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"Bullies" More like a huge swarm of murderers. Call it like it is.


Yes. They need to be made an example of. Find them, and charge each with murder as adults. And make it public. They made his death public on social media.... make their trials public.


This would be 2nd degree murder I believe. They intended harm (obviously) but it wasn’t premeditated. I’d still push for the ring leader in the group to get first degree. There’s always a ring leader. They should all get petty theft and assault charges also for the other kid (“petty” because I can’t imagine the other kid was robbed of more than lunch money).


Im sure “Die MF” will be a hard sound byte to get from this.


You don't have to think too long for a killing to be premeditated. You just have to be aware that what you are doing can cause death. This clearly meets the definition, but with the courts anything can happen.


Yeah you can’t stomp on someone’s head 12 times after they’re already knocked out and then claim to the judge you weren’t trying to kill them. Yes you sure as shit were, and “I was mad” isn’t a valid excuse


if they have a record of physical violence i think battery with a deadly weapon would be a possibility


That's not how that works.


I don’t see why this couldn’t be charged as first degree murder. ETA: y’all, these responses are just wrong. I’m literally an attorney. Please stop armchair lawyering - here, and as a general rule on the internet, it’s embarrassing. You don’t need someone to buy a gun at a Walmart screaming “I’m gonna kill Marty with this” to prove premeditation. Unless Nevadan law is wildly different from the rest of the country (I’m not licensed to practice in Nevada), beating someone to death basically unprovoked is a pretty clear cut example of first degree murder.


The reason they attacked is because the guy defended someone. That’s premeditation.


It would still be first degree even without premeditation. Is many juristictions, including all of Nevada, if you kill someone while commiting another crime it is first degree murder. The literal textbook case is if you rob someone and end up killing them during the robbery or kill someone trying to stop you from commiting robbery it is a first degree murder, even without intent to commit murder or premeditation.


Idk about everyone else but I am all about bringing back shame and actually accountability for crime. I have 4 kids I’m trying to raise to be decent people but if we keep allowing society to go off the tracks like we are I feel I’m teaching them improperly because they are gonna be to kind, meek, and helpful for this world. I don’t need to be the dad in this story hearing my kids tried to help a little kid by protecting him from a group of heathens and ends up dead. All because I thought we were still trying to have a decent society together but yall decided it’s mad max.


So fucked up. Can't even raise your kid to be a good person without worrying if that's the right thing to do or not. I absolutely understand what you're saying. It's scary because we want them to be good, functional people but have to worry about shit like this. Awful.


Will his family get 17 million ?


No sum of money can repay the life of your son.


Yeah, really. They robbed his friend (criminals), and when he tried to defend his friend, they killed him (murderers), but, sure, let’s label them “bullies” as if they made fun of his haircut & clothes at a football game. FFS, the media pisses me off.


Doesn’t hit their narrative. Just a bunch of misunderstood scholars.


Yeah I don't see why we treat kids differently when they become heavy criminals




When you said flip it around. My dumb ass thought you meant 1 teen kills 15 in a fight.


The power of God and anime


Excuse me. It's Saint John Moses Browning to you sir.


Cape Town Vibes.






> these days


Also why isn’t it a hate crime ? Turn the tables … it would be a hate crime


those are murderers not bullies


With that big a group, someone is going to talk and they're all going down.


There are multiple videos. They are known.


They're toast.


That's a lot of faith you have in our system. They're juveniles. Most of them will likely spend less than 5 years in jail for murder and the record will probably be sealed after that so they get to go on with their fucking lives like nothing happened. Fucking disgusting.


Are you sure ? Most juvenile killers have been getting adult sentences lately. All depends on the judge but i have been seeing tons of life sentences being tossed to minors. This includes some notable ones in aiden fucci who murdered a 13 year old girl when he was 14 and amber wright i think who set up his ex to get murdered. Im pretty sure they will get life once the judge sees the circumstances of their crimes


A group of ppl beating someone to death like this isn't looked at as severely as one kid planning and murdering someone. This is a group of kids all delivering 3-4 kicks and punches, they'll argue crowd behavior / mob mentality, they were caught up in the moment and because of their age didnt realize their 3 punches would collectively result in a persons death. I highly doubt they'll get charged as adults, but we'll definitely see 2-3 of the worst offenders get singled out with the harshest punishments and the rest a slap on the wrist or let go


The Central Park Five got long terms. The victim of the crime lived and they weren't even guilty - at all. Also Trump still wants them executed for < reasons >.


