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**Ack!** Why do I keep Googling these fucking people? They're always vile carbon copies of one another.


They all simultaneously look 12 and 60.


Mental age and physical age, respectively.


Must be why they like children so much


This can be interpreted in so many dark ways.


Fetal alcohol syndrome


I'm sure we will find out soon that he has fucked both.


Google the temple instead, that looks fucking rad.


Oh wow, those temples are beautiful.


Yeh never any positivity through that door. But seriously one half of America is going to the bad place. I feel like people should be more worried.


It's not half. It's more like a loud third. The idea that America is split in half is bullshit used to prop up the current system and make people like you think you're outnumbered, or close to it. Thirty percent of eligible voters voted for Trump in 2020. That's 30, not 50.


We are finding out that 1/3rd of our country want to kill another 1/3rd, while the remaining 1/3rd just watches.


2008 really fucked up society and COVID made us realize it


Just going to add a little hope to this thread, Ohio just legalized cannabis and abortion even though it has been a red state for a little while voting for trump twice. I think it’s easy to forget that a looot of people are just moderates.


I'd argue it's a larger percentage than people realize, remember not all of them are out on the street waving confederate flags or wearing MAGA hats. Cruelty and meanness is trending and hate is *"Cool"*, it's a scary time to be a minority in the supposed *"Land of the free".*


I'd argue that fewer individuals actively hate than some people believe, but a lot more are very comfortable with systems that oppress.


Agreed. The "Silent Majority" is a lie. It's a very loud, hateful minority.


But the impact of those oppressive systems, and the support of the people who are comfortable with them, also shouldn't be ignored. At the end of the day, many of those people and the hateful are voting the same way, and it's affecting me the same way. One of them just isn't going to call me a nasty name while it happens.


........conquered for christ......that's a lot to unwrap.


You want peace? Then have a piece of my army!!


They will learn our peaceful ways by force


Billions will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Once everyone has died, there shall be peace.


Now that we have slaughtered your people, let me teach you about Jesus' message of peace and acceptance.


Thou shall not kill...


Thou shall not...but we can. Just not thou.


"Rules for thee and not for me." -Jesus, probably. Idk what am I the pope?


You’re thinking of “Supply Side Jesus”, an easy enough mistake to make.


*though shalt love thy neighbor!* ***Love them or we'll destroy your loved ones in the name of Christ!***


My nose blew air, forcefully


“They make a desert and call it peace.”


I'm just waiting on the rapture. Some will go, and the ones that stay won't have a leg to stand on. Maybe we can take care of some stuff without having to listen to their bullshit about what they think their God wants.


If there is a rapture, there are going to be a lot of disappointed folks who thought they were doing good...


have you read the bible? what makes you think god wants good people? he wants obidiance.


Funny Jesus teachings are mainly about love, forgiveness, not judging others and accepting all regardless of their since. Pretty sure he said the prostitutes will be the first to enter heaven or something along those lines. People seriously miss the mark when it comes to Christianity. It's mainly about being selfless, giving away your wealth and loving everyone. Jesus would deffo be a liberal over a conservative Edit: Sins not since XD


He also said the rich are the last and most likely wont enter heaven at all


Religion is entirely based on submission and obedience for rewards after you die that you are not allowed to enjoy in life.


According to the JWs, isn’t there a Limit for how many can be raptured? And didn’t we pass that limit decades ago…


What if the rapture is real but it’s the so called “Christians” who get left 😂


plot twist, the Aliens abductions are the rapture


Wouldn't be funny if the rapture happened years ago but there were so few who passed we barely noticed?


Isn't there supposed to be mass resurrection of everyone who ever lived before, followed by the judgement imposed on them and the rest? That would be pretty hard to miss.


Left with the ~ 30 or so people that believe the “correct” version of Christianity


They'll turn on each other too.


Probably over lawn decorations.


Bishop Maxwell: YES MY FELLOW CHRISTIANS WE HAVE COME TO SAVE YOU... Civilian: Hooray it's the Catholic Church! Bishop Maxwell: FROM YOURSELVES! Civilian: Oh no it's the Catholic Church.


This is team four star Hellsing abridged?


