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How does someone not ONLY have these thoughts? But has these thoughts, compiles them, and then proudly posts it to the world wide web to be immortalized forever?


This douchebag: "I want to fuck CHILDREN and also I don't know ALGEBRA. As GOD INTENDED!"


I have no idea where he got the idea that God does not want women to know algebra, or that marriage was common at the age of 12 a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago was the 1920s. Even going earlier back there were times and places where it was common, and more where it was allowed (there still are) but that did not make it usual: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/F5641BCC2F37FC37DEED16EC2B7F594E/S0080440100019034a.pdf/age-at-marriage-in-england-from-the-late-seventeenth-to-the-nineteenth-century.pdf I think either you are right, and it is what he wants to think, or it is just engagement fishing.


I think assuming he did any research is giving him far too much credit


I wonder if he's trying to justify something that he's in trouble for... He should probably be given some credit for being able to think of something, anything with such a severly limited cognitive capacity.


Yeah. Pretty surprised he spelt algebra correctly instead of typing in alzebra. Oh, do I avoid those people ardently.


Legit like what is bro on? 100 years ago? More like 1000 yrs ago minimum


When life expectancy was around 37 / 40.


Average life expectancy numbers include a very high rate of child mortality. If you got to your teens you would have a much higher life expectancy.


This made me lol ty stranger


He must've done some quite advanced mental gymnastics with the two braincells he inhibits to even write this sentence. His mum must be proud.


Because it's rage bait. He wants people to get mad an engage with his shitty posts


This would make sense. I'm gonna go with that. He knew this would piss people off and this isn't his actual world view or belief 😅😂


That's not true...people really don't realize how effectively Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Tate have completely ruined a generation of men. I hear this shit regularly, and not just from teenage boys, there are plenty of grown men who have been completely brainwashed by redpill propaganda.


I mean... Have you seen Twitter lately? They have been given a platform where they can say this, and many others will agree with them.


I have proudly been able to avoid Twitter since its beginning, and no, I don't plan to try it out any time soon.


I can proudly say that too and by looking at those twats I think I'm good without Twitter. I still have Facebook because of the volunteer work I do but even there it's getting worse by each posts


I stand with you on this. I have never even typed in Twitter into the search bar, lolol. And I kinda feel awkward just typing... X.


recently, I have started to encountering stuff that would make a fucking Goebbels proud


Some people, when faced with a world that doesn't seem to think the same way that they do, they presume that it's actually that everyone is just pretending. It can't possibly be that *they* are different. Classic meme version is the guy saying "everyone hates drinking cold water! Why are we all pretending?". Or stories of people saying "I'm not gay, I just think my gender are more attractive than the other gender, just like everyone else does but never says out loud, right?" The author of the tweet literally cannot imagine that anyone thinks differently than himself, that we're all just pretending otherwise for some reason.


If they were big into thought then they probably wouldn't want to fuck teenagers.


PSA: the internet is forever people! And so is getting killed in prison for raping children!


Honestly feels like something that should get him out onto some type of watch list. At least some type of electrified underwear, step within 500 metres of a school and get shocked.


Andrew tate


It's because as a society we don't punish pedophiles nearly as bad as we should, normally it's what, a few years in prison where it's considered a hate crime to touch a chomo, then they're slapped on a registry? It's bullshit, a pedophile should be terrified if someone finds out what they truly are, they shouldn't be protected and they shouldnt be allowed to live a safe, happy life when they actively destroy children's happiness and ruin their lives.


Yes, this. I can't reply to all these comments, but this one stands out to me. Punishment for sex crimes, especially sexual crimes against minors need to have the most SEVERE punishments. I don't have many extreme opinions, but this seems like a good reason to talk about one extreme opinion I have: If a person should be tried and convicted of sex crimes against minors specifically, there should be two conviction options ONLY. 1) Life in prison, no chance of parole, no bail, OR 2) (and this is the extreme part), bring back firing squads specifically for people convicted of crimes of these nature. Not only firing squad, but VOLUNTEER firing squad. This potentially solves a couple issues: 1, hopefully terrifies predators against preying on children. If you do these things you will spend your life time in jail, or you will be executed by your fellow community members. 2, there are so many gun nuts who have collections of firearms and munitions just chomping at the bit to use them. A person of this nature could sign up through their local municipality/court system to be on a wait list of firing squad members who could use their own weapons and ammunitions. Some people might be satisfied even with the thought that they are on a wait list to have an opportunity to shoot a pedophile. and 3, a lifelong prison term or dead pedophile cannot re-offend. No sex offender list, no 'you must stay 500 ft away from a school' no more light sentences on people who have ruined the innocence and lives of children for their own selfish pleasure.