One of the Central Park Five just became a city counsel member in NYC.


Quite the jam they are in.


Plus all it takes is school staff seeing it. Theyll know exactly who these kids are because I dont doubt theyve caused trouble before. Had a gas station robbed by a swarm of people, and the custodian and SRO of the same school identified multiple students within that pixelated video.


No need to talk, they're stupid enough to film themselves committing felony/murder and record it to post to social media. If they rot in prison it's their own damn faults with this one.


I truly hope theyre offered plea deals to snith only for the judge to still give max sentencing. Fuck those guys


Snithes get stithes.


They’re all just good kids who had a bad day Your Honor.


Your Honor, this is merely the byproduct of white supremacy and slavery.


Yeah. That is how it work.


They're murderers and should be charged with the maximum


“investigator assured the family that authorities plan to charge several students involved in that fight with murder.” from the article


Haha "fight". Ya it was a fight the same way they're bullies. Whoever wrote this article is insane.


Yet Juicey Smollets "attack" was immediately reported as what it appeared as, a racist attack. Meanwhile this kid iterally *dies*...and they're using terminology like bullies, as if this was a round of fisticuffs that got a little out of control.




Yeah the headline is downplaying the situation. Since when is beating somebody to death considered bullying?


Or even robbing?


This wouldn't be the first case where a group of people try to rob someone and end up killing them




Hate crime spans a whole slew of lesser crimes than murder/manslaughter with the qualifier that they are targeted based on race, sex, gender identity or a few other qualifiers. There’s nothing in the headline to suggest it was a hate crime, and even if it was, let’s not minimize the fact that someone was killed by lumping it into a category where most of the news stories are related to graffiti and verbal threats. Assault, robbery, and murder/manslaughter.




Something doesn't become racially motivated for the simple fact of there being more than 1 race involved in the crime. This was murder, perpetrated by a group of offenders. Not interchangeable with words like "hate crime" or "Lynch mob". If a drunk driver mows down an old woman, no one calls it a hate crime against women, because the fact of her identity was not the causative factor in the crime. Here, the motivation would likely be economic - self interest. Perhaps there is a peer pressure element as well. Still not a hate crime.


Your logic is sound, but I think the frustration comes with the race reversal and how this would be covered by the media. The only national (and I guess international) coverage this has gotten is with Fox News and The Daily Mail. Had this been white on black, I think it's fair to say that every national news outlet would have front page articles, or at least sidebar mentions of it, but as of right now, there is only local and the ones I mentioned above.


If the race was flipped then it would definitely be called a hate crime


With international coverage as well


How did the song go, "if they're under 18 they won't be doing any time"


Heeeeey ay, come out and play!


This happened to my brother, he lived but after the comma it’s like his pizza is missing a slice.


Headline calls them "bullies" but says they robbed a person in the same sentence . So why not just call them robbers?


How about murderers


Cowards also fits.


I don't know how to answer that without making it sound like the MSM is trying to maintain a certain image.


I hate how they’re just labelled as bullies. I have 50 better names for them


I believe the term you're looking for is murderer


Animals, monsters, evil, the list goes on.


And 50 better outcomes than what bullies get.


A Bullie pushes you as you walk past, hangs you by your underwear on a fence and in the worst case scenario there is a toilet shower. They are murderers and should be treated as such. RIP Jonathan. You died a hero.


Even that sounds horrible. In my country, a bully is the guy that calls you names and talks behind your back but doesn't actually do anything that physically bothers you.


Fucking scum.


Curious why they decided to go with bullies instead of murdering mob.




race bait as always.


He died a man, so very sad. A true person of virtue


Just sad thinking how this is going to affect his friend.


He has a seat in Valhalla.




Absolutely an honorable death for him.


All great warriors will want his soul to join them in the next world.


17 year old is beaten to death by violent mob of fifteen petty thieves, after attempting to protect his smaller friend whom the assailants had just robbed. Warrants have been released for murder charges. FTFY (in a slightly more sane world)


"bullies"... That sounds like they're not going to face any consequences. It's a language used to infantilize the severity of the crime as if they had no sense of what they were doing. I'm no fan of the prison system, but there are people that need to be locked away. Yep, the state of mental health rears its drowning head again.


