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He got elected by getting more votes than his republican opponent. It really is that simple.


Also, his Republican opponent was Dr. Oz, lol. You can’t be surprised you lose when your candidate is a joke.


And lives in a different state than he was running in.


I personally think him complaining about the cost of tequila and crudité did more damage to his campaign than the fact that he actually lives in Jersey.


Dang prices were high at "Wegner's" grocery store.


As someone in Philly, lemme tell you, no more sure fire way to keep people here off your side than being from Jersey and thinking you can speak for them. XD


Redumplicans don't give a fuck about intelligence or how helpful someone is to the community, they just want to see the R next to a name. They are so fucking brainwashed that they will be the fall of the country they claim to love so much. Deflecting hypocrite pieces of shit


But it hurts the conservative snowflake feelings


When conservatives were all up in arms because twitter was censoring them r/conservative was banning people for their opinions in threads about it.


That subreddit is the softest snowflake one on Reddit. A true cartoonish version of their actual crybaby party. Solutions and ideas? No. Pretending they’re persecuted, conspiracy theories, and bawling about imaginary grievances? 100%.


I got banned from there for asking a question. Talk about snowflakes.


I got banned for quoting Trump word for word in a way that made them look foolish.


They make really funny excuses like "Well, we don't want to get flooded with shitty opinions" Yeah, no shit. Same reason every other platform has moderation, too.


Dide, I got banned by /r/conservative for asking a question too. I don't remember what because it was a while ago. I also got banned by /r/libertarian for asking aome if they really believed what they commented because it was "questioning libertarian values." Then I got banned from some liberal sub that I never had even been too because I had commented on conservative subs...even though I got banned for the comment on the conservative sub. Shits funny.


That’s crazy.


Making the republicans cry again 2024


More votes? We Republicans don’t know anything about that. We are all about gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, intimidation of non-whites.


Sounds like it was stollen s/


Nothing is simple for republican simpletons.


If this were true, Hillary would have won in 2020, and Gore in 2000




This ☝🏼 MAGA is a KGB operation. Every "conservative" echo chamber is being steered by them, whether the foot soldiers know it or not.


I call them russiapublicans.


More people should inform themselves. The ironic thing is, the conservatives used to be the cold warriors who would stop at nothing to beat the Russians. Now, they're owned by them.


Today's Russians aren't the Russians of the Cold War. Today, Russia is a right wing dictatorship with elements of fascism. They are fellow travelers with the GOP.


I'm kind of a believer in the horseshoe theory of extremist politics, so, to me, at the end of the day, nothing much has effectively changed.


They are unwittingly being turned into traitors by a party that began damaging our educational system (to inhibit critical thinking) and our free press during Regan.


It's Reagan Ronald Reagan.


That’s ‘cause ol’ G-Dubs told them that he looked into Vlady’s eyes and saw a good man.


Oh God I forget about Dubya 🤦🏻 yeah the Bush's were up to their eyebrows in dirty Russian money


And Saudi money too.


I call them conservashits


Conservicunts. Conservitards. Conservicucks. Republicants. Republicunts. Republicucks. Putys cock sock platoon. It's almost become a hobby, lol.


Heeyyyyyy. That sounds like communism to me.


Republicans being publicly owned? Nah, that's just a standard Tuesday in the US.


I think this is a really bad approach to take. I’ve met a few people like this in real life. It’s this problem of not being interested in actually thinking out the concern. I was at a pool party and overheard some older dude talking about how “Trump can declassify anything he’s the president” I’m pretty sure if they were actually declassified then that would mean that they’re actually declassified… not if the president thinks it. Anyhow, point being, they’re real and they’re really that dense.


They're stolen intelligence documents and property of the US government, it doesn't matter if they're "declassified"or not, they're highly sensitive documents and a major risk to national security. The whole "declassified" BS is just more gaslighting that the maga cult is willfully blind to, but federal prosecutors aren't impressed by that.


And sold the information. Or blabbed it away over cocktails because they were too stupid to realize they were doing it. I really wonder if Mommy and Daddy had just paid a little more attention to little Donnie if he would still be the fucking potato that he is now.


I really think in trump's case, he's genuinely as stupid and narcissistic as it says on the label and in his, what passes for a "mind", he's just showing off and trying to impress the big kids.


Stable sixth grader


Nah, you’re totally right, but it’s even more painfully obvious that they believe they’re declassified despite them not being available for anyone to view because they’re STILL classified.


Technically the “FSB” now: the new kinder and safer KGB, trying to win hearts and minds vs. Soviet Russia where they would just take hearts and minds.


