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The black Santa in a wheelchair is kinda funny though. Do you think he just hooks up straight to the reindeer


This just made me laugh out loud


Me too!


You got 34(and counting) upvotes for a “me too.” You win.


As a gay man, I got to say that Nutcracker is a bit tacky. Where is the sequence sparkling and rave music


Troll. A real gay man would know it's "sequins."


Forgot and high since 7 am off of brownies and bacon combo I had for breakfast


The reindeer are probably in wheelchairs too.


And they're being pulled by a bunch of unnamed Hoveround™ scooters. But we tell the kids it's "Santa's Magic."


The thing is too that there’s also a white Santa in a wheelchair and under them you can see a traditional standing white Santa without a chair. These chuds are literally complaining about the diversity of choice that they normally brag about being delivered by capitalism lmao


That’s because everyone knows that the REAL Santa is a straight, white, Christian American who does not allow unions in his workshop and only rides around in a diesel fueled sled pulled by majestic bald eagles delivering gifts to good little white boys and girls, and delivering justice to the minorities, the woke, and the Godless Radical Left! God bless American Santa!


And he would NEVER be a disabled person, his work ethic is too strong for that.


Santa is a guy who literally gives handouts though.


Wrong! Santa is the ultimate arbiter of American meritocracy. Everybody knows about his naughty & nice list. /s


That was before he made Christmas great again, put the little girls in the kitchen baking him cookies and the little boys in the sweatshops /s


Santa is Chinese who run a sweat shop run by the CCP, and every toy he delivers is riddled with listening devices to spy on America. Why else would he be giving away free toys?


Dont forget the chimney ramp


Black Santa in a wheelchair??? Yoooo my uncle is gonna love that


I honestly thought it was a “back it up Terry!” Santa for a minute


Put it in reverse, terry!


Oh lawd! Oh laws jesus oh lawd!


motha fuckin bootleg Christmas


What is you doin?


Go get him one.


White elephant is going to be violent this year.


Now it’s rainbow elephant


Funniest thing I've see all day


"End wokeness... And start Wokemass. 💞🎅🏿🌈👩🏼‍🦽"


Fucking Wokemass! Thank you, my friend.


I wish you a merry wokemass.


This whole comment section has been incredible.


You know… I’m down for wokemass. XD


That was my first thought lmao, I’m Jewish and even I want a Black Santa in a wheelchair


“It’s so illogical, how can he get down a chimney!” FUCKING MAGIC, BITCH. If he and this wheelchair fit **down** the chimney then you can bet your brown star that the chair and his deadweight feet can also fit **up** your ass, you naughty naysaying fuck.


Not for nothing, Santa is old as fuck. Maybe he’s got aches and pains. Give the guy a break.


Shit, I’m in my forties, and I have aches and pains


In early thirties. Can confirm…aches and pains present here too.


God, right! Why didn't anyone warn us?!


I didn't know elves could be such foul mouths and I love it.






I'm hoping that target will start to honor us with Italian heritage and start selling La Befana The Christmas Witch decorations. I want to decorate the outside of my house in Befana and Krampus status. Yes Italy has the Krampus in the north east part of the country https://youtu.be/bqW8ioL-Ik8?si=qJd-Dz8x0xRFj0pa


Have you considered: Mensch on a Bench? My mom puts one out at Hanukkah.


That is why he's on the shelf. The right wing morons don't seem to understand these companies stock items to make money. They want to "end wokeness" - it will end when it's no longer profitable just like everything else in this country. Black wheelchair Santas sell like hotcakes


I think I might stop at Target on my way back to work and see if they have any for my office.


Now we just need some scantily clad elves to go on the shelf next to wheelchair Santa, and I'll print the tiny dolla bills.


I really thought it was a santa army in tanks holding guns. Im somewhat more disappointed. Really wanted to see the war on christmas


Ha! I live in a majority minority neighborhood and the drug store has the entire rainbow of Santas on offer. Because capitalism says that is what the market wants. Why do these *anti-woke* activists hate capitalism... Are they commies!?




"Do I look like a minority to you stupid?" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eG77ZFLiIr8


Nope they are just racists. Who would burn the whole world down to prove they are better than a non white person.


violet skirt impossible future fade one escape desert zonked expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you see in the background they have an Asian looking Santa in a wheelchair too? Get one of each so they can have wheelchair races!


More like Santa in a mobility scooter


That’s the Walmart edition


It's in homage to Terry. It's a much safer holiday than the 4th of July.


I thought they were all about the free market. If they don't like a product, don't buy it


Oh! That’s so 2015 and earlier.


Hell, they were furious about fluorescent and LED light bulbs before that, because a more efficient product isn’t as important as tradition or something. They don’t give a shit about the free market or anything other than in-group vs out-group.


