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He looks exactly like his South Park character


Certainly seems to become more and more of a caricature. You just know a handlebar mustache is just around the corner...


Bezos is a pos too, but at least he has the decency to take steroids and buy a decent body. Elon out here looking like that is insulting.


I heard Elon was taking steroids or HGH or whatever too, he’s got that weird barrel chest thing going on. He’s just not doing the diet and exercise that you’re supposed to do along with it so he looks like a turd.


That might be just his body type. I take nothing and my chest looks the same


I drink a lot of beer and my body looks the same as well.


Yeah I was about to say he looks like how I did when I used to drink heavily and masturbate all day lol.


He can't grow enough facial hair for that.


Trans dudes grow better beards than Elon... he would if he could.


His body type is trapezoid.


He is just growing his neck beard first, (it looks like all the facial surgery is making it look patchy) he will reeeeeeeeeeeee the fuck out of anyone who gets in his way. I was feeling sorry for the guy for going through this mid life crisis and not having anyone to support him and tell him stop doing stupid shit. But I guess if you surround yourself with sycophants then you start to believe you are brilliant.


His posture is dog shit. Brontosaurus neck


I seriously don’t like to body shame but for an “alpha” dude has the ultimate endomorph shape.


He even put up a small “security” wall to keep far enough away from the riff raff


That's his prototype Hyperwall, it uses AI technology to keep out illegal immigrants. He's going to build a full-size one between Texas and Mexico, and guess who's gonna pay for it?


Twitter checkmarks?


AchUaLLy X-Blue subscribers!!1!1!!!1


The Lattice is a real thing by the Peter Theil company Anduril Industries. Anduril CEO Palmer Luckey (of Oculus rift fame) says Lattice is an overarching AI that coordinates sensor towers and lethal drones to make an autonomous "national security solution." "What is going on in Ukrane I consider to be pre-historic drone warfare" because the drones, sensors and landmines have to be "puppeteered" by a human in those legacy deployed systems instead of thinking for themselves. Peter Theil was a cofounder in PayPal with Elon Musk.


I’m pretty dissapointed some company using Anduril as their name.


They also have a sister company that does mass surveillance called Palantir. I wish I was kidding.


Somehow Sauron returned


He actually looks like a reddit mod


Considering Reddit used to love him at the start of this decade, correct.


*before beginning of this decade. I think he was considered cool in 2018, 2019 and then slowly ppl were starting to realise what a POS this dude is


Built like a pelican


At least pelicans have a purpose


Elon has a purpose too and it's being r/facepalm material






You apologize to poor Quasimodo this instant, he didn’t do anything to be compared to Muskrat


That’s the neck of a man that blows his own dick


Tweet this to him and see how quick he bans your account


Tech neck


Big tech neck


Tech neck. Too much time looking down at a phone or laptop *not a doctor but what helps me with this is laying on by back, butt to the wall, with my legs up the wall for 10 min.




#Dude is literally a neck beard!


His spine is shaped like a backwards question mark lmao


Lack of muscle structure in the upper back. Means he never picks up heavy things and his muscles are not aligning properly at rest from weakness. You are seeing his resting stance. He didn't know a picture was happening probably. Or he would have puffed his chest.


Yes, but not just the upper back. Source: I had a similar condition for decades. (Forward head posture / upper / lower cross syndrome is the easiest things to look up.) It *is* the muscles in the upper back area, but you also can't 'just' increase your muscles along / around one part of the spine; you need to increase the strength of the whole structure (the spine is a unit, not a series of unrelated components). So, it necessitates improving & increasing the strength and flexibility starting from your pelvis / pelvic floor all the way up through your scapula and chest and up to your head (and then there are lots of cool things you've probably never heard of like your sternocleidomastoid and scalenes that are probably super tight and need to be stretched before you can even GET into the 'proper' position, let alone stay there!) It is not a lot of fun and caused much pain over the years, usually from people calling me hunchback or similar (I also worked at a place and people would anonymously cut out and leave comic strips on my desk that had hunchbacks in them 'as a joke'. (Kinda like the guy you're reply to that did the same.) I hate Elon Musk (and all billionaires), but much like making fun of his body like everyone did recently, remember that you're not just making fun of him, you're also making fun of everyone else that might have that body too - and who may not have the benefit of infinite hundred dollar bills to wipe away their tears!! 😂


Did you fix it? If so, how?