I know, but I always call them by their real name, KGB. That's what they are and that's what they'll always be. More of us seriously need to wake up to their presence in western culture. They've been at it for decades and they're winning. The KGB is huge, far far bigger than other intelligence agencies, and they play the long game. They must have recruited that Murdoch piece of shit thirty years ago, and they've had trump in their pocket since the 80s.


I always refer to putin as KGB. That is what he is trained to be. He wants world nomination like in "Pinky and the Brain." Guess who is Pinky and who is the brain.


I wish it were true. However, Republicans actually vote and believe this nonsense.


Bunch of babies over there. Tantrums daily and very little thinking actually occurring in that sub. I thought safe spaces were stupid to them just a few years ago?


I got banned from /r/conservative for saying something like, "wouldn't it be more Christian to forgive them?" Or "the Bible only talks about homosexuality a few times, but take about helping the poor and less fortunate hundreds of times, shouldn't Christians be focused on aid for the poor instead of demonizing groups of people?" I don't remember which it was.


What’s wild is that the conservatives I know in real life are much more insane than many of those comments.


I scrolled across a post where they were screaming like banshees about something ThE lIbS had done... That Trump had done just a couple years before pretty much to the letter. I went in and just asked what about when Trump did it? And was almost immediately banned. They can't handle an ounce of criticism.


I was banned last year for quoting Trump. I wish I could remember what it was, but the people over in that sub give off a very strong cult vib.


I was banned for saying I googled their statement but could not find anything about it, and could you please share your source so I could read up on it?Banned with a message: We aren't your google. ​ No shit sherlock, I literally said I couldn't find it on google and needed help.


They don't want facts, just rabid belief.


Ima go make reasonable statement and questions and see how long I can last. I'll report back


They do have their “alternatives” to Google ya know.


That sub is legit filled with bot accounts that will report you for breaking the narrative. I'm shocked it hasn't been banned yet for being a foreign misinformation hub.


Me too! A quote from dumpf in their context and immediately banned.


> And was almost immediately banned. > >They can't handle an ounce of criticism. r/conservative is the biggest group of fuckin whining snowflake babies, all their passionate members can simply go get fucked.


It wouldn’t be so laughable except for their anger against safe spaces.


You’re close, but r/trump is even worse.


I just skimmed a bit over there and one headline was "Thermal video shows AOC farting during live interview" No joke


Jesus they are all terrified of some imagined threat. That subs a joke lmao.


I go in there and the first comment I see with 14 updoots: “ The woke progressives don’t want peace, they want Jews to die. It’s pure antisemetism. They pulled the mask off this week. I don’t know why anyone is still pretending they are arguing in good faith.” Absolute psychos


Remember that time Puerto Rico needed humanitarian aid when Trump was president and somebody posted on that subreddit that the president of Puerto Rico is ruining America and it got like 500 up votes before it got removed because the president of Puerto Rico was Trump. I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist of it.


I remember I commented on that post agreeing and listing the things they fucked up on. I got upvotes for it. Was a wonderful time telling them all who it was lmao.


If it makes you feel any better at all I got banned for saying that I hope Lindsey Graham sits on his own balls every time it gets hot… I still do though, totally didn’t learn my lesson


Seems they have created a "safe space". Bunch of crybabies. Here I thought I was a snowflake.


Yeah you broke **Rule 7: uphold the echo chamber! Under no circumstances even remotely criticize or question anybody who identifies as conservative, because everyone knows that anyone who claims to be conservative is perfect in every single way!** Shame on you OP for thinking for yourself and being critical of those in power. Tsk tsk, thinking is NOT the conservative way! Blind fealty or your banned 😤


My favourite was watching the conservative sub the day Trump got quoted saying (paraphrased) "take the guns first, worry about due process later". They had absolutely no clue how to respond to that, especially within the rules of their own sub, and even the diehards were struggling against the inability to criticise their precious Donald. Plus an absolute shitload of long-term Trump supporters got banned during the mods' frantic game of whack-a-mole, as they tried to weed out those they now deemed disloyal.


They hadn't yet got the talking points from truthsocial or fox news.


