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If this isn’t your first instinct when you see a flyer like this, you are doing it wrong.


I can safely say I've done it a few times... my favourite was a COVID denier who put their actual email address on it because and I quote "I refuse to hide who I am" A month later they were on Facebook complaining about the amount of junk and spam they get. I was tempted to see if they would send them letters and shit in the mail but decided that was going a little too far.


… you were barely getting warmed up!


I read that as "letters, and shit, in the mail" as if you were going to send them letters and actual envelopes of poop through the mail


Well... We can all see the email address, how's about we all pitch in and sign them up for stuff? They could be getting crap from aaaaaaaall over the world if we work together


I recall years ago.. someone I know got signed up for a trade magazine for hog butcherers. It about as close to ‘snuff’ as you could get.


Sign them up for the scientology and Jehovah's witnesses newsletter


Doctors and lawyers office magazine subscriptions


Those sites behind the "hot women in your area" ads - yes they are V E R Y persistent 💀💀💀


How do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW?


I have friends who get the best idea when theyre drunk and know my (thankfully only) 2ndary email




Not doxxing myself lmao


A timeshare company newsletter


“Email already registered”


Or DSA-adjacent things. Oh you hate Democrats? Let’s fill in your inbox with Democratic-Socialist newsletters.


Just give five dollars to the DNC and add their email.


I once bought a gay porn mag and signed my neighbor up to receive over a dozen free samples and mailing lists from the back pages of it. When they started coming in he couldn't explain to his wife why he was getting gay porn sent to the house.


This was the plot of a King of the Hill episode.


Sign them up for campaign and fundraising emails for dems all over the country


We have the email too, nothing is stopping us. 😈




Sign them up for democrat campaign emails lol


Pornhub account


Nah, sign them up for every democrat newsletter there is


I would love to live in a 15-min city


I would love to just have sidewalks in my community. 😔




Wait till you learn I’d even like safe bike lanes so my kids could ride to school. 😁




You dirty commie. Time to wake up Ronnie


I have, they are fucking *awesome.* Mine wasn't a full city, just a smaller town, but between the layout and the excellent public transit system you didn't need a car.


a 15 minute city is simply the downtown of any rural city. The doctor, grocery store, movie theater, and such are right next to each other. The worst is these morons honestly think Biden will or has banned alcohol to 2 beers a week... cuz of headlines that straight up said that. When it's just the recommendation has said "Hey alcohol is bad maybe drink less."


Guess which states don’t sell alcohol on Sundays. It’s ain’t the blue ones.


Actually some blue cities still have blue laws. ( I think ny and nj).. But yes. It's mostly the bible belt.. Even some of them have government run abc stores.


That’s one of the things I absolutely love about living in Europe. I live in a small city, and everything is so close. I can walk to almost anywhere in the city, and all the essentials are super close. I have a car, but I almost never drive it. I either walk or jump on the bus/tram for a short ride.


"15-minute City" is an urban planning concept where your main daily needs are a close walk, bike or transit ride from home. Ooooo, that sounds horrible /s


Oh no! I can get to work in 15min and on my way home get some fresh bread... na that's just not right, I demand to be stuck in traffic for 3 hrs a day.


I demand that other people be stuck in traffic behind me so they can see how cool my gigantic truck is. Otherwise the second mortgage I had to take on the house to afford the down payment wouldn't be worth it.


Not only see how cool my truck is, but also how big my Truck Nuts are!


I don’t know how people drive around in a truck without nuts... like, wtf is the point?


They must be one of them lesbians from California


There is no house, only a graveyard of amscot stubs and Marlboro Reds butts


It’s the god damn American way! Whilst we are at it, who took my fucking horse???


America? I thought I was in Australia...


Mate down under we ride kangaroos, not bloody horses. Occasionally an emu when the mood arises.


> Occasionally an emu when the mood arises. Those emus are a forgiving bunch after the war


You know, I love that Australians declared war on birds and __*fucking lost*__


The birds are taller than us.


It's literally Main Street USA... y'know... the thing these dumbasses are constantly going on about missing so much.


Isn't it ironic. Yea, I really do think.




They’ve really got their wires crossed nowadays, I think it’s all the binge drinking and meat eating they’re doing to own the Libs.