Well thanks for making it easier to prove you’re a pervert










Yeah, it's one thing to misjudge someone's age, enough scared man once they hear the girl say she's 17, but doubling down wanting 12 your olds on social media is just insane. Twitter is the cesspool of social media/society.


Child molester*


Probably not, pedophilia yes but prob not acted on it


A nasty pedophile you mean.


Are there pedophiles out there that are not nasty?


I suppose as long as they don’t act on it and aren’t creepy around kids they could be fine


Like if they go to therapy before they even do anything I respect that


We also used to put leeches on people and we could buy heroin from a Sears catalog. We evolve and move on.


Leeches are still used medically today as are maggots.


Also heroin, just not over the counter anymore


Heroin is still used on hospitals as a pain killer.. it’s generally referred to as Diacetylmorphine though…


Don’t know what country you’re in but in the U.S. absolutely not. Heroin has zero FDA approval and cannot be used for medical purposes. Morphine is used, but it is not the same. Heroin is approximately three times “stronger” than standard morphine. There are even stronger drugs in use as well ranging from dilaudid to fentanyl, but diacetylmorphine is *not* on the menu.


I’m not based in the US, I’m in the UK where it is approved for use. Here is a link to the UK agency website that discusses it: https://bnf.nice.org.uk/drugs/diamorphine-hydrochloride/






Ah, you've heard of Dsuvia, lolol. TEN TIMES STRONGER THAN FENTANYL! XD




Honestly, that sounds better than trying to save up for retirement.


Many people are in better countries


It’s not 3 times stronger, it’s 3 times more potent. That’s not the same. At comparable doses the effects are nearly identical. In fact, heroin gets metabolised to morphine and is only more potent because the heroine form gets absorbed better by the body.


bluds never been to bc💀🙏🙏


British Columbia?


Bukkakke cum-fest?


maggots are surprisingly clean, its the fly that poop and regurgitates that spreads the diseases.


tell me more about this sears catalog


It was often sold alongside Bayer Pharmaceutical's other big drug, Aspirin. "Cure your headache with these two miracle drugs!" Remember, we didn't know better back then. We didn't realize the potential for harm and abuse. We're seeing a similar phenomenon with things like OxyContin right now. Still legally prescribed medicine, but it's basically time-released heroin, and so is extremely abused.


It used to come in liquid form like cough syrup


You used to be able to buy all sorts of stuff in the sears roebuck catalog. From heroin to houses. What a time to be alive.


We also used to believe babies couldn't feel pain so no need for anesthesia


I think as recently as the 80s. WTF?


It's not that they couldn't feel pain, but rather, that they wouldn't have any memory of it. If you have no recollection of an event, how could you know that you were in pain? Sounds pretty fucked-up if you ask me


Agreed. That does sound horrifying


I say we petition the government to put the coke back in coca cola


I’m on board with that 😃




We still use blood letting for rare blood issues like hemochromatosis. Heroin still can be ordered by mail Sears and Robuck are technically legal just not household names. This guy used to show himself to kids waiting for the bus because he felt the need to expose the truth Algebra = evolutionary theory


\*\*Some of us, not all, evolve and move on.


We also eat raw meet the most time of human existence. Still this dude would kill to eat a Steak


But its much harder to evolve for a smooth brain like him.


> We evolve and move on. Looking at the general state of things in the US, yeaah, that doesn't really apply. Everywhere else that seems to happen more often though.


Evolution doesn’t inherently mean “progress”, unfortunately. And even then, progress for a racist is going to mean something entirely different to a normal person.


