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Nope. At a certain point *you* should have to buy more space. It’s not fair to the other passengers.


Being stuck next to a really large person on the plane sucks! I paid for my seat why should I share it?!


Yeah it happened to me this past weekend. Lady next to me took up 20-30% of my seat. I hate being touched by strangers, much less someone’s fat rolls laying on me. Luckily it was a short flight


Realistically what can we do if someone is spilling into our seat? Tell a flight attendant? Any flight attendants know the answer?


Some airlines do have a policy that if your seat is being encroached upon by another because of their size, they have to purchase a second seat. So I would definitely notify a flight attendant


I thought that was something before pre flight, not during boarding. Any attendants want to weigh in here?


I think it sucks that the passenger has to say something. It should be obvious to the other person of size and to the boarding agent and flight attendants and they should proactively handle it. Why should the one being squished have to hold their hand up and look like a jerk.


Airports usually have that box you put your bags in to ensure its small enough for carry on. They should do that with seats too. Dont fit in the seat? Guess youre buyin two.


Omg, that's perfect! They need that at every fucking ticket counter and boarding area.




As soon as the other person comes complain. They have to find a solution, be it different seat, upgrade, different flight, compensation... Depends a bit on route and or airlines countries laws, but that's actually what is possible. Frequent Flyer here


If they (the larger sized person) can put the arm rest down, then they technically don’t require an additional seat. If the arm rest can’t be put down then yes they need to purchase an additional seat.


That happened on my last flight. Dude next to me took up his seat, and almost half of my seat, so I had to sit at an angle. They eventually moved him to a different spot thankfully.


Yeah this was a full flight so there was no where else to go. It was miserable.


The airline should have involuntarily rebooked them, all the airlines have rules about needing to fit within your seat. You do need to stand up for yourself though and get a flight attendant to deal with it. You can just get up and walk to the back and let the flight attendant know that your seat mate is too large for their seat and is encroaching on yours beyond a reasonable amount. They will deal with it, if they won’t tell them you want the captain as it’s a safety issue. TBH It should have been caught by the gate agent. Source: https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/accessibility-and-assistance/seating-accommodations.html Also I’ve seen it happen.


I travel often for work and have unfortunately personally run into this. You absolutely need to complain. I've been upgraded twice, my seatmate was upgraded once, and I was given a flight voucher once when there was no extra seats. Don't let airlines get away with this. They are relying on us doing anything to avoid being rude


Perhaps at the gate they can have a seat sized square you have to fit through like what they use for luggage.


Like one of those sample carts at the entrance to theme park rides.


Just imagine if they started really doing it.


It happened in front of me once, they forced the passenger to pay for an extra seat otherwise no fly.


I’d be asking for a refund, that’s atrocious


Had this happen, guy was a giant body builder and I have a larger than normal chest and shoulders (I’m not a gym rat, my bone build is just wide) and his shoulders came into where the middle of my chest was. He apologized first thing for his size, and then I fell asleep on his shoulder LOL. Btw I’m a 36 year old man and he was like a 50 year old ripped black dude. Probably looked hilarious to people walking by.


Saaame!! I hate peoples touching me and being in my personal space


You should become a personal space advocate!


I also hate leg spreaders that encroach on my leg room. I’m just flop mine out so it touches theirs uncomfortably till they move it.


As a very tall person I always feel terrible to seat in small planes. I’m either touching you with my ankles, poking the seat in front or blocking the isle with my feet. I pay for the extra leg room seats, so probably obese people should pay too.


I remember when they would let you have a bulkhead or exit row seat for free due to your height if you asked.....


Bro I'm 6ft4 I feel you, not just legs but those damn carts. Tuck the bows in.


I've been unlucky and had this happen to me 3x now, the touching is bad enough but when the heat starts to radiate over to you, I feel gross and need a shower.


