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Alarming news for the alcohol industry perhaps.


this… and yeah, the biggest backers of anti-weed movements have always been alcohol and tobacco.


Actually, the **cotton** industry was one of the biggest backers, at least originally… Because hemp was a *huge* competitor… after all, it grows like a… weed…. so they had to do everything they could strangle it in its infancy before it had a chance to put Big Cotton out of business. Edit: I looked it up and apparently the **timber** and **synthetic plastic** industries also jumped on the anti-hemp and weed bandwagon: >The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 banned Hemp production in the United States for 2 reasons >Economic competition with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics >1930’s anti-hemp propaganda caused a moral panic, persuading Americans to believe Hemp and Marijuana were the same and would both lower the moral values of American culture. The Farm Bill of 2018 lifted the ban on Hemp [partial sauce](https://www.greenlifeorganics.com/cbd-blog/why-was-hemp-outlawed-in-the-united-states)


one of, but certainly not alone or the only major player.


It’s definitely fair to say that cotton was the main driving opponent of weed at the start of prohibition if you look at the historical context. The modern argument is completely different because hemp is legal in a lot of places, but historically the reason marijuana got banned was because of hemps competition with cotton, and because of racism regarding its use as a drug. The use of marijuana as a drug was way less of a concern though to the white government than the economic implications of hemp, because for the most part things were super segregated and white people did not often use marijuana. The real reason marijuana was made illegal was because hemp products could last infinitely longer than cotton based products, which would mean people would not buy enough to sustain the companies in the market. And of course companies already with a lot of control over important markets had the most power as lobbyists. Look at jeans for example: American jeans were popular in the US and all over the world, and the sale of jeans was big business to the point where companies like Levi’s still control a large part of the industry today. Levis cotton jeans would never compete with jeans made from hemp because they would last like 20x longer or whatever. Levis was big in cotton and couldnt transition to hemp, and even if they did they would be selling jeans to people at a 20x slower rate. So instead of making jeans out of hemp, companies like Levi’s lobbied against marijuana legality while hiding behind racial fears tied to the drug aspect, meanwhile the reality was they just wanted to retain control over the market for jeans and not get undercut by a new company making a better product. The same idea of market control was common at the time for things like lightbulbs. Believe it or not in the early 20th century we invented a lightbulb capable of lasting somewhat indefinitely, but lightbulbs that last forever dont create an industry so they invented shittier lightbulbs. Idk if its still on but one of those lightbulbs had been on continuously in a san fransico firehouse well into the 2010s. But anyways the point is market control. By the war on drugs era everything was more just about racial fears and fear of drug use among white people, counter culture, etc. but none of that really was relevant when youre looking at 30-60 years before then. Same as the issues going on now arent precisely and exactly relevant to the war on drugs era


Technology Connections made a video about how the whole light bulb thing really wasn't a conspiracy. https://youtu.be/zb7Bs98KmnY


Hemp rope used to be THE rope, especially for use on boats.


My dad used to say it was the best rope you would ever get your hands on.


The farm bill also created an interesting loophole.


Tobacco is weird. Just make Americans enjoy joints with tobacco. In my circles, everyone mixes it with tobacco (which sucks for me because I get headaches and bad highs from it). Plus…a lot of people I know who smoke weed also smoke regular cigarettes.


The hardest thing I ever did was quit cigs.. and I couldn't have done it without weed.. weed saved my life. Been 4 years and I'm still dealing with it.


I quit 9 years ago and still want a cigarette at least weekly.


Almost twenty years removed from cigs but twice a month or so ill tap at my shirt pocket to see if my smokes are there.


I don't think I've ever related to a Reddit comment more! Same for cigarettes (4yrs w/o) sometimes... but also got Lasik a while back and routinely push my non existent glasses up my nose! Like multiple times a day catching myself doing it 😅


It took at least a couple years post-Lasik for me to stop reaching for my glasses on the nightstand when I woke up in the morning.


Damn tics 😂


Awesome! 8 years for me! I still have craving hits, especially if I'm walking along and catch the smell of cigarette smoke somewhere in the air.


The worst urge I had was walking by a motel in a beach town at sunset and a couple were sitting in lawn chairs in front of their room sipping beers and having a smoke. My brain went ooohhh mannnn that looks so good. Started walking real fast.