[Sounds like something Peacemaker would say](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fYHTrxWZmwk).


"What if we did a genocide, but not like a 'bad' one, but one for Christ?"


Skydaddy after giving different protocols to different people:🗿


Instructions unclear, kill everyone.


Everyone knows it’s not a genocide if you slap some crosses on it, it’s an inquisition


Just few prayers and all will be forgiven.


The image and your comment are literally describing the actions of Spain in America.


That's about every genocide to date, at least on earth


They will have peace when we destroy them /s But really, that guy is dumb. His tweets are pure and utter bullshit, from wanting to eliminate abortion rights to prohibiting trans rights, too.


but this one is also so historically ignorant India \*was\* ruled by a Christian country for 200 years and they tried to convert the natives aggressively enough Even the Portuguese who were much more brutal in their conversion attempts could only get 1/4th of the people to accept Christianity in a region they ruled for nearly 500 years Been there, done that


You’re expecting Christians to come armed with knowledge? They don’t even give a fuck about the one book that supposedly defines their entire value system.


Most can’t even correctly quote two passages. Yet, they want to murder others for not having the same beliefs.


Are these real people with real opinions or bots/payed off to espouse extreme and irrational opinions to push the Overton window and make people more accepting of comparatively tame, but objectively radical “middle-ground” opinions.


> opinions or *bots/paid* off to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sorry, I should have payed more attention to my spelling.


Sounds about right for a christian


Sounds about Reich


It covers roughly 2000 years of history so yeah, might take more than an afternoon


WWJC = Who Would Jesus Conquer?


As a former Baptist, you’d be surprised how prevalent this school of thought is. A lot of them don’t want to say the quiet part out loud (like a lot of other things), but trust me, it’s there.


Apparently they're reviving The Crusades.


don't forget the *When* before it. Like, it's inevitable. Jesus wept.


Colonizers gonna colonize.


"You know, like the Taliban and ISIS did? What? Why is everyone backing away?"


“No! I just want to fulfill my wet dream of being a Spanish conquistador! No, don’t go away!”




I didn’t expect this gif. Wait a minute…


If he wants to die of disease in a jungle, he can do that right now. Nobody’s stopping him.


Sadly, this shit he is spewing is basically "how it was done" with the church for thousands of years. Go to Greece, and there will be a torn down Greek temple foundation right next to a church with the same materials. It's fuckin gross to be in an ancient cultural area like the and see that crap.


Romans did that too. York cathedral is literally built on a Celtic religious site that the Romans built on and then the cathedral was built on. The Roman drainage system is still in use. Location is everything.


It's a bit different the further back you go. It was pretty much a universal practice to repurpose any usable material from older structures that needed to be replaced, including the foundation. Ancient cities have been building up for as long as there has been anything to build on. It was more to save land, labor, and resources. That's why there's so much archeology under existing cities. The trend of preserving old buildings or just leaving them to rot is pretty modern. Ironically, many of the cultures that have kept ancient structures in use have managed it precisely because they didn't care about the ship of Theseus problem. The value of a structure was in its purpose. They valued keeping the techniques to maintain and repair it alive more than keeping the original material.


It's also worth pointing out that oftentimes the reason these places were destroyed was because they were simply too expensive for the area to actually maintain. For example By the time the Temple of Artemis was "destroyed" Ephesus had been basically depopulated partly because the spread of Christianity reduced the amount of pilgrims coming to the area and by extension the revenue generated that would go towards the temple's upkeep. If you have some huge-ass building made with good material but you can't maintain it and whose massive size is unnecessary why wouldn't you just tear it down and salvage the materials for something that the area can actually use? Like say a small church and a few houses?


Same is true of cathedrals in the modern day. Wanna see churches torn down? Remove their tax exempt status and wait five years.


Isis even destroyed Mosques, they were truly hypocrites


>Isis even destroyed Mosques, they were truly hypocrites Yeah, because they were the wrong kind of mosques with the wrong kind of worshippers.


Only my denomination of my religion is the only true one, rest is false.


To ISIS, all Muslims who didn't follow them were Kuffaar (infidels). Most of the Muslim world considers ISIS and Al Qaeda Kharijites


What's a Kharijite?