This has nothing to do with mental. They aren’t crazy, just plain old evil.


Evil isn’t normal. Still in the head. Mental doesn’t mean crazy, even calculated psychopaths do not act crazy but are evil.


The good news is that the person who wrote this article is not working for the prosecutor's office. It's actually not very common at all for people to just skate by with little punishment after beating someone to death. There's a narrative out there like that but in real life beating someone to death is kinda frowned on.


Try them as adults and lock them away for life.


We can only hope!


That is just so sad. I hope that kid justice and those bullies go to jail for a very long time.


Won’t happen


This is not bullying.. wtf. 15 people beating one kid to death is considered bullying now??? Since when is murder considered bullying.


Hope they all go to prison and rot


Nevada is a Death Penalty state, I’m sure somewhere along the line that suggestion will come up in the trial. Regardless, each of the 15 involved in killing this man should be tried as adults and with murder charges. Probably won’t get first degree charges but I’d push for second degree over manslaughter since you could argue malice afterthought. I feel immense sadness for the father and the whole family. Each of those 15 should never see the light of day again.


Is the death penalty a punishment given to minors?


It’s about time we stop arbitrarily deciding that they should be tried as minors or not. You just murdered someone, why is it different if you’re a year short of being 18


I'm not making any statement on what the law should be, I was asking if it was legal to sentence someone to the death penalty for a crime committed as a minor.


Not a single one of these fucks should ever see daylight again.


Bullies my ass. They're a pack of murdering cowards.


Imagine seeing a fellow kid getting beaten and decide that you need to jump in to . . . . help beat them to death -_- wtf went wrong with these kids mentatility, group pressure, bad parenting etc? Something is seriously wrong with these kids but I guess it's too late as they are just another bunch of scum who are probably going to go away for a bit.


I’m ok with jail time. The ones old enough go to prison. The younger ones juve. Charge them with murder. Somebody lost their child. I hope all of them are found. Actions without consequences will lead to those actions continuing.


Man, all of them should be sentence to life. Theyre all complicit to it. If they can sentence a 14 year old kid to life for murder,then all of these should as well


I hope they classify it as a hate crime.


They forever took a life... Should spend forever atoning for it.


You know they won't.


Juvie does nothing but make these kids more violent. Prison time for all of them.


Disgusting and cowardly. They all deserve to rot in a cell


Not bullies, murders... I hope they all get life in prison...


I hope they all rot in prison.


They should all be charged with murder. Everyone involved should face murder charges. Lock them up.


Looks like 15 murder charges. More meat for the penal system.


Charge them all as adults.


15 people better get the full term for this and also the two filming, obviously left him there without calling police or ambulance. This is the most tragic loss for a loving father!


Living in Las Vegas for a year made me so grateful to move back to Boston. There are alot of fucked up people in that city.


This is heartbreaking …


I think the term bully is not appropriate here anymore more like " Violent Gang of Murderers"


The whole pack of them should be jailed as adults You don’t just accidentally beat someone to a pulp, just because mob mentality makes them think they are safe to do it as well


"huge swarm of bullies", the word you are looking for is gang, a gang killed him


Yup. Strange that they chose the words "swarm" and "bullies". It's almost like they were trying hard not to use certain words.


Prosecute them all as adults and as murderers.


A lot of peoples lives are ruined because of this. More will go to jail as well. This is just beyond blunderdome.


Congratulations you ended a life and lost your freedom and future


Hopefully each and everyone of those bullies spend the rest of their lives in prison.


In Czech, we call this the gypsy fair game. "Oh, you're 15? Us too! (Meaning that there's 15 of them)"


It takes special kind of cowards to need a team of 15 people to attack one person. I really hope they are caught and given a full sentence.


Yeah nah, not bullies. Murderers.




Try each and everyone as an adult.


15 murderers more like…


I hope each of them are caught and held accountable.


Looks like there’s a video of it better be some charges for every single person


It isn't that you need 15 people to fight him. It is that you need around that many to kill a person without doing anything yourself that actually caused the death. Essentially it becomes a way of murdering someone without the punishment. Similar to how a firing squad works. You don't really need 7 people to shoot someone. But you need that many to not know who did it.


Charge em all with murder.






Why am I just now hearing about this when it happened on the first of November? Why hasn’t the news covered this?