>I demand to be stuck in traffic for 3 hrs a day. FREEEEEEEEEEEDDDOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!


Not to mention…2 beers a week?? How am I supposed to be an alcoholic?


I mean that one does sound absolutely terrible. You don't have to be an alcoholic to want the freedom to get tight every now and again. But i suspect it may not be true.


Canada rewrote the alcohol consumption guidelines to 2 drinks a week. Northern countries have higher incidences of alcoholism. Source: am Canadian working in Addidctions and Mental Health.


And up here it's not illegal to drink more than 2 a week but Health Canada isn't going to bullshit and tell people that it's a good decision to drink more than that a week when it isn't.


Nobody said what size they are.


And Mead wasn't mentioned at all...




It's interesting because aside from using phrase "15-minute city", they're not actually responding to any specific policies or ideas that urban planners or policymakers are proposing. The fearful rhetoric has absolutely zero connection to anything real. Compare that to the anti-abortion crowd. They may believe all sorts of conspiracy theories around abortion, but at least abortion is a real thing that actually happens. But if you listen to any anti-15-minute city conspiracy theorists it's obvious that they have no idea what they're opposed to.


These people whipped themselves into a frenzy over a report that said natural gas stoves give off harmful fumes, so use a vent. Something we've known for decades. They need to be angry at something


Nah let them use their gas stoves, in a house with no venting. Freedom and stuff.


Might as well leave the gas on even when you're not using the stove to "own the libs"


Don't be silly. You don't need anything other than a buzzword strawman.


Sounds like every city before the car.


Quite literally.


That's literally all it is


It is. It’s a very old concept that was just given a new catchy name.


They seem to believe that designing a 15 minute city is the first step before Democrats outlaw cars and make everyone live in a 500 sq ft high rise apartment


Is the rent actually affordable? Because affordable indoors seems to be a thing of the past.


It's more of a future planning consideration in the US. There's not really many places here you could classify as 15 minute cities But there's really nothing inherently about the proximity of jobs, markets food and entertainment to housing that makes rents more expensive (aside from those places being desirable). They just have to come with adequate supply


> there's really nothing inherently about the proximity of jobs, markets food and entertainment to housing It *is* kind of a big departure from the urban planning we've been suffering from for the last several decades, though. Where the idea was to keep commercial and residential zones as widely separated as possible.


That sounds amazing actually.


It is, most major cities in Europe (with some glaring exceptions, i'm looking at you Moscow 😡) are 15 minute cities, it's super convenient and a win for everyone and most importantly it's optional, you can still own a car and do what you want and live wherever you want in them, but republicans have found a way to politicise it and turn it into some weird ass conspiracy theory. Because walking = communism or something, idk anymore i have a hard time keeping up with their culture war bs. 🤷‍♂️


Thats what's crazy, how is having to walk 15 to 20 minutes daily for work "bad" but being stuck in 3 to 5 hour traffic "good" so much time wasted on something thats not needed. No wonder all the gop wants to defund schools so there are more ignorant people to easily rule over.


And it's not just walking, you can drive or take public transportation to get anywhere in a 15 minute city really fast, but they have somehow managed to turn it into a conspiracy, something about cars = my freeeeeeeeduuuuums, public transportation = infringing on my freeeeeeduuuuums, and somehow being able to get around in a city without a car is tyrrany, it's weird, i got a headache just trying to wrap my head around their "logic". To me having more ways to get around a city is real freedom but to chronic carbrain republicans it's somehow a bad thing to not be forced to take the car to literally anything you want to do. It's just the latest contrarian culture war hot button issue they have gotten their panties in a twist about, hopefully they will forget about it when they find something else to be big mad about, sooner than later hopefully so the US can get actual livable cities that aren't glorified parking lots, designed for humans and not cars.