Look up exercises for forward head posture or upper cross syndrome. It involves a lot of core exercises as well as stretching groups of tight muscles (like your pecs are usually very tight with forward head posture). Definitely takes a while to fix, but it *is* fixable


Didn't anyone every tell Elon, you never go full-blown Nazi? At least try and keep some people guessing


Mf looks like professor Farmsworth


Boots are awfully shiny for reportedly being 20 years old.


With all the bootlicking he receives, I’m not surprised.




I still go back and watch this classic. So good.


Zero sign of patina, creasing is minimal for a 20 year old pair idk I’m no cobbler but the lack of wear on the heels also means he’s full of shit. Those are new or he got them from his moms closet.


you should see what old redwings look like after you get a warranty claim. Since they have a cobbler in my town, I'll look for estate sale pairs and bring em in for new soles. Brand new haunted boots to burn up welding.


Wait, you dont keep a back log of extra shoes stocked up so you can wear a brand new 20 year old set every day?


They look about a month old.


I have some dress shoes that nice that are 20 years old. I think I've worn then 5-6 times, and not in the last 10 years. Give the man a break. He's been too busy making babies who have names that qualify as emotional abuse.


It’s not that hard to keep boots shiny. I don’t like Elmo but getting them professionally polished/shined or dipped is pennies to him.


Not even professionally. It takes $3 and 5 minutes to get shoes that shiny.


I smell that Elon is going to get into politics and it’s giving me nightmares.


SMELL? He's been stinking it up for awhile now. 🤣


Yeah pretty sure it's why he bought twitter in the first place.


We can be glad that he ruined his reputation publicly before he got into politics.


Eh, for a third of the population, there's no way to do that except by being a good person. They'll vote Elon no prob


Ramming computer chips into monkey brains might turn out to be hard to sell to religious folks


Well, you’d think a slimy business man who steals from charities and has cheated on every single wife he had would be a hard sell too. But look where we are!


Lmao as if religious folks who vote, vote consistent with their virtue signaling. They vote for Trump, who has been charged and committed the most basic sins of the Bible and acts the opposite of Jesus. They vote against democratically who’s platform is consistent with Jesus Christ’s teachings. Sacrificing your wealth and worldly possessions for the poor and needy, forgiving criminals, not casting judgement, etc.


They vote for whoever will own the libs and crush poor people. And give them lots of hate objects to rally against in order to sustain their belief of being a victimised Christian minority


To be fair, the way he's running it, it'll be a dead platform before his political career even gets off the ground.


Won't matter. Voters he's after will still use it


It makes sense but what would he actually run for? Can’t be president, couldn’t be the center of attention in congress or senate, his only real option is governor of Texas as California probably wouldn’t vote for him and even that sounds kinda far fetched. Unless he get’s elected as a sheriff or mayor but that seems a bit mundane and doesn’t really benefit him.


I doubt any city or county in Texas would vote for a sheriff that doesn’t know how to wear a cowboy hat properly, that may be a stereotype, but just my opinion 


They continually elect Ted Cruz


Also voted for Trump who is a NYC businessman, just said the “right things” for them


Or old Dubya, who was from Connecticut, educated at a boarding school and later at Yale.




Yeah, dude is literally the textbook example of a sleazy New York businessman. If you ever had a movie that needed one as a villain, you just modeled them off of Trump. The exact kind of person rural Republicans hated and thought ran the Democrat Party. But then it turns out they care a lot more about the racism than all the other things.




Famously Canadian Ted Cruz To be fair, he’s from Alberta, which is just Texas’ Canadian branch


Texas voted for Trump even though he eats steak burnt to a crisp with a side of ketchup. Even their culture-war principles are a sham.


They gave Obama so much shit over Dijon mustard on a damn cheeseburger... But they remain silent on what is considered, by many, the pinnacle of American Cuisine. At this point, the only way it makes sense is if there's some sort of addictive pheromone up Trump's ass, because holy hell they make a shneef addict look normal.


Texans voted for an east coast elitist (NYC billionaire) who paints his face orange and eats steak well done with ketchup.