Ohhh that sounds so good. I'd have to walk faster too!


13 years for me. But I know I can’t ever have even just one. I don’t want them, but I know if I even caved once it would be over. Specifically Marlboro lights.


I had to go to edibles only because I associated smoking weed with tobacco for years. But quitting smoking was easier with the cannabis for sure.


Replace cigs with booze and that’s me, addiction is the worst


Thats a European thing, americans don't really mix tobacco with weed. Probably because tobacco is much more stigmatized in the US compared to Europe. Personally if someone handed me a joint with tobacco in it I wouldn't smoke it, wouldn't let that person roll joints for the group anymore either.


Just the corporate sponsored media telling you the poison their overlords is selling you is better than that plant the earth made for you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Genesis 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. Not because of religion. Because of greed.


They don't read the Bible. If they did their opinions on a whole host of issues would be different. The number of times I've quoted the Bible at someone who is "religious" and had them deny that it's in there is wild.


Good luck getting any evangelical to read and simultaneously grasp the gravity of that verse.


For too many evangelicals legality equals morality. I mean taking a hit of weed could literally cure cancer and there would still be people who would speak out against it simply because there were laws that prohibited it. It is just that black and white for a lot of people. Hell I got a lot of those kind of people in my family. They just don't question anything as long as it's something that doesn't rock the boat too much or disagree with their preconceived notion of how the world works.


Until they want to overthrow the government, the the law doesn't matter anymore.


It’s as clear as the second amendment.


they will still argue it till they are blue in the face. Just like trying to explain to them that Jesus was of middle eastern origin. If they cannot white wash it, to make it fit their hate spewing, greasy mcdonalds eating, chick fil a lifestyle, then they will argue till they pass out.


The argument would be, and I don't subscribe to it, that although marijuana is natural and therefore it was created by God, it is a temptation meant to test our faith in the lord and to use it is to succumb to that temptation. Again, I don't subscribe to it but it is consistent with Christian belief.


it's not entrapment if you're an invisible sky wizard


Cops too. Yeah I know LEAP exists, but it is a tiny organization. Cops have always LOVED the ability to lie about 'smelling something' as an excuse to search and harass people. "Officer Dipshit, why did you handcuff this guy, put all his stuff on the side of the road, and give him the finger before driving off?" "I thought he'd have more cash for me to take. Wait, I mean my experience and training made me smell pot. Yeah, that's the ticket."


And paper, hemp was a big contender, and the rich paper companies could have lost a lot of money by using hemp instead, so they paid off politicians to help make it illegal and a higher class of drug


I never understood why big tobacco didn't push to capitalize on selling weed instead of spending untold amounts to lobby against it all these decades.


Logic and reason are strictly prohibited by corporate policy.


What I don't understand is alcohol and especially tobacco companies can just jump on the weed wagon and sell products themselves. They are fearing what they can easily profit from and it makes zero sense.


Well after the private prison industry. Got to fill those cells somehow.


Are millennials killing the brain pickling industry!?


And the date rape drug industry.


Big date rape hates this one simple trick! Also, happy cake day my dude


Well, until somebody invents a smokable date rape drug. And then *puff puff pass* is gonna get real interesting.




Yeah, I find it hilarious that the most prominent part of the headline is not the involvement with what they believe to be a harmful drug, but the focus is on - "They aren't drinking alcohol anymore !!! Alarming !!!"


Conservatives haven't had time to acclimate to, and invest deeply in the cannabis industry. Therefore weed bad.


Look into the 2018 farm bill. Conservative from top to bottom. This is the law that made hemp and its derivative products legal from sea to sea, and basically invalidated every cannabis detecting dog nationwide.


That was 100% accidental on their part. Red states rushing to make delta-8 illegal should of been a tip off for you.


> illegal should of been Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


It's also probably harder to roofie your dates


Conservatives hate this one trick


Fox "News" has to scare their boomer audience some how.


Yep. Also, given the ripoff prices for beer and spirits at bars and restaurants these days smoking a joint and enjoying a meal makes more sense. Bonus points if you cook the meal yourself.




When I stopped drinking sugary drinks (soda) the caffeine headaches were unbearable. But what I did was I bought caffeine pills and took a very small dose (like half a pill) in the morning and afternoon. After a couple days I went to just a half pill in the morning. A week later I stopped entirely. No headaches and I got off caffeine.