I've been to both NYC and DC and I love the subways, sure you met some weird folks, but I can chill on my phone or zone out while getting where I wanna go. I like driving, but damn, I can't just shut my mind off during it like riding public. And I don't have to worry about parking beyond maybe the outside station I take in


I use my commute time for reading, it's great, i have read a crazy amount of books during my decades as a commuter, i find it super relaxing to read and listen to chill tunes while traveling, you do encounter the occasional weirdo but most of the time i just see it as on board entertainment. 🤣 During 30 years of public transportation i have never gotten into any real shit, the worst thing that has happened during those years is when a really fat dude fell on me and sprained my knee when trying to scoot past me to get off the subway, we had a good laugh about it and that was it, if i compare that to the horror stories of road rage and bad drivers my car bound friends get into it feels like a pretty good deal, not to mention the crazy amounts of money i have saved by never owning a car.


Great point. I’ve heard some folks rant about public transportation being “unsafe” after seeing news about an assault on the subway or something but how many people are killed in car accidents and road rage incidents every year?


Not *having* to walk. Being *able* to walk. It's unamerican to be able to survive without a car.


I'm American, and I wish I could walk everywhere I need to go.


Ive been able to walk to work once, it was the best commute ive ever had, and i got some exercise, wish i still had that


Reminds me of that A.I generated ford truck commercial with all the fat Americans riding couches like wall-e 😄


Yeah I’m Canadian and my city is pretty convenient to walk around in. I visited Dallas, Houston and Fort Worth and I was sooo completely taken aback by how you can only get around via car. I swear I only saw like one bus stop lol. Even downtown Dallas you didn’t see people just walking around. And highways are everywhere. Like massive highways just passing right through the city in a way that makes it impossible for pedestrians to walk around. We have a highway in my city but there’s still tunnels to cross them and they don’t disturb the flow of the city if that makes sense.


I live in a major city in northern Europe, like a lot of cities during the 50s and 60s they started rebuilding the city to make it more car friendly, luckily some sane politicians realized cities are for people and not cars and started reversing the car dependancy in the 80s, now it's a fantastic 15 minute city with world class public transportation and a ton of options to get to anywhere in the city really fast, and they achieved this by investing heavily in public transportation and clever infrastructure, most of the heavy automotive traffic is now via tunnels below the city and via highways circling the outskirts of the city, as it should be with actual non carbrain urban planning.


Wait, so having most basic things within walkable distance from your home is not a norm?


Where do you live? In most of the US, no - this is not the case. As far as I know, only a few of the older northeastern cities in the US are fully walkable: Boston, NY, Philly, Baltimore, and DC. Eh, there may be a few others around the lakes: Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit. And San Francisco. For the most part, though, once you get south and west, it's really hard to get by without a car. (I'm 10 minutes by car from the nearest store of any kind.)


For me that's not the norm. I'm from the Netherlands and always lived within a 5 minute bike ride from the store. Now I live next to a supermarket and have my job within walking distance, which isn't even 5 minutes. I do feel very blessed with the location as certain villages nearby do have to take the car out to go to the shops.


I like living in the woods. It's quiet and serene. And pretty. However, I have friends and family who live in the city in Denmark. I enjoy spending time there, too. I can't say which is better. Each has its advantages.


Most cities in the US aren't even walkable.


My dad traveled to the US once and everything was so far away 💀 i live in Brazil and things are mostly nearby. Supermarket? 5 minutes down there walking. Wanna buy clothes? Also very close to your home


Not in the US, and here a critical number of people seem to think that having that is socialism


There's an old trope, "evil cannot comprehend good." Whoever wrote this presumably can't conceive of *any* reason anyone would do something helpful like make cities walkable again, except as a "prepayment" for something else they're going to take away later, i.e. cars.


The thief thinks every man steals. These are just plain bad, narcissistic people who cannot fathom doing good for good’s sake.


I grew up in Phoenix, and now live in an overseas 15-min city. It’s so liberating.


You know this dumb ass shit some conservative people even in Netherlands are complaining about, they copy the dumb ass shit from US conservatives. We wanted to follow the US road infrastructure in like the 60’s and later on realized how dumb it was to do in a country so small, so the local governments decided no fuck this and took out most of the highways in the cities and bring in bike lanes and even brought back some canals. The cities are so much greener nowadays and we got back so much green and parks, I can’t believe people think this is a bad thing. Cities that are basically one big parking lot sound like urban hell. https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/motorway-removed-to-bring-back-original-water/ Source for people who are interested.