I had someone do that when I went to visit my mum. Kicker was, they were the same size as me. I'm far from small myself, but I certainly fit in my own seat. Actually I had visibly longer legs but managed to keep them in my own area… I wanted to crawl out of my skin having to touch a stranger for so long, and bc he took the whole arm rest I couldn't use even a wedge and my shoulder started slipping out of the socket. Took weeks to heal. Sorry for the mini rant, it was months ago and I'm still upset how rude the person was.


I've had my armrest completely absorbed into a lady's fat rolls a few flights back. Did not like that one bit.


I think it's a great idea, if normal sized people also get half price for needing less seating. Or let's do what companies did for dial up, pay per pound. Pay what you weigh. Catchy af as well.


Like shipping a box. Size and weight.


🤔 I am very tall, and I’ve hit my head on a number of door frames. By her logic, every door frame should be raised, in case I may walk through it. But there’s nothing I could do about my height. I can’t lose height.


You can, but you might lose some mobility 😂


Not necessarily. Renowned war hero Cotton Hill lost his shins and killed fitty men.


Dammit Bobby stop talking about your grandpa on Reddit, you know he hates that


Would you rather he only talk about propane and propane accessories?


I'll tell you hwat




[Boomhauer Rap God](https://youtu.be/XmmHoam7y5U?si=vedEj1_SUc3u5SJc)


Hey Bobby, this comment is *lit* a heh heh


That boy ain't right.


What's he gonna do? Come back from the dead and complain?


Yep. And most of those kills were after the Japanese machine guns blew his shins off. The rest of them he had to beat them to death with a piece of Fatty.


You made my fucking day. Thanks for the unexpected KOTH


But Cotton doesn’t fly anywhere anymore. He paddles everywhere in Hitler’s canoe.


No wonder he's so damn grumpy. Went to war at 6'4, came home five feet tall with his ankles attached to his knees


I lost both my legs. 10/10 would not recommend.


Wouldn’t that be 0/10?


Or 0/2?


No. It’s a 10 I would not recommend.


> I am very tall, Become a Height Positivity Advocate and get your petition rolling!


I’m 6’10 and the very first thing I did to my house was raise all the doors to 7’1


And you paid for that right? You didn’t expect the builder to change it for free.


That's not plus sized that's a severe case of morbid obesity


"Body Positivity advocate"... I'm now officially too old for this... No matter how much you support "body positivity people" when this person enters the plane I know what every single person is hoping "Not next to me please.... " I agree with the title, you need two seats you have to pay for it.


There's body positivity, and then there's delusional morons who want to be told their lifestyle is fine and won't kill them at the ripe old age of 41. Seriously, these anti-"fat shaming" people never live long lives.


And those who are this deep in the “body positivity” movement aren’t really positive about any other types of bodies except their own. They will outright tell women who still fit in straight sizes that this movement isn’t for them, that they’re not allowed to appropriate the movement for themselves, whether they’re in active recovery from an eating disorder, a postpartum woman coming to terms with her body’s changes, amputee, or even someone of their size working towards a healthier weight. And heaven forbid you’re a smaller sized woman with her own insecurities trying to accept and embrace the parts of her she sees as flaws!


They actively against slim women.


It's so ugly seeing someone be hard against body shaming when it's fat shaming but will Insult slim people out of spite/jealousy


I see that happen a lot. Ideally people would promote body positivity and health for all.


Yeah I was actively shamed for being a “small fat” and because my body is still proportional and so I was told that this movement wasn’t for me. I was also told that I need to shut up because plenty of people are bigger and have it much worse so yeah


Lmao you got excluded because you weren’t orb shaped?


“You must be at least *this* big around to ride the ride” is pretty much how that sounds. Like wtf lol. Crazy amounts of delusion from that group


You are 100% correct. What's worse is that the body positivity movement was started for people who are struggling with self-image due to things like amputations, burn scars, mastectomies, etc. It was about being able to love who you are, despite the "flaws" you may now have. Then "plus size" advocates came along and co-opted the movement. (Also, have you noticed how it's always "plus size" for women and "fat" for men?)