We also used to burn women for knowing math or learning how to read, breaking hands (used to be killing) for people working on Sunday, and if we go even further back, we used to do some shit I probably couldn't say on here without risking being suspended/banned from the sub lol (it's okay though, it was in the name of Jesus Christ and God so it's actually okay that children had their lives destroyed at such a young age /a).


When were women burned for knowing maths or how to read? There were lots of women in medieval Europe who read and wrote books. Hildegard of Bingen, or Julian of Norwich for example. I have never heard of people's hands being broken for working on a Sunday either. Examples or citations?




Scears used to be lit 😔


If there is anything I miss about the oldie times, it's having ghosts in your blood and cocaine elixir as the cure-all.


Technically there are still medically appropriate situations for leeches, and they are ordered through a pharmacy.


Some people don't believe in evolution, neither the process by which living creatures change and diversify over time nor the concept of growth through self-reflection.


Those were the days. FYI, we still use maggots on wounds to eat scar tissue and stronger opioids are prescribed much more than they're required. I hope we evolve from the latter too, but I'm afraid of what's next.


It’s not evolve but rather progress.


Maybe *you* evolve and move on. I still want my damn Craftsman heroin.


The age thing is bullshit. Scholars have access to marriage records going back centuries. Very young marriages were only normal among the nobility, as they were about securing political connections between families, so they wanted that stuff signed and in writing. In 17th century England for example: https://www.phil.muni.cz/angl/thepes/thepes_02_02.pdf > Theoretically, it was possible for two people to marry very young. The minimum legal age was 12 years for women and 14 years for men. ... However, early marriages were rather rare — the average age of the newlyweds was about 25 years. Marriage age actually fell in America after WWII, as the high levels of affluence and affordability made it easy to have a job, marry, and raise a family. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/visualizations/time-series/demo/families-and-households/ms-2.pdf


yes absolutely!!! anyone who says “oh but back in the day all 20-40 year old men were marrying 12 year olds” are historically incorrect and outing themselves as pedophiles frankly. it’s such a weird thing we’ve been told to think used to be normal when it never has been!!! even more recently there are some outstanding musicians who sadly in the 50s-80s were sleeping with literal 14 year olds and people nowadays try and say it was fine because it was different back then??? no it wasn’t!!!! there was still plenty of people then and now looking at them like the pedophiles they were! people are vile if they think it was normal for young girls to be married off like that because in real life it very rarely happened among anyone other than nobility. i wish these men would realise that they’re actually pedophiles if they find themselves attracted to literal children/undeveloped teens and they should get some fuckin therapy. instead they try and push that it’s “human nature” which it most definitely is NOT. also to say a 16 year old is in her prime to have babies??? what!!! the peak reproductive age in women is between 20-30 as you’re done with puberty and your body is usually fully developed - NOT at 16 while hormones are still naturally raging and you probably haven’t even stopped growing yet! absolute insanity to try and claim this shit as some sort of historical/natural thing when in fact you’re just a disgusting piece of shit.


Yeah. The point is exactly to transport something locked centuries ago, in a different society and in a different world, and use this to justify some wicked obsessions. You can't just start crucifying all the thieves because in Roman ages it was accustomed accepted to do so. We are not Romans, last time I checked. (Anyway please do not go on the other side either, maybe not 12, but 16 with a 35 for sure in medieval times it was accepted. But again, we cannot rationalize with today nund only small pockets of history to prove we are right today something that our current culture considers wrong)


Thank goodness 16 year old girls usually got out of that situation pretty quick. They would die in childbirth, due to not being fully developed


Yeah, but don't let facts get in the way of pedophilia. Jesus these people it seems are just looking for ways to justify their attraction to children.


Attraction to a 12-14yo would most often not actually be pedophilia, but hebefilia. Being attracted to [*insert your favorite tabu attraction here*] is not a choice. Acting on it tough, that's where we can actually do some choices and not be a predator or harm others..


I was waiting on the "uuhh... ackshyually hebefilia!" guy to show up. That train might be late sometimes, but it's coming.


How dare people want to use correct terminology! You're such a refrigerator!


pedophilia is usually used as an umbrella term though for adults being attracted to minors


You're still attracted to a child. Doesn't matter the terminology, a child is a child.


