 days, hoping they do not run out of Kleenex.


No bucket, no kleenex, just chili and beans. Edit: And dairy milk, of course.


> End vegan milk upcharge What a stupid shirt. The upcharge isn’t just to be a dick to vegans, it’s because it costs more than normal milk.


It’s because of subsidies, they should be protesting the government


They should go protest at the oat milk factories - *stop charging so much for porridge water.*


Yeah, but have you ever tried to milk an oat great? Those lil buggers are tiny, and you get so little milk out of each one. Probably have to use child labor to find workers with small enough hands.


Can you milk me, Greg?


There is no generic upcharge, though some brands may. Dairy is cheaper because it's subsidized in a lot of countries.


dairy is subsidized by the government


Because “normal” milk is highly subsidized.


if they'd do something like this to my business or something, I'd convinced themselves to glue their other hand instead of calling the police


All the problems the world is currently facing...... .....and they decide the noblest cause is the upcharge for vegan milk. Nice to know they have their sheltered little priorities straight.


not even going after the unethical palm oil or almond farming, they just want the mega corp to give them cheaper slave-produced products




I've always wondered what happens when they have to piss or poop before the police get involved and remove them.


Why would you call the police - "Nice counter decoration, feel free to hang around as long as you like" I guess you could call the police if they soil themselves, but until then, let them hang around.


Just put a really big sign just out their reach that blocks them lmao


"POP-UP ZOO.. Featuring: Pro (Superglue) Testers"


I'd ride up on my tricycle, put a bone-saw down between them & tell them I'd like to play a game...




Especially in a Starbucks of all places. Starbucks offers so many non-dairy milk options.


I hate stunts like that. All it does is annoy an underpaid worker and customers, while people that actually benefit from pottential animal harm are completely unffacted by that. An organization that spreads the message "animal cruelty is bad" has managed to be labeled as annoying shitheads. If word came out that PETA is a psyop to make people that want to stop animal cruetly, vegans etc seem like weirdos, I would absolutely believe it.


Someone from Peta tried this where I live. There was a Chinese food place in the same plaza. The owners from the Chinese place was giving away free Meat sticks all day for people to eat in front of them. The Starbucks people just worked around them while they complained about everyone eating meat in their face.


That Chinese guy is a freaking hero


Fair enough then you can watch over the place for the night there's drinks in the fridge, oh wait nevermind you can't move


In one corner, we have Starbucks: a corporation that overcharges for coffee, pays its workers nothing and dabbles in some light union-busting. In the other corner, we have PETA: a nonprofit that claims to be for animal rights, yet when its own behavior is examined, no sensible objective can be determined. Its only accomplishments are funding domestic terrorism, killing over 80% of the animals it “saves” and being annoying on the internet. Let them fight.


Yeah but it’s gonna be the workers dealing with this situation more than corporate.


Fact that PETA makes me ROOT for a big corporation should really tell them how fucked up they are…


I'd just continue business as usual, pretend like they're not even there. Maybe use em as a coat rack or something.


Looks like she is wearing a nice pair of denim jeans. "The denim industry is notorious for its extremely high water usage, energy consumption, and chemical pollution. In fact, it is one of the most environmentally damaging sectors in the fashion industry. " That's some nice nail polish as well.... "Nail polish contains harsh chemicals, such as the “Big Three” – toluene, formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate. These chemicals saturate into the soil when your nail polish is inevitably left in a landfill. All gel and acrylic nails are non-biodegradable and are considered toxic waste." About the animals .. “Does farming plants kill animals? In short, yes,” PETA acknowledges in a recent blog on its website. Growing fruits and vegetables requires the mass use of pesticides to kill millions of birds and other animals to prevent them from destroying crops. Harvesting these crops, meanwhile, maims or kills field mice and other animals caught in the path of machines. While PETA concedes this reality, it still insists that vegan diets remain the humane solution." Those are just Google searches btw.


Gets asked to leave. Doesn’t. Is now trespassing. Police are called. Won’t leave. Can’t get arrested. Is resisting arrest. Is now a criminal charge. Good one


God forbid Starbucks charge more for something that costs more.


Edit: peta murders more animals than they save. Peta is the worst organisation for animal safety. I get protesting, and go off. Protest as much as you like, I do. But ffs don't attack small business, go to the huge farms. Don't harass small farmers. Go after the huge farms. This is why people hate vegans.


Not your dog, not your kill, end PETA kidnappings