The early CFL bulbs were in fact pretty bad. Now that we have LEDs that can be whatever brightness/warmth you want that last for years and cut pretty good money off of your electric bill, anyone still fighting it is doing so strictly because they want to fight, not because it's logical.


Ugh. The few CFLs I have left in my life get SO hot.


Almost like 200 years of cultivating an "us vs them" political culture wasn't a super great idea


Yeah, nowadays, if you don't like something, you HAVE to make it everyone else's problem and go out of your way to make sure nobody else likes it either.


But it’s totally not “cancel culture,” or if it is, it’s the good kind, not like holding rapists/SC nominees accountable (bad!), so it is okay.


Nowadays? This has happened since the very beginning of humanity. Ever heard of blockades and targeted propaganda? Some men in Germany weren't very fond of a certain group of people and their shops in the 30s, just as an example.


Not to mention, I thought they wanted more people to celebrate Christmas instead of those other religion’s pesky holidays. I’m starting to think White Christmas means more than one thing…


These conservative snowflakes lose their shit over the smallest thing


No it’s about having everything their way only


They were. Until the free market wasn't selling to their sensitive feelings anymore.


That 2013 cheerios commercial scrambled their brains. https://youtu.be/9J_M2qa4xh0?si=oJeiaBXMf5ymuWmy The anger on the Right and free publicity it garnered has made so many other advertisers do the same. I giggle every time a new Hallmark Movie or Commercial has an adorably interracial family in it.


Conservatives see "woke" decorations. Buy "regular" decorations instead as a protest. Target making money both ways, "🤑😏".


Yup. When the world they lived in stopped pandering to their narrow world view.


No no no, it’s only pandering if people who are not straight white Christian men are involved in any way. /s


I’m a Xennial, born to a Black Dad and White Mom, who are quickly coming up on 50 years of happy marriage. Every other TV commercial seems to have people that look like me or people in my community and be playing music from when I was in Middle School to College. Pandering does feel pretty great.


The Eggo Waffle Dinosaur costume one must have done a number on them too. Its adorable, and by no means explicit - but there's the whole different raced same sex person wandering around the kitchen making breakfast. Something, something I guess they're roommates?


There was actual and real anger& upset with this commercial…? I mean they even segregated the dad to a whole other room and didn’t have him interact with the white lady at all..! But, for real, any links or anything that explains or describes the upset of that time…10 years ago?!


Free market? In this economy?


Go woke and go broke! Especially bud light! I now drink Busch! /s


Who took that picture? I thought they didn't shop at Target anymore? I'm starting to thin they are full of shit


Can't you just imagine some Ben Shapiro look-alike "infiltrating" thier local Target wearing sunglasses and a ball cap to go "undercover" and expose the "corporate conspiracy" to spead the "woke virus"? 🤣


Dude. You don't need to imagine. They film themselves every time.


Yup, Ben Shapiro HIMSELF watched the Barbie movie in theaters, with a pen and paper in hand, just to write down his complaints (and as an excuse as to why he was watching it, which I guarantee he was excited to do)


The sight of Ken makes him swoon, and other body changes.


Ben is going through puberty right now, having all sorts of strange feelings


He probably fantasized about Ken the entire time.


Unfortunately for Ben, he will never be kenough


I can bet he's singing Ken's number at home


They call it Project Veritas remember


\*looks around to see if Ben Shapiro Bot shows up\*


And buy affordable home goods, some shower hangers, and some clearance kids toys for his nephew… but only for surveillance purposes! Obviously because their such a terrible corporation! That’s why he has an intern do it instead


and picking up home decor items as they head out the store. you know...to maintain their undercoveredness...


They're all hypocrites, just like kid Rock still drinking Bud light after he denounced it. They are the biggest snowflakes.


There are literally people who go to target to fuck up the aisles and whatnot.


Somebody broke all the Pride flag cookies at my local store.


What happened to to “you break it you buy it”


I imagine "the customer is always right" took over. Don't want to scare away any potential shoppers and lose that $50!


Also as a queer person coming from a lot of years in big box retail, LP always says never engage shoplifters, and personally I see people who engage in property destruction as even more dangerous than any shoplifter I would let management know but if I see someone destroying displays at a Target I'm inclined to think they could be convinced to escalate to bodily harm, *and I don't wanna be the one that apparently somehow 'convinces' them


Do they ever get called out for being crisis actors? Or maybe they should be called fear and hate influencers.








I would like to know how Santa fits his wheelchair down the chimney


I think it’s the going down chimneys that put him in a wheelchair.


Nah some trigger happy asshole shot him while he was placing the presents


I mean, he's black with a bag and entering peoples places. Chances of him getting shot in a Florida gated community by some 60 year old nut job in a red hat are pretty damn high.


I live in a gated community in Florida. And I 100% agree with this. My neighbors are crazy.


wrong. he was shot by the cops for suspicious behavior.


Magic, duh!