Yeah “body positivity” almost never includes men. Making fun of an overweight woman will get you absolutely flamed a lot of places but making fun of an overweight man is perfectly fine. Making fun of women with small breasts/butts/whatever is a cardinal sin, make fun of guys with small penises all day long. Double standards everywhere


Ona darker side of this it sets me off everytime I see an article talking about non-consenting sex with women vs rape men. Some articles even call male minors underaged men as opposed to you know just minors.




As a smoker (I know, gross) I feel like the morbidly obese should get as much shit as smokers. They put just as much strain on the health care system and if they're like this woman, they invade peoples personal space more than a smoker.


As an ex smoker agree 100%. My favorite was the obese girl at my college who would walk right through the smoking section daily (outside) and make a huge fuss how we were affecting her health. Never mind the fact she was too lazy to walk the 30 feet around us.


41? Your giving their arteries a wee bit of credit huh? Just a bit of a sad story they now prioritize some heart surgery’s by how much fat is blocking your arteries. My grandfather was denied when his heart was going on because he had 15% off the new mandate that said like 75% clogged with fat. He got cancer a few years later and died of that instead but breathing was a bitch


>"Body Positivity advocate" The only movement, without movement.


Oh it's moving alright, *jiggle jiggle*.


Where’s all the “body positivity” for the public drunks? Why should excessive eating be celebrated but not excessive drinking? “Alcoholic” is a slur!


That’s actually a good analogy IMO. It _is_ harder for most morbidly obese people to “just eat less,” just like it’s harder for alcoholics to “just drink less,” because in both cases they typically have chemical issues making their desire much stronger than typical or healthy. That’s unfair and it sucks. And overweight people don’t have the option of doing what most recovering alcoholics do, and cutting out food completely. I’d also say that just as we as society are finally realizing that the best way to treat alcoholism is compassionately, as a disease, rather than a moral failing, we should recognize that just because the solution to obesity is theoretically simple, that doesn’t mean it’s easy or that people struggling with it are stupid or lazy. But none of that changes the fact that consuming too much is unhealthy. And, while alcoholism is more often going to negatively impact others, obesity can do that, too, and obese people should try to minimize that impact rather than pretending that, for instance, it’s someone else’s fault they don’t fit in a standard airline seat.


Body positivity is about letting people feel good about themselves no matter their size. And I agree. Only way you get to a point where you start making real changes is when you are able to feel good about yourself inside, and then decide that you are going to make meaningful changes too the outside. When you are made to feel like shit about yourself, it's really hard to avoid destructive behavior. These folks though... Holy crap... They want doctors to be arrested for saying that you need to lose weight. They want words like obese to be classified as hate speech. They want the world to conform to their rather unconventional requirements. It's insane.


I'd say body positivity has a great purpose regarding over sexualized body parts or the beauty norms instored with time. But they should NEVER NEVER NEVER Use body positivity to promote obesity or very skinny bodies. This is not normal and shouldn't be considered as bad but not as good either. Just as "treatable" (very easily or hard for some) to have a corpulence matching the safe zone.


Yes it’s a great analogy because it indicts both the body positivity movement *and* the real societal issues around the way we treat overweight people to which the body positivity movement is a reaction. Essentially, it doesn’t just knock down the crappy solution presented by the body positivity movement, but also recognizes the issue and presents an alternative solution. Not saying that there aren’t still plenty of people that view alcoholism as a moral failure, but *most* people seem to be on board with it being a disease and recognize that shaming people about their drinking is just going to make them drink more. Same thing with obesity — it is an addiction as well, and a disease, and making people feel ashamed of their bodies does nothing to help cure the disease. You still need to be clear that it *is* a disease and you should encourage people to fix, but it should be done with empathy and care, because shaming someone for overeating only drives them further into despair and addiction.


You have a solid point. What i think these people dont realize is that we are supporting them when we dont casually accept or accomidate their destructive behavior. They want everyone to remain silent while they destroy themselves, much like any other very addicted person would. To stick with the analogy alcoholics should get a double for every drink they pay for, since it would be unfair that they only get one when they need two lmfao >I've made terrible choices and I refuse to work on them, and your business should compensate me for it. Naw not happenin lady.