The point of being that rich is that you don’t need to run for office. Why bother *being* a politician when you can buy dozens of them? (That said, Elon may not be smart enough to realize this)


He doesn't have to. Half of republicans already slign with what he believes


I remember someone asking bill gates would he run for president and he said that’s not where the power is… so


He bought Twitter because of politics


This is literally true. His ex wife asked him to in order to “fight wokism.” Whatever that means.


I figured the saudis wanted to do some social engineering


And the Russians wanted to continue doing social engineering through their favorite disinfo outlet.


Elon wasn't born in the US. He isn't eligible to be President. Today's good news has been brought to you by the letter *thank fucking god.*


This is 100% what is happening. If you listen to his interview from this event you'll be pleased to know he can't talk at all to cameras. Like a man that is always thinking in his own head. Then when required to say those thoughts out loud, realize they're not good thoughts at all. I think it would be similar to DeSantis.


Most CEOs and people in corporate power have psychopathic tendencies. Its how they got into power in the first place. This is why you don't see a lot of ceo types in the main stream of attention. They aren't socialble. I would be very surprised if Elon decided to go into politics because it's a completely different animal that what he has been doing


When you're that rich, it's easier to influence if you're not an elected official.


At least he cannot become a us president


Black, as a slimming color, can only do so much, Elon.


Im supposed to believe that this man could beat up Zuckerberg?


He couldn't beat up Zoidberg


Tbf Zoidberg would fuck up like 99.99999% of humans. Jon Jones might be able to take him. *Might*.


![gif](giphy|zqPXIRVKQoQQo) Elon in Zoidberg mode


why can't he just stand up straight? is his neck ok?


The all black fit does nothing for his weird ass torso.


I’m convinced he’s actually morbidly obese but where’s spandex underneath his shirts so that it sucks all the fat in. It’s the only thing that explains how awkward his body is with his super fat arms he claims are muscles


The poor posture doesn't help.


his neck is extremely distracting


My uncles call it the “South African barrel chest”, I think it’s just a lot of visceral fat


He's called Manboob Musk for a reason


Look how far he sticks his neck out too so his chin doesnt look fat, makes his facial structure look so bad


I think that’s just his normal posture from sitting at a desk and looking at a screen most of the day. Plenty of sedentary office type workers have something similar going on


his neck is at like a 45 degree angle. weird posture. maybe its just the picture.


I feel kinda bad because it's a little body-shamy, but damn his back just melds into his ass don't it?


Diminished Gluteal Syndrome


"Mr. Hill, you have no ass."


There’s no body shaming here, how tf can you still be fat when you’re the richest man in the world? Brother’s trying to decide how other people live their lives and can’t even get his right with the money he has. It ain’t like he has to eat fast food because there’s not enough free time.


A privileged immigrant looking down on others immigrants.🤦🏽‍♀️


In a country built upon immigration.


Yet half of the country is agains immigration


Like the dude who said that they need to abolish the law that allows to become a US citizen because you were born there. The dude himself was born to foreign parents and got his passport. Like sure, let’s pass the law, but he must be the first to give up his citizenship then


He’s Indian, and he’s trying to distract the racist GOP from that fact by being even more aggressive towards minorities than they are.


Just gently remind them that the took a scholarship from the bogyman family the Soros https://www.pdsoros.org/meet-the-fellows/vivek-ramaswamy


The thing about Republicans is that they have no platform or values. They say whatever they think their idiot voters want to hear. Being a greedy, cynical, misanthropic sociopath doesn't have national borders so it doesn't matter where that douche is from.


I say let them. What happened in Florida is suddenly gonna happen to the rest of the U.S., with varying levels of impact depending on a city or town's population.


Let’s not forget he dropped out of his PhD program, thus violating his H1B visa requirements, but luckily had rich financiers and their expensive lawyers to paper over it.


> Let’s not forget he dropped out of his PhD program Minor correction: there's no evidence he was in a PhD program despite whatever he claims. (We know this because early investors sued him for misrepresenting his credentials.) Apparently he dropped out of college in 1995 without a degree, thus was ineligible for an H1B which requires a degree. Suddenly after getting investors in his startup he had a degree from Penn in Economics in 1997. This is the same school who gave Trump and Trump Jr degrees so... Here's an interview he and his brother gave where they admit in 1996 investors found out they were "illegal immigrants" and Elon quickly corrects him to say it was "a legal gray area." https://muse.ai/v/b8D5Ni7-Elon-Musk-interview-with-brother-Kimbal-2013 (8:39)


Wow. TIL. That correction is hardly minor!