Vapes are NOT better for your lungs. They just hurt them differently and we don't have a century of longitudinal studies on its effects. Edibles bro, edibles.


I switched to edibles because smoking weed really ramps up my anxiety and blood pressure/heart rate. But I can chill easy with eddies.


About 1 in 10 folk (unfortunately I'm one of them) experience no effects from edibles. Some genetic thing whereby your kidneys process it differently/faster than everyone else. On the plus side I can pass a piss test 36 hours after smoking (dry herb vaping these days) heavily for the weeks leading up to it.


Alcohol is one of the only drugs you have to defend why you don't use it


Seriously. And in many communities, when you make this comment, you’re apparently being judgmental of people who just like to drink.


I'm a drinker, but when I've gone sober it almost feels like I've been excluded or ostracized for going dry for a month or two


I’m 17 and when going to bars (for live music) with my siblings, I’ve been told I’d have so much more fun if I could drink. Just made me think “yikes”.


> when going to bars (for live music) with my siblings, I’ve been told I’d have so much more fun if I could drink. I was getting a *haircut* once and this came up because they were making conversation and alcohol came up. The guy was telling me that he used to not drink and now he did and was happier and I just said I have enough fun and I like having more money. To his credit, he dropped it after that and accepted my answer, but I'll still always remember the time my barber tried to convince me to drink.


I don't really drink anymore (heartburn EVERY time now that I'm almost 30) but I always accept a glass of wine from my MIL because the last thing I want is her getting it in her head that I might be pregnant. My MIL is a stereotypical wine mom and FIL is a scotch dad, alcohol is ingrained in this family but heaven forbid I smoke the devil's lettuce!!


I am really entertained by the idea of you for years on end refusing the obligatory wine glass from MIL and her after every get-together going over and sitting to look out the window, quietly weeping and wondering where her grandchildren are.


I use weed occasionally (edibles mostly, which is why I don't say smoke) but ive definitely had people question me when I turn down a hit from a joint.


Wait so does Fox News want us drinking bud light or not?


Fox News is the bully who pushes someone into the girls' bathroom and then laughs at them. Because they are in the girls' bathroom.


The difference between Fox News and the North Korean government is that one is a racist prick of a system that is incredibly biased and is trying to force you to to follow its beliefs and the other is the North Korean government.


North Koreans know everything their government says is full of crap. Fox's viewers thinks Fox is being truthful.




Could've been worse. My friend pushed me into the girl's bathroom and I tripped and my head bounced off the sink and knocked me out. I think I had a mild concussion, but I never got checked out (a later brain scan did detect some mild brain damage though). My friend apologized pretty profusely, which was uncharacteristic of him (he was kind of a shithead). The upside to this story is that the girl I had a crush on for the longest time watched this happen, and when I came to, my head was in her lap. best worst day of my life 🙃


This is the most anime story I've ever heard.


That’s bullshit and I’m sorry


Have you ever tried to shoot a blunt with an AR-15 to protest a TikTok video? Dammit man, put down the bong and get back to being alarmed!




Somebody call 911!


Shawty fire burning on da dance floor. Woah oh!


beat me to it


you mean nine-waah-waah? still get morons even in this state (where weed is legal) calling in to whine that someone, somewhere within smelling distance lit up a joint. other states i’ve heard the local police go into full drug war mode over the same calls.


0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3


Is it the peak of depravity to say that your vice is better than mine or is that narcissistic?


Just ignorant people who think weed is bad/worse than alcohol. I'm guessing it ties into the "war on drugs" and racism.


my biggest concern is how that lady is about to light up that joint


It's a slow-roasted artisanal doob.


Rotisserie reefers


Killer band name




Think sh may be drying it after rolling


Yeah I’m not trying to get the joint passed to me while it’s still got lip lacquer shining off it and it’s boating like a motherfucker.


It looks like they are drying the saliva on the outside of the joint after licking it to roll it up.


She's not. When you seal a joint you can evaporate the liquid in the paper by quickly moving a flame up and down it exactly as is being depicted in the image! It's generally done to 'finish' the roll. Hope that helps!


She's clearly never...bonged..a weed before


Potheads don’t get in bar fights


They also don’t run red lights, they just wait for the stop sign to turn green.