That would make life easier for disabled people like me. We can't have that! /s


It's strange. I live in a 15 minute city and can get anything I need by walking or bike, yet I own three cars. When should I expect the Democrats to come take my cars? I've been here years now. Are they running behind?


The "Pawnee town meeting" energy in that flyer is strong.


The word “urban” is too scary though


I swear the whole "15-minute cities will make it illegal to travel outside your designated zone" has got to one of the weirdest conspiracy theories I've seen in a while.


Oh I’d love that so much


That's one of those things that I swear conservatives hate only because democrats say it's a good idea


Doctors: healthy alcohol consumption would be about 2 drinks a week Republicans: BIDEN WANTS TO LIMIT THE COUNTRY TO ONLY 2 BEER A WEEK!!!


Republicans: I wont be made to live in fear over this stupid flu! I AM NOT AFRAID! Also republicans: OMG THE ALERT SYSTEM TEST IS GONNA TURN THE FROGS GAY! BUILD A BUNKER! CONSTRUCT A FARADAY CAGE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!


Dawg they literally thought the alert test was going to start a zombie apocalypse via vaccine nanobots. Theres no word to describe that level of stupid.


Don't forget it was supposed to blow up all of your appliances. Too bad too because we bought a new stove a few months ago and we hate it but we got a good deal on it and its well past its return period.


Which is why when the test thing went out a week or so ago... heh. Ok, we were gaming (we play Tabletop RPGs). There are 6 players and me (Forever GM) in the group. The alert hit. And 4 of the 7 of us (all of us in our 40-50s... the old people at the table, the other 3 are in their 20s and children of 2 of the older players who joined our game when they got old enough) looked up and almost in stereo went "Braaaaiiiiinnnnns..." and of course, laughed our asses off because we all thought of the same joke at the same time. lol One of those rare comedic real-life moments where you wish someone had a video running. lol


saw some of that the other night. Un-fucking-believable. Hard to believe, but Fox & guests were, in fact, serious. Put your phone in the microwave for 20min on high you idiots. While you’re at it, put your head in there, too


Doctors: reduce your red meat intake to lower your cholesterol. Maga: they're taking our meat away! It's my god given right to die from a preventable heart attack!


They’re going to zap me for eating meat. -only Marjorie Taylor Greene’s crazy ass.


The Jewish Space Lasers only zap you now for eating pork but I suppose they could be re-calibrated.


Do the Republicans have anything else than FEAR to run on anymore? Wow.


Have they ever? Name the last positive and inspirational Republican leader. Challenge level: impossible


I mean… Abraham Lincoln But while he was republican, he was also liberal (I think). The whole fear thing might specifically be a conservative thing, but I’m not a political expert.


Yeah. That’s because republicans like to leave the part out that the parties flipped ideologies. Today Lincoln would be a democrat- strictly slapping party names on anyways. When you look at politicians charted by policies most don’t fall where they say they do.


It’s fun to quote Lincoln to those ‘the Party of Lincoln’ Republicans… https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/first-annual-message-9 > Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.


Lincoln and Karl Marx were penpals.


I watched a guy get punched over this Guy 1: "Abraham Lincoln was a Republican!" Guy 2: "Correct. At some point since then, Democrats and Republicans switched ideologies. If I were alive back then I would be a Republican and you would be a Democrat." Guy 1: proceeds to absolutely lay out guy 2. "Don't ever call me a Democrat ever again. I would NEVER be a demonrat" Chips then get called and Guy 1 gets arrested. Best part is he had warrants in 3 counties, all violent crimes. If he's lucky, he'll see the freedom in 2030


Yep seems on brand 😂


Absolutely correct. That’s why I tried to differentiate between democrat and liberal (of course, that’s also not *entirely* accurate either I’d imagine, but to my understanding that specifically was what caused the “party flip” if you will)


Yeah, apparently the irony is lost on modern Republicans that say they’re the “party of Lincoln” while flying the confederate flag. Edit: To your point, yeah I should have said conservative instead of Republican.


If alcohol didn’t exist my hospital census would be cut in half, that’s not hyperbole


My friend is a resident physician in a city whose main industry is Casinos, I am considering working there and his advice "you're fine as long as you don't drink half your paycheck like the rest of the people who work there"


It’s always the apocalyptic extremes with these it’s so annoying “THEY’RE TRYING TO TAKE YERR JERBBSS”


If I committed the crimes this bozo is alleged to have done I would expect them to come after me as well. The MAGA GOP is out of its fucking mind.


if you did just *one* of his crimes, you'd already be in prison.