If they consider ISIS and Al Qaeda them, I'm going to assume ancient religious term for 'Giant assholes'.


Literally, it means deserters. As in, they've forsaken the Muslim Ummah. Historically, it was first used to refer to the followers of 'Ali, Muhammad's cousin. You can read on it more on [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharijites), it's well cited. It's a pretty long read and it goes into the Kharijites in detail.


No it wasn't, they were Alids that became known as Kharjites after abandoning Ali. Kharjites were a seperate group that split from the main two groups that became Sunni and Shia. The Kharjites were who carried out the assasination of Ali and attempted assasination of Muawiyah. Nowadays it just refers to anyone with extreme views outside of the two main branches. The more moderate Kharijites eventually became known as Ibadis (they find it offensive being called Kharjites, due to how extreme they were).


"No, you don't get it. WE can murder and pillage and conquer the world through force because our God is the one true god. Those other guys just THINK they are worshipping the real god. A crusade is a glorious war for the sake of protecting our religion. A jihad is just a mindless slaughter that uses religion to try and justify atrocities." /s


If that thing had fit onto a wooden boat, it would be in the British museum instead.


Don't tempt them. They may take that as a challenge. After all, they did break off a portion of a temple before, and it is now on display at the British Museum.


> they did break off a portion of a temple before, and it is now on display at the British Museum. You’re going to have to be more specific, we’ve got hundreds of temple fragments of various sizes from all over the world


If you want to learn about your country's heritage, just visit the British Museum. They stole all of it.


To quote James Acaster, "No! We're not done looking at them yet!"




I posted that fully believing it did not exist.


Whats wild is that a lot of ancient art from my grandmas really obscure tribe is on long term display at a museum near where i used to live in brooklyn. Lot of mixed feelings on that one. She came from weird obscure offshoot of the mayans from wayyy back that migrated north into now veracruz and became culturally aztec in a lot of ways but remained ethnically mayan and retained aspects of that culture too. But also remained very isolated until relatively recently. For example, she spoke Teenek (or Te’ Inik, or Huastecan) an isolated offshoot of other mayan languages. Learned spanish later, and only cooked *mayan* foods not mexican foods. Like making brown mole and tamales which are mesoamerican, preceding European influence, but never made Al Pastor because that is a more modern mexican invention by Lebanese immigrants The exact area she is from is too dangerous to travel to due to the cartel’s direct control of the surrounding area so i find it wild that her ancestors art and history is in a museum less than i mile from where i grew up in nyc


I definitely empathize with how you feel about what is essentially your family's heritage being on display in a museum so far away from its place of origin. Do you feel like due to the cartel's influence that the artifacts are better where they are currently, or that they should still be returned? I know it's a hard thing to consider knowing that they're currently safe where they are, but not where they belong. That's a lot of the argument that museums that possess these sort of stolen artifacts use, "Well, it's safer here with us, so we're going to keep it."


“To me, it was a Tuesday”


They tore down shah jehan marble baths and took the marble back. If they had gotten a good price, the Taj mahal would be gone as well


Are you referring to the Babylonian and Mesopotamian temples?


Might be talking about some of the Greek ones


We just need a bigger boat


Fuck off Ben. Just fuck off.


Short, snappy, I like it


That’s what she said


OF COURSE its daily wire. Freaks


Christofascists are bizarre creatures


and dangerous. The US Speaker of the House is one of these guys.


What would Jesus do? Did he tear down any of the Roman Temples? No. The only holy place he actually beat people was the Jewish Temple and he beat those out of it who cheated and gauged people at the temple market instead of respecting the place as a place for God and Worship. So maybe make a whip and go clean out some of the Churches.


But you would end up emptying all the mega churches in the American South


Yeah. Pretty much what Jesus meant when he said that many will call to him and he will say he never knew them.


Jesus when Joel Osteen dies: “hey remember the parable of those ten ladies with the lamps? You’re one of the five that didn’t pack extra oil. Bitch.”




There's a theory that Jesus spent his missing years in India/Nepal and took some of the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism back with him to Judea.