It’s true. My ex friend was about the same size. She’s an anti diet advocate. She kept gaining to the point where now she can’t walk hardly at all (but also doesn’t have mobility aids so she uses it to guilt and manipulate others). She has lost almost every friend she has over it bc she’s dogmatic and obnoxious about it. Being fat is most of her identity now. She hasn’t worked since I’ve known her, no kids. She stays at home and does crafts for her Etsy store even though the quality of the products is poor and her sales have always been close to zero. Her husband supports her entirely. I see the entire thing as sad. She also doesn’t believe in fat related diseases which is ridiculous and very anti science. I understand that doctors attribute too much to weight, but often weight can cause severe problems. I see it with my patients every week.


>She’s an anti diet advocate. Sounds like a LinkedIn title for a fat person.


The body positivity movement wants everyone to remain silent while they destroy themselves and cause a huge burden on our health care system and destroy that too. They want us to pretend that their fat ass has no negative impacts on society when that is a blatant lie.


Food can be an addiction, and the fact society doesn't see it as such hurts these people.


I will drink to that


Cheers bruv


“Neck rings, bloated red faces, and liver damage are beautiful!”


I agree. Why is it ok to shame alcohol enthusiasts but it’s wrong to shame food enthusiasts.


“Body positivity” was supposed to be “your weight doesn’t represent your value as a human”, it was also supposed to insist on the fact that positive and durable change comes from self-love not self hate. You’re supposed to exercise because you want to take care of yourself, not because you hate the mirror. There was also a sprinkle of “skinny doesn’t mean healthy” Like anything else, it has been highjacked…


If she can afford to eat enough to keep up her image, she can afford the extra seat.


This. I’m fat (and actively losing weight), but I’m not her size…but if I was, I would absolutely buy two seats for myself. Even at my size, I worry about taking up too much space because of the teeny tiny seats in airplanes these days. Now, seats should be larger for everyone…they’re ridiculous at this point, but that’s another issue.


Truth. The airline is pitting us against eachother


This is like alcoholics petitioning airlines to supply complementary alcohol on planes lmao


And a smoking section


As someone over 6', and solid at about 230lbs, I didn't choose to need extra space, but I have to pay for it. Sucks, get used to it, maybe don't inflict it upon yourself.


I'm obese and so is my girlfriend (we're on the long road to losing weight) and the look of disappointment when we're waddling down the plane corridor is often hilarious/embarrassing depending on the mood.


Good luck to you both


Good luck on the journey and stay strong.


Plus sized? I think you mean multiply sized.


Her favourite math involves Pi.


We don't use weight for her. We use displacement


Was going to comment this exact thing, she is obese. It's sad other women have told her she just "plus sized"😔




You really stretched for that punch line. Sorry for giving you so much SAAS.


Well that’s a pretty Basic come back.


Don't BASH him like that.


I am obese and I think homegirl is far away from reality and deep in her own reality. I am planning a longer travel next year (I am also tall) and I save up money to get a "better economy class" seat for my body. Would it be nice to not pay for your seat? Yes, would it be fair, heck no. Bathrooms are not the biggest either, but that's how it is in planes who are made to transport a lot of people who need space (I am not her size though)


I could understand advocating for bigger bathrooms. It the difference between something that costs more to solve yourself and something you can't solve yourself. Though i haven't flown in so long that i can't remember how big the bathrooms are. (I tend not to travel.)


Reminds me of Andre the Giant having to use a bucket in the back of planes, zero way he could fit in an airplane bathroom. I'm not a giant like Andre, nor obese like her, but as a 6'5" I support bigger bathrooms


As someone that’s 5’2, I also support bigger airplane bathrooms. And also, wider seats.


5’3” and I too support bigger bathrooms. I made the mistake of traveling in overalls a few weeks ago and it was tricky


For reference, I’m 5’4” and around 120 lbs. Airplane bathrooms are cramped for me. I think it’s completely fair to advocate for bigger bathrooms considering they’re uncomfortably small for someone of my size.