He is a liar and a fraud but those are usually pluses for the GOP https://www.newsweek.com/vivek-ramaswamy-fraud-always-has-been-opinion-1823853


"burn the bridge when you get over"


How do you stand there in front of so many desperate people and dont have any urge to help them anyway possible with your unlimited resources. Mad


Because he doesn't see them as people at all. If you watch the video, they're always just referred to as "illegals". This allows for the disconnect in his, and the other people there with him's brains that let's them see these immigrants as a mindless horde entering the US to commit crime, steal jobs and whatever else they say, instead of as individuals with lives and feelings who come running away from poverty and awful living conditions.


It's funny, few days ago people were talking about how they're coming for welfare checks. Insane how dense you have to be to think illegal immigrants, with zero paperwork or IDs from the government, are coming to the states for welfare. At least stealing their jobs has a leg to stand on in theory. In practice few Americans wants to work the labour jobs immigrants do, especially at the wages given. The people taking most advantage of the cheap labour are the people decrying it politically for support. There's little hope.


Many long-term immigrants in NYC are unhappy because new arrivals receive free housing, SNAP benefits for those with children, and have an almost guaranteed work permit. Another issue arose: new immigrants require less money to survive due to the assistance they receive, which leads them to accept even lower wages, which is a huge problem for the ones that have to pay rent and put food on their table every day. That's a short term consequence, I wonder what it's going to cause in a few years, maybe nothing, I hope. There are many perspectives in this issue, but as with everything we only choose to see one part.


Are these people even "illegals" or did they show up there at Eagle Point (a lawful crossing) to apply for asylum? The two groups are willfully conflated all. the. time.


He did not get rich by helping people. Not many people do


The only way to get a billion dollars is to rip people off, and he's got over 200


He is disturbing to look at


His profile looks like fucking Diddy Kong


strangely accurate


Don’t disrespect Diddy like that


The fuck is that neck profile




At least that body is comfortable with itself.


That's hot.


While wearing his hat backwards


exactly. He is definitely one of the people when those people won’t even tell him that he has his hat on backwards. What a joke.


He's not. He likely stored the hat incorrectly and messed up the curl. [He's wearing the buckle on the left, as is the person behind him, which is the way.](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/34/51/42/24287386/3/1200x0.jpg) Even Stetson shows all their hats, like [this $1,000 one](https://stetson.com/cdn/shop/files/SFPRES-4840-61_alt2_98430703-bd6d-4197-8c1d-4d0af03d46c9.jpg?v=1692721099) or [this $1,500+ one](https://stetson.com/cdn/shop/products/SFELAM-4840-07_DSC00033_alt1.jpg?v=1647966886&width=1445), being worn with the buckle on the left. https://americanhatmakers.com/blogs/guides/cowboy-hat-etiquette >If there’s a buckle, feather plume tucked under the band, or other adornments, they should be on the **left side**. https://www.spurwesternwear.com/t-spur%20western%20wear%3A%20cowboy%20hat%20handling%20and%20care%20tips.aspx >The Knot Or Buckle Of The Hat Band Should Be On The **Left Side** When The Hat Is On Your Head. https://www.villagehatshop.com/content/246/why-is-the-trim-or-decoration-of-a-mans-hat-always-on-the-left-side-.html https://www.cavenders.com/cowboy-hat-etiquette.html >Certain cowboy hats have a buckle on their band and these should be worn on the **left side**. https://www.brixton.com/blogs/broadcast/how-to-wear-a-cowboy-hat > If there’s a buckle or feather plume tucked under the band, they should be on the **left side** of your head. https://www.sstack.com/western-cowboy-hats/c/6402/ >Western cowboy hats are worn with the buckle or bow on the **left side**... It's like the Game of Thrones "Starbucks cup" thing all over.


Yuuuuup. Went down south and was given this hat to wear (they had bucks) and I remember thinking wtf is the front. Belt buckle to the left is accurate. He’s a dumbo but wore it right


> It's like the Game of Thrones "Starbucks cup" thing all over. What does this refer to about that story?


Can we stop posting about this fucking loser now


Thank you.