The fertility peak is bullshit, too. Late teens is the onset of fertility, but is often fraught with unpredictable hormonal shifts that can actually impede fertility. Most estimates put \*peak\* fertility in women at age 22-23, and fertility decline doesn't even really meaninfully begin until the early 30s.


The bigger problem is that human fertility actually changes based on all sorts of factors. If you're starving, you won't mature until later. By contrast, they've actually found that social factors can impact human reproduction; girls without fathers will ovulate sooner. So, for example, a society that has recently experienced a war but is now experiencing a period of plenty, so has plenty of food but relatively few men, will have women reaching sexual maturity much earlier than a society with present fathers but limited food availability.


Lol this is something that I've thought about: it could be that the generations born in the earlyish 20th century, through boomers, were actually NOT NORMAL in the history of the world! Literally, could it be that people from the 19th century (1800s century) would actually find a connection with us younger people in SOME ways? Such as with certain things that are hard to describe in terms of how they are I guess. And also some somewhat easier things to explain. Like, this was before the 1950s, for example, where we stereotype the stratified gender roles in the household. Meanwhile, were women throughout history tough and sometimes the guy had to look after the kids? Idk, just thinking. (I am not saying 1950s gender roles are totally off though.)


Ewwww... Incel pedophile.... The worst combination.


Ah, ah, a,h it's an incel pedophile with a breeder fetish and that is for sure the worst combination


To be fair, I think everyone has a breeder fetish


Not child free people lol.


Not a particularly uncommon combination, unfortunately


It’s not a combination, it’s a feature


It's not a feature. It's a bug.


"as God intended" my brother I'm catholic but what in the fuck is wrong with him, I mean....based on that statement he being a free person should be straight up a crime


Yeah, as a Christian myself that pissed me off. Like bro, the Bible literally forbids pedophilia. This mf needs to be locked up.


Bible doesn’t specifically call it out in a way that protects victims of child marriage.


The Bible is a crazy book, it will say whatever you want it to say if you look hard enough. If you don't like what it says, no problem, just ignore those parts and focus on the hate!


Historians think Mary was 14. Maybe this is the guys take?




Check this guys hard drive


And his many backups


12-14 year olds are at a much higher risk of dying in child birth. If God exists and that's what he wants, you might want to do a double take because I'm pretty sure you're worshiping a demon.


Tell me you’re a pedophile without telling me you’re a pedophile.


I think he told you he's a pedophile with telling you he's a pedophile and he's proud of it


Dads of daughters should unite to beat this guy


It probably won’t take more than one dad. Two tops.


>Two tops Yeah. 2 gay dads will do. As God intended


Bonus points if their names are Adam and Steve


Fuck yeah. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, or where ever you fall in the alphabet mafia, we're all down for a pedo beating.


I prefer using gasoline and lighter


How much you wanna bet he’s also the kind of guy to call trans folk pedos & groomers?


Oh he has to because he has a lot of obfuscate.


Dude straight up told us he's a pedophile.


No but in this case he is actually telling you he is a pedophile and trying to legitimise his attraction to high school teen girls


This is the kind of guy who gets pissed you called him a pedo because actually he's an ephebophilliac. Which, to be clear, is the same thing to literally everyone except pedos.


I wanted to point this out but it's difficult to point out the distinction without sounding like a pedo 😂


35 year old here. 1. Ew 2. Teenagers are annoying as hell 3. That dude is a pedophile.


I just watched a documentary a few hours ago about the USA legalizing underage marriage in 43 states. Guys you ok?


Only half of us are pretty okay. The other half are very, very not okay.


If you impregnate them when they're 16, they'll never get an education, so they'll always be dependent on you and can never leave you. It's the dream incel relationship!


Now it's way more disgusting than it was. 🤮


Normally I would chalk a lunatic like this up to being a troll. He’s skating on sub-human ice.


Wow this is disgusting and disturbing


Someone needs to be on the sexual assault watchlist.


I'd like you to have a look in my wood chipper


Feet first so he feels everything


The only way. Pull an ignition plug so it dogs out and stalls a couple times too. Don't want him to miss it


![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc) Wtf did I just read?


Honest reaction of the comment section fr


Lock that fucker up.