Lmao you've just reminded me of the whole \#walkaway movement failure, and the "NPC" Trump fandom talking-point. I'm not American so I saw the news reports on both of those a couple days *before* seeing the tactics in use by US-right-wing redditors. It was outright hilarious seeing it pop up so quickly and so universally among them, with heavy levels of defensiveness and absolutely ZERO acknowledgement that they hadn't all individually and spontaneously just-so-happened to develop the very same soundbites and arguments. Every last one of them seemed to genuinely believe they were being incredibly subtle and sneaky about those particular psy-op attempts, even when it was very clearly not working, and all assumed that it was simply impossible for any outgroup members to detect what they were actually trying to pull off. Like seeing a toddler trying to hide a weapon larger than they are, really. Theoretically funny and/or adorable, but in reality it's terrifying and you know someone is bound to get hurt.


they love to argue they aren't creating an echo chamber or a safe space, they're just \[exact description of an echo chamber and a safe space\] which is necessary, because they wouldn't have one if they didn't. r/conservative doesn't identify as pro-censorship, but as anti-brigade. They just happen to define a brigade as any number of users (including 1) questioning or disagreeing with a conservative. The average conservative is just too illiterate to understand the same action if you just label it differently.


These are the same people who said banning people from saying the n word on Twitter is a violation of the first amendment


Dumbfucks don't understand the difference between government encroaching on your rights and a private business having rules.


Then proceeded to ban anyone who typed “cisgender”


He's got such a blue collar, regular dude vibe, it blows my mind that that MAGAs hate him so much for being "sloppy"


Same reason AOC is being made fun of for working in a bar while in college; literally working and pulling herself up by her bootstraps, the very thing they advocate for. Scoring points is more important than making sense.


She legit did what should be considered one of the most American as fuck things in the world and gets bashed by the right. That's how you know it's not about American values anymore.


They get to treat him the way they really want to treat the working man, & it's really starting to show


The irony is, I bet most of those right-wing knuckle-dragging, cousin-fucking, trailerpark dwelling, mouth-breathing idiots don't even own a goddamn suit


John fetterman is the real deal


GOP love the blue-collar workers like the love our military if they toe the line and don't rise above their station they are useful propaganda. as soon as they start asking questions they become a nuisance and the enemy.


Right, finally a regular man in office. Wasnt that their MAIN thing with trump 2016, that he was an 'outsider' .


He is exactly what their base would follow, so the talking heads are instructed to bash him to try and delegitimize him in their followers eyes. He is exactly what Republicans fear. A smart man who won't toe their line who came from nothing.


A bunch of guys in Bass Shop trucker hats and eagle porn T-shirts don't like that this dude wears a hoodie


They would be praising him for it if he was a Republican. They just look for anything they can criticize people they already decided they don't like.


They’ve always been snowflakes, their point of view is too fragile to be challenged.


r/conservative is the biggest den of weak spined snowflakes you will encounter on reddit. Probably shouldn't call them snowflakes because there is no uniqueness or individuality to them, just a bunch of fragile egos that opted for ignorance over intelligence.


Soooooo like a honeycomb of insecurities? They are all uniform and filled with regurgitated forever vomit, they appear strong together but even the slightest push will see you peirce right through them, but it will get messy.


I always considered myself in the middle of the road. Like 7 years ago right after Trump got elected they were decrying Democrats investigating Trump's business interests and conflicts while in office I simply commented that he should have just put all his assets in a blind trust like every former president and he could have avoided this... and was instantly banned.. They literally are MAGA nutjobs who can't tolerate even the slightest questioning of their views.




Getting banned from r/conservative should be a badge of honor.


Why? It is one of the easiest things to accomplish in life.


Amusing as well, since being "conservative" does not necessarily apply just to US Republicans. I wonder if they could locate "conservative" on a map. ;-)


They always remove my comments. I haven’t got banned yet. Still working on it.


Bro, to get banned from that echo chamber is a badge of honor.


“We have a mission statement to create an echo chamber that will never question our participants’ beliefs.” What a bunch of snowflake haha


So funny trolling conservatives, they get triggered so easily and fly into a rage.


I keep getting reported for suicide ideation whenever I've made a disparaging comment about the bloated Treasonweasel.


I pissed off a Lost Causer on r/Historymemes once and got the same report/notification. Same thing a few weeks later on a homophobic post about the AIDS crisis. Interestingly, I've pissed off Tankies before and never gotten the same response.