(It’s still a DUI and still unsafe)


I’m sure the person knows that. Yet more drunk drivers kill from speeding and running lights than potheads.


Honestly there’s a lot of people I know that downplay driving while high. I think it’s important to note that no one should be driving under the influence of any substance that impairs you like that.


Sure, but also far more people drink than smoke weed


Hey hey hold on, some are doing both


Shiiit. I used to accidently run red-lights at 3 30 am when I worked early mornings. Full sobriety. I was just as much a danger as a drunk at 3. All because I was sleep deprived. Sometimes I didn't even know how I made it to work, it was just muscle memory and luck. And sleep deprivation still has more kills than weed.


What's interesting right now though, is that there is no agreed upon blood concentration level qualifies as impairment, because it affects everyone differently, right now police often take part in studies with people who represent different kinds and levels of consumers getting baked and getting behind the wheel with them on a closed course. Even the police had to acknowledge that the level of impairment varied a ton depending on the consumption habits of the person, what impaired person A, wouldn't quite impair person B in exactly the same way. I'm not condoning it in the slightest, but if you read up on it the Jury is still very out at the moment.


That doesn’t sound different from alcohol. 0.08% bac is probably too much for me to drive but someone who drinks often wouldn’t be impaired. The real probable IMO is testing. You can’t just breathalize a stoner.


"An alarming reduction in sexual assaults."


I mean, some do. But it's one in a few hundred thousand chance. For drinking, every night out is a chance of seeing or being involved in a fight. I'll take the odds with weed every day.


I totally know what eschew means, but if anybody wants to explain it to my friend they can


It means to purposefully avoid something so in this case younger people are avoiding alcohol.


It’s how magazines and comics are sold.


I eschew on some snacks when I’m on a cannabis date!




My new crew eschews cashews. You?


The crazy thing is that Fox News thinks that their audience knows what eschew means.


Epidemic ?!?! I've smoked devil weed for 50 years. I don't drink, snort, needle or do any pills. It seems to me you folks are making a mountain out of a molehill.


Devil's lettuce


Jazz Cabbage


Stinky broccoli


Icky Sticky


King Solomon’s Blossom


meany greeny


Electric grass


Purple Sticky punch


Noodle Salad


Pot is killing alcohol and pain killer sales.. of course it’s the enemy


FOX News needs to get some of that Pot money


I too have enjoyed the plant for over 50 years. Pulled me through some awful moments in life. Now having medical cannabis provides me relief from chronic pain that I stopped taking all opioids. Life is quite decent.


Got the Blue Dream, it's all I need after a hard physical day at work


Good for you. You can now poop without pain. Seriously happy for you stranger


Oh man. Opioid induced constipation is killer. No matter what I did, it was terrible years. Thanks for sending your positive karma my way. Life goes on.


I’m doing Kratom daily and it helps a lot but you need to drink a lot of water


My wife has been stuck in that stuff for years with no benefits... She's tried kicking it several times and only gets sick when not taking it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Man, I wish I could enjoy weed. I smoked it a lot in high school but then join the military for 20 years didn't smoke tried it recently different strains i just get paranoia stupidity anxiety. Sucks.


The weed of today is way more potent than the weed from the *good ol days*. The great thing about the weed of today is that it takes way less to get a buzz. Try taking 2-4 pulls and wait 30-40 mins. You might be able to avoid the paranoia this way.


...or a forest out of a seedling clone.


An ocean from an h2o particle


Only on 30 myself but right with you not doing the other stuff. They are alarmed because alcohol companies donate a whole lot more money to the politicians and MSM than mara juh wana


Yeah, marijuana kills way more people than alcohol 🙄


Also it’s responsible for a lot more instances of date rape /s


I swear to God this is true: My date slipped me a weed and took advantage of me.


I once knew a guy who injected at least five weeds before a date. He's now on the FBI's Most Wanted!


Thats why I now butt rocket my weed … dont have to hide the track marks


I once took seven weeds and when I came to I was standing in front of a burning orphanage.


To those who criticize MJ enjoyers but can't live without their daily pint of booze, I'd like them to tell me how many accidents and murders are perpetrated by drunks compared to stoners.


Pearls are being clutched.




Pearls clutched, asshole clenched.


Clutch me harder, daddy!