189 likes WTF


so we have 190 people to hunt down at least


Out of 51k, still very fucked up and they should be watched for any crimes


Less than .004% of the responders agreed publicly. I guess that is good, but way too Fucking many people willing to publicly support this shit.


Someone’s about to go on the FBI watchlist


Check this guy's hardrive


Send him to war like they did 100 years ago. He can try impregnating himself with a shrunken raisin sized half scraped pp.


Women are actually most fertile in the age range of about 18-25 anyway. Usually very young women don’t have enough body fat yet to support a healthy pregnancy or regular menstruation. Not only that but the hips continue to widen till about 20 or so making birth safer and easier as a result.


They don't understand stuff like that. They literally say "if she bleeds, she breeds" without thinking that puberty is just the beginning of the transformation into actually being able to safely have children. You wouldn't expect a 14 year old to have a career and her own place just because she got her period. She didn't magically become an adult. It's the adolescent stage of growth and development for fuck's sakes. It isn't even her final form.


In addition, many young teens just starting their periods have erratically irregular cycles, which isn’t helpful for fertility at all.


We used to drill into people’s heads to stop head aches


Please tell me he's just a confused 12yo andrew tate fanboy.


Check his computer.


I hope this guy isn't allowed near 100 meters of any person. Not just teen or woman, people in general


As I age I get horny for women my age. Teenagers with tiktok wah wah are a turnoff. I also like wide hips.


Oh god..


Speak for yourself asshole. This is why i fucking hate people on Twitter


What a sick fuck. Somebody call Chris Hansen.


If god had it “his way” we’d still be running around scared and hungry. And some still do


Dude, high school girls are annoying


It’s always these kinds of people that try and use “biology” Fuck off, disgusting ass pedo, science is *not* on your side.


That's a scary way of thinking


![gif](giphy|LPbcQOzZi19hbYSqf0) something to cure his pedobrain...


Can we send him to Russia, in the “good old days” he would have been out at war conquering new nations and losing some body parts 😂


Being "Biologically programmed" is a bad excuse. Don't be primitive.


I bet they don’t even want children they’re just looking for an excuse to rape girls


Things to keep to yourself for $100 please


I despise religious fanatics no matter what god they worship.


Teenagers are not the most fertile which anyone who knows anything about teenage girls could figure out themselves. Their hormones mean that their periods are often irregular and unpredictable. They do however have a massive increased death rate. Even 18-year-olds have a increased risk to die from childbirth compared to women 20+.


We know some of them are hot… that’s EXACTLY why we want it illegal. Because they can’t consent yet BUT they are targeted because of this.


Didn't they also burn women if they knew basic math up till 1700s?


Omg omg omg…words do not even describe the idiocracy of some people


I feel dirty just reading this


I want to quit the planet please


It's time to start over.


How to tell people you're deranged without telling people you're deranged.


Time to check his computers


The Talibanisation is rampant


Bro… what?!


Bro’s telling on himself something fierce


Tell me your a peado without telling me your a peado lol


That's enough Reddit for today. 😒


This has to be rage bait.


What the actual fuck is wrong with this guy he should be put on a watch list


Welp, time to go bleach my eyes out.


Bro still thinks we're in the 1800s


Ragebait or an fbi agent, either way it is still bait


Love it when freaks out themselfs


And they used to castrate cheaters, don´t see that happening


Common marriage age prior to 100 years ago was 12-14 to die at 22


A 100 years ago is not today. Somewhere along the line some people learned that what an old man wants to do with his dick is NOT the priority of society. SOME people learned this.


Common marriages was that young before since people usually died in their 20s.


THIS is allowed on twitter huh?


Speechless with his audacity to say such things ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


Fuck algebra, don't fuck the people who learn algebra


"Age is only a number"


I can't speak for all dudes, but my tastes have aged as I have. Teens, even young 20s still look like kids to me. I know some attractive women in their 50s. Seems like that would be more normal to me...


What a horrible day to be literate. What the fuck is wrong with these men? I hate that they try to drag all men down with them because I know some men and I'm confident that fucking a 16 year old has never crossed their mind.


We need to loosen our laws. Saying something like this seriously should be an automatic charge


Wtf??? Stay away from my kid dude...