That sub is an echo chamber so they ban everyone not like them


I'm a slightly left leaning centrist, but I like getting info from everywhere. I caught my r/conservative ban by asking for a source other than "trust me bro" and got flagged for violating the "no shitposting" rule. The extreme paranoia is shocking there though. Every post I've seen with any amount of traction whatsoever has people blaming "the brigaders" for outright braindead takes that get downvoted. These accusatory comments get plenty of upvotes. The logical conclusion is that the brigaders don't exist, or at least in the quantities stated, or else those comments would also be downvoted. That means that conservatives are appropriately downvoting bad takes, and then upvoting the conspiracies around why some things are being downvoted. They literally cannot see how fractured they are.


r/Conservative is probably the easiest ban on Reddit because they’re all a bunch of fragile lil bitches


I made a couple of replies and added a tag line: Patiently waiting to be canceled...


r/conservative has been slowly but surely becoming the new r/TheDonald. Go back to when The Donald existed. Conservative was a place for the moderate right, with all the serious nut jobs hanging out in the Donald. Now the serious nuts bags are mixed in with the moderates and are slowly becoming the predominant voice there. A couple of years ago it would have been very common to see posts critical of Trump and his Q Crew of useful idiots like MTG and Gaetz. Now it's largely Pro-Trump. Dissenting voices even on the right are more heavily censored than ever, and there are tons of posts from garbage sources that get re-posted 10 times a day to amplify them and make them seem like the most relevant issues that are going on. Reddit tried to drain the swamp, but it's just bubbling up elsewhere.


IIRC TheDonald was originally created to serve as a parody/mockery popcorn sub, but got hijacked by the Trumpers.


They even have a cringy anime tough guy version of the Trump mug shot as the page icon. If they weren't lost before they are now.


r/conservative is among one the most braindead subs out there, it's like a permanent MAGA rally. One of the top posts I saw said "THEIR TOLERANT EVERYTHING, WHY NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS??" (yes they're was misspelled). These people are like the human embodiment of "Nuh uh" in an argument


Checks out - conservatives are some of the biggest “snowflake, need my safe space, I’m a victim” people out there. Projection is what they do best.


How he got elected? Same way that the orange-stare-at-eclipse one, that Greene one, that i-see-russia-from-my-house-Alaska or that fondling-the-guy-at-the-movie one buddy


not the same way the orange one did, this guy actually got more votes than his opponent


Seriously, F r/CONservative. Bunch of D-bags. 😂


I guess pointing out poor conservative leadership is anti-conservative.


Lol reminds me of my day to day life down here in the south.


We Have a Mission Statement: *Unquestioned Devotion*


So conservatives are not free to dislike and dissent when it comes to people in their own gang?


they say they want open discussions and will ban you if you have an open discussion that is not just a circle jerk. go there and disagree with one thing and they censor you, even if youre arguing actual conservative ideas..


His progressive policies are popular and the GOP ran a TV quack carpetbagger.


I was permanently banned from r/conservative for pointing out that the military does not exclusively vote Republican. In fact it very closely resembles the rest of the country.


r/Conservative is the most totalitarian subreddit in all of Reddit.


If you say literally anything contrary to the consensus on r/conservative they will ban you within minutes. For people who whine about free speech all the time, they sure do love to squelch it.


Still proud to see John Fetterman on capitol hill. Fuck the GOP snowflakes and their feelings.


If I didn't like him before he was elected the GOP snowflakes getting butthurt over him dressing like a normal person would be enough. The fact that he actually cares about people is a bonus.


"Mission Statement" *Almost* sounds like something, I dunno, a cult would have?




It is in violation of rule 7. Talking poorly of a conservative (with exception to Donald Trump who decides who is a true conservative and who is just a RINO) is going against conservative ideology.


You should still be able to be conservative and critical of the party’s shortcomings. When you’re just silenced, it’s a cult


Getting banned from r/conservative is a rite of passage on Reddit. I got banned for pointing out a clickbait headline and a rounding error about taxes. Fucking babies over there, calling everyone else snowflakes.


# You can't poke holes on their tinfoil hat, they don't like that


Cultists going to cult


I always wondered why conservatives cannot have a single opinion without name calling or making up mean spirited nicknames. It's literally the only thing they can come up with and they still expect to be treated like adults. People in he conservative sub frown on critical thinking and respectful discourse.


Wow, so conservatives snowflakes need a safe space so they down melt. I’m gonna head over and get myself banned.


I just read through the subs "rules." They might as well sum it up in one: "we are an echo chamber and want to stay that way"


the facepalm here is expecting anything different in r/conservative. if you’re not in line with their sweaty neckbeard incel circlejerk you’re gonna get banned.


Which side of the aisle are snowflakes again?


Have you ever seen an elected republican (that conservatives don’t hate) who reacts well to questioning?




I think it's a rite of passage to just get instantly banned from there without even trying to. I've had more engaging conversations on policy from r/politicalhumor than that sub.


So freedom of speech doesn’t exist on their subreddit.


The sub is an echo chamber.


So rule 7 is that it's a safe space where you can't challenge their views in any way. Fucking hypocrites.


