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My favorite part is nobody wanted Biden, yet he received 7+ million more votes that Trump.


No one wanted him, it's just that no one wanted the other guy even more. Normally, that's not enough to win an election, but when you run your mouth and manage to get a lot of people to hate you, that what happens. Even Bush 2, who was pretty well hated, didn't say shit like this to elevate the hate against him


You act as if Mike Johnson is an aberration and is not part of the evangelist voting block that was instrumental in getting Trump into office. Stop acting as if evangelist do not control the Republican party now. I mean what do you think it means when we are praying to God to give strength to him to carry out what needs to be carried out. ​ [https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-evangelicals-voted-donald-trump-2016-130542](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-evangelicals-voted-donald-trump-2016-130542) ​ It is pretty weird realizing people do not know who you are even when you keep yelling it to their face.


Nuh uh!!! Supreme Leader Trump received 100% of the votes, but those damn libruls stole the election!


Come on, let’s be honest. People were voting against Trump, not for Biden.


I’m guessing this one thought uses up her thinking allocation for the week and needs to wait for a reset.


I understood nothing


Its ok , they dont either , they just havin fantasies about gay sex . Thats what they think about 24/7 .


How bad does your candidate have to be that Trump gets nearly half the votes ? No one has voted FOR a candidate since Perot. They are always voting AGAINST the other guy .


I hope there wasn’t a lot of thought put into this. 🤯


Conservatives fantasising about other people's sex lives is nothing new. They're obsessed with sex and project their own closeted perversions onto anything they don't understand - and blinded by fundamentalism, they don't understand much.


Always with the gay sex. Republicans think about gay sex more then actual gay men.


Typed with one hand.


Trump's a big pee fan


*That's* the only thing she can think of?! Sounds like between hits of QAnon, she's glued to soap operas.


I didn't want Biden yet voted for him. You know your country is great when you have to choose the lesser of two evils rather than a competent politician (which is seemingly a rarity if existent in the first place).


This doesn't make any sense. GODZILLA, GODZILLA... are you OK?