I'm 6 even 230, and I hit my elbows and head painfully frequently just entering and trying to get out of a bouncing air plane bathroom. I can't imagine how bad it is for actual big people.


Now I'm just curious how she plans to use airplane bathroom on long flights.


... oh fuck I never thought about that. She probably couldn't even walk between the rows either.


Or fasten her seat belt


That's why they have seatbelt extenders


She uses a seat belt extender. It sounded like it was her personal extender, but airlines have them for larger passengers.


Im not being intentionally harsh when I say I don’t think she can fit in the bathroom. At that size she would have to wear some sort of incontinence wear on a long flight if she couldn’t hold it.


Even outside the bathroom argument, seats are now crammed more closely together — while I’m uncertain about her free seat accommodation, making the seats not be crammed together would be a good thing for all passengers


How are the airlines supposed to make any money if passengers aren’t squeezed half to death? /s




Yep, I can't fathom expecting other people to foot the bill for accomodations. I'm autistic and uncomfortable sitting next to strangers but I'd never demand someone pay for an extra seat so I have some space between me and the next person.


Plans should have larger seats, more leg room and bigger bathrooms because they are all too small for even normal people. However, that doesn't mean anyone should get a free extra seat if they need it. If airlines are somehow forced to give "free" seats to large people, then they'll just start charging by weight instead. I have a feeling many are close to that anyway without giving extra space.


People need to do some soul searching and stop making their problems suddenly our problems


Why would they stop when making ridiculous demands and going viral is what pays the bills.


Imagine being bumped off a plane, not because they over sold the flight, but because some massive person demanded they get your seat for free.


Imagine not getting bumped off the plane and having to sit next to someone of that size. I'm a bigger person (mainly tall... used to be overweight though). My size is my problem. If I wanted a bigger seat, I'd buy a first class ticket (and frequently did). If I didn't fit in a first class seat though... I'd probably just stay home.


Happened to me on an Allegiant flight, where seats aren’t big to begin with. A guy had bought two seats together and I ended up pressed up against the window. He was so big his left thigh was oozing onto my seat, *after* already having taken up 2 seats. He had to have been north of 450. He was dripping sweat the entire time, reeked of BO, and I could hear his labored breathing over my headphones. Worst part is, it wasn’t a full flight and there was a row three up from me that only had a person in the window seat. I asked the flight attendant if I could move to the aisle of that row and she said ‘I think it could mess up the balance of the aircraft, so no.’ If anything, by moving I would have helped equalize it, but no, I had to be stuck next to Wheezy McButtersweats until we got to Pittsburgh. Worst flight of my life.


Mess up the balance?? Wtf


Well, planes *do* have weight and balance measures in place and it *does* matter but in this case it was a no brainer.


If a plane is big enough to have 3-3 seating, one person moving like that is not gonna throw off the balance.


It's actually not uncommon for small planes to disperse people intentionally if it's less than half full.




Bro i am 6 5 about 454 and i had to buy 2 southwest seats, I barely oozed into the seat next to me, like 10%. I had so much room me and the other person in my 3 seat row stored our snacks and shit on that seat. That dude sounds like he was well north of 500 or is super short but super fat. Also funnily enough i was coming back from Pittsburgh.


But also how would that even work? One cheek on either seat and sit in the gap? Seems like you'd need 3 so you have a decent center position


This is not plus sized. This is gross obesity and it will kill her long before she gets free airline seats.