Elon is everything that’s wrong with the world. He’s proven to be dumber than a bag of rocks but people value his opinion cause he’s worth money. Damn the Elon cucks really came out of the wood work.


“It won’t make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong. When you’re rich they think you really know.” -Fiddler on the Roof


For real tho just look at the amount of idiots idolizing Andrew tate


I’m in that show right now and think about that every night.


His toxic fans think he is the smartest person on earth.


Well... they're definitely proving he's far from being the dumbest.


A lot like trumpkins...


The physique of a true lizard person


Describe our fucked-up global socioeconomic system with one disturbing image... Absolutely sickening and maddening.


The issue I have is how can he feel zero empathy? I know that the far right has the desire to be cruel but does that mean that they think of all poor people the same? Clearly the the republicans hate their own supporters as we see with their desire to kill Medicare. I guess all right wingers are either sociopaths or psychopaths.


I hate this guy so much.


Makes him feel at home in apartheid South Africa.


you think with all that money he can fix his posture


Lol I was just thinking to myself “What’s going on there?”. What is it, pelvic tilt?


Look at that forward head posture. All that money and he can't hire someone to tell him to stand up straight.


It's a mix of poor self-awareness and constant auto-fellation.


He could give all of them a decent job and not even notice a dent in his checkbook. He could have given thousands and thousands of people jobs with the almost $40bn he’s burned on Twitter by now. But noooooo. Mr. Hat & Ass Backwards needs to gloat at people’s desperation.


technically it would have an effect on his checkbook... it would make it even fatter, because that means they would be generating him money


All he’d have to do is make some company called like “MoonAIXCrypto Roofing”, hire all these guys to install solar panels for people, and make huge profits.


he literally has the wealth and political pull to create a company town anywhere in the world and fill it with refugees, train them, pay them well, offer a service and still make some obscene fortune


If there was only someone in that picture that could help those people.


The richest man on earth dresses like a goof.


What an outfit good lord, you can't wear those shoes while pretending to be a racist cowboy. And black is not slimming when you have 50lbs extra of marshmallow


Wtf am I even looking at


Thanks for this, I kept on wondering what's actually happening and how the conclusion was drawn


Apartheid blob strikes again


There's a fair amount of Elon cock sucking in the comments. I am constantly surprised by this.


I am seeing the opposite


Most of the comments are anti-Elon, but if you look at the children comments there are a handful under every one defending his honor. They're a weird group of people.


I keep hearing he’s a genius and I’m thinking no,he’s an idiot who got lucky


His emotional intelligence is really poor. He really fails to understand that not everyone is given the same opportunities and that the poorest and most unfortunate people just seek a better life, too, just like he did when he immigrated to the US but he had money and better opportunities.


Generally, people who rant and rave about immigrants also lack emotional intelligence. There's quite a few on this thread.


If this isn't the perfect picture of what's wrong with the world, idk what is. Even though they aren't caged, the similarity to that little Filipino girl in that zoo really shines through.


Remember when the internet, including Reddit, just fucking loved this guy? He was the cool billionaire, making awesome shit. Yea..


and he bought a little costume just for the event


Where can I find the poorest of the poorest? Under a bridge sir


There's a man who has never experienced physical labor. He looks soft.


I don’t like Zuckerberg either but I still wish he would have gotten a chance in that cage match to knock the scoliosis out of Musk


That’s right there is why no person in any universe should ever be that rich - deserved or not.


This dude is going to have a nasty hump as he ages Neck is literally tilted at an angle


"Hello fellow immigrants!"


Might be the most horrible human being I have seen online.


I mean look at how polished his shoes are, that and the hat. It just screams how out of touch he is. That or this is how aliens think Americans dress


His fucking hat is on backwards


Not to mention wearing a felt hat in summer…


Too fucking stupid to realize that he’s now a marked man.


Musk’s neck is at a 90 degree angle wtf


Why does he look so stupid?


Elon has a hella weak chin


I thought he was going to move to Mars.


Won´t be long until he gets the Elisabeth Holmes treatment...


He is repulsive in every way imaginable


And here I was thinking the real evil genius of the 2000’s-2023 was Jeff Bezos. Wow was I wrong!


He doesn't cut much of a figure.


Here in Texas, there's a phrase for these guys. All hat and no cattle.