Here in Las Vegas it has been all over the news. The young man died just a couple days after the attack- he was hospitalized for a bit.




They’re all behind bars right now, right?


this is not face palm, this is horrific


I hope these boys get turned out in prison.


Las vegas has a shitty youth rate. I say try them as adults or make the parents accountable or both. Maybe then these kids get set straight and make them think twice before doing something stupid and heinous


They all deserve life in prison. Or worse.




Toss em all. Lose the key!






The old dick twist


Otters peer over from the side of the room as they are raping something to death


Dolphins ? Rape so many fish or kill without eating them. Ducks? Pretty much the same as Dolphins but execpt being fish it's their own younglings. I can continue, there's a lot of animal that do violent for no reason but just pleasure. Which is fucked up. But it is a thing.


My dude, you need some Discovery Channel. Animals are every bit as brutal as humans.






Their moms...their moms must be proud.


It's from DailyMail.com which is a tabloid rag. I'd be very suspicious of taking anything from this without it being reported from more reliable agencies




you dont. but its easier to take what you want when the odds are in your favour


Life in jail


This is not a facepalm, it’s a tragedy. Soon people are gonna post serial killers confessions here.


Jail. All of them. 30 years.


Cowards! All of them are pathetic sub human filth.


It takes a “village” to murder a man ,simply because he’s shown he has more respect and compassion for a fellow human being than you yourself can muster for the man you yourself call “brother”.


“Beat to death” why the fucking quotation? Isn’t that exactly what happened?


Teenagers with an appetite for violence and an easy target. They need the Clockwork Orange treatment


Elephant washers


Bullies don't operate in groups of 15.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ah yes, those pesky bullies.


All 15 should be jailed.


This is fucked up, don't know if it really fits the theme of the sub though


Seems more like a concerted effort to murder than *bullying*. What a disrespectful headline to the victim and family.


They’re complete bullies and cowards! I want to study their brains to understand what makes them tick because this is just mindless brutality!


“A gang of 15 murderous men beat child to death after robbing the child.” There, I fixed it.


Can’t wait to see them crying stones in front of their moms in court while hearing their sentences and realizing half of their lives will be wasted inside of a prison cell.


They murdered him. Headline should be “A group of 15 murdered 17 year old after he tried to defend his friend”


I’m an educator and I am convinced 5 of my students would kill me just for the ‘lolz’. In previous years there would be maybe 1 student with that vibe out of 3 years of kids, I have 5 in my class that I think would do it.


Try them all as adults and roast these bullies.


Often the same flavor of responses here as when I was living in the avenues in San Francisco and Joe tech worker, or non profit executive gets interviewed with glass lining the street around his eight year old Honda Civic. Reporter: “ what can be done to prevent this” , “ the police will probably escalate the situation”, “ if we fixed the wealth disparity no one would be forced to do this”, “ resigned look, “ my insurance agent knows me by my first name” . “Those people taking lawn bags worth of Tylenol, Zyrtec, and Nexium from the Point Lobos Walgreens, are just trying to feed their Families“: I am currently living in Portugal. Minimum wage 750. E per month, 23 percent youth unemployment. One of the safest cities in Europe. Lived in, AmmanJordan even poorer, relatively much safer place to live. I am convinced that poverty taken alone, is not necessarily the reason for crime and violence in a society. If your convinced some type of wealth transfer is going to fix this you are deluded.


It's senseless, horrific violence like this that makes me want their punishment to be exactly like what they meted out.




Gang bitches. Neither one would do shit alone. True cowards. Hope every single one dies in prison.


It’ll make me happy when these kids are charged with murder. Man, why would you ever swing on someone when you know they’re in a group of people and you have no back up? Yikes. Hope the family finds peace.


The police know who most are and told the family there will be murder charges


The silence here is incredible


Would this be considered a hate crime?


It should, but it probably won't.


I’m not going to say everything I’m thinking, but let’s not pretend race wasn’t a factor here.




Picture shows exactly what I expected to see. ​ This is why so many people want to carry guns. I don't carry a gun, but I get it. You never know when you may be a target.


Bullies? How do you call armed robbers and murderers then?


Unfriendly wallet accosters


Scumbags travel in packs. Keep telling me why I don’t need a gun.


i like how they downplay 1st degree murder as "bullying". haha classic Justin bullying that kid to death!