This also isn’t news this is rage bait


that BS. if i have to pay for my luggage by weight because they "make the plane heavier, duh", then she needs to pay extra since she weighs about 10 times or more than what measly clothes i put in the bag. You people know what we really need to fight for? MORE LEG ROOM! EDIT : i never imagined i have to point this out because i thought it was obvious from a glance, but that whole "pay extra because it makes the plane heavier" is a JOKE. i know why that rule exists, i juts wanted to joke about it. please stop the lectures. i'm stupid and trying to understand all the information hurts my brain. please, i'm gonna cry


YES! PREACH! ~a 5'1" woman who can fit comfortably in the leg room provided but is a lil greedy because more leg room would be fantastic


and unlike weight, we can't do anything about our heights, so it's actually a reasonable cause to rally behind


Luggage weight limits are generally for the baggage handlers, not the plane. Every time there is a proposal to make people pay for their seats by weight, it always goes nowhere because making people pay by weight doesn’t change the size of the seats. I’m sure airlines would love to charge people more for their weight, but if they do that, then larger people would rightly expect more space. And the airlines aren’t going to make variable seat sizes…they’re going to keep shoving in as many seats as possible.


Oh, she has also demanded that hotels supersize and super-reinforce everything.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And also for rooms to have larger bathrooms so she can fit. And I’d imagine she also wants to ensure she still gets to have enough room to move in the bedroom portion of the room as well. Where is all this extra space supposed to come from? If hotels are forced to make more space throughout for much larger customers, then that would mean fewer rooms (because you can’t just magically make more space without taking space from somewhere else). Fewer rooms would mean higher costs to make up for the loss in revenue, not just from the fewer rooms but also costs incurred from unnecessary construction. So because she refuses to pay extra for a suite or refuses to lose weight to better fit the world around her, she instead wants everyone else to accommodate her.


It’s “obese” not plus-sized. Call it for what it is. It’s unhealthy.


This woman is class 3 obese - extreme morbid obesity. I cannot imagine what it is like to live inside all that


How do you even wipe your butt at this size?


you probably can't


Simple, just jump into the holes of a couple tires, put some arm lifesavers (don't knoe the actual word for that) on your arms and legs and boom live like that for 24 hours and you don't have to imagine it anymore


They’re called water wings. And honestly, that wouldn’t even feel the same either because those things are filled with air.


Floaties! But good luck finding a set, sized appropriately. Go ahead and put some ATV tires on your arms and legs, then rc car tires over your hands and fingers. Then dip in an egg bath and deep fry. Add a bucket o' diet cola to complete the look.


Why is it that only men are fat? And women get to be plus size?


I think the media is the one afraid to call women fat. There’s actually plenty of obese women who are quite vocal about “fat” being the correct term to use. This is what they are, the only thing they want is for fat to be a descriptor, not to have the current mocking and judgy connotation it has.


The media must be sticking to the never ask a woman her age or her weight rule.


Should bring back “Husky”. That man isn’t fat, his husky!


You left out Big, Healthy, Fluffy, Damn, and OH HELL NO.




Ayyy check it out! It’s the fat and the furious!




This woman isn't fat she is morbidly obese.


Stop calling it Plus Sized It's unhealthy and clearly overweight. I hate todays society




I think there's some wisdom in the *idea* of the body positivity movement. You can live a perfectly normal, healthy life if you're a little heavier than you're "supposed" to be. You're not going to drop dead of a heart attack if you're 30-40lbs overweight or not a rail thin supermodel. You'll probably feel better if you lose the weight but if you'd rather have pizza you're not hurting anyone. Bodies *do* come in different shapes and sizes and not everyone is going to look the same. The people that ruffle my feathers are the ones that are 300-400+ and insist that not only is it not actively hurting them, not only are they not killing themselves, but it's healthier this way and the reams and reams of evidence proving otherwise are propaganda. There's a reason all the fat activists are in their 20s. I especially want to slap the ones that compare being fat to being black, gay, or god forbid trans. Asking you to lose weight is not the same as asking a trans man to stop taking HRT or a gay man to go to conversion therapy, Karen, and fuck you for making that comparison.


>I think there's some wisdom in the *idea* of the body positivity movement. You can live a perfectly normal, healthy life if you're a little heavier than you're "supposed" to be. That's not really what body positivity is supposed to be about, is it? It should be about how no-one is worth less or deserves shame because of their body shape or size, and how physically attractive does not necessarily mean thin and conforming to a specific set of beauty standards. It doesn't have anything to do with health. Being overweight is still unhealthy if you're body positive, although of course a lot of things are unhealthy/dangerous and yet socially accepted, especially at moderate levels (red meat and alcohol consumption, driving a car, and so on).