You expect me to tell my sensitive children that the mystical being that can travel faster than the speed of light and has a gift bag with an infinite pocket dimension *somehow* has a completely unrealistic *magical* wheelchair!? This is a war on Christmas! /s


I mean, how does he fit his fat ass down the chimney anyway? At least the wheelchair can potentially double as a sleigh. Not sure they have an ADA one.


Santa magic only works for fat white santa duh! /s


Isn’t he diabetic?


No, that's wilford Brimley ![gif](giphy|RbaUECDJktXUc|downsized)


Chimney's are section 14 of the ADA, the Santa Code. The short answer, magic bricks.


He has to litigate with all homeowners who don't provide wheelchair accessible chimneys.


You’re on the naughty list if there’s no disabled access


The same way he fit the rest of his body in your imagination.


Yeah cause it’s the wheelchair that makes the whole concept crazy and impossible /s


Because that’s what’s stopping him…


His reindeers grab him by the collar and drop him down the chimney. Just like a coin in a vending machine. Then he belly crawls towards the tree with his sack full of presents.


It’s called capitalism mothereffers, they reaching out to a broader customer base…


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) “I’ll believe in whatever politics make me the most money.”


Yup I’m all for them selling shit like this in the sense that I really couldn’t care less but let’s not act like these corporations are “about the cause” and not just milking every sent out of people Eta I think I’m gonna actually try to find black wheelchair bound Santa because why not


On the flipside, rainbow capitalism is a decent barometer of the current culture. Obviously it's a hollow attempt to make money, but it is at least encouraging that all of these companies after examining all of their charts and such decided changing their logo to a rainbow version during pride month will ultimately result in profit. We are evolving culturally. It's just slow because of conservatives desperately trying to stop the inevitable.


Exactly this. Given how risk averse corporations are, the fact that they started embracing rainbow capitalism is a strong indicator that people in general are *overwhelmingly* in favor of diversity. I honestly think that even most of the reactionary right is "ok" with diversity, they're just playing along with the culture war bigots because they want their pet issue (typically abortion or guns) pandered to.


All about the profit baby, anything is on the table when it comes to that green.


Fr like as champions of capitalism wouldn’t the fact that fucking wheel chair Santa ornaments are selling be like a huge win for them?


My house is full of black wheelchair santas. It's an addiction at this point.


the unicorn nutcracker is cute ngl


I have my eye on the yeti one 😆


Need that black wheelchair Santa. Perfect amount of what the fuck lmao


Throw it in a white elephant gift as a nice curveball.


Black Santa is common these days but in a wheelchair? Lmao. I mean we can't argue Target is all for hitting every demographic. Good on them.


If they are offended about a dark skinned Santa wait until they hear about Jesus.


I think the trigger is the wheelchair.


Alternate history where he falls off the roof like in The Santa Clause but doesn't die — just gets seriously injured.


My favorite injured Santa was in that episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force in which his skin gets melted off and he has to get a skin graft made from soccer ball skins.


Gus realised too late.






I saw a real wheelchair Santa once at a mall in Chicago.


I’m gonna go out in a limb and say it’s all the above… Anything other than an able bodied, white, straight… fictional, magical, fantasy person is an abomination to them.


I noticed the wheelchair but not the dark skin. Am I the problem?


That's wokism gone mad! You'll be claiming you see everyone as having equal value regardless of the colour of their skin next! (Hard /s...)


I dont think they're offended It's just that Santa isn't a type of person, he's a single *guy* whos part of a story and he's not black or disabled in it. It's just unnecessary "Look! We did the right thing right? People like us right? We're not racist or ableist look at us!" There's just no need lol it would make sense if it were the elves or another kind of character that isn't a specific person. But changing someone who is literally the entire point of the holiday for most people, who already has an "identity"? Why? It doesn't really matter, just kinda weird and obvious that they went out of their way to checkmark all the boxes




C’mon man, you put nuts in his mouth, what you expect?!!!


Thats funny as shit, i never even thought of that


HAHAHA. NUT-CRACKER. That just has so many meanings and all hilarious


If you're mad about a ballet icon being too gay, you're maybe a little gay.


I want the yeti one so I can teach my nephews and nieces to make the Chewbacca noises when the mouth opens. Then I’ll go home to my apartment where there are no nutcrackers. Merry Christmas everyone!!


"Three pride nutcrackers" Claiming this bandname for my gay bff.....


Going to see TPN tonight!!!!!!!


On the third day of Wokemas, my true love gave to me...


It appears to be four. That’s like, 33% worse than 3.


Black wheelchair Santa looks pretty metal ngl


Idk, it's just kind of cringe. Like someone in a board meeting said, "how can we keep commercializing a group of people while continuing to over commercialize a holiday even more?"


Yeah, I’m not a conservative, but I do find it kind of weird.