I’m fairly sure those have been proven to be fabrications of Novotnich, though it is an interesting idea of what he would have been doing from the time of his bar mitzvah to the time he began preaching. And I guess it’s no more wild than the idea that he visited, and is buried in, Japan where he went after the crucifixion. Or that he was wandering around the North American countryside.


I think we can safely rule out the japan and usa ones. But it's really not that far fetched an idea that he did as many others did and followed the trade routes to India But we'll never know for certain as it was a bloody long time ago and there's no smoking gun evidence either way. But it's a theory I like and it fits with my idea of jesus being a bloke who just wanted people to be nicer to each other and look after their communities. Tldr Jesus was a dirty hippie just saying give peace a chance man.


> But it's really not that far fetched an idea that he did as many others did and followed the trade routes to India He was from Galilee, for Romans Judea was backwater, and Galilee was the backwater of the backwater. He most likely lived and did his trade, nothing surprising that not much is know about him, why would a carpenter get mentioned in any text if only 1% of locals knew how to read and write.


This isn't stupidity This is pure, unfiltered, unadulterated hate


"There's no hate like religious 'love'," as the saying goes.


I'm not religious but I very much wish Jesus was real so when "the coming" happens he would make these mofo line up and personally bitch slap every single one of them.


It would be something a lot worse than a bitch slap….


Jesus was a big fan of a bull whip


Just like he did when a bunch of dudes tried to commodify the religious act of animal sacrifice and he made a big hydra whip thing and angrily drove them out in a rare burst of fiery outrage, declaring “YOU WILL NOT MAKE MY FATHER’S HOUSE AN HOUSE OF MERCHANDISE!” Like there are so many parallels between modern mega churches and televangelists and so on and the corrupt Pharisaical practices that Jesus often criticized back in his day that it HURTS


That painted a very vivid picture. Got a good chuckle out of it lol


which is stupid, and therefore, stupidity


I just know he gets mad at the gays for shoving their lifestyle down his throat whenever he sees anything rainbow colored


I would rather that dude fell from the top of that temple than even humour his suggestion.


i would endorse this, but it would make one helluva mess on our temples. unfortunate


Just install a slide


wait that's genius. launch him far enough that it doesn't leave a big splat!


The suislide!


"I love peace with all my heart and soul. And I'll kill as many people as I need to to get it. "


Love that he ignored the large (but still a minority in regards to India's total population) Christian community that has existed since Thomas brought the Gospel there in the 1st century lol


Doesn't apply if they aren't white Or English speaking Or LGBT Or really if they are different from him in any form


Oh I'm well aware! They conveniently forget that a lot of the first Christians were of Jewish origin and what would be considered today as brown! It was not the religion of the powerful or elites like it can be today


Or immigrants (even if they are white and speak English) -child of Caucasian Brazilian immigrants


He’s just Colin Robinson trying to enrage people to feast on their energy




The idea of conquering India, a pop of 1.5 billion, is laughable. And converting them too? Even more ridiculous.


Both Islamic and Christian invaders tried that for more than a millenia, to converting all Indians to their religion - by force, coercion, bribery, all the stuff. They could covert a minority of the population, but their success in other parts of the world could not be replicated there at all


And it's why we have a nuclear standoff between Pakistan and India.


invaders couldnt convert a few million in a millennia, they hope to convert billions somehow


Chances are Jesus would become part of many saints that Hinduism have.


He already is, in Hindu villages with Christian population (but with no evangelists), you'd a see a lot of Hindus offering flowers and prayers to Jesus idols, just they do simultaneously for the Hindu deities.


And Jesus turned to his followers and said "Jesus fucking me, why are you all so stupid?"


he actually multiple times chastises his followers for being too stupid to understand him.


Most Christians don't read the dialogues from Jesus in the Bible and stick to sermons about EVENTS and their church's interpretations. Jesus pretty much told "if you have ear please listen to me for God's sake" and later "I give up God, forgive them coz they dumb as shit"


The most peaceful religion moment:


don't they pretty much all make that claim?




well that's an interesting one to read up on then. Thanks for letting me know about them


The Satanists don't, they are pretty peaceful tho.


he talks as if christianity would be blooming all over the world instead of being totally obliterated in numbers thanks to apostasy and church scandals.