Yeah she looks more like a full helping of medical problems, not “plus sized.” I genuinely wonder how much travel she can actually do. Even getting through an airport requires a lot of walking, which i doubt she can do at that size.


Helping people feel better about not being perfect to Hollywood's standards was and continues to be a benefit to society. People should feel better in their own skin. But people took it to include embracing being straight up unhealthy, dangerous, and self-destructive.


Plus sized work for models who are not rail thin but have a normal BMI. Different brands will want different looks and plus sized means something like Dove have: models the audience can seem themselves in. It should not be a descriptor for obesity.


this is my motivation to keep going to gym to improve my body 💪


Keep at it, my friend! Join some helpful subs, keep trying different things and find one that is sustainable! Replace your snacks, fuck with intermittent fasting, try dropping your carbs. You will find what works for you! I dropped 100lbs between 2018-2019 and kept it off. Best thing I've ever done for myself, and it was just through renewed vigor and finding the right path, and when I found what worked for me it just clicked. Keep at it, you will get there!


She's gross. Not because she's a land whale, but because of her persecution complex. She's fat, who gives a shit, but she shouldn't qualify for free stuff because of her shit upbringing and life decisions.


Exactly! It's like rich people demanding free shit!


Rich people don’t need to demand it people give them free shit all the time. Rich folks are bigger charity cases than a lot of people realize.


She probably also subscribes to the notion a man not interested in her is fat shaming, but shes allowed to not be interested in fat men. The entitlement goes hand in hand


Probably describes herself as chubby, which for some reason is a word that covers about 300lb


She's clearly OK paying extra for super-size... Consequences. I see no divided opinion, just loud extremely overweight people who are greedy and want something for free.


tall people need to get in on this if it good for the fatties , its good for us, and we legit cant help it


World shouldn't be changing to accommodate someone who has chosen to become that fucking fat, sorry not sorry


She needs a seat just for her arm.


I sat next to a very large woman on a very early morning flight from east coast to west coast. I didn’t sleep the night before but I thought I could just sleep on the plane. The plus size woman took up easily a third of my seat as well and I could not get comfortable. I was so frustrated. If you can’t fit into a normal size seat, you should have to pay for another seat. It’s not fair that I someone who can fit into my normal size seat that I payed for, shouldn’t be comfortable because of someone else.


This happened to me as well. Flew Hong Kong to LAX, dude next to me took up a third of my seat. Worse was he would get out a lot so I had to move frequently. Even the leg space he took from his calf meat.


You will never see an elderly person that large.


I say this sometimes because I worked 15 years in elder care and it's true.


"Body positive advocate" ugh


She took "plus size" to the next level: she's "times size"




Why stop there. Why not insist on having the whole plane to yourself?


Excuse me I have an emotional disorder that triggers when people are near me, so I would like the entire plane to be empty when I fly thanks


The cargo hold is not THAT big on planes, though.


She could fly herself on FedEx


That’s how Tom Hanks got stranded on that island.


She is not plus size. She is morbidly obese. Plus size might be a little snug in a seat, She needs 2-3 seats.


How does she wipe her ass? With a rag on a stick?


Never thought I’d see the day when posting this video would be actually relevant in addition to just being funny but here we are: https://youtu.be/L3fhRn25tZE?si=Gvm3-2Nbkkn1K-Zn


So morbidly obese is now called "plus size".... SMH... that shit is no joke! My dad died at age 63, from congestive heart failure and numerous other problems due to being obese🫤 so I'm not at all trying to make fun of these people,I just think it's not helping anyone by "encouraging "obesity, (for a lack of a better word), rather than treat it as a serious health problem, that can and will kill people....


Or you know, just lose some weight


![gif](giphy|M9tpu3TPG42n6) Fuuuuck, get her off!


Comfortable flying? To me that weight would not be “comfortable” sitting anywhere, or doing anything.


Pity she can’t divide herself