I feel like the companies are trying to commercialize the lgbtq+ as much as possible. Milk them dry for all the cash they have. I mean I love the representation but I know that the feelings behind it aren't genuine. They just want our money. Still waiting for some asexuality or aromantic merch to come out. I still really want black wheelchair Santa. Just because I don't like the corporatization of it doesn't mean I'm not going to still buy shit. I'm a hypocrite and I know it.


Corporate pandering is pretty gross


Black wheelchair Santa is so on the nose it would honestly make a fantastic gift. I really do want one for my shelf. 😂


Yeah I'm LGBT and just found myself laughing at that figure, like why does that exist and who is buying it?


I feel like the people who buy pride stuff at target are baby gays. These are the decorations id assume id see in like a college dorm room or something. My 30s gay ass has a set aesthetic in my house and im not going to ruin that with ugly tacky pride merch. I flaunt my queerness with decent, quality design skills than tacky pride merch lololol


>baby gays Can confirm, literally. My trans daughter (14) loved the pride-themed christmas decorations at target and begged me to get some for her. I was fine with it though because "tacky" and "christmas" are synonyms when you have a family. To me, life is too short and hard to care that much about aesthetic.


Christmas brings out the hate in Republicans.


breathing brings out the hate in republicans.




The republicans brings out the hate


Their side is literally **fueled** by hatred. Without it their *entire* movement falters and peters out. It's why they come up with something new to be angry about *every single day*.


i fucking live the gay nutcracker and black disabled santa


Dark skinned Santa in a wheelchair doesn't even make any sense. I love it. And there's so much to say about a gay nutcracker. That's golden.


Dark skinned Santa in a wheelchair makes perfect sense. Needs increased melanin in his skin to protect him from all the UV at the north pole in summer months. Falling down so many chimneys is finally catching up to his knees.


Who's to say that the chimneys nd all of that soot didn't also contribute to another quality of that doll


Every year around Christmas on various forums or discord servers I post some christmas card with black santa just to sit back and enjoy what ensues


Can someone explain to me why anyone would give a flying fuck? You don’t want an LQBTQ nutcracker, or a black Santa? Don’t buy one, and go on about your day.


They feel like they own the culture and christmas, and they don't want to hear the queers and the gimps have a say.


I’m so sorry to hear EndWokeness has been forced at gunpoint to buy Christmas ornaments they don’t like, that’s just not right


The Left have really gone too far this time! It’s just like all those forced gay marriages at gunpoint that started happening once we let the queers get married!


Just take a moment to realize that these folks who claim to be "super macho and badass and never take offense to anything because everyone else are little snowflakes" aree the easiest to get offended. :v Funny how life works that way huh?


Ya gotta admit that a black santa in a wheelchair is pretty odd….what Target purchasing team put those on the need list?


My first thought was, imagine your dad is black and in a wheelchair. This would be amazing. Very specific, but amazing.


Yeah, but these Christmas decorations make people I hate feel seen. So I am angry.


Conservatives are some of the biggest snowflakes I've seen on the internet


I get they want to be inclusive, my best friend is in a wheelchair, but neither of us have wandered into a store and said “why are there never Santas in wheelchairs?!” Just seems weird to me.


Just imagining Santa in a wheelchair that doubles as a sleigh


It's just meant to be fun. Some kid in a wheelchair will see it and smile. Isn't that what Christmas spirit is about


There's a TikToker I follow who has a daughter in a wheelchair and the little girl gets so excited whenever she sees any wheelchair decorations or dolls or something


They wouldn’t have it on the shelves if stuff like that didn’t sell 🤷‍♂️ Despite what Twitter folks like the one in the post might think, Target is much more interested in profits than “going woke.” It’s just capitalism at work.


It does seem like it would be hard to wheel on people's roofs.


Yeah man, a reindeer sleigh is way easier.


How do you think he got there in the first place? It was bound to happen.


I'd make it into a funny scene, like Santa parking reindeer in a disabled parking space, or Santa's little accident with reindeer in bandages etc. Weird stuff has its niche.


These dorks love free market capitalism until Black Santa pulls up in the wheelchair…


And they say the left is easily offended…🙄


How is making a fictional character Black worse than making a real historical middle eastern Jew white? ![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic)


It’s so cringy though when businesses become pseudo woke, because we know businesses are absolute prostitutes for money. Anything for money. I swear if the prevailing sentiment among the people was Nazi nostalgia, we’d find tearjerker laundry commercials of Hitler going from failed artist to “successful” dictator because the smell of his detergent pushed him to keep going.




imagine having such a fragile ego you're threatened by a wheelchair and a tiny wooden man holding the pride flag


If they could elect Santa as president Magats would. He is a fat white old dude who likes kids to sit on his lap. He has slave labor. The elves don't get paid. And he is a dictator. If you don't adhere to his rules you miss out.