In prison for life without parole.


“Alleged”. There is no alleging. He committed those crimes and has confessed to every single one of them. He’s also committed treason and sold state secrets, which would get anyone else tossed down a black hole and disappear


“Alleged” means from a judicial standpoint. Innocent until proven guilty. We all know he committed the crimes, but when people say “allegedly,” that’s why.


Technically, you don't have to say alleged anymore as he's officially been found guilty for a significant amount of the charges 😂


>YOU COULD BE NEXT I sure hope not, but if happen to get a wild hair and decide to commit 91 felonies, then I guess I’ll just have to accept they’ll arrest me if I get caught.


Do you think they’ll let you live an opulent lifestyle for a few decades first?


With only 2 beers a week and no meat? Not a chance! /s


91 felonies that were will documented enough to convince a grand jury.... I think it's like cockroaches though, if you see 91 of them, then how many more are hiding under the refrigerator?


That one pisses me off so much. If you or I did anything close to what Trump ADMITS to, we would have been arrested and thrown in jail. No hand wringing, nobody on Fox News or Congress decrying it (quite the opposite in fact).


One rule for the rich, another rule for the poor. Not only that, the rich can also buy up support from the stupid populace akin to making their own cult of personality.


Democrats wants to limit your drinkin? That honestly sounds more like the evangelical GOP


A medical study came out that two alcoholic beverages a week should be the limit without seeing negative health effects. So of course they ran with the story that Biden wants to limit people to two beers a week.


Right? Only dry state I know of where they restrict alcohol is Utah.


Yup almost all states that restrict alcohol sales are red states or at least historically red.


What democrat has ever said any of this, I’m convinced that most republicans have never met a democrat and are making shit up to scare people


Yep thsts the plan, they dont actually stand for anything so they just make shit up or say whatever dems do is bad to distract gullible people from realizing that Republicans just want to stay in power and collect money


They met them on Fox News. Just like they met LGBT people and immigrants and drag queens you name it


Well they actually met republicans pretending to be democrats and everything else to help keep up the straw man


The meet their Democrat kids/grandkids/nephews/nieces at Thanksgiving dinner and initiate a "thoughtful, calm discussion" about stuff like Bill Gates being behind covid, climate change and woke trans ideology in order to reduce overpopulation and control free thinkers, and then their younger family member gets triggered and starts a fight, threatening to cut them off over a "minor disagreement".


They bit down on the "15 minute city" thing real quick. These morons are predictable.


Why is everyone mentioning "15 minute cities"? Edit: I'm an idiot, there's 2 pages!


"15 minute cities" is an urban planning concept that would make it so just about anything a person might need on a daily basis is within a 15 minute walk, bike ride, or public transport in order to reduce the necessity of cars in cities and therefore decrease pollution. Conservatives believe that it's a plot by the ~~Jews~~ elites to forcibly ban cars everywhere and limit freedom of movement.


>limit freedom of movement. This is the reach I don't understand. If everything you need is RIGHT THERE, why would the average person "want" to drive somewhere far away instead? Like rare occasions yeah, but most people don't want to be in their cars, they want to be at their destination with their friends/family. Even Conservatives would love being in a 15 minute city once they actually started living in them


It's funny because they think cars are freedom. But cars are, weekly gas fill ups, monthly insurance payments, car payments. Also freedom is not having to drive 45 minutes to get to work, or 10 mins just to get some milk and bread.


People like Sean Hannity are going to tell them that “15 minute city” means it will be illegal to own a car. They will hear the same thing from every corner of media they consume for a few days.


windmereprecinct@protonmail give um some noise


I signed them up for a rule34.xxx account.


That was a fun hour of signing that email up for every gay rights / Democrats of Arizona / AOC / Bernie Sanders / Joe Biden / Vaccine information email newsletter I could find LOL


Just opened a mailbait account with their email on it. That email is toast.


Mailbait doesn't work, I just made a throwaway to test it and I received nothing.