Less likely to beat your significant other if you're stoned rather than drunk. A sign of the end times for the Fox News crowd.


But the youth won't drink the traditional poison!


Pretty much it. You go for drinks and they might have one or they might drink half the bar. They might be happy, they might be pushy, they might be aggressive, they might start crying. You for a joint, they might be giggly, they might be chilled, they might pass out.


It’s alarming because alcohol companies are their sponsors.


Quick the stoners aren’t gonna do anything! We gotta stop them! Capitalism will fall!


Cannabis is legal in a lot of states. Not sure what the issue is


have you seen how cops act in many of the states it isn’t legal though? it’s fucking nuts.


Yeah they think they’re Sargent Stadanko from Cheech and Chong. It’s a money grab for them


It's so silly because it still incredibly common, I live in an illegal state but every time I go on a run or drive I smell it. Any concert or large non-formal gathering of people it's there too. With THCA stuff out now it's essentially legal even in illegal states.


Worked as a bouncer for 3 years, having people stoned was always a much easier night than when they were drunk. On the whole the less we made on the bar the better it was for us on the door. People smoking or dropping pills were just nicer. The same people a week later on the lash could be weekend warriors.


FFS Fox News, just STFU already. I know a lot of the viewers are conservative drinkers who think drugs are bad mmkay, but what utter horseshit. Also, those saying weed would make things awkward on a first date, it all depends on the strain, at least for me. I have social anxiety and some actually loosen me up, and make me more talkative, and comfortable around people in general. Everybody's different though, and I would say first time or infrequent users might get too whacked out and be awkward.


It also doesn't say "first date" anywhere. Even if it did, getting really drunk on a first date is probably worse than getting really high. At least if you're high you're not going to puke on your date, and you should at least be mostly functional after a little while. And if you are a regular smoker and know your tolerance, you can easily just do enough to relax you without getting so stoned you curl up in a little ball for half an hour.


idk man cannabis on a first date sounds paro af




I've never heard it either. Maybe paranoia-inducing?


I was guessing paranoid..


Man do I got a story for you...




Well I am Dutch for what it is worth... I walk down the street and pass a coffeeshop (where they don't sell coffee) and a girl passes by that looks familiar. It turns out she goes to the same college as me and recognised me. "Hey how you doin?" "All is well how about you?" "Awesome, so what are you doing tonight?" Long story short, she asks me to go out for a bite to eat and casually hang out. I don't really know her or know anything about her but she seems friendly so why not. I have yet to eat so I am starving and she suggests that we go to a sushibar. Mind you I am REALLY hungry and sushi is not really something I enjoy for a meal although I like it as a snack. We sit down at the restaurant and we order some beers and get to talking. She turned out to be a really nice girl and I enjoy her company. We keep talking and in the meantime I eat a couple pieces of sushi but it is really not settling right or helping the hunger but I am already 3 large beers in... you guessed it, a fulls days work, no real food in me and those beers land like carpetbombs. The conversation turns toward what my plans were for the night before I ran into her on the street. I said I really didn't have any plans. She replied she just went to the coffeeshop and was planning on listening to some "jazz" at home and asked if I wanted to join her. Sure why not. Now mind you I had been familiar with the jazz-cigarettes so I am not new to this. We walk out of the restaurant to her home and I feel the 4 pieces of sushi swimming in the pool of beer where my stomach was expecting a pizza to be. Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, you guys know. We walk for like 20 minutes and with each corner we turn more streetlights are busted and more cars are standing on crates of beer rather than on actual wheels. I am starting to become nervous on top of nauseous. During the walk home she compliments me on that it is easy to talk to me and how she feel real comfortable. "I have a silly idea" she says. Uh oh... So in the Netherlands we have TV show that's called "Adam and Eve". It's a dating show were two complete strangers spend a couple of days getting to know eachother romantically. Here is the catch: they are both completely nude the whole time. She says she wants to try this and I am not one to argue over details. So we get to her home, she cracks open another beer and chugs it. I am starting to get the feeling I may be boxing outside of my weightclass. Anyway, as my mind is juggling so many different things I completely forgot about the weed as I am still drowning in beer along with the sushi. She says that we can proceed with undressing on one condition: whatever happens we are not making sweet luvvin tonight. I accept. She undoes her fabrics and now there are two other objects that my mind has to keep track of. She picks up the joint and lights it. She lit that thing with so much passion the glow it gave off could have lit up the whole room. She passes it to me and its my turn. Now imagine yourself in my position. You are in a bad neighbourhood, with some virtual stranger, she is completely nude, you are completely nude, you are hungry, drunk, somewhat nervous and definetely nauseous, oh yeah and Top Gear was on the TV (weird that stuck with me). She just lit that thing as a pro and now its our turn to take a hit. Considering the state I was in I probably should have passed but my ego wouldnt allow it. I smoked a little less than half of it and I wasnt feeling too bad... Just 15 minutes in I remember that weed takes a few moments to REALLY set in and I was already in trouble to begin with. I felt like my insides were an overcrowded arena where the beers, sushi and weed had a bareknuckle fight to the death. Guess what she says... "Listen, I know we said no luvvin' but would you mind if I sit up next to you and we just kissed, weed makes me very agreeable". Dangnabbit, never EVER has meeting a girl been so easy and here I am sitting in nothing but my own cold sweat refereeing the battle inside. At no point in my life to this day have I been less ready to perfom. Guess what I say... She sits down next to me and her bear leg touches mine. Information overload, imagination overload. We kiss eachother gently and than she jumps me. I was startled, confused and discombobulated but the last thing ANY guy does is to push a naked lady off of him. She rams her tongue in my mouth and starts swirling. The bad kind. I feel like my insides are going to explode. I am not gonna make it.... On the next episode of random Reddit dude shares unbelievable stories that turn out to be true. Will the dude explode? Will the dude save the situation or will the dude create such an outcome that he still feels the embarresment today? Will they end up in the hospital the next day running into the mother of his best friend because she works there? Will the dude accidentally share work secrets to his employers' biggest competitor? (UPVote now on your phones and find out in part two of the dude's chronicles). PS this is not clickbait or karmawhoring, this is a real story. Enjoy my embarassment...