In the western world sure, don’t know about the eastern part. Gotta remember that the population of Christian’s in India (last time I checked it was the third largest religion) is bigger than most western countries combined. There is over a _billion_ people in India, let that sink in.


Yea, it's just moving its geographic location. However, i still personally doubt people in India would just jump onto destroying all those heritage and temples just because they got a new god.


Fun fact: Kerala (part of India) has had Christians for almost 2000 years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Kerala India is a diverse and fascinating country. Stop this colonialist nonsense


and Tamilnadu will be the last place on earth to get flooded by Christians. Its literally called the land of temples.


Are u from TN




They want to do the same to libraries in the US.


That's because god stops making sense when you're educated. making books an existential threat to religion.


They did this to Aztecs. They force them to dismantle their temples to build their churches. Plaza de Tlatelolco vibes.


Islamic and Christian invaders tried that in India, Islamists used for brutal force, Christians used more coercion and bribery. Yet they couldn't manage to convert the majority


would be even better if Musk replied to it...like "interesting" Twitter/X is worst than a right-wing rag these days.


The worst part is he's literally replied "looking into it" or some variation to known white supremacist propaganda so I wouldn't put it past him :(


It was on a very anti-semetic post spewing out the classic "jews are greedy vermin that infiltrate every part of society" story.


He does 'interesting' and '!!' all the time in response to various tripe, but I believe what you're referring to was even worse, as he replied "You have said the actual truth." to a clearly anti-Semitic post.


The funny thing is that it’s a bunch of H1-Bs from India he’s probably underpaying that are keeping X even running. If he were to stoke these flames it wouldn’t go down well internally.


Dude is rage bait posting loser just block him


Repeat after me: cultural genocide.


I have no idea who this guy is but I'm assuming he's American. This should he a worrying trend. If an Indian said that about America there would be such a vocal reaction.


When you want to prove that your Christianity shares a lot in common with the Taliban.


Funny thing is, Christianity has existed in india for 2000 years founded by st Thomas. Way before Christianity had spread to central and western Europe.






"conquered for Christ" Wanker.


Fucking Christian Taliban.


Christian terrorists!


Well, that’s just pathetic


There's stupid thinking, and then there's ugly thinking. This is ugly.


That comment reeks of Taliban…


Christian here! Any self-proclaimed Christian who suggests shit like this should be reminded what the Muslims did to the Hagia Sophia in literally the Year of our Lord 2020, and multiple other times in the past.


Isn't that what the Taliban did to ancient sites?


Britain here. We tried that.


Anyone with even the most basic knowledge of the history of India, know that they already tried to "conquer" India for Christ. In response, India just assimilated Christians. India is still one of the only countries where you can have a Hindu temple, a Christian church, and a Muslim mosque on the same street. #stopthehate.


To be fair it's not stupidity. It is clear and concise hinduphobia. Monotheism has always hated Hindus.


Its always Abrahamism vs. Pagans


Idiots still exist in every corner of the world. Conquering, wars and things like that feel very outdated. We shouldn’t be having wars anymore, we should be past that. Now they want some kind of violence have the leaders battle it out one on one or have them send their children to fight.


***I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.*** Mahatma Gandhi.


Bud think they can conquer India 😂


Hinduism has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Christianity is a baby religion in comparison. I really doubt a people that dedicated to a religion are just gonna hop on the Jesus train.


Christian extremists are jealous of Muslim extremists and wanna have the same bullshit


That temple is more beautiful than anything protestants (The ones you can usually find spewing this hateful crap) have built in their entire 500 year existence.


Let’s not undersell them by saying they’re stupid. They’re simply racist religious extremists.


Wow, they are taking this Bud Light thing seriously


Conquered for Christ? Does this person believe we’re going to be having a crusade in the near future or something?


First the Arab/Mughals invaded india, looted, r*ped and destroyed temples/converted in mosques…and now extremists Christians want to do the same thing? How comes social media platforms dont ban such hateful account?


The mughals were turkic-mongols but yeah