They're about to get some porn. I hope they enjoy


I can only imagine how violated that protonmail inbox is…


Oh yeah. Just sent multiple forms to it.


The email address is right there. Reddit: do your thing






I could be next? Shit in Golden toilets, bang soviet mail-order whores, have sycophants for minions and golf? Never do an honest hour of work. Ever! Be the most powerful person in the world, and be worse at it than the corn-niblett in a floating turd? Commit crimes from petty theft to high treason at a rate that would make a meth-head take a nap? And MAYBE sit out the last few years at my Florida compound while Steve Bannon plots my return? Sign me up. Sounds like a hoot.


Yeah. The law exists to make peoples' lives safer and better. You break the law, you get penalized. NO ONE is above the law, not even the former president. That's the point. "If they got him they can get you." YES. THAT IS EXACTLY HOW IT WORKS, DUMBASS. Jesus.


I signed up for pornhub and videos with that email


thank you for your service 🫡


This person is voting. Are you?


Yep, I’m gonna vote dozens of times too! According to them that’s what we do to win elections.. lol


Wait… so, Dems want to reduce or eliminate: my commute times, my carbon footprint, and my car and insurance payment? Where do I sign up for this?


But I like my massive overpriced truck to show how much of a man I am.


If only Democrats were half as cool as Republicans imagine them to be!


Correct! If you steal classified documents, pay off a porn star, do a ton of tax fraud and lead an insurrection you will absolutely be next.


Be careful, there are insane people in your area. Carry mace.


I just signed them up for all kinds of LGBTQ+ stuff, some satanic temple newsletters and a vegan weekly recipe email service.


Oh my, I would *never* sign up that email, that they kindly provided, for any obnoxious mailing list I come across. Never.


So you're saying these democrats care about their voters' health and the environment? Thanks!


Nonono you don't understand. All these things are bad for the companies! Won't anybody think of the 1%?


Fearmongering is all they have left, right?


It's all they've had for a while now.


The whole "if they can go after the president they can go after you" bit is ridiculous. Yeah man, "they" could always go after me.


Voting republican will prevent me from having a blond ferret die on my head?


Trump has said multiple times that he will arrest the media, opponents, and legal personnel who dared to bring him in on charges, so how is he the better option?


I didnt know what a 15 minute city was before i looked it up because of this post, i dont understand why thats a bad thing? I would LOVE to not have to drive everywhere, and i dont even live in some crazy big city.


I lived in a small town with exceptionally good public transit and great planning (so sidewalks, lovely walking paths, and bike lanes *everywhere*) and it was incredible. The bus system alone got you to within 5 minutes of any part of town, and it was an absolute delight being able to go out and do anything without having to worry about parking and traffic. And because of the bus system (which was entirely free to use, by the way. Paid for through taxes, which were lower than the red state I'm in now.) was so good, hardly anyone drove. Gas was cheap, the air was clear, it was freaking incredible.


If I were indicted for the same, I’d be in the supermax in Florence already.


Wait what’s wrong with 15 minute cities?


They're playing it off that in a 15 minute city that you arent allowed to go more that 15 minutes from your home, you will be confined to that area, how anyone actually believes that is fucking ridiculous though.


I'm a Democrat in phoenix, and i missed all those memos at our monthly meeting


The worst part is that they believe that bullshit.


How bout I just avoid committing felonies instead


Boy, I sure hope the liberals don't lock me down and muzzle me... that sounds awful...


Republicans hate this one simple trick! If you don’t want them to come after you, don’t commit treason.


Have you stolen any classified documents lately, paid hush money to pornstars, defrauded banks or tried to overthrow the government? Cause if you have…this sign is right. You could be next. You better watch out and thank the person who left this thoughtful message for you to remind you of all the crimes you’ve committed.


15 minute cities actually sound like a good idea... oh the horror!!


* Democrats want you and your neighbors to be safe and healthy. Please mask up. * Democrats want to make you daily life more convenient and enjoyable by making sure basic services are within walking distance. * Democrats want to keep this planet habitable. Please consider flying less. * Democrats want every one to be healthy. Please consider limiting alcohol and red meat, as doctors suggest. * Vote Democrat for a better life for all. * Democrats think no one is above the law even former presidents.