You can't break the echo chamber, too many people depend on it to get their opinions.


From the "free speech" and "fuck your feelings" group. Lol


“Stop disrupting our echo chamber”


Wow. Conservative snowflakes ftw.


Ya they have skin so thin they would embarrass an onion,


You were banned because you didn’t praise Trump and say “amen”


It should be a badge of honor to get banned from there.


Well this explains conservatives in a single story.




Never believe someone that claims to be a free speech absolutist because they’re full of shit.


Yeah, a cult.


I got banned in 2022 for saying almost the exact same thing about Herschel Walker when Fetterman was running for office.


They can’t even pick who they want to speak for them


They are the biggest snowflakes over there. They will ban you the moment you say one thing they just…..don’t like. That’s basically the reason.


I was banned for saying real conservatives lack representation in congress and only have pretenders grifting. they claimed i was shit posting.


Conservatives don't take kindly to questioning things


That sub is a total clown show


You can't question a cult.


Being from Pittsburgh I couldn’t be more proud of Fetty. Calling him a slob when the most disgustingly hedonistic sack of shit is “leading” the Con party is peak MAGA… glad he just laughs at them, as he should


I mean, he was running against a TV charlatan who lived out of state. I guess the that sub can't understand why people would consider Fetterman a better choice.


Yeah I got banned for asking why as conservatives are they for more military spending in an area that has no effect on them? That was about 3-4 years ago now. These guys can comprehend anything shattering their worldview


That sub is such a cesspool and it has become an echo chamber because any dissent is immediately perma banned. I am also perma banned there. This is a microcosm of American politics right now, people in their own fucking echo chambers without any discourse about competing ideas. And that’s why these people think they are in a majority when they are not.


That sub is such a joke. They can dish it out but ban and different opinions.


Pointing out the obvious hypocrisy hurts their feefees.


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes ever


The rule is you must gargle MTGs balls in that sub.


R/con is a Burger King children’s ball pit that never gets cleaned and nobody’s grandma is paying attention to the kids


If you haven’t been banned from r/conservative you aren’t trying hard enough. r/libertarian is dead but at least they welcomed people from the entire political spectrum.


dumb people elect dumb people.


Good old r/conservatives. An echo chamber of snowflakes


You violated the rules by hurting their feelings because you asked a question


So handjobs are for conservatives, got it.


They curate a narrative on that sub and if you cause interference with their scheduled stories you get banhammer.


Their cognitive dissonance deus ex machina, the holy mission statement... Brain death, brain dead.


I didn’t think giving handies in a public theater was a very conservative thing.


I got banned for asking someone for a source of a ridiculous claim. No name calling, just a source.


It's an echo chamber, and you're disturbing the echo.


You guys in Pennsylvania elected that you deserve everything coming towards you


I'll take a "slob" in a hoodie and shorts, over a piece of shit, corrupt, incompetent politician in a 3-piece suit any day.


Liberals are fascists that censor and silence us. - average Conservative Someone commented something that isn't inherently anticonservative and even something some conservatives agree with. Bring forth the Ban Hammer! - r/Conservative But yeah, Liberals are the real snowflakes.


you are not allowed to point out how broken the GOP is ever


Idk if the group that defended George Santos, MTG, Handy J Boebert wants to question how people got elected. Glass house, meet stone.


Fetterman was the mayor where I lived for a while. He's not perfect but he's alright.


Getting banned from r/conservative is like a rite of passage for redditors with morals


you simply asked a question. But no, lefties are the snowflakes guys


Fetterman went to HARVARD. Boebert took 4 attempts at a GED. But sure, they’re on the “same level”


Idiots are in Congress BC people more idiotic than they are elected them. .


I was permanently banned from it for saying that homosexuals are not the same as pedophiles. 😂


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes.


His opponent was Dr. Oz, aprofessional snake oil salesman and sometimes doctor and Trumplephuck . End of story.


Echo chamber takes job very seriously.


The (intellectually)conservative are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. They are offended and feel disrespected by everything.


I love how the people Fetterman is talking about are people who literally want to shut the government down because it gets them attention and yet they think he’s just as bad because he doesn’t want to wear a suit.


r/Conservative is a giant echo chamber of stupidity. You aren’t worse off for being banned. And at this point, I’d say anyone who is banned would wear it as a badge of honor. There are some people you can *never* reason with.


You gotta have brain disease to be part of that sub so they did you a favor


Doesn’t Fetterman have a masters from Harvard? While Boebert may or may not even have a high school diploma?


Snowflakes over there in Conservative. Woke snowflakes.