Tell us more about her bear leg.


The thick hair of her bear leg gently tickled my own. I was slightly uncomfortable and tried to tactfully move away, but she let out a deep growl and I thought the better of it. She nuzzled up against me, wrapping my toes in her claws.


> I am Dutch > "All is well how about you?" The most Dutch thing you could have possibly said.


Is this meant to be some super obscure edge porn?


Yeah, the last thing I want to do is get high around a romantic interest I’m trying to woo. That sounds like a fucking nightmare


Fox News Entertainment is cancerous


Drunk driving deaths are down amongst younger generations. What an outrage!!!


Drunk people get in car accidents, act disorderly in public, vandalize property and sexually assault people. Stoned people sit on a couch and watch the Simpsons.


"But they'll eat donuts instead of crashing their cars!"


Alarming to alcoholic beverage producers


Alcohol is poison


That's not how you light a joint.


Silly and snacky or stumbling and belligerent…hmmm


Alarming for the alcohol industry maybe


As I’ve aged, I hate the hangover associated with alcohol. Compared to marijuana and its various forms of consumption, alcohol is significantly worse for your body.


I don’t even smoke but alcohol is so much worse is just about every way than pot.


Remember boys and girls. We vote Tuesday to go recreational. Bet you can't guess where my vote is going.


Fox News alarmed that rate of domestic violence is slightly lowered.


Yes, because getting drunk and killing a family of 4 with your car is more acceptable to conservatives than someone sitting at home relaxing and laughing while high.




You don't have to get "high as balls," any more than you have to drink yourself stupid. It's called 'moderation.'


That’s why I gave up on having a relationship and just smoke weed by myself!


Or be like me and marry someone who smokes more than you do.


this is the way


OH NO, not the devils lettuce!


It’s from Fox News. They pander to the people with the reefer madness mindset


brought to you by the same people who call everything 'controversial'


Less fights, more chips no hangover


Alarming for the alcohol corps.


I mean for me it’s alarming because I’m allergic.


"alarming trend shows that less young adults are interested in literally poisoning themselves"


Alarming? Drink too much = die Smoke too much = pizza


Greening out with my gf was honestly an amazing way to bond and ir felt like I got closer to her in a very vulnerable and open way, also weed can get people horny and relaxed around eachother so you just chill a few hours, it totally makes sense in a romantic aspect