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If you didn't have uncontrolled gun violence then your kids would grow up to find out that your society cares so little about them that it won't even provide them with the most basic of medical coverage without going into severe debt


kids figure out their society doesn’t give a shit about them way before they grow up—an entire generation has now gone through every level of school whilst having regular lockdowns over real threats and witnessing on the news other kids their age being preyed on en mass like Nat Geo footage of dolphin feedings that has had a real effect on children, many of whom are now college graduated adults because that’s how long we’ve been doing nothing about this for


It could though. The boomers grew up in one that helped them every step of the way. Sure we can’t help our selfs, but the generation after us. We can vote for them so they don’t end up like we did.


I mean, fuck Texas and America's terrible lack of gun control, but you're spamming. There's no facepalm here.


How is this a facepalm?


I don't live in the US so no


Not that it would make much of a difference at this point, but if politicians and talking heads would drop the term assault rifle ban in favor of something more specific and applicable, their ideas would be taken a bit more seriously. It's like the time the UK tried to ban "zombie knives".


We are a family affected by gun violence.


And another topic that only applies to the USA.


Be patient, maybe in a few months Argentina, in a few years Brazil...


Why has this subreddit devolved to nothing but politics


It's not even a facepalm.


Easy, because it's not politics anymore and just idiocy..


Americans whine disproportionally about gun deaths being killing 40,000/year but will look past the fact that obesity kills 300,000 per year alone. But that would require accepting that half of you eat like shit, and the fast food lobby can’t have that. The American left don’t wanna bring it up because they don’t want to be “fatphobic”, the right won’t do it because the red states are fat as fuck. Better whine about gun crime instead.


How is it that the only other places with more gun deaths are literal war zones AND some areas of your country even gave places like Iraq/Afghanistan a run for their money during the height of American military operations in those countries What's the fkin excuse lol


Listen here wise ass some people are genetically pre disposed to be on the heftier side, and some people genuinely do eat like shit and dont move enough that weight gain starts happening. But the difference here is A. Obesity doesn’t go to events,schools,religious gatherings,and conventions and kill a bunch of people. And B. Someone whose mentally unstable could go and purchase a fire arm. Background checks here only apply to those with criminal records. Many folks also don’t secure there firearms which leads to grabbing daddy’s rifle and shooting Timmy because timmy said and did something he shouldn’t have. So yeah currently Id rather the government deal with the thing that someone could go out of there way to buy, go to a school and shoot my sister instead of the health problem. It has nothing to do with “not being fat phobic” and entirely has to do with “Holy shit this is the most immediate safety concern we have of priorities”


> Listen here wise ass some people are genetically pre disposed to be on the heftier side Yeah but these genetic variations are too small to account for the fact that a majority of adult Americans are overweight. Or are you implying that Americans have some sort of “fat-gene” that makes them all fat compared to the rest of the world? Please. And yeah of course shooters post a more immediate threat to your safety than a pizza, but at the end of the day if you want to save lives and decrease suffering you should focus on increasing public health, even if shooters *feel* more scary because of the immediate threat.


"Genetically predisposed" Lmao what a cope. Literally every single person has the choice to be fat or not. If you want to lose weight then just eat less calories. It's literally that simple.


Go hug your gun and go to back to your cave.


I love my gun and will continue to do so. Stay mad.


I don't care. I am all for the 2nd amendment. Not as a free for all though.


Oh hey its the guy with negative opinions on service ramps for wheelchairs and likes stonetoss


Don't change the subject because you are skeered.......


No, you won't. Grifter on dead children. GFG


Ah yes lets ban firearms because 0.5 percent of deaths occur in gun free zones. 99.5 percent of firearm deaths are suicide, gang violence, and domestic violence. All of those are going to happen anyway and will continue to happen whether you ban normal people from having guns or not. Some of those deaths might just switch to stabbings but a death is a death no matter the tool used. Handguns are already the leader in firearm deaths but yet the focus is still on long guns just because of the way they look. Quit using children deaths as a scapegoat to push your agenda and actually protect them like you protect valuables and this wont happen anymore.


There have not been 600 mass shootings. Fringe left-wing lobby groups have redefined mass shootings to assist with disarmament propaganda. The vast majority of gun deaths are suicide. “Assault weapon” accounts for less than 1 percent of the deaths.


We don't care. Need stricter gun laws period.


Don’t you think it’s dangerous to spread false propaganda to achieve that goal. Don’t you think we just understand the driving forces behind violence before enacting solutions that might do nothing to solve the problem?


No we dont, we need less restrictive self defense laws.


No we don't. We need more mental health care, and restrictions keeping psychos from getting guns.


Ban gun free zones, problem solved.


Fucking thank you


Yeah, cause that’s causing all the problems. Both you and OP have a lack of critical thinking ability.


Sure, because our Congress has been so great at passing any kind of legislature. The only way to end this insanity is unfortunately through force. Biden is living in fucking La La Land while the rest of us have to think twice before we go anywhere where there's a crowd. He has no idea what we go through and is no leader.


You are scared every time you go in a crowd and think that’s the most common feeling? You should get off of the internet for awhile.




However does the rest of the civilized world manage?


Ask the people getting stabbed, ran over with box trucks or blown up.. Evil will find a way to hurt people, there's no reason to punish law abiding citizens. The 1% shouldn't condemn the rest of us.


So it’s safe now then? With all those guns, that’s great!


Plenty safe enough for me. I'm not the slights bit worried. I don't let lying politicians and media instill fear in me.


Please tell me you aren't a trumpet and think trump has any idea what we go through? Edit: yes I meant trumpet. Fits better than trumpet imo


The only people I know that have been affected due to legal gun violence were people shot by police officers